The order in which friends are displayed in a contact. Possible friends on VKontakte

Have you ever known that VK has a number of friends? Yes, yes, at the time of writing, it amounts to 10,000 users including friend requests. What if there are more friends? This means they will be your subscribers.

Finding users with 10 thousand friends is, to put it mildly, not so easy. For most, this figure is much lower - 200-500 user-friends. But today we won’t talk about friends, but about how a list of friends for a user is formed. Here, as it turns out, everything is far from so simple.

Important friends

You've probably asked yourself why some users are ranked higher than others? This is explained simply - at the top of the friends list are those users with whom you communicate most often. However, if you see a user at the top of the list with whom you have not corresponded for a long time, he did not get there by mistake - in addition to communication, other factors influence the sorting, including likes to friends, replies in comments, reposts, etc. Therefore, the list of important friends (and it is called that way) will contain those users to whom, roughly speaking, you pay more attention than others.

There is an important exception to this rule: the list also includes those users whom you recently added as friends. This is done so that you do not forget about them and communicate. If you do not communicate with them, then over time the list will be reformed and these users will be lower on the list of friends.

Friends of other users

Can the above be applied to other users' friends? No, you can’t, because in this case the list is formed based on mutual friends. If there are no mutual friends, then the list can be formed based on the date of user registration. But it is possible that users can be ranked randomly, if you do not take into account mutual friends.

Friends online

If we are talking about a list of friends who are online, it is sorted by the “importance” of the friend, that is, there is no difference in the first case, except that the list will show only those friends who are online at this moment time.

The formation of a list of friends in the “Online Friends” window is probably formed in a random order - with each update the list may completely change. We dare to assume that this was done for a reason, but so that when you see one of your old acquaintances, you decide to write to him.

Mobile app

The mobile application has a list of important friends, it’s called “Important”. The order in which users appear in it is the same as in the first case, described above.

Can I change my friends list?

The list of important friends itself, and friends in general, is generated exclusively automatically. But you can influence the rankings. For example, the more you communicate with the user, the more often you like him, repost him, etc., the higher he will be on the list.

“Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”(folk wisdom)

More to each other, less to each other...

You go to a friend’s page, look, and he only has 200 VKontakte friends. Why so few? and we begin to look for reasons. But it would be worth thinking about other things. For example, why order of VKontakte friends exactly like this? After all, if we open full list friends, remember it, reload the page, we will see exactly the same order. What's the secret? And the dog, as it turns out, is buried right at the surface.

So. As we know, there are two types of friend lists - one that displays six online friends and just six friends. If you noticed, friends on these lists are never repeated. In addition, among your six friends, some appear more often, others less often. What's the trick? The trick is how often you visit their page. The more often you visit, the more often they are visible in this window.
Similar order of VKontakte friends in the general list. Login to your account in social network VKontakte, click on the “Friends” button on the left side of the menu, and we see a list of our friends. In it, friends are sorted as above and said by the frequency of your visits to their pages. Now if we go to the second tab “Online” friends, we will notice the same thing - order of VKontakte friends same.
But if you visited your friend, or simply jumped onto an unfamiliar page, then the list of friends for you will be sorted differently. Here the list is sorted by the frequency of these friends visiting this person’s page. In other words, whoever comes in more often is higher on the list. The logic is simple and clear.
By the way, this rule was introduced not so long ago. Used to be friends were sorted by the magnitude of their rating - those with a better rating are higher on the list. But first the administration of the social network changed VKontakte order of friends, and then completely abandoned the rating.

By clicking on the Friends section in our VK profile, we are used to seeing colleagues, relatives, classmates, friends from the Internet, etc. there. There are tens, hundreds, thousands of them. And the order in which they are located is not always the same. It changes regularly without direct user intervention. And at the top there are always those people whose pages you visit and towards whom you are active. They are called important.

Today we’ll try to figure out how to make this list, try to customize it for ourselves and identify important friends on someone else’s page.

There is no clear algorithm for generating a friend list. It all depends on the activity of the user himself and this means different consequences. Among the factors are the following:

  • correspondence and visiting a friend’s page. Those pages that you visit most often and with whom you communicate a lot are in the top places;
  • date of adding as a friend. Recently added pages are ranked higher, one is sure to be in the top five;
  • number of friends close to you;
  • page filling activity. Abandoned, long-deleted, empty ones are often displayed below the rest.

It is impossible to change the location of friends on your friend list according to a clear plan. It will be determined automatically, but with your visits, likes, reposts and correspondence, you promote the people you need to the top.

If you want to lower a friend from your friends list, do not perform any actions with his profile for a while, do not write or visit the page.

The only way to organize the right people Your preference is to create a separate friends list. To do this you need:

You can always add a new person there, but you also can't promote or demote them in the general order. Although there will be no problems with the location, since you can always do new list, which will contain your selected top people.

How to see a friend's important friends

There is no way to see another user’s friend list from your page through his eyes. That is, the output for you will still be different. You won’t be able to find out the order for a friend through the interface of the VK website, just like using third party programs. Of course, if you hack a person’s page, then friends will be displayed in his order, but we will not consider this option.

If you go to a friend’s page and open the list of his friends, they will be sorted for you from top to bottom in the following order:

  1. Your profile is first on the list.
  2. People who have mutual friends with you (the more of them, the higher on the list).
  3. Sorting by registration date and page rank.

Mutual friends are included in a separate list. If a friend created their own, you will see it too.

Important friends on the phone

Everything described applies not only to the web version of the VK website for personal computer, but also official mobile applications for iPhone, Android.

Today we will tell you how a list of important friends is formed and how you can find out important friends from a friend on VKontakte.

Not everyone knows, but you cannot add an infinite number of friends on VKontakte. Their final value is 10,000 people. However, the average hovers around 300 contacts. And when you look at this list, it becomes obvious that it is built according to some specific principle. Most significant contacts come at the beginning, and less at the end. Because of this, many social network users ask the question: “How to recognize important friends from a friend on VK?”

First of all, it is necessary to establish principles for displaying acquaintances on personal page In contact with. In this case, if you look at the list of communications constantly, everything becomes more or less clear.

In the first place are contacts with whom more active correspondence is conducted. But, looking at this list, you can see that in high positions there are people with whom communication is minimal.

And then it comes to mind that I had to “communicate” with these contacts a little differently. This other communication includes:

  • Reposting news and interesting articles;
  • View recent photos;
  • Commenting on posts;
  • Constantly viewing a friend's page;
  • Rating photos and posts of a VK contact.

Thus, by being active on a person’s page, you can display his name in the list of important contacts.

It's important to note that new friends' pages will also be at the top of the list. Thus, the system will remind you that it may be interesting to continue communicating with these people, and will not allow you to forget about them.

So, having sorted out your friends in your own list, you can begin to study the question: “How to see important friends from a friend on VK?” It’s easy to notice that when you open a tab with your friends’ contact list, the list is displayed completely differently.

Your own account will come first. Next, avatars of mutual friends on VKontakte will be displayed. Then their ranking will be based on the principle “the more mutual friends there are, the earlier the contact will be placed on the list.” Further, all accounts will be ranked according to the time of registration (earlier registration on the network will provide higher positions in the list of friends).

Therefore you can do important conclusion that when looking through the list of contacts in your social circle, it is almost impossible to determine who is in important friends from a friend on VKontakte. This is most likely due to the social network administration ensuring complete confidentiality of all accounts. Consequently, this information available exclusively when viewing your personal friends list.

Probably many of us have noticed the VKontakte tab « Possible friends» , but not everyone knows what it is for and how it works. This is exactly what we're talking about we'll talk in this article.

Let's take a look at what the tab looks like "Possible Friends", perhaps someone did not notice her.

How many of those who know about it have guessed how this function works, and by what principle it identifies people with whom we may be familiar? Everything is very simple. Let's open this section and study it in more detail. Having done this, you will notice that most of the people who are there are those with whom we communicated, but did not add them as friends, or we have mutual friends with them. Now it’s a little clearer how it works this function, but that's not all.

At first this list is formed based on the people you have mutual friends with. What follows is a whole chain. We look for those users whose profile indicates the same city as yours, the same job, and other factors. That is, it is a smart algorithm that constantly updates the list of your possible friends. Let's say you added someone as a friend and immediately, from his list of friends, there will be those who have common friends with you, and they will be offered to you as your possible acquaintances. Here is the whole principle of the section "Possible Friends".

Of course, accurate and reliable information impossible to obtain. Only the developers of the VKontakte site know this. It can be assumed that VK collects anonymized data that is tied to an identifier, or buys it from other networks. But this is just an assumption, and do not be afraid, your personal data is not collected.


We hope you now understand how this function works. With its help, you will find your old acquaintances or even meet people from your city or educational institution.