How to remove the background listening limit. How to listen to music on VK without restrictions

Social network VKontakte great amount users use on mobile devices ah through the official application. Every app update active users experience “painfully”, and especially when it carries with it a limitation of previously used functions. With the VKontakte application under version 3.0, a restriction was imposed on one of the most popular functions - listening to music. Now listen to VKontakte music for free from your phone in background You can have a limited time - 1 hour, after which there are 2 options - refuse to listen until the next day, or pay for a subscription. But there are ways to get around the restriction of listening to VKontakte music in the background, and in this article we will look at them.

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What restrictions on listening to music on VKontakte have come into force?

Since October 1, when the release of application 3.0 for VKontatke took place onand iOSAndroid users have noticed that they can no longer listen to music in the background for more than an hour a day. It makes no difference whether we are talking about listening to the music of popular performers or original compositions - this limitation is superimposed on all VKontakte audio recordings.

Please note: In this moment The listening limit is set at 1 hour per day, but in the near future ( exact date not yet announced), it will be reduced to 30 minutes per day.

The motivation for introducing such restrictions is clear. VKontakte stores a huge amount of music from various labels, including major ones. In fact, this music is free for network visitors, which does not suit both Group, which owns VKontakte, and labels that want to monetize tracks published on the network.

To remove the restriction on listening to music in the background on VKontakte, you can buy a subscription to the Boom service. When activated, you can listen to music without restrictions, and the cost of a subscription will cost customers 149 rubles per month.

Please note: In addition to the ability to listen to VKontakte music without restrictions in the background, a subscriptionBoom also makes it possible to download music from VKontatka to your device for offline listening. This function Previously it was also available for free, but it was removed some time ago.

Background listening to VKontakte music without restrictions

The introduced restrictions forced users to look for ways to listen to VKontakte music in the background without restrictions and paying for a subscription, and such solutions were found.

Unlimited listening to VKontakte music from the application

One of the ways that we have discovered to listen to music without paying a subscription and without restrictions in the background involves using mobile headset. The essence of the method is as follows:

You will notice that there are no restrictions with this method of playing music. That is, even after an hour of listening to songs in the background, a message about the need to purchase a subscription will not appear.

Important: The above method is relevant for the version of the VKontakte social network on mobile devices numbered 3.0. If this method works for you, we do not recommend updating the application, since there is a high probability that this “error” will be corrected in the future.

Unlimited listening to VKontakte music via browser

If these restrictions were introduced for mobile applications, they did not affect the browser versions of the social network VKontakte. Accordingly, as before, you can listen to music without restrictions through your browser, including from your mobile device when the screen is locked. All you need to do is:

U this method there are disadvantages, for example, playing music through a browser requires more traffic than through mobile app. In addition, it is less convenient to interact with the interface music player VKontakte through a browser rather than through a mobile application. But a clear plus is that in this way you can listen to music for free without restrictions.

Since October 2017, VKontakte has introduced a paid subscription, without which you can only listen to music in applications on iOS and Android for 30 minutes a day. However, this limitation can be circumvented. Lifehacker knows at least five ways.

Web version

While the restriction does not apply to web versions, the easiest way to listen to music is in the browser. This method works both in the desktop version of VKontakte and in the mobile version. The only negative is that you won’t be able to switch tracks from the remote control on your headphones, so it’s better to immediately prepare a good playlist.

Third Party Applications

There are a lot alternative applications for listening to music from VKontakte, which not only work in the background, but also allow you to download tracks for offline listening. On Android you can use the modified VK Coffee client. On iOS Apple periodically blocks these types of applications, so it’s better to search for new ones by searching for “VK music” in the App Store.


Telegram has a very convenient built-in player, which can also be used to listen to music. Using the @Rhymeru_Bot bot, you can easily download tracks from your page and listen to them directly in the messenger. You can also create a separate channel, upload your favorite tracks to it and listen to them from there.

Resetting the timer

The available 30 minutes of background music listening per day can be extended by changing the clocks. Just go to your smartphone settings and set the time back a day. After correct date it will be possible to return it.

Old versions of applications

IN previous versions official clients still have the opportunity to listen to music without restrictions, and this can be used if you do not update the application or install an old one. For Android, it's not that hard to find version 4.8.3 on 4pda or other sites. With iOS everything is much more complicated, but if

One of the most popular functions of the site is listening to music, and on this, the administration decided to make extra money. In April 2017, users of the mobile application were waiting an unpleasant surprise in the form of a listening limit - 1 hour per day (later the time was reduced to 30 minutes), for web versions, an advertisement was included and played before the song.

The innovation was negatively received by the audience, and options began to appear to remove the restriction. Today we will only talk about working methods that any user can implement.

A popular way to listen to music without restrictions

By releasing new versions of the mobile application, VK constantly closes “holes” with the help of which users bypass the limit on listening to music. In order not to be left without your favorite tracks at the most inconvenient moment, download the entire playlist from your page to your phone.

Downloading music is associated with certain risks - loss of access to your account and subsequent... Telegram bot will help you reduce risks and download all songs at once - @vkm4bot ().

Do you want to take a risk? Take advantage of popular online services:


You can also find instructions for working with them at the link above.

Change the time on your phone

The allotted 30 minutes has ended and the music has stopped playing in the background? Close the VKontakte application, change the date to a day earlier or later - enjoy listening again.

1. Go to your menu Android devices. Click the Settings icon.

2. Find the “System” - “Date and Time” section. Disable automatic detection dates and set a new one.

Don’t be alarmed if, after the translation, others stop working correctly installed applications or the network will disappear. After restoring the current date, everything will be restored.

Use a headset

This method is especially relevant for iPhone owners, since when purchasing a device, included headset with call accept/end button.

1. Connect headphones.

2. Open the VK mobile application and start playing the song.

3. Pause it, then switch the smartphone to the background (short press the “Power off” button).

4. Press the answer button. It is located in the middle of the wire.

This technique can work on phones under Android control, provided that you are using a native headset.

Disable screen lock

Feature of the VK limit - listening is limited only in the background. The solution is simple - turn off automatic blocking screen in settings.

1. Open settings. Go to the "Device" section.

2. Find the item “Display” - “Sleep mode”. Set it to the maximum possible value.

Advice - do not put your phone in your pocket without the screen being locked. You be sure to dial a random number(possibly abroad and you will be left without money in your account) or launch a couple more installed applications.

Use the mobile version of the site

The music limit is not tied to your account specifically, but to the application id in the system. To bypass the limitation, it is enough to use no official program, A mobile version site.

1. Launch any browser installed on your phone (Chrome, Safari). Go to

On some versions of Android, when the smartphone goes into Sleep mode, the playback of songs may stop.

Music without restrictions in alternative clients

Besides official application, there are a number of programs created third party developers. They, like older versions of VKontakte, cache music, allowing you to listen to it without the Internet for an unlimited amount of time.

The most popular:

  • VK Coffee;
  • VMP (page on

Download and install them from the official AppStore and Google Play– it won’t work, only from third-party resources. Before installing on Android, go to Settings and enable installation of applications from unknown sources.

Remember - installing applications and subsequently entering data from your accounts, may result in its loss or freezing.

Install VK version 4.8.3 and lower

In version 4.8.4, a restriction on listening to songs has appeared. Many users install older versions of the application or new ones that contain a special patch that allows them to remove the limitation.

1. Enable installation of applications from unknown sources (the procedure is described above).

2. Uninstall the official VKontakte client.

3. Install old version, for example, this one.

Don’t be surprised if, after installation, some of the functionality of the social network is missing, that’s why it’s an “old version”.


At the time of writing, all methods are working. Over time, they may lose relevance or new ones may appear. The most reliable option remains to make concessions to the VK administration, paying 149 rubles for and listening to your favorite music for free.

Don’t forget about similar services that can be used instead of VKontakte:

  • Yandex.Music;
  • SoundCloud.

At the moment, they are free, and in terms of functionality they surpass the capabilities of VK.

It seems that we were just offered to pay 149 rubles for the pleasure of listening to VK music in the background. From October 1, 2017 social network“VKontakte” was introduced for music lovers, and anyone who ignores this event can only receive an hour of background soundtrack per day and a warning “ Background listening limited music for today" They say that some evil and mercantile people want to cut this insignificant period of time in half - up to 30 minutes. But that's what they think. And those who are not accustomed to waiting for favors from nature, providers or other objects denounced by the authorities have already managed to rush in and find a way to listen to music on VKontakte for free and without restrictions. True, so far only on the flagships of the mobile market.

One way or another, a way was found, and now happy owners of premium smartphones will be able to continue listening to music on the VKontakte social network in the background for free and without any restrictions. To do this you will need to do quite a bit simple procedure:

  1. Connect a headset with a remote control to your Android smartphone;
  2. Launch the VKontakte application;
  3. Play any musical composition and pause it;
  4. Play music using the button on the headset.
After these simple manipulations, the music will start playing in the background for free and no time limits. Do you think that this method is not the most convenient, since you need to find and connect a headset with a microphone and a control panel to your Android smartphone? But the savings are obvious - you can listen to VKontakte music in the background for as long as you like without signing up for a paid subscription.

If the proposed option seems too complicated to you, then you can use the application ( only for Root holders) to change rights official client In contact with. This requires:

Of course, copyright holders may be indignant about this, but they themselves are proud of the number of views and plays, aren’t they? It is clear that social networks are a gigantic source of income. But hardly for performers, lyricists, composers and arrangers. And the corporations squeezing the last cents out of content will probably outbid.

Just a couple of years ago, the social network VKontakte, among other things, was also considered the largest audio library in the RuNet. In a special section called “Audio Recordings”, one could find and completely freely listen to a huge number of compositions in different genres and from different artists, from French chanson to harsh hard rock, from modern pop idols, to rare recordings of the fifties , forties and even twenties.

When the portal was bought by the media holding, a general fight against piracy began. Music posted on social networks was also banned. In particular, network administrators began to delete audio recordings at the request of copyright holders, and also introduced a paid subscription system. At the moment, purchasing a subscription is voluntary, but the user is being pushed towards it in every possible way. So, a few months ago, a new restriction appeared on VKontakte - now you can’t listen to music in the background for more than thirty minutes. This is especially inconvenient for users of mobile devices - in order for the music not to turn off after the thirtieth minute, you need to disable the screen lock and constantly wear it like that, risking clicking on something wrong.

But, fortunately, there are many ways - legal and not so - to bypass all sorts of “musical” prohibitions and enjoy your favorite compositions without restrictions. We will talk about some in this article.

Method one. Download music

Yes, this is the most obvious, simple and accessible solution to the problem. As soon as any track “settles” in your phone or on your computer, you get the opportunity to dispose of it as you wish, and no one can prohibit you from doing anything. The social network itself, unfortunately, does not provide such an opportunity, but you can always use third party programs and services. Among these, we can highlight Save from - a fairly functional, but at the same time easy to learn and use resource that, among other things, allows you to save audio and video files not only from VKontakte, but also from YouTube and other popular online services.

Another good program is VkLife. Its advantage is that you do not need to enter a link to each entry separately into the search engine - just enter your login and password for the VKontakte page in the application, and it will automatically gain access to your audio and video library, as well as multimedia files, published by your friends and groups you belong to. But be careful and do not download such applications from suspicious sites - otherwise, under the guise of a simple and safe “saver”, they may end up on your computer. virus program, which will “kidnap” your account and will send spam on your behalf.

There are also special plugins that are built directly into the browser. They're even easier to use - the "Download" button appears directly on your page next to each audio recording - but, again, be careful.

The disadvantage of this method is that the download process takes certain time(and taking into account the fact that many have succeeded over the years in accumulating a music library of several hundred or even thousands of recordings - quite a lot). In addition, the amount of memory in computers and smartphones is by no means infinite.

Method two. Set up your phone

Yes, that’s right - just go to the settings of your smartphone, go to the screen settings and in the “Operating time” section, check the box next to “No shutdown”. In this case, your phone’s screen will not turn off - and it’s precisely these periods that VKontakte considers “background listening”. This method is much simpler than the previous one, and is also devoid of its inherent disadvantages (no need to wait for the song to load, no need to waste space on the memory card), however, not everyone will find it convenient to keep their phone on all the time. This primarily applies to owners of smartphones with a sensitive sensor.

Method three. Change time

VKontakte synchronizes with the time specified on the phone or computer - and, accordingly, it is by this time that it determines when the thirty minutes of free listening to music allotted to the user expire. This means that in order to get around this limitation, you can use a method that is well known to fans of timekiller games - after a message about the end of the thirty-minute limit appears on the screen, go to the settings of your phone or computer and change the date to yesterday. And then we return to “Audio Recordings” and listen to music again until the limit expires. If desired, repeat.

Advantages this method obvious - the same touchscreen phone you don’t need to keep it on all the time, you don’t waste time downloading songs, and you don’t waste space on your memory card. The disadvantages, however, are also visible to the naked eye - if you constantly change the date, you can eventually simply get confused in your own calendar. In addition, the process of changing settings (as well as the process of returning them to normal) also takes some time.

Method four. For Android devices

If you are happy owner device running under operating system Android, you can try to bypass the restrictions imposed by the VKontakte administration as follows:

  • Download via Google Play app called App Ops. This one is small, but extremely useful utility allows you to perform fine tuning applications, using functions that are usually not available to the average user. We strongly recommend that you do not be lazy and spare no expense in downloading App Ops via Google Play - otherwise, you may introduce a virus to your smartphone or tablet that will quickly deprive you of all your valuable personal data;
  • After installing the application and agreeing to all the proposed default settings, launch it. Select the VKontakte application, open context menu and set the status to “deny” next to the items “Get audio focus” and “Prevent sleep mode”;
  • Ready. Enjoy your favorite music without any restrictions.

Method five. For devices with a headset

You can bypass the thirty-minute limit if you have headphones with a button that you can press to turn songs on and off in the player. We simply connect the headphones, start playing any song, stop the music by pressing a button on the headset (this is a fundamental point!) and after a couple of seconds turn it on again. Theoretically, after performing these manipulations, the ban on unlimited listening will be lifted. However, this method is not very reliable and may not work with some devices.

Alternative options

Finally. You can simply stop listening to VKontakte music and pay attention to other similar services - Yandex.Music, Spotify, Apple Music,, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, Deezer and others. True, among all the listed resources, only Yandex.Music provides at least some favorable conditions for Russian-speaking users. So, to access Spotify - one of the world's largest music libraries - you need to register as an American. And Apple Music is available only to owners of Apple devices and only by prior subscription.


As you can see, the ways to get around the “musical” prohibitions of “VKonakte” are not so simple - according to at least, if you do not resort to third party resources. On the other hand, hopes that the administration of the social network will cancel paid subscription and a thirty-minute limit, no - which means you will have to either get out of it or look for alternatives.