What you need for a Wi-Fi router at home. Login to router settings

Today, as we know, wireless networks (VLANs), or, as they are often called, private virtual VPN networks, firmly established in computer world. And when using a network connection or accessing the Internet, they are given preference. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to turn on WiFi on a computer, much less make it the main access point.

Wireless network

Let's start with the fact that connecting to virtual networks provides two main methods: infrastructure and connection in Ad-Hoc mode, which will be discussed later.

The first type of connection involves the use of standard network routers or ADSL modems that distribute packets of IP addresses to several devices connected in this moment to the virtual network.

In the second case, only one main computer terminal is connected, which will subsequently act as a gateway. In other words, all other computers, laptops or mobile gadgets will connect to it. Let's consider the question of how to enable WiFi on a computer. There are several ways. Before you do this, you need to do some preliminary actions, without which creating a connection will be impossible, it simply will not work even if some parameters are successfully configured.

Basic WiFi Components for PC

It goes without saying that to establish a connection via WiFi module Some components will be required. In principle, everything is simple. This is a computer with installed (we will consider all processes based on Windows OS), a router and a little patience.

Please note, if you need to make the computer a point WiFi access, you should use the built-in WiFi modem (some USB devices can also be used).

Ad-Hoc connection

This connection option was developed specifically for cases where all other devices need to be connected through one main computer terminal. The advantages of this connection are that there are no restrictions on how many client terminals will connect through the main gateway.

Conventional cheap routers and ADSL modems installed in apartments provide a standard connection for 4-6 devices. Naturally, you can also purchase multi-channel routers, but they will cost much more. It is much easier to use a built-in device on the main computer that connects directly to (RJ-11 or RJ-45 connectors) and provides WiFi distribution for PC.

Installing the Router Driver

First you need to install the device driver itself (provided that it is not already installed). For this, as a rule, it is used standard disk with drivers supplied upon purchase. The installation itself usually does not cause problems, but in some cases additional settings will be required.

After installing the driver, you need to look at the status of the device. To do this, you can use the standard “Device Manager” (the device itself should not be highlighted in yellow as problematic).

But that's not all. In some computer systems modules that provide communication may be disabled by default. Here you will have to use the “Engage” command, after first going to the network adapter, called up by right-clicking.

Basic router settings

Now you need to configure the adapter (router) itself. This is done in any Internet browser by entering the line in the address field (for some non-standard models After authorization via login and password (they are indicated on the label of the device itself), you need to check the “Enable AP” option, assign the SSID network name and select the data encryption method (usually WPA).

After this procedure, in the “Wireless Networks” menu in the “Control Panel”, you need to uncheck the “Use for configuration” line wireless network", and then configure additional parameters.

For example, for D-Link devices will be needed D-Link program AirPlus G+ Wireless Adapter Utility. In the parameters you will need to enter the same SSID value, then in the Wireless Mode section set the value to Infrastructure and save the changes.

How to distribute WiFi from a computer

Let's look at the basic methodology. When solving a problem, you can do things differently. For this option, in managing wireless connections, you need to select “Change network preference order” and add a new connection. Next, you need to enter the SSID connection name (arbitrary), select “Open” authentication and select the authentication method WEP encryption. Don't forget to use the network access key (WiFi password on your computer) followed by confirmation.

At the bottom there is a line “This is direct connection computer-to-computer; access points are not used." You need to check the box next to it. On the “Connection” tab, the “Connect if a network is within range” option must be enabled.

Next, you need to go to the “Network Setup Wizard” and after detecting new equipment, check the “Ignore disabled equipment” option. In the next window, select the connection method in the line “This computer has a direct connection to the Internet. Other computers on the network connect to the Internet through this computer", after which in the new window you need to check the line "Wireless network connection" Followed by standard setting computer name, working group and public access. Once setup is complete, you will need to reboot the system.

Alternative method

To answer the question of how to turn on WiFi on a computer, you can use at least effective way, which, however, is suitable for experienced users. An ordinary user is unlikely to use this method, however, we will consider it.

How to set up WiFi on a computer in this case? First you need to make sure that the components "WLAN AutoConfig Service", " General access to connecting to the Internet" and "Routing and remote access" have the startup mode "Automatic" and are turned on. Now you need to launch the console with administrator rights, and then enter the line netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="XXXX" key="YYYYYYYY" keyusage=persistent, (where XXXX is the computer name and YYYYYYYY is the minimum 8-digit password). It is better not to use Cyrillic when entering.

Now run ncpa.cpl, Microsoft Virtual Miniport Adapter should be specified in the properties on the “Network” tab. Here you can remove unnecessary protocols and rename the connection. In the “Access” tab, you can set permission to use the connection by other users and select your own connection. Now go to the console again and enable the connection using the line . This is the activation of the connection.

The connection status is checked using the line netsh wlan show hostednetwork, service stop - netsh wlan stop hostednetwork, complete shutdown and removal - netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow. To start automatically when the system starts command line netsh wlan start hostednetwork you need to add (register) to the startup menu.


It is probably already clear that the question of how to enable WiFi on a computer has several basic solutions. Which one to use is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Actually, the question comes down, as is already clear, to installing drivers, configuring network adapters and making basic settings for the router and network connections in the system.

As already mentioned, the first method should not cause any particular difficulties for anyone. An alternative method of creating a distribution and, as they say, “sharing” it is unlikely to suit an ordinary user, although it is simpler, since there is no need to delve into the system. Here, as they say, everything is at hand, although presets it still needs to be done. On the other hand, all methods are effective, and what to choose depends only on the preferences of the user or

Now on sale great amount different Wi-Fi routers from different manufacturers. And that’s good, there’s plenty to choose from. But immediately after purchasing a router, we need to install, connect and configure it. And if the connection process is practically the same depending on the model, then the setup process itself and the page with the router settings can be different even from the same manufacturer.

It is very difficult to give detailed and step by step instructions on setup different models. But I'll try. In this article I will describe in detail and show how to install and configure a Wi-Fi router. Regardless of what manufacturer and model you have. This universal instructions suitable both for setting up a new router and for re-tuning. You can do everything yourself. And you don’t have to pay specialists for setup.

Login to the router settings. How to log into the web interface?

Each router has its own web interface (site with settings, control panel), which can be accessed through a browser by going to the appropriate address.

Important! To go into the router settings and configure it, your device (PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet) must be connected to the router via cable or Wi-Fi network. At the same time, there may be no access to the Internet on the computer. You don't need internet to log into the control panel!

If you have on your computer high high speed connection (maybe with your provider's name), then after connecting through the router there is no need to start it!

To enter the settings we need find out the address our router and factory username and password for authorization. This information is located on the body of the device itself. It looks something like this:

On a computer, or mobile device which is connected to the router, open the browser (Opera, Chrome, Yandex.Browser, etc.) and go to the address indicated on the case. Or try and

Important! We enter the address exactly in address bar, not the search bar. Many people get confused and instead of a page with settings they end up on a page with the search results of some search engine.

On the login page you need to specify a username and password. The factory settings are indicated on the device body. Most often these are admin and admin. On some models, the default settings are not protected, and immediately after logging into the control panel, you need to set a login and password.

Articles that may be useful to you at this stage:

If the settings page has opened, we can continue. If not, then see the article with solutions to this problem at the link above.

How to set up a Wi-Fi router?

In order to use the Internet through a router, you need at least:

  • Set up an Internet connection.
  • Set up a Wi-Fi network.

In most cases this is enough. I also recommend changing the password that protects the router’s web interface. Is there some more IPTV settings, USB drives, parental controls etc., but not everyone needs them.

In the control panel of almost every router there is a so-called “Wizard” quick setup", also known as "Quick Setup". On some devices, it opens immediately after entering the control panel. With its help, you can set up a Wi-Fi router step by step. Internet connection, wireless network, etc. For example, what it looks like on TP-Link:

You can try it, it's very convenient.

Internet setup. The most important step

The main thing is correctly configure the router to connect to the provider. If he cannot connect to the Internet, then all devices will have a “No Internet access” connection. Many users who try to configure everything themselves most often encounter problems at this stage.

Each Internet provider uses a specific type of connection. Dynamic IP (DHCP), Static IP, PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP. This type of connection must be specified in the router control panel, and set certain parameters, which are issued by the Internet provider.

Important! You must know exactly what type of connection your provider has. Also all the necessary data for connection (Username: Password), if they are necessary. As a rule, this information is specified in the contract that you received when connecting to the Internet.

Some providers bind by MAC address. It would also be desirable to clarify this.

If your provider uses a “Dynamic IP” (DHCP) connection, then the Internet should work immediately after connecting, since this type of connection is set by default on routers.

If the Internet through the router is already working (and you haven't run any connections on the computer), then you can skip this section and go straight to setting up Wi-Fi.

When the connection type is PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP, or Static IP (which is very rare), then you need to set the necessary parameters. Usually, this is the login and password that your provider gave you. In the control panel, the section with these settings is most often called: “WAN”, “Internet”, “Internet”.

For example, what it looks like PPPoE setup connections on the ASUS router:

Other examples:

Target: so that the Internet through the router works on all devices. Via cable and Wi-Fi. If this does not happen, then there is no point in continuing the setup.

You can always call the provider and clarify what parameters should be specified and where. They help many people over the phone.

Articles that may be useful to you:

I hope everything worked out for you.

Changing Wi-Fi network settings

I highly recommend changing Wi-Fi name network and password. It is also advisable to set your region. Everything is simple there. This can be done in the wireless network settings section. It can be called differently: “Wi-Fi”, “Wireless network”, “Wireless”, “Wireless mode”. If you have dual band router, then the settings must be specified separately for the network at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.

  • In the "Network name" (SSID) field you need to enter a new name. In English letters.
  • In the "Password" field (wireless network key) create and write down a password. Minimum 8 characters. Security type - WPA2 - Personal.
  • Well, there should be a “Region” field there. Change it to yours.
  • IPTV on ASUS routers.

    If something doesn’t work out for you during the setup process, you can always reset the settings to factory defaults and try setting everything up again. Find the “Reset” or “Reset” button on the case, press it and hold for about 10 seconds. The indicators will tell you when the reset occurred.

    You can leave questions in the comments. I just have a small request, describe the problem in detail. Write the router model. Otherwise, it’s very difficult to understand and advise something when you don’t understand the question itself. Best wishes!

Plug the internet cable into WAN port(or Internet) of your router (aka router).

Connect the router to the computer: one end network wire insert into any of the LAN ports of the router, and the second into the connector network card PC. You can use a wireless connection instead of a cable, but it is better not to do this at the setup stage.

Connect the router to a power outlet. If your device has a power button, press it. Then wait a minute or two to allow the router to boot.

2. Check the Internet

If your router was pre-configured by your provider or received settings in automatic mode, then the Internet can start working within a few seconds after connecting the router to the PC.

To check, launch your browser and try opening several sites. If there are no problems with accessing web resources, you can skip the fourth paragraph of the article.

In your browser's address bar, enter or and press Enter. One of these IP addresses should lead to the router's settings menu. If both options do not work, find the required IP address in the documentation for your router model and try entering it.

When the settings login page appears in the browser window, the system may request a login and password. Most often, when connecting for the first time, one word is suitable for both fields - admin. Less often as standard password router manufacturers use a combination 1234 .

If necessary, you can find the login information in the instructions for the router or on the provider's website. Well, or try an alternative.

4. Set up an Internet connection

If the Internet still does not work, the router needs special settings. Exactly what parameters you need depends on specific model device and internet service provider. Universal configuration does not exist. To obtain the necessary instructions, check the provider's website or request it from support.

Once you have obtained the manual for setting up your model, follow its prompts. If during the process you set up both an Internet connection and home network Wi-Fi, you can skip the fifth point of the article.

For Wi-Fi, it is important to select correct parameters security.

In the settings menu, find the section responsible for the wireless network (see the documentation for your router model). Be sure to ask here strong password(you will need it to connect your devices to the router via Wi-Fi) and select WPA2-PSK as a means of protection.

6. Change the password to enter the router settings

Just in case, it is better to limit the access of strangers to the router settings menu. If the router is still protected by the default password, replace it with your own.

Find the settings section that is responsible for the security (see the documentation for your router model) of the device, and enter a new strong password here. Save your changes.

If your computer has Wi-Fi module, after setting is complete network cable You can remove it from your PC and connect to your router via a wireless connection.

7. Install the router in the optimal location

Ideally, the router is in the center of the area in which you use Wi-Fi. This way the signal will be equally available to all connected devices.

The fewer walls, furniture, and other obstacles between the receiving device and the router, the better the wireless network works.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a high-tech gadget, in particular a smartphone, laptop, etc., without support Wi-Fi technology . It is convenient, practical and has proven itself well. However, despite its increasing prevalence, support for Wi-Fi networks in desktop PCs has not yet become a default option: many computers are sold without it, not to mention older models. However install Wi-Fi on your computer It’s very simple, and there are several ways:

- purchasing a new motherboard with built-in Wi-Fi;
- installation of PCI Wi-Fi card;
- connection USB WiFi adapter.

Do you need Wi-Fi on your desktop computer?

Before installing a Wi-Fi module on your computer, you need to decide whether we need it at all?

Let's say the Internet is connected to your PC via Ethernet cable. If some kind of rearrangement is not planned in the foreseeable future, which may entail the need to move the computer and the occurrence of problems with the cable, then the rationale for switching to a Wi-Fi connection looks very doubtful. Still, so far familiar to everyone the cable provides a more stable and speedy connection. Not least because of the reduced susceptibility to various interferences. Therefore, it is still too early to categorically refuse an Ethernet cable, even if it looks somewhat archaic. In addition, such a connection can be useful if you want to turn a desktop PC or laptop into wireless point access.

The procedure is quite simple. The main thing is that the computer has a Wi-Fi module, and it itself, of course, is connected to the Internet via an Ethernet cable. All that remains is to configure the wireless access point. Sometimes built-in resources are enough for this operating system, but sometimes you will have to install specialized software. However, as a rule, no difficulties arise with this. Why turn your desktop into a hotspot? ? For convenience, because you can easily connect smartphones, tablets, laptops and other high-tech gadgets to the Internet without the need to purchase a separate Wi-Fi router. The role of the latter in this case is assigned to the computer. Well, now, let me tell you in detail how you can install Wi-Fi on your computer.

Methods for connecting Wi-Fi to a desktop PC

Buying a modern motherboard

As mentioned above, the simplest, but also most expensive, solution to the problem is computer upgrade. Currently easy to find on sale motherboards, which by default is present Wi-Fi support. If you still plan to purchase a new PC in the foreseeable future, then you should not waste your time on small things by buying USB adapters or PCI cards, but immediately take everything ready-made.

Purchase PCI cards or USB adapter

In the case when a desktop upgrade is postponed indefinitely, there are two options left: USB adapter or appropriate PCI card. Both methods are about equally good, but each has its own nuances. For example, an internal Wi-Fi card means reliability and a stable, fast signal. On the other hand, to install it you need a free PCI slot Express, as well as the ability to easily get inside the system unit. Considering the common practice of PC sellers installing a warranty seal on the cover system unit, to prevent unauthorized access, the option with a PCI card sometimes automatically disappears. Or you will have to sacrifice the guarantee, which is clearly not a far-sighted decision.

USB adapter is more practical and convenient, as it allows you to easily connect Wi-Fi to any desktop PC. Outwardly, it resembles a regular flash drive, although some models are slightly more bulky due to built-in antennas. The connection speed will most likely be slightly lower than in the two previously listed options. Let us add that sometimes for correct operation USB Wi-Fi adapter need to

With the development of the level and prevalence of the Internet, the number of devices that use World Wide Web. Smartphones, tablets, laptops and even TVs all require an Internet connection to comfortable work. When there are more than two such devices at home, the question arises of how to connect them simultaneously. In this case, a useful device will come to the rescue - a router, the purpose of which is to distribute the Internet connection between various devices. There are several types of routers, so before purchasing, you need to determine which one is right for you.

By type of connection

The most common type is a router with an Ethernet connection. This refers to a standard network cable (called " twisted pair"), which can be connected directly to a computer. But if you want to connect several gadgets, then you must immediately connect a router (more on this below). The connection speed can reach 1 Gbps, it depends on the capabilities of your network card and provider.

The second type of connection is called ADSL. It is used to obtain an Internet connection via telephone networks and is more common in the private sector where it is not possible to connect via Ethernet. If you have a telephone at home, then there is no need to run additional wires. True, you won’t see speeds of more than 24 Mbit/s (this is maximum speed, subject to a high-quality modern telephone line).

LTE connection is the third type of router. With this connection, you get wireless Internet via 3G or 4G networks. This is currently the most expensive and least common connection method.

If you have decided on the type of router, then you can proceed directly to the question of how to install the router. And you should start by choosing a location.

Choosing a place

Routers come in both wired and wireless varieties. If you need to connect both your phone and tablet to the network at the same time, then you should ask how to install a WiFi router at home. Moreover, wireless router does not exclude connection using wires.

Before connecting, it is advisable to choose the optimal location of the router. Avoid placing on concrete lintels or in remote corners of the apartment, as this will reduce the usable coverage area. The ideal place is in the center of the room. Most often, the connection location is limited by the location of the incoming Internet cable. It makes sense to immediately connect and configure the router. And only if the signal level does not suit you, then start worrying about the location.

Let's start connecting

The cable must be connected to de-energized devices. For an Ethernet connection, simply plug the incoming network cable into the special jack on the back of the router (labeled WAN). If you have an ADSL connection, then you should use a so-called splitter (included) to separate the telephone and Internet signals.

For initial setup You will also need to connect a network cable (also included) to your laptop or desktop computer. This is necessary to log into the administrative panel of the router. We will consider the connection process using the example of a router manufactured by TP-Link. If you know how to install TP-Link router, then there will be no problems connecting devices from other manufacturers, since the principle is the same everywhere.

We go to the administrative part

In order to log into the device interface, you need to have the following data: IP address, login and password. This information is printed on a label at the bottom of the router. For most models, universal login information will work. Address:, which must be entered into the address bar of the browser. After entering the address and pressing the Enter key, a window for entering your login and password will appear (by default login admin And password admin). But there may be options, as in the photo below, where the settings page address is different. Therefore, check the label or instructions for the device.

After entering your login and password, you will be taken to the administrative part, where you first need to open the DHCP Server tab. There you need to activate this server, that is, check Enable or “Enable” (depending on the interface language), and click the “Save” button.

The next step in the process of how to install a Wi-Fi router is to determine the type of connection.

Connection type

If you do not have information about the type of connection, you should check with your Internet provider. Without the correct settings, the Internet will not work. The simplest option is a type called " dynamic IP address" All you need to do is select this option and click the save button. In rare cases, you will also have to fill in the “Hostname” field.

More rare type- with static IP address- requires additional filling in the fields with IP address, default gateway, subnet mask and DNS server (provided by the provider). And when PPPoE connection(from the English Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet), you must fill in the fields with username, password and password confirmation.

After setting up the Internet connection, you can move on to the question of how to set the TP-Link router to wireless transmission mode?

Wi-Fi setup

To do this, you need to find a tab called “ Wireless mode"(options are possible). Then you need to enter the SSID name of the network and select mode mode. If you are not sure that all your devices support the most modern n-mode, then it is better to choose a mixed bgn option.

Next, you should save the settings and reboot the router. Then let's move on to the question of how to install WiFi router into protected mode. For these purposes, the settings provide a “Network Security” section. Here you should select the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryption mode and enter a 12-digit password. In the future, this password will need to be entered one-time on each new device that you want to connect to the network.

After this step, the question of how to install a Wi-Fi router can be considered closed.

Possible problems

If you can’t log into the administrative panel, try changing your browser. Some devices from different manufacturers have poor compatibility with Google browser Chrome.

Be careful when entering the router's IP address. If the firmware was updated, it may become instead of (or vice versa).

If after setting up the router you have weak signal wireless network, then consider installing the WiFi router in another, more open location. Sometimes in administrative settings you can select the signal strength level. Some router models have detachable antennas. If you change them to more powerful ones, you will be able to significantly expand the coverage area without changing the router (which is much cheaper).


The instructions described above are universal. It will help you decide how to install a D Link, ASUS, Netgear, Linksys, etc. router. Differences can only be in the interface administrative panel or small nuances. Provided that you did everything correctly, all that remains is to connect your gadgets and enjoy the convenience of using the Internet wirelessly.