Instant registration on VKontakte. How to register on VKontakte from a computer or phone - we understand the methods

You can count on one hand the social networks that can compete in popularity with in the Runet network space. Proof of this is one of the many memes dedicated to this site. It reads: “They used to take photos “for memory”, but now they take photos for VKontakte.”

This guide will tell you step by step how to register on VKontakte and find old and new friends, like-minded people, and work colleagues.


Attention! Get your cell phone ready. According to the new rules, you cannot register on VKontakte via email (without specifying a number).

1. Open the VKontakte website in your browser -

2. In the fields of the “Instant registration” section, indicate your first and last name. Click the “Register” button.

Attention! Without a last name, you will not be able to proceed to the next step of filling out your personal application form. It is also recommended to provide real personal information (correctly!) so that your friends can quickly find you on the social network.

3. In the “Country” line, click the mouse to open the drop-down menu and select the state in which you live.

4. Enter your mobile number (without the international code; the service system inserts it into the field automatically).

5. Click “Get code”. Within 1-2 minutes an SMS message with a 5-digit verification code will be sent to the specified number (sending is free). Enter it in the bottom line and click the “Send code” button.

6. Create a long password (12-15 characters) from English letters, numbers and special characters.

Attention! Do not use your first name, last name, patronymic, date of birth, or phone number as a password. As well as trivial character combinations that are easy to predict: for example, “my_parol”, “121212”, etc.

7. Click on the “Login to the site” button. In fact, a new page has been created and registration on VKontakte has been completed. All that remains is to provide additional information about yourself.

Entering personal data

1. “Country of school”, “City of school” - the location of the educational institution where you studied.

2. “School”: the name can be selected from the drop-down list (it displays all schools in the city you specified) or simply indicate only the school number.

3. Indicate the year of graduation and the class in which you studied (A, B, C, etc.).

4. On the same page, you can immediately add your classmates as friends (they will appear automatically in the lower block “You may know these people”). Click the corresponding button located next to your friend’s avatar.

5. Click the “Go to next step” button.

6. In the same way, provide information about the university where you studied: fill in the fields “Country”, “City”, “University”, “Year of graduation”, “Faculty”, “Department”. If you wish, add classmates as friends whom the social network system found during the data entry process.

7. On the next page, VKontakte invites the new user (that is, you) to find friends in other social networks: Facebook, Google (via Gmail and Google+ email), Odnoklassniki, Twitter. If you do not want to use this function, click the “Go to my page” link.

Page design

1. Click “Select photo” in the message that appears. In the system window, go to the folder where your pictures are stored, and then click on your photo (which is best suited for an avatar).

2. Edit the photo size by moving/extending the borders of the portrait with the mouse. When you are finished editing, click “Save and Continue.”

3. Click “Edit Page”.

4. In the form that opens, you can optionally indicate your marital status, date of birth (and customize its display), the city in which you live, the first and last names of relatives (parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers).

Note. To remove entered data from the field, click the “Delete” option (located on the right side of the line).

6. To find a friend on a social network, click on the “People” section, and then type his first and last name in the search bar. If necessary, in the additional panel on the left, set up a search filter (by age, place of residence, education, etc.).

  • open the “My Settings” section;
  • in the “Your email address” block, enter your email;
  • click “Save address”;
  • return to the top of the page and go to the “Alerts” tab;
  • Click the “Link Email” option.

That's all! The account has been created. To access your page, you must enter your mobile number and password.

Additionally, watch this interesting video about VKontakte:

Registration conditions

First, to register you will need personal information: last name, first name, phone number and age. This is mandatory information, there is also additional information - place of study, residence, interests, etc., but it is not necessary to indicate it. No one will check how truthfully you filled out the fields, so you can register under a pseudonym and take any age. Officially, registration on the social network is permitted for persons over 13 years of age.

Secondly, to create an account, you will need a phone number in any case. Registration by email is not possible. The only official alternative is to log in via Facebook. But to get a Facebook account, you will also need a phone number.

There is a way to register without a phone: get a virtual one number provided by a specialized service and use it for registration.

In what cases can you not create an account?

Problems with creating an account can arise in two cases:

  • Data to confirm your identity, that is, a captcha or code sent to the specified phone number, was entered incorrectly. In this case, it is enough to re-enter the information, this time without an error.
  • An attempt is made to register a page to a number that already contains another page. There are two ways out of this situation: replace the number, that is, use a SIM card for which an account has not yet been registered, or delete the page to which the number used is linked, and then repeat the registration process. If you choose the second option and confirm that you are the owner of the specified number, the old account will be deleted and there will be no way to restore it.
    The number is already linked to another page
  • How register"VKontakte" - step-by-step instructions

    So, if you have a SIM card that has not yet registered a single page, you can start registering. The procedure can be carried out from any device - the instructions presented below describe the process for both computers and Android and IOS devices. After the standard methods, there are some additional registration options.

    From computer

  • Go to the official website of the social network, you need a registration block. First and last name are required fields and cannot be skipped. The same applies to the date of birth, but in the future it will be possible to hide it from other users.
    Enter your first name, last name, year of birth and phone number
  • Next, the optional fields begin to be filled in. You should fill them out only if you want to make it easier to find you. Otherwise, just click the “Skip” button.
    Click the “Skip” button
  • Enter the code sent to the specified phone number.
    Enter the verification code
  • After this, the registration process can be considered complete, you will be asked to configure your page and provide additional information. Install or skip additional settings
  • From a mobile device

    If you want to get an account from an IOS or Android mobile device, then there are two ways: through a browser or a special application. In the first case, you need to open any browser available on the device and go to the VKontakte website, and further actions will look exactly the same as on a computer, so see the above-described item “From a computer”. The second option is to go to the Play Market (Android) or App Store (IOS) and install the official VKontakte application; it is distributed free of charge on all platforms.

  • After the application is downloaded and opened, you need to click the " Register». Click the “Register” button
  • You will be asked to enter your first name, last name, year of birth and phone number. Fill out all the fields, confirm that you are the owner of the specified number by entering the code you received during registration as a message to your phone. Done, you now have a page that you can use and customize. Enter all the necessary data to complete registration
  • Is it possible to create a profile via email?

    Registration via mail has not been possible since 2012 under any conditions. You can only create an account on a Facebook number or page.

    Via Facebook

  • To log in via Facebook, you need to open the social networking site on your computer and use the “Continue with Facebook” button in the registration block.
    Click the “Continue with Facebook” button
  • Enter your username and password to log in to the Facebook website. Done, the page setup will begin.
    Login to your Facebook account
  • How register no phone number

    If you don’t have a SIM card to which the page is attached, and you can’t buy a new one, you can create a virtual number to register a new account. The disadvantage of this method is that if you lose access to the virtual phone, you will not be able to recover your account password when the opportunity arises. Therefore, save all information for authorization on the site that provides you with the number.

    There are several such services, we will use Pinger:

  • Go to the service website and register on it.
    Register on Pinger
  • At the second stage of registration, you will need to provide some information about yourself so that the service will select the most suitable number for you.
    Enter additional data
  • Select one of the offered numbers.
    Select a virtual number
  • A dialog box will open in which all messages received at the number will be displayed. Do not close this page, go to registration on the VKontakte website and at the step of entering the number, indicate the number received on the Pinger website.
    Messages will be displayed in the dialog box
  • If you forget which number you chose, return to the message window and click on the Options button, a card will open containing the number and information about it.
    By clicking on the Options button, you can open information about the number
  • Video: registration without number

    Registration in Ukraine

    Since 2017, the VKontakte website has been banned in Ukraine, as a result of which access to it is blocked. But this limitation can be circumvented by connecting a VPN. Then your IP address changes, that is, the browser will think that you are in another country, so it will give access to the site, after which you will only have register in the usual way described above.

    For mobile devices it is connected through special applications from the Play Market or iOS. Enter the word VPN in the search bar of the store, install the one that suits you best, open it and wait until the VPN icon or key appears in the information panel (at the top of the screen).

    Connecting to VPN on Android

    For your computer, you can use online services or free applications, such as Hide Me. After downloading it, you can connect to the VPN, and then go to the VKontakte website and register.

    Connect to VPN on your computer

    Do I need to register again if access to the page is lost?

    If your account has been hacked or your password has been forgotten, you do not need to create a new one. At any time, you can recover your password or change it if it was found out by someone who shouldn’t know it. The only thing you need is the number to which the page is linked. Without it, there is no way to get a new password.

  • Go to the official VKontakte website and click on the “Forgot your password?” button.
    Click on the “Forgot your password?” button
  • Enter the number associated with your account, confirm that you are its owner, and create a new password. Done, access to the lost page has been restored.
    Enter your phone number and receive a recovery code
  • What happens if you use a pseudonym or a fake number when creating an account?

    If during registration you indicate a false first or last name, and the site administration notices this, the support service will ask you to confirm your identity by sending a copy of your passport. But the likelihood that you will attract the attention of the administration is very small, especially if you use a pseudonym that is similar to your real name and surname, and not the name of some character from a book or movie.

    VKontakte registration can be done on a computer or mobile device. In any case, you will need a number: real or virtual. You can log in via Facebook. Residents of Ukraine will have to additionally use a VPN to access the site.

    VKontakte is the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS countries. Not only the number of active users, but also the number of fake accounts is growing every day. To solve this problem, VKontakte management decided to link it to a specific phone when creating a page, which not all users liked. How to register in VK without a phone number? Let's figure it out.

    What does registration via phone give?

    Not everyone understands the importance of linking a phone when creating an account on social networks. The introduction of such a function has two main goals:
    1. Improve security. When you link your cell phone, spam bots will not be able to send “unpleasant” messages to friends from your profile. In addition, this makes it more difficult to hack an account, since login sessions from other PCs are displayed on the mobile device;
    2. Support for the mobile version of VKontakte.

    It should also be taken into account that the developers of the social network plan to completely abandon the use of email to link a profile in order to increase the level of security.

    Is it possible to register in VK without a phone number?

    There is no definite answer to the question, since in any case you will have to enter the number or use third-party resources. Of course, the field can be left empty, but then the user will be missing some of the capabilities without which VKontakte cannot be called a social network, namely:
    • A ban is imposed on sending personal messages to other users;
    • It is forbidden to add as a friend;
    • Possibility to join groups.
    If a social network is needed only to listen to music or watch videos, then you can register in VK without a phone number.

    Register on VKontakte without a phone number

    There are three main ways to create a VK page for free without linking a number:
    1. “Fake” (unreal) phone ;
    2. Login via Facebook;
    3. Through a virtual number.
    Let's consider each method in order.

    Fake number

    The essence of the method is that when creating a profile, the user does not use his own number, but someone else’s. For example, borrow a phone from a friend or buy a second SIM card. On the confirmation page, enter the third-party number:

    If you have a landline phone, you can go a different route. To do this, just enter the number in 11-digit form and click “Get code”. The robot will call and tell you the profile activation code. This method allows you to register countless pages using one phone.

    The risk of this method is that if you lose data from your account, it will be difficult or even impossible to recover the password (in the case of a landline number). It is recommended to use the “Fake Phone” method only if the page is not the main one.

    Login via Facebook

    Despite the fact that Vkontakte is a Russian-language site, the current owners of are trying their best to enter the foreign market by collaborating with other social networks. One of these partners is Facebook.

    VKontakte provides only for foreign residents register on the resource via Facebook. But since we are in Russia, we will have to cheat the system a little. For this we will use anonymizers, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.

    As an example, consider one of the popular anonymizers “Chameleon”. Go to the site:

    Simply enter into the search bar or select from the list of popular queries.

    This is what registration looks like for residents from Russia:

    And this is what the site looks like for a user logged in through an anonymizer:

    Accordingly, click on “Log in with Facebook”.

    Note: Do not forget that this method requires a Facebook account, for registration you only need an email.

    The risks of the method are the same as those described above: the inability to recover lost user data.

    Creating a VKontakte page via a virtual phone

    Now let's talk about a complex but more effective way to create an account on VK without a phone.

    To create a virtual number will use international servicepringer. com. You cannot make calls through it, but you can receive SMS messages that are necessary to complete registration.

    If you have an account on google+, Facebook or Twitter, then to save time you can access the service through these resources.

    It should also be noted that the number is issued to you on an ongoing basis. If you have forgotten your account password, you can request confirmation of the recovery request on your current phone.

    You can use not only the Pringer service, but other analogues of virtual cellular (Room5, Kontiki, Bizo, Kendo UI).

    Video instructions: how to register in VK without a number

    The following video presents the main ways to register on the VKontakte social network without entering a personal phone number. All methods are valid:

    Despite the large number of ways to bypass the system, do not be afraid to enter your personal phone number when creating a profile in VK. Firstly, registration is completely free - not a penny will be charged from the user. Secondly, it will increase the level of security. It is more difficult to hack an account, and you will always be aware of unauthorized actions from your page.

    Alas, VKontakte has been dominated by scammers who are trying to extract a penny from gullible citizens by offering them paid registration on this social network.

    It is important to know that such a procedure has always been and remains free.

    Until 2012, you could register on VKontakte for free and without an invitation by specifying your e-mail. Now you can’t do without a phone number.

    Of course, there is a way to avoid providing your real mobile phone number, but we'll talk about that later.

    7 steps to register on VKontakte with a mobile phone

    1) Go to the official website

    Rice. 1 Official website VKontakte

    2) To the right of the login block for registered users there is a section “Instant registration” with two input fields:

    • Your name (1 in Fig. 1),
    • Your last name (2 in Fig. 2).

    Enter your details and click on the blue “Register” button (3 in Fig. 1).

    3) On the “Registration Confirmation” page that opens, in the “Country” field (if you have such a field), select your country from the list.

    Enter the numbers of your number in the “Mobile phone” field (1 in Fig. 2, there is no “Country” field):

    Rice. 2 Register on VKontakte for free with a mobile phone, without an invitation

    4) Within no more than 5 minutes (with rare exceptions), an SMS with a five-digit code will be sent to the specified phone number (1 in Fig. 2), which must be entered in the “Confirmation code” column that appears.

    5) Now, under the specified field, another field should appear with the inscription “Password”. Enter the desired password for subsequent login to the social network. It is worth abandoning standard passwords (passwords) such as your date of birth or your name. For your own safety, it is better if it is a combination of letters and numbers.

    When the characters you enter create a strong password, a green line and a “Login to the site” button will appear under the corresponding field, click it.

    It is advisable to write down the password and login to enter the site in a notepad or somewhere: everything that is not written down is forgotten and often not remembered.

    6) After logging into the social network, you will be asked to enter additional information. information about yourself:

    7) After filling out the indicated pages, click the “Go to my page” rectangle.

    Registration is over, feel free to add, fill out the form about hobbies and preferences - and communicate with friends and acquaintances. An avatar is added and the form is filled out if desired, in order to have “your own face” on the social network.

    Please note: if you don’t have time to immediately fill out the fields of the form about school, university and other accounts, then simply click “Go to the next step”, and you will return to entering data in the specified fields next time.

    Registration without phone number

    Now about how to register a new VKontakte page without indicating a real mobile phone number and without SMS. There are three effective ways.

    1 Landline phone

    This method is suitable for anyone who has a landline telephone at home.

    • When registering, at the step of specifying your mobile phone, enter the digits of your local number in eleven-digit format in the field.
    • Click the “Let the robot call” button.
    • Within a minute you will receive a call on your home phone.
    • And the robot will pronounce the code in a clear voice, and you enter it in the appropriate column on the website.

    Please note that this method is perfect for those who need to have several accounts on the blue social network at once, since an unlimited number of users can be registered on one landline phone.

    2 Virtual mobile number

    For this method, you will need a free email address in order to register on the website (or any other resource that provides virtual mobile number services for receiving SMS messages).

    1) Go to and click “Textfree web” at the top right (Fig. 3):

    Rice. 3 website – virtual mobile number services

    2) On the page that opens, click “SIGN UP”. A window will open (Fig. 4):

    Rice. 4 Register on to receive a virtual mobile number

    3) Go through the registration procedure by entering standard data:

    if you have accounts in these services.

    4) In the window that opens, you will be asked to select a virtual mobile number, after which you should click “Confirm”.

    7) Paste the number (using the Ctrl+V keys) into the appropriate field on the VKontakte registration page (Fig. 2).

    8) Return to the tab in which the pinger website is open and wait for SMS online in this window.

    3 For foreign users

    This option is suitable for those who have a Facebook account. But it is only available to those who are not in the CIS country. Therefore, you should first install an IP anonymizer on your computer and run it so that VKontakte thinks that you are from another country (the USA, for example).

    If you do everything correctly, then when registering, VKontakte will prompt you (in English) to enter your first name, last name and gender, or click the registration button via FB “Sign in with Facebook”. Feel free to click on it and get a new VK account right now.

    You can register a new VKontakte page at:

    Enter our data: First Name, Last Name and click on “Register”.

    Step 1. Here you can indicate the school you attended. Select the country, city, school number, year of graduation and indicate the class. Just below you can add your classmates as friends; when friends are added, click on the “Go to the next step” button.

    Step 2. Search for classmates. We indicate the name of your university, year of graduation, other data and proceed to the final step of registration.

    Step 3. Creating a page. Registration on VKontakte is impossible without specifying a mobile phone number. Enter the phone number data into the form and click on the “Get code” button. After some time, a five-digit confirmation code will be sent to your phone. Which you need to enter into the form and click on the “Send code” button.


    If you do not want to provide school and university information, use the “Skip this step” link.

    If you can’t come up with a strong password, when registering, pay attention to the “Example Password” hint.

    With the help of these instructions you will learn all the stages of registration on the social network

    Registering a mailbox

    To register on VKontakte we will need an e-mail; there are many services where you can register your email address on the Internet completely free of charge. The most famous postal services in Russia are:

    After registering a mailbox in one of the above Internet services, we proceed directly to the account registration itself.

    VKontakte registration

    To register a new account, you need to go to the main page of “”:

    The very first page of VKontakte entrance And registration is produced on it.


    Next, click “register”, enter the code from the picture that appears, fill out our profile with data, and upload your photo. After successful registration, a message will appear indicating that a letter has been sent to the specified e-mail to confirm registration.

    Next, go to your mailbox, find a letter from VKontakte, open it and activate your account using the link provided. This link will automatically redirect you to your profile In contact with

    All registration is completed, now you can start filling out your personal information.

    Registration on is free. If you receive various messages to your account, supposedly from the administration, with offers to pay for registration, you should know that these are scammers.