How to quickly and inexpensively promote your YouTube channel. YouTube channel promotion: methods and methods of promotion

Previously, the only criterion for ranking videos on YouTube was the total number of views. Many years have passed, and YouTube is now equipped complex algorithm, which evaluates engagement - videos from the largest number views, likes and comments.

  • titles, descriptions, previews;
  • the total amount of time viewers spent watching the video;
  • “like” and “dislike” marks, comments;
  • personal preferences of the user (what people watch and what they don’t).

It sounds simple, but when it comes to promotion, difficulties and failures are inevitable. That's why we've compiled a list practical advice, which will help you promote your channel.

1.Create content that promotes itself

Trite, but inevitable.

You need to analyze your niche and understand what type of content your audience is looking for. If people don’t like your videos, even if you spend thousands of dollars on advertising, they still won’t become popular. Do your research and find popular channels in your niche. See what types of videos are posted there, what people like, what they don't like, and what information is missing. Provide viewers with added value and your content will promote itself. Well, we offer you several ideas for publication to help you.

Interviews, video responses

Interview a renowned expert in your industry. Cool idea and you don't even have to share personal experience. All you have to do is prepare questions and find out more about this person. People will see in the title famous name, and they will definitely click on it.

Reviews, tutorials and walkthroughs

How often do you watch YouTube videos to figure out how to do something? We think often, because video is best way understand how something works. Reviews too cool stuff: compare popular services, gadgets, products, show their advantages and disadvantages.

Entertainment content

Entertainment content is main reason, which is why millions of people visit YouTube every day. However, this does not mean that you need to post the same collections of fails all the time. There are many other ways to entertain your viewers.

2. Optimize your keywords

YouTube is a search engine that helps people find the information they need. So you need to think through keywords. If you have no idea what keywords to add, ask yourself a couple of questions: What is your video about? What do people type into the YouTube search bar to find you? Select keywords and include them in your video. They need to be added to:

  • title;
  • description;
  • graphic files;
  • tags.

Good keywords will also help you attract traffic from Google. If you properly optimize your video, it will get high rating in search engines. You can search for keywords using Google Keyword Planner , focusing on their relevance and volume of use.

3. Catchy title and original previews

When people see a video in related content or search results, they look at your title and preview, immediately deciding whether to click on it or not. The title should be catchy and informative so that people immediately understand what your video is about. Accordingly, the picture should also be appropriate and eye-catching.

How to make a competent preview?

  • Show faces close up.

Faces always attract attention and inspire trust.

  • Choose bright colors

Add a background of bright color to attract the viewer's eye.

  • Combine images with text

You can insert the main idea, joke or additional information. To create a preview, use graphic editor(Photoshop, Crello or any other of your choice).

  • All your designs should be coordinated in style

People will start to recognize your content and watch more of your videos.

4. Use calls to action and end screens

Sometimes calls to action can seem annoying, but they really work. Most people are passive, and to encourage them to take the next step, you need to talk about it directly. This is exactly what the most successful YouTubers do. At the end of your video, ask viewers to like, comment, or subscribe to your channel. Be clear about what you want from people and don't give too many tasks.

An end screen will help you push viewers to the next step. You can show content related to the video or ask them to subscribe to your channel and follow you on social networks.

5. Promote your videos through emails and social media

If you are starting corporate blog on YouTube, then you probably have a huge list email addresses your clients. Next time you create a useful video, tutorial or step by step guide, be sure to share it by email. Your number of views will increase and you will get your first subscribers. Share video content on social media and include a channel link in email signatures.

Try to find as many Facebook groups related to your topic as possible. Be active in such communities, publish your videos - and get huge coverage.

6. Collaborate with other channels

Once you have your first followers, consider collaborating with other bloggers and brands. If you have common goals, you can cross-promote each other on your channels. It is extremely effective and, moreover, free way attracting new subscribers. However, avoid advertising: interview each other, take part in challenges - everything should look as natural as possible.

7. Use advertising

YouTube has some great ones. promotional offers, which allow you to increase the number of views. However, YouTube advertising is not cheap, so you need to plan your campaign carefully. Already the first seconds of your video should attract the attention of the audience and encourage them to watch further. YouTube targeting options allow you to reach specific audiences based on interests, age, or gender.

8. Be active

Try to publish materials regularly - the more videos on your channel, the more people will watch them. Make a content plan and publish videos according to it. You can post videos on certain days of the week - this will help subscribers understand what materials to expect from you and when.

If you have just created a channel on YouTube and started promoting it, know that you have done right choice. Video is one of the main trends and is only becoming more popular every year. YouTube is a very powerful social network with fantastic features, so make the most of it.

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I warmly welcome everyone! My name is Oleg Lyutov. In this article, I will reveal the following topic for you: “ How to promote a video on YouTube for free?».

It will be described here step by step instructions and tricks that will help you increase the rating of your video on YouTube. Yes, there are many articles and videos that reveal this topic, but I will share with you exactly my tactics and tips for promoting on YouTube. So let's get started.

How to promote a video on YouTube - 7 tips

1. Why YouTube?

YouTube is the largest and most popular platform. We are only used to watching videos. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Every day, any video uploaded to the network can instantly reach the top.

The fact is that you can release just one video (further ones may not be as interesting as the first, however, the audience will not decrease from this), and capture a large audience. And those who were able to do this are not only popular, but also have a chance to earn money (advertising). Therefore YouTube is your launching pad.

Let's assume you already have footage. Now your task is to make candy out of it. To do this, the video must have a semantic load equal to one keyword. This is the word that will determine the topic of the video. It is best to shoot videos prepared in advance before filming the story.

There are two opinions about keyword promotion. Some believe that you need to make videos only through existing popular ones (based on them). Others, on the contrary, say that it is necessary to take only fresh and interesting material, which no one has.

But, you should try yourself in two options, so as not to miss. Completing this task is fundamental to promoting your video on YouTube.

3. Tag features

The first is the video title (tag). These are exactly the keywords that will help your video get to the top. A small tip: since the videos are released very often, and the names are repeated very often, you should use various types symbols, for example: !, ", @, #, $, &.

This is done for the following reasons: many videos repeat each other’s names, which has a detrimental effect on promotion. And in order to avoid this, we will use symbols. In order to check the uniqueness of the name, let's turn to Yandex " choice of words" Let's remember it and move on to next point.

4. Uploading a video to YouTube

The fastest (depending on Internet speed) step.

So, in order to upload a video, you must have an account on YouTube. Let's assume you have it. So, in the top right corner there will be a " download" Click and go to the menu, where we select the item select. Next, select the video, and while it is downloading, you need to fill in the fields: title, description, tag.

In the title we add a coined phrase (according to point 3), in the description we describe summary, and in the tag (sections) field we enter the names of those sections that fit the video. After the download is complete, click ready. Video on the web.

One more trick: To give your video more chances, you should use all the tags that are more popular in descending order.

Don’t forget about the preview image that will be displayed on the video. Remember that beautiful picture always attracts viewers.

5. Video promotion through social networks

First, like the video (yes, it may seem strange, but still). Next, you should post this video on your wall in all social networks. networks in which you are (the more, the better). Don't forget about your friends. This feature is called " word of mouth" This is when you send to friends, they send to all their friends, they send to theirs, and so on.

6. How to properly promote a video using spam

Spam can be very annoying. But what if we made it work for us? There are two options for promoting a video: paid and free. Paid method: advertising popular groups, channels, communities, people. They can charge a huge price, so we discard this method. Free is spam.

For promotion you can use not only the above diagram, but also to fill all possible groups, for example, VKontakte. To do this, open all the groups suitable for the video and upload them there: either in the column to suggest news, or in the comments under the first posts. Use all groups, don't be lazy.

7. Website in Google and Yandex search engines

Creating a website can be a very good step. So, you will increase your chances several times. Those who search for information using a search engine will come across your site, and through it, your video. In one of my articles I already wrote about <== обязательно прочтите , there are also a lot of chips that I burned.

You can simply add a link to your video uploaded on YouTube to the search engine for faster indexing - this is important for temporary videos, for example, marked urgently. I explained how to do this in my video tutorial on the topic: “ ».

Let's summarize the results of promoting the video on the Internet

If you did everything correctly, then believe me, this will give you a good start. I’ll say right away that don’t expect instant results. Give your video time to hang. Repeat points 5 and 6 at least once a week to increase your audience. Don't stop at one video.

That's all I have for today. See you again in articles and videos!

“I want to tell you what and how you need to do to make your channel successful in the future. Today I will give you instructions on how to how to promote a channel for freeYouTube And how to gain subscribers to your channel.

I would like to make a reservation right away: for those who value personal time very much, or simply don’t have it, there is also a way out. Do you need views, likes, comments under the video, subscribers to the channel, all this without labor costs and in the shortest possible time? The promotion and promotion service will help you - Soclike. Only effective methods, democratic prices and, of course, complete confidentiality of cooperation.

I won’t talk about how to create a channel on YouTube and design it beautifully, there’s simply no point in repeating yourself, it’s better to watch a video tutorial about this from Evgeny Popov (link is at the end of the article).

So, how can you gain subscribers on YouTube for free?

  1. Using annotations in videos.
  2. The call to subscribe is in the video itself.
  3. Friendly recommendations.
  4. Personal invitations.
  5. The “I can’t live without you” method.
  6. Commenting in other channels.

And now more details about each method.

  1. Video annotations

Using annotations in the video itself increases subscriber conversion on your YouTube channel. This is a fact. Annotations are used by many advanced YouTubers.

Annotation is a clickable message that appears in the video itself and contains some message for the viewer, for example:

"Subscribe for new videos, click here"

“Subscribe to new videos and be the first”

Annotations are added in your YouTube channel in the Video Manager section.

  1. The call to subscribe is in the video itself.

The essence of the method is that in the video itself you should encourage people to subscribe to your YouTube channel. For example, at the beginning of the video (and this is important, because not everyone makes it to the end of the video) you say the following:

“Good afternoon my dear viewers. Today I will talk about so-and-so. And before I start my story, I will share useful information, please subscribe to my channel if you have not already subscribed. To do this, click on this button (you show with your hand where the button is and then insert an annotation in this place).”

Read also: How to make a video from photos for free in 1 minute

This feature works very well.

I also recommend inserting a special frame at the end of the video in which you ask, “Did you like the lesson? Click “I like it!” and indicate where the button is located. This helps promote and promote your video on YouTube.

There are many different channels on YouTube, and you can negotiate with several of them for mutual recommendations. To do this, on your channel in the “Friends” or “Interesting” section (the section can be called differently, you choose its name yourself), you put links to these channels, in response they put a link to your channel. Naturally, you need to access channels with approximately your traffic, because... promoted channels are unlikely to pay attention to you, unless of course they are your friends.

  1. Personal invitations

This is probably the most difficult and tedious, but effective and free way to attract subscribers for a young YouTube channel. In this way, you can literally gain 200-300 subscribers in just 1-2 weeks. To achieve this result, you should send 40-50 personal invitations to registered YouTube users every day. You shouldn’t send more than 50 per day, otherwise YouTube will consider you a spammer and block your account.

How to do this?

There is nothing complicated, it’s done like this. Enter your keyword into YouTube search, select channels with the largest number of subscribers.

Open the most popular videos in these channels and look below the video to see who commented.

“Hi Ivan, come to our channel, we have a lot of videos on the topic... Thank you.”

In the subject of the message, indicate: “I invite you to visit my channel.”

You can also attach your video to your personal message.

  1. Method “I can’t live without you”

The essence of the method is to constantly provide such high-quality interesting and useful information that a person simply cannot help but subscribe.

This is of course difficult, requires experience and will not work right away. But when you come to this, the result will not be long in coming. It is thanks to this attachment that most promoted YouTube channels exist.

  1. Commenting in other channels

This method is quite simple and effective. You also find popular videos on your topic with a lot of views and post your comments under them. At the same time, anyone who reads the comments can click on your name and get to your channel. Therefore, write interesting comments to interest and make people want to click on your name and see what else interesting you have on your channel.

Read also: New YouTube features

Now YouTube has the ability to add video responses in addition to simple comments. Be sure to use this opportunity.

How to promote a channel on YouTube?

Any promotion on the Internet is preceded by technical preparation. The result of promotion will depend on how correctly you prepared your video.

How to prepare a video for promotion on YouTube:

  1. The MP4 format is best suited for posting on YouTube. If it is not possible to save your video in mp4 format, use AVI, FLV format.
  2. You don’t just come up with a title for your video “anyhow” - find keywords that correspond to the topic of your video and use these keywords in the title, and try to include the keyword 2 times! Add a description in English to the title as well. But remember, the title should not be too long, otherwise it will not be displayed in its entirety, only the beginning of the title will appear.
  1. Before uploading a file to YouTube, we include a keyword in its name, and it must be in Russian, for example:



If you don’t know how to change the name of a video file, just move the mouse cursor over the desired file, press the right button, select the “Rename” command from the menu that appears and enter the new file name. OK?

  1. After uploading a video to YouTube, in the “Video Manager” you indicate the keywords in the tags. more topics better, but don't overdo it. How do you know when it's too much? Watch videos of your competitors who are in the TOP 10 for your keyword phrase, how many keywords do they have in their tags?
  2. Next, create a description for your video. The description should be long enough (search engines love a lot of content) and should contain your keyword. The longer the description, the better, let it be at least 500 characters or more.
  3. Another trick is to use a temporary route in the description. In other words, if you can conditionally distinguish several plots in your video (for example, introduction, main, addition, conclusion, etc.), note the start time of each plot (for example, 0:00, 0:45, 2:33, etc. .p.) and indicate this in the description. For example like this:

AdWords video advertising campaign can help you increase the number of views and attract new subscribers to your channel. You can create ads that appear before the video or next to the video (on the YouTube watch page).

Your job is to prepare your ads, set your budget, and use marketing tools to target the right consumer group.

There is no limit to campaign costs - you can pay as much as you want. You can change your ad, targeting and budget settings at any time. In addition, you can end the campaign at any time.

Prepare interesting ads with a call to action

Video on YouTube It's best to promote with unique ads that will inspire viewers and let them get to know your channel.

Here are some useful strategies:

  • Advertising should be short. Try to keep it within 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Show audiences what your films are about. For advertising, you can take clippings from your most popular films. Remember that your ad should resemble the rest of your materials.
  • Try to make the most of the first five seconds. After this time, viewers will be able to skip all the ads, so you must use this time creatively to convince them to watch the rest of the ad.
  • . A call to action is a marketing term. It refers to messages that clearly tell the viewer what they should do. If the text is not clear, then the viewer may not click and subscribe to the channel, even if he likes the advertisement. Remember to use in your ads clear calls to action, for example, “Click and subscribe to our channel” or “Watch more offers from channel X.” Use tips to help you place an effective call to action in your video.
  • Give the viewer some time to act. If your film is extremely entertaining, the viewer may not realize that within a minute they will lose the chance to click on an important link. When the commercial ends, the viewer will move on to watch something else, so at least the last ten seconds of the film should give them a chance to perform the action. For example, you can insert static calls to action into your ad.
  • Give your ad a name that your audience will like.. Take some time to think about it, because it won't just be visible in your dashboard - viewers will see it too. “Advertise my channel” is probably not a good idea. If you give your ad a title in the style of “Subscribe to my channel,” then this title will be an additional call to action.
  • Place an ad on the channel you are going to promote. Upload it there as a public domain movie.

Take full advantage of TrueView formats

Paid channel promotion using AdWords for video allows you to use several YouTube-specific ad formats that are known for their quality. TrueView advertising.

To begin, answer the questions about how you are going to pay for ads, what types of ad formats you have, and how you want to attract viewers to your channel. Once you choose a format that will meet your goals, create an advertising campaign.

TrueView In-Stream Ads reminiscent of commercials - played before the film from which its creator makes money. Specially prepared advertising clips are ideal for this format.

After five seconds of viewing such an advertisement, viewers are able to skip ads. This format allows you to calculate the cost of full views. You only pay when the viewer watches the ad for at least 30 seconds.

  • As a TrueView In-Stream advertisement, you can use a video in which you can explain to the viewer why they should watch your channel.
  • If you want to make fuller use of your new TrueView In-Stream ad, you can post it on your channel as an official trailer (video intro).

TrueView In-Display Ads appear on YouTube watch pages as thumbnails and text. Displayed to the right of suggested and recommended movies.

This format allows you to calculate the cost of views. You only pay when a user clicks on your ad and starts watching your video on the watch page. In-Display ads are ideal for promoting channel videos.

However, if you decide to use this format, make sure your videos are optimized accordingly:

  • Use annotations to indicate additional materials: Annotations can encourage viewers to jump to playlists or other movies.
  • Create an attractive thumbnail: Use a prominent, interesting, and original thumbnail to encourage users to click through to your video.
  • Use calls to action: Make sure the movie you're promoting encourages viewers to subscribe to the channel, watch new movies, or take other actions.

How to reach a new audience

Paid advertising with AdWords for video can be a great option for developers who have trouble building a community. It allows you to attract new viewers to your channel through appropriate ad management.

Several methods available advertising targeting:

  • Placement targeting– ads appear on other channels where viewers may find your video interesting. Start by identifying the channels whose audience you want to reach. Then add them as a destination in your campaign settings.
  • Interest Categories Targeting– allows you to reach viewers who have interests in accordance with the channel profile. For example, if you have a channel with cooking tutorials, it might be worth targeting your ads to viewers who are interested in the topic of food. Start by identifying which topics your audience might be interested in, and then add relevant categories to your campaign targeting settings.

Ask viewers to subscribe

Despite many video views, few people subscribe to your channel? AdWords has a video feature available. remarketing video, which allows you to show specially prepared advertisements to those viewers who have already become acquainted with your materials, but have not yet subscribed to the channel.

Collaborate with another channel

Are you currently collaborating with any YouTube channel or taking advantage of mutual film promotion opportunities? If yes, then use the function remarketing in Adwords for video, you can easily target your ads to the audience of your partners' channels.

Owners of affiliate channels will have to link your YouTube account to your AdWords account.

  • Select your AdWords video campaign targeting options:
    • Create a remarketing list that will include all viewers or subscribers of the channel working with you.
    • Create a list of your current subscribers.
    • Then create a list of all the viewers or subscribers of a live channel who have not subscribed to your channel.
  • Create ads that will be used for cross-promotion within the campaign:
    • Prepare an In-Stream ad or channel trailer that features both channels.
    • Explain why the audience of the second channel may be interested in your materials.
    • Don't forget to add a call to subscribe to your ad.

Use playlist URLs and subscription pages

Remember that it is important to choose an address that will fully correspond to the goals of the campaign:

  • Attracting new subscribers: If the goal of In-Stream advertising is to increase the number of subscribers on the channel, it is worth targeting them to the subscription page. For the destination URL, enter:[insert your channel here].
  • Increase the number of views of certain videos: If you want selected movies to be watched more often (for example, to generate more income), refer viewers to specific videos in the playlist(not on the viewing site). For the destination URL, enter:

Greetings, dear friends. Today, every Internet user would like to become popular and... One of the ways to make money on the Internet at home is through media networks.

Youtube has remained the most popular video service for many years. Over the course of its existence, it has collected millions of videos on a wide variety of topics - from video clips of famous performers and feature films to videos from family holidays.

What a video is, what quality it is and what information it carries directly determines its popularity among YouTube users - the number of views, likes and downloads. Many newbie bloggers are interested in the question of how to promote a channel on YouTube in order to get those same views and likes for each video?

YouTube Basics

Before considering promotion methods, let’s understand the principles of the service and the popularization of videos on it:

  • A channel that does not provide any useful information is doomed to failure. Even if you want to use YouTube exclusively or trade, a video that talks about the amazing properties of a product or a video with a link and description of a store is unlikely to be watched to the end. This information can be found on the website, and YouTube is designed to convey information that is more appropriate in video format. So, if you have a travel agency, the YouTube channel can be used to show a particular country, city, region, but not to talk about where your office is located and what cheap trips you have.
  • A channel with interesting videos is doomed to success. It doesn’t matter how well you understand promotion methods, what ways you advertise your channel and how many people you tell about your videos - if you post interesting videos, subscribers and likes will pour in on their own.

How to promote a channel on YouTube: free ways

The main rule when promoting a channel is to post only videos that are interesting and useful to viewers. But besides this, there are several more ways to make your videos popular:

  • Think about the theme of the channel in advance. If you have a channel about travel, then you shouldn’t add videos, for example, about fashion, even occasionally. Most of your subscribers are interested in travel videos, and content on another topic that has nothing in common with the stated one is unlikely to be appreciated by viewers. Try to make videos on the chosen topic, but not the same type, so that the audience does not lose interest.

  • Choose a topic for your channel that is one of the most popular. News and educational videos, videos about celebrities, sports, and fashion are in demand on YouTube.
  • Optimize your video title well. To do this, you need to pay attention to several points:

We make a description in the optimal number of characters – from 500;

We select keywords and use them in the description;

We do not write tags in the description.

  • Another answer to the question of how to promote a channel on YouTube -
  • write tags. Proper tag optimization will provide more targeted views for your videos. To do this:

We use all 500 characters allocated for tags;

First of all, we write less competitive tags, which are often repeated by bloggers, and then more competitive ones;

We use keywords from the video description in tags;

We try to write without errors. You can use special services or just Word;

We check tags for old videos and, if necessary, rewrite them or correct them.

  • An effective promotion method is to use other services to advertise your YouTube channel. To do this, place links to videos or channels on social networks and other sites. It is not a fact that all those who see the links will follow them, but there is a high probability that a certain percentage of visitors to a website or page on a social network will find the video useful in its description and watch it.

  • Share your videos on social networks and groups. If not everyone reacts unambiguously to the links, immediately perceiving them as advertising, then the reaction to the videos themselves is the opposite. Users who watch them and become interested can themselves ask for a link to your other videos, or follow the link to your channel if it is listed under the video.

  • Watch videos from popular bloggers and borrow the best ideas for your channel. But don't shoot the same thing. Even if your video turned out no worse, it is unlikely to be appreciated and considered plagiarism. It’s better to add something of your own to the borrowed idea, try to make your video not just no worse, but better.
  • Make video responses to other videos. To do this, take videos of the most popular bloggers and continue their thoughts or express your opinion on the issue raised. At the same time, you should not speak harshly to another blogger, even if you do not agree with his opinion.
    A similar video of yours will be shown in search results after the user watches the video to which you made a video response.
  • Add as many videos as possible to your channel. If you have one good idea, you can make it into 2 or 3 videos, thereby ensuring both frequent updates and interest in your channel. Users who like the first video will definitely want to watch the next ones, which means they will subscribe to your channel.
  • Don't be shy about encouraging the viewer to take action. It is possible that he liked the video, but did not think to like it or forgot. Remind him of this with the words “if you liked this video, give it a like”, “if you are interested in this idea and want to watch the next video in a similar format, subscribe to my channel.”
  • Make joint videos with other bloggers. When showing the video, they will definitely indicate a link to your channel, thereby providing you with new subscribers if your video is actually useful and interesting. Identical videos from several bloggers by agreement are also popular. In this case, you provide a link to other bloggers, and they, in turn, link to you, which allows the video to not look like plagiarism of someone else’s idea.
  • Be relevant. You shouldn’t try to interest your viewers in a video on a topic that has long exhausted itself and no longer interests anyone. Study fashion trends on YouTube and focus on them. It’s stupid to review a Russian beach resort in winter or a fall-winter collection show in spring.
  • Connect with your viewers. Don't ignore the questions they ask underneath the videos unless they have a negative connotation. It is also effective to communicate with viewers in the videos themselves by asking them to express their opinions in the comments and even making separate videos with answers to frequently asked questions.

  • Listen to the opinions of the audience. They often give really great ideas for next videos. Try to film about what is interesting to viewers, but without deviating too much from the theme of the channel.

How to promote a channel on YouTube: paid methods

If free promotion methods do not help you or you want to advertise your channel in a short time, you can use paid services:

Do paid advertising for your channel. To do this, negotiate with other bloggers, popular pages on social networks, so that they mention your channel in their videos, under them and on their pages. Accounts with a large number of subscribers can attract a significant percentage of new viewers to your channel.

A promotion method that guarantees at least dozens of subscribers is to sponsor a competition on a blogger’s channel with a large audience. The essence of the method is to use joint financial efforts with the channel owner to purchase a prize for the winner of the competition. In return, the latter indicates a subscription to your channel as a prerequisite, among others, for participation in the competition.

Order viral videos. This is one of the most effective ways and most popular tips when asked how to promote a YouTube channel. Viral videos spread throughout the site in a short time and gain thousands of views. At the same time, users themselves send a link to it to their friends. With the help of viral advertising you can:

  • at times increase channel traffic and the number of views and other videos;
  • ensure your recognition among a wide range of YouTube users.

Order promotion from specialists. Special services offer to gain a certain number of subscribers, views and likes for a certain fee. You can choose from two options - a set of live subscribers or bots. The first option is more expensive, since real people may become interested in your channel and start liking and commenting on their own, while bots will simply increase the number of subscribers.

I hope the material was useful and you will subscribe to the blog newsletter. Best wishes.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.