Bitcoin exchange is a small amount. Profitable bitcoin exchange

Bitcoin is the main cryptocurrency, growing in price at a high speed. Therefore, it is not surprising that thousands of people want to invest their savings in this digital currency and make a decent profit in a year. We’ll tell you in our article where you can profitably exchange bitcoins for rubles and how best to do it.

How to exchange rubles for Bitcoin


The most popular places for exchange are exchanges with the largest money turnover. The most famous company is BTC-E. On it you can transfer electronic coins not only into dollars and euros, but also into rubles through the WebMoney wallet. After being hacked in 2012, this company returned all the stolen money to its users, which is why BTC-E is trusted by many people.

EXMO, Live Bitcoin and C-CEX are also popular.

The essence of the algorithm is simple: you register, create a wallet, verify it and enter a certain number of bitcoins into the exchange. The process of buying and selling cryptographic currency occurs between platform players at a price that each user sets himself.

Before exchanging money for Bitcoin, become familiar with the systems with which the exchange operates. You can top up your deposit through Yandex.Money and services.

The advantages of trading on the stock exchange include:

  • Favorable course.
  • A proven exchange process that the system carries out independently.
  • The exchange operates 24 hours a day.
  • The most famous companies have their own mobile applications.

The disadvantages of exchanging money include:

  • The inability to carry out transactions with Bitcoin using bank cards, not only of state banks such as Sberbank, but also of any other organization.
  • Very high commission percentage when working.

Attention block: The process of processing data and transferring money to the wallet takes 72 hours.

Online exchangers

You can trust well-known exchange sites, whose reputation is confirmed by hundreds of positive reviews. You should look for them not on the company’s website, but on specialized forums and discussions on social networks. One of the most popular services of this type is ProstoCash.

Transferring cryptographic coins through ProstoCase is quite easy and profitable. You can withdraw BTC to Russian currency in half an hour. And at the same time, you can transfer funds to any card, wallet or even mobile phone account.

All online exchangers work according to a similar scheme. You enter your amount, and the service independently calculates how much Bitcoin you can receive during the transfer process, the same applies in the opposite direction.

To carry out the operation, you will need to enter your email, card number and information about the owner (last name, first name and patronymic).

The advantages that can be highlighted when using online currency exchange services:

  • They work 24 hours a day.
  • You can even buy a tenth of a bitcoin.
  • High speed of processing requests.
  • A large number of potential exchange options.
  • Almost all payment systems are supported.

Of the minuses: limited number of BTC, the likelihood of ending up on a scam site.

Attention block: To avoid falling for the tricks of dishonest traders, take the time to read as many user reviews as possible about this service on independent sources. The clearest sign that this is an unreliable company is a very low commission: less than 0.1% of the transaction amount. You should not work with such sites. The norm is 0.2%


Not long ago, the popular e-wallet WebMoney became able to transfer cryptographic currency into Russian money. This is quite easy to do due to the function of directly linking a BTC wallet to a WMX account that is created in WebMoney. There is no commission for such operations, but the application is reviewed for several days.

Note that the option to link your BTC storage to WM is available only to users with a formal passport, whose information is supported by identification documents.

The benefits of using this service include:

  • Reliability and high level of user security.
  • Transfer cancellation function and fair refund.
  • Promptness of application consideration.

The disadvantages include:

  • There is a noticeable discrepancy between buying and selling rates, which makes some transactions economically meaningless.
  • You must have a certain user credential level. But even with confirmed data, you will have restrictions on the amount of transfer per day.
  • Wallets have a set limit: 200,000 rubles.


We talked about how profitable it is and where to exchange bitcoins for rubles, and explained whether it is possible to transfer cryptocurrency in online services without a high commission.

Check the sites and exchanges through which you are going to work, read reviews in advance and be careful. Digital coins can be a very profitable investment, so it may be worth holding off on converting BTC to rubles, since this currency unit is showing a record growth rate. However, Bitcoin is unstable and can collapse at any moment. The final choice is always yours.

New bitcoins are produced using complex mathematical operations, and if previously it was profitable to produce them even using a home computer, now this requires powerful computing systems. This cryptocurrency is becoming more and more resource-intensive every year.

At the moment, the release of bitcoins is limited, and by 2031 it will be completely stopped, so their cost increases every year, as a popular but scarce product.

The buying and selling rate of bitcoins is set by supply and demand and is subject to strong fluctuations. For example, in the first week of January 2017, it fell from $1,129 to $776. Fluctuations in the cryptocurrency rate are influenced by many factors. There have been cases when rumors about currency hacking brought down the value by hundreds of dollars.

Bitcoin wallet

Before you start considering options for how to buy bitcoins in Russia, you should think about where they will be stored. Like any currency, bitcoins require a wallet, only for digital currency it will be electronic. Any Bitcoin wallet can now easily be linked to a regular Visa or Mastercard payment card.

You can create a wallet in different ways. There are a number of sites where authorization allows you to create a web wallet that works on the principle of electronic payment systems. This is the most convenient and easiest way.

On the official website you can choose the wallet that suits you.

You can download a special program to your device that performs the function of an electronic wallet. The most popular applications are BitGo and Bitcoin Core. Coin.Spaice was developed specifically for mobile devices. In any case, to work with the wallet you will need access to the Internet.

Experienced users believe that it is safer to work with web wallets without installing any programs. BlockChain is considered the safest and most user-friendly interface, where there are now more and more wallets for working with cryptocurrency.

Each Bitcoin wallet has an individual number, sometimes called a Bitcoin address. Regardless of the service, the wallet address consists of a random set of Latin letters and numbers, 30 to 34 characters long. This combination is an analogue of a bank card number and is used as payment details. Under no circumstances should it be confused with a login; the payment will not go through.

The address is easily found on the wallet page. In the picture, the blue arrow shows where the wallet address is registered in the BlockChain system. The Bitcoin wallet of this site, like any other system, does not contain anything superfluous, only a balance, an address and a button for performing transactions.

This is what your Bitcoin wallet number looks like.

Buying Bitcoins

There are several ways to buy and acquire bitcoins. Bitcoins can be bought from other people, on the exchange, using exchange offices. It is best to find a seller who will offer the required number of bitcoins, in the desired currency, at an acceptable cost and with a suitable method of transferring money.

It is offered to buy bitcoins in various ways: for virtual money (paypal, Qiwi, Yandex.Money systems), for bank transfer from a bank card, for cash at a meeting, for dollars or rubles, etc.

Exchanges where you can buy Bitcoin

Exchanges are designed as resources for trading various currencies, including Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency has already been officially equated to digital money in many countries around the world, so Bitcoin exchanges have begun to appear everywhere on a completely legal basis. Exchange participants can replenish their account, make an offer to buy or sell a specific amount of currency at a certain price, which is its Bitcoin rate.

Bitcoin exchanges are the safest place where buying bitcoins for rubles will not be difficult or unnecessary problems for the user. The exchange is made between real people on more favorable terms of purchase than in exchange offices and provides a guarantee of fulfillment of obligations by all participants.

Purchasing bitcoins through cryptocurrency exchanges is very simple; there you can also exchange bitcoin for webmoney.

For working with bitcoins in Russia in 2017, the world's largest exchange BTC-E is best suited, characterized by the absence of an identification procedure, a sufficient number of users, and support for domestic payment systems. This is the most popular among exchanges working with rubles and without verification, with large trading volumes. The exchange hack that occurred in 2012 did not cause any losses to users: all stolen funds were returned.

Home page of the official website of the BTC-E exchange

Registration on BTC-E is simple, it consists of specifying your email and confirming your login and password via the link in the letter. For ruble deposits, you can use payment systems: Yandex-money, Qiwi, and some others.

How to buy bitcoins for qiwi on the exchange?

The purchasing process takes place in three stages:

Stage one – depositing money into the exchange. The most convenient, although not the cheapest, is input using Qiwi. Topping up your Qiwi wallet will not be difficult, and you can do this without additional fees by replenishing your account through terminals or using a bank card.

Stage two – participation in tenders. When replenishing the balance of the exchange’s internal account, you should take into account that payments do not always arrive promptly. To participate in the auction, the price for Bitcoin is set, the reference point in this case is the current exchange rate. If the set price turns out to be suitable, after a certain time the amount in bitcoins will appear on the account balance, minus the commission percentage that the exchange takes.

Stage three – withdrawal of funds. Coins are also withdrawn to the wallet with a commission fee, and the first withdrawal can take several days.

Pros of purchasing bitcoins through an exchange:

  • the ability to independently set a rate that is profitable for yourself;
  • many payment options;
  • 24/7 access to operations;
  • availability of separate applications for mobile devices;
  • automatic trading.

Among the disadvantages the most unpleasant:

  • exchanges work only with electronic payment systems; payments cannot be made with a bank card;
  • long time for carrying out operations, the time limit is up to three days;
  • there is no function for urgent purchase of cryptocurrency;
  • high commissions charged separately for transferring money to an internal account, for making transfers, for withdrawing bitcoins from the exchange.

Exchange services

Converting currencies to Bitcoin and back is possible using exchange services. This option for purchasing cryptocurrency is slightly superior to the exchange method in terms of simplicity. The exchange is made at the internal rate of the exchanger.

There are several most profitable and popular services:

  1. Metabank, accepting Qiwi and WebMoney with a 4% commission, operating only during the day from 10 to 19;
  2. ALFAcashier, ideal for buying and selling cryptocurrency with minimal losses;
  3., which carries out most of the operations automatically and is therefore available around the clock;
  4. WM-center, which works with the largest banks in the country and allows you to conduct online transactions at any time of the day.

There are quite a lot of cryptocurrency exchange services, almost all of them have been working for a long time and successfully, time-tested. But before you decide and start making transactions, you should check the reputation of the exchange office and, at the slightest hesitation, give preference to the most reliable exchanger according to reviews, even if a dubious one offers to purchase coins inexpensively.

Purchasing bitcoins using exchange services is a quick and quite profitable procedure. Competition in the field of exchange offices is constantly growing, so exchangers are reducing commission payments and doing everything possible to quickly carry out exchanges.

Exchange services allow you to purchase bitcoins in various ways: third-party electronic payment systems, from a current account, using a credit card.

The process of working with cryptocurrency through exchangers is very simple and in all exchange offices currency exchange occurs almost according to the same scenario:

  • go to the official website of the exchange service, registration is voluntary, it is not required for exchange;
  • choosing a system through which digital coins will be purchased;
  • after refreshing the page, the desired direction is selected, in our case, bitcoins;
  • the amount of cryptocurrency and payment details are indicated;
  • After filling out all the required payments, click on the yellow button to proceed to payment.
  • Clicking the button will take you to the payment system page.

As soon as the payment goes through, the application will be processed and within a few minutes the bitcoins will arrive to the specified wallet. The first time the process can take about two days, which is normal practice due to the need to carry out a number of checks.

How to buy Bitcoin through WebMoney?

If you are familiar with the WebMoney system firsthand and have to use it regularly, then buying bitcoins will not be difficult. Moreover, in this case you won’t even need a separate Bitcoin wallet. The system allows you to open accounts in the currencies of various countries, including cryptocurrency. A Bitcoin account on WebMoney will have its own address and is completely identical to a full-fledged wallet.

To purchase bitcoins, you only need to open a WMX-type wallet or top it up from other WebMoney accounts. Internal exchange to a Bitcoin account can also be done from a ruble account.

Step-by-step instructions for purchasing bitcoins in WM:

  • Using the menu, a WMX wallet is created;
  • select the newly created WMX wallet that appears in the list of wallets;
  • a button is pressed offering to exchange funds;
  • indicates the number of bitcoins to be purchased and the wallet for payment;
  • the purchase process is confirmed and bitcoins immediately appear in the wallet.

Due to the fact that Bitcoin is constantly becoming more expensive, even fractions of it are used, so when purchasing a certain number of virtual coins, you should keep in mind that thousandths of a Bitcoin are taken into account, so three zeros are added to the required number, that is, if you want to take 1 Bitcoin 1000 is indicated.

Advantages of buying Bitcoin through an exchanger:

To buy bitcoins, you can use the oldest method of exchange invented by civilization, that is, buy cryptocurrency from hand to hand. You will need to find a forum where visitors who sell cryptocurrency directly will help you buy bitcoins for rubles.

The purchase in this case will be cheap, since the rate is usually slightly lower: the seller and buyer save significantly on commission interest. But the risk of running into scammers is very high.

The process goes quickly, the buyer transfers money to the seller, and he returns it in bitcoin equivalent. If the money is paid, but the bitcoins have not arrived, there is only one conclusion - the buyer was unlucky and fell into the hands of scammers. The chance of returning the funds is zero, so purchasing bitcoins from strangers without studying the reviews of other users is not recommended.

The advantage of this method is that there is no commission to purchase. All.

There are many more disadvantages:

  • long searches for people willing to sell bitcoins;
  • lengthy negotiations on the terms of the transaction, not always;
  • resultant high risks of financial losses due to the likelihood of encountering a fraudster who received money and forgot to transfer bitcoins.

Selling and withdrawing bitcoins

A method for acquiring cryptocurrency has been found, it works successfully, the Bitcoin wallet pleasantly “rings” with coins. What to do next with cryptocurrency is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

There are several options and each of them is attractive in its own way:

  • wait a few months and then sell the currency, making a profit from the increase in the bitcoin exchange rate for rubles;
  • Having gained experience, try your hand at speculation, selling and buying bitcoins through an exchange or brokers, the profit can be huge;
  • pay for purchases using a Bitcoin wallet.

Any of the methods has the right to exist. There is no need to rush, since in any case the money is already in your wallet. Someone will go shopping, which will not be a problem, since many online stores already accept bitcoins for payment. For others, the best option would be to just take profits and continue to accumulate and buy bitcoins.

You can carefully study and weigh all the ways to purchase bitcoins, choosing the most reliable ones, and gradually accumulate cryptocurrency. Optimistic forecasts for the Bitcoin exchange rate allow us to conclude that even a small amount invested now in Bitcoin can turn into decent capital in the future.

Last updated Dec 17, 2018

The price of Bitcoin in 2017 reached its highest value for the entire existence of the cryptocurrency. As of December 9, 2017 - $15,000 per 1 BTC. The question becomes relevant: where and how can withdraw Bitcoins from your wallet to a card, exchange for cash rubles, dollars, payment systems Qiwi, Yandex.Money, Advcash and others as profitably as possible and with minimal commissions.

Questions often arise about withdrawing Bitcoin to real cash or to a Visa/Mastercard bank card. Banks in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other CIS countries do not officially work with cryptocurrencies yet. Therefore, in this article we will consider the main ways how to withdraw Bitcoins to a card from the exchange account, from the Blockchain online service to payment systems and then withdraw cash from an ATM.

You can withdraw Bitcoin in 2019 using the following methods:

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is called "digital gold". Recently, you can use it to pay for purchases and services, as many online stores have begun to accept it for payment. Market capitalization exceeded US$263 billion.

How to withdraw Bitcoins from your wallet

It is very easy to withdraw Bitcoins from your wallet and transfer them to another address. As a rule, you need to click “Submit”, “Withdraw” or “Send”; indicate the Bitcoin wallet address, the number of BTC transferred and the commission (it is fixed on exchanges).

  • Withdrawing Bitcoin from the Exmo exchange wallet. You need to go to the “Wallet” - “BTC” - “Withdraw” section. Please indicate the amount. Commission - 0.0005 BTC or about $4 at today's rate. Minimum amount - 0.01 BTC; maximum - 350 BTC.

  • Conclusion from .

You must click "Send", enter the recipient's address and indicate the amount.

Please pay attention to the commission, it is needed to process the transaction as quickly as possible. By default, its optimal size is set, but you can specify a higher commission, then the operation will go faster. Usually confirmation occurs within an hour.

  • In a crypto wallet, which is designed to store popular cryptocurrencies Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zec, Ripple, Dash and others: to withdraw Bitcoins, select “Send”, insert the recipient’s address and amount:

Withdraw bitcoins through an exchanger

The easiest and fastest way is to withdraw through, carrying out the operation of converting one currency into another.

Through exchange offices it becomes possible withdraw Bitcoin to Sberbank card, Privat24, Alfa Bank, Tinkoff, Avangard, Russian Standard, VTB 24, to any Visa or Mastercard.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Transfer bitcoins from your wallet to the address of the exchange office;
  2. The exchanger transfers rubles or other rubles from its account to the details you specified when making the transaction.
  • Prostocash.
  • 60sec.
  • Ramon Cash
  • Baksman.
  • Xchange.

Let's show the example of the Prostocash exchanger, since it has positive reviews on the Internet, has solid reserves and a large number of payment systems. The exchange takes place manually within 5-15 minutes.

After going to the site, it is recommended to register and receive a 0.05% bonus when making a transaction.

Carefully fill in the data: number, bank name, full name. owner:

Reviews on the Internet are positive, customers are happy.

In exchange offices you can not only exchange, but also electronic systems, etc.

How to withdraw Bitcoin through an exchange

You can withdraw Bitcoins through exchanges, where the process of buying or selling cryptocurrency takes place between users of the platform.

The main advantages are working with rubles and hryvnias, favorable rates, a large selection of methods for depositing and withdrawing money. In general, exchanges do not charge commissions for transactions, but payment systems may impose them.

Algorithm of actions on how to withdraw Bitcoin (BTC) through the exchange:

  • Let's register.
  • We transfer bitcoins from our wallet to the exchange account.
  • We carry out trading operations or exchange for a ruble account RUB (account in hryvnia UAH, dollars USD or another).
  • We withdraw money using available methods: to Visa and Mastercard cards, Yandex.Money wallet, Qiwi, etc.

Carefully read the minimum, maximum limits and withdrawal regulations, as this process can take several days.

Let's look at the exchange as an example. Its advantage is that there is a large selection of withdrawals to payment systems, including cards of Russian and Ukrainian banks.

When registering on the website, provide your login, e-mail, password, and read the terms of the agreement:

Log in to the Eksmo website using your username and password. Go to the "Wallet" section and opposite the BTC currency, click "Top up".

Copy the address to top up (minimum amount - 0.001 BTC):

Read the transfer instructions and copy the address. You need to transfer the exact amount and within a strictly limited time (within 15 minutes).

Log in to your wallet and withdraw Bitcoins to the specified address. After depositing the money, proceed to withdraw it.

Go to the "Transfer of Funds" item, there are available methods:

  • Transfer between wallets in the system itself.
  • To Advcash card.
  • To a bank card.
  • In electronic currency (Perfect Money, Payeer, etc.).

Bitcoin wallets are designed to store digital money and do not provide for their withdrawal into fiat - generally accepted - currency. The lack of appropriate functionality limits the use of cryptocurrency in everyday life, especially given the lack of a wide range of offers for payment with digital money. In this situation, exchangers for withdrawing bitcoins into rubles or other currencies become relevant.

Where and how to exchange Bitcoin for rubles?

There are three ways to exchange bitcoins for rubles:

  • through the exchange, the most suitable options are Exmo and YoBit;
  • use exchangers;
  • exchange funds directly.

The last option involves transferring funds between user wallets directly. This method is more profitable due to the absence of commission, but entails the risk of fraudulent activities. Therefore, funds should only be transferred directly to trusted counterparties.

To reduce the level of risks, turn to exchangers. Unlike exchanges, their commission is usually higher, but the functionality for withdrawing funds is much more convenient. To select the right service, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • list of electronic wallets for withdrawal of funds;
  • exchange rate;
  • speed of processing applications;
  • the need for registration;
  • reputation of the exchanger;
  • commissions charged.

The rate for withdrawing bitcoins to rubles may differ, the difference is sometimes up to 10%. It is recommended to analyze in advance the prospects for using the selected exchanger, tracking changes in its exchange rate.

The reputation of the selected service is assessed by user activity, transaction volume, as well as reviews and comments. They also pay attention to the security of entered data and ensuring confidentiality.


Commission is one of the main factors that people pay attention to when choosing a Bitcoin exchanger. It can be accrued in the following ways:

  • fixed amount - given the growth of the bitcoin rate, this option is used the least often;
  • Interest accrual is a common option; the interest rate can be either fixed or vary depending on the volume of the transferred amount;
  • a combined option is also common; the main commission amount is calculated as a percentage, but there is also a fixed minimum fee.

You should also pay attention to hidden commissions. Transferring bitcoins through an exchanger can be done not directly, but by fixing the amount on the server, after which you will have to pay another commission for withdrawing funds to an electronic wallet. Often it exceeds the fee for transferring funds.

Exchange rubles to bitcoin

The exchange of rubles for bitcoins is carried out according to a similar principle. To find a suitable exchanger, use the appropriate services, for example, BestChange or LocalBitcoins.

Such sites allow you to choose an exchanger at the most favorable rate. BestChange offers advanced functionality, provides detailed information and statistics on the most advantageous offers in cryptocurrency exchange.

LocalBitcoins offers a customizable search that allows you to select an exchanger by country of location, desired currency and wallet. Detailed information is offered for each participant, allowing you to assess the potential for cooperation with him.

Top exchangers

It is difficult to rank Bitcoin exchangers due to constant changes. Variations in the cryptocurrency exchange rate, inclusion or expansion of functionality, and other changes - all this affects the statistical data. The list of Bitcoin exchangers given below as a rating is indicative. - exchange office sells and buys Bitcoin exclusively. directions Sberbank Qiwi Yandex Tinkoff. Intuitive interface. No identity verification required. High speed of processing applications. Favorable course without additional or hidden fees. The exchange takes place from 5 to 15 minutes during business hours 6:00-23:00 (Moscow time). A big plus of this exchanger is its own telegram bot for exchange @BtcBank24com_bot. Guarantee of the safety of your funds 100%. Operators on the website or in the telegram will always help with the exchange and answer your questions. - offers a semi-automatic exchange with an extensive list of options for withdrawing money. Transactions are processed within 15 minutes around the clock. Cryptocurrency exchange can be done without registration, but there is a cumulative discount system for users.

A referral program is also provided, according to which the inviter receives a certain percentage of referral transactions. However, it should be taken into account that for different directions the transaction rate will differ due to the commission.

X-pay is a convenient bitcoin exchanger that works with major cryptocurrencies. Provides anonymity of transactions if the withdrawal is not made through a bank. It should be taken into account that different directions are processed at different speeds - from 10 minutes to a couple of days. The system reports all the nuances. Bonuses are also provided to registered users and for attracting referrals.

BaksMan is a convenient, simple exchanger that offers other cryptocurrencies in addition to bitcoins. A distinctive feature is the high speed of data processing at a favorable exchange rate. All transactions are carried out automatically, registration is carried out immediately after the first exchange and offers certain bonuses for regular customers.

ProstoCash is a simple, convenient service for withdrawing bitcoins. Provides a high level of anonymity, requesting only the minimum set of necessary data. The rate is adjusted every three minutes; not only stock exchange quotes are taken into account, but also the exchanger’s reserve. Transaction speed takes up to 20 minutes.

Xchange - has been operating since 2012 in semi-automatic mode, provides high transaction speed - up to 10 minutes. The exchange rate between Bitcoin and rubles is different and is constantly adjusted, depending on the chosen direction of transfer.

An ATM is an exchanger for bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies, operating in manual mode. Processing applications takes up to 15 minutes, the service operates around the clock. Upon registration and ongoing cooperation, there is a cumulative discount and referral program. is an automatic exchanger with access to several cryptocurrencies and e-wallets. Offers a profitable affiliate program and a loyal rate for exchanging bitcoins.

ALFAcashier is an automatic service for exchanging cryptocurrency, operating since 2012. Provides high transaction speeds, but processing bank transfers takes some time. Suitable for exchanging large amounts due to reliable operation and excellent reputation of the service.

24PayBank is a 24/7 Bitcoin exchanger that does not require registration. Transactions are carried out manually and take up to 10 minutes. The service has a favorable ratio of digital and real currencies.

Bit-Changer is a Bitcoin exchanger that also allows you to make simple transfers. Compared to others, it has a limited choice of destinations. It works around the clock, during the day from 9 to 21 - in manual mode. Provides high transfer speed.

There are two options for exchanging cryptocurrency for regular fiat money (rubles and dollars):

  • Using cryptocurrency exchangers- the most convenient, profitable and simple option. Crypto exchangers support familiar payment systems: bank cards, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, WebMoney, etc.
  • Using crypto exchanges— suitable if you plan to regularly trade crypto assets.

Material navigation:

How to choose a reliable cryptocurrency exchanger?

With the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, an incredible number of different services have appeared. Very often, scammers hide behind crypto exchangers, receive funds from bona fide crypto enthusiasts and disappear without a trace.

On the other hand, even old and proven services do not provide any guarantees, and everything rests solely on reputation and trust. Still, there are several indicators by which you can choose a more or less reliable service and make your own rating of the best cryptocurrency exchangers.

Before trusting your “hard earned” money to any exchanger, you should pay attention to several indicators:

  • Cryptocurrency reserve. It determines liquidity. This indicator affects the speed of the transaction; This is not a static indicator. If someone makes a large transaction, the reserve will decrease accordingly. On popular services they are quickly restored.
  • Number of trading pairs. The more trading pairs, the more convenient the exchanger. After all, to buy or sell the desired crypto coin, you do not need to convert it into a more popular one;
  • Reviews. One of the most important points. When choosing a site, it is always worth familiarizing yourself with the experience of those who have already used it;

You can use our personal list of the best crypto exchangers; we have been working with these services for more than two years and at the moment there are no complaints about their work.

TOP 14 best crypto exchangers where you can buy and sell Bitcoin for rubles

The services below have been tested and have collected many positive reviews online, so you can safely make financial transactions with bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies through them.

These are the 13 best cryptocurrency exchangers in RuNet, but let us immediately note that we regularly work only with the first two services (60cek and WW-pay).

60cek - the most reliable exchanger of 2018 (editor's choice!)

Cryptocurrency exchange on an exchange - an option for traders

Exchanges are much less suitable for exchanging fiat money for cryptocurrency than exchangers. But for the sake of completeness of the review and to provide all possible options, we will consider them.
To do this, you need to go to your personal account Wallet, and opposite the cryptocurrency you need to exchange, click Top up.

As soon as you transfer bitcoins to the desired address, they will be credited to your EXMO exchange wallet in just a couple of minutes. After this, you can carry out the exchange in the direction you need.

For example, how to exchange Bitcoin for rubles using the EXMO exchange:

Go back to your wallet, only instead of Top up now you need to choose Exchange:

In which you will need to select what currency you want to exchange bitcoins for and indicate the amount of bitcoins you want to exchange, just below it will be written what amount you will receive for them, and if you are satisfied with it, click Exchange.

Money is exchanged instantly and credited immediately to your ruble wallet on EXMO.

Well, now the money received from the exchange can be withdrawn. And you can withdraw them to many payment systems.

In order to withdraw money, you need to click the button next to the currency you want to withdraw Withdraw, in my case it will be rubles:

Then, select the payment card you want to withdraw to and fill out the withdrawal form. After filling, press Withdraw funds .
Withdrawals are processed within 3 days (but usually the payment arrives within 2 hours). The minimum for withdrawal to WebMoney is 100 rubles, and the commission for such an exchange is 3%.

In general, if you constantly need to exchange and withdraw cryptocurrencies, then the Exmo exchange will always help you with this. By the way, you can not only change cryptocurrencies on it,
but even trade them (full on our website).