How to find scale in Yandex. Video: how to change screen extension

When visiting websites, you can often find text that is too small or large, images that are illegible or take up too much space. large space on the monitor screen. In all these situations, to achieve maximum comfort in perceiving the content, improve user experience and efficiently perform work tasks, you have to change the scale of the web page or font sizes. How is this done practically?

The problem with content perception arises not only on the Internet, but also when working with graphic and text editors. To see a document from different angles, to ensure maximum convenience and productivity, it is also often necessary to zoom in one direction or another on the computer screen.

How to change text scale in browser

There are many different browsers and the problem of font scaling is solved in all of them by their own means. There is a fundamental difference in the way content resizes on desktop and mobile computers. It is useful to consider at least the most common options.

Below is the screenshot of the browser Google Chrome. It has a zoom function in the menu. You can make the content giant or tiny.

A very good option - few people will like to use it all the time horizontal scrolling when reading texts, especially large ones. If the font is too small, you need to use Ctrl combination+Plus. And if the text is too large – Ctrl+Minus. Simple and convenient.

What if you need to change the scale not of the text, but of the entire page? It's even easier. A computer mouse is used to zoom the entire image. Need to hold Ctrl key and rotate the wheel on the mouse. If you turn it towards yourself, the page size decreases. And if you rotate the wheel away from you, it increases.

Greatest reading convenience text content on sites on the Internet has Opera. This is the most popular Internet browser in our country. Using the Ctrl+F11 key combination, you can adjust the line length to fit the width of the monitor screen.

These scaling methods work in most types of browsers. Only other browsers do not provide the Word Wrap function - automatic line wrapping to fit the page.

Zooming in in the test editor

The universal methods mentioned above also work in applications such as Microsoft Word, Notepad, Wordpad and others. Those. the same combination Ctrl+Plus works here, and Ctrl + mouse wheel (up or down)

The Word Wrap function is present in text editors And office packages professional level. This option can be called differently.

  • Line break.
  • Word Wrap.
  • Browser-like view.
  • Web format.

If the user needs to see how Text Document or a photograph or picture will look printed, you need to change the page view to Print Layout. In this method of displaying a document, you can adjust the viewing scale of one entire page, two pages, or even any desired number of pages at once.

Often in text editors there is a special panel with Plus and Minus signs to change the page scale. Or you can replace the scale by dragging the slider with the mouse arrow. The combination of the mouse wheel and the Ctrl key in text editors usually works. Sometimes it is possible to change the scale and size of the font using separately customizable hotkeys. The user can choose any convenient combinations for scaling.

As mentioned above, many browsers do not have an option to automatically break a line to fit the width of the motor. What to do in this case? In such browsers, you can change the page scale and font sizes through the Settings menu. Open the Settings menu, go to the Content tab, then Scaling and make settings according to your convenience. The names of settings menu items can be individual for different types browsers.

Scaling in mobile computing

For smartphones and tablets, the task of scaling content is even more important, since the screen sizes are small and there are serious difficulties when reading texts or viewing pictures.

Basically, the developers mobile devices We are well aware of these issues and are doing everything possible to improve the experience of smartphone and tablet users. Here the situation also depends on the specific type of browser or text program.

Instead of the combination of the Ctrl key and the wheel computer mouse on touch screens mobile computers double tap with fingers is used. If you simultaneously touch the tablet screen and spread your fingers to the sides, the page scale will increase. And if you move your fingers closer to each other, the image will become smaller.

How do you solve the issue of text scaling on tablets? Some types mobile browsers have the option to adjust the text width (line break). The Opera mobile browser has this function. But it doesn’t work correctly in all versions of Opera. Still has Word function Wrap is one of the best Dolphin mobile browsers.

Mobile browsers Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome traditionally do not have the function of adjusting the page to the width of the screen. But in these two browsers you can very conveniently and quickly change the size of the main text in Settings. You need to open Settings and find Text Size. A sample font size will be shown there. By moving the scaling slider with your finger, the user can clearly select the most convenient letter size for reading. After returning from the settings to the site, all texts on web pages will be exactly this size. True, there are sites where text scaling is prohibited at the code level. There's nothing you can do about it - you'll have to arm yourself with a magnifying glass. It’s better to just leave a site that doesn’t care about the health of users’ eyes.

Controlling the zoom of windows in the browser using the keyboard and special menus significantly reduces the time spent searching for information and browsing sites on the Internet. Using simple and easy-to-remember button combinations, you can easily place in the visible area of ​​the window required text, pictures or videos.

How to zoom out a page

Working with website page elements and their dimensions often means increasing the size of text and images. The need to reduce text or an image arises in several cases:

  • the user owns a small monitor (less than 19 inches) with a limited choice of resolution;
  • there are large pictures on the page that interfere with the perception of the text;
  • the website page designer failed to set the initial width or height for icons or letters;
  • Sometimes it is necessary to reduce the screen scale to fit all elements into view.

There are several popular browsers, each of which offers different functionality for resizing the displayed content. Based on these programs, dozens of similar applications with similar functionality, so this article discusses only frequently used programs:

To find out how to change the window scale inside the Yandex browser, use the data on Google Chrome. This program was created based on the freely distributed source code Chromium, just like Google's browser. Less popular software products use similar content management schemes. The program sometimes provides the ability to change hotkeys to ones that are more convenient for working with the window.

In the Settings menu

Using your mouse, click on the menu that opens at the top. It could be like whole line with the inscription “View”, among others, and single icons. In Opera, this is an icon with the corresponding logo, and in Chrome, this element is located in the upper right part of the toolbar (a button with three horizontal stripes). Open the menu using one of the methods provided, which will take you to to the desired point and buttons to increase or decrease it. Click the item with the “–” sign until you are satisfied with the result.

Hot keys

An alternative to a series of mouse clicks in the browser window is to use hotkeys or key combinations to change the size of icons and symbols. Most browsers use the standard “Ctrl+–” combination, which resizes all elements in the window by a fixed percentage relative to the original value. Apple platform Mac uses a similar keyboard shortcut, with different symbols for control keys.

How to zoom in on your screen

Resize web content image in big side You can do the same with the steps above. The same menu is used to decrease or increase, as well as to reset the parameter to its original value. The increasing key combination is “Ctrl” and “+”. Use "+" on additional keyboard to avoid conflicts with other keyboard shortcuts. The ability to zoom in on the screen is used when working with text written in small letters.

How to change screen size on computer

Personal Computer is equipped with a full-size keyboard, so it’s easy to type the necessary keyboard shortcuts. Expanding or reducing page elements is used on any website. On VKontakte and Odnoklassniki you will need a reduction to improve visual perception pages. With multiple button blocks, you can change things up by using keys that are easier to reach. This means that you can enlarge the screen in VK using at least two keyboard shortcuts, and you can reduce the page in Contact using the same methods.

How to change zoom on a laptop

Laptop keyboards slightly limit the key combinations used to change the video or size of lines in a window. You will find at least one set of "+", "-" and "0" buttons on your keyboard for this purpose. Ctrl+0 comes in handy to change values ​​back to 100%, for example in a situation where you have overextended text or images. This combination reduces the content and returns the page to its original appearance. You can then zoom in on the page by another value.

Video: how to change screen extension

When you open any website, you see the creation of the designer who initially determined how this page would look. Including the default font size. Each of us, at least once, has been in a situation where it is simply inconvenient to read information, the font is either too small, or, on the contrary, large, and to read the text you need to scroll through several pages.

Of course, modern browsers are equipped with a function that can help in this situation. It's called "Page Scale". There are several alternative options of how this can be done, and which one you choose depends on whether you want to change the zoom on one page or apply this as a default to all sites you open.

Keyboard shortcuts

This is probably the easiest way. In order to zoom in on a page in the Yandex browser, you need to hold down the Control (Ctrl) key located in the right and left corners of the keyboard and press the “+” key in a few clicks (respectively, in order to reduce the screen scale, press the “-” key ). A plus will accordingly increase the size of the elements, and a minus will reduce it.

Reference! This procedure affects not only text but also all other elements on the page, including images and video blocks that are scaled.

Sometimes the user accidentally changes the zoom of an open site and cannot return the default values. In this case, too, there are no difficulties. Just hold down the Ctrl key and press number key"0". The page scale will return to its default values.

Zooming with the mouse

This method is somewhat similar to the previous one, only instead of the “+” and “-” keys, the mouse wheel is used. The process is the same:

  • Press the Ctrl key on the keyboard;
  • Without letting go, rotate the mouse wheel;
  • To increase the scale, rotate in the “away” direction;
  • In the opposite direction the size will decrease.

In addition to visual perception of changes, an informer is implemented in the browser. When carrying out the procedure in the right top corner A percentage scale display counter will appear:

Using this method you can choose optimal size display items on your screen. To select default values, use "Ctrl+0". The second way to achieve this is that the pop-up informer has a “Default Zoom” button. Click on it and the browser settings return to the initial settings.

Editing using the program settings menu

If the user is uncomfortable using the keyboard, the developers have taken care of alternative ways change the scale.

To change the scale, click on the menu icon (located in the upper right corner of the program window and looks like three horizontal lines):

In the pop-up window, select the first item and use the “+” “-” icons to set the visual display mode of elements that suits us.

Attention! When using the above methods in the Yandex browser, your edits are automatically saved in configuration files web browser. As a result, when you visit this site again, you will not need to resize the pages you need.

If all previous operations related only to loaded pages, then the following setting will make changes to the program itself:

  1. Click on the menu icon;
  2. In the pop-up auxiliary window, select the “Settings” item;
  3. A new window will open, which you need to scroll to the very bottom;
  4. Click the “Show additional settings” button;
  5. Find the “Web Content” item and change the necessary parameters.

In the settings, in addition to the page scale, by default there is the ability to change other font parameters:

Display content "Full Screen"

In some cases (when launching a browser game or reading mode), you want to remove all auxiliary elements from the monitor screen so that they do not interfere. This feature is provided both in the operating system itself and in the options of your Internet browser.

To expand the content to full screen, just press on your keyboard function key F11 (top row of keys). In this case, all frames, status bar, address bar browser and other supporting elements, if any.

As in other cases, we can use the program menu:

  1. Click on the menu icon (top right);
  2. In the window that opens, go to the first point;
  3. Next to the zoom buttons there is another button, which is responsible for expanding the window to full-screen mode:

Cancel changes made

The first way is to use the above instructions, only in reverse order. If you don't remember what you did, or you didn't make the changes, you can use the second method.

As already mentioned, all changes are saved in special file browser configuration. To clear the configuration you need to:
1.Open the menu;

2.Go to settings;

3.Find the “Personal Data” section;

4.Click the “Content Settings” button;

5.Go to the “Scale” item;

6.A pop-up window will display all the zoom changes you have made for all sites;

7.Click on the cross to the right of the site address to delete the settings.

Thus, we see that the developers of this software are trying to take into account all the wishes of users. Changing the page scale – useful feature, and its use will help you customize any website you visit to suit your perception, regardless of how its design is implemented.

Hi all!!! Today I will tell you how you can zoom in on a page on the Internet. So if your favorite site “Vkontakte” or “Odnoklassniki” is small and it’s hard for you to read a small test, then after this article you can zoom in on the page in just 1-3 clicks.
This feature and feature will prevent you from going blind when reading small scale pages.
So let's get started.

To zoom in on the page, Google browser Chrome follow these steps:
– click on the button at the top right corner "Settings and Google management Chrome".
– in the drop-down menu select “Scale”.
When you click on “+”, the page scale will increase.
When you click on “-”, the page scale will decrease.
- this is a button full screen mode browser operation. To exit the full-screen mode of the browser to the standard one, press the “F11” key on the keyboard.

For fast increase and zoom out, you can use keyboard shortcuts.

“Ctrl” + “0” - reset function, that is, the scale is standard 100%.

To zoom in or out Opera browser, you should do the following:
click on the button in the browser “View” => “Scale” . Select the appropriate zoom percentage.

“Ctrl” + “+” - zoom in
“Ctrl” + “-” - zoom out
“Ctrl” + “0” - reset function (standard scale 100%)

To zoom in or out Internet browser Explorer, you should do the following:
click on the button in the menu “View” => “Scale” .

If you cannot find the "View" button, then right-click on empty field at the top of the browser. A menu will appear. Select "Menu Bar" from that menu. After this, the “View” button will appear.

To quickly zoom in and out, you can use keyboard shortcuts:
“Ctrl” + “+” - zoom in
“Ctrl” + “-” - zoom out
“Ctrl” + “0” - reset function, that is, the scale is standard 100%.

To zoom in or out Mozilla browser Firefox, you need to find the Menu. If you do not have a Menu in your browser, you should enable it by right-clicking on the empty field at the top of the browser. A menu will appear. Select the item in that menu "Menu Bar" .
You will see the main menu. Select “View” => “Scale” .

To quickly zoom in and out, you can use keyboard shortcuts:
“Ctrl” + “+” - zoom in
“Ctrl” + “-” - zoom out
“Ctrl” + “0” - reset function (standard scale 100%).

That's all. Now you know how to zoom in or out on a page on the Internet.

Working on a computer can be a lot of inconvenience if you don't know how to reduce the screen size on your computer.

Icons that are too small or too large can cause eye strain for PC users who have vision problems.

In order to change the monitor scale you do not need to install special programs or drivers. In addition, there are several options for how this can be done.

The first way to reduce the screen size on a computer

The first method of reducing the display on a computer is perhaps the most difficult. But even the most unadvanced user can cope with it.

In addition, it is suitable for almost all operating systems.

Follow the steps below and you will be able to adjust the monitor image that is comfortable for you.

  • Click on the “Start” button in the bottom panel.
  • Afterwards, in the Start menu, find the line “Control Panel”.
  • Select Appearance & Personalization
  • Use the mouse or keys to find the “Screen” line.

  • The “Ease of Screen Reading” context menu that pops up will prompt you to select a percentage increase. Enter 100 percent and click “Apply.”
  • On the left of context menu Click on the line “Setting screen parameters”, and then “Screen resolution”.
  • Confirm your settings by clicking "Ok".

There is one more tip that can be applied this method. By using right button Click anywhere on the display and a window will open.

Find the "Resolution" line and then "Display Settings".

Use the percentage scale to adjust the size of the icons.

The second way to reduce the screen size on a computer

This method is also not particularly complicated and consists of the following:

  • On the desktop of your computer in the lower right corner, find an icon that looks like a video card or a folder with files;

  • Immediately after this, the line “Change decision” pops up. Here you can adjust the display size to suit your convenience;
  • To adjust the image dimensions as accurately as possible, you will need to click on the “Adjust screen size and position” line.

Now you know what keys and clicks you can use to change the extension of your computer.

Let's assume that you choose one method or another, and all work for you computer parts.

Now let's look at a few more options for reducing the display, if only the keyboard works for you or it is more convenient for you to interact with test or graphic editors.

Using the keyboard only

To change the screen size on your computer, you can only use the keyboard and a special keyboard shortcut.

Hold down the Ctrl and + keys if you want to increase the display size, and Ctrl and - if you want to reduce it. With a single click, the image will change in one direction or another by 10 percent.

Continue pressing the key combination until you are satisfied with the result.

Keyboard shortcut to resize screen using keyboard only