Promotion of an advertising product on social networks. SMM promotion on social networks - what it is and how it works

It took radio 38 years to reach an audience of 50 million, television 13. Facebook gained 200 million users in less than a year.

More than 82% of Internet users have accounts on social networks and spend (at least) two hours a day on them. Russia ranks first in Europe in terms of popularity of social networks.

There is a growing number of users who come to social networks not for communication, but for information, as well as businessmen who understand that social media is an effective marketing channel. If you want to promote a project through social networks, then get acquainted with four effective ways of promotion.

Content is the main factor of promotion

Any SMM specialist will confirm: without quality content, promotion tools are useless. If your brand’s page is boring, you shouldn’t count on audience growth and loyalty.

Three components of good content:

  1. Uniqueness. The information you post should be relevant and engaging. Do not copy materials from other resources. The exception is cross-posting between a company’s blog and its page on a social network.
  2. Regularity. Articles should be published systematically. Two, three, four or seven times a week - depends on the specifics of the business and its target audience. So, for people from the business environment, two or three updates will be enough, but for the beauty community this is clearly not enough. It is necessary to adhere to the chosen content strategy regardless of the number of subscribers.
  3. Virality. Publications should be lively, evoking an emotional response in the form of a burning desire to tell friends about them. Avoid overtly promotional posts.

Facebook in Russia- “social services are not for everyone.” It is used by marketers, programmers and other IT-savvy people. They are not afraid of a “complex interface”, and their areas of interest include gadgets, the Internet, travel, education, books and business in all its forms. They willingly like and share materials on these topics, as well as motivating articles that set the mood for positivity. Most of Facebook's active audience uses the mobile application - it is recommended to illustrate posts with pictures measuring 800 × 600.

"VKontakte"- the largest social network on the Runet (more than 230 million registered users). Her audience is younger; Users' interests are mainly focused on entertainment (communication, games, music, movies, etc.). VK users do not like text content (it is advisable that the length of the post does not exceed 500 characters), but they love photos and videos.

The most popular among photo hosting sites in Russia is Instagram. At the same time, when maintaining a brand page on Instagram, it is recommended to adhere to a single design style (use not only standard filters, but also third-party photo editors), and also place objects in the photo on 2/3 of the screen (this makes the picture more visually attractive).


The ability to place targeted advertising is available on almost all social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and others. At the same time, it is believed that targeted advertising on social networks is more suitable for the B2C sector. However, there are also companies in B2B that effectively solve business problems through targeted advertising.

Some types of targeting:

  • Geographic (geotargeting) - displaying advertising to residents of a certain region / city / district, etc. For example, you want to promote a beauty salon located in Khimki near Moscow. Your targeted ad will be shown to residents of this city.
  • Socio-demographic - displaying advertising depending on gender, age, marital status and other social criteria. Thus, it is recommended to place advertisements for children's products and household goods on the pages of married women over 25, and advertisements for an art store - on the pages of designers, architects, and decorators.
  • Contextual - displaying advertising in accordance with the user's interests. Membership in groups such as “Fashion”, Fashion, “Shopping”, etc. clearly demonstrates the user’s interests. He will be interested in relevant advertising.
  • Behavioral - displaying advertising depending on specific user actions (travel routes, favorite places, frequent search queries, etc.). Let's say a person is interested in Latin American dancing, goes to a salsa club, and looks for relevant videos - there is a high probability that he will be attracted by an advertisement for a last-minute tour to Cuba.

Despite its apparent simplicity, targeting is a tool that requires serious preparatory work. First, you need to analyze the brand's target audience. Secondly, make an ad.

Advertising in communities

Advertising in communities (in the professional language of SMM specialists - sowing) is the purchase of posting posts or reposts in popular communities. In the first case (purchase of a post), the advertiser’s goal is to increase traffic on the company’s website; in the second (buying a repost) - attracting users to the company’s group on a social network. Moreover, the more subscribers the community in which you buy a post has, the more expensive the advertising campaign will cost.

You can negotiate with community owners directly or use the services of a special exchange. In 2013, it was opened by the social network VKontakte (an account for advertisers). Advertising is placed by the community administration in its feed and, according to the conditions, must remain there for 24 hours.

Professional promotion in social media

This refers to services that provide paid promotion services on social networks. As a rule, they independently create high-quality content, launch a targeting mechanism and negotiate advertising in communities. These include Plibber. Why conditional? Because the capabilities of this service are much wider.

  • register;
  • decide on the format of work on the site (you can advertise your brand yourself or contact the Plibber team to organize a shocking advertising campaign);
  • prepare an advertising post;
  • select the most suitable sites from the target audience and begin sowing.

After preliminary moderation, your task will be available and you can start attracting fans of your brand.

How to get organic loyal traffic? We addressed this question, which is of interest to all advertisers, to the founder of the Plibber project, Oleg Ratunin.

Oleg Ratunin

CEO and ideological inspirer of Knows everything and more about social media.

To attract potential fans to your brand, you should:

  • use quizzes, infographics, illustrations, viral videos, advertising games, etc.;
  • place a link within the visible area of ​​the post announcement (first and second lines);
  • introduce a call to action into the content;
  • add a provocative survey;
  • work with associative content format and its adaptation to the brand;
  • launch creative, vibrant and unique competitions.

If you manage to find the content that your audience craves, you can count on over 600 clicks from one post.

Also, do not forget to analyze the communication of large brands with their subscribers; now good results are being detected in the community

1. Terms and definitions In this agreement on the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), the terms below have the following definitions: Operator - Individual Entrepreneur Oleg Aleksandrovich Dneprovsky. Acceptance of the Agreement - full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of the Agreement by sending and processing personal data. Personal data - information entered by the User (subject of personal data) on the site and directly or indirectly related to this User. User - any individual or legal entity who has successfully completed the procedure of filling out the input fields on the site. Filling out input fields is the procedure for the User to send their first name, last name, phone number, personal email address (hereinafter referred to as Personal Data) to the database of registered users of the site, carried out for the purpose of identifying the User. As a result of filling out the input fields, personal data is sent to the Operator’s database. Filling out the input fields is voluntary. website - a website located on the Internet and consisting of one page. 2. General provisions 2.1. This Agreement is drawn up on the basis of the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and the provisions of Article 13.11 on “Violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data” of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and is valid for all personal data that the Operator can obtain about the User while using the Site. 2.2. Filling out the input fields by the User on the Site means the User’s unconditional agreement with all the terms of this Agreement (Acceptance of the Agreement). In case of disagreement with these conditions, the User does not fill out the input fields on the Site. 2.3. The User’s consent to the provision of personal data to the Operator and their processing by the Operator is valid until the termination of the Operator’s activities or until the User withdraws consent. By accepting this Agreement and going through the Registration procedure, as well as by subsequently accessing the Site, the User confirms that, acting of his own free will and in his own interest, he transfers his personal data for processing to the Operator and agrees to their processing. The User is notified that the processing of his personal data will be carried out by the Operator on the basis of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”. 3. List of personal data and other information about the user to be transferred to the Operator 3. 1. When using the Operator’s Website, the User provides the following personal data: 3.1.1. Reliable personal information that the User provides about himself independently when Filling out input fields and/or in the process of using the Site services, including last name, first name, patronymic, telephone number (home or mobile), personal email address. 3.1.2. Data that is automatically transferred to the Site services during their use using software installed on the User’s device, including IP address, information from Cookies, information about the User’s browser (or other program through which the services are accessed). 3.2. The Operator does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the User. In this case, the Operator assumes that the User provides reliable and sufficient personal information on the questions proposed in the Input Fields. 4. Purposes, rules for the collection and use of personal data 4.1. The Operator processes personal data that is necessary to provide services and provide services to the User. 4.2. The User's personal data is used by the Operator for the following purposes: 4.2.1. User identification; 4.2.2. Providing the User with personalized services (as well as informing about new promotions and services of the company by sending letters); 4.2.3. Maintaining contact with the User if necessary, including sending notifications, requests and information related to the use of services, provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the User; 4.3. During the processing of personal data, the following actions will be performed: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, blocking, deletion, destruction. 4.4. The user does not object that the information specified by him in certain cases may be provided to authorized state bodies of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.5. The User's personal data is stored and processed by the Operator in the manner provided for in this Agreement for the entire period of activity by the Operator. 4.6. The processing of personal data is carried out by the Operator by maintaining databases, automated, mechanical, and manual methods. 4.7. The Site uses Cookies and other technologies to track the use of Site services. This data is necessary to optimize the technical operation of the Site and improve the quality of service provision. The Site automatically records information (including URL, IP address, browser type, language, date and time of request) about each visitor to the Site. The user has the right to refuse to provide personal data when visiting the Site or disable Cookies, but in this case, not all functions of the Site may work correctly. 4.8. The confidentiality conditions provided for in this Agreement apply to all information that the Operator can obtain about the User during the latter’s stay on the Site and use of the Site. 4.9. Information that is publicly disclosed during the execution of this Agreement, as well as information that can be obtained by the parties or third parties from sources to which any person has free access, is not confidential. 4.10. The Operator takes all necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of the User’s personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction, including: ensuring constant internal verification of the processes of collecting, storing and processing data and ensuring security; ensures physical security of data, preventing unauthorized access to technical systems that ensure the operation of the Site, in which the Operator stores personal data; provides access to personal data only to those employees of the Operator or authorized persons who need this information to perform duties directly related to the provision of services to the User, as well as the operation, development and improvement of the Site. 4.11. The User's personal data remains confidential, except in cases where the User voluntarily provides information about himself for general access to an unlimited number of persons. 4.12. The transfer by the Operator of the User’s personal data is legal during the reorganization of the Operator and the transfer of rights to the Operator’s legal successor, while all obligations to comply with the terms of this Agreement in relation to the personal information received by him are transferred to the legal successor. 4.13. This Statement applies only to the Operator’s Website. The Company does not control and is not responsible for third party sites (services) that the user can access via links available on the Operator’s Website, including in search results. On such Sites (services), other personal information may be collected or requested from the user, and other actions may be performed 5. Rights of the user as a subject of personal data, change and deletion of personal data by the user 5.1. The user has the right: 5.1.2. Require the Operator to clarify his personal data, block it or destroy it if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, and also take measures provided by law to protect his rights. 5.1.3. Receive information regarding the processing of his personal data, including information containing: confirmation of the fact of processing of personal data by the Operator; the purposes and methods of processing personal data used by the operator; name and location of the Operator; processed personal data related to the relevant subject of personal data, the source of their receipt, unless a different procedure for the presentation of such data is provided for by federal law; terms of processing of personal data, including periods of their storage; other information provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be carried out by the User by sending the Operator an appropriate written (printed on a tangible medium and signed by the User) notice. 6. Responsibilities of the Operator. Access to personal data 6.1. The Operator undertakes to ensure the prevention of unauthorized and non-targeted access to personal data of Users of the Operator's Website. In this case, authorized and targeted access to the personal data of Site Users will be considered access to them by all interested parties, implemented within the framework of the goals of the activities and the subject of the Operator’s Site. At the same time, the Operator is not responsible for possible misuse of Users’ personal data that occurs as a result of: technical problems in the software and in hardware and networks beyond the control of the Operator; in connection with the intentional or unintentional use of the Operator’s Websites other than for their intended purpose by third parties; 6.2 The Operator takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the user’s personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties with it. 7. Changes to the Privacy Policy. Applicable legislation 7.1. The Operator has the right to make changes to these Regulations without any special notice to Users. When changes are made to the current edition, the date of the last update is indicated. The new edition of the Regulations comes into force from the moment of its publication, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Regulations. 7.2. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Regulation and the relationship between the User and the Operator arising in connection with the application of the Regulation. I accept I do not accept

Today, in the form of a review, we will tell you how to organize promotion on social networks, which platform to choose for promotion and how to prepare content.

Is your target audience on social networks?

There are different people on social networks - with average incomes and good incomes, from large cities and small towns, young and old. Famous artists, Youtube bloggers, ordinary residents and even politicians have their own pages on social networks. According to a study by sociologists from the Levada Center, more than a third of Russians - 37% of respondents - access social networks every day. And more than half of Russians are active users of social networks.

Social networks have any target audience - young mothers who will be interested in children's things and toys, directors of large companies who are interested in business training, busy people who often use cleaning services and home food delivery. The main thing is to be able to correctly search for your target audience and work with it.

Materials that will help you better understand the topic:

Selecting channels for SMM promotion


The main feature of the social network is the emphasis on the visual component, that is, on photography. It pays little attention to the text, so without high-quality photographs or at least bright pictures from the Internet, promotion will be difficult.

The main feature of the audience of the social network Instagram is that more than 79% of it are women. There is no exact data on age, but most experts believe that young people under 30 are registered on Instagram. Perhaps this explains the effectiveness of promotion - the level of engagement on Instagram is 15 times higher compared to the social network Facebook.

Pros: high coverage, relatively simple advertising setup, simple promotion using mass liking and mass following.

Cons: the inability to publish links in posts and the dependence of the visibility of posts on the level of involvement, which makes promotion from scratch difficult.

Instagram is suitable for promoting products and services that can be sold “with the eyes”: that is, those that can be beautifully depicted. Clothing stores, flower and food delivery services, various souvenirs and handmade goods are popular here. Services are promoted less well, but with the right approach you can sell them too. For example, Instagram often offers business and other types of consultations.


On VKontakte, according to statistics, more than half of registered users are women. 37% of active authors are users in the 25-34 age group. And 25.7% of active users are people aged 18 to 25 years. That is, more than half of the audience are solvent users.

On VKontakte, special attention is also paid to the visual component, as in other social networks. There are no particular difficulties in promoting public pages, groups and communities - it is enough to publish unique, interesting content and use standard methods of attracting subscribers. A good advantage of a social network is its multidisciplinary development: depending on the needs of the target audience, you can choose an acceptable publication format. For example, Instagram doesn't offer that kind of flexibility.

Pros: high audience coverage, a large number of targeting settings, normal organic reach, the ability to invite users in a group.

Cons: high competition, prohibition for users to invite themselves to groups and meetings, very strict moderation.

In terms of promotion, VKontakte is good for everything that cannot be sold with a few beautiful photographs. It actively promotes the services of medical centers, information businessmen, restaurants and cafes, travel companies, services of driving schools, banks, various goods and other products of the middle price segment.


The main feature of the Odnoklassniki audience is that the age of active users often exceeds 30-35 years. At the same time, promotion on social networks is relatively inexpensive, especially when advertising in public pages.

Pros: coverage among a solvent audience, virality of interesting content - if someone rates your post, all the friends and subscribers of the person who put “Class” will see it.

Odnoklassniki often promotes complex products, for example, the construction of houses, comprehensive examinations in medical centers and other expensive goods and services. This social network is suitable for businesses operating in the field of cleaning, construction, legal support and others, but most of all - private services: for example, plumbing companies, car services, craftsmen.


The main Facebook audience is solvent people: 37% of active authors are aged 25-34 years, 30.6% are people from 35 to 44 years old, and 23.5% are people over 45 years old. Facebook pays special attention to textual content, but at the same time the social network declares itself as a general platform. The effectiveness of promotion is usually high - a large number of business accounts are registered on the social network.

This social network is suitable for most areas of business. It sells B2B products, that is, business-to-business services, and promotes a personal brand. The social network itself gives examples of successful promotion of restaurant and telecommunications brands, gaming, sports, automotive, financial, and educational sectors.

Pros: a huge number of advertising settings, wide functionality for promotion, good coverage of foreign target audience.

Cons: reduced organic reach and complex interface.

You should select promotion channels - one or more social networks - depending on the specifics of your company and the product being promoted. In most cases, large companies create accounts on all social networks, while small businesses only need one well-chosen platform. For example, services for delivering bouquets to your home are often published on Instagram. And medical clinics find their audience on Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.

We launch promotion on social networks

We will talk about promotion according to a clear structure: first - about design, then - about content, promotion and tracking performance. You could write a book about each of these points: we will try to talk about the most important things.

On VKontakte

Publish interesting content: product reviews, guides, user reviews. If you don't have any ideas for posts, look through your competitors' communities - perhaps you can learn something useful from their content plan. Try to alternate entertaining and selling posts - this tactic on social networks gives good results. A content plan should be drawn up only on the basis of an analysis of the needs of the target audience and the specifics of your business - there cannot be universal recommendations here. You can also add products - both to the group and to your personal page.

Even pictures have their own audience

You can promote your group, personal account or public in different ways. The social network itself offers to set up targeted advertising and advertising in other public pages. Targeted advertising will be shown to users when visiting VKontakte, in the left column, and on third-party sites. And public advertising is in the community that you choose.

Performance analysis can be carried out directly in VK. Personal pages, groups and public pages have a “Statistics” section. It shows the user coverage - the number of people who saw posts on the group wall or in the news feed, as well as the characteristics of the target audience. You can also view statistics for each post, and in the future not publish posts that get few views and likes.

On Instagram

Designing an Instagram profile also requires attention. Firstly, Instagram is a social network that primarily evaluates the visual effect. Therefore, it is worth taking care of high-quality photos. Secondly, do - one of the few places where you can leave an active link to a third-party site. Therefore, it makes sense to describe in detail what you do and what you offer to subscribers, right in the profile description. By the way, it is advisable to immediately link your Insta account to so that you can easily set up advertising.

There are built-in statistics on Instagram - look for them in your personal account, in your profile. But it may not be enough for a full analysis - the social network shows the number of subscribers, including growth, and the main characteristics of the target audience. This is less than other social networks. Therefore, advanced SMM managers often use third-party services that collect more complete statistics.

Articles to dive into the topic:

In Odnoklassniki

Afterwards, think about the design of the community. Please note that Odnoklassniki is often populated by older people. Tell us in the description what you offer, put an attractive photo on the main page and choose a suitable cover.

An example of a group header with a cover decorated with cartoon characters

When publishing posts, pay special attention to the text. Sometimes ordinary statuses of people or groups receive thousands of likes and comments. Jokes, anecdotes, and comments on a political topic often become viral posts. But be careful - “hype” does not always help promote a group.

Example of a post in a group offering flower delivery services

Statistics in Odnoklassniki show coverage, activity, what types of content are popular and many other parameters - everything you need for primary analysis. Statistics are in the group, in a separate menu. To properly promote your community, analyze engagement and types of content that subscribers like most.

An example of group statistics in Odnoklassniki

But for those who manage to do this, the business brings good profits. How to start promoting, and what to focus on in this process?

Let's evaluate budget ways to promote your business on social networks.

But first, let's determine whether this is necessary in your particular case.

Pros and cons of promoting a business on social networks

Today, 85% of people who have access to the Internet create accounts on various social networks and spend a huge amount of time there.

Russia holds the lead in Europe in terms of the number of registered accounts and the amount of time people spend on the Internet.

Business on social networks: advantages

    Small investment.

    The cost of one attracted client via the Internet is much lower than when using other methods of promotion.

    If in other methods in order to:

    • lure potential clients,
    • start a community
    • conduct a conversation with consumers.

    An investment is required, but on the Internet you can do it without spending any money.

    However, you need to be realistic: free promotion will always be slower and not as effective as paid promotion.

    "Word of mouth" distribution.

    Promoting your business online using this method is the fastest. How does it work?

    An interesting article is posted in a group.

    It was read by 100 portal visitors, 11 of whom shared the link to the unique work with their friends.

    Among them, there may also be those who will share with other friends and so on.

    It is at such moments that a viral program is launched that will make a business on social networks successful.

    By the way, using SEO it is very difficult to get a similar result as SMM.


    Promoting your own business on the Internet is gaining enormous popularity every year, as the number of portal users is growing.

    Some facts about the number and age of visitors to various social networks.

    Low competition.

    Most companies have not yet realized all the benefits that business on social media can bring. networks.

    They do not understand how profitable it is, since such methods bring good profits with minimal investment.

    All this results in reduced competition (compared to the real market).

Disadvantages of business promotion on social networks

    Not subject to detailed analysis.

    It is simply impossible to analyze subscribers like, for example, using Google Analytics.

    A marketer can only estimate the number of visitors and determine whether the business is moving along the right course.

    Control by the administration.

    Often such frameworks interfere with full-fledged promotion, and you have to look for workarounds.

    Group worker.

    Every project requires control, even (especially) if it is built on the Internet. A group or community must have its own administrator.

    The administrator's job consists of the following tasks:

    • survey of group members,
    • publishing posts,
    • active support of group communication,
    • spam removal,
    • content update.

You will need to hire such a person and pay him a salary.

But thereby freeing yourself from petty work and starting larger-scale processes of promoting your product.

If the founder or administrator of the group does not monitor the page, then the clients will feel it very well, and the community will quickly decline.

It’s unfortunate, but this can also affect your offline reputation.

Review of ways to promote in the TOP 5 social networks

1. Promotion of VKontakte.

The website is the most popular portal on the Russian-language Internet.

The number of registered people (or rather, pages) totals 380 million, more than 80 million people visit the contact every day.

Options for increasing profits from business on VKontakte:

  • Placing advertisements in communities with similar topics;
  • Targeted advertising (playing content depending on the preferences of visitors), which is paid based on the number of impressions and clicks.

    Example of an action: a person previously searched on the Internet for information about air travel to China.

  • Broadcast advertising in well-known city groups.
  • Creation of a specialized VKontakte page on which all business products will be posted.

To attract consumers to the group, it is best to come up with some interesting and memorable name, as well as a bright avatar.

Basically, the audience of “Contact” is young people, so the goods or services offered should be inexpensive.

2. Promotion in Odnoklassniki.

The website is a resource with a predominant audience of older visitors (ages 30–55).

It is not as “crowded” as VKontakte, but it also has enviable popularity.

The number of users has exceeded 201 million, of which 46 million daily visit their page on the social network.

Options for promoting a business on Odnoklassniki:

  • advertising in applications or games,
  • creation of a personal page for business,
  • targeted advertising,
  • Promote your business by posting in other popular groups.

Content on Odnoklassniki should be aimed at attracting customers' attention in various ways.

These can be intriguing statuses, interesting videos, pictures that are unobtrusively shown to visitors.

For example, a person put “class” in a group that was founded to sell children's products.

This “like” will automatically be reflected in your friends’ feed. If they like the product, they will like it too.

In this way, you can familiarize people with your business in the shortest possible time.

In Odnoklassniki you can sell and offer services of various levels, since it is home to an audience of different levels of solvency and tastes.

3. Promotion on Facebook.

The website is one of the largest networks in the world. There are more than 1.6 billion accounts registered on it! 50% of them are viewed by users every day.

People with average and high incomes, aged 25–45, are often registered on Facebook. In such social Even politicians, entrepreneurs, and stars register on networks.

If, for example, “VKontakte” and “Odnoklassniki” have a more entertaining nature of relationships between people, then “Facebook” is more business-like, since they register there for the purpose of exchanging information.

Ways to promote on Facebook

4. Promotion on Twitter.

The website allows its users to quickly exchange information with each other.

Various segments of the population are registered on Twitter, from politicians to loaders and security guards.

Of course, it is quite difficult to promote a business, but there are still tools that allow you to do this.

For example, maintaining an account and creating a personal hashtag for your business helps to popularize and increase recognition.

You can agree to place this hashtag on well-known accounts that “can boast” of the maximum number of people following it.

The hashtag should point to the business page and nowhere else, so it must be absolutely unique.

This promotion method is more suitable for Internet projects, rather than for product sales.

5. Business on the social network “Instagram”.

The site is based on the exchange of short videos, photographs and personal messages.

And yet the images are at the forefront.

You can create a page and promote your business by promoting a group.

You can also, for a set fee, advertise your activities in more popular accounts with a large number of subscribers.

In order to attract customers, you need to publish interesting videos, colorful and bright pictures, photographs.

4 methods of promotion on social networks

No. 1. Content is the main promotion assistant

Every marketer will say: “without decent content, it is impossible to promote a business on social networks.”

Three basic content rules:


    The material should be systematically updated in the group.

    Two, four, six posts a day - these indicators depend on the direction of the business and the client audience.

    Posting should be regular and not depend on the number of subscribers.


    Each material that will come from the moderator to the page must be highly unique and interest the visitor from the first lines.

    You should not plagiarize or copy articles from other sources.

    It is better to focus your attention on creating exclusive works for business.

    Viral promotion.

    All materials should engage the client as much as possible.

    It is at this moment, as described earlier, that the viral spread of information begins.

No. 2. The role of targeting in promotion

This method of advertising is aimed at a specific audience. The definition of “your client” is based on her interests.

The opportunity to promote a business using this method can be found in all of the listed social networks.

For a better understanding, let’s consider the types of targeting:

    For example, a fitness center is opening in Khimki.

    This means that information about the opening should be shown to residents of Moscow and populated areas close to the new fitness center.

    This is the setting that is set when advertising is launched. As a result, only your target audience sees it.


    For example, a novice entrepreneur whose business is based on selling products for children needs to advertise in groups of young mothers and married women.


    If a person is interested in fashion, then he will participate in the “Style” and “Fashion” groups, and not in the communities of carpenters or steelworkers.

    For example, a person is interested in Latin American dancing and traveling.

    Then the owner of the travel agency is simply obliged to offer the person a tour ticket to Cuba.

First, it is necessary to analyze whether the proposed product is suitable for the user. Secondly, create a well-designed advertisement.

No. 3. Promotion in communities

This type of promotion has already been discussed earlier, but it is still necessary to recall its essence.

At the same time, the entrepreneur must realize that the more “promoted” the community is, the more money he will have to pay for advertising on their page.

Within 24 hours, for a set fee, subscribers will be shown the advertising post they ordered.

About detailed plans for promoting different types of companies on social media. networks, Ilya Balakhnin will tell you in his video:

No. 4. Business on social networks: professional promotion

There are specialized services that will advertise your business on social networks for a set fee.

They often develop content themselves, activate the targeting mechanism and negotiate about advertising in thematic communities.

All these functions are offered, for example, by the site "Plibber" makes it possible to develop a business by attracting customers from social networks.

To work here, a novice entrepreneur must:

  • log in to the site,
  • start advertising your products yourself or contact qualified Plibber employees,
  • in the first case, analyze your target audience and develop the necessary advertising post.

The site moderates the proposed task, after which you can begin promotion.

If you adhere to the above methods and analyze the information received, then business on social networks will bring good income with minimal investment.

The main thing is to know your target audience well, appoint a responsible person in the group and do not forget about systematically adding articles, photographs, and videos.

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According to marketing firm Forrester Research, your customers complete 66 to 90 percent of the consumer journey themselves. According to Google, users read an average of 10.4 posts before making a purchase. And according to the Global Web Index, the average consumer has 5.8 social media accounts and actively uses 2.8 accounts. This means that you need to offer your audience quality social media content to help potential customers make better consumer decisions. In this article you will find a step-by-step description of an SMM strategy that will help you effectively promote your business on social networks.

Step 1: Define a Social Media Strategy

To develop a strategy, answer the following questions:

  • What do you want to achieve with SMM? Write down the goals you want to achieve. Determine the tasks that will help you achieve your goals. Of course, you know that goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, related to your business, and urgent. For example, a goal might look like this: within three months, an SMM campaign should increase the number of transitions to the site from social networks to 100 per day.
  • Who is your target audience? You must understand who you are working for and who you want to see on the website or in front of the cash register in the store. Create marketing personas that match each segment of your audience.
  • What information does a consumer need when planning to buy your product? Try to model the consumer journey of your customers. The answer to this question will help you plan information campaigns.
  • What social networks are popular among your target audience? You must determine the platforms that you will use for promotion.
  • At what time are your target audience active on social media? The answer to this question will help you plan when to post.

Be sure to write down the answers to the questions.

Step 2: Choose a Communication Tactic

After answering strategic questions, you must solve an important tactical problem. Choose the tone and style of communication with your audience on social networks. You need to determine who will post notes and respond to comments, and how you will communicate with clients and colleagues. Use the following recommendations:

Use your chosen tactics consistently to get your audience accustomed to your style.

Step 3: Create Content

This is the most important step in building an SMM strategy, since content is the foundation for effective business promotion on social networks. An article on content planning will help you at the preparation stage. The following tips will make your content campaign effective:

  • Announce your own content. Also curate and republish your most popular content.
  • Combine different types of content. Pay attention to the visual appeal of posts. This will help your posts attract the attention of users. Offer users infographics, photos, presentations, e-books, video infographics.
  • Encourage users to create content. To do this, support discussions, hold competitions and sweepstakes, and ask for customer opinions.

To increase your audience reach, ask your employees and friends to repost.

Step 4: Optimize Your Content

Even if you create really cool content, it won't be able to compete with cats, celebrities, and nudity if you don't optimize it. Use the following guidelines:

Make sure the content you publish is accessible to your target audience.

Step 5: Think About Social Media User Conversion

“Likes,” shares, and comments alone do not bring you deals or profits. To convert social media users into customers, you need to take additional steps. Consider these measures:

  • Indicate contact information in your social network profiles: phone number, email address, Skype nickname. This is especially true if you use networks as a virtual storefront.
  • Encourage users to leave contact information. For example, exchange discounts or valuable content for phone numbers or email addresses.
  • Direct users who are interested in the product to a conversion landing page on the site. For example, this could be a page for a current promotion.
  • Direct all users to the information section of your site. It should become a source of information necessary to make a purchasing decision.

Find a way to continue interacting with your subscriber outside of Facebook or Google+.

Step 6: Communicate

  • Actively attract subscribers. To do this, publish relevant content and promote it in all available ways.
  • Invite existing and potential clients to follow your page. Motivate them with discounts, access to exclusive information, and the opportunity to exchange opinions.
  • Participate in discussions in other groups. You need to gain authority.
  • Ask renowned experts in your industry to review your content. This can get you hundreds of subscriptions.
  • Reply to comments, encourage users to continue the discussion. The more active your audience is, the more subscribers you will have.
  • Provoke your audience. Think about how you can do this.

Try at all costs to revive the group or public. The success of an SMM campaign depends on this.

Step 7: Measure Promotion Results

Track the ROI of SMM campaigns. Use UTM tags, monitor key metrics on the site. Follow these guidelines:

  • Monitor social media metrics. Pay attention to the number of subscribers, the number of reposts, comments and likes on posts. These figures should increase.
  • Monitor traffic from social networks. You are interested in quantitative and qualitative indicators: the number of transitions, behavior on the site, conversion rate.
  • Monitor business indicators: number of transactions, average bill, income and profit. How does SMM strategy affect sales? Do the funds invested in promotion pay off?