Wifi router number of simultaneous connections. How many client devices can be connected to one Wi-Fi access point

How to connect other home devices from which you need to access the Internet to the same cable?
There are several options for solving this problem. The most common option - also the cheapest - is purchasing and installing a home router. Our new subscribers receive a router as a gift when they connect!

Why do you need a router?
The main purpose of the router is to connect local networks. A home router is needed to connect your home local network and the provider’s network. When connecting to the Internet through any provider, you receive only one cable, to which you can connect one computer or one laptop, essentially one device. If you need to connect more than one device, you need another connection, and this is an additional cost, both one-time and monthly. The router solves this problem. A standard home router, as a rule, has 4 standard RJ-45 connectors, into which you can easily connect a laptop, computer or game console.

What is the advantage of a WiFi router?

If your router is equipped with a WiFi access function, in addition to wired devices, you can connect several wireless devices. For example, a phone, tablet, communicator, laptop and even a regular computer, if necessary. The routers that we give to our new clients are equipped with WiFi access.

How many computers can be connected to one router?
Any home router is not designed for heavy loads and, of course, has its limitations. These limits are not directly related to the number of devices connected to the router. Rather, the load that these devices create plays a role. If these are 4 powerful computers that continuously download hundreds of movies and gigabytes of other content from the Internet, then, of course, under such conditions, working on the Internet from other devices will be difficult. However, if this is a standard home set of equipment, for example, a regular computer + laptop + several phones/communicators/tablets that periodically request pages on the Internet, watch or download movies, download programs and music, then any home router will be quite enough to perform these tasks .

What settings need to be made for home devices to connect them to the router?

None. When connecting via cable, simply connect the connectors. If your home appliances have factory settings, they will be configured automatically within 3-10 seconds. In the case of a wireless connection, you need to know 2 parameters. The first is the name of the network, the second is the password to connect to this network. The WiFi network is password protected to prevent unauthorized access. For example, if your home WiFi network is not password protected, then your neighbor can use the Internet access that you pay for, or, worse, can access your personal information that is located on your home computers.

If you receive a router as a gift from the Intralan company, the company’s specialists will set up the router itself and home devices for free.

What other useful functions does the router perform?

As a rule, home routers take on the function of protecting (firewall) your home local network from external influences from the Internet. That is, when using a router, your computer is hidden behind it. Any ill-wisher, be it malicious intent towards you personally or a mass attack, will at least have additional difficulties by trying to disrupt the operation of your computer, or, most likely, will not be able to cause you any harm at all. The router that you will receive as a gift when using our services is equipped with a firewall function.

Does the radio signal emitted by the router affect people and animals?

All equipment sold in retail stores in the Russian Federation must have certification and testing marks from the relevant regulatory authorities. If these marks are present, then the effect on the brain activity of people and animals does not exceed the norm, or is absent due to the low power of the device.

What is the range of the WiFi network?

Typically, the range of a home WiFi router is enough for the entire apartment to have an acceptable signal level for free work on the Internet. This rule works if the total area of ​​the apartment does not exceed 120 square meters.
If you live in a private house, it is recommended to install a so-called repeater on each floor to increase the strength of the WiFi signal.

Since the advent of wireless technologies and Wi-Fi routers, the problem of traffic leakage has become especially relevant. It would seem that you are not downloading anything, but the statistics show that several hundred gigabytes have been downloaded over the current day/week/month.

If not you, then who did it?

Option 1: The OS downloads updates and then installs them. This option can only be considered if the total amount of traffic does not exceed 1–2 GB per day.

Option 2: someone has shamelessly connected to your network via a Wi-Fi connection and is pumping out gigabytes of data from the Internet without a twinge of conscience. And there may be several such people.

So, how to see who is connected to your wifi router?

Let us say right away that it will not be possible to recognize the “criminal by sight.” But the circle of suspects can be narrowed down to several MAC addresses (a unique number for PCs and other digital devices).

Let's look at the example of several well-known router models.

How to see who is connected to your wifi D-link?

First you need to go into the settings of the router itself. For these purposes, enter the standard set of numbers of the IP address ( in the browser. If the system starts to “quarrel”, then change the address to

You will see a typical dialog box in which you need to enter your login and password.

The windows may differ from each other, but their essence is the same. Login – admin, password – admin.

Go to the main router settings menu.

You need to immediately switch from basic settings to advanced settings, otherwise you won’t see anything. For these purposes, there is a corresponding menu at the bottom right.

We are interested in the “status” item and the double arrow to the right of the name. Click on it until you come across the “client” link. That's what we need.

Here you can see a complete list of all devices and gadgets that consume traffic via Wi-Fi. Count how many of them belong to you. In particular, the following can work from the router:

  • laptop;
  • smartphone;
  • tablet;
  • TV;
  • game console, etc.

If the number of subscribers significantly exceeds the number of “allowed” devices, it means that someone has illegally “sucked in” to your source. There are 2 options to solve the problem:

  1. Setting a password;
  2. Changing it to a more complex one.

Important! Password your access point if you haven't already done so. Firstly, you will benefit in data transfer speed, because traffic will not be scattered to unauthorized users, and secondly, you will protect yourself in the future.

If the password is weak (1111, qwerty, etc.), change it to a more complex one. At the same time, do not tell anyone this chaotic set of numbers and letters, otherwise all your efforts will go down the drain.

Now you know how to see who is connected to my wifi dir 300 and other D-link models.

How to see who is connected to your wifi TP-link?

Perhaps the most famous company supplying network equipment. Setting it up and also viewing the list of connected devices is not difficult.

So, how can I see who is connected to my wifi tp-link? At first, you will be required to enter the same standard IP, i.e.

Note! If you have not previously changed either your login or password, then enter “admin” in both columns.

In order not to tinker with all the settings and search for parameters at random, switch to the “Wireless” tab. Next, click on the “Wireless statistics” sub-item.

Here is a list of all devices that are currently connected to your Internet network via Wi-Fi (in this case, 2). You can see 3 columns:

  1. MAC address;
  2. Encryption type (same for all);
  3. Number of packets transmitted.

The choice of options is, of course, meager, but this is all the available statistics.

In addition to Wi-Fi connections, you can also look at those that are powered from your router “the old fashioned way,” i.e. via cable. To do this, open the “DHCP” - “DHCP Client List” tab.

There are also 3 data columns available here:

  1. PC name;
  2. MAC address;
  3. IP address.

Thus, you can “detect by IP” someone who has not quite legally connected to your network and is blatantly stealing traffic.

And just in case, change your router access password or enable this function if you have not done so before.

How to see who is connected to your ASUS wifi?

No less well-known supplier of routers to the CIS markets. To find out who else shares traffic with you, just go to the router settings (

You are taken to the main menu with a list of settings.

We are interested in nothing more than a “network map”. It shows in detail how many people are “powered” by your router, the names of the devices and the IP addresses of each.

This screenshot shows that all subscribers are on the same subnet, i.e. There are no “outsiders” here. But if they appear, they can simply be deleted or blocked.

As a last resort, password-protect your access point or change the login key to a more complex one.

If you are told that it is impossible to determine the number of “illegals” who steal traffic for personal purposes, you can safely laugh and prove the opposite.

Some router models allow you to limit the number of simultaneously connected devices, vary the data transfer speed, and more.

In any case, ask the seller about additional settings or look for similar information on the Internet.

Everyone loves freebies, but no one loves freeloaders! If you have a suspicion that someone is stealing your wi-fi traffic, you cannot hesitate, you urgently need to find out who has connected to your wi-fi network. Fortunately, it’s quite easy to view all connected devices to your wi-fi router if you have the necessary knowledge. Let's find the wrong connections and punish lovers of free Internet!

Today, Internet routers are used everywhere in offices, apartments, and public places, as they allow multiple devices to simultaneously access the network quickly. The operating principle of these devices is to use WI-FI technology via a server-client protocol. The router has a special connector for connecting an Internet cable, after which it distributes the received speed between clients.

However, not all users need their Internet to be accessed by strangers, for example, neighbors in the hallway or dorm room. Sometimes there is a desire to distribute wireless access only within the apartment if there are several units of such devices as:

  • Laptops;
  • Tablets;
  • Smartphones.

In addition, thanks to WI-FI, you can create local networks in offices if the gadgets you use are equipped with an adapter. The main symptoms that someone is using your Internet without permission are:

  • Significant drop in access speed;
  • Changing router configurations and settings;
  • The list of connected clients contains unknown devices;
  • Increased activity of the WAN indicator on the router when you are not using the Internet.

Typically, the key indicator of an unauthorized connection to your access point is a significant reduction in speed, since any router distributes it among all clients.

We look at the connected devices in the router admin panel

On various forums, novice users quite often ask the question of how to find out who connected to my WIFI, but in order to give an accurate answer, you need to determine the model of the router you are using. Since the most common routers are TP-LINK, it is most advisable to consider this using its example. The most effective, fast and convenient method is viewing connected clients in the device admin panel, but first you need to log in to it. So, you need:

  1. Connect to an access point via WI-FI or connect a twisted pair cable (crimped on both sides) from the LAN port of the router to the laptop/computer;
  2. Open a browser and enter in the address bar: or or tplinkwifi.net;
  3. In the window that opens, specify the authorization data (by default, Login is admin, Password is admin).

That's all, after these simple manipulations the client has the opportunity to configure the router as desired. Regarding the second point, we need to clarify, since the address you enter directly depends on the model of your device, but in most cases one of the above will definitely do. In addition, you can see the exact IP of the router on the sticker located at the bottom of the case.

In the future, viewing connected clients will not be difficult and to do this you need to do the following:

  1. Login to the admin panel using the method indicated above;
  2. Go to the Wireless tab;
  3. Select Wireless Statistic.

This section contains all clients currently connected to the access point, but they can also be viewed in the menu of the DHCP item - DHCP Clients List. This method is advantageous in that it displays more detailed information about the connected gadget, including the MAC address of the network card and the assigned internal IP.

Programs for viewing a list of devices connected to WI-FI

Developers of software for controlling the network environment today are actively working for the benefit of users. At the moment, there are several high-quality programs that allow you to view the clients of your access point, but the most popular and functional is WiFi Guard. If other applications have a general focus on all sorts of interactions with network connections, then this one is intended for specific purposes. Thanks to it, any administrator will be able to control the number of connected users and, if necessary, block their access. In addition, special green and red markers opposite each connection give an idea of ​​whether the client is consuming traffic legally.

NETGEAR Genie is a very good analogue of the WiFi Guard program with a friendly interface and a wide arsenal of tools. Almost immediately after installing this software, you will be able to obtain comprehensive information about connected users through a network status map. Acrylic WiFi Professional is a program primarily intended for administrators and developers, but it can also be very useful at home. Its functional set provides not only a list of clients, but also the ability to fine-tune your access point. A program with the unambiguous name Who’s Is On My WiFi can also help you get information about who is connected to my WIFI. Despite the fact that it is only available in English, it does its job perfectly. The following applications for Windows can be considered no less effective analogues of this software:

  1. Wireless Network Watcher;
  2. NCS Network Scanner;
  3. NetBScanner.

Disabling foreign devices from Wi-Fi

The best way to disconnect a user from your access point is to simply change the password and set the WPA2-PSK encryption protocol. To perform this procedure you need:

  1. Login to the router admin panel;
  2. Go to the Wireless section - Wireless Security;
  3. Select the encryption type WPA2-PSK;
  4. Set a password of 8 or more characters, it is better to use different case and numbers;
  5. Click the Save button.

In addition, in the same settings menu the maximum number of simultaneous clients is set. This will help if a strictly defined number of devices are always connected to your access point, for example, a laptop, computer and smartphone, so you can set this parameter to 3.

You can protect your WI-FI network from hacking using different methods.
Firstly, it is recommended to change your password to a new one at least once a month, which is a generally accepted security measure for every Internet user.
Secondly, in no case should you use the same password on all sites and, in addition, it must be unique. For example, it is very short-sighted to display your date of birth, the name of an animal, or the middle name of your spouse. It is better to specify a multi-digit code and write it down in a notepad. Among other things, you should always use only the WPA2-PSK encryption type, since other types of protection are easily hackable, but this one guarantees almost 100% security.

How to punish freebie lovers who connect to your WIFI

If you find a “rogue” client on your access point, then you need to take all measures to ensure that this does not happen again. An excellent way to punish a negligent neighbor is to permanently block access from his device to your network. To do this you need:

  1. Log in to the router admin panel;
  2. Go to the Wireless Statistic or DHCP List section and write down the MAC address of the client’s network card;
  3. Select Wireless MAC Filtering in the router settings;
  4. Activate it and enter the previously recorded MAC;
  5. Save settings.

Thus, an attacker will never be able to connect to the router again. However, you can not disconnect the user, but set a speed limit for him in the same settings menu, for example, no more than 10 kilobytes per second. After all, what could be worse for modern people accustomed to broadband Internet than the main page of Odnoklassniki, which takes a minute to load. Moreover, you will not lose anything from this. And always try to change the password on the router after someone else has used your laptop or computer, because once you have access to one of the clients, extracting the security key takes a few minutes.

Today I will try to answer an interesting question that, it seems to me, many people are interested in. Let's try to figure out how many devices can be connected to the router at the same time. Via wireless Wi-Fi network and network cable.

How many different computers, phones, tablets and other equipment can be connected to one router, how will this affect its operation, and whether it will work at all.

Let's get straight to the point. And, first, let's figure out how to connect devices via a LAN network cable. As a rule, ordinary modern routers have 4 LAN connectors. For example, I have it on hand, now I’ll take a photo of the LAN connectors.

This means that you can connect 4 devices to it. For example, or.

You won’t be able to connect more devices due to the limitation on connectors. This, I think, is understandable.

Maximum number of devices on Wi-Fi?

This is where it gets more interesting. There is no physical limitation when connecting via a wireless network. Compared to network connectors.

But this does not mean that you connect 20 laptops to the router and everything will work fine.

Yes, there is a limitation. And, I think that this is the maximum number of IPs that the DHCP server on the router can issue. For example, by default, Asus has a final IP address :

And Tp-Link, for example, :

It turns out that, for example, you can connect 99 devices to Tp-Link, and more than 250 to Asus. But I think that these numbers mean nothing in practice. At all. This is a theory. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

I think that not a single router, even the most modern and powerful one, can handle 99 devices :) He simply cannot physically provide them with access to the Internet. Moreover, stable access.

I didn’t have to test it, but I think that if you connect even 10 devices to the same popular device and start downloading something or opening sites on them, it will simply freeze. The Internet will disappear everywhere, and only a reboot will save it. His processor simply cannot withstand such a load. Even if I run games on several computers, I’m not sure that it will maintain a stable connection. Even a torrent on one computer can load the router. I already wrote how to deal with this ““.

This applies not only to the TL-WR841N, or to TP-Link, this applies to all routers. If, for example, we take its younger brother TL-WR741N, then things are even worse there (it's cheaper and weaker). Very often I come across complaints that the Internet simply stops working. Only a reboot can save you, and not for long. This is a clear example of the fact that the router simply cannot withstand the load created by the devices that you connected to it.

If we take more expensive models, for example Asus RT-AC66U, TP-LINK TL-WDR3600, then the situation with the number of simultaneously connected devices and network stability will be much better. Since these models are much more expensive and more powerful. They have more powerful processors, power supplies, etc.

And mobile 3G routers (almost all models), have restrictions on connecting devices via Wi-Fi. Typically, this is up to 5 devices. For example: Huawei EC 5321u-1 Rev.B, Sierra Wireless AC802 – up to 5 devices. But to Easo M8 you can connect 50 devices, but 5-7 are recommended. It’s clear that it will never handle 50 devices.


When choosing a router, you should already know approximately how many devices you will connect to it. If you have, for example, two computers and several smartphones, then you can take a not very expensive model, such as the TL-WR841N, or another from this price category.

But, if you want to build a wireless network in a large house (where there are many devices), in a small office, dorm, etc., then I advise you not to save money. Take a router that costs more than 1000 UAH. (4000 rub.) . So that everything works stably and without failures.

Otherwise, your Internet connection will begin to disappear, and you will have a long and tedious search for the answer to why this is happening. And the answer will be very simple, your router will simply not withstand the load that the devices will create. Moreover, if you are going to play online games, watch videos in high quality, or download (distribute) torrents.

I will be glad to see your questions, comments and additions in the comments. Best wishes!

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How many devices can be connected to the router via Wi-Fi and network cable? updated: March 28, 2014 by: admin

In this article, we will look at how many mobile devices can be simultaneously connected to the router if it is a WiFi Internet distribution point. And also how many devices can be connected to the router via cable.

Connecting via LAN cable

It all depends on the number of LAN connectors on the router itself. As a rule, a regular router has 4 such connectors. This means that only four devices can be connected to it via cable.

WiFi connection

Here, of course, there are no restrictions on the number of connectors, however, a large number of simultaneously connected devices will affect the operation of the router itself.
There are restrictions and they are expressed in the maximum number of IP addresses that are issued by the DHCP server on the router itself. By default, different routers have their own values. For example, on Asus the starting address is, the ending address is, that is, the address range is 254 (254 devices can be connected). For TP-Link routers, respectively, the initial value is, the final value is, and the range is 99 (that is, you can connect 99 devices). Thus, theoretically, an entire army of phones and tablets can be connected to each router. But in fact, from a purely technical point of view, the router will not be able to connect so many devices - it will not be able to provide stable operation to so many devices.

How many devices can you connect? We have seen complaints when router owners connect a dozen devices (for example, work computers in an office) and the Internet disappears. There can be only one piece of advice here - it is important to select router models that are designed for such a load. They are much more powerful, have powerful power supplies and processors. Of course, their cost is much higher. You can choose a suitable router at any office equipment store that sells laptops, tablets, phones, and you can also buy phone cases wholesale as fashion accessories. When purchasing, carefully read the description of each model - the number of connected devices should be indicated there.

So, ordinary routers for a home network are designed for no more than 5 devices. For example, let's take the router model Huawei EC 5321u-1 Rev.B, Sierra Wireless AC802. The specifications for it indicate that it is designed for a load of up to 5 devices. Another example is the Easo M8. The instructions for it say that it is possible to connect 50 devices, but the recommended number is only 5 - 7.
So, each router is designed for a certain load, which is indicated in the instructions. When planning a small local network at home or in the office, or when distributing WiFi in crowded places, always pay attention to the power of the purchased router.

For a small network (up to 5 devices, say, a tablet, computer, phone and TV), an inexpensive model is also suitable. For example, TP-Link-WR841N or a similar one from this price category and similar in power.
To build a wireless network in crowded places (cafes, conferences, hostels, apartment buildings), where a large number of connected devices are expected, feel free to buy a more expensive router (about 5 thousand rubles). It will provide stable operation and is guaranteed to work without failures.
And also, if you plan to load the router with a large load from several devices simultaneously (video games, downloading torrents, online videos, etc.), then you should also opt for a more powerful router model. This will protect you from possible interruptions in Internet distribution.