How to switch your computer to safe mode. Safe Mode in Windows

Diagnostic mode, in which Windows boots in a minimal configuration is called secure mode ohm, or mode om failure protection (Safe Mode). If, after installing new hardware or new programs (for example, a device driver), the system does not work correctly or does not boot at all, in a safe mode You can try to eliminate the cause of the failures.


Turn on your computer. After the initial survey of the hardware, when information about the type of chipset and the amount of RAM appears on the screen, press the F8 key. If you have different operating systems installed, use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys to select the desired logical drive, and then press F8.

The “More Boot Options Menu” appears on the screen. Select "Safe" mode» using the arrow keys and press Enter. You will be required to provide proof of working in a secure mode e. Answer “Yes”, otherwise the system recovery program will start. If you try to boot normally mode If it fails, “Menu” will be offered automatically.

In that mode Only those drivers are not loaded without which the computer will not be able to work under Windows: keyboard, mouse, disks, monitor and video adapter, standard system services. There is no possibility to work online. The video driver supports 16 colors and a resolution of 640x480 pixels.

If problems started after installing new hardware, boot into a safe mode That is, in the “Control Panel”, find the “System” icon and double-click on it. Go to the Hardware tab and click Device Manager. Click on the icon of the problematic device. A crossed out image of the monitor appears in the top line - click on it to remove the device and its drivers. Restart your computer normally mode e. If the system works normally, the problem may be a hardware conflict.

You can remove a new program from the Control Panel if troubles began after its installation. Select “Add or Remove Programs”, find the suspicious utility in the list and click the “Uninstall/Replace” button. If after rebooting in normal mode If the problems have disappeared, it means you have found their cause.

In addition to "Safe" mode a", there are several additional download options: - Secure mode with loading network drivers - it is possible to work on a local network. You can perform diagnostics from a remote computer;
- Safe mode with command line support – the command line is displayed instead of the graphical interface;
- Turn on mode VGA – Standard VGA driver supported. This mode can be used if the cause of the failure is a new

Hello, friends! In this article I will tell you about Safe Mode for Windows 7 and Windows 8. This mode is necessary to troubleshoot the system and return it to working condition. Safe is a mode in which only everything essential is loaded, which is directly responsible for the functioning of the operating system. Minimum set of drivers, programs and services. What you have in autoload also does not load. This greatly increases the chances of successfully booting the system and thereby eliminating the element causing the failure. It could be a program, a driver, or something else. For example, changing some system settings and then a blue screen appears or a cyclic reboot occurs. You can try to fix all this by booting into safe mode. Read on to find out how to do this.

Booting into safe mode in the Windows 7 operating system is easy. Just as easy as it has always been in all previous versions of Windows. It is enough to press the key several times when booting the computer F8. A window will appear with additional download options of the following type:

Enable VGA mode— loading the operating system with the driver of the current graphics adapter at low frequencies and resolution (640 X 480). This allows you to customize the resolution and frequency for your monitor. For example. You connect a low-resolution monitor to your computer and it (the monitor) displays a black screen (does not work at the set frequency and resolution). Boot into VGA mode and set the necessary settings.

Loading Last Known Known Configuration(with working parameters) - Each time the computer is successfully turned off, the operating system remembers important (responsible for operability) parameters. If Windows loads incorrectly or doesn’t load at all, you can use these steps to restore your computer’s functionality. This is the first and easiest thing to do if you have problems booting Windows.

Directory Service Restore(only on a Windows domain controller) - a mode that starts the Active Directory directory service with the ability to restore the latter. The mode is relevant for IT specialists on domain controllers.

Debug mode— launching the operating system in advanced debugging mode for IT specialists.

Disable automatic reboot on system failure— this mode is necessary for diagnosing a computer in the event that the system immediately reboots upon failure or enters a cycle.

The remaining points are clear.

How to boot into Windows 8 safe mode

Not only gadgets were removed from the new operating system, but also the ability to press the F8 key to call up a menu of additional boot options. As they say on the official Microsoft website, you may not have time to press F8.

I tried several times to get into Windows 8 safe mode using the F8 key - nothing. After a little googling I found some advice on this topic. Press Shift + F8. I tried this combination several times - the effect was the same. I tried pressing and holding F8 and Shift + F8 - nothing. This was the end of my attempts to enter safe mode.

We can only hope that if Windows 8 boots incorrectly, it will boot into safe mode. If this does not happen, then you need to boot from a bootable USB flash drive or disk as when installing Windows 8. In the window below, click “Restore your computer”

In the next window, select and return the computer to the date you selected.

Below are the ways How to get into Windows 8 safe mode from a running system.

Entering Safe Mode via msconfig

In order to get into safe mode in Windows 8 you need to:

Windows 8 safe mode via reboot with Shift

To get into Windows 8 safe mode using this method, you must:

Windows 8 will boot into safe mode. Thanks for this method

Boot UI Tuner - the easiest way to boot into safe mode

Of all the methods presented here to enter safe mode in the Windows 8 operating system, this is the simplest. Download the bootuituner utility either from the official website or from here

  • [~52 KB]

After unpacking, you will find two folders there for 64 and 32 (86) bit systems. Choose for your system.

2 . If you do not know the reason for the operating system failure, then you can one by one launch the programs that you have in startup. This way you can identify the conflicting program and remove it as well.

Select the program and click Remove

Then we try to boot in normal mode.

3 . You need to use System Restore. To do this, right-click on Computer and select “Properties”. In the window that opens on the left, select “System protection”

Click on the Restore button...

In the System Restore window, you can select Recommended recovery or select a different restore point. Select and click Next >

If restoring to a specific point did not help, select an earlier restore point. You can learn more about system recovery.

Quite often there are situations when the computer does not boot even in safe mode. The blue screen also appears. In this case, you can and should try booting into safe mode with command line support

In this mode, to start system recovery you need to type the command rstrui.exe and press Enter

If you are unable to use System Restore, you can and should try the command sfc /scannow also from the command line (you can read more about restoring system files)

If you only boot into safe mode with command line support and you need to get into the device manager, use the command devmgmt.msc

This section provides everything I know to restore Windows from safe mode. Thanks


In this article about Safe Mode in Windows 7 and Windows 8, we figured out how to get into it and what to do if you can’t get into it. An excellent option to try to restore safe mode is to restore the registry branch responsible for it. In my experience, it was almost always possible to boot into safe mode and perform a system restore.

If you cannot enter safe mode, and you know that there are restore points, you can and should boot from the Windows installation disk and select . If all else fails, connect the hard drive to another computer, reset all user data, and perform a clean installation of the operating system. Then the data was returned back.

I have never tried using the sfc/scannow recovery command. We will fix this.

Video in which I will tell you how to enter safe mode in Windows 7 and Windows 8

There are often situations in which it is necessary to start the system in safe mode ( safemode). Many people don't know how to do this. This article will help everyone who is interested in this issue.

How to start Safe Mode on Windows XP

Despite the fact that Windows XP OS is significantly outdated, many users continue to use it. They like a good interface and a certain simplicity of design.

Exists two ways launch the OS in this mode:

  1. Through console;
  2. By using start screen launch;

The easiest method is to launch from the start screen. As soon as you turn on the computer, hold down the key F8 for 5-8 seconds. After a short period of time the following screen will appear:

Using the arrow keys on your keyboard, select the most suitable launch option for you. This method is suitable for any, even the least advanced, user.

The second method is more complicated. To begin, you need to press the key start and select the “ tab Execute”:

In the window that appears, you need to write a short phrase msconfig. A window called “” will appear:

You need to select a tab BOOT.INI. In order to enter safe mode, just check the box next to the key / SAFEBOOT:

Safe Mode in Windows 7

In Windows 7 safe mode is launched in the same way as on XP, using the key F8.

The action plan is simple:

  1. Reboot computer;
  2. When the system logo appears, press the key F8;
  3. In the window that appears, select “ Safe mode”.

How to start Safe Mode in Windows 8

In the new system, it is not always possible to get into the desired mode using the F8 button. That is why we have to resort to other methods. Let's look at the most popular of them.

  1. Launch with “ System Configurations”:

It can also be opened using the “ execute” (as on Windows XP). Just enter the command msconfig.exe. In the window that appears, in the “ tab Downloads”, check the box next to the required item. Safe mode will start immediately after reboot computer.

  1. Login using command Shift + Restart:

In order to get into safe mode, you need to press the button Settings with key holding SHIFT. In the window that appears, select the “ tab Diagnostics" After this, following simple instructions, the computer will reboot.

Safe Mode in Windows 10.

Login to this OS can be done in two ways:

Exiting Safe Mode

In most cases, it is enough reboot computer so that the system boots normally. But, if the configuration was edited to launch ( msconfig), then you will have to do these steps in reverse order. That is, remove the check mark from safe boot.

For some operations, you need to start safe mode on your computer. In Windows 7, XP and Vista it turns on almost the same way, on Windows 8 it is a little different.

To launch it (turn on, log in, load, go, call, get, go, install, translate, select) in Windows 7, there are several ways.

Why might you need to start Safe Mode? Sometimes the computer simply does not start normally, or you need to disable something, in particular Kaspersky anti-virus.

Safe Mode is useful for troubleshooting problems caused by programs and drivers that may not load correctly or prevent Windows from starting correctly.

If these problems do not occur when booting into Safe Mode, you can exclude default settings and the basic set of device drivers from the list of possible causes.

If a recently installed program, device, or driver is preventing Windows from starting correctly, you can start your computer in Safe Mode and remove the program that is causing the problem.

It also helps eliminate many software problems caused by drivers. They prevent Windows from starting.

If problems do not arise when loading in this “harmless” manner, then you should exclude the default settings when loading.

How to enter safe mode: standard method

To start safe mode in the standard way (on Windows 7), click restart and until you see the Windows logo on the screen, press the f8 key (button). You will see a view like in the picture.

Don't worry, it should be like this - it's not a system error.

In rare cases, this login method may not work. Then experiment with other buttons F1 - F12.

How to switch to safe mode - method two

The second method of entering safe mode is no worse than the first, both in time and quality.

To apply it, go to the control panel, find “administration” and in this tab click system configuration.

You can also use the “msconfig” utility - you can find it by searching for your computer or executing the command.

In any case, in the “boot” tab you need to check the box next to the “safe mode” line and click “OK” - there is only one, therefore there will be no errors.

The third way to start safe mode on your computer

The third and last way to enable safe mode on your computer on Windows 7 is quite banal.

You need to shut down your computer with a shutdown error. You can simply turn off the power or press the shutdown button and hold it for a few seconds until everything goes out.

Next, when you start the computer, your win 7 will offer you a choice of several ways to turn it on - choose the safe one and go ahead.

That's all sorted out. There will be no problems with this, the main thing is that you manage to eliminate the problems that arise. Good luck.

Category: Uncategorized

When Windows boots into Safe Mode, you can remove viruses, change inappropriate drivers that are not removed normally, and diagnose your computer. Safe mode runs a PC with a low resolution, visually ugly, and functionally limited environment.

For many years, the fastest way to enter it was to press F8 at system startup.

You can't create a PowerPoint presentation in it, but if you have any problems, this is the only option to get rid of them. For example, if uninstalling a program fails, you can uninstall it properly there.

The option that is not available is network. However, since Internet access is sometimes necessary, for example, to update drivers, the OS provides an alternative mode with a network environment.

The traditional login method works on Windows 7 and Vista. Restart your computer and start the process by pressing the F8 key several times.

Once the Advanced Criteria menu appears, you can choose to download network drivers.

Running through special options for Windows 10

Hold Shift while selecting Restart from the Shutdown menu. This menu is available when you right-click on the Start button.

Once you get to the diagnostics screen, either by using SHIFT + Restart on the login screen, or by holding down the F8 key, using a flash drive to restore the system, or simply clicking on advanced recovery options, you will be at this screen where you must select diagnostics .

You will need to click the "diagnostics" button.

then "Advanced options"

"Boot Options"

Login via system configuration

In the “Run” menu, run the msconfig command, the program window will open, go to the “Boot” tab, check the appropriate box and select the “Minimal” or “Network” option.

You can also select criteria:

  • Minimal - normal.
  • Another shell - with command line
  • Network - with the network.

The Active Directory option refers to restoring the server that is the domain controller for your network. Once you have selected your option, click OK and restart your computer.

The problem with this method: when you finish work and reboot, the OS will boot into safe mode again. Run msconfig again and uncheck the previously checked boxes.