How to create a WebMoney electronic wallet. Electronic wallet WebMoney

Hello, friends! Today I will talk about such a wonderful payment system as Webmoney. You can do without it for a long time and persistently, live, so to speak, the old fashioned way, but believe me, sooner or later the moment will come when creating webmoney will simply become an urgent necessity for you.

The first thing you need to remember when creating a WebMoney wallet is to forget about colorful nicknames and pseudonyms - to create WebMoney we use only our real first and last name. We write everything as it is written in the passport. Which is best prepared in advance. As well as the TIN code. (You will need this too). Well, I hope you always have your mobile phone at hand.

And, by the way, if you heard somewhere that a WebMoney wallet can be created in one or two minutes, forget about it. It will take more time to do everything right.
But first things first.

Register with WebMoney

The first thing we do is go to the website On the page we will be asked to either log in or register – we choose to register.

And our registration will begin by entering your phone number. Write exactly the one you use, and it’s better not “one of ...”, but your main one. The system will check whether this number is already in use, and if everything is in order, it will redirect us to the next step - entering personal data. Let me remind you that we only enter real data. And by the way, you already use email, right? Without it, you won’t be able to register with WebMoney. After all, it is in the second step that you will need it.

Valid email. The password for which you remember and which you can safely access. So, we indicate your real birthday, a valid email address, select a security question (favorite number, mother’s maiden name, etc.... they will give you a choice), write an answer, give consent to the processing of our personal data (check the box) and go to check your phone. Once you clicked "continue", a code was sent to your phone.

Enter it and go to the password assignment page. You need to come up with something more complicated, using upper and lower case letters, as well as numbers. Be sure to write it down so you remember. It will be possible to recover the password later, but you will have to tinker. Why create unnecessary problems for yourself? Now a link will be sent to the email address you specified, following which you will complete the registration and can finally create WebMoney.

By logging into the website, you will be taken to your Webmoney Keeper Standard (Mini)– a program that will allow you to manage electronic wallets. Well, as a program... Essentially, this is a website page that you go to and do what you need - top up your balance, withdraw funds, and so on. You can access Keeper Mini from any computer and through any browser. Or from your phone. You reach this page via a secure connection.

You can strengthen security and download WebMoney Keeper. WM Keeper WinPro (Classic) - Webmoney Keeper Classic is a free program with which you can directly perform any actions with your electronic wallets. The safest way, reliably protected. To enter the program you will need to enter your WMID and access password.

There is also WM Keeper Mobile - an application developed for mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, and PDAs. Different versions of the application work with iPhone, Windows Phone, Android, Java.
In general, then you can choose what to use. In principle, everything can be used. Depending on the situation.

How to create a WebMoney wallet

Creating a wallet is a matter of a couple of seconds, but starting to fully use this wallet is a matter of several days.

After we got into our Keeper Mini, we look for the icon depicting a wallet. This is our answer to the question of how to open a WebMoney wallet. Click. Opposite the word “finance” we will find an unremarkable cross. Click on it and see a menu in which the first item is “create a wallet” - click. After this, a window with the terms of the agreement will appear.

Before accepting them, carefully look at the currency of the wallet that you are going to create. Wallet with rubles - WMR, US dollars - WMZ, euros - WME. I believe you will choose rubles, accept the terms of the agreement and you will immediately have a WMR wallet with a number (Letter R and twelve digits). That's all. Very simple.

However. Now you have a pseudonym certificate, and you will not be able to fully use your wallets. I once also thought, “Oh, now I have a WebMoney wallet.” And then I made money on one of the freelance exchanges, tried to withdraw it to my WebMoney wallet and couldn’t because “I wasn’t verified.” That is, he did not have a formal certificate.

So let's get the formal certificate right away. Open your webmoney wallet and enter your personal account. Find “settings” in the menu and fill out your profile. Here we enter real passport data, when and where the passport was issued, registration address, postal code, TIN code and the most interesting thing - you will have to upload scans of the first spread of the passport and pages with registration. Once you've downloaded all this information, all that's left to do is wait. It will take just a couple of days, and if everything is in order, you will be awarded a formal certificate. Now you can receive money, withdraw money, top up your mobile account, or pay utility bills.


Working with the WebMoney Transfer system always saves time. Money is transferred instantly. If the transfer is made from a WebMoney wallet to another WebMoney wallet, then no commission is charged. For other operations there is a commission, but it is insignificant. Very comfortably. And you will soon see for yourself that creating WebMoney was a wise decision.

The only thing I want to warn you about (this is from my bitter experience) is not to lose the SIM card with which you registered in WebMoney. Because then there will be an incident. You can change the phone number in your profile, but to do this you need a confirmation code, which is sent to the old SIM card. No old SIM card - no code. No code - no access. You can restore access only with a bunch of papers certified by a notary.

If you had a lot of money in your wallets, you’ll start fiddling around. And if so, pennies, then it’s easier to register again with a new phone and a new email. And re-create a webmoney wallet for free. In this turn of events, a formal certificate is awarded without any problems.

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Hello! In this article we will look at step-by-step instructions on how to register and create a wm wallet in the WebMoney electronic payment system.

I know how much you “like to read long introductions.” Therefore, I will only say that if you are going to make money on the Internet, then it is almost impossible to do without your own WebMoney wallet. The fact is that many web services for earning money make payments and accept payments through this payment system. And also, on some sites, registration occurs through the WebMoney system. In addition, it can be useful not only for withdrawing earned money. Through the WebMoney system you can pay for various services, loans, make purchases on the Internet, transfer electronic money anywhere in the world and much more.

How to register with WebMoney

To register in the WebMoney Transfer system:

1) Open the registration page on the official WebMoney website.

2) We indicate the phone number. You only need to use your number to which you have constant access. In the future, it will be needed to perform various operations. For example: authorization in the system, money management, restoring access to your account if you accidentally forget your password, etc.

3) Fill in your personal information, preferably real information. Select a security question from the proposed options and indicate your secret answer to this question. Next, we confirm our consent to the processing of our personal data by checking the appropriate box. If you do not want to receive system news and information about promotions, then uncheck these items and click “Continue”.

4) On the next page, once again check the correctness of the specified personal data. If you accidentally made a mistake when entering data, then click “Return” and edit them. If everything is correct, then click “Continue”.

5) To confirm your number, an SMS message with a verification code will be sent to your phone. Specify this code. Click “Continue”.

6) Come up with a password. Enter the numbers from the picture and click “OK”. Use your phone number as your login.

Actually, this is the process registration in WebMoney completed. You can now log into your account.

Enter your username - phone number, enter your password. Click “Login”. In the future, you can use your confirmed email or your wmid number in the WebMoney system as a login.

Enter the code from the SMS message and click on the “Login” button.

How to create a webmoney wallet

Immediately after registration you can create an electronic wallet. To do this, click on the “add wallet” tab, then “create wallet”, select the type of WM - wallet (type of currency). For example, WMR - wallet— these are Russian rubles. See title signs (types of wallets) below.

Accept the terms of the agreement and click continue.

All is ready. Created webmoney wallet is displayed in your personal account on the tab at the top. If you need one or more wallets, then we create them in the same way. Just keep in mind: it will not be possible to delete the wallet in the future. Therefore, open a new wallet only if you really need it.

Types of WebMoney wallets:

  • WMZ— wallet type Z — funds equivalent to US dollars;
  • WMR— wallet type R — funds equivalent to Russian rubles;
  • WME— wallet type E — funds equivalent to euros;
  • W.M.U.— U-type wallet — funds equivalent to Ukrainian hryvnia;
  • W.M.B.— wallet type B — funds equivalent to Belarusian rubles;
  • WMK— wallet type K — funds equivalent to Kazakh tenge;
  • WMY— wallet type Y — funds equivalent to Uzbek sums;
  • WMG— wallet type G — funds equivalent to gold;
  • WMX— wallet type X — funds equivalent to 0.001 BTC;
  • WMH— wallet type H — funds equivalent to 0.001 BCH.

WebMoney wallets can also be managed on a computer. To do this, you need to obtain a formal certificate and install the official WebMoney Keeper WinPro program for Windows. This method of managing wallets is more convenient and secure.

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Hello blog readers TrendInvest, today we will continue to analyze electronic payment systems, namely, I’ll tell you what WebMoney is, how to register with WebMoney, how to open a wallet and get an initial certificate.

As promised, in a couple of months we will analyze all the main payment systems that will be useful to us on the Internet. You don’t need to register everywhere right away, otherwise you might forget your login and password for your personal account. I would recommend writing it down somewhere; I personally do this myself, so that later I don’t remember what password I set. Of course, it’s up to you to decide, maybe it’s just my memory, so let’s start getting acquainted with the WebMoney EPS.

What is WebMoney?

WebMoney is the most popular wallet in the CIS countries. Its peculiarity is that you can work from any browser or install the program on your computer for ease of use. The wallet works with any currency (dollars, euros, rubles, hryvnia, etc.), all internal exchanges are carried out instantly with a small commission and at the national bank rate.

You can deposit and withdraw money to the wallet, it is very convenient and functional in that it is supported by many companies, online stores, and you can also make utility payments and top up mobile phones.

The wallet is very convenient and practical, but there is a small catch: it has some restrictions and in order to remove them you need to obtain a certain certificate. When registering, you receive a pseudonym certificate, and after that you can get a formal, initial and personal one. We can say that this is a check of your personality; the higher the certificate, the more trust you gain; we’ll talk about how to get a certificate below.

When I registered for the first time I thought I was going crazy, to be honest, the first time I didn’t understand a lot of things, since I had to save the keys to restore my wallet, and to be honest, I lost it the first time. WebMoney paid a lot of attention to security, on the one hand it is correct, but a beginner will need to spend a couple of hours to figure it out.

I advise you to immediately install the program on your smartphone, it will greatly simplify the work with your wallet, I don’t even remember when I launched the program on my computer, I do everything through my smartphone, it’s convenient and fast. First, let's register.

How to register in WebMoney

Registration will take a little longer than registration at Yandex Wallet, but there’s nothing complicated about it, we’ll look at everything point by point, if you have any questions, write in the comments.

  • Go to the site, click registration and we are asked to immediately provide a number, indicate a valid one, as you will receive a code confirming the transfer of money or payment for services.
  • Next, fill out the form, I recommend writing down security questions with answers, otherwise if you forget your password, you can say goodbye to your money. Fill out the data correctly, as you will then need to enter the data from your passport, without them you will not be able to receive more than one certificate in the future.
  • Now we need to confirm our mailbox and mobile phone.

But this is not the end, now we need to create a wallet that interests you, dollars or rubles, and then get a formal certificate, I’ve had it for many years, but I’m already thinking about the initial one.

How to open a wallet in WebMoney

There is nothing difficult here anymore, you will need to download the WebMoney Keeper Classic program to your computer, install and create your first wallet.

  • Go to again and download WebMoney Keeper Classic.
  • After that, install it on your computer. During installation, you may be offered to install WebMoney Advisor, it warns about dangerous sites, shows reviews and whether the site has the option of paying WebMoney. Personally, I didn’t install it, since you won’t need it, only unnecessary information will appear.
  • When you first start, enter your WMID and password, you will be asked to save the key, save it so as not to lose it, it will come in handy if you install the program on a laptop.

WMID is a personal number, your account login. You can view it in the settings.

  • After this, the program requires a file key, it can be found in the settings in your personal account.
  • In the settings you will also need to enable WinPro, by default you have Mini enabled. Sometimes you will need to create a new password; be sure to save it, as recovering it will be difficult, and sometimes even impossible.
  • Now you can download the key and finish installing the program.

When you first enter the program, you are asked if you have a file of wallets, if this is your first login, click create and create wallets with the desired currency; there may be an unlimited number of them, but I don’t recommend creating more, you will only get confused yourself.

This is what the wallet itself looks like in the browser:

How to get a formal and initial certificate

After we have registered on WebMoney, we need to receive a certificate, a formal one can be obtained quickly, if you indicated your passport details correctly during registration, then you will only need to send a copy and after a while you will be assigned a formal certificate.

I’ve had it for several years now, I may need to change it in the future, but for now it’s enough.

It is already more difficult to obtain an initial certificate, since this method is paid, prices in different countries and regions are different, they can even start from 1-10 dollars, you will need to clarify here. You need to look for detailed information on the website, select your place of residence and you will be offered a list of people who can issue you a certificate. The initial certificate is issued from hand to hand; it is not yet possible to obtain it via the Internet, and the price is accordingly different for everyone. The list will indicate the price and the place where you can get it; you need to contact the person who issues it and arrange a meeting in detail.

You can withdraw money to a plastic card, as well as to other electronic payment systems; there are also exchangers that will simplify your exchange task, but you will have to pay a commission. I’ll talk about exchangers later, I’ll tell you which ones I use, which ones I trust, because I’ve read stories about how people get scammed, so be careful and never cheat.
I’ll finish the article here, now you know how to register and open your first wallet on WebMoney. If you have any questions, write in the comments or you can use the feedback in the section contacts.

What is WebMoney. How to register with WebMoney and open a wallet

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In this article, I will tell you in detail how to properly register in the Webmoney payment system, and how to create an electronic wallet in it. Please note that registration is simple and will take no more than 5-10 minutes of your time. Well, let's get started:

1. First, we need to go to the website, on the left we find the green “Registration” button and click on it, it looks like this:

2. After clicking the “Registration” button, you see the following window:

3. Now you need to enter your mobile phone number; the entered number will be needed in the future to carry out operations within your account in the Webmomey system. After entering the phone number, click “Continue” and see the following form to fill out:

4. Fill in all the fields with your real data, I filled in the picture with mine as an example. After all fields have been filled out, click the “Continue” button, thereby moving to the next window:

5. Here we are asked to check the correctness of the entered data, if everything is correct, click the “Continue” button and move to the next stage of registration:

6. Here we have to confirm our email, which we indicated during registration. Go to your email address that you indicated, and from the letter that came to it from Webmoney, copy the code and paste it into the appropriate field, as shown in the figure above, then click the “Continue” button, thereby moving to the next step:

7. Now an SMS message should be sent to your mobile number, which you indicated during registration, and it will contain a code that you need to enter in the field as shown in the figure above. After you have entered the code, click on the “Continue” button again and you will be taken to filling out the following form:

8. In this form you need to enter a password. Come up with it yourself, and I do not recommend using the same password as the email one. Then you need to enter the characters from the picture and click on the “OK” button, thereby we complete the registration, and we are transferred to our Webmoney account, it looks like this:

9. That’s all, registration is over. Now we just need to create a wallet. In the figure above we see this field:

10. Click “can create” and create a WMR wallet and check the box, thereby confirming that you accept the terms of this agreement, this is a formality. Now the “Wallets” field will look like this:

11. After the WMR wallet has been created, we still need to create a WMZ wallet, to do this, click on the [+] button, which is located to the right of the WMR wallet you created, and create a WMZ wallet, the creation procedure is the same. Now the “Wallets” field will look like this:

In the future, to work on various projects you will need:

  1. — this is your webmoney identifier. It is assigned to each user individually. You can find it in your account in the right corner, to the left of the “Log out” button.
  2. or wallet. Depending on what currency a particular project works with. WMR is the equivalent of RUB (ruble), and WMZ is the equivalent of USD (dollar).
  3. I recommend that as soon as you create your wallet, you write down all this data in a separate text document on your computer, so that you don’t have problems finding it later.

Well, now you have everything to start making money on the Internet. I recommend starting your journey of making money on the Internet with a postal service. It is on this project that you can really earn your first money on the Internet.

Video instructions for registering in Webmoney

If you were unable to figure out the registration described above, or if something doesn’t work out, then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the video instructions for registering in the Webmoney system:

Today we will talk about how to create a webmoney wallet. This is the first action in the Webmoney system that a new user makes in order to start using electronic payments online. Therefore, we will give detailed step-by-step instructions on what and how to do so as not to make mistakes.

The WebMoney wallet itself can be compared to a bank account - this will help simplify the understanding of its essence. Not every person is an entrepreneur or a millionaire to have a solid account, but almost everyone has plastic cards. This means that everyone has a bank account. We are talking about “plastics”, on which most people receive pensions, scholarships and salaries. They are used to withdraw money from ATMs and pay for purchases in stores.

A WebMoney wallet is practically the same “plastic” with which you can receive money and also spend it. There is also the possibility of “transforming” electronic money located in a webmoney wallet into cash, which is familiar to many. Let's take a look at how this system works.

Currently, the WebMoney system has ten types of different wallets. There used to be eleven, but the eleventh is no longer available for registration:

  1. R-wallet - ruble wallet with the designation WMR, type R. Money equivalent to Russian rubles is stored here. The wallet number consists of 12 digits (fronted by the letter R).
  2. Z-wallet - dollar wallet with the designation WMZ, type Z. Finances equivalent to US dollars are stored here. The wallet number consists of 12 digits (fronted by the letter Z).
  3. U-wallet - hryvnia with the designation WMU, type U. Equivalent to Ukrainian hryvnia. Numbering – 12 digits (fronted by the letter U).
  4. E-wallet – for storing the equivalent of euros. Designation WME, type E. Numbering – 12 digits (letter E in front).
  5. B-wallet – for storing money equivalent to Belarusian rubles. Designation WMB, type B. Numbering – 12 digits (letter B in front).
  6. K-wallet – for storing the equivalent of Kazakh tenge. Designation WMK, type K. Numbering – 12 digits (letter K in front).
  7. X-wallet is the most unusual. The title characters on it are equivalent to Bitcoin, with 1 WMX equal to 0.001 BTC. Numbering – 12 digits (letter X in front).
  8. G-wallet - the proceeds contained in it are backed by gold. In this case, 1 WMG is considered equivalent to 1 g of gold. Numbering – 12 digits (letter G in front).
  9. C-wallet, D-wallet – designed for receiving and issuing loans. Such wallets for creating are not available to beginners.

Webmoney wallet and WMID what is the difference

Please note that some beginners are sometimes mistaken in believing that WMID and wallet are one and the same. It is necessary to clearly understand that WebMoney wallet numbers do not correspond to WMID numbers. For example, if you follow the link, you can check which WMID corresponds to a specific WebMoney wallet number. The numbers you receive will be different in any case.

WMID is a registration number that can correspond to several different types of wallets in the WebMoney system


Transfers can only be made between WebMoney wallets of the same type. That is, you can transfer funds from a personal Z-wallet to the WebMoney Z-wallet of the same name of any other participant in the system. It follows from this that, for example, it is impossible to transfer money from a Z-wallet to an R-wallet. To convert, you can use the funds exchange link.
After getting acquainted with the theory, we’ll figure out in practice how to create WebMoney wallets step by step.

How to create a webmoney wallet

After registering directly in the WebMoney system, you can get into your account. If the window was closed for various reasons, then you should:

Errors when creating a Webmoney wallet

In a situation where when creating wallets, for example WMU or WMR, these types of wallets are not in the list of possible ones, you will need to obtain a formal certificate. To do this, you will have to upload photographs of the document directly to the Webmoney system server.

There are cases when a user encounters the error “the account already has a wallet of the specified type.” Then you should simply log out of your personal account and log in again. As a result, it will be possible to see the current state of wallets after updating the cached information.

Please note that in the process of creating WebMoney wallets, various errors are possible. For example, you may be asked to provide passport information by going to the website of the certification center
. That is, get a formal certificate free of charge and instantly. However, after receiving it, sometimes you are asked to provide passport details again - try uploading a photo of the document and wait for the administrator of the certification center to check the provided data. Usually this is two working days.

It is important to know that when creating a WMB wallet you should obtain an initial passport, otherwise you will constantly receive an error. Obtaining a certificate in the process of creating a WebMoney wallet is subject to the laws of the Republic of Belarus. According to these laws, only verified users have the opportunity to make online payments.

To create another type of WebMoney wallet, you need to click the “Create” link again and repeat the procedure.

To display information about the WebMoney wallet number and the current balance on it, you should open the “Wallets” tab in your personal account. In the screenshot below, the wallet numbers are highlighted in blue, and the amount is highlighted in green.

If necessary, WebMoney wallet numbers can be written down - this information is not secret. To receive money in your wallets, you should provide their numbers to your correspondents.

Detailed video instructions on how to create a webmoney wallet for those who prefer video format for receiving information:


Now you know in detail how to create a WebMoney wallet and are ready to start using this payment system. Do not forget that creating a WebMoney wallet will not automatically make you rich. Therefore, in order for the title units of various currencies to ring on this wallet, you will have to try. But we know that everything will work out for you! Stay with us!