If they write that the computer is locked. Computer is locked!!! What to do? Outdated unlocking method

if the computer is locked
or a browser with an open website

While wandering around the Internet, you may encounter such a situation.
You have visited a site that you either found by searching in a search engine, or
friends sent you a link - in general, it doesn’t matter how you accessed the site. But not only can you not leave this site, but you cannot move around this site. Because the browser was blocked. And in the most top line on the browser panel (the “Title” line) – to the right of the title in brackets it says “not responding”.

And sometimes all programs are blocked,
which are open on this moment.
Including keyboard and mouse.

Of course, when only the browser is blocked, you can go online
with another browser and find a hint in search engines on how to unblock it.
To do this, you must always have more than one browser on your computer, but at least
two (I have five). And if the computer is locked, you will no longer be able to find the clue. Even if you save the hint in Notepad on your computer. You simply won't be able to open Notepad. Therefore, carefully study everything described below in advance. In order to meet the trouble of blocking your computer, be prepared.

Topics on this page

I’ll say right away that all the topics on this page are 100% suitable only
to Windows OS. I have not had to work with other Operating Systems and I don’t know how they will behave in similar situations.

In any case, if you have a different OS and encounter a blocking
your computer - it’s worth trying to do the same as in Windows OS.

Reasons for blocking your computer or browser

Possible reasons
blocking (freezing)
computer or browser

Blocking your computer or browser
can be explained by various reasons.

The most harmless reason may be the program installed
on the site by an unscrupulous webmaster. Which, promoting your website
V search engines– for successful optimization, it forces the user to stay on the site longer than he planned. And even if you don’t find the information you need on this site, you cannot leave it. For the most part, such programs do not contain malicious links and do not harm your computer. But they take up your time. Such blocking can be both short-term and long-term.

Your antivirus program can also block your browser. Anyway, my Kaspersky Internet Security- Maybe. If there is a virus or Trojan on the site, and Kaspersky was unable to block it initially, it blocks the browser with the site already open. As a rule, this takes a long time and it is not a fact that Kaspersky did not let a virus or Trojan into your computer.

Of course it’s good when Kaspersky itself is installed on the browser panel
and in the search results you can sometimes find the mark "This site may be dangerous for your computer". And of course, I won’t go to such sites anymore. I installed Kaspersky on Mozilla Firefox And Google Chrome on the right side of the panel.

Truth is a warning "This site may be dangerous to your
in the search results I saw only in Google browser Chrome.
I have not seen such warnings in Mozilla Firefox. Perhaps because I did not come across such sites, or perhaps because Mozilla Firefox does not warn.

Another possible cause of blocking (or freezing) could be
be the presence on your computer of any virus or Trojan horse. Therefore, in order not to encounter such problems, you need to monitor the “health” of your computer.
And carry out regularly full computer scan .

And also, we should not forget about outright scammers who block your computer with the intention of getting money from you for supposedly unlocking it.

My computer is locked, what should I do?

What to do
if the computer is locked

So - above we looked at some possible reasons computer lock. These are not all the reasons, but this is enough for us to be able to get out of this unpleasant situation with dignity.

What do I call computer locking?

This is when both the mouse and keyboard do not work.
On the screen there is open page site,
but we are not able to move along it.
And we can’t press the “Home” button either.
The computer becomes just a “picture box.”
And for quite a long time.

Even when only the browser is blocked (or frozen), you can try
take some additional measures to restoration of work .
And when the computer is paralyzed, there is only one way out - emergency shutdown computer. On this page detailed description emergency shutdown.

A few months ago, my dear husband “delighted” me with a message that the computer was blocked by some kind of nasty thing. Where he picked up this nasty thing, he never admitted. That time we called a programmer we knew, he came and restored the computer to work. But those few hours of waiting, when there was a block hanging in the middle of the monitor that said that until we paid 400 rubles, the computer would not work, really frayed our nerves.

But I learned the main thing, what must be done, and first of all: report ransomware to specialists! Write down the phone number to which you are asked to transfer money. The competent authorities will deal with the attackers.

There is a forum on the DrWeb antivirus website where they will help you deal with the problem. If your computer is locked, then, naturally, you will have to access the DrWeb website from another computer. And to celebrate, don’t forget to provide the scammers’ phone number.

Subsequently, I came across an article that described in detail how you can unlock your computer yourself. I, of course, read it, but I still prefer to delegate the solution to such problems to specialists.

If you have the skills, you can try to do it yourself. I suggest reading the article to all victims.

The article is called:

What to do if your computer is blocked by PornoBlocker

The first thing to do is to determine whether you (or the one who undertakes to solve your problem, guided by this article) are able to INDEPENDENTLY and CONSCIOUSLY carry out all rescue actions.

Here is a list of knowledge, practical skills and software, which you must have to unlock your computer and destroy the infection of this type(Trojan Windows blocker-ransomware).

Need to know:

- WHAT kernel loading operating system(OS) possible with system partition hard drive(HD), from a system CD/DVD disk (OS distribution kit) or from a bootable USB device (flash drive) containing the OS;

— THAT the selection of the device from which the OS should be loaded is carried out automatically by the computer (by pressing the RESET button):

After completion of the firmware test (POST) of the computer hardware, a sequential poll of connected HD, CD/DVD drives and flash drives is carried out, which stops when the first device containing boot entry(boot-record) OS, which is loaded into the computer with of this device and starts the process of loading the OS kernel, etc.

— THAT the order of interrogation is established in Computer BIOS and can be changed by the user. Usually, in order to be able to boot the OS from a distribution disk (if complete reinstallation OS or restoring its damaged components), it is necessary for CD/DVD drives to be in the polling list earlier than HD (standard OS boot device).

— WHAT about the status of devices (usually by the availability of their drivers) can be found in Device Manager.

- THAT if a question mark (?) appears against any non-working device, it is enough to reinstall the device driver either from a proprietary distribution disk or from the OS distribution (if it supports the model of this device).

- THAT, finally, loading any version of Windows OS from HD can occur according to different scenarios with different functionality and goals. When loading the OS, the user can choose the boot script. (We will be especially interested in the SAFE scenario with a standard VGA screen resolution of 640x480.)

You need to BE ABLE (to have skills):

— HOW to enter the BIOS and change the system date and time, and most importantly change the order of polling HD, CD/DVD drives and USB drives.

— HOW to find out about the status of devices through Device Manager.

— HOW to reinstall the driver of a non-working device from a proprietary disk or OS distribution.

— HOW to enter the OS boot script selection mode and select the SAFE boot script (mode).

— HOW to burn a bootable CD/DVD using an ISO image file of a CD/DVD with a boot system.

— HOW to load a Linux system from a CD/DVD into a computer (without installing it on HD) and access the Internet through it.

You need to stock up on the following software IN ADVANCE:

- Linux OS on one disk, launched directly from a disk with good automatic tuning to access the Internet. (I use the Ubuntu 8.04 build from 2008 (Russian version), it is quite heavy, weighing up to 4 GB, but it has all the software that can be useful at critical moments when the computer is not working due to a virus, and reinstalling the OS is undesirable According to the law of meanness, it is precisely in times like these that there is an urgent need to do something on the computer or on the Internet.)

Dr.Web offers its own version of such a disk, combining Linux and antivirus scanner. You can download it completely free from the link: http://www.freedrweb.com/livecd/?lng=ru or create disaster recovery via USB stick

— The most important thing for our problem is the program from Kaspersky: Virus Removal Tool, which can be downloaded for free by clicking on the link: http://support.kaspersky.ru/viruses/

ATTENTION! Without the Virus Removal Tool 2010 program, you will not be able to quickly get rid of PornoBlocker. (I spent 4 days studying information and checking the advice that the Internet is full of, including recommendations from antivirus centers(Kaspersky, DrWeb and Node 32), but only with the help of this program I removed the blockage in just 5 minutes. All other Tips (for my case - a Trojan with key phrase: MTS 89175165686 in the amount of 400 rubles), they were not allowed to do this!

So let's get down to business. Follow step by step instructions below, and you will be happy.

STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTION removing PornoBlocker from your computer

WHAT WE DO: Boot the computer using a SAFE scenario.

WHAT WE SEE: Black screen (with VGA resolution) and the hated Ransomware window in the center.

WHAT WE DO: Press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys with your left hand and do not release.

WHAT WE SEE: What happens on the screen fast switching window ransomware on the Manager window Windows tasks and back. (It can be seen that Task Form1 is running - this is the Trojan).

WHAT WE DO: Without releasing the pressed keys, move the mouse cursor over the End task button in the periodically displayed Windows Task Manager and start clicking on this button with the left mouse button. At a resolution of 640x480 (SAFE scenario), it is possible to close the virus almost immediately (task Form1).

WHAT WE SEE: The ransomware window finally disappears, and the Windows Task Manager window will open on a black screen with no active tasks.

WHAT WE DO: Of course, release the keys held in step 2 and click in the Task Manager window Windows button New task...

WHAT WE SEE: The Create a new task window opens.

WHAT WE DO: In the input field we type: explorer.exe to launch the My Documents (Explorer) task.

WHAT WE SEE: A window opens in Explorer in the My Documents folder.

WHAT WE DO: Now you can open the folder where you have the distribution file of the Virus Removal Tool 2010 program (for me this is the file: setup_9.0.0.722_25.12.2010_16-31.exe) and start installing the program.

WHAT WE SEE: We observe the installation and operation of the Virus Removal Tool 2010 program. After a short time, the program WILL DETECT PornoBlocker and remove it. After the program finishes, it will offer to remove it from the computer.

WHAT WE DO: Click on the button to remove the Virus Removal Tool 2010 program from your computer and that’s it!

The main thing is done - the Trojan is neutralized! But this does not mean that your computer is fully restored and operational. If you reboot it in your standard scenario (mode), you will get your desktop with all documents, settings and tasks, BUT usually fly off screen installations, network drivers and some external USB device drivers. All this needs to be checked and, if necessary, restored.

But the most unpleasant thing is that, as a rule, it suffers antivirus system, installed on your computer and will be required RESET first of all, and then, in a MANDATORY ORDER, carry out anti-virus scan the entire computer and then start researching possible problems in the driver economy.

Now you understand why at the beginning of the post I suggested that you evaluate your knowledge and skills. Precisely in order to complete the process of restoring the functionality of your computer. However, most confident users have the necessary skills and recovery will not cause much difficulty.

Vladimir V. Blokhin,

At the present time, with modern development technologies and high data transfer rates, users of personal computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones very often (even with installed antivirus protection) catch some kind of virus. Nowadays, programs that infect a device while blocking access to it with a banner on the desktop are very popular among hackers. How to unlock the computer in this case? How can I regain access to it?

What banners exist?

The most common are the following: Internet access is blocked, Windows is blocked, the rules for using the Internet have been violated, your account has been hacked and now spam is being sent from it, and so on. The computer owner is offered help in solving the problem. For this he is asked to send just one SMS via short number. By doing this, you will lose at least 250-300 rubles. And, accordingly, the banner in almost all cases does not go anywhere.

Basic ways to solve the problem

What to do? How to unlock your computer from a virus and continue to use your device? Exist various ways salvation. The main ones:

  1. Restoring the operating system.
  2. Removing a virus program from OS startup.
  3. Application of special unlock codes from Dr.Web and Kaspersky websites.
  4. Using an antivirus.

It must be remembered that universal method There is no way to unlock your computer from a virus. Each of the above is only suitable for a specific situation. Now let's dwell on this a little.

Solving the problem via the Internet

This option is good for someone who has access to the network or has a connection with someone willing to help. The official websites of Kaspersky and Doctor Web have codes that can unlock your device. If they are not there, we go another way.

Removing the banner from startup

How to unlock your computer this way? This path is very simple. You need to boot your device in safe mode. To do this, press F8 when loading it. A menu with options will appear in front of us Windows boot. Choose the one you need. Then one of two things: the banner has not gone away, or the system will boot without the virus. In the latter case, click "Start" and enter msconfig in command line. Go to startup, uncheck suspicious items there and reboot the PC.

Outdated unlocking method

If the banner has not disappeared anywhere, then you can try to unlock your computer from the virus using the outdated method, but sometimes effective method. To do this, we reboot it in safe mode, and set the clock forward about a week. This may help, but most likely not for long, since viruses are also updated regularly. System time It is possible to change it in the BIOS. It is also possible to perform a system restore.

Powerful professional way

If all the previous does not help resolve the issue of how to unlock your computer, we will fight the banner using an antivirus. If you can access the desktop in safe mode, then use Removal-tool Kaspersky or Cureit Doctors Web, the most famous of all. If this is not possible, we use LiveCD - a special boot disk, which downloads the antivirus without any problems and removes the banner. To do this, we write its image onto a flash drive or disc, then onto a computer, after which we scan the system for viruses. This option can be difficult to use ordinary user, so it is recommended to turn to professionals. So we figured out how to unlock your computer.

The computer is blocked, what should I do?

If the computer is blocked, perhaps not a single user, especially a beginner, knows what to do, and the reason for this can be quite simple - all these are the actions of viruses and malware. At first glance it may seem so. That the problem is not so careless, because, in fact, the computer is working and no devices are damaged, however, how can you work on such a computer if even normal operations with the system cannot be performed.

Exists Various types viruses that block the computer, preventing users from performing any actions, and most often this manifests itself in fraudulent activities. As a rule, when infected with a virus and the next time the computer starts, the user encounters a message on the screen of his PC, which persistently asks him to send an SMS message to specific number or any of the others possible ways replenish the scammers’ wallet with a certain amount of money. Naturally, the user in most cases refuses to comply with the requirements, and that is precisely why the creators virus programs and codes provided for this state of affairs, and together with a message to the user, “ countdown", after the expiration of which time, system disk The computer will be formatted, and along with it, sometimes important data for the user will be lost. However, there is no need to rush to conclusions on this matter, because if the computer is locked, what to do and what cannot be done needs to be analyzed in detail. Perhaps you should start with the second point, where you need to indicate that in no case should you fall for the trick of scammers, since if you perform the presented actions at least three or more times, then most likely, and this is exactly what happens in 99 percent of cases , your computer will not return its functionality. It is also worth noting that the virus often manifests itself in the form system message, telling you that you are allegedly using unlicensed software or unregistered equipment, for which you need to register by sending a “free” message to specified number. This time, the scammers’ trick is more cunning, since the user instantly realizes that he will not lose the message he sent for free. However, now it’s worth figuring out what to do if the computer is locked, and the first, most The best decision is to use the help of qualified specialists from our HelpUser computer service center, who will help you solve any problems that arise with your computer, and if the computer is blocked, what to do when you don’t know.

A completely different situation is the problem when not all computer actions are blocked, but some of its functions, for example, using an Internet browser, accessing anti-virus software, etc. Naturally, it should be noted that the reason for this is also the actions of the virus, however, resolving this problem can become much simpler. Firstly, if the actions of the virus are accompanied by the same requirements for sending an SMS message, then it is enough to go to a number of sites of such antiviruses as Dr.Web and Kaspersky, where there are a number of sections dedicated to the solution similar problem, or rather, you can find out the unlock code for your computer. However, viruses are constantly modified, and therefore it is impossible to say for sure that this or that code helps get rid of the consequences. If you are tired of looking for a way to unlock your computer and are already desperate, then you can always contact our service center“HelpUser”, where you will always be helped with solving a problem when your computer is locked and you don’t know what to do. However, it is worth noting that in any case, you should not fall for the tricks of scammers by sending SMS messages to a specific number, if only because you will not achieve anything with these actions, but will only replenish electronic invoices those who blocked your computer.

The HelpUser company has been repairing and restoring computers for more than ten years, which guarantees a professional approach to any task, regardless of its complexity. If your computer is blocked, you don’t know what to do or what to do, or you don’t want to act at your own peril and risk, then order services computer technician, who will come to your home within a few hours and fix the problem with your personal computer, and at a professional level. Why try to come up with ideas for what happened to the PC? Contact HelpUser and highly qualified specialists will take care of this!

When working on the Internet, you can get a bunch of malicious programs that will not only cause you a lot of inconvenience, but can also completely destroy your PC. Almost every user finds himself in a situation where his computer is blocked, not everyone knows what to do about it. After reading this article to the end, you will know exactly how to behave in such a situation.

Now information Technology have reached such a level that humanity can no longer imagine its life without them. IT has gained recognition in all areas. This is all good, if it weren’t for the “folk craftsmen” who don’t feed them bread, but let them break something.

Considering that large companies are now being hacked, banking systems and other institutions with serious protection, to a simple user It is practically impossible to protect yourself 100% from intruders. None antivirus program, no Firewall can save you from a good hacker. If a person needs to hack your PC, then it’s just a matter of the time it takes to find a “hole” in your system and his desire to do it.

Let's start with the fact that no one can block your computer until you simply allow it yourself. Always be careful what you agree to online. Don’t mindlessly click buttons on pop-up windows and watch what you download. For a virus to end up on your computer, you must put it there yourself by downloading a malicious file.

Let’s say that you nevertheless saw on the screen of your monitor the terrible inscription “Computer is locked!” and as a rule, after this the computer does not boot. What to do in this case?

Most importantly, you must understand that this is all pure fraud. Often these messages accuse you of distributing and viewing various porn files and ask you to pay a fine without “leaving the cash register” via SMS message, after which you will be unblocked. In almost 100% of cases, after transferring money to the specified number, your operating system remains blocked. There is no need to pay any money, it will not help you in solving this problem.

So, the computer won’t boot, what should I do? First of all, try restarting your PC and entering “safe mode” before starting the operating system. This can be done by pressing the "F8" key. After launch " safe mode"You need to restore the last successful operating system configuration. In some cases, this method gives a positive result.

Sometimes you can get out of a situation where your computer is locked by changing the date in the BIOS. To do this, we restart the computer, when rebooting we press the “Delete” key, after which we get to the BIOS settings. Here we need to go to the date settings and change them. After that, save the settings and wait for the system to boot.

if you have Windows LiveCD, then the problem with blocking your computer can be solved with its help. Windows LiveCD is an operating system that runs from any media (disc, flash drive, etc.) and does not require installation. With its help you can access your hard drive, even if your main OS is down.

So, what needs to be done for this? You need to download the Windows LiveCD, this will take a few minutes, after which you need to check your HDD for viruses using an anti-virus program and preferably with fresh databases (old databases may not contain this virus and the scan will not yield results). For this task it would be a good idea to use Dr.Web antivirus; it scans the hard drive quite well. We start scanning our hard drive and wait until it finds malicious files. Once viruses are detected, you need to remove them, after which your blocked OS will be revived and ready for use.

There is another method and in almost all cases it is effective, but to do it you will need another computer and Internet access. If you don’t have one at hand, you’ll have to enlist the help of a friend, or go to the nearest Internet cafe.

What are we talking about? Since this problem is quite relevant (people here really like to climb various “not good” sites), there are specially created sections on antivirus sites in which you can select the code you need and enter it without paying a penny for it. On the Dr.Web antivirus website, this section is located at - https://www.drweb.com/xperf/unlocker/gallery/, and on the Kaspersky antivirus website - http://sms.kaspersky.ru/.

After you have entered this section, you need to find the virus that you caught and get the unlock code. These sections present the messages that these viruses display on the screen in the form of screenshots, we look for the one that interests us and copy the code (you can also search by phone number or wallet number to which you are asked to transfer money). Once you receive the code, you need to enter it on the infected computer. This should remove the block from your computer.

This does not complete the resuscitation session for your computer. The resulting code that you entered only removed the block from your OS, but did not kill the virus that you caught. Therefore, as soon as we have access to our operating system, we install an antivirus, if you don’t have one, update its database and perform a full scan of your computer.

When scanning your hard drive, a normal antivirus will find malicious files that you have picked up (the Dr.Web antivirus program will do an excellent job of this task). As soon as this happens, mercilessly click on the “Delete” button, thereby cleaning your PC from this infection. After full check hard drive and remove all viruses, reboot the computer and enjoy the result.

IN Lately hackers have perfected this type of virus and standard methods fighting them is no longer effective. If changes don't help you BIOS settings, nor using LiveCD, on antivirus sites either necessary information no, the smartest solution would be to reinstall the operating system. If you don’t know how to do this, then follow the release of new blog articles, this will definitely be written about, but in the meantime, contact a wizard who will install the OS. After reinstalling the OS, you also need to scan your computer for viruses!!!

Now, if your computer is blocked, you know what to do in such situations and you will not fill bank accounts and the pockets of scammers with easy money. The main thing to remember is that there are no situations without a way out, the main thing is not to panic when you see the message “Computer is blocked” and understand that this is just a virus that you can get rid of!