How to run a macro in Excel in different ways. Starting and shutting down Excel How to start microsoft excel

This article will give you a step-by-step example with pictures and a fragment of the simplest ready-made VBA code.

How to Run a VBA Macro in Excel

For example, the easiest way to run a macro is to understand, but difficult to implement:

The macro program performs its functions.

Now we can move from simple to even simpler) After all, running macros in this way is very inconvenient. Next, let's look at simpler options.

Helpful advice! If you want to edit a macro then select it in the list of the tool described above and click on the “Enter” button rather than using the “Edit” button. Using the enter button you can always go to the source code of the selected macro. The Visual Basic editor will automatically open in the exact place where the code for this macro is written. Unfortunately, the “Edit” button does not work the same for all macros.

Attention! Macros created in Excel add-ins may not be available in the Macro dialog box list by default for security policy purposes. After all, the names of macros in Excel add-ins are usually hidden from third-party users. But if you enter the correct value in the “Macro name:” field, then all the buttons in the dialog box will be active. This means that we are ready to work with this macro from an add-in and the user is the author of the add-in or a trustee.

Running a macro using hotkeys

For each macro in Excel, you can assign your own hotkey combination. Thanks to this, you can call your macro program when you press a certain combination of keys on the keyboard. What could be simpler?

To assign your own key combination for a specific macro, do this:

Now press your hotkey combination to call the selected macro. As you can see, your macro has now been assigned a hotkey combination for quick access.

Note! The Macro Options dialog box provides a field for entering a description of the macro. This description will be available below when you select a macro from the list. We recommend that you always sign your macros. This custom tone of Excel ethics will be highly appreciated when the list is replenished with dozens of macros.

Helpful advice! Try not to use popular hotkey combinations for working with Excel: CTRL+S; CTRL+A; CTRL+T; CTRL+C; CTRL+V; CTRL+SHIFT+L, etc. After all, then their purpose will be changed. In the “Macro Options” window there is also the ability to use the SHIFT key in key combinations. As soon as you give keyboard focus to the input field “Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+” and try to enter a capital letter for the combination, naturally using the SHIFT key on the keyboard, the name of the input field will immediately change to “Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+ SHIFT+”.

The result will be a slightly longer combination, which will allow for more options to bypass commonly used hotkeys.

How to run a macro in the Quick Access Toolbar

Excel allows users to run macros using the Quick Access Toolbar. This panel is located at the very top of the program window by default.

To run a macro using the Quick Access Toolbar, you need to do this:

Now there is another button on the quick access panel for. Just click on it and the macro will run immediately.

Helpful advice! To change the appearance of the button for a macro in the “Excel Options” - “Quick Access Toolbar” window, select the macro from the right list of “Customize Quick Access Toolbar” items and click the “Change” button. A small gallery of icons will be offered for the new appearance of the macro launch button from the toolbar.

The main disadvantage of placing a macro button on the toolbar is that the button will always be available to other files, even when the file with that macro is closed. And if in such cases you click on the button to run the macro, then the file where it is located will open and only then the VBA code will be executed.

Run a macro using a button on an Excel worksheet

If you want to run a macro only from an Excel workbook, where does it contain its source code? In such cases, a great solution would be to create a button on an Excel sheet and assign it to run a specific macro. For this:

After creating a button, you can customize it by changing its size and position on the sheet. To do this, right-click on the button again, and then press the Esc key on your keyboard to hide the context menu. The button appears with markers that can be used to change its size. Hover the mouse cursor over any marker on the edges or corners of the button and hold down the left mouse button and drag, thus changing its size. Now click on the button with the left mouse button and while holding it, move the button across the Excel document sheet to any other location. To confirm all button changes, left-click on any area of ​​the sheet (for example, on any cell) outside the button area.

Now if we click on the button with the left mouse button, the VBA code assigned to it will immediately be executed.

The basic principles for creating, loading, and saving Excel documents are similar to those for Word documents.

You can launch Excel from the Windows Main Menu using the command START - Programs - Microsoft Excel. The program can also be launched using any of the standard methods for launching applications, including double-clicking on the document icon associated with Excel. When you start Excel without specifying a file name, the default processor prompts you to start creating a new document with a code name Book1.

Excel document templates have a standard *.xlt extension. If the template name is not specified in the startup directory, a new Excel document (workbook) is created with the default settings.

By default, Excel 2000 saves workbooks in the Excel 2000 file format, which is identical to the Excel 97 file format but different from previous versions. When you open and save an Excel 2000 workbook in Excel 97, you lose some properties that are unique to Excel 2000. Excel 2000 provides the ability to save a workbook in a special dual format(Microsoft Excel 97 - 2000 & 5.0/95). In this case, the book is saved in one file, which includes the format

Excel 2000 without losing any of the features specific to that version.

Shutting down Excel, like any other Windows application, is closing its window.

Program window

The general view of the Excel 2000 program window is shown in the figure. The Excel window contains all the standard elements inherent in a Windows application window (Fig. 1).


Title bar contains the name of the application, the name of the open document, the system menu button, standard window control buttons.

In the Excel window, like in the window of any other Windows application, there are vertical and horizontal scroll bars.

Menu bar Excel window differs from the Word menu bar by the appearance of only one item Data instead of a point Table. Team DATA is intended for manipulating the contents of table cells (for example, sorting, filtering, data consolidation, etc.).

Toolbars Excel 2000 windows Standard And Formatting are displayed by default in one line in an abbreviated form and contain the most important buttons of similar panels in Word. In Excel 2000 using a button Cancel You can undo the last 16 operations.


Below the toolbar in the Excel window is located Formula bar,(Fig. 2)

which is used to enter and edit data in cells and contains:

1. Name field- a drop-down list in which the address or name of the active cell or block of table cells is displayed.

2. A string field for entering and editing data, intended for viewing and editing text data. Feature of the line (field)

input and editing is that it:

Yo fully displays the contents of the active cell, which is sometimes not visible in the cell itself;

E makes it possible to see the formula or function contained in the current cell, and not her result, displayed in the cell itself;

3. Between these fields, while entering data, three buttons appear to control the input process:

Ё Change formula - [=],

Ё Input confirmation - [v],

Ё Cancel input - [x]

Working field(sheet) (Fig. 3) Excel window consists of cells, column names and rows. At the top of the worksheet is a row of table column headings.

rice. 3

On the left are the table row numbers. At their intersection there is an “empty” gray button, which serves to highlight the entire worksheet.

Below the entire working field there is a line with labels (names) of the worksheets available in the book. To the left of the shortcuts are buttons for moving through the document's worksheet, and to the right is a horizontal scroll bar.

At the very bottom of the Excel window there is a table processor status bar (tip line). It is designed to provide messages to the user regarding his possible actions at the moment. The status line may contain a table processor status indicator reflecting its operating mode (Ready, Enter, Edit, Record Macro), a description of the current menu command, and a hint about the purpose of the button being used. In addition, there is an auto-calculation field on the status bar, which is used to quickly calculate and view intermediate results. Excel is a reusable program, i.e. Allows you to open multiple documents at the same time. You can move between windows of open documents by clicking on the document icon on the Taskbar or through the Window menu. You can arrange the layout of open Excel document windows using the WINDOW - Arrange command. You can split an Excel document window into two or four panes and work with different parts of the same table at the same time. You can split windows using the WINDOW - Split command, or using window dividers - black rectangles on the scroll bars. You can close the window using the menu command WINDOW - Remove Split

If you already have Microsoft Office 2013 installed on your computer, you can immediately launch Microsoft Excel 2013 and begin to study it comprehensively. If you are just going to install it, refer to the installation article. The process of installing Microsoft Office 2013 is discussed in detail there. In this article we will look at launching Microsoft Excel 2013 and basic issues related to creating documents.

If you have the Windows 8 operating system installed on your computer, to launch Microsoft Excel 2013, you need to use the scroll bar on the Start screen to move to the right (to see tiles that do not fit on the screen) and click on the Excel icon (it is green). An example of the location of this icon on the home screen is shown in Fig. 1.1.

If you are using the Windows 7 operating system, click on the button Start, in the menu that appears - on the Microsoft Office 2013 folder, and then in the drop-down list - on the Excel 2013 item (Fig. 1.2). As a result of these actions, the Microsoft Excel start window will open (Fig. 1.3).

Here you need to immediately clarify that the document you are working with in Microsoft Excel is called a workbook. The start window allows you to select a book you have worked with before from the list on the left side of the window or create a new book. Moreover, you can create an empty book, or you can create a book based on a template. Sample- this is a blank book with inscriptions and other elements added in advance. Templates help you quickly create documents of the same type. If this is your first time creating a book, click on the Blank Book item, as shown in Figure. 1.3.

A window will open with the title Book1— Excel and a blank sheet with a grid separating the cells in the work area of ​​the window. You can start working.