How to quickly get a formal WebMoney certificate. How to get a formal Webmoney certificate

Must have formal certificate. It makes it possible to create wallets, withdraw and transfer funds and perform other operations. To get even more features, you must already have personal certificate. All this is done quite simply and quickly. Just get ready to reveal yourself right away. confidential information– passport data, identification code, etc.

How to get a formal or personal WebMoney certificate

Before we look at the procedures for obtaining these two types of certificates, we will list what opportunities each of them provides. So, a formal certificate allows you to next steps:

  • replenish any of the wallets using a bank transfer;
  • withdraw funds by bank transfer, money transfer or to a specially issued Internet card;
  • use the Merchant WebMoney Transfer system for automation money transfers(albeit in a somewhat shortened version);
  • use currency;
  • use hidden functions Exchanger service and much more.

As for the personal certificate, its owners have the following privileges:

  • full use Merchant WebMoney systems;
  • using a credit exchange to issue and receive loans;
  • using the Capitaller service to work with budget machines;
  • using the Megastock service for trading;
  • obtaining the opportunity to become a WebMoney employee - to participate in the work of the Certification Center and become a system consultant;
  • full use of arbitration – filing claims in any quantity.

Obtaining a formal certificate

To receive a formal certificate, you must provide your passport details and send a scanned copy of your passport. This is done as follows:

  1. Go to the Certification Center website and log in there. This is done in exactly the same way as in Keeper Standard. After this, you will see all the available information about yourself. Click on the pencil icon next to the “ Passport details" This way you will be taken to the page for changing this data.

2. Enter all required information on next page. Entering personal data is divided into two blocks. After specifying the information in each block, click the " Continue entering data»

3. It is important that next to each field there is a check mark next to the inscription “ don't show" Thanks to this, other users will not see the data you entered. After you have provided all the required data, some time will pass until WebMoney employees check it. Verification takes place using state registers. When it is completed, you will receive a corresponding notification in Keeper. After this, go to the Certification Center website again and click on the inscription “ Download new document " in the section "".

4. Now upload a scanned copy of the first page of your passport. It is important that the series and number are clearly visible on it. Then, again, you need to wait for verification. If the check will pass successful, you automatically receive a formal certificate.

In some cases, WebMoney employees require you to provide a scanned copy of other pages of your passport and a certificate of TIN. In any case, log into your WebMoney Keeper and the Certification Center website from time to time. There you may be notified about the process of obtaining a certificate.

Citizens Russian Federation have the opportunity to obtain a formal certificate using the State Services website. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. On the State Services website, enter all the required data and receive a standard account. Log in to the WebMoney Certification Center website. There you will be offered an offer to obtain a formal certificate. Click on the button Login using».

2. Log in to the State Services website if you have not done so before. Click on the button Provide" Thus, you agree that the WebMoney system will be able to access your data on

Video How to get a formal WebMoney certificate

How to get a personal WebMoney passport

Completing an application and receiving a personal WebMoney certificate takes approximately seven days. To do this, you need to perform the following chain of actions:

  1. We go to our page.
  2. Find the item “Obtain a new certificate”, under it click “Get a personal certificate”

    We find a representative of the certification center to hand over the documents. To others in a suitable way how to quickly get a personal one WebMoney certificate, V in this case Documents will be sent by mail. They should be sent to the Registrar with an envelope symbol.

    We open the certification documents. We fill out the application for a WMT service certificate applicant. For Russian citizens, it is better to choose an application with a barcode, which will save time on filling out.

    It will be more convenient to download the application, fill it out and print it out. The fields in which you need to enter information are signed, so there will be no difficulties. In the “Passport number” section you must also indicate the series; the individual number can be viewed in Keeper. It should also be noted that data such as full name, date and signature are entered in the presence of a notary, so it is better to leave these fields blank.

    Next steps performed by a notary. You will need an application and a passport.

    Making copies of your passport: home page and with registration.

    We collect documents and send them by mail.

Subsequently, you will receive an email confirming that your application has been approved.

Important: do not waste your time trying to answer the question of how to get a personal WebMoney passport for free - its registration is designed for professionals and is carried out only on a paid basis.

Video How to get a personal WebMoney passport

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Hi all! In this post I want to tell you about and confirm it, as well as how I received Webmoney(WebMoney) in Ukraine.

How to get a formal Webmoney certificate (Webmoney)

When you register in the WebMoney system, your WMID (12-digit identifier) ​​is automatically issued an alias certificate. In this case, your data will not be checked by anyone. The pseudonym certificate was most likely created for informational purposes, since most financial transactions it is limited. Therefore, immediately after registering with Webmoney, I advise you to obtain a formal certificate, which can also be obtained for free. With it, you can replenish your electronic wallets by bank transfer, in cash through money transfer systems and through special payment terminals, by postal order, use the services of exchange sites electronic currencies, withdraw money to your bank card, etc. Personally, for the first 2 years I was completely satisfied with all the functions of a formal certificate (during this time I managed to do a little blogging).

So, to get a “formal certificate” of WebMoney, log in to this page:

In the window that appears, click on the “Get a formal certificate” button and fill out all the fields. note that All fields must be filled in with correct data taken from your passport, otherwise in the future you may have problems when obtaining a personal certificate. And besides, if you hide your personal data, then no one will see it (to do this, you need to tick the required fields). Here is a list of the most popular mistakes when filling out a questionnaire:

  1. The fields with your full name must be filled out in Russian (this also applies to citizens of Ukraine, Belarus, etc.). If you accidentally made a mistake in one of these fields (missed a letter, filled in the wrong capital letters, wrote your full name in Latin), contact Webmoney Passport (), asking you to edit the required fields. The section “Issued by” must also be filled out in Russian.
  2. Be sure to fill out the fields “City” permanent registration" and "Permanent registration address." If, for example, you live in the village of Ivanovo, Kyiv region, then look for your village in the list, and not the city of Kyiv. If your locality is not in the Webmoney Passport database, then first you need to wait until it is added, and only then continue the procedure of filling out the form.

Check all filled fields again and click on the save button.

Congratulations, you have a formal WebMoney certificate :)! Now you can top up your e-wallets and make money transfers. All that remains is to remove the restriction on working with online exchangers. To do this, you need to document your WMID. Take a photo or scan all significant pages of your passport (and Russian residents also need to make a copy of their TIN) and send them to this address:

After some time, you will receive confirmation by e-mail that the documents have been successfully verified.

How to get a personal Webmoney passport (Webmoney)

The first time I thought about the need to obtain a personal passport was when my friend’s Webmoney was blocked because he exceeded the established limit on financial transactions for a formal passport. After a while, Sergei, the author of the blog, had the same unpleasant surprise (read what webmoney blocking entails). Here you can familiarize yourself with all transaction limits for all types of certificates. Personally, I didn't really want my WMID to be blocked one day because I accidentally exceeded the daily limit :).

Another advantage of a personal certificate is that it can be used to obtain a seller’s certificate, which will allow you to automate the reception cash on your blog (website) using the Merchant Webmoney Transfer service. In general, if you plan to continue to engage in online business, then you simply must purchase a personal certificate, since it provides a lot of opportunities to its owner (read about all the privileges).

Well, now I will tell you about how I received a personal certificate in Ukraine.

1. You won’t believe it, but the hardest thing for me in obtaining a personal certificate... was to overcome my laziness: you need to get your F off the computer, find a notary, go through the moments with all this paperwork... In general, you have to overcome yourself and firmly decide that you need a personal certificate!

2. I checked the correctness of the entered data in the WebMoney form (read above!). It turned out that I accidentally made a mistake when I was filling out a formal certificate for myself 2 years ago, fortunately I corrected it in time.

3. If you are not verified mobile phone, do it .

4. Went into , clicked on the link “Get a personal certificate”.

5. After this, a page with lists of attesters opened. If you find a person from your own or a neighboring city on this list, then you are very lucky: you can meet this attester in person and give him necessary documents. I was less fortunate, so I chose an attester to whom I could send the documents by mail. In the list of attesters they are indicated by this sign:

Since I live in Ukraine, the letter should be sent not to Moscow, but to Kyiv (that’s what the WebMoney administration told me). The application for the certificate cost me 35WMZ. You must pay for the certificate before sending the documents!

6. We go to this section and download the application of the applicant for the Webmoney Transfer system certificate (citizens of Ukraine need to download the document in Ukrainian!). I advise you to download the application without the barcode, since the notary will still cut it out of the document:

At home, I just filled out the line in which I needed to enter my WMID, and at the notary I filled out the remaining fields (although, as it turned out later, I could safely fill out all the fields except the date and signature).

7. I took this statement to a notary and verified the signature underneath(please note that you should not say “certify my statement”, but “certify my signature on the application”!). The notary will transfer it to his special form and ask you to sign it. Under no circumstances should your WMID number be cut out from the form! Notary services will cost you 130-150 UAH (about 20WMZ)

The most important - do not forget to take his business card from the notary or simply write down his full name and phone number on a blank piece of paper.

8. Made photocopies of all significant pages of the passport and a copy of the TIN. These copies must be life-size. These copies do not need to be notarized

9. Enclosed in the envelope photocopies of the passport and TIN, a piece of paper on which the full name and telephone number of the notary were written, original form, certified by a notary, and sent it all by registered mail at the address: 02125, Kiev, PO Box 40, Senchenko Nikita Evgenievich

After 6 days, I received the following message in my keeper and email:

Your application for a WebMoney certificate has been approved. To view your certificate, open the page

Finally! I have a personal certificate :)!

I found this video on the Webmoney website. It describes all the stages of obtaining a formal and personal certificate, which I wrote about above:

I hope this article was useful to you, and now you can easily get how formal, so .

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To perform all basic operations in the WebMoney system, you must have a formal certificate. It makes it possible to create wallets, withdraw and transfer funds and perform other operations. To get even more opportunities, you must already have a personal certificate. All this is done quite simply and quickly. Just be prepared to reveal confidential information about yourself - passport data, identification code, etc.

Before we look at the procedures for obtaining these two types of certificates, we will list what opportunities each of them provides. So, a formal certificate allows you to do the following:

  • replenish any of the wallets using a bank transfer;
  • withdraw funds by bank transfer, money transfer or to a specially issued Internet card;
  • use the Merchant WebMoney Transfer system to automate money transfers (albeit in a somewhat shortened version);
  • use WMX currency (Bitcoin);
  • use hidden functions of the Exchanger service and much more.

As for the personal certificate, its owners have the following privileges:

  • full use of the Merchant WebMoney system;
  • using a credit exchange to issue and receive loans;
  • using the Capitaller service to work with budget machines;
  • using the Megastock service for trading;
  • obtaining the opportunity to become a WebMoney employee - to participate in the work of the Certification Center and become a system consultant;
  • full use of arbitration – filing claims in any quantity.

For more information about what opportunities each certificate provides, read the lesson on using the WebMoney system, in the section about certificates.

Now let's look at the entire path to obtaining formal and personal certificates step by step.

Step 1: Obtaining a Formal Certificate

To receive a formal certificate, you must provide your passport details and send a scanned copy of your passport. This is done as follows:

In some cases, WebMoney employees require you to provide a scanned copy of other pages of your passport and a certificate of TIN. In any case, log into your WebMoney Keeper and the Certification Center website from time to time. There you may be notified about the process of obtaining a certificate.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to obtain a formal certificate using. To do this you need to do the following:

Step 2: Obtaining a personal certificate

As you can see, obtaining a formal and personal certificate is quite simple. True, you will have to pay for the second one. Typically, the cost of issuing a personal certificate is no more than $30 (WMZ). And not in all cases it makes sense to receive it.


The very first certificate in the WebMoney system is the pseudonym certificate. It is issued automatically upon creation, after filling out all the necessary registration data - full name, address, e-mail, . Thus, all participants in the system are automatically certified, but one cannot guarantee the veracity of the data - all information is entered by the user and is not verified. An alias certificate is issued.

The next step is a formal certificate. In addition to the information specified during registration, the user also fills in his passport information (passport number, who issued it, date of birth, etc.) on the WebMoney Passport website. Such a certificate also causes little trust, since the information is not verified and the user may intentionally fill out the data form. This certificate itself is needed in order to authorize the user to carry out financial transactions - depositing and withdrawing money, as well as exchange. By providing the correct passport information, the user will be able to use the services of guarantors and cash issuing points, while without a formal certificate, he will only be able to replenish his wallet and pay for services. The formal certificate is issued free of charge.

The next step is the initial certificate. Unlike previous options, your personal information is verified. You can get it in two ways: meet in person with an authorized “Personalizer” or upload a scan of your passport to the website. In the first case, you need to make a payment ($1) and select a personalizer that is convenient for you from the list. You will have to meet him in person and present your passport. If there is no personalizer in your area or you do not have time for a personal meeting, then you can use the second option. To do this, you need to go to the WebMoney money transfer section and select one of three money transfer systems: Unistream, Contact and Anelik. Then upload a scan of your passport, then accept the receipt agreement initial certificate.

If you are running a business related to using WebMoney– you receive payment for goods/services, etc., then you need a personal certificate. It gives access to almost all functions of the system, and also simplifies the procedure for restoring WMID in case of loss and protects against unfounded claims and blocking. To obtain a personal certificate, you need to come to the registrar's office for a personal conversation. You will be asked various questions, for example about how you withdrew, which bank you worked with, etc. Then your documents will be scanned, and you will pay the cost of the service - on average 10-15 $ (depending on the registrar you choose). In a couple of days you will be assigned a personal certificate. If there is no registrar's office in your area, you can send notarized copies of documents by registered mail.

Please note

If you do not have a personal passport and large sums are detected passing through your wallet, it may be blocked until the circumstances are clarified.

Useful advice

Upon receipt of the initial certificate, you will be able to connect the Alpha Click system to your wallet, which will allow you to transfer money to the card without leaving home.

The payment system is very popular these days, and many Internet users have already acquired a virtual wallet. In order to be able to accept funds in automatic mode V Webmoney system, you need to obtain a Webmoney certificate (the so-called seller certificate). Merchant certification allows you to use specialized interfaces, thanks to which you can accept funds automatically.

In principle, it is not difficult to obtain such a certificate - it is assigned to Webmoney Transfer participants, completely after fulfilling several simple conditions. The main condition is the preliminary receipt of a personal certificate - it is issued by one of the Registrars. The cost of a personal certificate, on the basis of which you can obtain a seller’s certificate, starts from 5 WMZ. After receiving such a certificate, the participant has the right to take part in the work of the credit exchange, create budget machines, take part in various affiliate programs, create trading platforms etc. If you have become the owner of a personal certificate, in order to obtain a seller’s certificate, you should register a site for accepting Webmoney in the specialized MegaStock catalog. What does the algorithm for obtaining a seller’s certificate look like in practice?

In this article we'll talk on how to obtain a formal WebMoney certificate online. For identification and differentiation certain groups users on WM uses a system for issuing certificates. Each new client is automatically assigned a pseudonym certificate, which only allows them to top up their wallet with a small amount and make payments online. To withdraw funds from your wallet, you need the next certificate in status - formal.

What is it

Let's figure out what a formal certificate is in WebMoney. Essentially this is electronic document user. To receive it, a scanned copy of your passport (using a foreign passport is not allowed) must be uploaded to the website. There is no need for a personal visit to the authorized registrar. With financial restrictions provided for this status, can be found on the page.

The holder of the formal status of a system participant enjoys a minimum level of trust from other users, since a formal WebMoney certificate is something that can be used by fraudsters. Attackers can provide someone else's passport information and then conduct illegal activities on the Internet - for example, cashing out proceeds of crime.

How to get

You can obtain a formal WebMoney passport for free by preparing a scanned copy of your passport in advance. To do this you need:

The electronic document will be provided after verification of the entered information by WM representatives, the results of which will be reported by email.

On various forums people are often interested in how to make a formal certificate in WebMoney based on their other documents - for example, a driver's license. However, according to the internal policy of WM Transfer, this procedure cannot be completed without presenting a copy of the main document, but you can allow the system to take your data on the State Services portal. All personal information provided will remain closed to other participants in the system.

Next, we’ll figure out how to get a formal WebMoney certificate without a passport by using the portal This method implies that the user’s passport data has already been verified by the portal administration and account the status is assigned to Confirmed.

In this case, the information previously submitted to the State Services portal can be used to obtain a formal status on WM and not upload scans of documents into the system. You just need to click the “Log in using” button.

The system will take you to the portal website where you need to log in, click “Provide” under the list of information requested by the PS, return to the WM page and complete the operation.

transfers from other participants in the system are popular with new users exploring the capabilities of the system, and with freelancers to whom fees are transferred to WM accounts. To conduct commercial activities and obtain loans, a higher status as a WM Transfer participant is required.

How to get a formal WebMoney certificate: Video