Hard disk partitioning program. Hard drive partitioning program

Multilingual registered version!

Aomei Partition Assistant powerful program for working with a hard drive, administering partitions for PCs and workstations. The program will answer questions such as: “How to resize a partition or merge partitions without losing data? How to increase computer performance?” In addition, PA includes AOMEI Dynamic Disk Manager Pro (DDM), which means it has the ability to manage dynamic disk volume.

System requirements:
·Windows 10 | 8.1 | 8 | 7 | Vista | XP
·Windows SBS 2003 | 2008 | 2011
Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 | Server 2008 and 2008 R2 | Server 2003 and 2003 R2

Torrent Breakdown hard drive - AOMEI Partition Assistant Technician Edition 6.6 RePack by KpoJIuK details:
Main features:
Possibility to expand the system NTFS partition without rebooting your computer to maximize computer performance and minimize downtime;
· Merging adjacent partitions into one large one without losing data, or merging unallocated space into a partition;
·Splitting one large partition into two or more partitions;
·Create as many partitions as you need without using free disk space;
·Copying partitions for migration Windows systems or when backup important data;
· Cloning a hard drive helps with updating it;
·Quick distribution of free space from one partition to another for full use disk space.

New opportunities:
OS migration to SSD/HDD: For many SSD users, this simple technology can help you migrate your OS to SSD and keep the original system.
Partition recovery: Recover lost or deleted partitions in a few steps.
Partition alignment: acceleration of disks when reading and writing data, especially SSD disks.
·Creating bootable CDs: performs safe management disk partitions in WinPE mode and booting from CD/DVD, USB flash memory.
MBR Rewrite: overwriting from main boot disk on the fucked up hard MBR disk for easy recovery.
·Conversion between GPT and MBR: conversion from GPT disk to MBR without data loss and back.
·Control Linux partitions: creating, deleting, formatting, copying, destroying, restoring Ext2/Ext3 partitions.
·Changing the partition type (ID) and changing the serial number.

Changes in version 6.6:
Fully support exFAT file system, including create, delete, format, move, and copy exFAT partition.
The Windows PE bootable media created on 64-bit system support both UEFI and Legacy BIOS boot modes.
Remove the limitation to resize/move system boot partition in Windows 10, version 1703 and later.

Version Features:
·Type: installation [official installer]
·Languages: multi, there is Russian
·Treatment: carried out

Command line switches:
Quiet installation: /S /Q
Select installation location: /D=PATH

The /D=PATH parameter is specified last

Sometimes there comes a time when the user is not satisfied with the volume of logical partitions on the hard drive. Of course the easiest way to make a change is hard dimensions disk during Windows installations, but it is not always possible to reinstall the operating system. The program will help with this hard division disk. There are different software, which ensures changing the structure of the hard drive without losing data and without reinstalling the OS. Let's look at the most popular programs For division of hard disk and built-in Windows application « ».

If you need to make simple steps by changing the disk structure, then standard means Windows will be quite enough. In Windows 7 and 8 similar utility can be called by running the following actions: click right click mouse over “My Computer”, select “Manage” and then “Disk Management”. Then a program window will open.

To make changes to the structure, you need to open context menu by right-clicking the mouse. In the list that appears, you need to use the following functions:

  1. Shrink volume. This operation Shrinks an existing partition to provide more memory for another partition.
  2. Expand volume. Using this function, you can increase the performance of a disk partition. It is important that there is unallocated disk space on the hard drive.
  3. Change drive letter. This function allows you to change the drive letter to any free one.

If you need to shrink or expand a volume, you need to select the appropriate operation in the menu and specify the new size in megabytes.

EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition

EaseUS utility Partition Master Home Edition is powerful software, which is used for hard control disk in personal computer. The utility has the following functionality:

  1. Checking the hard drive for bad sectors.
  2. Hide sections from My Computer.
  3. Recovering and deleting data from partitions.
  4. Changing partition letters.
  5. Changing volume partitions.
  6. Removing and creating partitions.

Similar software is free for home use and is great tool to control the hard drive. The utility has no analogues among free software.

The only drawback of the program was the lack of Russian language. So let's look at the controls.

When starting the program, select “Partition Manager”. Then the utility window for dividing the hard disk will open.

Then the required partition on the hard drive is selected. All possible operations are presented in the Operations menu. Let's look at the most important of them:

  1. Surfacetest. Checking the hard drive for bad sectors.
  2. Deleteallpartitions. Delete all used partitions.
  3. Copydisk. Copying all information from one hard drive to another.
  4. Wipepartition. Deletes all files from the specified hard drive partition.
  5. formatpartition. Formatting a section.
  6. Deletepartition. Deleting a section with all the information on it.
  7. Hidepartition. Hiding partitions in the My Computer folder.
  8. Changedriveletter. Changing the letter of logical partitions hard drives.
  9. Mergepartitions. The process of merging several sections into a single one. All available information is saved.
  10. Copypartition. The process of copying one hard drive partition to another. All data is saved. The operation is effective for creating a backup or before installing the OS.
  11. Resize/Movepartition. Resizing hard drive partitions. Move logical volumes within disk space.

Now you can start the change process hard sections disk. To do this, select the Resize/Movepartition item.

In the window that opens, select the desired volume size in the “PartitionSize” menu and click “OK.” Then in the working window of the utility, select “Apply”. After this, the process of resizing the partition will be shown.

If a resize is made on a non-system partition, the changes will take effect without a reboot. If the partition where Windows is installed changes, you need to reboot.

Paragon Partition Manager

This program will be quite effective for working with hard drive partitions. The utility is free and is an analogue of the previous program. Changes only in the interface.

The application is styled for Windows 8. The main points of the program:

  1. DeletePartition. Removing partitions.
  2. FormatPartition. Formatting sections.
  3. ResizePartitions. Resize existing partitions.
  4. CreateNewPartition. Creating a new section.

Let's look at the process of resizing a hard drive. You need to select the “ResizePartitions” item, then click on “Next” twice.

In the window that opens, you need to move the slider to the required location. As alternative solution Enter the desired partition volume in the right or left field, then click “Next” again.

After that, check “Yes, apply the changes physically” and click “Next” again, then “Restart the computer”.

After you press this button, the computer will restart. You should save your documents and close all applications beforehand.

After the reboot, the software will begin resizing the volume. This process approximately takes about 15 minutes. When performing the procedure, it is not recommended to press the keyboard buttons and restart the computer. When the resizing task is completed, the computer will boot as normal.

In this article, we looked at three free programs that can be used to divide a hard drive. For this process don't buy expensive ones software packages or look for them on torrents.

When installing Windows hard The disk is traditionally divided into at least two partitions - a smaller system partition with the letter C and a larger user partition with the letter D. This division was not just invented because of someone’s whim, it has important practical value. Firstly, partitioning the hard drive in Windows 7/10 allows you to save personal files user when reinstalling the system, otherwise they would be destroyed during formatting; secondly, it is simply more convenient to work with data, not to mention the fact that this significantly reduces the risk of accidentally deleting system files.

However, some computers and laptops with pre-installed installed system have only one partition - the system one, not counting the “System Reserved” area. In such cases, the user has to create additional volumes on the disk himself. This procedure is very simple, however, for beginners it can still cause certain difficulties, especially when it comes to partitioning the partition with the installed system. So how to properly partition a hard drive without losing data?

There are three main ways to partition a hard drive into volumes: using the standard disk management snap-in, using a command line utility Diskpart and with the help third party programs, specially created for these purposes. The first method has a number of limitations, the second may seem complicated, the most convenient is the third, using third-party software, but not all such programs are free. Let's consider all three options.

Using Disk Management

So, you have a computer that has only one volume on its disk, not counting the reserved area. First, let's look at how to split a hard drive into two partitions using the built-in Disk Management snap-in. By pressing Win + X Call the context menu of the Start button and select “Disk Management” from it.

In the window that opens, right-click on the area system partition with the letter C and select the “Shrink Volume” option from the menu.

After the volume is polled for allocated space, specify the size of the new partition in megabytes in the “Size of compressed space” field and click “Compress”.

As a result, you will get unallocated space highlighted in black. Right-click on it, select “Create simple volume” and follow the wizard’s instructions.

During the creation of the partition, you will be asked to specify the volume size, assign a letter, select a file system (NTFS is needed) and assign a label, that is, the name of the volume displayed in Explorer.

After clicking the “Finish” button, the section will be created.

Partitioning a hard drive in Diskpart

Now let's look at how to divide a hard drive into 2 parts in Windows 7/10 using another standard tool - console utility Diskpart. Unlike Disk Management, which has GUI, she has a large set functionality, in addition, you can divide the disk into partitions in Diskpart from under bootable media even on a non-working system. So, open as administrator command line or PowerShell console and run the following commands sequentially:

list volume
select volume 1
shrink desired=102600
list disk
select disk 0

The first command launches the Diskpart utility itself, the second command displays a list of those available on physical disk partitions, the third - selects the partition number corresponding to drive C, the fourth - it is compressed to the specified size in megabytes. The fifth command displays a list of all physical disks, the sixth command selects the disk to be partitioned (if there is only one on the PC, its ID will be 0).

Let's continue.

create partition primary
format fs=ntfs quick
assign letter=G

The seventh team creates new section, eighth – formats it into a file NTFS system, the ninth command assigns the specified letter to the new volume, the tenth command ends Diskpart.

As you can see, the algorithm of actions has much in common with how the partition was created through the built-in Disk Management snap-in. Now, if you go to the “This PC” section, you will see a new logical partition there.

Dividing a disk into parts in Acronis Disk Director

To create custom volumes on a disk, you can also use third party tools. One of them is Acronis Disk Director– a powerful program for partitioning your hard drive and more. The procedure for partitioning a hard drive in this program is very simple. After launching the application, select the disk to be shared with the mouse and select “Split Volume” from the operations menu on the left.

A dialog box will open in which, using the slider, set the size of the new partition.

If there are user files on the source disk, you can transfer them to the created one new volume, however, this can be done later in Explorer. But system files cannot be transferred, otherwise Windows may not boot. After setting the procedure parameters, click first “OK” and then “Apply pending operations”.

If the system asks you to reboot, give it permission. The program will do the rest itself, you just need to wait for the operation to complete.

How to partition a hard drive in Paragon Hard Disk Manager

Another powerful program for working with disks and partitions. It also has its own wizard for disk partitioning. After launching the application, switch to the “Partition Operations” tab in the main menu and click on the “Partition Wizard” link.

At the next stage, the program will ask you to decide on the size of the new partition. Use the marking slider or enter the desired size manually. Assign a letter to the volume, click Next and confirm the operation.

Clicking “Finish” completes the wizard.

Now, to apply the planned action, click on the button of the same name on the left side of the Paragon window Hard Disk Manager and once again confirm your intentions to partition the disk.

After this, the re-partitioning procedure will start. If the disk is a system disk, you will need to restart the computer.

Disk partitioning in AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition

And finally, let's see how to partition a hard drive into free program AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition. There is no separate partitioning wizard in this program; re-partitioning is performed in two stages. First you need to get free space. Right-click on the shared disk and select “Change partition size” from the menu.

Drag the slider to set the new partition size and click OK.

As a result, unoccupied space will be created. Select it with the mouse and select the “Create section” option in the menu on the left.

In the window that opens, if necessary, adjust the layout parameters (you can change the size, letter, file system type and partition type) and click “OK”.

Now, to start the staking procedure, click the “Apply” button.

Since the work is carried out with system disk, you will need to restart your computer.

All of the above methods allow you to partition a hard drive without losing data, however, when performing this procedure, especially with the use of third-party software, you should be careful, since the risk of losing information, although very small, is still present.

Partitioning a disk into several partitions is a very common procedure among users. Using such a HDD is much more convenient, since it allows you to separate system files from user files and manage them more conveniently.

Smash HDD You can split partitions into parts in Windows 10 not only during system installation, but also after it, and for this it is not necessary to use third-party programs, since such a function is available in Windows itself.

In this article we will look at how to divide a HDD into logical partitions. This can be done in an already installed operating system and when reinstalling the OS. At his discretion, the user can use the standard Windows utility or third party programs.

Method 1: Using programs

One of the options for dividing the drive into partitions is to use third-party programs. Many of them can be used in running Windows, and as bootable flash drive, when it is impossible to partition a disk while the OS is running.

MiniTool Partition Wizard

Popular free solution, working with different types drives is . The main advantage of this program is the ability to download an image with an ISO file from the official website to create a bootable flash drive. Partitioning a disk here can be done in two ways at once, and we will look at the simplest and fastest one.

The letter of the new volume can later be changed manually via "Disk Management".

Acronis Disk Director

Unlike the previous program, - paid option, which also has big amount functions and can partition the disk into partitions. The interface is not very different from MiniTool Partition Wizard, but it is in Russian. Acronis Disk Director can also be used as boot software if you cannot perform operations while running Windows.

EaseUS Partition Master

- a program with a trial period, like Acronis Disk Director. Its functionality includes various features, including disk partitioning. In general, it is similar to the two analogues listed above, and the difference mainly comes down to appearance. There is no Russian language, but you can download a language pack from the official website.

Method 2: Windows built-in tool

To perform this task you need to use the built-in utility "Disk Management".

  1. Click on the button Start right click and select "Disk Management". Or press on your keyboard Win+R, enter diskmgmt.msc in the empty field and click "OK".

  2. The main hard drive is usually called Disk 0 and is divided into several sections. If 2 or more disks are connected, then its name may be Disc 1 or others.

    The number of partitions themselves may vary, and usually there are 3 of them: two system and one user.

  3. Right-click on the disk and select "Shrink Volume".

  4. In the window that opens, you will be asked to compress the volume to all available space, that is, create a partition with the number of gigabytes that is free. this moment. We strongly do not recommend doing this: in the future, for new Windows files there may simply not be enough space - for example, when updating the system, creating backup copies (restore points) or installing programs without the ability to change their location.

    Be sure to leave for C: additional free place, at least 10-15 GB. In field "Size" compressible space in megabytes, enter the number you need for the new volume, minus the space for C:.

  5. An unallocated area will appear, and the size of C: will be reduced by the amount that was allocated in favor of the new partition.

    By region "Not distributed" right click and select "Create Simple Volume".

  6. Will open "Master of Creation" simple volumes» , in which you will need to specify the size of the new volume. If from this space you want to create only one logical drive, then leave full size. You can also split the empty space into multiple volumes - in this case, specify right size volume you are creating. The rest of the area will again remain as "Not distributed", and you will need to do steps 5-8 again.
  7. You can then assign a letter to the drive.

  8. Next, you will need to format the created partition with empty space; none of your files will be deleted.

  9. The formatting options should be as follows:
    • File system: NTFS;
    • Cluster size: Default;
    • Volume Label: Enter the name you want to give to the disk;
    • Quick formatting.

    After this, exit the Wizard by clicking "OK" > "Ready". The newly created volume will appear in the list of other volumes and in Explorer, in the section "This computer".

Method 3: Partitioning the disk when installing Windows

It is always possible to divide the HDD when installing the system. This can be done using the Windows installer itself.

Now you know how to partition a HDD into different situations. This is not very difficult, and will ultimately make working with files and documents more convenient. The fundamental difference between using the built-in utility "Disk Management" and there are no third-party programs, since both options achieve the same result. However, other programs may have additional functions, for example, transferring files, which may be useful for some users.

To make two local disks one or to increase the disk space of one of the volumes, you need to merge partitions. For this purpose, one of the additional sections, into which the drive was previously divided. This procedure can be done both with saving information and with its deletion.

Perform Merge logical drives can be done in one of two ways: use special programs for working with drive partitions or built-in Windows tool. The first method has priority, since such utilities usually transfer information from disk to disk when merging, but the standard Windows program deletes everything. However, if the files are unimportant or missing, then you can do without using third party software. The process of how to combine local disks in one on Windows 7 and more modern versions this OS will be the same.

Method 1: AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard

This free manager program disk partitioning helps to merge partitions without losing data. All information will be transferred to separate folder to one of the disks (usually the system one). The convenience of the program lies in the simplicity of the actions performed and the intuitive interface in Russian.

After the merger is complete, you will find all the data from the disk that was joined to the main one in the root folder. It will be called X-drive, Where X- letter of the drive that was attached.

Method 2: MiniTool Partition Wizard

The program is also free, but at the same time it has a set of all necessary functions. The principle of working with it is slightly different from the previous program, and the main differences are the interface and language - MiniTool Partition Wizard does not have Russification. However, to work with it it is enough basic knowledge in English. All files will be transferred during the merge process.

Look for the transferred files in the root folder of the disk with which the merger occurred.

Method 3: Acronis Disk Director

- another program that can combine partitions, even if they have different file systems. By the way, the ones mentioned above cannot boast of this opportunity. free analogues. User data will also be transferred to the main volume, but provided that there are no encrypted files among them - in this case, merging will be impossible.

Acronis Disk Director paid, but comfortable and multifunctional program, so if you have it in your arsenal, you can connect volumes through it.

After reboot, look for files in the root folder of the disk that you designated as the primary

Method 4: Windows built-in utility

Windows has a built-in tool called "Disk Management". He knows how to perform basic actions with hard drives, in particular, you can merge volumes in this way.

The main disadvantage of this method is that all information will be deleted. Therefore, it makes sense to use it only when the data on the disk that you are going to attach to the main one is missing or not needed. In rare cases, perform this operation through "Disk Management" fails, and then you have to use other programs, but such a nuisance is rather an exception to the rule.

  1. Press the key combination Win+R, type diskmgmt.msc and open this utility by pressing "OK".

  2. Find the section you want to join to another. Right-click on it and select "Delete volume".

  3. In the confirmation window, click "Yes".

  4. The volume of the deleted partition will become an unallocated area. Now it can be added to another disk.

    Find the disk whose size you want to increase, right-click on it and select "Extend volume".

  5. Will open . Click "Further".

  6. In the next step, you can choose how many free GB you want to add to the disk. If you need to add all the freed up space, just click "Further".

    To add a fixed size to a disk in a field "Select the size of the allocated space" indicate how much you want to add. The number is indicated in megabytes, taking into account that 1 GB = 1024 MB.

  7. In the settings confirmation window, click "Ready".

  8. Result:

Merging partitions in Windows is a very simple procedure that allows you to effectively manage disk space. Despite the fact that the use of programs promises to combine disks into one without losing files, do not forget to do backup copy important data - this precaution is never superfluous.