Mac os x installation new disk. Attention! All data will be deleted from Mac

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without asterisks, clear and detailed, where technically possible - as accurate and concise as possible.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The website shows the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and responsibility

A guarantee must be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works with suppliers directly, there are always several reliable channels and its own warehouse with proven spare parts current models so that you don't have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good manners for service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you don't have to pay a penny for it, even if you don't repair the device based on its results.

Service repairs and delivery

Good service values ​​your time, so he offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of a service center: they can be done correctly and according to technology only in a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to fit in before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Company age and experience

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years and has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the service center are restored.
They trust us and convey complex cases other service centers.

How many masters in areas

If there are always several engineers waiting for you for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of right away.
2. you give to Macbook repair an expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

Any operating system sooner or later needs complete reinstallation. The reasons for this may be different: infection virus programs, bugs and so on. As a result of "pollution" unnecessary files, the device starts to work much slower due to processes. In some cases, it is easier to reinstall the system than to find the cause of the problem and fix it. Let's figure out how to reinstall Mac OS and what is required for this.

What is needed to reinstall?

Those users who are familiar only with operating computers Windows system, they won’t be able to without additional help reinstall OS on Mac. To reinstall Mac OS on a MacBook, you must prepare the following:

  1. MacBook () which is connected to the network;
  2. our step-by-step instructions.

Now let's move on directly to the process of installing a clean version of Mac OS. This instruction suitable for those who has the version installed operating system 10.7 or later. If you have more than old version, then it should be updated with standard means OS. You can check the software version using next steps:

How to reinstall Mac OS Sierra from scratch?

To begin with, it is worth noting that reinstalling Mac implies complete removal data from hard drive computer. Therefore, first copy all important information to third party media.

This can be done using the program for Reserve copy Time Machine. Following the instructions of the Copy Wizard, you can easily create backup copy on external media. Time Machine can also create backups in automatic mode. Old copies will be deleted, and new ones will be saved on disk. This way you won't have to worry about the data being up to date.

Now you know how to reinstall mac os x on a macbook pro or air, as well as on an iMac. Next, you need to configure the system and complete the installation process.

Final setup before use

After the installation is complete, the program will prompt you to basic settings:

  1. On the first screen, select the Mac OS language. In the future, it can be changed within the software settings;
  2. on the second screen you will be prompted to connect to Wi-Fi (optional). This step can be skipped;
  3. the next step is transferring information. Before you reinstall your MacBook Pro, Air or iMac, you can back up all your data;
  4. authorization via Apple ID (optional);
  5. Adoption license agreement;
  6. creating an account Mac recordings OS for computer.

Ready! Now you can independently install Mac OS on a MacBook of any version or an all-in-one iMac. The whole process is as simple as possible: only a few keystrokes are required from the user.

If you want to see on our website answers to your questions about everything related to Apple technology, operating room Mac system OS X (and running it on PC), write to us via or.

We received the following question:

tell me how to do it yourself
install the system on a new hard drive
disk. Thank you

There is nothing fundamentally difficult about this. You only need installation disk Mac OS X. The procedure is as follows:

  • boot from installation Mac drive OS X (insert the DVD into the drive, and when the computer starts, immediately hold down C until the apple appears)
  • when the installation disk starts, select the language
  • then in top menu select an item UtilitiesDisk Utility
  • You should see your disk on the left, but there will be no partitions on it yet. Select required disk on the left, and in the right part of the window go to the “Partition the disk” tab:

  • In the Volume Scheme drop-down list, select the number of partitions you need. Immediately click the Options button and make sure that GUID Partition Scheme is selected, because otherwise Mac OS X on this disk Can't install:

  • you can resize the partitions as you wish (by default, all partitions are created equal in size). You can change partitions by moving the cursor over the border between partitions on the map shown below the “Volume Scheme” list, or by precisely setting the size of the partitions on the right side of the window.
  • then give each section a clear label. Make sure that the partition on which you will install Mac OS X will be formatted in file system"Mac OS Extended (Journaled)"
  • then click “Apply” and wait until the disk is partitioned and formatted
  • close Disk Utility. You will be taken back to the menu Mac installations OS X. Follow the installation wizard until you reach the drive selection screen. Of course, there you will need to find required section(this is exactly why you needed to set the disk label).
  • then the system installation will start, and you will no longer need to do anything. Just wait until your computer restarts.

With its own pre-installed operating system Mac OS. Like all the company's products, it claims to be of exclusive quality, use advanced technologies. On this moment The following varieties are available for sale:

Find out how to update your Mac's OS in the article below.

MacBook Pro is available in 13-inch and 15-inch sizes and in different specifications. All Mac models are equipped with Intel processors, battery life without recharging is up to 10 or up to 12 hours.

The newest operating system currently used on Mac computers is Mac OS Sierra. Older versions of the OS can be updated for free via the Internet. The company's main advantage of the system is that it was created specifically for Mac equipment. Unlike Windows, which is installed on the most computers different manufacturers. By the way, now MacBook Pro and other models support the ability to install Windows.

MacBook Pro and others are already on sale with installed system. However, in some cases, you may need to install or reinstall Mac OS on your MacBook. It is necessary to distinguish between the terms:

  • The installation is otherwise called a “clean” installation, which is performed on a blank (formatted) hard drive or on a new one.
  • Reinstallation is when new system installed on top of the old one without full formatting and saving user data.

The need to install and reinstall Mac OS occurs when there are serious problems with its operation, failed update. Like Windows, it still leaves behind garbage, which over time leads to slowdowns, freezes and other troubles. We will consider these processes using the example of the latest operating system, namely Mac OS Sierra. For previous versions, for example Mac OS X, essentially there will be no differences, but it is still recommended to update to the latest version if your device supports it.

Operating system installation

A clean installation may be necessary if you decide to sell your laptop and need to permanently remove all data and Apple ID from it, or if there is a serious system problem. The installation algorithm on a MakBook Pro looks like this:

  1. Data backup.
  2. Creation bootable flash drive.
  3. System installation.

To back up your data, use external storage And Time program Machine, which automatically starts when connected removable media. The utility will ask whether to use external drive for backup, click “Use.” as a backup drive."

After the backup is complete, you need to make a bootable USB flash drive using disk utility:

The MacBook Pro itself will find the desired image on the flash drive and begin installing the Mac operating system. You just need to follow the instructions on the screen.

Reinstalling the operating system

You can reinstall the system from the OS recovery menu on Mac OS, which is called up by a key combination during boot:

  • Command+R - reinstalls the latest version of the OS installed on the Mac, without updating to the latest.
  • Option+Command+R - update to the latest compatible Mac OS.
  • Shift+Option+Command+R - if the OS is already installed on the Mac macOS Sierra 10.12.4 or more modern version, then pressing the combination will allow you to reinstall the OS that came with your Mac laptop.

After pressing these key combinations, a menu will appear in which you need to select “Reinstall Mac OS”. Next, do the following:

  1. When the name Mac OS Sierra is displayed, click Next.
  2. Select the drive on which you will install the system (usually called Macintosh HD).
  3. The system reinstallation will begin, after which the Mac laptop will boot as usual.

All data, including passwords and Apple IDs, will be saved, as well as user data. But still create a backup copy before reinstalling, just in case. Reinstallation is also sometimes called recovery, as it often helps solve performance and performance problems. If the problems have not been corrected, then you can already try installing the system with formatting boot disk on your MacBook, not forgetting to copy all the data to external media, because after such a procedure they will all be deleted.

operating room MacOS system X- own development Apple and is installed on all computers produced by it. Thanks to its tight integration and hardware design, it offers high stability and performance. A new version of this OS is released once a year, and during its service life, updates are regularly released to correct detected errors. We will tell you in this article how to reinstall Mac OS X on your computer and what installation options are available.

Terms of distribution

Mac OS X is a proprietary operating system, the first version of which was released in 2001. Over the next twelve years, it was distributed on a paid basis, and all its versions bore “cat” names. The first in this series was OS 10.0 “Cheetah”, the last one was 10.8 “Mountain Lion”.

Starting with version 10.9, MacOS is distributed free of charge, and code names began to be assigned in honor of geographical objects located in the state of California. The first operating system in this series was released in 2013 and was named Mavericks, after a popular Californian beach.

In 2016, Apple changed one of the clauses in its license agreement with users. MacOS has since been considered not purchased, but leased from the company for the duration of use of its equipment. However, this change mostly affects those users who use the so-called MacOS on a third-party computer.

Update from App Store

The easiest way to install a new version is to download it from the app store App Store. Let's see what needs to be done in this case and how. You can reinstall Mac OS X in this way on any Apple computer, the hardware of which will support the capabilities of the latest version of the operating system.

To download, you will need a working OS and Internet access. On home page App Store, in the " Quick links", the most current one will be located first Mac version OS available for your computer. By going to the operating system page, select the “Download” option, and in the “Programs” folder you will see its image with the name “Install Mac OS”, the current build number and an indicator showing the progress of downloading it from the company’s servers.

After receiving the image on your computer, all you have to do is run it like this: regular program. In the future, without your participation, several reboots will take place, and you will be able to use the latest Apple operating system.

Installing from the recovery partition

Over time, hardware requirements increase, and even if your laptop officially supports new version, on the old one it can work more productively. Let's look at how to do it on a MacBook without changing the OS to a newer one. In this case, we will also need a connection to the World Wide Web.

At boot time, you must use the keyboard shortcut Command+R. With its help, you get to the recovery menu and choose how to reinstall Mac OS. You will be able to upgrade to the latest supported version or the latest version in use. By choosing the second option, you will actually install back the OS on which your laptop showed better performance.

When using the restore feature, you also have the option to return the version of the operating system with which you purchased your computer. If you decide to perform this operation, you will need to use more complex combination keys on initial stage downloads. While holding down Shift+Command+Option+R and answering the question about how to reinstall Mac OS, select the option to install the system that came with it.

Installation from a flash drive

After new versions of Apple OS are released, to activate all available options, a “clean” installation may be necessary. In this case, you need to know how to reinstall Mac OS from scratch using a bootable USB flash drive. This option is not much more complicated than the previous ones, and the only thing you need is an external drive of at least 8 GB in size and named Untitled. You can rename it using the Disk Utility program included in the OS.

First, you will need to download the boot image to your computer using the method described above. Once you have received it, you can start creating your own bootable USB flash drive. We will only use regular means the operating system itself and create an installation disk using the Terminal program. Copy the following command into its window:

sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --nointeraction

To complete it you will need Account administrator or knowledge of the administrative password. If before this you followed our recommendations exactly, then after no more than half an hour you will have an installation disk with latest version OS X Sierra.


From this material, you learned how to reinstall Mac OS on your computer and what options are available for completing this task. As you can see, the process of reinstalling the Apple operating system is quite simple and downloading its image will take you the most time. Having coped with this task, you can consider yourself a real poppy grower.