How to change the name in Odnoklassniki and add symbols? How to change personal data in Odnoklassniki.

Did you know that on the social network VKontakte for some time now you cannot change your first and last name without moderation? Yes, yes, recently I wanted to add one letter to my last name (purely for “sporting” interest), but it turned out that any changes to this data are now possible only after they have been reviewed by a moderator. Moreover, when registering, you can indicate any name, even the most obscene one - no one is interested in this.

It's a strange position, to be honest. As far as I remember, it used to be possible to change data only after checking by a moderator, but then this function was canceled. And now everything is new. Why am I telling you all this? And besides, this problem is absent in Odnoklassniki! Therefore, today I will talk about how to change your first and last name in just a few seconds.

Go to Odnoklassniki, enter your username and password if you are not already authorized. At the top of the screen you see three menus. We are only interested in the last of them, which is under your name. Click on the “More” button and select the “About Me” subsection, as shown in the screenshot.

A page will open on which you will be asked to add various information about yourself, including any music, books, movies, games, sports, etc. Find the barely visible "Edit Personal Details" link and click on it.

In the new window, edit your information. As you can see, here you can change your first name, last name, date of birth, city of residence, hometown and gender. After changing the data, click on the “Save” button. That's it, the changes are saved.

Now I want to remind you not to use fictitious data. Why? It's simple - if your profile catches the eye of a site moderator, he may understand that you are using fictitious data and block your profile. Don't make such mistakes!

Sometimes situations arise when you need to change your data in Odnoklassniki. The reasons may be different:

  • reluctance to indicate your real first and last name on the Internet;
  • an error was made during registration;
  • change of surname after marriage, etc.

For convenience, the site administration allowed users to independently change their name as many times as they wanted.

How to change personal data via computer?

The fastest way to change a name is through the computer version of the site. To do this, you need to perform the following steps: on the main profile page, find the “More” tab. It is in the center line.

We click on it and a menu opens in front of us.

We are interested in the line “About myself”. We go through it by clicking once with the mouse. We are taken to a page where you can change your personal data.

Change the information that is necessary and click the “Save” button. If everything is done correctly, you will see this confirmation.

How to change your name via phone?

If you use the mobile version of the Odnoklassniki website, then you will need to do the following: on the main profile page we find the following line.

Click on the right arrow menu and additional options open.

Click on the “About Me” line.

To the right of the data we find three vertically located points. Click on the shortcut.

A menu opens with just one item. Naturally, go to “Change personal data”. Next, the familiar page with data changes appears.

After making adjustments, do not forget to click “Save”. Otherwise, all changes will be lost.

How to diversify your first or last name?

Not everyone will like this option, but sometimes there are profiles whose names contain some original characters (example: ® џ ђ ™). Such symbols can be placed in a line with a first or last name, thereby standing out from people with a standard type of personal data. All that is required for this is a standard program for Windows, which is installed in all versions of the operating system. To open it, you need to go to the “Start” menu -> “All Programs” -> “Accessories” -> “Utilities” and find the “Symbol Table” program.

In the program itself, you select a font, and a complete list of special characters that are available for this font opens in front of you. Choose the one you like, copy it, and paste it into the line with the name.

Important! The Odnoklassniki social network does not accept all characters, so some of them may not be displayed correctly. If you inserted symbols, but red text or empty boxes appear instead, one of the symbols cannot be displayed. To avoid such situations, we recommend copying one character per line so that you can immediately identify the one that is not displayed.

Important point

Despite the fact that the administration of the Odnoklassniki website allowed changing the name without additional moderation on its part, it should be remembered that it is best to indicate real information in personal data. After all, if your page is hacked, you will need to provide documents confirming the identity of the owner in order to resume access to your profile. Therefore, do not rush to look for information on how to change your name in Odnoklassniki, first think about whether you really need it.

A considerable number of users. Many have encountered the problem of changing their name in classmates. The reasons may be different: incorrect data during registration, reluctance to be recognized by someone, or a change of last name or first name. Everything is much simpler than you think. The site provides this opportunity. Any user will be able to cope with the task independently.

First you need to log in to the page. In the profile menu, click on the “More” button (1). An auxiliary context menu (2) should appear.

IMPORTANT! In the context menu, personal data is changed in the “settings” and “about me” items!

Changing the name through the “settings” section

By clicking on “Settings” in the “More” menu, a section will open where not only the last name and first name can be changed. Other information can be edited here: date of birth, city of residence, phone number, language and email address.
To change the name, under your data you need to click the “Change” button.

In the new window that opens, the full name and other information are changed. It is permissible to change one or all parameters at once. You just need to enter the data you want to change. Afterwards, click the “Save” button.

Changes will now appear in your profile.

Change through the "About Me" section

By going to the section, a page will open where personal data is displayed. Also shown are data about family, studies and others that you left. You can easily change names by clicking on the “Edit personal data” button.

A page with information will open, as already described above. Further actions will be exactly the same: change what you need and click “Save”.

If you use the Odnoklassniki mobile application from your smartphone, the procedure is similar. Go to the “Settings” section and change the necessary lines.

This problem is not that difficult. Even a novice and recently registered user can handle it. Now you know how to act after getting married, taking a pseudonym, etc.
If you were unable to figure out this problem on your own, then you may need to watch a tutorial on the Internet.

Save it for yourself!

I, like many other users, indicated my fake name when registering on Odnoklassniki. Then I did not want my personal data to be known to everyone and therefore I hid it in every possible way. Now I have decided to indicate my real first and last name to make it easier for my acquaintances, friends and colleagues to find me on the social network. And, of course, I ran into the problem of how to change my name in Odnoklassniki. I want to dedicate this article specifically to this issue so that you do not have the same difficulties as I did.

Name change

The administration of the social network Odnoklassniki does not require users to indicate their real data, so you can indicate your pseudonym or fictitious last name. This gives reason to think about how to change your name without a surname. And for this you will need:

Important! You cannot leave the last name field blank. Therefore, if you do not want to indicate even a fictitious last name, you will need to enter some symbols, for example, asterisks.

Beautiful letters

Some users, especially girls, like to write their names in different fonts and decorate them with symbols. Now I want to talk about how to change your name in Odnoklassniki with beautiful letters. To do this you will need:

  1. Go to the section to change personal data, as in the previous step.
  2. Use a search engine (Google or Yandex) to find various beautiful letters, symbols, or use the following links: “” or “ "
  3. Copy the necessary characters for your name, for example, ღღ Ố ʎ ๒ ґ α ღღ and paste it into the “Name” column.
  4. Click on the “Save” button.

Such a name will look very original and beautiful, and most importantly will attract a lot of attention. In the same way, you can fill out the last name column.

Advice! You should not use overly elaborate fonts, otherwise they may look bulky and unreadable, and other users simply will not be able to make out what is written there. You should also take into account that a name written in unusual characters will not be displayed to users in searches and friends and acquaintances will not be able to find you (read how to open a profile for friends and other users

And last name. This is a rather important point, which especially concerns the female half of society. This need usually arises after marriage. But what if you don't know how to do it? Then we will deal with you in this difficult matter.


Before you change your first and last name in Odnoklassniki, you need to know some rather important points regarding this idea. For example, what restrictions exist when creating and editing personal data. After all, you can’t do without it.

Let's start with the fact that users do not have the right to enter various extraneous characters into their first and last names, that is, no “crazy words” and so on. Once you have learned this lesson, you can move on to the next one.

The first and last name for Odnoklassniki must reflect real data. The site administration insists on this point. It is especially relevant when you are hacked. To restore access, you will need to provide a scan of your passport. What to do if you did not provide your information? Naturally, in such a situation no one will return your profile. So be prepared to enter factual information. Now let's see how to change your first and last name in Odnoklassniki.


Well, we need to get down to business. The first thing that can be required from the user is to have a work account. You need to go to the social network and then log in there. Otherwise, you can forget about the idea.

After you go to your profile, you can start thinking about how to change your first and last name in Odnoklassniki. In fact, if you follow all the rules, this process will not take much of your time.

Go to your profile and then click on "Basic Information". Next, on the right side of the line, click on “More...”, and then select “About Me”. A small window will open in front of you in which you can start making changes. True, we will talk about them a little later. Now we will see how to change the first and last name in Odnoklassniki. In fact, we only have a few simple steps left to do.


So, we find ourselves in the “About Me” section. If you are puzzled by our topic today, then you will have to take a close look at the window that opens. In it you can find a line Opposite it there is the inscription “Edit”. Click on it once and you will be taken to the service we need now.

Now you will see a small window in which you can make changes. Here you can edit your date of birth and your initials. How to change your first and last name in Odnoklassniki? To do this, you will have to fill in the appropriate fields in this section. Make adjustments and then save the data. If you don't do this, there will be no effect. Everything will remain as it is. Basically, that's all. Now you know how to change your first and last name on this social network. As you can see, there is nothing complicated.

What about the questionnaire?

Now let's return with you to another important point of any questionnaire. This is nothing more than editing information about yourself. The fact is that in order to make amendments, you will have to log in and then go back to your profile.

As in the case of changing your last name and first name, go to the "Basic" section and then to "More...". Next in the list, click on the “About Me” item. A window will pop up in front of you, in which you can now fill in the fields. Scroll to the bottom of the page, then select the categories you want, make changes to them (or fill them out altogether), and then save. That's all. So easily and simply you can edit your data.