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The PUK code is your last chance to unlock your SIM card yourself. It is he who will save the situation when you tried all 3 attempts to unlock using a PIN code, but did not get any results. How can you find out the PUK code of your SIM card? We'll tell you everything possible ways, how to do it.

The easiest way to find out the PUK code of your SIM card is to look at it in the starter package, namely at plastic card, which contained your SIM card. Typically, the PUK code, consisting of 8 digits, is placed immediately below the PIN code. If the first method does not suit you because the starter package is missing (lost, etc.), you can contact service center

your telecom operator. Moreover, this can be done over the telephone or by directly visiting the service center. To receive a PUK code over the phone, call your operator’s contact center from another number. The operator will ask you several questions and if you answer them correctly, the PUK code will be given to you immediately over the phone or sent by SMS. Most often, operators ask (except for your blocked number, of course) how much money you have in your account, what numbers you call most often or have called last time , tariff plan, activation date starter pack . They may also ask for numbers printed on the SIM card itself, passport details, a codeword

(if it was installed).

There is a way to obtain a PUK code online. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the operator and see if there is such a service or option there. Using MTS as an example, this can be done through the “Internet Assistant”; in Megafon – through the “Personal Account”.

A SIM card is deactivated for many reasons: operator error, system failure, suspicious payment transactions, replacing a Megafon SIM card with a micro SIM card, inactivity, etc. If the procedure was performed without the owner’s knowledge, it is unpleasant.

In this article we will tell you how to quickly activate a phone number.

Under what circumstances can a company remove contract information from the database? Such situations include:

  1. Self-deactivation of the number by the client.
  2. Long inactivity.
  3. The presence of a large monetary debt in the account.
  4. Incorrect PIN or PUK code entry, etc.

The company completely blocks the account. Often it cannot be restored later.

Basic methods

The main methods of carrying out the procedure include:

  • Call the company's contact center. Regardless of the reason for which access to mobile services was terminated, you can contact the contact center, which operates around the clock. Describe the problem to the operator, provide personal information to confirm your identity, and wait for action to be taken. As a rule, the SIM card is unlocked within a few minutes after completing a conversation with the operator. Exceptions are cases when there is a large debt on the account.
  • Contact the office. In some cases, the provider's employees may ask you to come to the office in person to solve the problem. If the number needs to be activated, an employee will quickly and absolutely free of charge. But this is not always possible. Sometimes the number has to be changed.
  • Website. All you need for this method is a couple of minutes and a device with Internet access. Go to the website, log in to your personal account by entering your password and login. In settings, go to the “Number” section. There, select the appropriate option to unlock it.

Please note: if you have any outstanding balance on your account, you will need to pay off the debt to activate your contract.

How to unlock a SIM card if you don’t know the PUK code

So, we looked at the main ways to unlock a Megafon SIM card. For many people, it is simply necessary to know the PUK code. But it may get lost in the documents.

Do not try to enter this combination of numbers at random, as this may lead to permanent blocking of the contract. To resolve the problem, contact your provider. It has all the information about each client in its database.

Request your PUK code from the supplier after providing your personal identification information. The employee must dictate this information to you.

After receiving the combination of numbers, you can use any method described above.

How to unlock the Megafon modem for all SIM cards

A modem is a special device into which a SIM card is inserted. It connects to a computer or laptop and is a source of the Internet. It may also be blocked.

You can unlock this device yourself as follows:

  1. Write it down registration code device, which is indicated on the back of it.
  2. Download a special program to unlock such devices. Enter the registration code in the appropriate field.
  3. Click on start. The code selection process will begin.
  4. Use the received code later when activating the SIM card.

The process of unlocking the modem is quite simple and will not take you much time. But you can use this device in the future with any SIM card and always be online.

Resale of numbers

Everyone knows that large companies that provide mobile services, high turnover of numbers. To release unused positions, numbers that for a long time are not used, they are simply blocked.

As a rule, the owner of the contract is notified several days in advance. The company expects a response within 10 days. If it is not there, the number is blocked for this contract and resold to another client. It is no longer possible for the old owner to restore this agreement. All he has to do is buy a new SIM card.

Let's sum it up

Blocking a cell number is a very unpleasant procedure. It separates the user from contact with loved ones, temporarily limits access to various accounts, and makes transactional operations impossible.

To prevent this problem, follow these rules:

  • Don't leave your phone unused. If you don't need it for a while, it's better to temporarily block it. Otherwise, the company will do it forever.
  • Monitor your account status. Debt for mobile communications is currently a phenomenon, as companies offer their clients super-profitable tariff plans. Of course, small debts that are quickly repaid cannot cause a cell number to be blocked. But significant debts can lead to termination of the contract between the provider and the service user.
  • Monitor your cellular device. Its loss or theft can lead to leakage of personal information, withdrawal of funds from bank accounts, etc.

For correct operation device, you need to purchase a SIM card and enter into an agreement with a specific provider. After this, perform activation and enter the special key that comes with the SIM. In the article we will look at what to do if you lose it, how to find out the PUK code from your SIM card on Megafon.

What is a PUK code

At the time of buying new SIM card it must be activated, otherwise it will not perform its stated functions. To do this, insert the card into a special slot mobile phone. A menu appears on the display asking you to enter PIN key. It comes standard with new hardware and is designed to protect your device and personal data from tampering. unauthorized persons. In the future, it can be changed on the map an unlimited number of times in the device settings. If you enter it incorrectly more than three times, the SIM card will be blocked.

A PUK key was created for unlocking. It is a combination of eight digits. This sequence is tied to a specific SIM and cannot be changed. The consumer receives this number when purchasing a card at an official Megafon store or customer service center.

If you enter PUK incorrectly 10 times, the SIM card is permanently and irrevocably blocked. In this case, all that remains is to contact the specialists at the service center and order a new duplicate SIM while preserving the balance. You shouldn’t enter the code at random if you don’t know it; the probability of guessing it is almost zero.

How to find out the pack and pin code

But what to do if the user has lost the treasured numbers. Let's look at popular and proven ways to find out the combination:

Attention! You should not purchase SIM cards from unknown and suspicious sellers on the street who offer cards without registration. A situation may arise that upon activation the system will not accept the Pak key from the SIM and you will simply give away your cash to a stranger.

The article discussed in detail how to find out and receive PUK from your SIM cards Megaphone for activation. In the future, we recommend that you do not throw away the card with the digital sequence, but keep it in a safe place. So that when blocked phone number could find her at any time.

SIM card blocking can happen at the most various reasons. Often the subscriber consciously takes this step, for example, in connection with a long departure. Also, the SIM card can be blocked at the initiative of the operator cellular communication, for example, due to large debts. SIM card blocking is also possible due to repeated incorrect input PIN code and PUK code. In this article, we will look at how to unlock a Megafon SIM card, which was blocked for a variety of reasons.

The Megafon company provides for blocking a SIM card if the subscriber has not used it for more than 6 months. After this period, the number is available for purchase by other subscribers. If six months have passed since the SIM card was blocked, then there is a high probability that the number already belongs to another subscriber, therefore, it will not be possible to restore it.

Methods for unlocking a Megafon SIM card

There are several ways to unlock a SIM card. Some of them are universal and are suitable regardless of what exactly served as the basis for the blocking. Others are intended for specific circumstances. The following methods for unlocking a SIM card will suit you if the reason for blocking was:

  • Voluntary SIM card blocking;
  • Having a large debt;
  • Prolonged non-use of the SIM card;
  • Incorrect PIN and PUK code entry.
  • Attention
  • Attention: After entering the PIN code incorrectly (3 attempts), unlocking is only possible using the PUK code. If you enter the PUK code incorrectly multiple times (10 attempts), the number is permanently blocked.

You can unlock the Megafon SIM card in one of the following ways:

1. Contact center. Regardless of the reason for blocking your SIM card, you can try to unblock it through the customer support center. To dial on your phone number 8 800 333 05 00 . After connecting with a specialist, indicate your desire to unblock the SIM card and provide the number itself that needs to be unblocked. Before unlocking the Megafon SIM card, the operator will ask you to provide the passport details of the person for whom the SIM card is issued. Also employee contact center will state the reason for blocking and clarify the possibility of unblocking the number.

2. Megafon office. In addition to calling the operator, there is another universal method, allowing you to unlock the SIM card. All you have to do is contact the nearest Megafon office and ask a consultant to unlock your SIM card. If the number needs to be unblocked, an office employee will help you solve the problem. Again, be sure to bring your passport with you to verify your SIM card ownership.

3. Personal Area. Speaking about how to unlock a Megafon SIM card, one cannot fail to mention the possibilities personal account. If the reason for blocking was the subscriber’s voluntary desire, for example, due to a prolonged absence or theft of the phone, then you can unlock the SIM card through the Service Guide. If you are not registered in the self-service system, then use PUK1 to log in, which will become the password, and instead of the login, enter your phone number. You can find PUK1 in the documentation that came with the SIM card.

  • Attention
  • If the operator decides because of a large debt, then to unblock it you just need to top up the balance.

How to unlock a Megafon SIM card if there is no puk code

If you have a need that was blocked due to an incorrectly typed PIN code (3 attempts), then you will need a PUK code. This code indicated in the documentation that comes with the SIM card, as well as on the plastic carrier of the SIM card under a protective layer, which must first be erased. If you have forgotten your PUK code and your documents have been lost for a long time, you should not try to guess it. After 10 unsuccessful attempts, the number will be blocked forever. If you do not know how to unlock the Megafon SIM card, if there is no puk code, then just call the operator. To contact a contact center specialist, dial 8 800 333 05 00 and following the autoinformer prompts, contact the operator. Ask your consultant to tell you your PUK code. Before providing you with this information, the operator will ask for your passport information.

This is where we will end this article. Now you know how to unlock a Megafon SIM card. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this and there are several options. All you have to do is choose the method that suits you and unlock the SIM card.

Personal Unblocking Key, abbreviated PUK, means individual unlock key. Its main task is to remove the PIN code lock. We will talk about this in our article.

For ease of use of the phone, PIN is disabled by default. The subscriber can optionally enable this function in the phone settings and set his or her 4-digit password, which will be requested each time the mobile device is turned on.

If you enter the PIN code incorrectly three times, your SIM will be blocked and you will need a PUK to recover it. its functionality. It consists of 8 digits and cannot be changed, so we recommend saving it. But this is the main problem, since subscribers often throw away the blister with SIM card data, so if there is no plastic with data, then you need to either call the office hotline by number 0500 from Megafon or by number 8-800-550-05-00 from another operator. Follow the answering machine prompts to contact an operator. After passing personal identification, the contact center specialist will provide the required code. Also, to obtain a PUK, the owner with a passport can contact the Megafon communication salon.

If PUK is entered incorrectly 10 times, then a complete SIM lock . Only the owner of the number can restore it; to do this, he needs to contact the Megafon service department to receive new SIM card. The previous number, tariff and connected services will remain, but contacts and messages will be lost. There are cases when the owner of the number is unknown or the documents were not prepared during the purchase. In this case, you will have to first resolve these issues by writing statements in the salon, and then make a restoration.

Unlike PIN, PUK cannot be disabled, therefore, we recommend that you save all passwords to avoid incidents, or remove the password request from your mobile phone so that when it is blocked, the PUK is never requested. To disable the request, go to settings, “Security” or “Protection” section, then “Blocks” (depending on the phone). Uncheck the “Request PIN” checkbox, enter the password that is indicated on the plastic, or, when changing it, enter new numbers. Then reboot your phone to check disable PIN, if the request does not appear, then everything was done correctly.

How not to lose passwords for everything

IN modern world we often encounter big amount accounts from different sources and it is often difficult to remember all the passwords. Use our tips to save your data.

You can use a password manager that stores classified information V special program, or download such an application to your smartphone. Please note that such applications may be paid. An alternative to this option is to create an encrypted file with passwords on your computer; for this you only need to remember the code.

A good method is to store passwords in a sealed envelope. You should not make any notes on it, or write something banal so that it does not attract attention.

There is another unusual option for storing such information. Some write passwords on wallpaper in invisible places. This method will allow you to never lose this data and keep it “at hand”.