My world mob. Odnoklassniki my page: how to open my page in search networks

In this article you will find detailed instructions on how to open my page on Odnoklassniki, learn a lot about the resource and get acquainted with all the possibilities that you could not even imagine.

Odnoklassniki is the most popular Russian social network according to FOM. Owned by Mail.Ru Group. Every day the site is visited by about 71 million visitors (according to Liveinternet statistics). The headquarters is located in St. Petersburg, in the Renaissance-Pravda business center.

If we have already convinced you a little that Odnoklassniki and everything connected with them is a very necessary thing in life, and you are ready to make your first trip to Okru, let’s start with the ABCs of the site. Visiting the site without registering should be a thing of the past. Now that you have your own profile, you can say with full responsibility: The Odnoklassniki social network is the place where I am registered.

What information you consider necessary to indicate on the page is your question personal choice. Representatives of the stronger sex do not really like to announce that they are already legally married; young ladies and ladies of elegant age prefer not to indicate their date of birth and other piquant details of their lives. Many people calmly post their photographs on the site, not forgetting to tirelessly notify the entire social beau monde of the site about all the important and not so important important events in your destiny. Pictures telling about each new day of life appear on the user’s page with enviable consistency. Others “stick” an avatar with a strange animal or a fantastic creature on the page and do just fine without photo and video evidence of their biography.

You can log in to the Odnoklassniki website different ways. Here you need to consider what device you will be doing this from most often. Your home desktop computer and your favorite work laptop will delight you with the speed of transition to Odnoklassniki. If your tablet and cell phone are only for your strict use and do not fall into the hands of your kids or inquisitive teenage children, then it would be useful to protect your personal space from prying eyes. This is where the technique of appearing in your personal oasis using the password and login mode comes in handy.

The social network Odnoklassniki is popular among residents of different planets age categories. Don't be upset if you don't have everything and it's easy to do right away. Being in the company of fellow social media enthusiasts will compensate you for the few unpleasant minutes you spent learning.

It's nice when it's free

For the Odnoklassniki network, it doesn’t matter at all how much money you currently have in your wallet and on your bank card. Almost all the activities that you can do while spending time on the site do not require any material costs. Registration and every entry to your favorite page, correspondence with friends from different parts of the world and exciting games. Speaking of the latter, the range of “toys” on this resource is so large that every visitor will definitely be able to find something to do according to their needs. Listen to your favorite music, collect a collection of interesting videos, copy them into a notebook delicious recipes, you can learn about new life hacks in various spheres of human existence on the website completely free of charge.

Do you remember how we used to congratulate each other on birthdays and annual holidays. Now you can find a beautiful playcast with soulful music or musical card on the resources recommended on the site, and then go back to your page. Every day, consumers come across mailing offers free gifts on a variety of topics, allowing you to make pleasant surprises for your friends.

A little about paid services

Not a single company in the world can exist without spending on its needs. The friendly team of the Odnoklassniki website also needs to earn a living. Considering how many pleasant bonuses users have social network, the site administration came up with its own currency, the so-called oki. You can buy them in every possible way. You can pay for an expanded range of services from your account mobile phone, which you indicated when registering on the site, from a bank card, account, terminal or electronic wallet. Old-timers of the site who use paid resources claim that the most beneficial ways Payments include using a bank card and transferring money from an electronic wallet. By depositing a small amount into your oki account, you can buy yourself a vip status, give exclusive gifts, turn into “invisible”, take part in bonus promotions, become the proud owner of an all-inclusive system, buy the right to temporary use of stickers, funny emoticons and other interesting gadgets offered to users for a nominal fee.

Stop signs telling about risks and dangers

Any activity, even the most exciting and safe, is fraught with risk. In order not to be wrecked when faced with pirates and espionage, it is worth discussing precautions. If you are logging into your page as usual, and you are told that you need to enter a password, there may be several situations that give rise to such a requirement.

Ways of communication, interest groups

Now you already know what awaits you if you decide to create an account. Proudly announce to others that this is my page, boast about its stylish design, post your first photos and begin your colorful life on the social network. Now you can clearly and quickly navigate the labyrinths of the menu, tell your friends how to open my page, give gifts and write your first comments.

How to spend time on the site and not get bored, how to find new friends and fruitfully use the time that you have allocated for relaxation and entertainment. There are many answers to these questions and they will be different for different users. Of course, every “classmate” is free to decide for himself what and how to do on the Internet. Someone, inspired by the fact that the “green lights” of former students of his class or fellow students at the university are burning online, will be inspired by the idea of ​​​​organizing a meeting with school friends who have long scattered across cities and villages. Someone might suddenly want to become an active member of a group of German Shepherd lovers or join fans of gardening.

You can visit the site again and again, and each time the feed will delight you with news from the lives of friends and acquaintances. The main thing in this process is not to lose important connections and be aware of the lives of people who mean something to you. The world has changed, now we focus on other signals: If I see that my friends are now in access mode on the site, it means they are alive, healthy and sitting at their computers.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to have it or not to have it

You, of course, remember very well that if you don’t have something, then you don’t have to lose it. Having your own page on Odnoklassniki will never be superfluous or useless. A clear menu, a wide range of free pleasures offered, a wide range of additional paid services, simple ways registration, entry and exit from your page, clear and professional work site moderators, millions of potential interlocutors and friends. Our goal today is not to encourage users to join the most popular social network.

A multimillion-dollar detachment that has found its charms on this resource, spending a lot of time studying news feed, listening to a music collection or watching a video, you have already made your choice. We walked with you short course familiarized with the capabilities of and its advantages, learned new terms and discussed the advantages of communicating on the Internet. We tried to talk about technical things in simple terms accessible language. No topic can be studied thoroughly at once. A good student must still have questions, but how he will look for answers to them is a completely different story. We really hope that the information we have prepared for you will be a reliable help in mastering new opportunities for you.

Save it for yourself!

In the late 2000s, social networks on the Internet proliferated like mushrooms after rain. No one has tried to create their own social program - both large companies and private enthusiasts. But no one was able to repeat the success of Mark Zuckerberg with his Facebook and almost everyone was wiped out by natural selection. There are only a couple dozen left, among which today we have the top three - Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and Facebook. Moreover, the first two belong to the Group company.
The social network “My [email protected]” is a second-class community, so to speak. As you can see from the name, it also belongs to the company, but the owner was unable to repeat the success of the first two in its promotion. And although, according to them, it ranks third in terms of monthly audience in Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, according to overall rating She will never become a leader. Moreover, back in 2007, immediately after its release, “My World” received second place in the “Disappointment of the Year” category. For several years, popularity passed him by.
The developers took the hint and got down to business. In 2012, the network was not subjected to deep redesign, both external and internal, the possibility of messaging, gifts and listening to music appeared.
Currently, the social network “My [email protected]” combines a blog platform, photo and video archives, as well as an IM client [email protected].

How to enter “My Page” on “My World”

Attention! If you enter “moi mir” or “my mir” - this is incorrect!

You can enter the address without the prefix “www.” and specifying the “http://” protocol - the browser will do everything for you on its own.

In order to get to “My Page” on “My [email protected]”, you must first log in to the site by entering your username and password in the appropriate fields. Or you can register by going through a simple procedure.

Note: If you have Mailbox on, you can use its username and password to log in. This is done because the login is automatically linked to the mailbox.

As you can see, outwardly this is a kind of hybrid of Odnoklassniki and Contact: something was taken from one and something from the other.

For example, like in OK.RU, there is an opportunity to give large colorful gifts that can be given openly or privately:

The list of friends is also the same, but one point was borrowed from VKontakte. Namely, the ability to leave visitors as subscribers without adding them as friends.

The list of available online games is also impressive. He's really big. In addition, it can be sorted by genre - Shooters, Simulations, Puzzles, Strategy, etc.

In the “Photos” section, you can create your own albums and fill them with your photos, and then share them with friends.

Personally, I really like the large catalog of music at My [email protected]. Moreover, these are not just tracks uploaded to the social network, as in Odnoklassniki and Contact, but actually integrated separate service- "My music":

WITH right side the service window is located very convenient audio player. It allows you to create your own playlists with tracks, like them, and you can even send your favorite ones to friends.

“My Video” is also a very good video hosting service.

But its main feature is a huge selection of films, both domestic and foreign. Moreover, in excellent quality and absolutely free.

Mobile version of “My World” and application for gadgets

The developers did not forget about mobile devices. A separate mobile version of “My World” has been made especially for them. To get into it, you need to enter the address

after which you will be redirected to your page:

In principle, I have no complaints about the execution: everything is done nicely, conveniently and with high quality.

For happy owners devices on Android, iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Windows Phone there is a special mobile app. You can download and install it through your official application store for each operating system.
When you first log in, you will also be required to enter your username and password for your profile or email account:

After this, you can immediately go to “My Page” to “My World”:

Despite the simplicity of the design, the application is practically no inferior in functionality mobile version site.

One of the main reasons for success social network Moi mir – its location on the same site as the mail. Directly from mail or any other project, access to “My World” is instantly carried out by pressing one button; it is naturally free, like most mail ru services.

So, if at one time you acquired a mailbox on, then you can easily enter “My World”

At the very top of the site page there is horizontal menu with a list of the main projects of the portal on a white background, there is also an entrance to the social network. Just click on its name next to the “Mail” tab and you find yourself in the world of communication, where, by analogy with “Odnoklassniki”,

You can create your own profile,
upload photos, music and videos,
write posts,
add friends and read their posts and so on.

You can also log into the network directly by typing address bar address

There are also situations when regular users this social network cannot log in to it. If this happens to you, then depending on the circumstances, you can do the following.

Check if you can log in to your mail. If not, then the problem is not in “My World”, but in access to all services of the portal. If you have forgotten your email password or an error appears when logging in, then go to the “Help” menu, which is located in the lower right corner; on the first page you will see instructions on what to do in such cases.

If, when you try to enter “My World”, an unpleasant message “Your Account compromised,” then you need to change your mailbox password and change your security question and answer as quickly as possible. After this, you will receive on the phone that is linked to your account in “My World”, special code confirmation of data change. If the phone has not been linked, you will be asked to do so.

If other portal services open and you cannot get only to “My World”, go to this help page: and follow the instructions.

Registration for “My World” is not required as such. More precisely, to enter this social network you need to register Email in the service.

If you are already in your mailbox, then to go to “My World” just select the appropriate section in the menu at the top.

The following page reviews the capabilities of this social network with elements of self-promotion. Here we immediately click “Join”.

A window for subscriptions to popular groups, in the form of thematic sections. Subscriptions are voluntary, you can put it off until later and simply click to the side of the window that opens (in the darkened part of the page).

At the top left you are asked to confirm your account. Without confirmation, some social network features will not be available.

To confirm, you will need to activate using cell phone- enter your cell number and click “Get code”. It is necessary that this phone is within reach, as an SMS message with a code will be sent to it.

Within a few seconds, an activation code will arrive with short number 7760, and then from Mailru. For me it was an eight-digit number (and therefore not the same as in the image). Enter the code and click “Finish”.

We close the activation confirmation window, now you are a full-fledged user of the “My World” social network.

You will need

– name (login) from the mailbox on
– password for the mailbox on
- answer to Secret Question
– login and password from
– reliable personal data specified during account registration on


Open home page portal In the upper right corner, select the “Mail” tab and fill in the “Name” and “Password” fields. In the domain column, you must select one of the proposed options. Click on the “Login” button and wait for the page to load. If the system identifies the data, the mailbox page will open. IN top menu Click the “My World” button and wait for your account to load.

Use the link to “My World” through the social network To do this, activate your account and click the “My World” button in the top menu. It should be remembered that this menu appears if the “Remember me on this computer” function is activated on By the way, a similar indirect link to My World is present in the exchange system quick messages Mail Agent. If this application is installed on your computer, then just launch it and in the top menu click the button in the form of a man with a globe. When you hover your mouse over this sign, the contextual caption “My World” appears.

Use the account recovery procedure if cannot identify the user. To do this, you need to remember some of the information you provided during registration.

Return to the start page and click the “Forgot?” button. in the "Mail" tab. After this, the system will offer several options for recovery. If you remember the login and domain of your mailbox, then after entering them the system will ask you for an answer to your security question. The question itself and the answer to it were chosen by you at the time of registering your mailbox. If you do not remember the answer to your security question, please use the support service, the link to which is on this page at the bottom of the screen.

Fill out the form as completely as possible. The system requests the information that was specified at the time of registration, so the more accurate the data, the higher the likelihood that will restore the account. Please remember that no more than one request must be submitted at a time. If the application is approved, will send it to the specified mailbox New Password to login. Therefore, the system will send several passwords according to the number of applications, which may complicate the account activation procedure.

So, if you have already created your own mailbox, then you just need to go to this service and click on any of these buttons:

After that, on the page to which this link will take you, you will need to enter your own login with a password, it corresponds to your data that you used when registering on

If you are not registered, then click the registration button and start it. By the way, registration in my world is free, I remind you so that you don’t run into extortion.

After this, you begin to fill out your profile on mail ru.

Let's continue registration and fill in our own Mail Ru (mail ru) profile with our data.

You will see a picture/

And here you will need to indicate:

Your own city.
The school where they studied.
And years of study at said school.

After these steps, click on the “Continue” button.

After this, a window will appear in which you will be asked to indicate your education, and you will be asked to look for your fellow students. You can indicate or skip this step, the choice is yours.

The next step is to add your suggested friends.

You can choose them, you may not choose them, or you can do it later; in any case, after the previous step, you find yourself in My World, in which you registered, and as you can see, quite simply and successfully.

This is what your initial page on “My World” will look like.

Of course, you need to set it up correctly and fill it out, add a photo, join groups or create your own; there are a lot of opportunities on this network, and you can take advantage of them if you wish.

I would also like to warn you about this point: if you did not add your mobile phone number when registering in My World - mail ru, then your account on this network will not yet be verified. This means that not all the features of this social network will be available to you, for this reason I advise you to verify your account by indicating your mobile number, if you did not do this immediately during the registration of your email. Where I advised to indicate it.

But there’s nothing to worry about, the service itself will offer you to connect your mobile phone, which will be able to help you in connection with the situation. You will find out about this by looking at the very top corner, where you will see a message from mail.

Click on the “Verify” button, then enter the required data in the next form and click on “Get code”.
my world registration free

What is My World for, and should I register in it?

You probably know that such a social network as My World on mail ru is one of the most popular and largest in Russia and other CIS countries. Of course, it has fewer users than VKontakte, but it still provides its benefits and is worthy of our attention and use.

Here you can find very effective and useful acquaintances, promote a product, website, services, etc. After all, it still depends on what your purpose is on the Internet. If you need accomplices, a team, an audience, then the My World Network can help you very well with this.

Nowadays there is a widespread opinion that it is enough to create a mailbox and you will immediately have a page, but this is not so. Yes, to register (absolutely free) on this service you need to have such an email, but it still happens separately. Intuitive interface, colorful instructions, and registration on the page will not cause any problems.

Features of the page on the My World network

Opportunity to find friends from different countries. After all, this service is actively used by representatives of various nationalities and cities;

Gorgeous game base My World attracts a lot of users. Here you can find games for every taste;

This social network is rich musical works, which are always available for listening. Interesting groups based on interests are able to diversify leisure time, help find necessary information or just make you laugh in a moment of sadness.

Created in 2007, the social network is now visited by up to 30 million people every month. This is a huge number. One of the 3 most largest services– My World is constantly developing and improving its interface. So, in 2012, a rather serious update was carried out, which affected all areas of the service.

A special function allows you to immediately see guests visiting the page. See where they come from, find out their preferences and tastes.

It's free to use, but some Additional services still require certain investments. For example, for a fee you can install VIP status, which gives additional features account.

Well, let's begin a closer acquaintance with the site, and for this you need to register a mailbox on Mail.Ru. But you can immediately go to and go through the procedure here.

I click “Register now”.

I indicate the necessary data about myself - first name, last name, date of birth, login (mailbox name, options are offered automatically, but you can enter your own), new password and confirmation method (different mailing address or mobile phone number).

I click the “Register” button on specified phone number a message comes with a confirmation code.

After clicking the “Finish” button, you are redirected to the main page of the service, you can begin filling out information about yourself.

For convenience, save your password in your browser so that you can log in automatically in the future.

Profile settings, social options

A welcome to the My World website begins with a request to select topics that interest you; as I said above, the main emphasis is on such communication.

Well, I’ll indicate the topics.

Based on the results, you are immediately subscribed to a number of groups in accordance with your specified interests.

To cancel, you need to click opposite the “Subscribed” icon, but my page is waiting for me, so I go to it and click “Go to My World”.

I click “Upload photo”.

There are several options - a file from a computer, from an album (I don’t have one yet), via a link from the Internet and from a webcam, that is, you can take a photo online.

I'll use the first option.

I select a file on the computer, click “Open”, after which the main photo is configured. By selecting the type of avatar, you can automatically adjust the appearance of the thumbnail.

Here you can access the profile by clicking on the “pencil” and start editing.

You see sections that it is advisable to fill out if you want to talk about yourself:

Personal data. Here you can change your avatar, specify or change basic data and adjust their privacy.

About Me. These are three blocks with information - fill them out, at any time you can check the box next to “Do not display block”.

The first part is “Type”, tell us about your appearance;
The second is “About yourself,” again personal information - from the presence of children to political and religious views;
The third is “Interests”.

Education. In this section I will indicate information about my university, but general educational institutions (schools, colleges, vocational schools) are also available.

I click “add institute” and indicate everything that I consider necessary.

Career. If you would like to talk about your professional growth, select “Add a company” and provide information - name, position, start and end dates.

In fact, this can be called creating a future resume (Mail.Ru has a corresponding “Work” service, there are more opportunities for applicants).

Locations. These are places in which you not only lived, but also, say, studied, worked, “just happened to be,” but in principle, any option has a place to be.

Army. You can “Add a military unit” if you have served or are currently serving.

The last section “Settings” has numerous subsections, the first of which is “Home”.

Here you can configure the display of the guest book, the important item is “Set up a web agent”.

What is a web agent? Access to this instant messaging service is at the bottom of your page.

Use the agent to search for people and add them to your contacts, so you can constantly keep in touch with your loved ones and acquaintances.

Click “Invite Friends” and start searching for an email address or ICQ number.

Pay attention to the tabs:

The first is for sending SMS messages.
The second is for online calls (in Personal account The account is replenished and you can start communicating).
The third is searching and adding contacts.
The fourth is creating a group chat.

In “Feed” I can filter out what I don’t need to show.

“Notifications” - there are three types in total (mail, in My World and SMS messages), I will not go into detail on each - regulate what matters to you, and what you can do without.

Without settings, alerts will come about almost any action, and this is a little annoying.

“Access” - decide what powers users will have in relation to your page: will they see it, write to guest book and leave messages.

Blacklist - you don’t want anyone to see your profile or write messages, send invitations to groups or even friend requests, indicate “undesirables” and you won’t have to worry about it.

The “Subscriptions” section is especially for those who do not want to miss discussions. I simply select the group that interests me and configure the frequency of notifications.

For those who want to receive privileges, there is a function to connect to the VIP service.

This means a special status and additional opportunities, available terms - 30, 90 and 180 days.

VIP status in My World

To connect, you need emails - this is the internal currency of the site; you can top up your account in four ways (bank card, electronic money WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex, PayPal, from a mobile phone account or through a payment terminal).

As you can see, the most unprofitable way is using a mobile phone.

VIP status includes additional services:

“Invisibility” mode - turn it on and you will not be noticed, even if you visit users in My World at least every five minutes;
Special display. Your profile is marked with a special sticker so that everyone can see your special status;
Special VIP gifts. Want to give something special to your chosen user? This provides for a special status.

AND last section settings - “Themes”, that is, the background for my page, the choice is small, but it’s quite possible to find something interesting:

On the left side there is a user menu panel; it is with the help of it that I will manage the sections:

News feed. All events to which you are subscribed are displayed here - in communities or friends' profiles.

There is a menu at the top - if you click “All events”, absolutely everything will be shown.

But you can choose one of the sections by topic - “Photos”, “Groups”, “Answers”, “Applications”, etc.

“Settings” also regulates the display of posts; individually, each of them has the following options.

Friends are the actual “Friends” you have added, “Suggestions”, “Acquaintances” (friends of friends or people who have something in common with you) and “Followers”.

Since I just registered, I haven’t added any users yet, but I have “Friends” - a list of recommended members of My World.

I click “Friend”, submit an application, after which I can immediately see that “The offer has been sent” and from that moment I become its subscriber.

To go to the profile, click on the member’s name.

To start communicating, I just need to select “Write a message,” and the menu for exchanging them is at the very top.

On the left is an icon for accessing messages, to the right is participation in discussions, notifications, and a catalog of games. Right search string- to find videos, games, groups, etc. in My World.

To communicate, click “Write a message”, the dialog box looks like this.

On the left is a list of all dialogues, on the right is the window itself where the correspondence will be reflected.

Attach a photo or video if necessary, at the top there is a control, you can add to the blacklist or make a gift.

To select, click on the one you need and go to the terms of purchase, the cost is 30 emoticons, that is, approximately 30 rubles.

I set privacy and attach a comment.

In general, there is a whole section for gifts where all holidays are tracked - yours and your friends'.

Photos. There is only one image in my album “Photos of me”, all the control buttons are here:

Video. This can be called an online cinema, choose channels - what interests you, and watch movies, TV series, videos.

Two options are offered - downloading from another site or from a computer, that is, either I specify a link or “Select files” (maximum 5 GB).

Music. This is not just a list of songs that you have added to yourself; each user is then given personal recommendations:

The player itself is on the right, in the left block there are new items, in addition, it is suggested to download an application for smartphones and listen to music in a convenient mode.

Groups. I was offered to join communities at the very beginning, so I’m already a member of several, if I like something else, I can click “Subscribe”.

The groups are divided by topic, choose what suits you best:

Games. The catalog is quite impressive, it is convenient to view them in groups:

To add, move the cursor over the corresponding thumbnail and click “Play”.

You are guaranteed a lot of fun, especially since it’s all free.

How to delete My World on Mail.Ru

If for some reason you need to delete your profile here, do the following:

Go to “Settings”, scroll to the bottom of the page, at the bottom there will be a section “Delete My World”;
Select the appropriate command:

You receive a message that the profile is blocked for 48 hours, but you can “Cancel deletion of the world.”

After two days, it will no longer be possible to return the account.

It is difficult to say whether Odnoklassniki managed to surpass the portal in some way, because, to be honest, they are not very different.

In the future, you will be able to send offers to users in the following ways:

According to the list of contacts that lives in the Agent (if you have one);
According to the contacts contained in address book your mailbox;
According to the list of favorite authors, which is located on [email protected].

What are the main features of this service and why should users register on the “My World” social network?

You can add photos to your page, as well as rate photos of other users.

Many options for filling out the questionnaire. When registering, you can indicate not only trivial information such as date of birth, gender and name, but also indicate your career, personal interests, and place of military service. In general, the user will have no difficulty finding almost any person with whom he has ever crossed paths.

Comfortable and efficient system search. The national social network allows you to search for its users using all sorts of queries, from first and last name to marital status, political and religious views, external data and so on. If you wish, you can find classmates, work colleagues, co-workers or classmates using the search system for organizations in My World.

Opportunity to lead own blog. In addition to communicating with friends and acquaintances, you can write your blog entries. For those who are not knowledgeable in web design, but love beautiful design, available ready-made covers in "My World".

An impressive catalog of communities. You can find a community that matches your interests. And if you can’t even find one, then you can create it yourself by inviting new participants there and being a community administrator.

This social network has extensive video hosting - terabytes of films, TV series, sketches and other video works.
Another indisputable advantage of this social network is games. Today there are a huge variety of different games, among which the most notable are Three Kingdoms, Fragoria, Technomagic, Beetles, Berserk, Lineage II and several others. In a word, a user who wants to go to “My World” will definitely not be bored.

Huge file sharing service with available gigabytes a wide variety of files. Need a movie? Or a program? Or antivirus? No problem! The My World social network will provide all these files. Now the cloud-based Disk has been added to them.
Opportunity free registration. The social network is available to everyone who wants to become its user.

Having examined the main features of the portal and briefly assessed its capabilities, let’s take a closer look at how registration in “My World” takes place.

Registration procedure for “My World”

As noted above, registration in “My World” is free, but requires a mailbox in search engine If you have an email address from another search engine, you will not be able to register.

Let's consider the option in which you already have mail for “My World”. So, your step by step steps:

Log in to your email. After logging in, you will see a line with tabs at the top. Find the “My World” tab and click on it.

At the end of the registration procedure, the social network will ask you to indicate you valid number mobile phone. You don't have to specify it - it's your business. However, we recommend that you still indicate the number, since if the page is hacked or your password is lost, you can recover it using the number.

After the account registration has been completed, all you have to do is “embellish” it - in the “My Page” section, put your photo, indicate your interests, place of work and services.

In the future, logging into “My World” (respectively, like logging into “My Page”) will only be done through your mailbox in the search engine. In turn, in order to log into your mail on, you just need to indicate e-mail address and mailbox password.

After this, you will be able to fully use “My World”, “Odnoklassniki”, all kinds of applications and add-ons. Yes, Odnoklassniki also belongs to the concern.

By the way: besides regular version social network, which can be used on desktop computers; a mobile version is also available, thanks to which you can be in “My World” even more often and keep up to date latest news, receive information about the weather, currency quotes, read mail on and do many other things.

We will not mention all the features of the mobile version - everything is already succinctly and succinctly stated on the main page of the mobile version.

Let's assume that a situation has arisen in which you do not want anyone to know about your location information and not receive information about where exactly you are logging in from - with desktop computer or phone.

It is also possible that access to the site of this social network was blocked by the provider, or maybe at work System Administrator placed a restriction on the ability to visit his mail and the “My World” social network to improve the performance of employees. What to do in this case? The answer is simple: you can use an anonymizer, which will help you bypass any restrictions on entering through an IP address or hide it.

We will not describe the operating principle of anonymizer programs, because this has already been done in the article about the anonymizers Chameleon, Spools and others. Let us only note that they were created specifically so that you can freely access your mailbox (and therefore social networks), despite blocking your IP address and prohibiting access to certain sites.

The following can be specified as anonymizers that are suitable for the social network “My World” (and Odnoklassniki too):

Spools is a very convenient, Russified anonymizer that provides access not only to a blocked page in “My World,” but also allows you to log into Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Youtube and some other popular Russian-language sites.

Chameleon is perhaps one of the most popular and well-known anonymizers, specially created for logging into blocked sites. It is distinguished by its simplicity, versatility and the absence of any problems in operation.

You can use other anonymizers - today there are thousands of different options on the Internet. This could be,, and even stationary applications on a computer like HideIpPlatinum. But such applications and sites have two significant shortcomings: firstly, the English version; secondly, the need for numerous settings to change the address.

How to delete a profile from “My World”?

Finally, let’s look at a situation where you need to delete your page from the “My World” social network. It happens that a person realizes that his social network account will no longer be useful to him in the future and decides to delete the page. How to remove yourself from “My World”?

Let's sort it out this situation in a few simple steps:

On your page, under your avatar, there is a “More” button (or a downward arrow), by clicking on which you can go to the “Settings” section.

Scrolling to the bottom of the page, you will be able to see the inscription “Delete your world”.

After clicking the button, you will be offered a list of reasons why you decided to do this.

After you have chosen the reason for deleting your account, click on the “Delete your world” button. That's all, after a certain period of time your page will be deactivated.

The peculiarity of My World is that there are many people there from the regions. The share of users from Moscow and St. Petersburg there is smaller than in other social networks. About 30 million people use My World per month - that’s a lot! As many as 800 thousand people use only My World and do not use other similar sites. In addition, there are slightly more women in My World than the average on the Russian Internet, and they are much more active than men.

You can fill out your form in sufficient detail, indicating personal data, city of residence, place of study, work, military service so that colleagues, acquaintances, former colleagues and everyone who cares about you can find you. Inside My World there is a search by first name, last name, age, city, school and other parameters - this is one of the easy ways to find old acquaintances or meet interesting people. However, more ample opportunities- searching for people on home page An input that searches for a person across all social networks at once.

If someone visited your page, you will see him in your “Guests” block. Here you can go to any of the visitors and see what kind of person he is and where he comes from. This also contributes to the emergence of new acquaintances. In My World it is very easy to meet people and communicate.

Users of My World especially like to play games, watch videos, and listen to music. There's a lot of it all. Content, that is, content that is watched and listened to, is one of the main areas of development of the social network; it actively works with TNT, STS and other rights holders so that users can legally watch the latest TV series, films and programs. At the same time, it is known that people watch mainly short entertaining videos there.

My World is also closely connected with Answers, where people ask questions or answer them (if they know the answer). When someone asks a question or answers, this also ends up in the feed and the person’s friends can participate in the search for the answer. Those who answer questions well gain reputation and receive various titles.

Moy Mir is one of three social networks owned and operated by Mail.Ru Group (the other two are VKontakte and Odnoklassniki). My World began working in 2007, initially it grew out of blogs on, to which a photo and video service was added. The blogs themselves are now closed. In 2012, My World was seriously updated. There was also an attempt to gradually combine My World with Odnoklassniki, but users did not like this, so these projects are still being developed separately from each other.

As already said, you can use My World for free, but there are some paid services: for example, if you don’t want someone to know that you visited their page, you can buy VIP status (it also gives other benefits). If you want to meet new people, you can get into the “I want to communicate” block, and many other users will see you. For these and other services you pay by email (the currency of My World). You can top up your account from your mobile phone, from bank card, through Qiwi terminals and other methods.

You can use this social network from your mobile phone; there are applications for iPhone and Android. To download, you just need to go on your phone to where you install the applications from ( App Store or Google Play) and search for “My World”. Then click the install button. The application is free.

In 2014, My World was named the most positive social network (in a report by one of the agencies).

Login to My World on the start page The login is combined with the login to mail. In one block you see how many new letters you have, new messages in My World, online friends (and even who is online right now), new friend requests and other events. Below are two buttons to enter your mail and My World. When you click on one of them, the desired site immediately opens. Perhaps this is the most convenient way entrance that you can think of.

Go to the main page of, then click on the “Registration in mail” button.

Fill out the registration form.

In the “mailbox” field, come up with and enter a login for English language. If he's busy, come up with a different name.

Please take the “Password” field seriously. It must not be easy. Use uppercase and lowercase english letters, numbers and special characters.

Do not store passwords on your computer; it is better to write them down in a notepad, otherwise, if hacked, they may go to third parties.

If you wish, please provide your mobile phone number. With its help, you can recover your password and resume logging into Mail ru. Having indicated your phone number, wait for an SMS message with a code. Confirm that this is your number.

You don't have to give out your mobile phone number. To do this, follow the link “I don’t have a mobile phone” and come up with a secret question and answer. You will need it to recover your password.

When all required fields are filled in, click the “Register” button. Then enter security code. If everything is done correctly, the Mail ru mail page will open.

The mailbox will contain standard greeting messages. If you don’t want to, don’t read them, just delete them.

Logging into mail provides access to all available services, namely:

Go to the My World tab, upload a photo, fill in the “City” and “School” columns, then click “Continue.”

You can skip this step and go to your page. In this case, filling in the data will be postponed until later.

Located on the left navigation menu My page. With its help, you can offer friendship to other project participants, upload photos, music, join communities, edit settings and much more.

Users can add their own videos and photos, upload music and listen to songs, blog and read other members. All this allows you to always be in touch and instantly learn about events happening with your friends.

To enter your My World page you need

Registering mail and logging into the My World page

Go to the main page, then click on the “Registration in mail” button.

Fill out the registration form.

In the “mailbox” field, create and enter a login in English. If he's busy, come up with a different name.

Please take the “Password” field seriously. It must not be easy. Use uppercase and lowercase English letters, numbers and special characters.

Do not store passwords on your computer; it is better to write them down in a notepad, otherwise, if hacked, they may go to third parties.

If you wish, please provide your mobile phone number. With its help, you can recover your password and resume logging into Mail ru. Having indicated your phone number, wait for an SMS message with a code. Confirm that this is your number.

You don't have to give out your mobile phone number. To do this, follow the link “I don’t have a mobile phone” and come up with a secret question and answer. You will need it to recover your password.

When all required fields are filled in, click the “Register” button. Then enter the security code. If everything is done correctly, the Mail ru mail page will open.

The mailbox will contain standard greeting messages. If you don’t want to, don’t read them, just delete them.

Logging into mail provides access to all available services, namely:

Go to the My World tab, upload a photo, fill in the “City” and “School” columns, then click “Continue.”

You can skip this step and go to your page. In this case, filling in the data will be postponed until later.

On the left is the My Page navigation menu. With its help, you can offer friendship to other project participants, upload photos, music, join communities, edit settings and much more.

If you still have questions or cannot log into your My World page, find answers in the “Help” section -

This social network appeared in 2007, after the creation of the most large networks in the CIS countries VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. At that time, no one had imagined that social networks would have such significant value in people, and even more so in different age categories.

After some time, My World and other social networks began to quickly gain popularity among huge amount registered users.

My World in a short time becomes a fairly large social network, with about 45 million users, and thereby increases the activity of other projects from the Mail group company. Perhaps this happened due to the fact that registration is not required for those people who have their own mail account, the largest in our countries.

My World “My Page” - enter the page

My World “My Page”

On the left there is an area with the main headings personal page, where personal information is stored and available for review on the My World social network.

There is also a button at the top quick access to other sections of “My Page” with the ability to distribute the display of information and materials by opening the “ Settings".

To the right is the section “ Finding friends", with options quick search.

Registration and creation of “My Page” on the My World social network

If you don’t yet have a mail account, you can use the page (will open in a new tab) with detailed instructions. After the mail on has been created, you can proceed with the settings:

  • enter your mailbox, it will be at the top login to the My World social network;

  • There will be a button at the top left Edit"(in the form of a pencil), by clicking on it you can add your own photo in the “ Personal data", to display on my page, and also change another personal information About Me.

The main task of the My World social network is to create conditions for finding friends, work colleagues and relatives, supporting communication between users, regardless of place of residence and distance from each other, exchanging video, audio and other files. The employees of this company have created a logical and understandable control so that a person of any age, finding himself on his own page of the My World social network for the first time, can immediately navigate its main functions.

My World “My Page” - login, registration implies the ability to store and play media files, there is a function for creating your own blogs.

The Mail group company owns such giant portals, as does a significant part of it. Thus, almost the entire market share of social networks and other communities belongs to this corporation.