Webmoney: instructions for use. Reputation of exchange services

All users of the WebMoney system have the opportunity to transfer funds from one of their wallets to another currency. For example, according to current this moment course. WebMoney allows you to use three options for such an exchange - transferring funds on the Exchanger exchange service page, exchanging WebMoney for WebMoney using exchangers, and attaching your WM wallets to cards of other payment systems.

Exchanger service

The first way to exchange WebMoney for WebMoney is the simplest. It consists of using the exchanger.ru service built into the system, which operates on the principle of an exchange. Electronic money is transferred through a service acting as an intermediary, which makes the transaction reliable. An additional guarantee of exchange in some sections of the service is an insurance premium, the amount of which reaches 2% of the transferred funds for each party. And, since Exchanger WebMoney allows you to get acquainted with all the current offers at the moment, with its help it is easy to select suitable option on the most favorable terms.

Exchanger includes several sections, each of which is responsible for transfers of its own types of currencies:

  • exchanger.ru, the main section providing only exchange electronic money in the WebMoney system;
  • exchanger.ru, transfer of WM currency into cash;
  • exchanger.ru, exchange of money from WM wallets to YAD (Yandex.Money);
  • exchanger.ru, a section that provides interaction with the international payment system PayPal.

So, before exchanging WebMoney rubles for WebMoney dollars, you should:

  1. go to the service page;
  2. select the exchange direction (WMR to WMZ);
  3. get acquainted with the offers;
  4. Having selected the appropriate option for the exchange request, transfer the specified amount from your wallet.

When exchanging, there is no payment for service fees. However, the system takes 0.8% of the transaction for the transfer. Therefore, if you have, for example, 10 thousand WMR in your account, you cannot pay the application exactly for this amount - only 9920 WMR is available to the user during the exchange.

In order to use the services of the service, it is not necessary to go to its page. Can be done automatic exchange WebMoney directly from the menu of the WM Keeper program (installed separately on a computer or phone, and also works as an extension in the browser). Working with such a built-in exchanger is even more convenient than with Exchanger. Advantages of use – practically instant transfer and almost unlimited exchange amount. The disadvantage is that there is only one, not always profitable, exchange rate option.

When withdrawing, the system, showing the size of the funds withdrawn, already takes into account the size of the commission. So you don't have to worry about accidentally applying for a transfer that exceeds your account size.

The Wikimoney website recommends taking the Lazy Investor Course, where you will learn how to get out of your financial ass and learn how to earn passive income. No enticements, only high-quality information from a practicing investor (from real estate to cryptocurrency).

WebMoney exchange offices

Another withdrawal method is to use services exchange offices. You can find monitoring of WebMoney exchangers on the page of the geo.webmoney.ru service associated with the payment system. Most of these points offer various courses, and the user also has the opportunity to choose the most profitable one.

You can choose a WebMoney exchanger not from this list. In this case, the user can receive a more favorable rate, however, the reliability of the transaction decreases. While the resources presented in the list not only have personal certificate, but also work according to the rules of the WebMoney service.

Transfer to units of other payment systems

The last method of WebMoney auto exchange involves transferring funds from this payment system to others. To do this, you need to attach it to your account. electronic wallets Yandex.Money, Qiwi or EasyPay. In the same way you can link to your WMID payment card one of the banks that have entered into an agreement with WebMoney:

  • HandyBank;
  • Alfa-Bank (Alfa-Click online service);
  • Promsvyazbank;

Automatic WebMoney exchange is also possible for users of other Russian banks. To do this you need to have VISA card, MasterCard or Maestro.

And in order to use the services of the service, you need to have a formal certificate (or higher), upload scans of passport pages to the WebMoney certification center website and fulfill the requirements of the bank or system that owns the account or card.

Exchange options

The presence of several options for exchanging money from WM wallets allows system users to choose the most profitable and convenient ways to work with the system. This can help make payments faster, which require, for example, only electronic rubles or dollars. Or speed up the receipt of cash - the most popular currently for transactions.

We will talk about making money on exchanges through the WebMoney exchange wm.exchanger.ru.

Many of you have probably exchanged one title unit for another for a long time and have wondered more than once whether it is possible to make money on the exchange or whether this is only given to independent exchangers. I can reassure you that you can earn money without creating an exchanger, but only through the official exchange of title units that WebMoney themselves created.

How the wm.exchanger service works

The WebMoney exchange is a place where each participant in the WebMoney Transfer system can submit their application for the purchase of some title units, offering others in return. For example, I want to buy a certain amount of WMR and am ready to give a certain amount of WMZ for them. Based on these applications, the exchange rate is formed on the exchange.

What are the ways to make money on the WebMoney exchange?

Exchange between two pairs in one direction and back

For example, we take an application to exchange WMZ for WMR, when the exchange occurs, we submit a return application for WMR to WMZ. The rate needs to be set so that you can cover the commissions and still be able to earn something.

You can say that there is a very small gap and the commission eats all the income. But the exchange rate constantly fluctuates in one direction or the other. It is also not necessary to submit an application so that it comes first. If there are very small orders at the beginning, you can place them after them, even those in 5th -10th place can close your order without even buying the orders in front of you.

People who make exchanges on the stock exchange sometimes don’t want to go to the trouble of buying small orders; they can select an order from the top ten that covers their sum and buy it.

Exchange in a circle

This is the use of 3 or more title units when exchanging.

For example, we take WMZ and change it to WMR, then we take WMR and change it to WMU, after that we change WMU to WMZ. Ultimately, we arrive at the title signs with which we started, with more money than we started with. To find a profitable circle, you need to calculate taking into account the current exchange rate and possible movement in some directions.

Interception of applications with a favorable rate for you

What is this you ask. This is when, for example, an application for the sale of WMZ on WMR appears, with a rate better than the cost of several applications for the purchase of WMR on WMZ. This is shown well in the graph.

In the figure, circled in red ovals is the rate of orders that is higher than the rate of the first orders of the opposite exchange. It is almost impossible to catch such requests manually, since now many major players use scripts to intercept such requests.

Advantages and features of trading on the WebMoney exchange


  1. Trading takes place around the clock.
  2. There are no problems with depositing money into the exchange, as well as with withdrawing it from there. Since placing an application is paid from your Keepera and you receive it again when exchanging it. If you use WebMoney, then you know how you can top up and withdraw money.
  3. All WebMoney users can participate in trading, and their number increases every month.

Trading Features

To trade on the stock exchange you need to know some features.

The percentage when submitting applications is equal, as throughout the entire system, to 0.8%, a minimum of 0.01 title character and a maximum, for example: 50WMZ, 1500WMR, 250WMU, 50WME, 50WMX. For the rest, you can look at the WebMoney website.

What does this mean. That you can reduce the WebMoney commission by increasing the amount for exchange.

For example: for an amount of 1000WMZ the commission will be 8WMZ, which is 0.8%, for an amount of 6250WMZ, the commission will be 50WMZ, which is also 0.8%. But with a further increase in the amount, the commission will begin to tend to a minimum. We take the amount of 15000WMZ, the commission remains 50WMZ, and the percentage will already be 0.33...%. We have already reduced the commission by more than half.

And the larger the amount you use, the commission will decrease, and the percentage of earnings will increase.

Exchange restrictions

  1. You cannot buy your counter bid. For example, you already have an application, you are selling WMZ and want to buy WMR. Having WMR, you cannot buy WMZ based on your own application. You can either place a WMR application on WMZ so that someone can buy it, or you can buy an application, but not your own.
  2. You can change the application rate no more than 20 times per hour from the first rate change. But in practice it has shown that it gives no more than 21 times.
  3. If you want to use your script to work via the API, then there is a limit on accessing no more than 1 time per 1 minute from 1 IP address. If you access it more often, access through this IP address will be blocked.

The methods of earning money on the WebMoney exchange given here have been tested by us. And they all work. This is not Forex, so you won’t get 100% earnings, but it is quite possible to earn 2% or more.

If you want to make money on the WebMoney currency exchange, our service can make your work easier and more productive.

If you have an electronic WebMoney wallet, but you don’t know how to withdraw funds from it or make a currency exchange, the WebMoney exchange will help you with this.

Currency exchange here takes place within the system. It happens that a user has funds in a dollar wallet, but he needs to transfer money to a ruble wallet. Enter Money no need. It is enough to make an exchange, then the money will be debited from the dollar wallet and transferred to the ruble wallet. current exchange rate. To make such transactions even more profitable, you need to choose the exchange office that offers the best rate.

WebMoney exchange and its advantages

What services does the WebMoney exchange offer? You can cooperate with one of the many official exchange offices that transfer funds between WM wallets. It often happens that system users electronic payments you need to withdraw money to or cash out in another currency. It makes no sense to make a double exchange; you will only lose on the exchange rate difference.

Using the services of an exchanger is simple - just fill out the order form and follow step by step instructions. If the user has questions, you must contact a consultant online.

WebMoney exchange exchange

The WebMoney exchange exchange gives us many advantages. Among them, the following should be highlighted:

  • exchange rates are formed based on supply and demand;
  • it is possible to exchange and withdraw any amount;
  • If there are not enough funds in the limits of the exchange office, you can make a preliminary order.

There are specialized sites on the Internet that provide comparative monitoring of all exchange offices. There you just need to enter the direction of exchange and indicate the required amount. You will receive a list with an exact indication of where it is most profitable to make a transaction, taking into account all additional commissions.

Credit exchange WebMoney

You can even get it in the system. The WebMoney credit exchange will help you with this. Users who have a certain reserve of funds lend to other clients under certain conditions. On a specialized website you can study all such offers. All users with a certificate of at least a formal one with verified personal data are able to use such opportunities.

How to make money on WebMoney by exchanging currencies?

Earnings on currency exchange in WebMoney system is based on the difference between exchange rates. The principle of such earnings is the same as on any other real or virtual currency exchange: title units in one of the currencies are bought cheaper in order to then sell these title units in another currency at a higher price. For example, the seller offers a certain amount of WMR and is ready to take for them a certain amount of WMY. The main difference from other currency exchanges is that anyone can use the WebMoney exchange independently, without any intermediaries. How to make money on WebMoney by exchanging currencies - carry out transactions in a currency whose rate is easy to predict.

webmoney loans

The WebMoney Transfer system has its own credit exchange, which is available to all participants with certificates of at least entry level. Members with valid credentials can both receive and provide WebMoney credits in title currency. At the same time, all lenders see the passport data of borrowers who have submitted an application for a loan in the system. Using the exchange is quite simple and safe way benefit from the available funds in your accounts. If a loan received through the WebMoney system is overdue (that is, not returned before the expiration date), the debtor’s wallet will be automatically blocked.

WebMoney credit line

The WebMoney Transfer credit line is similar in its value to the credit line when using bank services. It represents a certain limit of trust, which is accepted by both parties to the transaction - the lender and its borrower. Within the credit line in the WebMoney Transfer service, the borrower can borrow a certain number of title units, which is limited in advance. There are also restrictions on the frequency of payments, payment terms, the possibility of partial repayment and other parameters. Obtaining a credit line in the system occurs through special service, which significantly increases the security of the transaction for both parties.

Features of the exchange, how lending occurs

Lenders in the WebMoney Transfer system are most willing to issue loans to well-known borrowers who are known to them from the list of correspondents in the WebMoney Keeper service. The peculiarity of the exchange is that in order to receive a loan from an unfamiliar lender on a paid basis, an application for a loan must be placed in the Debt Service. You can select an application to take or issue a loan according to suitable parameters - this is how lending occurs. After selecting an application in the system, you need to open a credit line with the loan term, interest and maximum amount. It is always the lender who opens a line of credit with a trust limit, while the borrower can either accept this line or reject it.

Who can benefit from the WebMoney credit exchange?

The WebMoney Transfer loan issuance system can be useful to many borrowers who need to quickly receive a certain amount of money. First of all, this category includes Internet entrepreneurs and other people who need fast and convenient circulation of funds in the form of electronic currency. If the borrower needs large sum, the WebMoney credit exchange offers a unique solution - a collective loan. In this case, the required amount is “collected” from various lenders to the required size, after which the loan application is approved in the system. Who else might benefit from the WebMoney credit exchange? Any private person.

What are the ways to make money on the WebMoney exchange?

There are several main ways to make a profit on the WebMoney currency exchange. First of all, you can make money by exchanging between currency pairs by placing parallel orders directly and reverse order exchange (for example: took WMR to WMZ, set WMZ to WMR). To benefit, you need to closely monitor exchange rate fluctuations. What are the ways to make money on the WebMoney exchange other than direct exchange? For example, in the system you can exchange title banknotes in a circle - WMR to WMZ, WMZ to WMU, WMU to WMR. At the end of the exchange circle, you need to come to the title signs with which the exchange began, but with a larger amount of money than at the beginning of the circle.

Exchange restrictions

When working on the exchange, you must comply with the following exchange restrictions:

  • You can change the rate of a submitted application a maximum of 20 times within an hour, starting from the first rate change.
  • It is prohibited to purchase your own counter bid. In order to make a counter exchange, you need to buy someone else’s order or put your own up for purchase by another person.
  • When working through the API with your own script, there is a limit on the number of calls from one IP address. If the number of requests from one address exceeds one request per minute, the IP address is blocked and access from it will not be possible.
Advice from Sravni.ru: Once you receive a loan, be sure to fulfill your obligations on time, otherwise your account as a debtor will be completely blocked. It is extremely important to study all the terms of the agreement in advance.

Today I will tell you how to make the most favorable exchange webmoney, buy or sell title units at the best rate, without additional commissions. All this will help us do webmoney exchange exchange – wm.exchanger.ru. I draw your attention to the fact that this official service, created for the convenience of users and operating on the principle of an exchange

: Participants can set the rates at which they would like to exchange WebMoney.

In comparison with exchange offices and other services that set an exchange rate that is often far from the market one and/or charge a commission for the exchange, the wm.exchanger.ru exchange can rightfully be called a place where you can exchange webmoney at the most favorable rate. In today's publication I will tell you how this exchange works and what you need to do to make the most profitable webmoney exchange.

How does the webmoney Exchanger.ru exchange work?

Webmoney exchange exchange Exchanger (official website wm.exchanger.ru) is a service where people meet who want to exchange wm of one type for wm of another type.

The service itself consists of tables from a list of applications, sorted by rate: the most profitable rate for the buyer in the list of applications for sale is at the top of the table. For each application, both direct and reverse rates are calculated, and the deviation from the official rate, which is taken as the rate of the Central Bank of the country in whose currency the exchange is taking place, is indicated in parentheses.

Anyone can exchange WebMoney in two ways:

1. Select and pay for any of the available applications for reverse exchange.

2. Create your own request to exchange WebMoney at the desired rate.

The first option is faster (instantly), and the second is more profitable.

Applications on the webmoney exchange exchange wm.exchanger.ru can be executed partially, in any unlimited volume. For example, if you see that at the most favorable rate the amount of $100 is put up for sale, but you only need 45, you can buy only 45 from this application, then they will go to your wallet, and 55 dollars will remain in the application. In the same way, your application can be satisfied in parts: your wallet will receive the amounts that will be paid by buyers until the entire amount put up for sale is sold.

The user who created the application can change its rate as necessary. The application can remain in work for any time up to 180 days. This period is counted from the date of commission recent actions with the application (for example, partial payment or course change). The user can also delete his request if it has not yet been executed.

There are no additional fees charged for exchanging webmoney on the Exchanger exchange! However, in this case, the standard commission of the WebMoney system for crediting and sending funds in the amount of 0.8% is debited, as with any other operations.

The wm.exchanger.ru exchange operates around the clock, seven days a week. The largest daily volume of transactions occurs in the exchange of WMZ to WMR and WMR to WMZ. Currently, the volume of transactions for this wm pair alone amounts to 200 thousand - 1 million dollars per day in one direction. Daily transaction statistics are available in a special section of the website.

How to profitably exchange webmoney on the Exchanger.ru exchange?

Now let's look at how to directly make a profitable exchange of webmoney through the Exchanger exchange. First of all, for this you need:

– be registered in the webmoney system;

– have a certificate that allows you to carry out transactions in the volume that you want to exchange;

– have WebMoney wallets in the currencies in which the exchange will be carried out;

– have, directly, the amount necessary for the exchange.

Now let's look at how to exchange webmoney using each of the two methods that I mentioned above.

1. Quick exchange of webmoney on the Exchanger.ru exchange.

First of all, launch the WM Keeper program. Then we go to the website wm.exchanger.ru and at the top select from the list the exchange direction opposite to what we need. Let's say you need to exchange WMZ for WMR: then select the exchange direction - buy WMR, sell WMZ to see the list of counter orders. You will see a table that looks like this:

Let's say you want to exchange 100 WMZ for WMR quickly and at the most favorable rate. IN in this example, you see that at the moment there are such proposals:

1. 9.86 WMZ at the rate 65.7910;

2. 20.05 WMZ at the rate 65.7755;

3. 122.39 WMZ at the rate of 65.7025.

These requests were submitted by people who want to perform the opposite operation to yours: they are ready to buy WMZ for WMR and offer such rates.

Thus, in order to exchange your 100 WMZ for WMR, you can pay the first two applications in full and the third in part. It happens that to complete a WebMoney exchange in the amount you need, there will be enough work and only with one first application - that’s how the situation will turn out.

You can perform these operations one at a time, but this is not entirely convenient, and besides, while you are performing the first, someone else may already be performing the second. Therefore, it is best to use the quick exchange function - automatic buying of counter orders.

To pay for one application, you need to click on it, and for automatic purchasing, you need to click the “ button at the top right Fast exchange" In both cases, access to the secure WebMoney zone will be opened to make payments. Having passed all the necessary levels of protection, make a payment in the amount you need (when working with a specific application, it will be generated automatically, and when purchasing automatically, enter the amount you need to exchange). After payment, the amount in dollars will be debited from your WMZ wallet, and the amount in rubles will immediately be transferred to your WMR wallet. In this case, your paid orders will disappear from the exchange offers.

2. Profitable exchange of webmoney on the Exchanger.ru exchange.

The wm.exchanger.ru exchange allows you to exchange webmoney at an even more favorable rate - the one that you set yourself, in the event that there is someone willing to make a counter application at such a rate.

To do this, go to the site and select the direct exchange direction. For example, for our example we choose: buy WMZ, sell WMR. You will see a list of people who want to perform the same operation as you, and the courses at which they are ready to do this:

I made this screenshot at the same time as the previous one. Here you see that the lowest rate at which someone wants to sell WMZ for WMR is 66.0666, that is, 0.2756 points higher than the most profitable return order in the previous screen. Moreover, only 15 WMZ are put up for sale. The next application - for 25 WMZ - was placed at the rate of 66.1296, and the next one - for 364.02 WMZ - already at the rate of 66.1304.

Here you need to create your own application for WebMoney exchange, indicating the desired exchange rate. To do this, you need to click on the “Create a new application” button at the top right and follow all the instructions in the same way. After paying for the application, it will take its place in the wm.exchanger.ru exchange table.

There is one caveat: when creating an application to exchange WM, you will be asked to indicate not the rate, but the amount you want to receive. Therefore, calculate it based on the desired rate and indicate. For example, you want to exchange 100 WMZ at the rate of 65.1500. Then, when creating an application, indicate: I want to exchange 100 WMZ, I want to receive 6515 WMR (100*65.1500). Next, using the “+” and “-” buttons, you can “adjust” the amount and rate to another desired value:

Now main question: how to profitably exchange WebMoney, what rate should I set? There are several options to consider here.

Option 1. Create an application to exchange WebMoney at a rate slightly lower (for example, only 0.0001 points) than the rate of your competitor’s top application in the table. That is, in our case – 66.0665. In this case, your application will be at the top of the list and, most likely, will be paid very quickly: the first person who wants to carry out a counter operation, unless, of course, they manage to place applications in front of you at a lower rate. For popular exchange directions, payment often occurs within one minute or several minutes.

Option 2 . Create an application to exchange WebMoney at a rate 0.0001 points lower than the top application with an amount exceeding yours. In our case, this is the third line: we create an application at the rate 66.1303. Then your application will become the third from the top, and will be paid by the first person who wants to purchase an amount larger than those in front of you combined. This can also happen quite quickly.

Option 3. Create an application at the rate at which you want to exchange WebMoney. So that your application is placed somewhere in the middle of the table, and if the rate is predicted to increase, then you can place it even more high rate, for the future (the table displays the first 50 applications, the rest are hidden). In this case, the counter buyer will not appear immediately: perhaps in a few hours, or perhaps in a few days. And the application will be paid either if the WMZ rate rises, or if someone wants to make a counter exchange in a very large amount and buys a large batch of applications. In this case, the most profitable webmoney exchange will occur.

As higher-level applications are paid, your application will move higher in the table, and the chances of it being paid will increase. And as competitors create new applications, they go lower, and the chances will fall.

Of course, if there is no exchange, you can always cancel the application (while losing the WebMoney system commission for sending and depositing funds of 0.8%) or change the application rate. But it should be understood that at the same time new course may already be significantly lower than what was the top at the time of the initial formation of the application.

That is, on the wm.exchanger.ru exchange the principle is the same as with any exchange: the more you want to earn, the more you risk.

Now you know how the wm.exchanger.ru exchange works and how to use it to carry out the most profitable webmoney exchange.

The main advantage of wm.exchanger.ru is the absence of a commission for exchanging webmoney and the ability to carry out transactions at the real market rate, and not at a discounted rate, as exchangers offer. Personally, I have been using this service for many years, and I have never had any complaints about its work.

By the way, wm.exchanger.ru is also convenient to use for making money on changes in exchange rates - I will talk about this in more detail in one of the following publications.

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Therefore, I advise mandatory.

Monitoring of WebMoney electronic currency exchange offices

Today's article will be devoted to exchanging various WebMoney currencies for each other (for example, wmr to wmz, or vice versa). You probably already know that the system allows you to operate with various monetary units, for which you will need to create separate wallets (R, Z and others).

In this regard, quite often there is a need to exchange one type of currency for another. Let's say you have WMR rubles, and you will need to make a payment or transfer in WMZ dollars. You can find a great variety of options to exchange them for each other, just by googling a little.

But the problem will be that you will be charged a certain commission. Today I want to tell you about a way that allows you to lose as little as possible in this business. And often even make money. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

But first, let's look at the opportunities that are provided to us by the so-called electronic money exchangers, of which there are a great variety at the moment.

However, if you need to exchange WebMoney for yourself, but in different equivalents (for example, rubles for dollars), then the exchangers will no longer be the best and the best option to carry out this operation.

As I said above, any exchanger is a business project that receives profit in the form of a commission from transactions performed. This commission, in the worst case for you, can reach 10 percent, which, in my opinion, cannot be an acceptable loss. Here you will definitely need to ignore them and use the option described below.

Well, we’ve reached the main character of our article, meet the exchange service electronic currencies Exchanger.ru .

What is noteworthy is that this service belongs to the WebMoney system itself, and therefore no commission is charged for transactions carried out through it. The only commission you pay is the notorious 0.8 percent for transferring electronic money from one wallet to another.

Moreover, this commission can be more than covered by the favorable exchange rate between wmz, wmr or wmu, which is often even more pleasant than the central bank rate.

But let's talk about everything in order. Exchanger works in automatic mode, so operations take just a few seconds. Why this service is precisely an exchange, I think you already guessed. The fact is that exchange transactions there are carried out directly between participants in this payment system.

Those. Some participants submit their exchange offers (wmz, wmr, wmu, etc.), indicating the amount they have and the rate. Depending on their profitability, these offers will be placed higher or lower in the appropriate section of Exchanger.ru.

At the top there will be the most profitable offer . Other service participants who want to buy a currency offered for sale click on the line with the offer that interests them and enter special form the amount they wish to exchange at the offered exchange rate.

The amount that they will need to give as a result of the exchange transaction will be immediately shown, and if everything is fine, then after performing standard manipulations to confirm payment in WebMoney, the required amount in the currency you need will be sent to your wallet, and the corresponding amount will be withdrawn from your other wallet the amount in the currency you exchanged.

The whole operation, in total, takes a minute, which, in my opinion, is very quick.

Herself the exchange acts as a guarantor that the exchange will take place exactly on the specified conditions and no one will deceive or cheat anyone. Money is not transferred directly from the buyer’s wallet to the seller’s wallet, but in transit through Exchanger wallets. And it is the exchange that monitors and is responsible for ensuring that both parties transfer money.

How to exchange WebMoney at the most favorable rate in Exchanger

So, now everything is the same, but only in more detail and with pictures. What did you think? This is the blog of WhoNaNewcomer and it’s always like that here.

Let's start with what you need go to the section and choose from top menu items “Work in section” - “Current WM->WM”.

As a result, a table will open with offers for exchanging various currencies. First you will need to select from the drop-down list direction of exchange:

In the table below you will see the amount in the currency you need that the applicant offers for exchange (in the “Amount available” column), the amount in another currency that he wants to receive (in the “Amount needed” column), as well as the rate that is calculated by dividing the first digit by the second.

If the amount in the application is greater than the amount you want to exchange, then there is nothing to worry about. There is no need to look for the number that best suits your size in the table - just click on the first line with best rate and enter the part you need into the form provided. It’s as if you take a bite and pay only for a piece of the pie offered to you.

By the way, above the table on the Exchanger service there will be official rate are no longer electronic currencies and you will be able to evaluate the profitability of the offers. The most profitable offers are located at the top and their offers are usually a few percent better than those of the central bank.

What’s noteworthy is that all those placed are already provided with electronic money, which is transferred from the sellers’ wallets to Exchanger transit wallets. Therefore, as soon as you make a payment, you will immediately receive a payment in return.

For specifics, let’s choose the exchange direction “I want WMR, I’ll give WMZ”, because I have to withdraw funds to the individual entrepreneur’s current account, and the Guarantee Agency allows me to do this only in rubles. True, you have to use just this exchange, and not the standard services of this service. Read the article for details.

If you work with the system through Keeper Classic (read the link at the beginning of the article for information on how to install and work with it) and do not use Enum, then run this program.

In the case of a keeper, in this window you will need to click on the “Login” button and enter digital code shown on this page into the Keeper Classic window that opens. If you successfully log in to Exchanger, you will see the window below.

I usually use the field “How much WMZ will it be, taking into account +0.8%” to enter the amount that I have in my dollar account for exchange, and when I click on any other field, all other columns will be filled in automatically, except for the wallet, where I should drop the exchanged amount in rubles (you can copy it from your keeper):

Please note that the WMR number you entered must belong to the same(private an identification number in WebMoney), the same as your dollar WMZ. Otherwise, the exchange of electronic currencies will not be possible.

If you are satisfied with everything, click on the “Pay application” button. As a result, you will see a pop-up window in which you will have to confirm your intentions again:

In the next window, click on the “Continue” button and you will be taken to the page WebMoney payments Merchant. Your actions to pay for the application will not differ in any way from standard actions.

After payment, the required amount will be debited from your dollar wallet, and its equivalent will be sent to your ruble wallet. That's it, the operation is over. Fast, profitable and effective. That's what needed to be shown.

True, a situation may arise that during your authorization on the Exchanger website (using Keeper Classic or some other method), an application for exchanging the currency you have chosen (the most profitable, of course, but they do not last long, i.e. everyone wants to save money) was already closed(implemented) by other, more efficient or lucky users.

This happens, by the way, often. In this case, you will have to start all over again and select another application in the desired section of this exchange exchange.

Creating a request for WebMoney exchange in Exchanger

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the exchange offers in the direction you need on Exchanger, then you can create your own request with the conditions that you need. To do this you will need to follow the link " Submit a new request", log in to the exchange and fill out all fields of the form “Submitting a new application for WM exchange”:

Then you will have to carry out the standard operation of transferring the required amount to the transit wallet of this exchange. That's it, now you can view your application in the corresponding exchange section of Exchanger. Don't you see her?

This can happen if your exchange rate is very different in the worst side from the best available at the moment. Only if the overall dynamics of the exchange rate changes in your direction (i.e. increases), then it will appear in this section.

Therefore, if you want to quickly change the electronic money you have, then set the rate close to the best at the moment, and if the amount is important and time is tight, then you can try to set a rate that is favorable to you and wait, maybe someone will take the bait.

Some, by the way, use Exchanger for speculation. For example, they buy some currency in the hope that over time they will be able to sell it at a more favorable rate.

You can manage the created applications "". On the same page you can see how much of your proposed amount has already been purchased and how much is left.

Exchange in the WebMoney Keeper Classic program

Regarding the relevance of using Exchanger, you may have doubts in the sense that the keeper has the ability to do the same. It seems that what could be more convenient is to carry out all exchange operations without leaving the program. All you have to do is click right click according to the desired wallet and choose from context menu item “Exchange WM* to WM*”.

Everything is simple and convenient, but, unfortunately, the rate there will be worse than what the exchange discussed above can offer us. See for yourself:

Therefore, Exchanger rules and, probably, will rule in the near future.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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