The smallest tower cooler. Rating of the best cooling systems for the processor

To cool the processor, a cooler is required, the parameters of which determine how high quality it will be and whether the CPU will overheat. To make the right choice, you need to know the dimensions and characteristics of the socket, processor and motherboard. Otherwise, the cooling system may not install correctly and/or damage the motherboard.

If you are building a computer from scratch, then you should think about what is better - buy a separate cooler or a boxed processor, i.e. processor with integrated cooling system. Buying a processor with a built-in cooler is more profitable because The cooling system is already fully compatible with this model and this package costs less than buying a CPU and radiator separately.

But at the same time, this design produces too much noise, and when overclocking the processor, the system may not be able to cope with the load. Replacing a boxed cooler with a separate one will either be impossible, or you will have to take the computer to a special service center, because... Changing at home is not recommended in this case. Therefore, if you are building a gaming computer and/or plan to overclock the processor, then buy the processor and cooling system separately.

When choosing a cooler, you need to pay attention to two parameters of the processor and motherboard - socket and heat dissipation (TDP). A socket is a special connector on the motherboard where the CPU and cooler are mounted. When choosing a cooling system, you will have to look at which socket it fits best (usually manufacturers write the recommended sockets themselves). Processor TDP is a measure of the heat generated by the CPU cores, measured in Watts. This indicator is usually indicated by the CPU manufacturer, and cooler manufacturers write what load a particular model is designed for.

Main Features

First of all, pay attention to the list of sockets with which this model is compatible. Manufacturers always indicate a list of suitable sockets, because... This is the most important point when choosing a cooling system. If you try to install a heatsink on a socket that is not specified by the manufacturer in the specifications, you may break the cooler itself and/or the socket.

Maximum operating heat dissipation is one of the main parameters when choosing a cooler for an already purchased processor. True, TDP is not always indicated in the cooler's specifications. Minor differences between the operating TDP of the cooling system and the CPU are acceptable (for example, the CPU TDP is 88W, and the heatsink is 85W). But with large differences, the processor will noticeably overheat and may become unusable. However, if the TDP of the radiator is much higher than the TDP of the processor, then this is even good, because The cooler will have more than enough power to do its job.

If the manufacturer has not indicated the TDP of the cooler, then you can find out by Googling the request on the Internet, but this rule applies only to popular models.

Design Features

The design of coolers varies greatly depending on the type of radiator and the presence/absence of special heat pipes. There are also differences in the material from which the fan blades and the radiator itself are made. Basically, the main material is plastic, but there are also models with aluminum and metal blades.

The most budget option is a cooling system with an aluminum radiator, without copper heat-conducting tubes. Such models are small in size and low in price, but are poorly suited for more or less powerful processors or for processors that are planned to be overclocked in the future. Often comes bundled with a CPU. It is noteworthy that there is a difference in the shapes of the radiators - for AMD CPUs the radiators are square, and for Intel they are round.

Coolers with radiators made from prefabricated plates are almost obsolete, but are still sold. Their design is a radiator with a combination of aluminum and copper plates. They are much cheaper than their counterparts with heat pipes, but the cooling quality is not much lower. But due to the fact that these models are outdated, it is very difficult to choose a socket suitable for them. In general, these radiators no longer have significant differences from their all-aluminum counterparts.

A horizontal metal radiator with copper tubes for heat removal is one type of inexpensive, but modern and efficient cooling system. The main disadvantage of designs that use copper tubes is their large dimensions, which do not allow installing such a design in a small system unit and/or on a cheap motherboard, because it may break under its weight. Also, all the heat is dissipated through the tubes towards the mother card, which, if the system unit has poor ventilation, reduces the effectiveness of the tubes to nothing.

There are more expensive types of radiators with copper tubes that are installed in a vertical position rather than horizontal, which allows them to be mounted in a small system unit. Plus, the heat from the tubes goes up, and not towards the motherboard. Coolers with copper heatpipes are great for powerful and expensive processors, but they also have higher socket requirements due to their size.

The efficiency of coolers with copper tubes depends on the number of the latter. For processors from the middle segment, whose TDP is 80-100 W, models with 3-4 copper tubes are ideal. For more powerful processors of 110-180 W, models with 6 tubes are already needed. The number of tubes is rarely written in the specifications for a radiator, but they can easily be determined from a photo.

It is important to pay attention to the base of the cooler. Models with a through base are the cheapest, but the radiator connectors get clogged with dust very quickly and are difficult to clean. There are also cheap models with a solid base, which are more preferable, although they cost a little more. It’s even better to choose a cooler that, in addition to a solid base, has a special copper insert, because it greatly increases the efficiency of inexpensive radiators.

The expensive segment already uses radiators with a copper base or direct contact with the surface of the processor. The effectiveness of both is completely identical, but the second option is smaller and more expensive.
Also, when choosing a radiator, always pay attention to the weight and dimensions of the structure. For example, a tower cooler, with copper tubes that extend upward, has a height of 160 mm, which makes placing it in a small system unit and/or on a small motherboard problematic. Normal cooler weight should be about 400-500 g for average performance computers and 500-1000 g for gaming and professional machines.

Fan Features

First of all, you should pay attention to the size of the fan, because... the noise level, ease of replacement and quality of work depend on them. There are three standard size categories:

  • 80x80 mm. These models are very cheap and easy to replace. They can be installed even in small cases without any problems. They usually come with the cheapest coolers. They produce a lot of noise and are not able to cope with cooling powerful processors;
  • 92x92 mm is already a standard fan size for an average cooler. They are also easy to install, produce less noise and are able to cope with cooling mid-price processors, but are more expensive;
  • 120x120 mm – fans of this size can be found in professional or gaming machines. They provide high-quality cooling, do not produce too much noise, and are easy to find a replacement in case of breakdown. But at the same time, the price of a cooler equipped with such a fan is much higher. If a fan of this size is purchased separately, there may be some difficulties in installing it on the radiator.

There may also be 140x140 mm and larger fans, but this is for TOP gaming machines, whose processor is subject to a very high load. Such fans are difficult to find on the market, and their price will not be affordable.

Pay special attention to the types of bearings, because... The noise level depends on them. There are three in total:

  • Sleeve Bearing is the cheapest and most unreliable example. A cooler that has such a bearing in its design also produces too much noise;
  • Ball Bearing is a more reliable ball bearing, it costs more, but also does not have a low noise level;
  • Hydro Bearing is a combination of reliability and quality. It has a hydrodynamic design, produces virtually no noise, but is expensive.

If you do not need a noisy cooler, then additionally pay attention to the number of revolutions per minute. 2000-4000 rpm make the noise of the cooling system clearly audible. In order not to hear the computer operating, it is recommended to pay attention to models with a speed of about 800-1500 per minute. But keep in mind that if the fan is small, the speed must vary between 3000-4000 per minute for the cooler to cope with its task. The larger the fan, the lower it must make revolutions per minute to properly cool the processor.

It is also worth paying attention to the number of fans in the design. Budget options use only one fan, while more expensive ones may have two or even three. In this case, the rotation speed and noise production can be very low, but there will be no problems in the quality of processor cooling.

Some coolers can adjust fan speed automatically based on the current load on the CPU cores. If you choose such a cooling system, then find out whether your motherboard supports speed control through a special controller. Pay attention to the presence of DC and PWM connectors on the motherboard. The required connector depends on the type of connection - 3-pin or 4-pin. Cooler manufacturers indicate in the specifications the connector through which the connection to the motherboard will occur.

In the specifications for coolers, the item “Air flow” is also written, which is measured in CFM (cubic feet per minute). The higher this indicator, the more efficiently the cooler copes with its task, but the higher the level of noise produced. In fact, this indicator is almost similar to the number of revolutions.

Attaching to mother card

Small or medium-sized coolers are generally secured using special latches or small screws, which avoids a number of problems. In addition, detailed instructions are included, which tell you how to fasten and what screws to use for this.

Things will be more complicated with models that require reinforced fastening, because... in this case, the motherboard and computer case must have the necessary dimensions to install a special pedestal or frame on the back of the motherboard. In the latter case, the computer case should not only have enough free space, but also a special recess or window that allows you to install a large cooler without any problems.

In the case of a large cooling system, what and how you install it depends on the socket. In most cases these will be special bolts.

Before installing the cooler, the processor will need to be lubricated with thermal paste. If there is already a layer of paste on it, then remove it with a cotton swab or disk soaked in alcohol and apply a new layer of thermal paste. Some cooler manufacturers include thermal paste with the cooler. If there is such a paste, then apply it; if not, then buy it yourself. There is no need to skimp on this point; it is better to buy a tube of high-quality thermal paste, which will also have a special brush for application. Expensive thermal paste lasts longer and provides better CPU cooling.

List of popular manufacturers

The following companies are the most popular in the Russian and international markets:

Also, when purchasing a cooler, do not forget to check whether there is a warranty. The minimum warranty period must be at least 12 months from the date of purchase. Knowing all the features of the characteristics of computer coolers, it will not be difficult for you to make the right choice.

Currently, the most effective are tower coolers with copper heat pipes. With proper implementation, three or four heat pipes are sufficient to ensure cooling of any serial processor in the radiator design. Further increasing the number of tubes in radiators does not always lead to a decrease in peak processor temperatures, so there is no point in pursuing this. Radiator plates and heat pipes themselves are usually nickel-plated, which allows them to maintain an almost perfect appearance throughout their entire service life.

When choosing a cooler, you should pay attention to the method of contact of the tubes with the base and fins of the radiator. If soldering is used (its traces are always clearly visible at the joints), you can trust such a device with your processor, but the simple crimping of plates on tubes and the absence of grooves in the base should be treated with skepticism, although soldering is extremely rare in the middle price segment. Coolers with direct contact technology, which have become popular in recent years, are widespread, when the radiator does not have a base, and its role is played by heat pipes processed in the base area to a flat surface. In such models, you need to pay attention to the distance between the tubes at the base - the smaller it is, the more uniform the heat exchange will be, which means the efficiency of the cooler will be higher.

The size of the radiator really matters. The larger the area of ​​the fins and the greater their number, the larger the area of ​​the radiator and the more heat it can dissipate. Do not underestimate the various types of optimization of radiators - the ends of the fins of variable height, tubes arranged in a checkerboard pattern, but the effect from evaporation chambers or radial radiators is most often minimal.

It is also worth mentioning coolers of the so-called “top design”, in which the radiator is located parallel to the motherboard, and the fan forces air flow to its plane. The height of these coolers is small (no more than 150 mm), but due to design limitations their area is relatively small, so their efficiency is usually lower than that of tower coolers. But the air flow of such coolers better cools the elements of the space around the processor and the radiators on the motherboard.

Noise level

While the efficiency of even the simplest air coolers turns out to be quite sufficient for standard processor operating modes, their noise level does not suit everyone. The only source of noise in air coolers is the fan. In general, you can focus on the following figures: for 80 and 92 mm fans, the speed should be no higher than 1500-1700 rpm; for 120 mm fans - no higher than 1200-1300 rpm; for 140 mm fans and more - no higher than 1000-1200 rpm.

Almost all currently produced cooling systems are equipped with fans that support automatic speed control, depending on the load on the processor and/or its temperature. Such fans are practically silent in low processor load mode and at the same time sensitive to any increase in load. The adjustment algorithm is set in the motherboard BIOS, or through software.

An important component of the fan is the type of bearing. The most common and cheapest is the sleeve bearing, the typical service life of which is 30,000 hours or about 3 years of continuous operation. But in practice, such bearings do not last long, and after half their service life they begin to make noise. More durable (and expensive) are ball bearings, which can last more than 100,000 hours, and with high quality manufacturing can maintain low noise levels throughout their entire service life. A compromise option is hydrodynamic bearings (FDB bearing). As a rule, they are twice as durable as plain bearings and have low noise levels.

Updated: 07/13/2018 16:43:23

The processor heats up intensely during operation. This is due to the laws of physics and there is no way to get around them. Coolers, in turn, are designed to cool the processor to a temperature at which it will function normally. We have compiled a rating of the best coolers that are suitable for use with almost any processor - from a simple Celeron for an office typewriter to a high-performance Intel Core i7-7700K, which to this day remains one of the best gaming chips.

How to choose a CPU cooler

You need to choose a CPU cooler carefully. Otherwise, he will not cope with his “responsibilities.” Overheating of the processor, in turn, leads to a drop in performance, shutdown the computer, or damage the chip itself.

Active, passive and liquid cooling

Cooling can be organized in one of three types - active, passive and liquid.

Active cooling system involves the use of a radiator and fan. The first is installed on the processor. The radiator plumage is heated by the “chip”, after which it is cooled by air flows. The efficiency of an active cooling system depends on the materials from which the heat pipes are made, as well as on the performance of the fan.

Thus, the most effective are copper heat-water tubes with copper or aluminum fins. But exclusively aluminum radiators are suitable for cooling only old or budget processors like the Celeron or Pentium lines.

The disadvantage of the active cooling system is that it requires a constant flow of “cool” air inside the case. Otherwise, other components of the motherboard may overheat. Therefore, the system unit must be installed so that air circulates freely around it.

In addition, the efficiency of active cooling decreases when the radiator becomes clogged with dust.

The liquid cooling system is structurally similar to the active one. Only instead of a radiator, a contact plate and special tubes with a thermal fluid (often ordinary water) are used. The fans are placed in a separate block, which is placed outside the system unit. Thanks to this, there are no special requirements for installing the system unit, and the performance of the cooling system does not decrease over time.

The disadvantage of a liquid cooling system is that it is expensive.

Passive cooling consists only of a radiator. Heat from the processor is dissipated naturally through convection inside the system unit. The performance of such a cooling system leaves much to be desired, so it is used exclusively with low-heating chips - old or mobile, including laptops or ultrabooks.

When choosing the type of cooling system, you should be guided by the purpose of the computer:

    An office “typewriter” with an old or low-power processor - a passive radiator will do;

    “Regular” or “gaming” computer – active cooling;

    Gaming computer with top components - liquid cooling.

What to look for when choosing a cooler

The main criteria when choosing a cooler are compatible socket and power dissipation.

    Since processors differ not only in performance, but also in size, it is important to consider socket and cooler compatibility. Socket – the size and form factor of the chip itself, as well as the placement of mounts for the cooling system on the motherboard. If it is not compatible with the cooler, installing the latter simply will not work. You can find out which socket is used from the technical characteristics of the processor and motherboard, as well as using the AIDA64 program or similar.

    Power dissipation is the performance of the cooling system. It shows how much heat can be removed by the cooler. The power dissipation must be greater than the thermal dissipation (TDP) of the processor. Both of these parameters are measured in Watts, so comparing them is not difficult.

The remaining parameters are optional and do not have much importance when choosing a cooler.


The quality of the materials used, the durability of the cooler and additional functions of the cooling system depend on the manufacturer. Therefore, it is advisable to choose devices from trusted companies.

Rating of the best CPU coolers

Nomination place product name price
The best tower coolers for gaming systems and overclocking 1 5 500 ₽
2 RUB 4,190
3 7,660 RUR
4 5,090 ₽
The best mid-class coolers under 3000 rubles 1 RUB 2,111
2 RUR 3,970
3 1 150 ₽
4 RUB 3,350
5 RUB 2,756
The best passive cooling systems 1 RUR 3,920
Best CPU Water Cooling Systems 1 9,273 RUR
2 6,290 RUR
3 5,990 RUR

The best tower coolers for gaming systems and overclocking

A tower cooler is a type of active cooling system. Its design involves placing the fan on the side of the radiator, allowing heat to be dissipated more efficiently. The main thing is to choose the right direction for blowing hot air.

An important advantage of a tower cooler is maintaining the performance of the radiator over time. The plumage is not covered with dust, so the efficiency of the airflow does not decrease.

Why first place: High performance, wide socket compatibility, virtually silent operation.

Description: The Noctua NH-U14S tower cooler opens the rating - one of the best active cooling systems on the market. At a relatively low price, it provides a maximum power dissipation of 220 W, making it compatible with high-performance and overclocked processors. The mounting pad can be installed on chips of the most popular sockets of the LGA, AM and FM series, including LGA1151 (which is used in the Intel Atom Coffee Lake line).

The radiator design includes six direct contact copper heat conductor tubes and aluminum fins. Moreover, the plates are not welded to the tubes, but are pressed with them, which ensures effective heat transfer.

The fan is based on a magnetically centered bearing. The maximum speed is 1500 rpm, and the regulator of this number is internal. The fan provides an airflow of 82.52 CFM, but the volume does not exceed 24.6 dB.


    Highly productive and at the same time almost silent;

    The kit includes a mounting structure, bolts, thermal paste and everything you need for installation;

    Operating life 150 thousand hours, manufacturer's warranty 6 years.


  • Large - can block the PCI connector or RAM slots;

    When used with overclocked or “hot” chips, it is better to replace the supplied thermal paste with another one.

Why second place: High performance and compact design, but relatively high noise level.

Description: In the Zalman CNP9900DF model, the manufacturing company used a radiator of a non-standard design for tower coolers. The tail is located radially, and the fans (there are two of them here) are somewhat “recessed” into the plates. According to the manufacturer, this design provides better heat dissipation and a smaller dissipation area while maintaining efficiency.

The nominal maximum power dissipation is 300 W. But this value is ensured only with open mounting; in a system unit with an installed side wall, this parameter drops by about 25-30%. However, even this is enough for most modern processors, including gaming ones.

The radiator is entirely copper – there are three direct contact heat pipes and tail plates. The fans are equipped with direct sliding bearings, providing rotation speeds of up to 1400 rpm with a nominal volume of up to 27 dB.


    Compact, does not cover anything during installation;

    Cools stock processors well;


    Not suitable for overclocked processors due to lack of performance;

    Loud noise under high load;

    Difficult to install, it is better to mount it on a removed motherboard.

Why third place: Powerful, quiet, with 6 direct contact heat pipes, but relatively expensive.

Description: The Noctua NH-D15 cooler is a good solution for computers equipped with the latest generation multi-core processors (for example, Intel Core i9 or overclocked Intel Core i7). The device provides efficient cooling thanks to an air flow of 82.52 CFM, 6 direct contact copper heat pipes in the radiator and two fans with a rotation speed of up to 1500 rpm. At the same time, the cooler is compatible with most processors - it can be installed on almost all sockets of the LGA, AM and FM series.

Like the leader in the rating, this cooler is equipped with a proprietary type of radiator - copper heat conductor tubes are connected to an aluminum tail using a pressing method. The sole is also copper, polished to a mirror finish. Heat pipes are coated with nickel for better protection against corrosion.

The fans are based on bearings with magnetic centering, which ensures quiet operation.


    Excellent cooling for both overclocked and multi-core processors;

    Easy installation. Everything you need for installation is included;

    Quiet fans even under high load.


    Huge! It cannot be used with standard-height RAM or with cooling. Install in a narrow body - too;

    Boring, unattractive design;

    The radiator fin plates are flimsy, so the cooler requires careful installation.

Why fourth place: A good cooler for stock, including multi-core, processors, but it may not cope with cooling overclocked ones.

Description: The rating is completed by one of the most classic tower coolers designed for use with gaming and multi-core (6, 8 cores) processors – Thermalright Macho Rev.B. The device dissipates up to 280 W of heating power, is equipped with six direct contact heat pipes, an aluminum radiator and one fan that operates almost silently even at maximum speed.

The fan rotation speed ranges from 300 to 1300 rpm, and the air flow intensity is 16.9-73.6 CFM, respectively. The speed controller is external, so the specific performance can be adjusted independently for the processor or tasks used. The cooler is compatible with almost all existing chips and can be installed on LGA, AM (including the latest AM4) and FM sockets.


    High performance and quiet operation;

    Relatively low price (lower than predecessors on the list);

    Compact, but the fan can cover the first RAM slot.


    Less productivity than that of “colleagues”;

    Assembly and installation can be tricky, but instructions are included;

    Tall, 165 mm, this is worth taking into account when choosing.

The best mid-class coolers under 3000 rubles

Why first place: Tower cooler, direct contact between heat pipes and the processor, rotation speed up to 2000 rpm.

Description: The top-ranking Zalman CNPS10X Performa cooler has a tower design, thanks to which it can cool even high-performance processors. In particular, it is equipped with five copper heat pipes in direct contact with the base plate, an aluminum radiator and a 120 mm fan with a rotation speed of 900 to 2000 rpm.

The fan is equipped with a classic plain bearing, but thanks to optimization, the noise level even under maximum load is up to 36 dB. In this case, the speed controller is internal, so the rotation speed is set automatically by the cooler.

The cooler is compatible with both modern and classic sockets. So, it can be installed on almost all LGA models (including LGA1151 and even LGA775), AM, FM and S. Additional mounts can be purchased for other sockets.


    The design of the radiator allows for good cooling of processors even at low speeds;

    Quiet operation;



    Difficult, inconvenient fastening. It is advisable to place the cooler on a removed motherboard with RAM already installed;

    It is advisable to replace the supplied thermal paste;

    Bulky and heavy.

Why second place: Powerful, efficient cooling system, but more expensive than other models in the rating.

Description: Deepcool Assassin II is a tower cooler with two fans and eight copper heat pipes. Thanks to this, the device provides good cooling even for gaming and overclocked processors, and is also compatible with almost all used sockets.

The cooler radiator, consisting of two modules, is made of aluminum plates. Copper heat conductor tubes are connected to them by pressing. This ensures good heat transfer and dissipation from the processor.

Two 140mm fans can rotate at speeds of 300-1400 rpm and are based on hydrodynamic bearings, ensuring low volume even under high load. Maximum – 27.3 dB.

The cooler, despite the low price, has high performance. For example, the Intel Core i7-7800X processor heats up to 54 degrees under peak load in stress tests.


    High performance;

    Silence of work;

    Rich equipment with a large number of pads, mounts, and thermal paste.


    Relatively complex assembly;

    Large-sized, can cover power connectors or various functional elements of the motherboard;

    The cooler power hub is inconvenient, dangling, you need to glue it to the case yourself.

Why third place: Ultra-budget tower cooler, good combination of price and quality.

Description: The Deepcool Gammaxx 300 cooler, which occupies the “middle” of the rating, has an excellent combination of price and quality. Of course, it is not very suitable for overclocked or gaming processors, but it copes well with heating mid-range chips or with average heat dissipation. In particular, the maximum power dissipation of the device is 125 W.

The cooler is compatible with almost all processor models. Necessary soles and fastenings included. The radiator is made of aluminum plates, which are complemented by three copper heat pipes.

The cooler fan is equipped with a proprietary hydrodynamic bearing, which ensures minimal operating volume. In particular, even under load it makes 21 dB noise. The rotation speed is 900-1600 rpm (the regulator is external, i.e. it can be adjusted), and the air flow is 40 CFM.


    Simple, quick installation;

    Minimum operating volume;

    Rich equipment.


    Relatively large-sized;

    The contact pad is made of aluminum, into which direct contacts of heat conductor tubes are built;

    Inconvenient latches with plastic “ears” that can break.

Why fourth place: Quiet, efficient and comfortable. But the improved version (Rev.B) costs only a few hundred rubles more, so it’s better to take it.

Description: Tower cooler with the highest performance in this rating segment. In particular, the maximum power dissipation of the device is as much as 280 W, which makes it compatible even with gaming and overclocked processors. Includes mounts and pads for LGA sockets (including LGA775 and LGA1151), AM and FM.

The radiator configuration includes 6 copper heat conductor tubes with direct contact. The tail is made of aluminum sheets. The plates are connected to the tubes by pressing rather than welding.

The cooler is equipped with one 140 mm fan. Rotation speed – 900-1300 rpm. The proprietary bearing makes the fan quiet - even at maximum load it makes 21 dB noise. In this case, the air flow is up to 73.6 CFM.

The speed controller is external, so you can customize it yourself to suit the installed processor and usage scenario.


  • Rich set with branded screwdriver and necessary fasteners;

    High performance.


    There are many revisions, and there are even ones with an aluminum sole without direct contact of the heat conductor tubes;

    Large, may not fit into some cases;

    Assembly is not easy for beginners and there are no instructions in Russian.

Description: The Noctua NH-L9i cooler is designed for Intel Core i3-i7 series processors installed in LSI sockets. It is made in a traditional design, which involves placing a fan above the radiator. As a result, the cooler's power dissipation is relatively small and amounts to 65 Watts.

The cooler's radiator is made of aluminum plates, placed by pressing on a copper heat conductor tube with direct contact. The fan is equipped with a proprietary low-noise bearing with magnetic centering, thanks to which the cooler's operating volume does not exceed 23.6 dB even at 2500 rpm. The speed itself is adjustable from 300 to 2500 rpm. The airflow generated by the fan is 33.84 CFM. The speed regulator is built into the cooler and operates automatically.

The cooler is highly reliable – the trouble-free operation time is 150 thousand hours, and the manufacturer’s warranty is 6 years.


    Low-profile design, can be installed in narrow system units;

    Low operating volume and good performance (even the Intel Xeon E3-1225 v5 can cool down);

    Simplest installation.


    The mounting bolts are fixed when the motherboard is removed;

    Relatively high price;

    Not suitable for overclockable or unlocked processors.

The best passive cooling systems

Why it: Copper-aluminum radiator designed specifically for passive cooling systems.

Description: The Prolimatech Megahalems Rev.C cooler was designed specifically for use as a single cooling device. It features a massive base with a polished copper sole, to which six copper heat conductor tubes are attached by pressing, and an aluminum radiator with a wide distance between the plates, ensuring free air circulation.

The cooler is compatible with the vast majority of Intel LSA sockets, including the newest ones, as well as AMD AM and FM.

Even without a fan, it provides as much cooling as some of the other devices in the ranking, delivering up to 40-50W of passive dissipation. However, if you wish, you can attach a fan to it – 120 and 140 mm models are suitable. Brackets for fixing it are included with the radiator.


    Effective heat dissipation thanks to a massive base and 6 copper tubes;

    Wide space between the radiator plates for better air circulation;

    Massive base.


    Tall radiator, may not fit into a thin case;

    Dense placement of heat pipes;

    The “two towers” ​​design has less rigidity than a monolithic one.

Best CPU Water Cooling Systems

Why first place: A cooling system that can cool the processor even without fans. Of course, there are three of them.

Description: The rating opens with one of the most productive water cooling systems – Thermaltake Water 3.0 Ultimate. The device is equipped with three fans that rotate at speeds of up to 2000 rpm. This ensures effective cooling even for overclocked processors. In addition, up to 6 additional fans can be installed.

The contact pad is made of aluminum and copper. The mount is compatible with the most common sockets, including LGA, AM and FM. Adapters for other types of processors are commercially available.

The installed fans are quite quiet - even at a maximum rotation speed of 2000 rpm, they are noisy by 20 dB. In this case, the air flow passing through the cooling system is 99 CFM. The minimum rotation speed of coolers is 1000 rpm.

The system can also operate in passive mode – with the coolers turned off.


    Quiet but powerful cooling system;

    Quiet pump;

    Compact and easy to install.


    Over time, the noise level increases, it is recommended to replace the fans or install a reobass;

    It may not be able to cope with cooling processors with a heat dissipation of more than 250-300 W (overclocked);

    A bit expensive.

Why second place: Gaming water cooling system, the main drawback of which is the price.

Description: Deepcool Captain 360 EX could top the rating if it were not for its relatively high price (even for water cooling systems). It is very productive - the dissipated power is 220 W. At the same time, thanks to the use of proprietary hydrodynamic bearings in the fans, the system is characterized by quiet operation - a noise level of up to 31.3 dB at a rotation speed of 1800 rpm and an air flow of 76.52 CFM.

The contact plate of the water block is made of polished copper. The pump is equipped with a ceramic bearing, which provides a service life of 120 thousand hours. It works silently.

Why third place: Dual-fan cooling system with fast pumping and high efficiency.

Description: The rating is completed by a rather unusual liquid cooling system – the Arctic Cooling Liquid Freezer 120. It differs from other devices in its compact unit with a radiator and fans, which is significantly smaller in size than traditional “panels”. However, it copes with the task of cooling the processor “excellently” - the rated power dissipation is 300 W.

The fans can rotate at speeds from 500 to 1350 rpm, provide an air flow of 74 CFM, are equipped with durable hydrodynamic bearings and are relatively quiet - at maximum load the noise level is 30-35 dB.

The water block is equipped with a copper contact plate and a built-in pump that rotates at a speed of 5400 rpm. Thanks to this, the cooler can be used even in passive mode. However, the pump can still be heard from the housing.


    Rich equipment with high-quality additional items;

    Quiet, efficient operation;

    Suitable for overclocked processors.


    Pump speed is too high, which can reduce reliability and cause noise;

    Heavy and bulky;

    Relatively expensive.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

To achieve high overclocking results, you need a sufficiently powerful cooling system. In our review, we will look at several coolers of different types in different price categories and select the best models for overclocking.

The temperature of the processor cores must remain at a sufficiently low level, with a decent margin up to the maximum temperature TJMAX, in order not only to protect the processor from overheating, but also to ensure high overclocking results.

As tests of various CPUs have shown, as core temperatures increase, power consumption also increases, while frequency scaling turns out to be worse than at low temperatures. It is no coincidence that many overclockers prefer to overclock the system on the balcony - in this case they can more effectively cool the central processor.

However, too much heat may accumulate under the distributor, and even the best air cooler in the world will not have time to remove it. In such cases, extreme cooling or other measures are required.

The CPU core itself, at least in mainstream CPUs, is much smaller than the heat spreader (source: Intel)

This problem is well known for all Intel processors after the 2nd generation Core called "Sandy Bridge". In particular, with the third and fourth generations of "Ivy Bridge" and "Haswell", many users complained that Intel began to use not the most effective thermal paste under the heat spreader instead of solder with higher heat transfer.

Due to these changes, the processors warmed up more than their Sandy Bridge predecessors at the same clock frequency and VCore; at high frequencies the additional heating was 20-30 °C.

But Intel, with the Haswell Refresh generation, decided to meet the enthusiasts halfway by introducing “Devil’s Canyon” processors, which had improved thermal transfer material (TIM) under the heat spreader, which improved temperatures by about 5 ° C. But for long-term operation at high clock speeds At frequencies, enthusiasts still prefer to remove the heat spreader and replace the TIM with liquid metal.

For some processors, heat does not have time to be removed from the chip and accumulates under the heat spreader. Therefore, enthusiasts modify processors (

Best CPU Cooler | Introduction

Detailed specifications are great, of course, but only if you have time to research them. However, all the user needs is best cpu cooler for the available amount. For those who do not have time to look through numerous test results, for those who do not feel confident enough in their choice best cpu cooler, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of - the editors are constantly updating this article, which talks about the choice best cpu cooler for every budget and taste.

Best CPU Cooler | Updates for March 2019

All outdated and discontinued models have been removed from the review, and now our tables contain only current cooling systems, which can be found in most specialized stores.

Best CPU Cooler | Air coolers

Lower CPU temperatures provide increased stability, efficiency, and reliability. It benefits everyone: from overclockers looking to extract maximum performance from their processor, to efficiency enthusiasts looking to achieve the lowest power consumption. This material is aimed at those who do not have time to look through numerous test results, and who do not feel confident enough in choosing the best processor cooler or the best liquid cooling system. The editors periodically update this article, adjusting the recommendations.

Best CPU Cooler | Pivot table

Model be quiet! Dark Rock 4 Cooler Master MasterAir MA410M Reeven RC-1001b Brontes Noctua NH-U14S
Category Best big Best average Best Low Profile Best for AMD Threadripper

Price, rub. 5200 4700 2800 6000
Dimensions, mm 158.8 x 136.9 x 75.4 158.8 x 132.4 x 58.2 59 x 105 x 114 171.45 x 151.4 x 52.3
Base height, mm 41,3 37,8 17,78 25,1
Installation displacement, mm 27,94 27,94 n.d. 27.94 (with fan)
Weight, g 1471 1247 340 1035
Materials Aluminum, copper, plastic Aluminum, copper n.d. Aluminum, copper
Fans (1) 135 x 22 mm (2) 120 x 25 mm RGB (1) 100 x 12 mm (1) 140 x 25 mm
Connectors (1) 4-pin (2) 4-pin PWM, (2) 4-pin RGB (1) PWM (1) 4-pin PWM
Intel socket compatibility FM2(+), FM1, AM2(+), AM3(+), AM4 rectangular, with four screws TR4, SP3
Compatible with AMD sockets 775, 115x, 1366, 2011x, 2066 115x, 1366, 2011x, 2066 115x, 1366, 775 No
Guarantee 3 years 5 years 2 years 6 years

We evaluate "performance" by the ratio of cooling efficiency to noise, and "value" by the ratio of performance per dollar spent. The formula for a successful cooler is always a large heatsink surface area and increased airflow to maintain low temperatures, along with high thermal conductivity materials to quickly transfer heat from the processor to the heatsink surface. Maximum performance typically requires a large heatsink, and some of these models are too bulky to fit into mid-to-small cases.

Large coolers tend to fit into wide, full-size tower cases, although there are some mini-ITX gaming cases designed to accommodate larger coolers. Mid-sized cooling systems fit most standard cases and motherboards, but are less efficient due to their smaller radiators and fans. Thin coolers up to 75mm in height are usually designed for compact cases. Since different motherboards have different processor socket locations, it is very important to check the parameters of the cooler, motherboard and case before purchasing.

Do you have one of the new Ryzen models? Then you don't need to buy another cooler even for overclocking. All Ryzen 2000 series processors and some older models come with quality coolers, many of which can handle moderate overclocking. If you want to overclock the chip to the highest possible frequency, then buying a powerful cooler makes sense, but for most Ryzen owners it simply isn't necessary.

If you want to purchase a large air cooler, first measure to see if it will fit. Large and low-profile models can interfere with the installation of tall RAM modules and even rest against the heatsinks of the board's power supply system. At the same time, tall coolers can interfere with the installation of a side wall, even if your case does not belong to the compact category. Please make sure the measurements are accurate before purchasing.

Remember that, all other things being equal, the more fans, the better the cooling, but the higher the noise level. The most efficient coolers are often the loudest. If this is a problem for you, you will have to look for the optimal balance.

RGB lighting can be impressive, but make sure it can be turned off. Many modern cooling systems come with RGB lighting and/or RGB fans, which can give your PC a striking appearance. But make sure that this backlight can be turned off through the built-in controller or through the motherboard. There will probably be situations where the backlight will interfere - for example, when watching a movie in the dark.

Best CPU Cooler | The best large air cooler - be quiet! Dark Rock 4


  • Excellent performance
  • Excellent build quality and design
  • Low noise level
  • Compatible with most modern sockets


  • Premium price


Dark Rock 4 is an excellent and very effective, but rather expensive air cooler that can decorate any system unit.

  • Alternative: Noctua NH-D15 SE-AM4

Best CPU Cooler | The best mid-size air cooler - Cooler Master MasterAir MA410M


  • Mid-size cooler takes up less space
  • Thermal sensor allows you to demonstrate temperature changes via RGB lighting


  • Not as quiet as analogues


The Cooler Master MasterAir MA410M is a mid-sized air cooler with heat pipes and RGB lighting that delivers impressive cooling performance and fits perfectly into any gaming system.

Best CPU Cooler | Best Low Profile Air Cooler - Reeven RC-1001b Brontes


  • Low price
  • Low noise level
  • Equals performance as larger models, but takes up less space


  • Does not support 130W processors, including Intel chips for LGA 2011x sockets


For just RUB 2,800, the Reeven RC-1001b Brontes eliminates any competition with performance typical of much larger models. Thanks to its small size, it is also perfect for the most compact cases.

Best CPU Cooler | Best Air Cooler for AMD Threadripper-Noctua NH-U14S


  • Superior Performance
  • Very low noise level
  • Simple and reliable fastening


  • Premium price
  • May not fit in small cases due to height


For anyone looking for a high-quality, high-performance, and quiet air cooler for AMD Threadripper, this is our clear recommendation.

  • Alternative: Cooler Master MasterAir MA621P