The laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network. The computer does not see the required wi-fi point

A wireless Internet connection has many advantages, but there is often a situation when the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network. To begin troubleshooting the problem, you first need to understand what exactly is going on. Sometimes the laptop “refuses” to see a specific connection point, in other cases the device cannot connect to any wireless network at all.

Why doesn't my laptop see the network?

The most common situation is when the laptop does not find any Wi-Fi access point at all. In this case, the following conditions are met:

  • The home Wi-Fi router is working fine and connection to the access point is allowed
  • Have you tested the laptop in other places where there is wireless Internet, for example, in a cafe
  • phone, tablet or other devices connect to Wi-Fi normally

To understand why this is happening and to deal with the problem, you must first try to manually turn on the network adapter. Depending on the operating system, this is done in the following ways.

For Windows 7 the sequence looks like this:

  1. You need to go to the Control Panel and select Network and Sharing Center, and in it - Change adapter settings.
  2. If the wireless network icon is inactive, you need to right-click on it and turn it on.

If you have Windows 8 on your computer, then the activity check is done through the PC Settings section, which is located in the Control Panel. In it you need to select the Wireless connection item and move the slider to the “Enabled” position.

In Windows XP, the adapter usually does not need to be enabled manually. If this is still necessary, then this is done in the same way as in Windows 7 or through the icon on the taskbar.

The same can be done through Device Manager - Network Adapters.

Whatever the operating system, if a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark glows next to the adapter icon, this means that either the adapter is not active, or the driver of the wrong version is installed for it. If the device does not show a connection due to the driver, then you should download the correct version that is suitable for your laptop.

The network is disabled by hardware

Network access can be disabled on the laptop itself using a keyboard shortcut or a special switch on the case. How to make the device connect to the Internet? You must press the same combination again.

For different laptop models, this action is performed using different key combinations: “FN+F2”, “FN+F12”, “FN+F3”, “FN+F9”. These combinations help you turn off the network, for example, before a flight - this option is called “On the plane” and is available on all modern mobile devices.

No network after cleaning

Also, sometimes you may find that the laptop has stopped seeing the Internet after cleaning the dust from inside. If this happens, then you probably accidentally turned off the wireless module or disconnected the wires somewhere during the cleaning process. At the same time, the laptop does not even search for the network. To fix the problem, you will need to reconnect the adapter, and if this does not help, replace it with a new one.

All devices except the laptop see Wi-Fi

Now let’s consider another case, namely, when there is one wifi access point that can be seen by the phone, netbook and other devices, but the laptop does not catch it. In such a situation, the sequence of actions looks like this:

  • First try changing the encryption method by going to your wifi security settings
  • Try setting different values ​​in the “Channel” item, perhaps after this the computer will connect to the network
  • You can also give the network a new name, avoiding overly complex symbol combinations.

Another common reason that a device ignores a certain network or does not see access points at all, including on Windows 10, may be the presence of virus software in the system. In this case, you need to scan your PC for viruses and remove them.

Problems with the router

The “culprit” for the fact that the PC does not find the network may be the wifi router itself. What to do in this case?

  1. First, you should find out if the router has the latest firmware installed. If a new version has already been released, then it needs to be installed on the device.
  2. A more radical option is to reset your home Wi-Fi router to factory settings and configure the device again
  3. Sometimes you have to act more cunningly. First, an older version of the firmware is installed, then all network parameters are configured, after which the firmware is updated.

Whatever problem causes the laptop to not see the wireless network, it can be solved using any of the methods listed above. First, in any case, it is worth installing the latest drivers and checking whether the wifi module is functioning normally.

Video - what to do in such a situation?

To prevent such problems from returning in the future, it is worth periodically installing the latest versions of software on your laptop or netbook. This can be done either manually or using special programs.

Unfortunately, many of us have encountered a problem when the laptop stops finding a wireless network, which creates significant inconvenience. Considering that the laptop can be used outside the home, the user may be left without the Internet at all. There can be many reasons for this little pleasant moment. But, as a rule, the problem is technical, or in the incorrect operation of the software. To understand how to deal with the problem, let's look at it in more detail.

In order to understand the causes of the problem and understand why the laptop does not find the WiFi router or home WiFi network, you need to know what WiFi is and understand how this wireless communication system works.

WiFi is the same as a local network, only without the need to lay a cable. Connection to the network occurs through a signal that is transmitted via radio waves. This system gained popularity not so long ago. A dozen years ago, no one knew about it, and the signal distance was much shorter. To be precise, the signal can be sent over a distance of 100 km.

In addition, WiFi is a registered brand that is developing very actively. In 2014, data transfer speeds via WiFi should increase to several Gbit/s.

To put it simply, this method of connecting to the network is now very popular. Almost every laptop has a built-in sensor that allows you to use a wireless network. At bus stops, cafes or any other public places, owners install free access points, which increases the level of comfort of the establishment or public place.

As mentioned above, the main reasons can be divided into technical and software. In the case of technical ones, the owner of a laptop will most likely have to contact a service center and spend money on repairing it. At best, figure out the reason for the poor performance of the router.

Availability of WiFi on laptop and router

It’s worth starting with the very basics, which can be forgotten due to haste or inattention.

Make sure that the receiving antenna is turned on. If the WiFi button does not work, then the problem is obvious. Not all laptop models have this switch, but some do have it. Most often it looks not like a button, but like a latch. However, it depends on the manufacturer. The switch may have a signature or image of an antenna, which indicates WiFi.

If there is no such button on your laptop model, then you need to pay attention to the bottom panel of the operating system, to the icon next to the time. The image should show whether the wireless connection is currently active.

It is possible that this icon on the panel next to the time is not there.

To check activity without using this icon, you need to:

Checking available networks

The next thing to do is check the available networks. Perhaps the router simply does not reach the laptop’s antenna and for this reason it is impossible to connect to the network.

To do this you need:

  1. Click on the network icon in the lower right corner, on the bottom panel, next to the time.
  2. Select “Connect to a network” and select the desired access point. Most likely, there will be more than one access point, since you can see neighbors or some other routers. But, in most cases, a password is placed on the access point, thus protecting it from unauthorized users.

Video: What to do if your ASUS laptop cannot find Wi-Fi

The laptop does not see the WiFi network: the main reasons

Why doesn't my laptop see the WiFi network? Perhaps the solution to the problem is right in front of you and only takes five seconds of your time. But there are also more severe cases. Let's look at the most common options.


It is worth making sure that the router is turned on. Its operation can be easily determined by indicator lights. After connecting, look at the corresponding icons in the instructions for the router and determine whether the wireless connection is active.

If the router does not respond at all, then the problem is purely technical. In this situation, you should look for a problem in the wires, power supply, or take the router for repair. As a rule, it is easier to replace the router with a new one than to send it to service centers for inspection.


As you know, any equipment requires software that guarantees stable operation. If the laptop does not detect WiFi, then you should check the drivers. Even if they are installed, it is recommended to update them.

Checking drivers can be done through the control panel. In the “device manager” section there is a line “network adapters”, which should contain the name of the router if the problem is with the drivers. Right-click on it and look at the driver version. Compare it with the real version, which can be found on the Internet.

If the version is outdated, then download a new one and install. It is best to download from official sources. Drivers for hardware are distributed by developers free of charge, and there is no point in risking the “health” of your operating system in vain.

Signal distance

If, after searching for a network, the answer appears: “No connections available,” think about the signal. In apartments, this option is not very relevant, since modern routers have a strong signal and distribute it quite far. But in private homes or other places where the distance can be quite large, the signal simply may not reach the laptop. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the Internet suddenly disappeared while you were walking around the house or yard.

Mac address

There are situations when I was able to connect, but the router does not see the Internet through my WiFi or has stopped seeing it. When using services from some providers, the user cannot simply change the network adapter, since the Mac address changes.

The Mac address is written on each router and the user just needs to call the operator to bind a new address to replace the old one. You may be asked to dictate it in full or to specify only the last few values ​​of the entire number.

Antivirus or third party programs

Third-party programs installed on a laptop may conflict with drivers or interfere with the correct establishment of an Internet connection, which often happens when the device sees wifi but does not connect. In addition, sometimes antiviruses interfere with creating a connection. If possible, it is better to try connecting to the Internet without a router first. If everything is fine, then the programs are not to blame.

In addition to those listed, there can be many reasons. Basically, the variety of reasons is due to problems with the operating system. Therefore, if all else fails, try reinstalling your operating system. Perhaps all the problems come from here.

The laptop does not see the WIFI network on windows7/windows 8/windowsXP

For those who are wondering why the laptop does not see wifi in Windows 7, first of all, you need to try manually turning on the wireless network.

To do this you need:

In Windows 8 OS, activity is checked through the “PC Settings” item. Next, you need to select the “wireless connection” line and move the slider on the right side of the menu to the “On” state.

The wireless network when using Windows XP does not require manual activation and, as a rule, connects just like Windows 7. It is enough to activate it through the control panel or through the wireless icon through the bottom panel of the system.

Video: how to create and configure a WI-FI network

How to set up a wireless network

For comfortable use of the network, some users resort to settings. Usually, standard settings are enough, but if you want, you can delve into your personal account. It is through your personal account that parameters are changed.

The login and password are specified by the router manufacturers, and you can find this data in the instructions. The address that will take you to your personal account is also indicated there. It is best to replace the default data so that no one can use it.

All other settings are made on the laptop itself, and they are installed using the Network Control Center.

WiFi without internet due to windows

There are rare cases when the operating system itself does not want to detect a wireless connection and shows that there is no external network at all. This option may exist when using non-licensed OS. Some people prefer to use amateur assemblies, which do not load the system as much and allow you to squeeze more out of the hardware.

Another reason could be a clogged system. System folders, over time, become clogged with unnecessary files, and if defragmentation is not carried out, the processor will be increasingly overloaded. Antiviruses also cannot keep a laptop clean forever.

In any case, all problems with the OS can be solved by a simple reinstallation. After reinstalling windows everything should work. Thus, the solution to the problem lies only in the functionality of the router, turned on WiFi on the laptop, or the presence of the necessary software. If these points are observed, WiFi will not present difficulties and will delight the user with stable operation.

The computer does not see the Wi-Fi network

WiFi wireless technology is widely used all over the world. Everyone knows about it, and there are practically no people left who do not use it. Connecting to an access point is extremely simple and does not require any knowledge. However, everything is not always so smooth. Quite often there are cases when the computer does not see available WiFi connections.

But before moving directly to troubleshooting, you should delve a little deeper into the principle of operation of this technology. The fact is that to connect to a WiFi network you need a router that acts as an access point. This means that if there is no signal, the access point should be checked first.

Why doesn't my computer see available WiFi networks?

If the router is turned on and working, but the computer still does not see the Wi-Fi network, then you should go to the system settings. There can be many reasons for such an error:

  • Drivers for network equipment are not installed.
  • Hardware error.
  • Wireless network connection is turned off.
  • Faulty WiFi module.

Besides this, there are other problems. However, it is simply impossible to describe everything. Therefore, we will look at the most common connection problems.

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Checking the driver for network equipment

What to do if the computer does not see the WiFi network?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the driver. This is special software that controls the operation of this or that equipment. Thus, if the driver for the network adapter is missing or does not work correctly, then the WiFi module itself will not be able to work normally.

You can check this in Device Manager. Click on the “My Computer” shortcut (you can find it in the file manager or in the “Start” menu) with the right mouse button and select “Properties”. In the window that appears, in the left menu you need to find and open the “Device Manager” item. Here we see all the devices that are connected to the laptop. Among them you need to find network equipment. Read how to properly configure a wireless WiFi adapter here.

Open the branch with network adapters. The absence of such a branch indicates that the drivers for the WiFi adapter are not installed on the computer at all. If the device manager displays network devices, then you should check to see if the exclamation mark is on any of them. If such an icon is present, this also indicates the absence or malfunction of the driver.

In any case, this can be solved by simply reinstalling the software, which can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website. Or, if a disk was included with the laptop, then everything you need can be installed from it. The WiFi adapter in Device Manager is usually called Wireless Network Adapter. The driver is the main reason why the computer does not see the wireless WiFi network. If the drivers are in order, but the problem is not resolved, then move on.

Read also

How to reinstall the WiFi driver on a laptop: Video

Checking the wireless connection status

The next reason why the computer does not see WiFi wireless networks is that the connection is turned off. How can I check this? First you need to open the Network Control Center. This is done differently on different operating systems. For example, on Windows8, you can simply right-click on the network icon in the tray and select “Network Center”.

Articles on the topic

You can also open the service as follows. Press the Win+R key combination and in the window that appears, write control panel. Press "Enter". Thus, we launched the control panel. Now we follow this path - Network and Internet Network and Sharing Management Center. It is worth noting that this option for starting the service is suitable for all versions of Windows. In the window that appears, we are interested in the “Change adapter settings” item. It's in the left menu.

In the window that appears, we see all the connections available on the computer. Find “Wireless network” (if you are using windows7, then “Wireless network connection”). If the label is gray, it indicates that the connection is disabled. To enable it, right-click on it and select “Enable”.

After this, the system will turn on the connection and begin searching for available networks. In some cases, if the computer still does not see the Wi-Fi network, then after this procedure you will need to enable the module on the keyboard using the Fn + adapter power button combination.

Performing diagnostics

If you have completed all of the above options, but the computer still does not see the Wi-Fi network, then you can resort to system diagnostics. To do this, open the Network Control Center and go to the “Change adapter settings” item.

Here we find the wireless connection shortcut and right-click on it. In the window that appears, you need to select “Diagnostics”. After this, the computer will independently begin troubleshooting and troubleshooting. After that, it will display a message about detecting problems (if any) or tell you what to do next.

What to do if the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network: Video

Hardware error

What does a hardware error mean? These are problems directly with the board (network card) itself. In other words, if the computer does not see the wireless WiFi adapter, then this indicates that it is not working. This can happen for two reasons:

Read also

  • The device has failed.
  • Driver problem.

We have already discussed the second option above, and you know how to fix this problem. But if the drivers are installed, and the computer still does not find the Wi-Fi adapter, it means that it is burned out.

This happens due to overheating, for example, if you leave the laptop for a long time in a bed or on some other soft surface, closing the air intake holes. In this case, the problem can be eliminated by replacing the failed equipment.

But to do this you will need to disassemble the laptop. Doing this yourself is not recommended. It is best to contact a service center.

Another reason why the computer does not see the WiFi network is a disconnected antenna. This applies to those laptops that have already been disassembled for cleaning or other repairs. It is quite possible that the technician simply did not connect the antenna to the adapter or did it incorrectly or poorly. In any case, the adapter is simply not able to pick up the signal, even if it is in close proximity to the access point.

It is very rare, but it still happens that the antenna terminals simply become clogged with dust, due to which contact is lost. In this case, you just need to clean them and everything will work.

The above describes the most common reasons why the computer does not see the Wi-Fi network, and their elimination. But in practice, other problems may occur, the elimination of which requires an individual approach and special diagnostics, which only a specialist can carry out.

In addition, the reason that the computer does not see WiFi may be a large distance from the router and, accordingly, going beyond the range of the WiFi network.

What to do if WiFi does not work on your laptop: Video

What to do if the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network

What to do if a laptop with Windows 7 does not see Wi-Fi

Can't see network adapter on Windows 7

Windows XP does not see Wi-Fi

The laptop does not see the wifi network: what to do? | Your networker

The problem of incorrect display or complete absence of available wifi networks occurs quite often and affects not only laptops, but also desktop computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.

There are many possible reasons why the Internet on a laptop via wif does not work well. In order to choose the right solution to this problem, you need to evaluate which “scenario” your situation belongs to: the laptop has stopped seeing wifi networks altogether (i.e., completely “ignoring” wireless connections) or the laptop does not see wifi from any one point access, easily identifying other Wi-Fi signal sources.

Why doesn't wifi work on my laptop?

First, it’s worth looking at the most common scenario - the computer completely “ignoring” all wireless networks. Those. Are you sure that:

  • - the router sends out a signal normally and the access point is “open” for connection;
  • - there are other available wifi networks nearby;
  • - other devices (for example, a cell phone) can easily identify active sources of a wireless signal.

But at the same time, your laptop does not find any wifi network and does not connect to the Internet - i.e. Wi-Fi on the laptop stopped working altogether.

  1. 1. To solve this problem, first of all, you should check whether the “wireless network adapter” is turned on at all. For this:
  • - open “Device Manager”, in the “device tree” select “Network adapters”;
  • - the list that opens should contain your wireless network adapter (the name of which depends on the device model and you can find out more about this parameter in the documentation for the laptop);

  • - there should not be a triangular yellow icon with an exclamation mark next to the name of the adapter - it means that the wireless network adapter is disabled, or the network driver installed and used by the laptop is not working correctly;
  • - to turn on the Wi-Fi adapter on your laptop, right-click on it and click “Enable/Connect”;
  • - if the driver does not work correctly, download and install the current version of the program for your laptop. Or remove the device through the “Device Manager” (download the required driver first - to be on the safe side) and restart the PC - the adapter should appear automatically.

In addition, you can check the adapter through the “Control Panel” - “Network and Sharing Center”: if the adapter is enabled, then there should be a section either “Wireless network adapter” or “Wireless adapter”.

  1. 2. Perhaps the laptop does not see Wi-Fi due to the fact that the network is disabled by a key combination or a special switch on the case: this reason is most relevant for laptop owners.

It is worth paying attention to the key combination “FN+F2”/ “FN+F3”/ “FN+F9”/ “FN+F12” (depending on the laptop model) - this combination enables/disables the network and is intended mainly for those who frequently travels by air (accordingly, this mode is called “On a plane” - most modern smartphones and tablets have a similar function).

  1. 3. If the laptop stopped seeing wifi after the device was disassembled (to clean the upgrade from dust), then perhaps the wireless module was physically disconnected during disassembly or the integrity of the connection wires was damaged. In this case, the solution to the problem will be to connect the adapter (and in case of a physical malfunction, replace it with a working module).

Why doesn't the laptop see wifi, but other devices see the router?

Now let’s consider a situation where the laptop selectively does not see the “wifi” network. It is worth noting that most problems with wireless networks can be resolved by updating network drivers.

So, there is a certain network that works and is displayed on other devices, but the laptop with great stubbornness does not want to see it. You can do the following:

First of all, try changing the encryption method in the wifi security settings

and experiment with the “Channel” parameter;

Try changing the name of the network - try to avoid complex symbols in the name.

Also, the reason that the laptop does not see the wifi network on Windows 7/Windows 10 may be that the computer is infected with viruses and problems with the hardware.

This applies directly to the computer, but the culprit that the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi router may be the source of the wireless signal itself.

  • - check the relevance of the installed firmware on the router: if the firmware is out of date, then update it to the most recent version;
  • - reset the router configuration to its default value (factory settings) and reconfigure the router;
  • - in some cases, installing an older version of the firmware helps, setting up the network configuration and then updating the firmware.

Thus, the most relevant and effective solution to the problem “the laptop does not look for Wi-Fi” is to check the functionality of the wifi module and install the latest drivers.

To avoid this problem, you should regularly update your computer software (manually or using special programs).

The computer does not detect the Wi-Fi network

There are times when Wi-Fi is no longer available on the computer. Why this happens and what to do in each specific case will be discussed in this article.

The problem can be of two types: the computer does not see the Wi-Fi network at all, or only your access point is not in the list of available neighbor networks. In the first case, the problem is most likely in the Wi-Fi device, in the second - in the computer on which the network has disappeared.

First actions

What should you do first? You can reboot the router or computer on which the network has disappeared. Make sure the password is entered correctly and Caps Lock is not enabled. If the passphrase is correct, but the computer does not connect, then you need to look for other reasons.

If the computer does not see any access points at all and/or has stopped seeing them: you need to check whether the Wi-Fi adapter is active. You need to do this: on your computer keyboard, press the key combination “Fn+F3” (depending on the model and manufacturer, there may be a combination of “Fn+F2” or “Fn+F5”). For keyboard shortcuts to work, keyboard drivers must be installed. On older models, the ability to see Wi-Fi is sometimes enabled with a separate button.

Network problems

If you have installed the drivers for the keyboard, turned on the Wi-Fi module, but there is still no Internet, then open the “Control Panel”. Select "Internet Networks" and in "Sharing Management" select "Change adapter settings." Here you will see a list of all adapters. Click on the “Wireless Network” item. If the icon is gray and says “Disabled,” then there is no Wi-Fi icon in the system tray, which is why nothing works. In this case, you need to enable it: right-click the context menu and select “Enable”. The wireless network becomes active. If an error occurs, running “Windows Network Diagnostics” helps. The system itself can find and correct errors.

If after this the computer does not detect an available network, then reinstall the drivers for the wireless network adapter. Open "Device Manager", click on "Network Adapters", find the desired device. You need to remove and install the driver again. Drivers can be found on the official website of your computer manufacturer or you can find a CD with a working driver included with your computer. After installing the driver, you need to turn on the Wi-Fi module and see how it works - if everything is activated, we figured out why the network disappeared.

Sometimes it happens that a laptop does not see the wireless network after being repaired or after cleaning. The technicians can turn off the antennas. Then you need to disassemble the laptop case and connect them or seek help from specialists.

Problems with the router

If the problem is that the computer does not see only your router, but sees others, then you need to take the following steps. Find the router settings and check the operation of the Wi-Fi adapter. To do this, open your browser and enter or in the address bar. If it doesn’t work out, you can take the IP address and authorization data in order to access the page from a sticker attached to the back of the router case or on the manufacturer’s website. On the router page you need to find “Advanced settings”, “Wi-Fi and network settings” tab. You need to set the “Enable wireless connection” flag. If the flag is set, but for some reason the problem remains, then the last way is to change the channel on which the router is running. In order not to change the channel blindly, you can use the “inSSIDer for Home” program, which analyzes the frequency range of the channel. Channels 1 to 11 are the American standard for Wi-Fi; most devices can work on these channels. Free hours may be from 11 to 13. When changing settings, do not forget to click “Save”.

You can try to remove encryption, the setting is called “Authentication Method”, change it to “Open System”. The problem may be the key length (WPA Pre-Shared Key). If it is more than 20 characters, then the router will stop working with such a long key. Most likely, the key can be no more than 12-13 characters. You can also update the firmware: section “Administration”, tab “Update firmware”.


Why are there still difficulties? The problem may be in the software. If you have System Restore enabled in Windows, then restore points will be shown in the log when installing programs. You can reset the operating system to the day the network was running and allow it to see connections again. You need to select a state, click “Next”, and act according to the instructions. The Wi-Fi network can often disappear when updating the OS, so sometimes after the update you have to reinstall programs, including those for a wireless connection, and then the computer again sees what it needs.

Adapter failure

If nothing helps and the computer still does not see available networks, then there is a possibility that the Wi-Fi adapter may have failed: it may burn out during operation, it needs good cooling. If it burns out, it will not be displayed in the “Device Manager”; this problem will be displayed during the “Windows Diagnostics”. It will need to be repaired or replaced.

So, we have looked at the most basic sources of problems when a computer with Wi-Fi fails. Remember that any problem can be eliminated if you know its causes.

The computer does not see the required Wi-Fi point.

So, a couple of months ago I encountered a common household problem. The laptop (Windows 7) sees many different Wi-Fi points, but does not see the required Wi-Fi point (the one to which it needs to connect), and all other computers have established a perfect connection and have been downloading porn from the Internet for a long time.

After googling on the Internet, I found a very trivial solution: I changed the Wi-Fi point channel (in the access point settings).

I assume that this is happening because recently there are wi-fi points in almost every apartment, and many of them have self-determination of the range. It works as follows: the point turns on and scans everything around, determines which channels are occupied and selects the one that is not busy, but due to the fact that your computer is located at a distance from it, it may well catch the signal that your point didn't catch it. You turn on your computer, it also scans everything around and is the first to catch a signal from the point that your point overlooked. And as a result, the computer does not see the desired point - it works with another on the same channel.

Quite recently, I again encountered this problem, but this time I did not have access to the point, and I really wanted to go to the Internet (the only entertainment I had at home was persimmons and the book “Western Philosophy from the Origins to the Present Day”). So I decided to try setting up wi-fi from the computer side.

In the adapter settings, I changed the “Scan acceptable interval to the minimum value” parameter and everything worked (control panel → network and sharing center → network and sharing management → wireless network management → adapter properties → configure → advanced).

This parameter is responsible for the broadcast scanning interval to search for new wi-fi connections. In my case, up to this point, a connection to the point had already been established; in the settings, the “Connect automatically if the network is within range” checkbox was selected (control panel → network and sharing center → network and sharing management → wireless network management (“Properties” right-click on the connection you need)). Accordingly, scanning the airwaves every 20 seconds gives a greater chance that the computer will see the desired point and immediately establish a connection with it. This is what happened.

And a little about other options:

Transmit buffer, Receive buffer. The value of this parameter allows you to specify the size of the buffer that stores data packets received from the network. On the Internet, in various forums, they advise setting these values ​​to the maximum, unless of course you have a weak computer (in which case I would advise buying a new one).

Preamble 802.11b. A sequence of binary bits that help synchronize receivers and prepare to receive transmitted data. I'm connecting to an access point with an 802.11n radio type, so I set this value to LongOnly. If you have any problems in this mode, then set the default value.

Network address (Networkadress). MAC address of the configured software interface. Manufacturers themselves set this value as unique, but if you are hiding from someone, you can change it.

And further. On the “Power Management” tab, I unchecked the “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” option; anyway, the battery on the laptop had long since died.

We all sooner or later encounter a problem when our device (computer, tablet, laptop, smartphone) for some reason does not see the wifi network. It seems like we connected correctly and configured everything, but there are no available connections. Let's look at possible options for correcting this situation.

Why doesn't my laptop/computer see the WiFi network?

Let me note that there may be several reasons, and we will start with the primary one: the operation of the router itself. It is he who performs the main functions of the access point and provides us with a good connection signal. If there is a problem with your router, try rebooting it. If it is turned on and functioning normally, check its distance from the computer/laptop. Maybe it's the range that's keeping your device from working.

Check if Wi-Fi is turned on on your laptop. On the work panel at the bottom near the language switching there is a corresponding icon (if the networks are not displayed when you click on it, then Wi-Fi is still turned off).
If this is not the reason, we will have to check the operation of some systems of our laptop ⁄ computer (suitable for Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10).

Let's look at the possible reasons for the lack of network:

  1. your device simply does not see any of the Wi-Fi networks (they are not displayed as available) - let's call it error 1;
  2. your device sees neighboring Wi-Fi networks, but it doesn’t find yours - error 2.
  • A hardware error (i.e. network card error) pops up. In this case, your device does not see the wireless WiFi adapter because it is either broken or there is a problem with its drivers.
  • The network hardware driver is not installed (check the driver in the Device Manager tab, in the “Properties” folder). If necessary, install the driver or reinstall the software (from the disk or from the manufacturer’s website).
  • The wireless connection is turned off (check in the Network Control Center in the Wireless network tab or the Wireless network connection tab).
  • The Wi-Fi module does not work (in case of a malfunction, the module must be replaced).
  • Software failure or other problems (this may require the help of a specialist).

If you find out that your error 2, to fix it, use changing the Wi-Fi network channel.
This can be done quite simply through the Settings item on the Wireless tab. You can select the channel number 1-9, or you can select the Auto checkbox. After saving the settings, you will need to reboot the router.

System diagnostics

If you have tried all possible and impossible options, and nothing helps you, you can use such a feature as system diagnostics. Go to the Network and Control Center, select “Change adapter settings”. Find the wireless connection shortcut, right-click on it, select the “Diagnostics” line. After this, your laptop (computer) itself will try to find malfunctions and tell you how to fix them.

Why doesn't my Android smartphone see the WiFi network?

Both in the case of a laptop and in the case of an Android-based smartphone, there may be several reasons for the lack of visible Wi-Fi networks:
  • You are out of range of the router (sometimes you just need to move around the room to find the network).
  • An incorrect access password has been entered, network authentication (the problem can be solved by entering the correct password, taking into account the case, or by rebooting the smartphone).
  • The router freezes (the problem can be solved by rebooting the router).
  • Lack of support for router standards by the smartphone (see the instructions for the router).
  • A large number of connected devices (in the router settings you need to find the number of devices with which it can work and remove unnecessary ones).
  • Installing new applications (this situation is typical for some Android devices, try deleting the last saved programs).
  • Incorrect router settings (exact settings are entered in the router menu).
  • Broken router or smartphone.

Regular connection failures may indicate that the problem lies in the phone settings themselves. The solution may be a complete reset to factory settings. Typically, this will require you to go to Settings and open the Security tab. After rebooting the phone, try to find a new Wi-Fi network.

As you can see, there can be quite a few reasons for the lack of a Wi-Fi network, but the ones mentioned above are the most common and, in principle, should help.

Sometimes laptop users are faced with the fact that the equipment stops seeing the Wi-Fi network. There could be several reasons for this problem. They are hidden either in the device itself or in the router.

Let's find out if there are problems with the router

First of all, you need to check if there is a problem with the router. To do this, you will need an additional device, such as a smartphone. Try to find a network with it. If the equipment connects to Wi-Fi and accesses the Internet without problems, then the problem is solely in the computer. If other devices also do not see the network, you need to repair the router. There are several ways.


Turn off and on the router using the button, usually located on the back of the case. This will restart all processes running by it. Once it boots up again, try searching for a network.

By pressing the button on the back of the case, you can reboot the router

Reset settings

Perhaps the router settings have gone wrong for some reason. The easiest way to restore them is to reset the settings to default values. To do this, press the Reset button on the back panel of the router for 10–15 seconds. When the icons start blinking, the router will reboot. You can release the button - the settings are reset. Check again if the network is working.

Clicking the Reset button will reset the router settings


After resetting the settings, all parameters must be reset:

Also try connecting the LAN cable or modem directly to the computer, thereby checking whether it works or not. Maybe the Internet is not paid for or there are problems on the operator’s side. If this is the case, then the problem should not be solved with the computer or router.

Change channel

If there are several devices connected to a Wi-Fi network at home, it is quite possible that their frequencies overlap. Therefore, it is worth trying to change the settings. Go to the Wireless Setting section and set a new value for the Channel parameter.

Set the Channel parameter to a different value to avoid network conflicts

Solving laptop problems

If the problem with the network occurs exclusively on the laptop, then you need to check whether the Wi-Fi adapter is activated and whether the necessary drivers are installed.

Please note that if you do not have a Wi-Fi settings section, this may indicate that this module is not included in your laptop and is not capable of receiving a wireless signal. In this case, you will have to purchase an external receiving device separately.

Module activation

It is possible that the adapter responsible for working with Wi-Fi is deactivated. There are several ways to enable it. See if there is a special button on the laptop case with a signal icon. Just click on it to activate the module. Also inspect the F1-F12 keys, one of them should turn the adapter on and off. Often the default combination is Fn+F5.

Photo gallery: module activation using buttons

To turn on the Wi-Fi adapter, try pressing the Fn+F5 combination. The button to turn on the Wi-Fi adapter can be located on the laptop keyboard. You can turn on the Wi-Fi module on some laptops using the button on the case

Activating the module using Windows

The module can also be enabled through system parameters:

After that, try connecting to the network again.

Checking drivers

Drivers are required for computer components to function properly. Initially, they are installed automatically, but over time they may no longer be relevant, so it is worth installing them again manually:

  1. Expand Device Manager. You can find it using the system search bar.

    You can find the device manager using the search bar

  2. A list of all devices connected to the computer will be displayed. Find your wireless adapter (if there is more than one, follow the steps below for each), select it, and proceed to update the drivers.

    Select the adapter and click the “Update drivers” button

  3. By the name of the adapter, find the latest version of drivers for it on the Internet. It is recommended to download drivers only from the manufacturer's official website.

    It’s safest to download drivers from the router manufacturer’s website.

  4. After downloading the drivers to your computer's memory, return to the installation procedure and select manual search.

    Select the option “Search for drivers on this computer”

  5. Specify the path to the previously downloaded file and wait until the installation completes. Then restart your computer for the changes to take effect and check if Wi-Fi is working.

    Specify the path to the driver file

Video: what to do if the laptop does not see Wi-Fi

What to do if nothing helps

If you have completed all the steps described above, but Internet access still does not appear, there is only one option left - the Wi-Fi module is broken. You won’t be able to fix it yourself; you’ll have to contact a service center to have specialists take care of it. If the warranty period has not yet expired, assistance will be provided free of charge.

Thus, the laptop may not connect to the network for two reasons: the router is not functioning correctly or the Wi-Fi module is not working. To fix the router, you need to reboot or reset its settings. For the module to work, you need to enable it and install the drivers.