Laboratory stand for studying the current-voltage characteristics of semiconductor diodes. Laboratory stand for studying the current-voltage characteristics of semiconductor diodes Diode 310 characteristics

2.1.2 Diode D310

Diode D310 belongs to the class “Universal and pulsed diodes”.

Figure 4 - Diode D310

Universal and pulsed diodes differ from rectifiers in their short reverse recovery time or large pulse current. Diodes of this group can be used in rectifiers at high frequencies, for example, as a detector or modulators, converters, pulse shapers, limiters and other pulse devices.

Diode D310 germanium, diffusion, pulsed.

Designed for use in storage and logical devices.

Available in a metal-glass case with flexible leads.

The type of diode and the connection diagram of the electrodes with the leads are shown on the case.

Diode weight no more than 0.7 g.

Main technical characteristics of the D310 diode:

Uobp max - Maximum constant reverse voltage: 20 V;

Inp max - Maximum forward current: 500 mA;

Inp and max - Maximum pulse forward current: 0.8 A;

SD - Total capacitance: 15 pF at Uobp 20 V;

Unp - Constant forward voltage: no more than 0.55 V at Inp 500 mA;

Iobp - Constant reverse current: no more than 20 µA at Uobp 20 V.

Table 2 - Main parameters of the D310 diode

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Simulation parameters: .TRAN 0 0.01u 0 0.0001u .STEP PARAM qwe LIST 1 5 10 20 .PROBE V(alias(*)) I(alias(*)) W(alias(*)) D(alias(*)) NOISE(alias(*)).INC "" Fig. 80...

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The D310 diode is used in various fields of instrument making, the radio-electronic industry, and is used for switching high-frequency signals.

Characteristics of diode D310

Germanium diode, diffusion, pulsed.
Designed for use in storage and logical devices.
Available in a metal-glass case with flexible leads.
The type of diode and the connection diagram of the electrodes with the leads are shown on the case.
Diode weight no more than 0.7 g.

Main technical characteristics of the D310 diode:
uobp max - Maximum constant reverse voltage: 20 V;
inp max - Maximum forward current: 500 mA;
inp and max - Maximum pulse forward current: 0.8 A;
SD - Total capacitance: 15 pF at uobp 20 V;
unp - Constant forward voltage: no more than 0.55 V at inp 500 mA;
iobp - Constant reverse current: no more than 20 µA at iobp 20 V

Symbol for diodes:

The designation consists of four elements:
The first element - a letter or number - indicates the material:
1 or G - germanium or its compounds,
2 or K - silicon or its compounds,
3 or A - gallium arsenide or other gallium compounds.
The second element is a letter indicating the subclass of the device:
D - diodes, C - rectifier posts and blocks,
A - ultra-high frequency diodes,
B - varicaps,
I - tunnel and reverse diodes,
C - zener diodes and stabilizers,
L - emitters.
The third element - a number - indicates the purpose and qualitative properties of the device, as well as the serial number of development.

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The device consists of a power source, measuring instruments (milliammeter and voltmeter), test diodes and a switch for switching on the diodes.

The power supply of the circuit is assembled on a step-down transformer, rectifier and voltage stabilizer. An integrated digital milliammeter with self-powered DT-834 was used, with a measurement range from 1 μA to 2000 mA.

The voltmeter is similar, with a measurement range from 1 mV to 20 V. To measure the characteristics, germanium diodes of the D-106, D-310, D-226E brands are used. The switching circuit is made on a 4P-11P biscuit switch.

Figure 2 - Schematic diagram of the device

Diode D226E

Diode D226E belongs to the class “Low power rectifier diodes”.

Figure 3 - diode D226

Table 1. Basic parameters of the D226E diode

Device type

T k. max (T p.) °C

U arr. Max.

( U arr. And. poppy.) B

I pr. max.

( I at. poppy.) mA

I prg.

f slave.

( f Max.) kHz

U Ave.

at I Ave.

I arr.

Diode D310 belongs to the class “Universal and pulsed diodes”.

Figure 4 - Diode D310

Universal and pulsed diodes differ from rectifiers in their short reverse recovery time or large pulse current. Diodes of this group can be used in rectifiers at high frequencies, for example, as a detector or modulators, converters, pulse shapers, limiters and other pulse devices.

Diode D310 germanium, diffusion, pulsed.

Designed for use in storage and logical devices.

Available in a metal-glass case with flexible leads.

The type of diode and the connection diagram of the electrodes with the leads are shown on the case.

Diode weight no more than 0.7 g.

Main technical characteristics of the D310 diode:

Uobp max - Maximum constant reverse voltage: 20 V;

Inp max - Maximum forward current: 500 mA;

Inp and max - Maximum pulse forward current: 0.8 A;

SD - Total capacitance: 15 pF at Uobp 20 V;

Unp - Constant forward voltage: no more than 0.55 V at Inp 500 mA;

Iobp - Constant reverse current: no more than 20 µA at Uobp 20 V.

Table 2 - Main parameters of the D310 diode

Device type

Limit values ​​of parameters at T=25°C

Parameter values ​​at T=25°C

T k. max (T p.) °C

U arr. Max.

( U arr. And. poppy.) B

I pr. max.

( I at. poppy.) mA(A)

f slave.

( f Max.) mHz

C d pF

U Ave.

at I Ave.

I arr.

Diode D106

Diode D106 belongs to the class “Low power rectifier diodes”.

Figure 5 - Rectifier diode D106

Silicon diodes D106, microalloy, universal.

Designed for use in AGC systems, discriminators, video amplifiers. The type of diode and the connection diagram of the electrodes with the leads are shown on the case. Diode weight no more than 0.53 g.

Main technical characteristics of the D106 diode:

Uobp max - Maximum constant reverse voltage: 100 V;

Inp max - Maximum forward current: 30 mA;

fd - Operating frequency of the diode: 150 kHz;

Unp - Constant forward voltage: no more than 2 V at Inp 2 mA;

Iobp - Constant reverse current: no more than 5 µA at Uobp 30 V;

trev - Reverse recovery time: 0.5 µs;

SD - Total capacitance: 0.7 pF at Uobp 1 V

Table 3 - Main parameters of the D106 diode