How to remove the bar on outgoing calls. Barring incoming and outgoing calls mts

When can we use a function such as outgoing call barring? Even at first glance, such situations are not so rare. For example, you bought your little child his first cell phone so that he could know where he was. However, our child may accidentally call some “ hotline for adults" for $10 per minute and cause serious damage family budget. Or you have a grandmother who always wants to contact her school friend in another country every day and talk for an hour. Or maybe you yourself, while roaming, don’t want to accidentally call home.

General methods

Let's look at the methods by which you can bar a call outgoing call. Let’s immediately decide what is worth sharing this opportunity, which applies to the phone as a whole and a separate SIM card. In the first case, settings are made in the settings of the communicator itself. To activate call barring (outgoing calls), most often it is enough to dial the combination **33*phone password#. The required code is set separately, in most cases in the menu items: “Settings” - “Security”, and, accordingly, “Phone Password”. You need to remember that it is different from the SIM card code and is a separately configurable function. After entering this combination, you will not be able to make outgoing calls at all. Now let's tell you how to disable outgoing call barring. To do this, just dial the following combination: #33*phone password#. You can check the status of the ban using the command *#33#. In addition, all mobile operators provide the Outgoing Call Barring service. By taking advantage of this innovation, you get the opportunity complete blocking outgoing, or selectively disabling international calls or roaming. Now let's look at the outgoing call barring functions of the most common


The list of services of any telecommunications operator includes not only lines of tariff plans, but also additional options for the possibility self-configuration proposals for personal needs. “Call barring” MTS is responsible for controlling incoming and outgoing calls in Russia or in roaming. The service is quite in demand today, however, many users do not know how to connect it.

IN this material we'll consider:

  • a detailed description of the offer for everyday use;
  • advantages over third-party software;
  • cost of maintenance and activation methods;
  • activation and deactivation system by sending USSD requests with special codes;
  • types of telephone signals and methods of prohibiting certain directions.

MTS call barring is special offer from a telecommunications operator, allowing you to limit on any mobile phone incoming and outgoing calls to home region, roaming and other directions. The service can be used to receive maximum savings from calls and is activated when the corresponding need arises.


You can immediately highlight the advantages of the MTS “Incoming Call Barring” service:

  1. no additional software installation required;
  2. the service can be activated on any model of mobile device;
  3. detailed setup functionality using the USSD request system allows you to perform independent configuration;
  4. you can manage calls in your home region, throughout Russia and in roaming;
  5. affordable cost of service and the ability to activate and deactivate the service at any time.


Another feature of the offer from Mobile TeleSystems– no fixed price. The subscription fee for using the service will depend solely on the current tariff plan. Get detailed information about the cost of service you can:

  • in official paper documentation issued after the conclusion of the service agreement;
  • On the page detailed description TP on the MTS website;
  • by contacting the service Maintenance clients. For this it is proposed toll free number to call to service center, a panel for sending a text request on the company’s website or independently contacting the nearest service office in your city.

How to use the call barring service on MTS

Having figured out what kind of service this is, let’s begin to study how to activate the offer and further manage the service. Only subscribers can use the options tariff proposals with fixed write-off subscription fee. If you meet this criterion, you can activate the service in personal account user. The control panel is available both in the browser and in the form mobile application for smartphones running on operating systems Android systems and iOS.

To activate:

  1. Go to the corresponding page of the official website or download the application from branded sources;
  2. Go through the registration process and further authorization in your personal account system;
  3. If everything is done successfully, after logging in you will be redirected to home page systems. Here select the additional options section;
  4. In the proposed list, find “Barring incoming and outgoing calls” and activate the function.

Further work with the system requires knowledge of special codes, which will be studied in the next section. You can also activate the above service at the operator’s office.

Ban codes

As stated earlier, detailed setup requires knowledge of special codes that can be sent as a USSD message. It is worth noting that for stable operation it will be necessary to have a positive balance of funds on the balance sheet personal account.

How to enable incoming call barring on MTS

Don't want to receive incoming calls from a certain region? This is quite simple to do, enter *35*password*TS# and send the resulting text. The default password is set to “0000”, which you can change yourself at any time to a more secure one. If everything is done correctly, you will receive a corresponding notification. We will look at what a vehicle is in the appropriate section.

Banning international calls MTS

Most modern subscribers It is known that many incoming calls from roaming can also debit funds from your personal account balance. To get maximum savings, you can deactivate such calls by sending the combination *351*password*TC#. The description of additional input parameters is identical to the request above.

Ban on outgoing

If you wish, you can also block outgoing calls. *33*password*TS# for all such calls, *331*password*TS# to restrict international calls. It is worth noting the combination for changing the password: **03*330*old code*new code*new code#. If the parameters are correct, you will receive a corresponding notification.

What is TS?

When studying combinations for sending requests, you need to specify the vehicle everywhere. This parameter stands for “connection type” and can be entered as desired. If you do not specify a vehicle, the restriction will be applied to all types.

The following combinations are available here:

  • 10 – limit all types;
  • 11 – ban on voice data transmission only;
  • 13 – ban on using fax;
  • 25 – concerns working with the World Wide Web.

The change can be made at any time.

How to disable the call barring service on MTS

Considering how to disable MTS call barring, here we can highlight the already familiar custom panel management. Similar to activation, any option can be deactivated in your personal account. The algorithm is preserved.

Answering the question “how to remove a certain restriction?”, in this case it will help you Resending request with the corresponding prohibition code. detailed information By this point given above.

When using a mobile phone, you must be careful and carefully enter call numbers. An error in one digit can lead to a call being made to another city or even another country. The same applies to roaming, where communication prices are quite serious. In order to avoid accidentally making this or that call, you should use the “Call Barring” service from MegaFon. In this review you will get as much information as possible about this useful service.

Description of the Call Barring service from MegaFon

“Call barring” on MegaFon cannot be called the most popular service. Most subscribers don't even know about it. Nevertheless, it can be beneficial by protecting the subscriber from making calls from high cost . An error in one number often costs huge sums, especially if you accidentally call abroad - this is an extremely expensive destination. And getting back money accidentally spent will be problematic.

In order to prevent loss Money Due to an incorrectly dialed number, the following steps must be taken:

  • Enter all important numbers into your phone book– yes, some people manage to dial numbers the old fashioned way, manually;
  • Before making a call, check that the number is dialed correctly;
  • Use Call Barring from MegaFon.

Yes, if the numbers are entered into the phone book, it will be simply impossible to make a mistake - only if the numbers are entered correctly and without errors. Controlling your actions is also very important, since carelessness and inattention are the cause of loss of funds. Well, what about the service? we'll talk further, it will allow you to feel extra peace of mind when performing any operations with your phone.

The Call Barring service from MegaFon will allow you to avoid unexpected waste when making voice and some other calls. It blocks dialers at the network level. That is, even if you move the SIM card to another phone, established locks will be preserved. Few people know about the existence of this service, but it is implemented in cellular networks GSM standard almost from the day they appeared.

"Call barring" from MegaFon allows you to block following types calls - we present them along with the codes:

  • All outgoing (code 33) – with these settings you won’t be able to call anywhere;
  • International calls (code 331) – good way prohibit the most expensive direction of communication;
  • International calls to international roaming(code 332) - they are characterized by a maximum cost, and they can also be prohibited;
  • All incoming calls (code 35) are an excellent opportunity to completely protect yourself from callers;
  • Incoming calls in international roaming (code 351) are another way to save money.

There are also restrictions on the type of calls - these are regular voice calls, “data” and “fax” calls. Here are the ban codes:

  • Code 10 – any types of calls are prohibited, except calls to 112;
  • Code 11 – voice communication in both directions is prohibited, except for calls to 112;
  • Code 13 – prohibition of fax messages;
  • Code 16 – prohibition on sending “data” and text messages, fax and voice calls remain in operation.

Let's now look at the practical side of the issue.

Using commands with codes

It's time to discuss how to use prohibitions and their codes. They are sent to the network in the form of simple commands. For example, to bar all calls, send the command *barring_code*password#. If you need to prohibit a certain type of calls, then the command syntax will be as follows - *barring_code*password*call_type#. The default password is 1111 (it can be changed).

Let's see how to bar incoming calls on MegaFon. To do this, dial the code *35*1111#. If you need to block incoming calls in international roaming, send the command *351*1111#. In order to activate the barring of outgoing calls on MegaFon, dial the command *33*1111# - now it will be impossible to call anywhere. To prohibit outgoing fax calls, dial *35*1111*13#.

How to remove call barring on MegaFon

In order to disable call barring on MegaFon, you should replace the first asterisk with a hash symbol. For example, to deactivate the ban on all outgoing communications, you must use the command #35*10#. note that The Call Barring service is provided absolutely free of charge and without any charge for sending commands. To manage the service, you can use the call settings menu on your mobile phone or smartphone.

Blocking services telephone communication will help you limit yourself from unexpected phone calls with large fees for connection and conversation. You can enable or disable call barring on MegaFon for a specific type of connection. The parallel deviation can be set to one incoming and one outgoing type of communication service.

When activating the call barring service in MegaFon, the password for all subscribers is set by default to 0000 or 1111. Before use, it is recommended to change the password to access the function to a more convenient one. It will be required every time you enable or disable call barring on MegaFon. This can be done using the code **03*330*0000*ХХХХ*ХХХХ# and the call key. In this code 0000 - Old Password, ХХХХ - new, entered twice.

If XXXX is entered twice identically, you will receive a notification about the successful password change. Thus, you can always change the access code to the service if necessary. If you make a mistake three times when entering your password, the call barring function on Megafon will not be available. In this case, you need to contact the operator to help resume use.

Activating a ban on all outgoing calls in Megafon

Call barring on Megafon for all outgoing calls restricts the subscriber from making all his own calls, but he can receive any incoming calls.

To activate this feature of limiting voice calls on MegaFon, you must enter the request *33*ZZZZ# and press the call key accordingly. ZZZZ - installed personal password. Checking the function activity: *#33# Disable call barring on MegaFon: #33*ZZZZ#.

Call barring - all outgoing international

Rejecting calls on Megafon for all outgoing international calls protects the subscriber from accidentally connecting outside the country of residence. At the same time, it will be possible to receive messages from abroad.

You can activate this option using the following code *331*XXXX# and the activation button. XXXX – delivered own password. Checking the service status: *#331#. Disable the service: #331*XXXX#.

Reject all outgoing calls while roaming

Blocking outgoing calls in roaming is designed for connecting while traveling. Upon returning home, it is better to disable restrictions on MegaFon. By activating the specified type of rejection of outgoing signals, it will be possible to call only mobile networks within the country of location and to Russia to operator numbers.

To activate this type of restriction, you will need to dial *332*VVVV# on your mobile phone and call. VVVV - access code. Clarification of service status: *#332#. Disable call barring: #332*VVVV#.

Call barring for all incoming calls

Call barring of all incoming signals restricts the subscriber from unwanted calls, but he can make any internal and external sendings.

Reject all incoming calls while roaming

The function of blocking the reception of communication signals in roaming is designed to work while you are abroad anywhere in the world in order to protect yourself from unexpected paid incoming calls. Upon returning to Russia, it is better to disable call barring. By activating this type barring incoming calls, it will be impossible to receive calls at all - absolutely all will be rejected. You can only call via mobile networks within the country where you are located, to Russia and to all desired numbers.

To activate this voice communication restriction, you must enter the combination *351*NNNN# on your mobile phone and, of course, the call button. NNNN - service access code. Clarification of the function: *#351#. Disable call barring on MegaFon: #351*NNNN#

Limitation of individual connected options

Locking a specific option allows only a specific restriction function to work. Let's say you can only prohibit sent SMS messages and allow outgoing calls. Connection is made by dialing the following code number *function designation*SSSS*option code#. Where the function designation is indicated above for each type of prohibition; SSSS - selected personal password, option codes are listed below.

  • 10 – voice communication + SMS messages;
  • 11 – exclusively voice communication;
  • 16 – exclusively SMS messages;
  • 21 – mobile data transmission.

You can disable the option ban on MegaFon using the code number: *function designation*SSSS*option code#.


It is important to know that the export ban does not work with all other functions at the same time. Let's say that any type of call forwarding will be available only after you disable call barring on MegaFon. Conversely, the ban will not take effect while redirection is active.

To block incoming calls, you will need to create a list of those users whom you do not want to hear - the so-called “black” list. You can enter absolutely all contacts into it, thereby prohibiting incoming calls from familiar people. The “black list” option can be found in basic settings phone, and newer models even have advanced capabilities. If this option is not available on your device, you can use third party applications or the services of mobile operators to block incoming calls. Let's take a closer look at how the blacklist works and what to do if such an option is not provided on your phone.

How to block incoming calls in a regular push-button phone

A built-in barring function for incoming calls exists in almost every phone model. The only difference is in the interface - the ways to create a blacklist can differ significantly.

To add an unwanted contact to your regular blacklist push-button telephone(using the example of Samsung E2252), we go this way:

  • We go to the main menu of the phone.
  • We execute a series of commands: “Settings” – “Calls” – “All calls”.

  • Open the “Black List” tab.

  • The “Black List” itself and the “Off” button will appear on the screen.

  • Then click “Black list" and add unwanted contacts to it.
  • You can add it from “Contacts”, “Call Log”, or enter a phone number into the blacklist manually.
  • After adding unwanted contacts to the blacklist, change the “Disabled” option to “Enabled”.
  • Blacklist enabled. Calls from people on the list will be automatically rejected, you will only be able to see missed calls from these callers.

How to block incoming calls on Android touch phones

In some touch phones With operating system Android has a special option to ban and control unwanted contacts. “Block Mode” is a built-in feature that has advanced capabilities for managing notifications from those people who are on your blacklist. Let us remind you that different manufacturers telephone devices these settings may vary. How to set up barring of incoming calls using “Blocking Mode”:

  • We go to the main menu.

  • Open “Settings”.

  • We look for and open “Block mode”, it should be in an inactive state.

The following text will appear on the screen: “When you enable this mode, notifications for the selected functions will be disabled. You will only receive notifications about calls from people on your white list."

  • We activate “Blocking mode” and customize it to suit your requirements.

  • Choose required functions(“disable incoming calls”, for example) and put a tick in front of them. In blocking mode, we set the time when the blocking will be in effect.

  • The most important thing: we manage contacts. We create a list of users to receive calls and notifications from those people who are on the white list. You can create a white list manually (Favorites), you can select the “All contacts” option or block absolutely all calls.

How to block incoming calls through the Google play market service

For devices with the Android operating system, there are special applications that can be used to block incoming calls and messages. Let's take a closer look at the installation and operating features of the Black List program. Install the application on your Android device in this way:

  • A list of similar programs will appear on the screen; select “Black List”.
  • Open the application, click “Install”, confirm permission to install the application on your phone.

  • After successful installation, the active “Open” button will appear on the screen, click on it.

  • The application will open in the “Black List” tab, in the lower right corner you will see a “+” sign for adding contacts.
  • Press “+”, the screen will show extra menu“Add”: from the contact list, enter a number (manually), starting with an alphanumeric combination or numeric (you will need to define the search parameters).

How to block incoming calls using an operator mobile communications

If there is no integrated incoming call barring function, you can use the services of your mobile operator or install special application to manage incoming data (Black List application, for example).

To block incoming calls from specific number, dial service combination numbers and order the service from the mobile communications manager. Banning incoming calls is payable service, we check the prices with your operator.

We looked at the step-by-step setup of the blacklist in regular phone, setting a bar on incoming calls using the internal functions of a newer phone model, installing a program for managing unwanted contacts on an Android smartphone and connecting a blacklist service through a mobile operator.