When was the first iPhone created? Steve Jobs: where it all began

Domestic users Apple devices They believe that their mobile phones come from the USA, Japan, Taiwan - anywhere, but not from China. Russians have long had an extremely negative image of Chinese production - as if they do everything “on the knees”, in conditions of terrible unsanitary conditions and prefer quantity to quality.

This is actually a misconception. In China, the situation is the same as in other countries (for example, in Russia): there are underground production facilities that assemble penny devices from low-grade components, and there are also official factories whose assembly lines produce first-class products.

Apple produces the iPhone and iPad in cooperation with China, but this is by no means a reason to hang offensive labels on Apple devices.

iPhones and iPads are developed at Apple's head office, which is located in the American state of California, in the city of Cupertino. This is confirmed by the inscription that is present on the rear edges of all Apple devices: “ Designed by Apple in California».

The following activities are performed at Apple headquarters:

Mobile market experts claim that 99% of the total contribution to the creation of Apple gadgets is made by the employees of the Cupertino office - despite the fact that many of these employees have never seen how the devices are assembled.

Where are iPhones assembled?

The plant of the Taiwanese company Foxconn is where iPhones are made for Russia and other countries. The Foxconn plant is located in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, near Hong Kong. He has been collaborating with Apple since 2007. Apple is not the only company that partners with Foxconn; a giant Chinese factory produces almost 40% (!) of the world's electronics.

The Foxconn factory area is 5.6 million square meters. km, number of employees – 1 million 250 thousand people. Every day, 400 thousand new iPhones roll off the Foxconn assembly line, each of which fully meets the high standards set by Apple.

Foxconn has been repeatedly accused of forcing its employees to work in truly slave-like conditions. Chinese workers allegedly spend 12-14 hours at work, 6 days a week, eat rations of food sold on the streets, and are also discriminated against by their Taiwanese colleagues. Apple company conducted many inspections, as a result of which she found out that most of the accusations of violation of labor laws are groundless.

Buyers often wonder: why doesn’t the Apple company produce gadgets in its own country? There are many reasons for this:

  • Americans are too highly educated. In the United States, there is a shortage of citizens with secondary technical education who are able and willing to perform routine, monotonous operations every day.
  • Chinese labor is quite cheap. The salary of a Foxconn employee is 300 – 400 dollars per month. An American would have to pay four or five times more.
  • The USA has high taxes. If iPhones were assembled in America, then due to additional insurance and taxes, the final cost of the Apple product would be doubled.
  • China produces the lion's share of rare earth metals, which are necessary to create mobile gadgets. If Apple were to move its smartphone production to another country, it would have to negotiate exports with China—not an easy task.

Foxconn has factories not only in China, but also in other countries - in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and India. In 2010, the factory was opened in Russia - in the village of Shushary Leningrad region. Now there is information that Foxconn is going to build a plant in the USA. Who knows - perhaps this is the first step towards starting the production of native American iPhones?

Who supplies components for iPhones?

Workers at the Foxconn plant assemble iPhones from components that are sourced from many countries. There are no Chinese components in Apple devices, but there are American ones. Among them:

  • Audio chips are manufactured in the USA by Cirrus Logic.
  • Radio modules are produced by the famous company Qualcomm.
  • Controller chips are created by American organizations PMC Sierra and Broadcom Corp.
  • Touch Screen Controllers – Also manufactured by Broadcom Corp.

Other components are supplied by European and Asian manufacturers - for example:

  • Induction coils - Japanese company TDK.
  • RAM - Taiwanese organization TSMC.
  • Gyroscopes - Italian-French company STMicroelectronics.

The situation with iPhone displays. Now 3 companies produce this component for the Apple company - Japanese Japan Display and Sharp, as well as Korean Display. However, for the iPhone 8th and 9th modifications, Apple plans to purchase panels only from Samsung - and in huge quantities.

Among the suppliers of components for the iPhone there is a “full” international. Apple prefers to work with trusted and reputable component manufacturers, regardless of the countries in which their factories are located.

What is the cost of an iPhone?

Experts published by IHS Markit immediately after iPhone release 7 in 2016, they tried to calculate the cost of an Apple device by adding together the costs of all its components, including:

  • A10 Fusion processor – $26.9.
  • Intel module – $33.9.
  • Cameras – $19.9.
  • Electromechanical components – $16.7.

According to expert calculations, the cost of the iPhone 7 turned out to be equal to 220 dollars (approximately 13 thousand rubles). The market value of the Apple gadget at the time of inspection was $649 - 37 thousand rubles at the current exchange rate. It is worth saying that this price was relevant for the USA. In Russia, the seventh iPhone even now costs 50 thousand rubles. It’s easy to calculate that in our country, cheating on Apple devices is almost fourfold.

It's interesting that the difference in cost between iPhones different generations very small. Let's look at the diagram:

The cost of the iPhone 7 is only $8 higher than that of the iPhone 6S – in fact, 500 rubles. Gadgets of the same generation, but different modifications(for example, 5 and 5S), as a rule, require equal costs for components. But what surprised me most was that the iPhone SE turned out to be the most economical smartphone Apple lines(cost price – $160). Even the iPhone 3GS was more expensive to produce.


In 2016, Donald Trump, entering the presidential race, announced that he would force Apple to produce iPhones in the United States. If this day comes, then for Russian fans of Apple products it will definitely become “black” - the final cost of an iPhone created by American workers on American soil will be “unaffordable” for Russians.

Now Russian users can afford to buy Apple products only because they are assembled in China. By collaborating with the Chinese, Apple saves on labor resources. A worker from a developed country in America or Europe would not agree to work for an amount three times greater than what a native from the Middle Kingdom receives.

Everyone has heard about such a legendary and incredibly popular thing now as, and many are the happy owners of this gadget. However, not everyone is familiar with its history. It is not surprising that users often wonder who created the iPhone. Usually only one common surname comes to mind, which is on everyone’s lips. But it turns out that everything was much more interesting, and in fact, several people were the inventors of the “apple miracle”.

What is the name of the creator of the iPhone?

If you ask any person to name the creator of the iPhone, he will probably say that it was Steve Jobs. And he will be absolutely right, since it was this person who was the “brain” and inspirer of the team that worked on the gadget, and most of the innovative and revolutionary ideas belong to him. However, a significant intellectual contribution was also made by Apple Vice President Jonathan Ive and its technical specialists. And the very concept of the new phone was proposed by John Casey, who gave management the idea of ​​​​fitting a media player, a telephone, and a number of other functions into one device at the same time. Therefore, it is a mistake to think that when answering the question of who is the creator of the iPhone, one should only mention Jobs’ last name. After all, he himself repeatedly emphasized that he could not have achieved this without his close-knit team of enthusiasts.

Key milestones in the history of the famous “apple miracle”

According to the project proposed by John Casey, a prototype of the iPhone was created, which was essentially an improved Motorola with software from Apple. The new product was born in 2005 and did not arouse much interest among users. It became clear that the concept needed to be radically changed, which is what Jobs and his colleagues did. This time, the team did not resort to the help of partners and kept all their developments in strict confidence; moreover, members of the engineering group did not even contact each other so as not to interfere. Two years later, at the next internal corporate meeting, Jobs held an unscheduled presentation of a new device with a touch screen, innovative communication characteristics and Internet connection. After this, it became clear to even the most inveterate skeptics that a real bestseller had been born. After all, immediately after their release in 2007 in the United States, the first iPhone models were swept off the shelves like hot cakes, and literally a couple of months later they began to be sold in Europe, and then throughout the world. The releases of all subsequent generations of the gadget were no less popular.

Where was the iPhone created?

The question of where the iPhone comes from is also very interesting. After all, if it was invented by Americans, then it is logical to assume that it was created in America. And this is partly true, since it is in the USA, in the state of California, in the town of Cooperton, that the head technical, engineering and marketing center of the Apple company is located, where they work on developing and improving the design of the gadget and developing strategies for its promotion in the market. They also test already released models to understand where the shortcomings are hidden and how they can be eliminated in the next generation models. But from the very beginning, the material shell for iPhones began to be created far beyond American borders - in a country known for its developed production infrastructure and cheap labor, that is, in China. Here, on the very border with Hong Kong, in Guadong province, in the city of Shenzhen, there is the Foxonn plant, where the first apple gadgets. And currently, most iPhones are also assembled at this plant.

In honor of the 10th anniversary of the iPhone, I want to delight you with the excellent history of that very first iPhone! The article is based on materials from the site iMore.com. This is a free translation - do not judge strictly.

On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs took the stage to give one of the most incredible performances of his life. A presentation that will go down in the history of consumer electronics. He said he would unveil a widescreen iPod today touch control, a revolutionary mobile phone as well as a breakthrough Internet device. But it wasn't three products. It was one product. We got it, Steve. This was the first iPhone!

It was a rare occurrence for the company, a revolution in yet another product category. Apple has already made two revolutions before: Mac computers and iPod personal music players.(Over the next 10 years there will be only two revolutionary products: iPad and Apple Watch)…

First, the iPhone completely got rid of the physical keyboard and stylus: features that dominated the BlackBerry smartphones, Motorola and other handhelds. Secondly, Jobs introduced a multi-touch interface that allowed the user to zoom in on photos; inertial text scrolling and multitasking, allowing you to switch between applications...

These were technologies that are now commonplace in the industry, but at the time looked like science fiction. Jobs quote:

The iPhone is a revolutionary and magical product that is five years ahead of any other mobile phone.We are all born with the best pointing device - our fingers. INiPhone we usedthem to create the most convenient user interface since the invention of the mouse.

Characteristics of the first iPhone

The original iPhone, based on the P2 device from the Project Experience Purple team, codenamed M68 and numbered iPhone1.1, had a 3.5-inch LCD screen with a resolution of 320x480 (163ppi), running on 2G (EDGE) networks, with Wi-Fi module, Bluetooth 2.0 EDR, as well as a 2 megapixel camera.

The first iPhone had an ARM processor and a PowerVR MBX Lite 3D graphics chip made in Samsung factories. The battery was 1400 mAh. RAM 128 megabytes. And two options for built-in memory: 4 gigabytes and 8 gigabytes.

The iPhone had several additional sensors for a better user experience. An accelerometer that responded to the rotation of the device... A proximity sensor that turned off the screen if you put the phone to your ear... A light sensor that could automatically adjust the screen brightness to ambient light.

The iPhone was charged using a 30-pin USB cable. The wire was also used to sync with iTunes.


The original iPhone did not have CDMA and EVDO Rev A compatibility.This meant that it could not work for two of the four major operators mobile communications USA: Verizon and Sprint. ABOUT The original iPhone was exclusive to AT&T.

It also lacked GPS and support for more high speed 3G data transmission. In addition to touch keyboard and the lack of a stylus, the iPhone did not have removable, user-replaceable batteries. Also, from the very beginning, the iPhone did not support SD cards.

The first iPhone had a closed file system, lacked copy and paste functionality or any other form of advanced text editing, and, most importantly for many, support for third-party applications. Additionally, the iPhone had a real web browser instead of a WAP browser and no MMS support.

The iPhone also came out at an incredible price for that time - $499 for the 4GB model and $599 for the 8GB. This was an unheard of amount for that time.

All this combined allowed critics to say that the iPhone has no future...


But the presentation did not mark the final step in the evolution of the first iPhone. Designers Jony Ive and Richard Howard did a great job, but the iPhone still had hardware problems. Steve Jobs managed to scratch the screen of the pre-release version with keys and asked the team to find a better solution. They turned to Corning (a company that has specialized in creating unusual glass, ceramics, etc. for over 150 years), who had recently invented a new chemically strong material and could not find a use for it. This is how the Gorilla Glass screen appeared on the iPhone.

The software development team, led by Scott Forstal, continued to improve the interface. So Steve Jobs considered that split screen for mail was inconvenient, because iPhone screen and so too small. Programmers had to make sure that the applications worked not just reliably, but amazingly!

They added a full Safari version, based on the engine that she created Mac team under the direction of Don Malton. The best implementation of cards based on Google Maps, and finally the programmers added a native Youtube application, which existed in iOS until 2012.

On June 6, 2007, Steve Jobs again took the stage at the Moscone Center at World Conference developers to announce the launch of Web 2.0 as a development platform. But on this day he revealed something more - the launch date of the first iPhone!

Sales began in several flagship stores Apple stores. For example, in the famous glass cube in New York. The novelty hooked people so much that they frankly didn’t care about the lack of many functions and the high price. Reviews from leading world publications were generally positive:

The Wall Street Journal wrote:

Our verdict is this: despite some shortcomings and artistic oversights, the iPhone is a beautiful breakthrough PDA. His software sets a new bar for the entire smartphone industry...

Engadget wrote:

It's absolutely certain that iPhone Apple raised the bar not only for the mobile phone, but also for portable media players and multifunctional devices generally.

On September 5, 2007, Steve Jobs presented not only new iPod, but reported that Apple is dropping the price of the iPhone to $399 for the 8 GB model. Quote on this matter:

iPhone customer satisfaction surveys are higher than we've ever seen for any Apple product. We clearly got it in principle New Product and we want to make it available to more more clients!

On February 5, 2008, the prayers of users who did not have enough memory were heard - the iPhone with 16 gigabytes of memory was announced.

iPhone competitors

In 2007, all smartphones had a full keyboard. Their surfing capabilities were limited to WAP browsers. The screens were resistive. Mobile applications differed even from the same manufacturer.

Steve Ballmer (former Microsoft CEO):

You can get the Motorola Q for $99 andyou will have the most expensive phone on the market today. N There is no chance that the iPhone will gain any significant market share. No chance.

Here's another quote from Ballmer:

Right now we sell millions, millions, millions of phones every year. Apple sells 0 phones per year. In six months they will have the most expensive phone in the history of the market. Let's see…

You have to understand that at that time there was a completely different world. Express Mobile Internet It was just gaining momentum and was very expensive. Smartphones were limited in the market and were not as popular as regular ones Cell phones. Many people didn’t believe in the iPhone, but that’s how it turned out...

Almost 12 years have passed since its release. During this period, the Apple company managed to develop and release more than two dozen models of communicators. We invite you to recall together the chronology of releases of iPhone smartphones, noting characteristic differences each of the devices.

In contact with

iPhone 2G or which iPhone was released in 2007

In January 2007, Apple introduced its first communicator - iPhone 2G, - differs from competitors' products in its stylish design and powerful hardware and software content.

The work of the Cupertino team was appreciated - the Apple company's smartphone has achieved significant popularity in the mobile device market.

If you ever happen to come across this now-rare model, you will be able to identify it by the following features: the device has small dimensions, a 3.5-inch diagonal display, a black front panel and a silver metal cover with a black plastic insert. The RAM of this little miracle was only 128 MB, while the amount of flash memory depended on the configuration and ranged from 4 to 16 GB.

Legendary iPhone presentation 2G from Steve Jobs:

iPhone 3GS, or which iPhone was released in 2009

For the first time, a smartphone model with the mysterious letter “S” in the name is being released. Apple, wanting to maintain intrigue, refuses to give a decoding of the symbol, but after eight years we can assume that this mysterious “S” is an abbreviation for “Special” or “Second edition”. The iPhone 3GS model differs from the 3G mainly in hardware and software update and the appearance of a version with 32 GB of internal memory. You can distinguish the new product from its predecessor only by the markings on the back panel: the 2008 device has a matte marking color, while the 2009 gadget has bright white.

iPhone 4, or which iPhone came out in 2010

This year, the smartphone form factor was significantly redesigned for the first time. The iPhone 4 model was created in a new stylish design, received a 3.5-inch Retina display and, as usual, was equipped with the latest hardware and updated software. The color scheme of the devices remained the same: gadgets were produced only in black and white.

iPhone 4 was the last Apple smartphone, which was introduced by Steve Jobs.

iPhone 4s, or which iPhone was released in 2011

In 2011, the iPhone 4s smartphone was released. This model is almost identical in appearance to the previous one, the gadgets differ only in the number of antennas for receiving signals and their location: the iPhone 4 has three of them, with one located on the upper end of the device, and the iPhone 4s has four of these elements and they are located symmetrically on the side edges. Also this year, a configuration with 64 GB of internal memory on board is available.

iPhone 5, or which iPhone came out in 2012

2012 was marked by the appearance of the iPhone 5. And again there was a change in design, the display increased from 3.5 to 4 inches, the back glass panel was replaced by a metal one, a Lightning connector and nano SIM support were added.

iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c, or which iPhones were released in 2013

Contrary to tradition, two models are being released at once: iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s. Innovations in the first model are limited to hardware improvements to the iPhone 5, additional options colors and plastic case.

As for the iPhone 5s smartphone, compared to its predecessor, its design has hardly changed, but it has important element— Touch ID fingerprint scanner built into the Home button.

iPhone 6, or which iPhone came out in 2014

This year's leadership Apple decided to release two smartphone models in parallel: a regular one and one with a larger screen diagonal. The presentation featured the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus. Changes were made to the design again, the features of the devices became softer, more streamlined, and new color options were added.

iPhone 6s, or which iPhone was released in 2015

In 2015, the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus were released. Externally, they can be distinguished from the previous year’s models only by the letter “S” engraved on the back panel. Out of sight, but important features new products can be called the presence of a screen with 3D Touch technology (sensitive to pressure).

iPhone SE, iPhone 7, or which iPhones came out in 2016

At the beginning of 2016, suddenly appears smartphone iPhone SE, the design of which is borrowed from the iPhone 5s, and the hardware from the iPhone 6s.

You can distinguish the new product from the 2013 model by the engraved “SE” sign on the back panel of the gadget.

In the fall of 2016, the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus were released. Externally, they are not particularly different from the previous year's models, except that once again new colors have been added.

In addition, the iPhone 7 Plus received a main dual camera.

A characteristic feature of the new products is the absence of a 3.5 mm audio jack and the movement of the signal reception antennas to the ends of the devices. Plus, a configuration with 256 GB of internal memory has become available.


The event took place at the company's new headquarters. The heads of Apple divisions speaking on stage maintained the illusion of intrigue until the very end, and the audience tried not to yawn in anticipation of “One more thing.” However, Phil Schiller managed to attract the attention of those gathered to the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus from the first seconds of his speech.

The main feature of the G8 design was the glass back panel, which made it possible to implement the function wireless charging. Otherwise appearance smartphones have remained virtually unchanged compared to 2016, and only a rare case from the iPhone 6 will not fit the iPhone 8.

How does iPhone 8 differ externally from previous iPhone models?

In addition, the palette of cases was reduced from six to three colors - silver, gold and space grey.

The performance of iPhone 8 / 8 Plus is ensured once again by an evolved processor own development Apple. The A10 Fusion was replaced by the 70% faster 6-core A11 Bionic, and the M11 Motion co-processor replaced the predecessor M10. The graphics chip has also been updated - the iPhone 8 uses the first GPU created by Apple engineers, which is 30% more efficient than the iPhone 7.

The screen, cameras and peripheral modules have changed minimally. We can highlight the technology already mentioned above, the 4-LED flash of the main camera, Bluetooth 5.0, the function, which is a system that adapts the screen glow to the ambient lighting.

After months of rumors, the first iPhone went on sale in the United States on June 29, 2007. At the end of this month, exactly 10 years will have passed since that day. In honor of this, we are waiting for some miracle - iPhone 8, for example.

The iPhone project was called a pressure cooker with an impossible mission

For ten years old iPhone turned society’s attitude upside down not only towards mobile devices, but towards all consumer electronics en masse.

But before the release of the first smartphone, strange things happened inside Apple in the mid-2000s - for example, people disappeared. More and more empty chairs appeared in the company's offices, where key specialists had once sat. And this was surprising.

Many such employees were invited to work on a secret project. At the same time, they were not told anything specific and were not even given time to think.

Some (for example, Andre Boulle, who then worked at Apple for only a couple of months) agreed almost without persuasion. But many refused the unknown direction, remaining in their positions.

The lives of the most determined in the coming years turned 180 degrees. Now, in an atmosphere of absolute secrecy, they worked day and night on something new, putting aside thoughts about family and other delights of their personal life.

"We Created a Pressure Cooker with a Mission Impossible" and "iPhone - main reason my divorce” - Apple lead engineer Andy Grignon describes the project with these theses

Nevertheless, in the end, the team to work on the first iPhone included Apple's most stellar talents: design veterans, leading programmers, managers and engineers - this once again confirms that the company has always gathered around itself not just cool, but passionate specialists.

Instead of a camera and a car, Apple chose a smartphone

Apple star engineer Richard Williamson notes that today the iPhone form factor looks very simple. But its creation turned out to be much more difficult than one might think.

Officially, work on the first smartphone began at the end of 2004. But the ideas and technologies that formed its basis have been developing over the past thirty years.

Like so many other high-profile, super-successful products, the iPhone originally had several concepts that fought with each other.

At the final stage there were as many as five iPhone options

All of them were the fruits of both small ideas and serious partnerships. And everyone, in the role of competitor, fought tirelessly for a place in the sun.

Apple's senior vice president of global marketing, Phill Schiller, noted back in 2012 that the final iPhone variant influenced big number variables. And not the least role in its development was played by Mac computers, for which Apple was famous for decades, as well as iPod players, which exploded the market at that time.

It was after the incredible success of the players that Apple started thinking about a new product that could revolutionize the industry. Thoughts appeared about creating a camera, a car and other crazy things. And today it is obvious that the choice in favor of a smartphone was not made in vain.

Steve Jobs founded the iPhone on the success of the iPod

After returning to Apple in 1997, Steve Jobs immediately received recognition from both the company's employees and everyone around him. He quickly closed the production of unpromising products and received a stable profit.

However, Apple began to be perceived as a significant player in the consumer electronics market only after the advent of the iPod, which later formed the basis of the iPhone.

"Without iPod iPhone there wouldn’t be” - Tony Fadell, who was directly involved in the creation of both the first and second

The main threat to the iPod in the early 2000s was being locked into iTunes, which only existed on the Mac.

And it was Fadell who convinced Steve Jobs to give up such exclusivity. Without this solution, the width of the parade ground for the launch of the iPhone simply would not have been enough.

However, after launching in 2001 and becoming a hit in 2003, the iPod was under serious threat in 2004. This year's trend was the widespread use of the MP3 format in mobile phones.

There was no doubt then that Apple needed an MP3 phone that would work with iTunes along with the iPod.

Working with Motorola was Apple's worst experience ever.

In 2004 Motorola company released one of the most successful phones, the design of which many are still completely delighted with - of course, we are talking about the Razr flip phone.

Then Steve Jobs was in close contact with general director Motorola Ed Zander, so the idea of ​​​​collaboration was born. At the same time, Apple executives thought about acquiring this company, but then the deal was considered too expensive.

There are rumors about an iTunes phone - a phone that would work with the popular music store

Such cooperation was the most in a simple way for the manufacturer to stay afloat - Motorola will make the phone, and Apple will focus on developing software and the iPod. As a result, when users get used to iTunes, they will inevitably switch to the company's players.

But besides iTunes and built-in music player, which resembled an iPod interface, ROKR, which was released in 2005, had no advantages. The phone had a very confusing synchronization process with music service. And it was impossible to load more than a hundred songs into its expandable memory.

And also Motorola phone was just ugly. And at the end of 2005, the then authoritative magazine Wired came out with a cover ridiculing ROKR, which was positioned as a revolution in the music world.

A little later, Steve Jobs closed the project and discarded the idea of ​​​​creating a phone together with any other company.

Before the iPhone, every phone on the market was terrible.

Not long ago, in an interview with Bloomberg, Tim Cook noted that Apple does not strive to be the main innovator in the market of modern consumer electronics. Therefore, a “late” exit smart speaker HomePod noticeably later than Google Home and Amazon Echo does not mean that the company is backward and is not at all like that.

The company does not make products first, but strives to produce best solutions On the market. The iPod came about because listening to music on CD players was terribly inconvenient. And the iPhone because before it, all the phones on the market were simply terrible - scary and inconvenient.

“Apple is best at noticing what people hate” - Greg Christie, who worked on interface design at the company

However, Steve Jobs did not start developing the phone right away. At first he insisted on developing the iPod line. But through regular persuasion and dozens of convincing facts, Mike Bell, a company veteran who at that time had been working at Apple for more than 15 years, persuaded him to do this.

He noted that if Apple doesn't rethink the phone, someone else will. Moreover, back then Jonathan Ive had some cool iPod concepts that no one had ever seen, you could take one of them, adapt the hardware and software, and explode the market.

Three or four days after this conversation, the iPhone project started.

Before the iPhone, Apple was already working on a touch prototype for the iPad.

Even before the start of work on the iPhone, which was given the go-ahead by Steve Jobs, Apple was working on the touch screen under the leadership of Bas Ording and Imran Chaudhry. At one point, Steve Jobs called them and said:

“We will make a telephone!”

As a result, the main idea came down to depriving a small mobile device of any buttons on the body and equipping it with a relatively large touch display with multi-touch technology.

Apple even had a suitable prototype for this - Q79. This is an early experiment that can ultimately be considered the prototype of the modern iPad. The main obstacle on the way to the user turned out to be high price technology that had to inevitably be reduced.

After defining the initial concept iPhone quantity Questions about him have only increased. For example, if a grid with columns and rows of apps on the home screen looks obvious today, then no one has actually done anything like that.

And by February 2005, some elements of the operating system for iPhone already were ready. However, it was a jumble of random pieces of design and code - like phrases taken out of context without all the text.

Then Steve gave the team leaders exactly two weeks - the last chance to bring it all to fruition. And they called this time the “death march.” And everything worked out - the OS prototype, which became the foundation for its modern versions, was a success.

When Fadell heard about the development of the telephone, which was proceeding by leaps and bounds, he took a prototype of a similar device based on the iPod and went to Steve Jobs.

On paper, Tony's logic looked flawless. He took Apple's most successful project, the iPod, and transferred its click wheel interface to touch screen and built a telephone into the whole thing. According to him, such an approach would preserve brand recognition - this is the main thing.

“In the end, we came to two options - make an analogue of an iPod out of the phone or reduce the Mac interface to a relatively small size small screen" - recalls Richard Williamson

Scott Forstall was responsible for the latter direction. And to get something cool, Steve decided to pit him and Fadell against each other. He approved two teams and organized a real competition, the winner of which is now well known.

But back then the iPod concept seemed viable. The corresponding team even made about a hundred prototypes of phones based on a similar operating system.

But the iPhone with the iPod interface failed. In the end, everyone came to the conclusion that no one wants a phone with a rotating wheel, like a disk-type device. It worked great for players, but for modern smartphone a different approach is needed.

The first iPhone was changed dozens of times. And all the following ones too