Buy stack trust software product. Reporting to tax authorities

When installing CIPF Verba-OW, an error appears: “Check if the current user has administrator rights and repeat the installation,” what should I do?

If the license for the Verba-OW CIPF was purchased before February 2011, then you must:

For Windows XP OS:

Repeat the installation of the Verba-OW cryptographic information protection system in the usual way.

For Windows 7/Vista OS:

Check whether the current user has rights to install programs;
Set the current date on your computer to February 1, 2011;
Repeat the installation of CIPF Verba-OW in troubleshooting mode.

I can’t update the STEC Electronic Reporting program, what should I do?

Filling out reports

Taxpayer details are fully entered into the TRUST-Client software, how can they be transferred to the STEC - Electronic Reporting software?

In the TRUST-Client software I select the “Reporting to the Federal Tax Service” menu - “Fill out a declaration”, but nothing happens, why?

The user's local computer does not have a program installed for preparing reports in the approved format of the software "STEK - Electronic Reporting".

PP "STEC-Electronic reporting" is a free program that can be downloaded from one of the following links (the computer must be connected to the Internet):

In "STEC-Trust" select the menu item "Service" - "Checking communication with the Trust server"
In any case, the user is taken to a download page for all necessary software components.

In order for the STEC-Electronic Reporting software to work, it is necessary to install the Microsoft software platform - .NET Framework 3.5 with Service Pack 1 (it can be downloaded from the same links).

It is recommended that you first download the software "STEK - Electronic reporting" and try to install it; if Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is not installed on the user's computer, then when installing the software "STEC - Electronic reporting" a message will be displayed about this. In this case, you must download and install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

Sending and receiving documents

We sent the declaration, a notification of clarification/refusal was received, the notification says: “The document with the specified “Document Type” and “Adjustment Number” has already been registered (see document No. 11270485); Re-registration of the primary document (see document No. 11270485),” what should I do?

It is necessary to check whether the declaration with the specified number has been sent (initial or adjustment).

If a declaration with the specified number has already been submitted (on paper or via TKS), then it is necessary to correct the adjustment number and repeat the submission (except for declarations for which adjustments are not provided).

If the declaration was not submitted, but a notice of refusal was received, you must contact the tax authority.

We sent a declaration, but the document is in the “Refused to Accept” status. The refusal notice says: “Inconsistency of credentials for the taxpayer’s representative in the tax return and in the information message about the power of attorney,” what should I do?

It is necessary to carefully check the consistency of the data on the taxpayer’s representative in the declaration and in the information message about the power of attorney, make the required corrections and resubmit the declaration.


Very often, an error occurs due to an extra space between words or after words (name of organization, full name of an authorized representative, etc.). Sometimes there are more “intelligent” errors, for example, the letter “c” (or another) may be written in Latin case.

I can’t read the protocol from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it gives an error message: “Error when unpacking the message: The recipient certificate of the encrypted message was not found.” The “Print” button is inactive, only “Decrypt” is active, what should I do?

We sent the declaration, and received a notice of refusal with the wording: “Incorrect indication (absence) of information about the power of attorney; There is no information about the power of attorney with the tax authority,” what should I do?

I’m trying to sign a document to be sent to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but when I click the “Sign/Unsign” button,

We sent the declaration, and received a notice of refusal with the wording: “Incorrect indication (absence) of information about the power of attorney; There is no information about the power of attorney with the tax authority,” what should I do?

We sent the declaration, and received a notice of refusal with the wording: “Incorrect indication (absence) of information about the power of attorney; There is no information about the power of attorney with the tax authority,” what should I do?

If the declaration is sent on behalf of an authorized representative, you must contact the tax authority to confirm the presence and match of the data on the power of attorney in the tax authority’s database. After confirmation by the tax authority, you must submit the declaration again.

If the declaration is sent on behalf of the head of the organization, then it is necessary to check that the details are filled out correctly. To check the details, you need to open the “System Subscribers” directory, click on the “Edit Details” button to open the subscriber card and check the “Authorized Representative” tab. This tab should be empty. In addition, no powers of attorney should be created for this subscriber in the “Powers of Attorney for an Authorized Representative” section. Another place where an error can occur is the completed declaration. In the declaration, in the place where it is required to confirm the completeness of the information (item “I confirm the accuracy and completeness of the information specified in this declaration”) the value “1” must be set.

We sent a document to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, received an error message: “The digital signature is affixed with a certificate for which there is no concluded agreement S/N 4000000021F02125904DE60DB4018FDED2 issued 06/01/2011 16:00:20 (00120) The package was delivered to the Pension Fund. Cryptographic checks for processing the packet were completed successfully. At the current time, the policyholder is being verified to have an Agreement concluded with the UPFR at the place of registration. For the timing of checking the availability of the agreement, you must contact the UPFR at the place of registration.” What to do?

It is necessary to contact the UPFR at the place of registration to confirm the existence of the concluded Agreement (You need to call the personalized accounting department, the UPFR specialist must note the existence of an agreement for your certificate in HIMSELF in the program). Once you have marked the agreement, you do not need to resend the document.

When you try to send a parcel to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, an error message appears: “The sending of your message has been suspended by the provider because you are sending documents to the UPFR at a location other than your place of registration!” What should I do?

You need to check the Pension Fund selected when sending the parcel and try to send the document again. If the error reappears, you must contact JSC STC "STEK" to clarify the place of registration of the Insured.

We send the document to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, we receive an error notification “The sending of your documents to the UPFR is suspended on the transport server of the operator (provider), since the operator does not have information that you have entered into an agreement with the UPFR at the place of registration. You need to contact the operator’s service center and confirm that you have entered into an agreement with the UPFR.” What needs to be done to send the document?

To eliminate this error, you must contact KDS LLC to confirm the existence of the Agreement, and after confirmation, resend the document.

It is not possible to send a document to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; in response, an error notification is received: “Error checking digital signature: digital signature is affixed with INACTIVE certificate S/N 40000000774BD7B05674F...issued 03/09/2011 15:00:44 (00130).” What to do?

If this error occurs, you need to check the certificate and signing key. To do this:

1.Select the menu “Directories” - “Policies” - the “Certificates” button - section “Insured Certificates”. You should make sure that the certificate is valid (date “Certificate expiration date”);
2.Click the “View certificate” button to open a window with information about the certificate and the key’s validity period (the “Certificate” window). Make sure that the key is also valid (the “Key is valid by” field);
3.If the key is invalid, then you need to change it (“Service” - “Manage subscribers and certificates” - “Change key”);
4.After changing the key, get in touch using the “Send/Receive” button.

If the key has not expired and the certificate is valid, but communication cannot be established, you must contact the technical support service of JSC STC STEK

I’m trying to print a protocol, the “Print” button is inactive, the “Decrypt” button is active, when I click it, an error appears: “Could not find acceptable recipient certificates for encryption,” how can I see the contents of the protocol?

Get in touch

The communication session does not go through, an error is displayed: “Error communicating with the server. Invalid server signature”, what should I do?

The root certificates need to be updated.

To update root certificates, you must select the menu “Tools” - “Manage subscribers and certificates” - “Update information about CA and SOS certificates”. A communication session will be performed with the Telecom Operator and at the end of the communication session the following message will appear: “The update has completed successfully, restart the program.”

After restarting the program, you should contact using the “Send/Receive” button.

I contact the program, but the message appears: “Error communicating with the server Socket Error #10054.” What is it?

In most cases, this error occurs when the program is unable to access the Internet, so the first thing you need to do is check that you are connected to the Internet. To do this, just select the “Service” menu in the “STEC-Trust” program - “Checking communication with the Trust server.” One of the options described below is possible:

If the page does not load and a message appears stating that the browser cannot display the page, you are not connected to the Internet and should contact your system administrator.
If the page loads and the Internet connection is stable, then you can try to temporarily disable the protection systems (anti-virus software, Firewall, other security software). After disabling the protection systems, you need to check the functionality of the STEC-Trust software by clicking on the “Send/Receive” button. If the communication session is successful, it is recommended to add the program (TrustPayer.exe, tpfPayer.exe or TrustClient.exe) to the protection system exceptions.
If you still can’t get in touch, then you can try going to the STEC-Trust software in the “Service” menu – “System parameters” – “Communication parameters” and check the boxes for “Use BASE64 encoding of transmitted traffic” and “ Use an alternative access method." Try setting these parameters separately or both at once. When changing the parameter, try to get in touch by clicking on the “Send/Receive” button.
If the above steps do not help, it is recommended to contact the technical support service of JSC STC STEK.

Welcome to the server of CJSC National Certification Center. Email: [email protected] website:

Program for providing remote consultations (AMMYY_Admin)

Program for setting up a taxpayer’s workplace “Assistant 1.0”

The program "STEC-TRUST" for the presentation of financial statements through GPR (GP-3)

Documentation for automated workstation

STEC-Electronic reporting

This software product is designed for generating reports and downloading them in an approved format.

Program for preparing reports to Rosstat

To prepare reports to Rosstat, you must download the program from one of the links below. There are other links for downloading the program and reporting forms on the TOGS websites of other regions.
  • Templates for federal statistical observation forms

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

This component can be installed in two ways: through the bootloader and from the full package. When installing, a small file is first downloaded from the bootloader, and when it starts, the remaining necessary components are downloaded from the Internet. The full version does not require an Internet connection during installation. The downloader option requires less downloading from the Internet. The complete package can be copied to another computer that is not connected to the Internet.

Brief operating instructions © JSC "NTC STEK" Website: Forum:

PP "STEK - Electronic Reporting" is a free software product designed for preparing accounting and tax reporting, as well as other documents for submission to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Rosalkogolregulirovanie and other government bodies. The program can interact with the STEK-Trust system and integrated accounting system (ABS), developed by CJSC "NTC STEK" About the program

The current version of the program is presented on the website - in the “Download” - “Software Products” section. More detailed technical documentation can be found at the link: razdel3 Current version and documentation

The software product can be installed by running the file from the disk issued at the office of JSC STC STEK, or download it from the official website of JSC STC STEK (section “Download”) During installation, it is recommended to pause the operation of anti-virus programs. Installation must be performed under an administrator account Installation and configuration

After starting the program, updates are automatically checked (an Internet connection is required). The download process will be reflected in the program. After downloading the update, you must click the “Install update” button. Checking for updates and downloading them. If a new version of the program is detected, an information window will appear in the lower right corner. To download the update, you must click the highlighted “Download” button

When you start the program, the “Calendar” tab automatically opens. The window has several sections. The taskbar allows you to switch between open windows. Overview of the program's capabilities. Reports for the selected tax system. Accountant's calendar. List of reports for a specified date.

Program menu bar Menu "Taxpayers" - work with the taxpayer database Menu "Federal Tax Service" - opens the register of reports for the Federal Tax Service Menu "PFR" - opens the register of reports for the Pension Fund Menu "FSS" - opens the register of reports for the Social Insurance Fund Menu "RAR" - opens the register of reports for Rosalkogolregulirovanie Menu “Other” - other reports Menu “Service” - program settings Menu “Help” - reference information Overview of program capabilities

In the "STEC - Electronic Reporting" program, you can create taxpayers manually from the "Taxpayers" menu. Creating a Taxpayer To launch the Taxpayer Creation Wizard, you must click the "Create" button. Taxpayers in the "STEC - Electronic Reporting" software are created automatically if in the "STEC - Trust" system » select the menu for filling out reports (“Fill out a tax return”, “Fill out a report for the Social Insurance Fund”, etc.)

Editing details is carried out by entering from the keyboard or selecting from directories. If details are filled in incorrectly or not filled in, error markers appear. When you hover over the marker, you can see a tooltip “Taxpayers” window

Working with reporting. Menu "Federal Tax Service" If there are several taxpayers in the program database, then the name of the first taxpayer created in the program is reflected in the "Taxpayer" field. The fields TIN, KPP, Tax Inspectorate, NO code are automatically filled in from the details of the NP. The current version of the declaration format is entered into the "Format" field (if necessary, you can select previously existing formats)

Working with reporting. “Federal Tax Service” menu When entering or editing a report, the following toolbar is constantly active. The button allows you to save the entered data. Updating taxpayer details, printing and exporting to pdf format is performed using a set of buttons

Working with reporting. Menu “Federal Tax Service” In the presented window, the necessary sections are selected, which are filled out manually or by selecting from reference books. The button is used to add/remove sections when filling out some reports (shown in the example of a tax return for corporate income tax)

Working with reporting. “Federal Tax Service” menu The button launches an internal checking program for error analysis. If there are errors, a message with a list of errors will appear at the bottom of the work area. The button opens a section containing detailed information on filling out legally approved reporting forms.

The “Calculator” button launches the standard calculator built into MS Windows. May be required to perform simple calculations Working with reporting. “Federal Tax Service” menu “Template information” button provides reference information about the current document (report template)

The program provides for downloading reports of an approved format generated in any program or downloaded from the STEK-Electronic Reporting software. To download a report, you must click the “Download” button on the toolbar. Uploading reports to the program database

Technical support department of JSC "STC STEK" Chelyabinsk st. Entuziastov, 12b, tel./fax: (351) (multi-channel) web: Ekaterinburg, 8 Marta st., 5, office 105 tel.: (343), fax: (343) mob ICQ: Our coordinates

There are probably many paid programs for installing signatures and encrypting files. Surely there are many free ones. From time to time I just need to put a signature on a file (for example, to send this file to a government services website or other authorities). And I wanted to do it for free, as simply as possible and for a file of any format. One of the programs for these purposes is the STEC-TRUST program. Of course, this is not exactly a program for installing signatures; it is quite functional and is primarily intended for working with electronic reporting via the Internet. Through it, reports are sent to tax, pension, Rosstat and other authorities. There is various functionality, but it did not interest me in this case.

It is notable for the fact that it has the functionality of installing an electronic signature. It's completely FREE. Since the program downloads quickly, is very easy to install and is extremely simple to use, it is very convenient for me to use it to install an electronic signature.

To download the program and put an electronic signature on the file, no registration is required. Just take it and use it.

Naturally, to put an electronic signature, you must already have one. The program can sign for CryptoPro, Verba, Domain-K. Since all other cryptography is made in the image and likeness of CryptoPro, you can sign with other cryptography (according to rumors), “pretending” that you are using CryptoPro.

In general, the program is simple and small. Take it and use it (thanks to the developer). Therefore, I will describe very briefly how to use it.

1. Go to the website of the developer JSC "NTC STEK". Website: [link]. Go to the "Download" - "Software Products" section and select the item "PP "STEC-Trust". Workstation Trust-Client..." or click the "Download" link next to this item.

2. Launch the downloaded file (if it is in the archive, then unpack it). We see a simple installation wizard. At all points, click “Next”

3. After installing the program, launch it from a shortcut on the desktop or simply launch TrustClient.exe from the folder where it was installed. If the key installation window appears, simply close this window. In the "Service" menu, select "Sign the file with an electronic signature."

4. Then a window appears for selecting the file to sign. You can sign files of any format. Select the file and click "Next".

5. After that, select the signature type, CIPF and click “Next”. If you need the signature to be in one file, select "Attached...". If separately, then “Disconnected...”

6. Select the certificate that needs to be signed (if there are several of them, they will be displayed in a list) and click “Install electronic signature”. After this, a window will appear indicating that the electronic signature has been installed.

Now you can send these files wherever you need them.

P.S. By the way, you can sign documents for the Bank of Russia in the same way. Again, free. There is a corresponding item in the "Service" menu. But I've never used it.