How to properly care for your computer. Caring for your computer - proper cleaning of dust and dirt How to care for your computer at home

Today, computers have become an integral part of our lives, indispensable assistants in work and a home entertainment center for the whole family. Today's teenagers will not be able to imagine life without a car, near which they spend most of their free time, as it provides opportunities for learning, games, communication and much more.

During operation, various problems and malfunctions in the system arise, as a result of which the normal functioning of the computer may be disrupted, and you will have to rack your brains about how to fix it, in addition, this will entail additional, often considerable costs. It is impossible to be completely safe, but to insure against common mistakes and extend the life of your electronic friend, we will provide some useful tips for caring for your computer.

First of all, your computer should always be kept clean. It is necessary to clean your computer both outside and inside. Before you begin this procedure, be sure to disconnect your computer from the power supply.
Surface cleaning:
1. The monitor should be wiped only with wipes specially designed for it, which can be easily found in any computer store. But remember that you should never wipe it with wet rags or glass cleaner. This is detrimental to him.

2. The keyboard should be wiped with a slightly damp cloth daily! This is the most frequently used part of the entire PC, and there are so many germs on it that it’s hard to imagine. You can clean it with a regular brush, it will help remove the dust that you couldn’t reach with a rag, but it’s best to turn the keyboard over and vacuum it from below.

3. The remaining parts on the surface also do not require special care rules. Just don't use a lot of water or chemicals. There are a huge number of computer care products.

Cleaning the system unit:
For this operation you will need a vacuum cleaner and a brush.

1. Open the housing cover, which is located on the left side when viewed from the front. For this we need a shaped screwdriver. Then use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the ventilation grille and the power supply.

2. Cooler and radiator. Hold the cooler with your finger (to prevent rotation) and carefully vacuum all its parts. But do not touch the parts inside the computer, vacuum at a short distance from them so as not to accidentally catch the elements that are soldered to the motherboard. If, in addition to the processor, you also have a cooler under the front panel, then you need to clean that too.

This cleaning needs to be done a couple of times a month. But at least once a year you need to take your computer to a service center and do a “spring cleaning”, that is, completely disassemble the entire PC and clean all its smallest parts. This is best left to professionals.

Proper handling of the computer.
An important factor for the service life of a computer is proper handling when turning it on and off. Firstly, you should not turn your computer on and off frequently unless absolutely necessary. Allow at least 30 seconds between turning on and off the computer. At this time, various transient processes occur in the PC, and if you ignore this rule, you can significantly reduce the life of the computer. And also when turning off the computer directly, you need to turn it off via “Start” - “shutdown”, and then, after waiting a little, turn it off from the network, if necessary.

Air circulation
Place the computer in such a way that it is not close to the wall so that the air circulation process can proceed without problems.
The monitor should be placed so that it is not exposed to bright light. If you are constantly exposed to direct rays of light, you will need to change the contrast and brightness on the monitor, which, in turn, can lead to a reduction in the life of the monitor and will worsen your vision. And yet, under no circumstances should you place the monitor near heat sources. This will also have a negative impact on its operation and shorten its service life.

Use an uninterruptible power supply
When purchasing a new PC, we recommend that you immediately purchase an uninterruptible power supply device. Voltage surges can seriously damage your computer. This device will help you maintain the life of your computer and protect you from expensive repairs.

Saving information
A lot of important information of all kinds is stored on your personal computer. Unfortunately, if the machine fails, all information may disappear forever. Therefore, we recommend saving everything that is important to you on an external storage medium, for example, a flash drive.

In order for your computer to serve you for a long time and with better quality, you need to constantly monitor and care for it. It is worth remembering that a PC is the same mechanical device as a car, because if you have a car, you service it (wash it, repair it, undergo maintenance), only under such conditions will the car drive well and not fail at the most inopportune times moment. Below are some tips for daily to annual computer care.

Daily care

Daily computer care mainly comes down to organizing documents and maintaining the containers in which they are stored. The main task that is solved is ensuring productive and productive work.

  1. The most important principle of working with documents: “Each category of documents has its own folder.” Once you have created or received a document, do not delay in deciding where to store it. If the folder needed for this does not exist yet, create it. If making a decision requires studying a document, temporarily place it on your Desktop.
  2. Check the status of your mailbox, email. Receive incoming messages, read them and distribute them into mail folders. Destroy spam, do not respond to spammers. Extract the attached files to your Desktop, remembering to follow all the necessary security procedures.
  3. At the end of the day, tidy up your desk. Review unsorted documents and distribute them into folders. If it’s too early to sort them out, create a folder on your Desktop Unassembled and move the documents into it by the end of the week.

Weekly care

The main task of weekly care is to ensure the stability of the computer system and the reliable storage of valuable data.

  1. Check the logical structure of all installed hard drives.
  2. Organize the documents that have accumulated on your Desktop in the “Unsorted” folder. If it is too early to disassemble them, send them for long-term storage to an archive folder, for example: C:\Archives\2012\February\Unassembled.
  3. Clear the temporary files folders: C:\Temp or C:\Tmp. Don't forget about the system temporary files folder: C:\Windows\Temp.
  4. Contact the website of the manufacturer of your installed antivirus program and update the antivirus databases.
  5. Check your hard drives with an antivirus program.
  6. Perform data backup. It is advisable to place a copy on a CD and store it separately from your computer.

Monthly care

The main object of monthly care is the software configuration of the computer, including the operating system. A monthly computer cleanup is the best time to check and update the programs that you use most often.

However, before making specific recommendations, we must draw the reader's attention to some piquancy of the situation associated with updating the operating system. On the one hand, operating systems from Microsoft traditionally contain many bugs, so it is impossible not to update them. On the other hand, the “patches” from Microsoft are made by the same crooked hands, so the cure is often worse than the disease itself.

In enterprises and organizations, managers are responsible for making the right decisions. Their work is similar to the actions of sappers: rushing to update is risky, and delaying it is dangerous. The best approach is to leave the system alone until there is a threat to personal safety, but then update the system immediately.

All that remains is to figure out where to find an experienced, conscientious, and most importantly, reputable consultant, preferably free of charge. It's not hard to find, especially if you know where to look. You probably have some kind of anti-virus tool installed on your computer (it’s impossible to live without it today). Its creator is an excellent candidate for the role of an independent arbiter in solving a number of systemic problems, especially since you have already expressed trust by using his program. Visit the antivirus developer's website and see what is recommended for your version of Windows. If you sat down there, it directly says that the system must be updated immediately and at the same time a specific hyperlink is given to download the “patch”, feel free to follow the recommendation. If there are no update tips on the website yet, do not rush to act.

In general, the monthly maintenance sheet for a computer system looks like this.

  1. View the list of installed programs. Make sure there is nothing unexpected or unfamiliar in it. Remove programs that you no longer intend to use.
  2. Browse the folders containing resources for installed programs (usually located inside the C:\Program Files folder). Make sure there are no folders here that correspond to previously uninstalled programs. If this is not the case, delete these folders manually. Pay special attention to programs that “like” to be installed in the Games folder or create their own folder directly in the root directory of the disk.
  3. Study the list of programs that start automatically after loading the operating system. Make sure that no new items have been added to this list since the last check. Otherwise, find out what they are related to. If necessary, disable the launch of unnecessary tools.
  4. Visit the website of the developer of your antivirus program. Explore a summary of viral activity over the past month. Familiarize yourself with the characteristic features of new viruses. Please note the recommendations for updating your operating system.
  5. Visit the websites of application developers that you use most actively. Check out new publications and recommendations. If there are patches and add-ons available, download them and update your programs.

Quarterly care

The main focus of quarterly computer maintenance is on the hardware. The hard drive, video adapter and case must be serviced first. Next come the modem, printer and other components.

  1. Measure the amount of free space on your hard drive. If the disk is more than 80% full, clean it up and refrain from installing new programs for the near future.
  2. Check the degree of file fragmentation on your hard drive. If necessary, perform a defragmentation procedure.
  3. Visit the website of your video adapter manufacturer and check that the current driver is up to date. If the installed driver is outdated, download the new driver and install it.
  4. Visit the modem manufacturer's website. Download and install the updated driver version if available.
  5. Visit the websites of other device manufacturers. At your discretion, download and install updated versions of drivers.
  6. If your computer system includes a color printer, check the printer manufacturer's website for an updated color profile. The need to periodically update the printer color profile is due to the fact that changes are possible in the formulation of color inks (dyes), as well as in the production technology of photo paper. Timely updating of the printer color profile will improve color rendering when working with improved materials.
  7. Turn on your household vacuum cleaner and attach the crevice tool to the tube. Vacuum the lithium unit fan inlets. In very dusty conditions, remove the left panel of the system unit and remove dust from the case.

Annual care

The main task of annual maintenance is to upgrade the computer system to maintain current performance indicators.

If your hard drive has been running with limited free space for a long time, it may be advisable to purchase and install a new hard drive.

After installing an additional hard drive, you may need to make minor changes to your Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) partitions.

It is convenient to combine the commissioning of a new hard drive with reinstallation of the operating system through migration. This technique is so simple and safe that it can be safely recommended to beginners. Do not miss the opportunity to significantly increase the efficiency of your computer system, and at the same time replenish your personal treasury of practical experience.

If you notice an increased frequency of access to the hard drive, it is advisable to conduct diagnostic testing of the computer and consider installing additional RAM.

It is advisable to coordinate the expansion of the hard disk capacity and RAM capacity with the settings of the virtual memory mechanism.

Replacing the processor and/or video adapter can extend the life of an outdated computer system and allow it to work with up-to-date software. It should be borne in mind that before purchasing a new processor model, you must firmly make sure that the motherboard is capable of working with it. In some cases, this is not possible immediately, but only after changing the ROM firmware.

If a computer system is so outdated that it is problematic to select new components for its technical modernization, you can try to increase its performance by boosting devices. This is a risky, but nevertheless common technique. When you have nothing to lose, why not try this last resort.

Routine maintenance and emergency response

Of course, the computer maintenance schedule we have presented is just a formality. Consider this a template on the basis of which everyone can develop for themselves the scheme they like best. At the same time, real life always turns out to be richer and more diverse than formal schemes. A computer is an unusually flexible device, the features of working with which cannot be squeezed into a pre-defined framework. The more actively you work with a computer, the more often you will encounter situations that require first analysis and then unconventional actions. The success of these actions largely depends on how protective and preventive measures are organized on the computer, what diagnostic and recovery tools are available. This and much more is also discussed on this site. And to make using the book as convenient as possible, it does not provide a special reference tool - the so-called “Task Index”. He will help you find the shortest path to solving your problems.

Do you want to buy a new mouse four times a year? Digging into the system unit every year, changing the fan and, possibly, a processor damaged by overheating? Should I buy glasses for my eyes, which have been damaged by the daily contemplation of a dusty, poorly configured monitor? Probably all users will answer these questions decisively “no!” We'll tell you how to avoid all of the above by regularly caring for your computer.

Why does a computer need maintenance?

Those who consider a computer to be a simple working tool like a hammer are quite far from the truth. Human technical thought has come a long way, and the maintenance-free hammer is at the beginning and the computer at the end. Even according to the roughest estimate, a computer consists of 4 components - the system unit, monitor, mouse and keyboard. Having understood the system unit in more detail, we will increase this number to at least 10, and if we remember that the processor consists of tens of millions of transistors, then applying the well-known law “the reliability of a machine is inversely proportional to the number of its nodes” to a PC will become completely scary. Of course, there is a serious barrier in the way of errors and malfunctions in the form of the most stringent quality control systems that are implemented in all large electronics production plants, but still, the computer is too complex and a lot can go “wrong”, and you will have to turn to computer help.

Regularity of prevention

Turning on and off

System operation monitoring

System unit and its contents

To minimize the likelihood of failure, you need to operate the computer and its individual components in the modes that the manufacturer expected when displaying its reliability graphs. And the user’s task is to meet the manufacturer’s expectations to the best of his ability. In this case, the equipment will meet the buyer’s expectations, especially since caring for it is not very difficult and rarely takes a lot of time. The benefits of preventive measures are probably obvious - a properly working computer always turns on when the user needs it, conscientiously opens and prints the necessary documents , shows movies and plays music, entertains with games, etc. A faulty computer brings a lot of problems, spoils the nerves, takes more time to complete the same tasks, and sometimes simply loses the user’s documents, leading to direct financial and physical losses.

Regularity of prevention

It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Any doctor will tell you this. The problem is that to prevent a disease, you need to notice its first signs or even some unfavorable combination of factors that can lead to the disease. Therefore, mothers do not let their children go outside without a scarf and hat when it snows and the wind blows, so dentists recommend visiting them for a preventive examination twice a year. And therefore, you cannot wipe the monitor from dust once every two months, and check the disk for errors only after the loss of the first working files. These simple operations must be performed regularly. Some actions must be taken depending on the situation, that is, if a certain event has occurred.

Taking care of your computer every day requires little time. The main thing here is the correct approach to simple operations, such as turning on and off the computer. Once you get used to it, you won’t notice the time wasted or experience any inconvenience.

Turning on and off

The correct order of turning on the PC is also important. The consequences of non-compliance are not obvious, because they rarely appear, but in the form of unpleasant problems that will take a lot of time to solve. First you need to turn on the printer and/or scanner, as well as an external modem if you need them for your work. Then the monitor turns on (if it is not powered through the system unit), and only lastly - the computer itself. The shutdown order is reverse - first the computer, then the monitor, then the peripherals.

Naturally, devices connected through various power stabilizers and UPSs require first turning on their power supply. It is highly recommended to shut down a computer running Windows OS using standard means, i.e. through the “Start” menu and its “Shut Down” item. Modern computers with an ATX motherboard will shut down automatically under Windows; on older PCs without power management, you must shut down the computer yourself when you see the message "You can now turn off the power" on the screen. When working under Windows 98, a problem often occurs - the computer freezes in the last stages of shutdown, leaving a picture with clouds on the screen. There is no simple solution to the problem, so before consulting with a good specialist, you can turn off the computer manually, letting this picture remain on the screen for 30-40 seconds. If Windows prompts you to boot into Safe Mode when you turn on your computer, try booting into Normal Mode first. Only after the download fails, go to safe mode.

Many users are annoyed by the Scandisk program, which launches after an incorrect shutdown of the computer. Of course, in many cases running it will be unnecessary, but only specialists and experienced users can distinguish important and unimportant reasons for checking the disk. Therefore, it is better to be patient - regular disk checking eliminates many problems with the loss of important data.

Finally, we note one more important point. If you turn on your computer and suddenly decide to turn it off (or vice versa), take your time. Frequent switching on and off is very harmful to electronics, especially those running on alternating current. Therefore, be sure to wait 15 seconds between turning on and off your PC.

System operation monitoring

To see that everything is in order with your system, you need to monitor a lot of parameters of its operation. Let's mention the temperature of the processor, the rotation speed of its fan, the voltage on the motherboard, as well as other, easier to measure parameters - free space on the hard drive, processor load, RAM capacity, etc. For constant monitoring, various programs are being developed, for example the first group of parameters The MBProbe utility measures the second, and the second, no matter how trivial it may sound, is the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination, as well as a huge number of various programs, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them, because All these programs are “registered” in startup over time, which leads to a drop in the performance of your PC and an increase in boot time.

Find the diagnostic information screen in the BIOS. With its help, it will be easy to determine when the processor becomes “stuffy”. In order not to climb into the BIOS every day, get yourself a monitor program. It will monitor the “health” of the processor automatically. Most often, the necessary applications are supplied with the motherboard. Your participation in the work is not necessary - the program itself will notify you about critical situations.

System unit and its contents

Located: motherboard with a processor installed on it, RAM, expansion cards (video adapter, sound card, TV tuner, etc.). In compartments for storage devices - hard drives, CD-ROM drives, etc. Power supply.

Proper voltage supply and proper cooling are important for the processor to operate. The first mainly depends on the motherboard, but cooling is up to you. Once you buy a good fan and install it correctly on the processor, you can’t stop. It is necessary to regularly monitor its rotation speed and when it decreases, as well as when the average temperature of the processor increases, proceed to preventive actions. The same should be done, regardless of the sensor readings, two to three times a year.

Turn off the computer and all peripherals, disconnect it from the electrical network, local network and peripheral devices. This is a mandatory procedure in all cases when you have to operate with the computer's hardware. Carefully remove the system unit cover. If it consists of several parts, remove the left wall. You will see a cluster of wires and expansion cards, all installed on the motherboard. Arm yourself with a compressed air cylinder (sold in computer stores, another name is a pneumatic cleaner), or you can use a blow-out vacuum cleaner. As a last resort, a regular home vacuum cleaner in this case requires removing the metal tubes of its handle and installing a flat nozzle directly on the flexible hose, but its effectiveness is low (especially under the cooler on the processor), and there is a possibility of accidentally damaging components.

As much as possible, avoiding loose wires or direct physical contact of the nozzle with the circuit boards, vacuum the inside of the system unit, paying particular attention to nooks and crannies, as well as the immediate surroundings of the processor. Place the nozzle (or a tube without nozzle) directly to the processor fan to blow out all the dust from it, as well as from the cracks of the radiator. Gently rotate the fan impeller and make sure there are no lumps of dust stuck under it. Sometimes the insides of the system unit are favored by household insects. They need to be expelled using the same vacuum cleaner or other mechanical methods.

Attention! The use of various aerosols, liquids and powders is not allowed! Dust in the fan leads to its damage and overheating of the processor. Therefore, cleaning is not a tribute to aesthetics, but a vital necessity.

The hard drive itself is sealed, securely installed in the case and therefore does not require physical maintenance. Of course, protection from shaking and overheating is important, but these issues are resolved when assembling the computer, as well as by correctly installing the system unit (more on this below). The disks themselves require periodic checking and maintenance using software. Monthly monitoring will be quite enough for a medium-loaded computer.

Checking the disk for errors

It was already discussed above, but then Windows was the initiator of the check. Sometimes, even if everything is fine with the computer, you need to service the drive yourself. Launch Scandisk for Windows (My Computer -> Disk Properties -> Maintenance -> Run Scan or Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Scan Disk) and select "Full Scan", which includes not only file system control, but and searching for physical disk read/write errors. Three to five bad sectors on a disk are not a reason to panic, you just need to check the disk more often (weekly), but if their number grows every week, it’s time to buy a new hard drive.

Disk Defragmenter

This operation is a companion to the monthly error check and is performed after all errors have been eliminated. Its essence is simple - the file system is optimized for the fastest and most reliable operation. Directory tables of contents are written to the beginning of the disk, files from one directory are moved so as to be written adjacent and without fragmentation (the entire file is written to a consecutive chain of sectors on the hard drive). If you neglect defragmentation, the OS will become slower, and in case of failures it will be very difficult to restore files on the disk. This does not apply to Windows 7, because... there it is implemented automatically in the background.

Virus check

This operation, of course, does not apply to disk maintenance, but as a preventive measure it is simply necessary, especially in our Information Age. Of course, for this you need to have a full-fledged anti-virus program with regularly updated virus databases.

Checking disk lifespan

Modern hard drives have self-diagnosis capabilities. To take advantage of these capabilities, S.M.A.R.T was developed - an industry standard for monitoring peripheral devices in normal and faulty mode. Simply put, the hard drive itself registers minor (non-dangerous) errors in operation and, based on this data, predicts how soon it will fail. To extract this information, use a special utility such as SiGuardian or HDDSpeed. Of course, you can run them daily, but in normal cases a weekly check will be sufficient. And if suddenly, when turning on, the computer begins to ask you to press the F1 key, then you need to sound the alarm, perhaps this is the S.M.A.R.T diagnostic system.

CD-ROM drives

CD-ROM drives do not require any phenomenal maintenance. When the reading quality noticeably deteriorates (depending on the intensity of use and the quality of the drive, this can be a year or three), you need to clean the optical system using a special cleaning kit (a special disk and liquid), which can be purchased at computer stores. As a preventative measure, it is wise to carry out this cleaning annually. Well, to extend the life of the drive, avoid keeping it open for a long time, check the disks before installing them in the drive and reject those that are clearly faulty (heavily scratched, uneven, with a clearly shifted center of gravity and geometric center). It would also be a good idea to wipe the discs from dust with a very soft and dry cloth. These are used for wiping glasses on glasses. “Sweet couple” - cleaning floppy disk and cleaning CD-ROM. To ensure that the disc itself lasts longer, do not bend it, carefully insert and remove it from the box and into the CD-ROM drive, and protect it from moisture, temperature changes and direct sunlight. Never grasp the working (bottom) surface of the disc, only its ribs, and do not leave the disc lying without a case.

power unit

In addition to ensuring proper power supply, this part of the system unit only needs one preventative procedure. We are talking about protection from dust that the fan needs. You can blow it out through the fan grille using compressed air or a vacuum cleaner; good power supplies have a lot of ventilation holes on the walls, usually hidden inside the system unit. In general, the procedure is similar to that done with the processor. Some things can be wiped without opening the computer. The power supply fan is also damaged by dust. All this dust accumulates inside the power supply. After opening the system unit, do not forget to blow out the power supply.

The mouse and keyboard carry the heaviest mechanical load of any PC part. At the same time, their refusal is the most harmless, although unpleasant. As a rule, manipulators do not fail immediately; first, some operations with their help begin to be performed unstably. Therefore, you will have time to go out and buy a new keyboard or mouse ($2 to $5). Well, to avoid this waste of time and money, pay a little attention to your keyboard and mouse. Careful operation. Of course, the keys are meant to be pressed, but that doesn't mean you have to hit them or press them into the table until they crack and squeak. It is common knowledge that the average keyboard lasts two to three times less for an avid gamer than for an average user. Further, you should not drink coffee at work, eat chips, generally crumble over the keyboard and spill liquids on it. The same applies to the mouse. By the way, it is better to use it on a special mouse pad, which is a full-fledged property of the mouse.

Weekly treatments

The least you can do is protect your equipment from dust. Regularly wipe the keyboard, mouse and mouse pad with a dry soft cloth or a special damp cleaning cloth. To remove grease from a mouse pad, you can wipe it with a cloth soaked in alcohol.

Monitor requires minimal care, but it needs to be done regularly - just for the sake of your vision. “Repairing” the eyes is not always possible, but it is always expensive, so it is better to spend time and money on high-quality monitors. Once or twice a week you need to thoroughly wipe the monitor from dust with a soft and dry cloth. Pay special attention to the screen - due to static electricity, it collects especially a lot of dust. This procedure must be performed with the monitor turned off, and at least 10 minutes must pass after turning off. When servicing the monitor (and other components), do not under any circumstances use polishes or other household chemicals that are not specifically intended for computer equipment. In the end, you can choose the simplest way to wipe the monitor - breathe on the glass (it will fog up slightly) and wipe it with a soft cloth. Looking at the glass from a wide angle, check for streaks and dirt.

Printer, especially inkjet

We will focus on inkjet printers, as they are the most common for home use. Like a monitor, a printer needs to be dusted off regularly, but monthly maintenance is a different matter. Irregular setting. It is required after changing the cartridge, and also if the clarity of the prints has decreased. Most jetters have an operation called head calibration. During calibration, the printer produces vertical and horizontal lines of different colors. Your task is to choose the version of the picture in which the lines are least broken at the junctions of colors. If everything is fine with the prints, regular adjustments are not needed. For your own peace of mind, it can be done once or twice a year. Almost all inkjet printers have a similar control panel. It solves most of the problems that users have. This operation is mandatory (especially on printers with a non-replaceable head) if you have not printed for a long time. In this case, cleaning should be carried out once a month. Insert a blank sheet of paper into the printer and perform the same operation in the printer control panel. This will waste a lot of ink, but the remainder will not dry out in the printer. Please note that if you only printed black and white documents, then at least the color print head needs cleaning, and vice versa. For printers with a fixed head, if the ink does dry out, soaking the head in distilled water for two to three days may help.

Cleaning the feed mechanism

Sooner or later, the drawing mechanism collects dust and begins to act up, pulling the paper poorly. When this happens (for preventive purposes - once a year), wipe the rubber rollers of the broaching mechanism with an alcohol-containing solution (for example, good vodka). Sometimes the feeding mechanism becomes contaminated with ink and begins to stain the paper. In this case, you need to take fairly loose paper and run it through the printer several times. Then take a blank sheet and run it through to make sure everything is in order.

Healthy eating

For the most reliable operation of a computer, it is advisable to protect it from voltage surges, which are often found in Russian electrical networks. The minimum option is a good voltage stabilizer. It can be distinguished from an extension cord with a light bulb by its higher price and heaviness. An even more reliable option is an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Today they are inexpensive, household models cost from $40, but they significantly improve power characteristics and protect the computer from sudden power outages. This allows the PC owner to complete work normally, and not suddenly, thus extending the life of the computer and preserving the results of their work. UPS owners need to check their protector monthly. This is done very simply - just pull the UPS plug out of the socket and check whether the computer works for at least two to three minutes. If it works, everything is fine.

Comfortable climate

We've already talked about cooling inside the case, but what about cooling the case itself? No, it is not necessary to install a fan near the system unit, but it is very desirable to provide a bit of free space on the back and sides (at least 20-30 cm). In addition, do not place the system unit in direct sunlight or near heating devices. To protect from dust, lift the computer off the floor. Every ten centimeters plays a role - this can be easily checked by holding the computer for three to four months on the floor, and the same amount on the table. When choosing a location for the system unit, also keep in mind that it is undesirable to expose it to vibration, shaking and shock. Therefore, the table or PC stand must be stable, and the computer case itself must be protected from accidental tipping.

Dust not only makes your computer look unattractive, it can cause your PC to crash. Caring for your computer should be done regularly - this will help keep your computer looking presentable and avoid costly repairs. It is important to perform cleaning and maintenance correctly and to use materials and products that will not damage the computer and its peripheral devices.

Many users do not think about how to properly position the system unit, monitor and peripheral devices. They are guided by what will be convenient. And at the same time, incorrect placement of the system unit and impaired air circulation contribute to overheating, which leads to computer shutdowns, sudden reboots and further breakdown if the situation is not corrected in time.

Keyboard care

The keyboard is constantly in contact with a person. Dust, food particles, paper clips and other small parts can get stuck under keyboard keys, which is common in offices. Fingerprints and dust also take their toll. Over time, the keyboard can become very dirty. It is important to prevent this and carry out preventive cleaning regularly.

How to properly clean your keyboard:

  • Disconnect the keyboard from the USB or PS/2 port. If the keyboard is connected to the PS/2 port, you will need to turn off the computer before disconnecting it.
  • Turn the keyboard upside down and shake it gently to remove dirt and dust.
  • You can use a vacuum cleaner to remove debris and dust between the keys. Or special “lickers” that do an excellent job of cleaning the keyboard.
  • Dampen a soft, clean cloth with alcohol and gently wipe the keys and keyboard surface. You can also use alcohol wipes for these purposes. Just do not use nail polish removers or solvents, they can damage the characters on the keyboard.
  • Connect the keyboard to your computer when cleaning is complete. Connection to the PS/2 port is acceptable when the computer is turned off.

What to do if liquid is spilled on the keyboard

If you spill liquid on your keyboard, quickly turn off your computer and unplug the keyboard. Then turn the keyboard over and let the liquid drain.

If the liquid is sticky, then you need to quickly rinse the keyboard under running water to remove the liquid. Then turn the keyboard upside down and let it dry for at least two days before plugging it back into your computer. You can speed up the process using a hairdryer. Please note that it is not often possible to maintain the functionality of the keyboard after it has been exposed to liquid.

If liquid is spilled on your laptop keyboard and it continues to work, turn it off immediately by holding down the button "Inclusion". There is no time to hesitate here. If the battery on your laptop becomes disconnected, disconnect it. And then, contact the service center; it will be difficult to resolve the issue in this situation on your own.

Mouse care

There are two main types of mouse: optic And mechanical. Mechanical ones are extremely rare today, but optical ones are a different matter.

Optical mice do not require any internal cleaning since they do not contain any rotating parts, however, the base may develop stains over time. "mud accumulations", which are formed from dust on the table. This may make it difficult to control the cursor.

Mechanical mice are especially sensitive to dust, which can accumulate inside the mouse, making it difficult to move the cursor and causing it to move erratically. Cleaning helps eliminate these defects.

How to properly clean your mouse:

  • Disconnect the mouse from the USB or PS/2 port. If the mouse is connected to the PS/2 port, you must first turn off the computer before disconnecting the mouse.
  • Dampen a clean cloth with alcohol and carefully clean the mouse body from dirt, dust and greasy fingerprints. You can use cotton swabs to remove dirt between the buttons and the connecting seams on the mouse body.
  • If you have a mechanical mouse, open the ring from the bottom (turn counterclockwise) and remove the ball. Then clean it and the two internal tracking rollers. Cotton swabs soaked in alcohol work well for these purposes.
  • Allow it to dry completely before assembling and connecting the mouse. When connecting to a PS/2 port, perform this only when the computer is turned off.

Advice: if you want to quickly clean the bottom surface of the mouse from dust, without disconnecting from the computer, place the mouse on a sheet of paper and move it several times in different directions. Most of the contamination will remain on paper.

Caring for your monitor

Fingerprints and dust can make your computer screen difficult to read, which can strain your eyes. However, you can always clean it when necessary and prevent it from becoming dirty in the future.

There are many cleaning kits available that are designed for different types of screen coverings. This should be taken into account when choosing a cleaning kit. An incorrect choice may damage the anti-glare coating on the monitor. For example, kits designed for glass screens are not suitable for LCD screens. The safest method is to simply use a soft, clean cloth dampened with water.

Attention: Do not use glass cleaners! Many screens have an anti-reflective coating, which can be damaged by these cleaning products.

How to properly clean your monitor:

  • Turn off your computer.
  • Unplug the monitor from the electrical outlet. If you are using a laptop, turn off the laptop.
  • Take a soft, clean cloth, moisten it with water and wring it well, wipe the screen clean.
  • Use a clean, dry cloth or soft paper towel to wipe the screen to remove streaks.

If you plan to use cleaning kits, do not spray the liquid directly onto the monitor screen. Liquid may leak inside and cause damage. Spray the product onto a clean cloth or napkin.

System unit care

Dust is the main enemy of a computer. And for the system unit this is especially true. As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, system units are often installed in tables, on the floor between tables and other places where air circulation is limited and there is sufficient accumulation of dust.

Several fans are constantly running in the system unit (power supply, processor cooler, video card), and as a result of air circulation, dust settles in the system unit. If you open the side cover of a one-year-old computer, you will be surprised at how much dust there is.

To reduce the accumulation of dust on computer equipment, it is recommended to use an antistatic cloth or brushes to remove and collect dust. Heavy dirt on the computer case can be removed with a cloth soaked in alcohol.

You can use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust inside your computer, but it is better to do this with compressed air. A car compressor is suitable for this.

  • How to properly clean the system unit from dust:
  • Unplug your computer.
  • Disconnect all devices from the system unit.
  • Unscrew the side covers of the system unit.
  • Take the system unit outside and blow it out with compressed air. Keep the compressor hose at a distance of 30-40 centimeters.
  • Screw on the side covers of the system unit and turn on the computer.

The internal cleaning of the system unit from dust can be carried out once a year or as needed. The main thing is that the technological openings for air circulation in the system unit are not blocked.

Computers, like any other advanced electronics, require compliance with certain rules for handling them. If you want an expensive device to serve you faithfully for a long time, then you need to learn how to properly care for your computer. Below are some relevant tips on this topic, divided into two categories. The first will affect the mechanics (the computer hardware itself), and the second will affect the system itself and the software installed in it.

Maintaining the functionality of your computer and its components

The first and most important thing is cleanliness. And this is not just about the aesthetic side of the issue. A running PC is a real magnet for dust, which is a serious threat to it. Packed into cooling systems and covered with a thin layer of microcircuits, it may well lead to a deterioration in heat dissipation, which will cause overheating. An overheating PC often suffers from performance degradation, unplanned reboots, etc. To avoid this, you need to periodically (at least once every couple of months) clean the inside of the case. The algorithm is very simple:

This is usually quite enough. However, if the contamination is severe, you may need to completely disassemble the PC followed by detailed cleaning of its components.

The second important point is replacing thermal paste and lubricating the moving parts of cooling systems. The paste tends to dry out over time and lose its thermal conductivity, which leads to the risk of overheating. Replacing it is very easy. You need to carefully remove the cooler with the radiator without damaging the fragile fasteners, clean the surface from the remnants of the old paste and apply a new thin layer.

If you spread too much, it will have the exact opposite effect of the intended effect. Therefore, apply sparingly and evenly. You can read more about the procedure for replacing thermal paste on a processor in the material “”.

Third, follow certain safety rules when working on a computer. You should turn off the device according to the rules, using the item in the menu intended for this purpose, and not by unplugging it from the socket (this can cause irreparable damage to the components). It is advisable to purchase an uninterruptible power supply to protect against sudden power surges and sudden power outages. Also, you should not overclock components without sufficient knowledge in this area. Manipulations with frequencies, voltage and other parameters of computer hardware often lead to its failure.

Maintaining operating system functionality

Everything here is much simpler and clearer. In order for the system to please you with its performance for a long time, you need only two things - its proper optimization and periodic cleaning of garbage. Many people prefer to install other people's optimized builds found on the Internet, but this does not always work. The authors of such assemblies cannot test them on all possible configurations, so the opposite effect is observed on some PCs. It would be much better to install a clean system and tinker for a while with disabling services that are unnecessary for most - Superfetch, system restore, automatic check/installation of updates, and the like. The Internet is full of instructions for almost every process or service.

Cleaning comes down to deleting temporary browser files and programs, editing/editing the startup list and system registry. All this can be done using standard operating system tools, but it will be better and faster to install specialized software on your computer, for example, CCleaner. The features mentioned above are divided into categories in the app. In just a couple of clicks, you can scan your system for junk and get information about how much free space you can free up. The operating principle of such utilities, which is important, does not allow them to interfere with important processes and system files. You will never be allowed to disrupt your PC.

Malicious objects that got there from external sources can also slow down the system. Keyloggers, miners, viruses and other threats require immediate response. It is necessary to install a reliable antivirus on your computer and carry out additional scanning with third-party utilities from time to time, so that later you do not encounter the problem of increased load on the hardware, loss of confidential information and other troubles.


By making it a habit to perform preventative cleaning of computer hardware and software, you will forget for a long time about the need to replace computer components and reinstall the system. It will be needed only when all of the above becomes obsolete and an upgrade is needed.
