What does windows to go mean? Windows to go technology - the best programs for creating a WTG flash drive

Technology does not stand still, and Microsoft is diligently proving this to us day after day. She creates more and more new products, the use of which completely facilitates work at the computer or on various gadgets, and simply reduces it to a minimum. It would seem that just recently, working on a PC was lengthy and required the user to perform many operations, but today Microsoft’s “brainchildren” make using their platforms as simple as possible.

One striking example was the release of the Windows To Go add-on. Now not many users are familiar with this concept, but the popularity of such a system is rapidly gaining momentum. Windows To Go is a portable operating system that can be installed on almost any computer. This product will be of interest not only system administrators, but also people who simply frequently use computers. So, Windows To Go: what is it, who will benefit and how to install it? We will provide answers to all these questions in detail in this article.

Purpose of technology

To Go and why is it needed? It was not for nothing that the developers called their product that way. Translated, the term means “Windows with you.” And indeed it is. Windows To Go is a platform with which you can install the system on a removable HDD and even to an ordinary flash drive.

Why can’t you just “transfer” the operating system from one computer to another and why do you need any additional actions? This question is asked by many people who are hearing about WTG (Windows To Go) for the first time. If you have ever tried to transfer Windows from one device to another, then you probably know that there will be a lot of problems with the installation. Most likely, you simply won’t be able to do this, since the system is tied to a computer and will not want to run on another. And Windows To Go technology will allow you to do this completely without problems. Who will benefit from such a solution?

Corporate employees

What is Windows To Go for a business person? First of all, this system will be useful for people who do their work using a computer. In the world modern technologies It all comes down to making the PC experience as mobile and streamlined as possible.

At the beginning of the article, we noticed that previously this work took a lot of time and only made completing tasks a little easier. Nowadays, the main part of the calculations is performed by the machine, and a person just needs to learn how to handle it correctly. Thus, personal computers that sit motionless on the table have been replaced by laptops that can be easily transported. If an employee does not have time to finish his work in the office, he can take it home. Here to help him and Windows will come To Go. What this is, every corporate employee should now know. No need to adjust for a long time home computer for a working version. You can simply install the OS on your “home hardware,” connect to the corporation’s network, and continue working from home.

Regular users

Windows To Go - what is it for ordinary users? Can they use the platform? Certainly. It often happens that several people can work on one computer. Then just download Windows To Go.

Another advantage is that it does not matter at all what operating system is already installed on the computers; if you install Windows To Go on top, this will not harm the previous system in any way and does not need to be removed.

This platform is good if you often travel. You don’t need to drag your computer with you, just find it in a new place and use a flash drive to boot your system.

It is also good for troubleshooting. Using it, you can eliminate system errors, crashes, or scan your device for infected software (viruses). If there is any important data left on the hard drive, you can easily copy it.

Windows To Go on Windows 8 and 10

Windows 8 did not bring the developers the success and popularity they expected. The fact is that the system turned out to be “crude”, with many shortcomings and errors that were already improved in Windows 10. But at the same time, the systems have one excellent feature - Windows To Go. As you might guess, the extension applies specifically to these two “operating systems”.

We will tell you about the installation of Windows To Go just below, so that you can try it and see from your own experience that using this service is easy and simple. But what should you do if, while installing or using the platform, you have some questions that you cannot find answers to in this article? For this there is special service Microsoft Community. This is a special community of the corporation that also acts as a forum.

There you will be able to get help from experts who often use the company's products and already know how to deal with a difficult situation caused by using or installing Windows To Go.

Soon you may even become one of these experts yourself and help people. To do this, you just need to go through a simple registration and be competent in using the company’s products. For example, if WTG becomes clear to you and you can understand the nuances of its work, then you have the opportunity to help beginners in this matter. You can immediately report system errors and contribute to the development of the product.

What do you need to burn Windows To Go to a USB flash drive?

So, you decided to try recording the OS yourself. To do this, you will, of course, need a computer that will support Windows 8 or 10. All modern models work with these OSs, even though they were released quite recently. Then you will need a hard drive or flash drive. Any one will do, even the most ordinary one. The main thing is that it has at least 32 GB of free memory. You can purchase it at any electronics store at a low price. And finally, Windows itself. Now you can start recording.


What I would like to talk about is safety. To Go was more concerned about the portability and practicality of the system, but not about its security. To a greater extent, this applies to those people who will use the system for work and will contain important documents or files. They need to be reliably protected. Moreover, such a small thing as a flash drive is quite easy to lose, and along with it all the data. What can we say, you can even lose your hard drive.

To protect your system, you can use additional utilities or one of the encryption systems, for example, BitLocker. Of course, this is not at all necessary, and the system will work fine without it. But this way, even if the external storage device falls into the wrong hands, or even worse, into the hands of criminals, your data will be reliably protected.

Recording process

First you need to download the OS to your computer. Next we will create bootable usb media. You also need to make sure that all important data is saved on your computer, so select a separate section for downloaded content. By the way, you can download Windows 10 on the Microsoft Technet website.

Next, you need to connect your hard drive or flash drive to your computer. Make sure that your PC has “seen” the device. As soon as the system detects a flash drive or other external media, you can go to the technology control panel. If you don't know how to “get there”, use the regular search operating system.

I would like to note that even if you still have some files on the flash drive, the system itself will transfer them to separate folder. This process can be quite lengthy, especially if the power of your computer leaves much to be desired. This usually takes about one hour, so if you are in a hurry, it is better to transfer the OS to a USB flash drive when you have more free time.

Finally, just select the download type. It’s better to do without experiments here. We save all the settings and wait until the Windows is copied to the USB flash drive.

Installing Windows To Go

Now Windows To Go can be installed on any computer. The main thing is that the BIOS supports the recording process from external media. But most modern computers are automatically configured for this feature. It is important to know that the first installation of this system may take a little longer than all subsequent ones. The fact is that all files must be loaded and drivers that do not exist yet must start. The first installation usually takes about 20 minutes. And when all the necessary data has already been saved, the download will not take more than a few minutes.

That's all. We hope we have given you a detailed answer to your questions about Windows To Go - what it is, how to use it and how to install the system on your computer. Regardless of whether you are a corporate employee or an ordinary user, this technology will be useful to everyone.

Finally, I would like to note that you should not get used to the availability of products such as Windows 10. Sooner or later, the version of this operating system will become a paid version, and it will not be so easy to use for WTG. Let's just hope that the development of useful products doesn't end there.

This technology gives administrators the ability to customize the operating system Windows system 8 to a memory card or USB hard drive. Below are eight reasons why I recommend this technology.

8. Windows to Go allows you to try working with Windows 8 without installing the operating system on your computer's hard drive.

If you're skeptical about Windows 8, The best way To experience this operating system and learn how to work with it is to use Windows to Go. This will allow you to run the full version of Windows 8 on a computer running Windows 7 without upgrading the operating system. All your files and settings will remain intact, so whenever you decide to stop using Windows 8, you can go back to Windows 7 in no time.

Microsoft recommends using a USB flash drive with at least a 20 GB capacity to use Windows to Go. Alas, as experience shows, this is an underestimate. In fact, you will need a USB flash drive with a capacity of at least 64 GB. This way, you have enough space to store documents and multimedia content. The following article will describe the process of setting up Windows to Go when using both Windows 8 Enterprise and the Windows 8 Pro version, as well as Windows 7.

7. Administrators can deploy and manage Windows to Go.

Administrators of large enterprises can configure Windows to Go on USB flash drives along with applications and set policies - so, for example, they can allow users to download applications from the Windows Store. Windows to Go can be managed using standard tools Windows, such as System Center Configuration Manager; Accordingly, no new infrastructure management tools need to be deployed. Computer and custom settings for Windows To Go can be managed using Group Policy settings. Thus, desktops running Windows to Go can also be configured to connect to an enterprise's corporate network, using Direct Access or a VPN connection.

6. No performance issues.

If your device is certified for Windows 7, Windows to Go will start working right away. This way, you don't have to buy the latest hardware. All you have to do to get started is insert the pre-configured USB flash drive into your Windows 7 computer, laptop or tablet and turn it on.

Windows to Go will set up your device by installing necessary drivers, and no Internet connection is required. Please note that the performance of a computer running Windows to Go will depend primarily on the performance of your flash card. In this case, the use of USB 3.0 ports will naturally give better results. Windows technology to Go is not compatible with tablets that use processors based on the ARM architecture.

5. All applications are available.

Windows to Go doesn't allow you to access the Windows Store by default. However, this is quite easy to fix if you have administrator rights. You will need to open the Group Policy window and then navigate to Computer/Configuration/Administrative/Templates/Windows/Components/Store.

Click an option Turn off Store application and set the value to disable. This will allow you to download and access apps regardless of the device you're using.

4. Flexible licensing options.

With Windows To Go, users can travel light without compromising their work, businesses can realize the concept of " own computer", and staff can get to work faster in more efficient conditions. high level security. Windows To Go allows IT administrators to provide users with an enterprise image of Windows, which can include a range of business applications, settings, and corporate data, on a compatible USB storage device. Users can download Windows To Go from any corporate or personal computer(with the Windows 7 or Windows 8 certificate logo) and enjoy the full capabilities of Windows 8.

Rights to using Windows To Go means that:

Any device included in Software Assurance for Windows or Windows subscription VDA, is licensed for Windows startup To Go;

The primary user of any device licensed to run through SA for Windows or Windows VDA can run Windows To Go from home or on the go on a computer that is not a corporate computer (for example, a personal computer or a computer in a hotel business center). in accordance with roaming rules;

Any device included in the Windows CSL (Companion Subscription License) program is licensed to run Windows To Go.

I will also note that Windows To Go requires volume license activation, either through the use of a Key Management Service (KMS) server in the organization, or through Active Directory volume license activation.

3. 60-second lockdown.

If you're using a Windows to Go computer and accidentally remove a USB flash drive, there's no need to panic. The screen will freeze, but you will have 60 seconds to turn the USB stick back on and your computer will resume from where you left off. A warning message will appear on the screen indicating that you should not unplug the device. If you do not turn on the USB flash drive, the computer will shut down after 60 seconds.

2. Bitlocker encryption.

Because Windows to Go is designed to work across multiple devices, it's worth considering that Windows to Go has built-in encryption. You must enable BitLocker protection manually, and this should be one of the first steps after the initial Windows boot to Go. BitLocker encrypts data on the USB card using 128-bit AES encryption.

Whenever you boot into Windows to Go, you'll be prompted for a password before loading the Windows 8 Welcome screen, where users can enter their login information to gain access to the desktop. It's not exactly two-factor authentication, however. this stage provides an additional level of security.

If the flash card is suddenly lost, your data will remain encrypted. It's just important to make sure that you don't forget to create backup copy in a safe place - on a corporate network or cloud storage, because you will have no other way to access your data.

1. Windows to Go for peace of mind.

You can work on your neighbor's computer without worrying about accidentally storing sensitive data on your local hard drive. One of the main reasons that Windows to Go can be safely used on various computers, is that the internal hard drive on your computer is not accessible by default when you boot into Windows To Go. Microsoft recommends not toggling this setting in Group Policy. If you really must save any files, they can be saved directly to the flash card you boot from.

How to Create a USB Drive with Windows To Go

To create a disc, a USB drive with a capacity of 32 GB or larger is required. Preferably use USB 3.0 devices (or hard USB disk). Some USB 2.0 enabled devices may be very slow and are not officially supported. Additionally, you need a computer running Windows 7 or 8 and a Windows 8 DVD ISO image

Creating Windows To Go on a computer running any edition of Windows 7. For creating Windows To Go running Windows 7 you will need additional software. Download and install the Windows 7 Automated Installation Kit (http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=5753). You will need the ImageX utility to Windows installations 8 on USB device.

1. Run the Deployment Tools Command Prompt tool as an administrator from the “Programs”, “All Programs” menu, Microsoft Windows AIK.

2. Make sure the USB device is connected.

4. Type List disk.

5. Type Select disk #, where # is the number of your USB disk.

6. Delete all existing partitions by entering the Clean command.

If you already use the letter b, then assign another one.

10. The same steps must be performed for the system partition:

11. Complete the operations by entering Exit.

12. Extract the install.wim file from the sourcesdirectory folder of your Windows 8 iso file. To do this, you can use, for example, the WinRAR program.

13. At the command line, use Imagex.exe /apply c:wiminstall.wim 1 o:, where o: is the letter of your USB device

14. Download Manager boot manager must be installed in boot partition using the bcboot utility:

o:windowssystem32bcdboot o:windows /f ALL /s b:

15. Restart your computer using Windows 8 To Go.

Creating Windows To Go on a computer running any edition of Windows 8.

1. Launch a window command line with administrator rights.

2. Make sure your USB device is connected.

3. At the command prompt, type diskpart.

4. Type List disk.

5. Type Select disk #, where # is the number of your USB disk.

6. Delete all existing partitions by entering Clean.

7. Create a boot partition using the following command: create partition primary size=350

9. The boot partition must be formatted, configured and assigned a letter using the following commands:

Select partition 1 format fs=fat32 quick active assign letter=b

10. If you already use the letter b, assign a different one.

11. The same steps must be performed for the system partition:

Select partition 2 format fs=ntfs quick assign letter=o

12. Complete the operations by entering Exit.

13. Extract the install.wim file from the sources directory folder of your Windows 8 iso file. On a Windows 8 computer, to mount the iso file, you can simply double-click on it.

14. Use DISM utility to install Windows 8 files on system partition your USB device.

Dism /apply-image /imagefile:c:wiminstall.wim /index:1 /applydir:o:

15. Manager boot boot manager can be installed on the boot partition using the command:

O:windowssystem32bcdboot o:windows /f ALL /s b:

16. Restart your computer using Windows 8 To Go.

If you're using an enterprise version of Windows 8, a wizard will help you create a USB device for Windows To Go. To do this, press Win+W and type To go in the search bar (screen 1).

The wizard will first ask you to make sure that your USB drive meets the requirements for Windows hardware To Go (Screen 2).

Disadvantages of Windows To Go

We must remember that, alas, each technology has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. There are plenty of them here too.

The need for your organization to use PCs certified for Windows 7. If your organization uses equipment that is not certified to run under Windows 7, then you will have to download drivers on each such computer (or for each connected device). And if there is still no connection to the Internet, such work can turn into torture. Since in most cases today corporate networks use a whole zoo of various hardware, the dream of equipping the entire network with certified hardware, alas, will remain a dream for a long time.

Besides, this technology can cause a lot of trouble for service employees information security. After all, you can create an “image” of your work computer at home in advance, and after booting up at work, take confidential data to your flash drive. At the same time, your activation will remain unnoticed in the work computer logs. After all, the hard drive is inaccessible to you, therefore, there are no traces of connection. The only way out in this case is to prohibit downloading from removable media, including USB with password setting in BIOS.

Finally, no matter how much Microsoft claims that there is no slowdown, unfortunately, this is not the case. The computer works noticeably slower, because the speed of data exchange via USB will obviously be lower than the speed of data exchange with hard drive. And if you are also used to working with SSD disk, then the decrease in speed will be even more obvious.

Windows To Go (WTG) technology, one of the new features of Windows 8, allows you to create a properly configured OS image with the necessary software installed, which will boot directly from a USB drive, regardless of what OS is installed on the computer to which it is connected USB storage device. As part of this post, we will briefly discuss possible scenarios for using WTG, configuration and some features of use.

Why is this necessary?

Direct result of application WTG technologies is a bootable USB media (flash drive or external HDD), on which the Windows 8 OS is completely ready for use. “Fully ready” means that this OS is properly configured in accordance with the requirements of the organization: included in the domain, if necessary, group policies are applied to it, including security policies, patches, remote access technologies (VPN/DirectAccess) are configured, the required set of software is installed, etc. You just need to connect such media to any computer compatible with Windows 7 or Windows 8 and boot directly from it. At the same time, you receive your personal OS with all the settings and do not in any way affect the OS installed directly on the hard drive of this computer.

Accordingly, WTG refers to the corporate capabilities of Windows 8, that is, it is aimed at use primarily in the enterprise. The most obvious scenarios for using WTG:

  • Mobile employees. Employees who, for example, often move between company branches and at the same time need access to each of them corporate network using your settings, documents, etc. Instead of a laptop, carry a small kilogram with you external hard a disk or even a flash drive can be a very attractive option for many. Arriving at the next site, you just need to plug the media into a suitable computer.
  • Temporary employees working, for example, within the framework of a project. Such an employee may have his own laptop, which in no way meets the security requirements of your network. Provide him with the prepared media with the WTG image, and this employee will be able to use your image on his laptop to work on the project.
  • Employees without fixed jobs(or shift workers), who nevertheless need to access the corporate network in the office or outside it.
  • Work from home. If necessary, an employee can boot a home computer using the prepared WTG image and gain access to the corporate network and business applications.
This list, of course, can be expanded. It is also obvious that all of the above scenarios can be implemented in other ways, without WTG. However, the presence additional option in the form of WTG can be a good help for the organization’s IT department.

How to set up WTG?

First, let's look at the hardware requirements that exist for both USB media and the hosts to which the media will be connected.

Media requirements

So that there is a solution supported, you must use WTG certified media. At the time of writing this post, according to information from the TechNet portal, the list of certified equipment includes:
  • Kingston DataTraveler Workspace for Windows To Go (http://www.kingston.com/wtg/)
  • Spyrus Portable Workplace (http://www.spyruswtg.com/)
  • Spyrus Secure Portable Workplace (http://www.spyruswtg.com/)
  • Super Talent Express RC8 for Windows To Go (http://www.supertalent.com/wtg/)
  • Western Digital My Passport Enterprise (http://www.wd.com/wtg)
In practice, I used, for example, a half-terabyte Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex with USB 3.0, which is not included in this list. Technical problems there were none, but we must remember that firstly, the device must be USB 3.0, and secondly, since the HDD is not certified, then in case of problems you should not contact Microsoft technical support.

Host Requirements

Any computer certified for Windows 7 or Windows 8. But again, from a practical point of view, we can talk about any not very outdated x86 or x64 system with USB 2.0 or higher and the ability to boot from a USB device.

WTG Deployment Options

There are three main options for deploying WTG:
  • using the Windows To Go Creator Wizard;
  • using a script (PowerShell + DISM or ImageX image utilities);
  • using the User Self-Provisioning tool in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1.

Supported editions of Windows 8

Whichever deployment option you choose, you will need wim files containing configured OS images and the necessary software. The wim file must contain Windows 8 Enterprise. Other editions are not supported. Besides, Windows wizard To Go Creator Wizard is also only available in Windows 8 Enterprise, so this edition is recommended for the machine on which you plan to create WTG.

Creating an image using Windows To Go Creator Wizard

Assuming that you already have at least one wim file and the required USB drive is connected, let's look at creating WTG step by step using the wizard. You can see configuration using the command line. You can find the wizard by pressing Win+W and typing “Windows To Go”.

On the first screen, select the desired media.

Using the “ Add search location” indicate the folder with the wim file(s).

The wizard analyzes and displays the found images.

On the next screen, you can enable media encryption using BitLocker.

Everything is ready to create WTG, all you have to do is click “Create”.

Creating an image takes some time. In my case, the wim file had a volume of approximately 3 GB, was located on an SSD disk, and the WTG media creation time was 12 minutes.

On the last screen, the wizard prompts you to change the boot order of your computer so that next time the machine boots from USB.

Actually, that's all. All that remains is to boot from the prepared media and start working.

Features of using WTG

There are a number of features of WTG that should be kept in mind when using the technology.

When you boot from WTG media for the first time, the hardware is detected on a certain computer and the appropriate drivers are installed. This process, of course, takes some time. However, the system remembers the configuration for this computer and subsequent boot-ups on it occur without delay.

For security reasons, by default, local hard The disk of the computer on which we booted using WTG is in an offline state, and access to the partitions of this disk is prohibited. This setting can be changed . In addition, if the user has administrative rights to the computer, he can manually bring the disk online and gain access to the partitions.

For the same reasons, in the opposite situation, when, while working at a computer, you connect a WTG media, Windows mounts this media without assigning letters to the media partitions. Thus, the WTG device is not visible in Windows Explorer.

When starting on a new Windows hardware must be activated. Let me remind you that WTG is positioned as a corporate opportunity, so it is assumed that the organization has a KMS service configured or activation through Active Directory ( new opportunity Windows Server 2012), and then the activation process will go unnoticed by the user.

When using WTG, all are available Windows features, except Windows Store. This is done because Windows Store purchases are tied to specific computer, and the corresponding applications are disabled when launched on another machine. However, if you need the Windows Store to be available, you can enable it for WTG images through group or local policies: \\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Store\.

The last note relates to setting up the computer to boot from a USB drive. If you need the user to be able to independently change the boot order of the computer without going into the BIOS or pressing some magic key combination, you can use special utility, present in any edition of Windows 8. You can find it in the already known way by pressing Win + W and typing “Windows To Go”.

Select desired item, and at the next restart the system will start booting from USB.

Thus, WTG is simple and safe way creating a managed mobile Windows image 8 for your employees.

Additional information about Windows To Go technology can be obtained in the report “Overview of Windows To Go Technology: New Features, Application Scenarios and Deployment Methods in an Enterprise Environment” at the TechEd Russia 2012 conference.

Active Directory Features Windows Server 2012, including activation via AD, are discussed in the first module of the course “New features of Windows Server 2012. Part 2. Security, management, remote access, web platform” on the MVA portal.

I hope the material was useful.

Before answering the question in the title, a few words about why you might find it useful copy of Windows 8.1 or 10, capable of booting and working from a flash drive or external hard disk. Of course, the most obvious reason is to be able to start the system in the event that the operating system that is installed on the computer's hard drive becomes damaged and refuses to boot. It is for such cases that in this guide we will talk about creating Windows USB drive To Go, from which you can run almost any computer.

Another obvious reason is to try out Windows 10. If you want to upgrade to latest version operating system, but are not sure that all your applications, Hardware And peripherals will work with her Live USB with Windows 10 will allow you to experiment freely, and without the risk of damaging Windows installation on the computer's hard drive.

And since the operation of creating Windows To Go is very simple, the entire process will take a maximum of two hours of your free time, subject to certain conditions.

First steps

Of course, to burn Windows 8.1 or 10 to USB flash drive, the first important condition is the presence installation distribution operating system. You can download it for free from Microsoft servers with help special means to create installation media. Download and Create Tool Windows distribution 8.1 is published, and a similar tool is available for download installation image"Dozens" can be downloaded from this page of the Microsoft website.

At one of the media preparation stages, select “Create installation media for another computer” (when creating a Windows 10 distribution), and then check the “ISO file” option. Pay attention to which folder the download will be in. ISO file, since it will eventually be needed to create Windows To Go.

The next tool you need is called AOMEI Partition Assistant. It's free for personal use utility for working with disk partitions. You can download it from the AOMEI Technology website. Once the installation of the program is complete, you can proceed to the next stage, namely creating a Live USB with the operating system.


After launching AOMEI Partition Assistant, click on Windows button To Go Creator in the left menu of the program.

In the window that opens, click “Browse” and point the program to the path to the previously downloaded ISO file with the operating system. Connect an empty USB flash drive or external HDD/SSD to your computer's USB port, and then select it from the "Select a USB drive" drop-down menu.

It is advisable that the drive have at least 13 GB free space. In addition, it is recommended to use a USB 3.0 flash drive or disk connected to a port that supports the USB 3.0 specification. USB 2.0 will also work, but Windows entry Such a drive will take much longer, and the operating system will work very slowly from such a drive, since USB 2.0 provides a much lower data transfer speed than version 3.0.

If everything is ready, click the “Proceed” button and wait for the program to do its job.

Booting your computer with Windows To Go

After writing the files to the flash drive, you need to tell the computer that it needs to boot the operating system from it. This is done in the BIOS. If this is too difficult for you, I advise you to refer to the operating instructions for your computer or laptop motherboard. If there are no such instructions, look on the manufacturer's website. As a rule, in most modern desktop and mobile PCs, entering the BIOS is done by pressing the Del, F2 or F10 key immediately after turning on the computer.

In the BIOS, find the section responsible for managing the boot order of devices (“ Boot Device Priority"). Typically at the top of the list is your primary hard drive or SSD. To configure your computer to boot from a USB drive, you'll need to change this order - on the right you'll see directions with keys to change the device's position in the list.

Once the boot order has been changed, select the "Save and Exit" option (or simply press F10 and then Enter). The machine will restart and boot from the USB device with Windows 10 (or Windows 8.1, depending on which version of the OS you wrote to the flash drive).

Both Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 have their own built-in tool for Live creation USB. Then why, if there is a standard function, turn to third party software? The fact is that Windows To Go Creator is only available in corporate editorial offices operating system (including ). The exception is Windows update 10 Anniversary (version 1607), with the release of which Windows To Go became available in the professional edition of the OS. It is important that the distribution contains a WIM file of the corporate (Enterprise) edition of the operating system - other editions, alas, are not supported.

It’s very good if you already have such an image; if not, you’ll have to get it somewhere, for example, on the official Microsoft website. There you can download a 90-day trial version of Windows 8.1 Enterprise or Windows 10 Enterprise or LTSB.

Plus, unlike AOMEI Partition Assistant, the built-in tool imposes completely different hardware requirements.

Thus, the USB drive must be certified to work with Windows To Go, and it must support USB 3.0 and have at least 32 GB free space.

Have a great day!

Computer maintenance and repair specialists have long been creating a variety of operating system builds that allow them to boot safely on machines infected with viruses or simply having problems with the stability of the main operating system. Now they have a powerful official tool for this purpose, specially developed by Microsoft itself. Windows To Go is a special version of Windows 8 Enterprise that allows you to transfer Windows to a USB drive and boot your computer from it without installation.

"Windows To Go" can boot like regular computers desktop computers, and on laptops and even tablets. The license agreement does not allow it to be installed on computers or laptops when they are sold, since the main purpose of this system is to perform auxiliary, service tasks in emergency situations in the workplace.

In fact, "Windows To Go" is the official portable version from Microsoft. Unlike many analogues created third party developers, this system is fully managed from the corporate Windows environment of the enterprise.

"Windows To Go" can be run on different computers and the system will remember individual parameters each of them. For each of the computers on which it will boot, "Windows To Go" will detect and remember all the hardware and necessary drivers. At each subsequent boot, the system will launch the drivers of this particular PC. "Windows To Go" is fully compatible with "stationary" versions of Windows, but you need to understand that the programs, for the most part, are not designed to work in "roaming mode" and may not function correctly if launched on a computer other than the one on which they were installed.

"Windows To Go" requires a USB disk or flash drive with a capacity of at least 32 GB. It can support both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 protocols. You can install Windows To Go on your portable device using special program"Portable Workspace Creator" included with Windows 8.

Windows To Go Limitations

Compared to regular desktop versions, "Windows To Go" has several limitations:

  • Disabled automatic hibernation and sleep functions – Disabled initially in “Windows To Go” automatic transition into sleep or power off mode. This is done in order to reduce the risk of damage to the equipment on which the system will be run. If necessary, automatic shutdown Power can be enabled through Group Policy settings.
  • At the logical level, the internal drives of the computer are disabled. A significant part of the cases when you need to use "Windows To Go" will be related to restoring the system after a virus infection. For this reason, at the time of the first boot, "Windows To Go" logically disables all of the computer's own drives. IN Windows Explorer they are not visible after loading. This setting can also be changed.
  • Trusted Platform Module(TPM) is not used. If Windows To Go includes an information encryption system, it will not use the BitLocker Drive Encryption password, but your own system password Windows. This is necessary because the TPM is tied to a specific computer, which defeats the purpose of Windows To Go.
  • No mode Windows Recovery Environment. If the media on which you installed "Windows To Go" is damaged, restore "Windows To Go" via standard system Windows recovery will be impossible. You will need to create new copy"Windows To Go" and configure it again.
  • Reboot by button on system unit impossible. For security purposes, Windows To Go does not respect shutdown commands from your computer hardware.

"Windows To Go" is an excellent system recovery tool that a computer recovery specialist should always have on hand in case of emergency situations.