Media service android. Solving the problem of fast battery drain on Android due to the MediaServer process

A SEO needs a smartphone not only for making calls, as it is necessary to work with mobile applications, without which the work becomes more complicated. Personally, I use a dozen applications, including Web Money, Yandex Money, TOTP for Pay and a bunch of other stuff. They allow you to make payments outside of your home, check your email, and track website activity. It’s a big problem if there are viruses on your smartphone, because your account data and passwords can float away, and the device starts to become stupid and kick.

Today I will tell you how to remove viruses and Trojans from a smartphone running Android 5. Cleaning will take half an hour, after which you won’t have to worry about the state of your balance of payments, and the device will stop showing miracles of stupidity when surfing the Internet.

Birth of a problem

The problem arose immediately after the New Year, when my son and I were testing the capabilities of a new smartphone and downloading various junk from everywhere. The first sign of the disease manifested itself in the refusal to update via OTA, since the system files were modified by viruses. The device’s disease progressed - when connected to the Internet, the wrong applications began to load on their own, like AliExpress, the processor began to overheat due to strain, and the phone began to freeze.

As a result, at the end of the first month of life, it became impossible to use the Internet without swearing, launching applications became a pain, and the phone was headed for the wall, despite the warranty.

Virus scan

Naturally, I didn’t sit idly by and started looking for the evil spirits on the phone. The 360 ​​Total antivirus for smartphones was disappointing - when checking, it found 6 dangerous files, but did not show where they were installed and could only suggest disabling applications. He cannot delete anything due to lack of root rights. The list of dangerous applications included:

  1. - Android Media Service,
  2. - App Manager,
  3. - Guard Service,
  4. - Phone Service,
  5. - Setting Service.

I found only the first two in the applications; the rest were successfully disguised. There was no point in carrying a smart phone under warranty; there was also no desire to pay for flashing a new device. What to do, the eyes asked the brain, the latter tensed.

Working the solution started with installing Malwarebytes-anti-malware, then it went on as usual.

Removal instructions

In order to completely remove all viruses and Trojans on Android, three programs were needed:

  1. Malwarebytes-anti-malware,
  2. Kingo Root
  3. ES conductor.

The Malwarebytes anti-virus scanner found all the viruses, Kingo allowed me to get root rights for removal, and the Trojan Explorer removed the Trojans.


First, install Malwarebytes and scan your smartphone. He will find all the evil spirits, indicate their location on the phone and give a brief description of the viruses. The scanner is compatible with regular antivirus, so you don’t need to remove anything before installing it. I found it in system/priv-app:

  1. -,
  2. -newmast.apk,
  3. - higher.apk,
  4. - newdlir.apk,
  5. - parlmast.apk,
  6. - CLPower.apk,
  7. - smalls.apk,
  8. - tpings.apk,
  9. - oneshs.apk.

This is due to the fact that he could not delete it due to the lack of root rights and moral principles, he burned 4 folders with malicious content at the stake, I don’t remember exactly their names - the ashes hid everything. Rewrite the “coordinates” of dangerous files that the scanner found but could not delete.

So, after scanning, you found viruses, removed some of them, and know the exact location of the remaining malicious files. Now you need to get root rights and install File Explorer to delete files.

Kingo Root

On my Android 5, only Kingo Root successfully became available, which is why I recommend it. Even the vaunted Bajdo Root did not. You will find all the programs needed to remove viruses below. They have been tested by me personally, everything is working and will not break Android.

Before installing Kingo, I recommend that you follow two rules - charge your phone properly and connect to the network, as you will need to download updates and install Super User. You launch the application, click “get root” and turn blue while waiting for the software to install and update. There is a more complicated way to install root rights using Kingo via a computer, but you shouldn’t complicate your life when it works that way.

ES conductor

Got your license? Now install ES_file_explorer– a conductor capable of working with root rights. In Explorer, go to the menu (top left), look for the Root Explorer tab and turn it on. Agree with the stupid questions from the application and go to the menu item “Local storage - device”.

All that remains is to find malicious files and delete them. Select and delete.

After removing the viruses, reboot your phone and scan it again with the scanner. If not everything has been removed, repeat the procedure for complete recovery.

The disease requires sacrifice, that’s how it goes.

So, let’s consolidate the material covered:

  1. - Install Malwarebytes and scan for viruses,
  2. - Write down the location of files that cannot be deleted,
  3. - Install Kingo Root and open root rights,
  4. - Install ES conductor,
  5. - Remove viruses
  6. - Restart your smartphone
  7. - Recheck the system with the scanner again.

Uninstall the Kingo Root program immediately after destroying the viruses, you can leave Super User and ES Explorer. If you are going to the workshop for warranty repairs and need to remove root rights and their traces, then go to the Super User menu and use the “remove root” line. If Super User was deleted and you still have root rights that need to be removed, then reinstall it and remove permissions through the menu. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get to the SU file in system/bin.

And yes, if you think that you don’t have viruses on Android, but in 90% of cases you are wrong.

You can download Malwarebytes, ES Explorer and Kingo Root in one rar file directly from the Zegeberg blog.

The process with the self-explanatory name “android process media” is responsible for all multimedia files stored on the phone: photos, music, videos. Since there are a lot of such files, and users constantly work with them, deleting, moving, renaming, the message that an error has occurred with android process media appears quite often. There are two ways to fix the problem: clearing the cache and manipulating Google synchronization.

The android process media error occurs for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect deletion of multimedia files.
  • Downloading video and audio to your phone in an inappropriate format.
  • Presence of folders with the same names.
  • Installations of applications that have not been verified by Google Play or are incompatible with the settings of the mobile device.

To have fewer problems with the process responsible for media operation on Android, try to clear memory of unnecessary files and organize data. It is recommended to install applications from the Play Market on the internal memory of the phone, and not on the SD card.

In addition, there is a little trick: you can create an empty file called “.nomedia” in your Android folders. As a result, the system will not scan the directory for media files, which will reduce the load on it. However, it cannot be guaranteed that in this case errors will not occur with the android process media process, so a much more effective way is to clean the system.

If the android process media process has been stopped and you have received a notification, then follow these steps:

As a result of these complex manipulations, the data stored in the cache will be updated, and the system will stop accessing files that do not exist or that are written to memory with errors.

If the method described above did not help solve the problem, the android process media error continues to appear, how can I fix the situation using another method? Try working with Google Sync while clearing the cache of other media apps. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Go to Android settings, in the “Accounts” field, select your Google account.
  2. Tap on the account that is used on the phone. Uncheck all boxes to disable synchronization.
  3. Return to settings, go to the "Applications" section. Select the All tab. Find the built-in Gallery application.
  4. Erase the “Galleries” data, then disable the program by clicking on the corresponding button.
  5. Repeat the operation with the Download Manager application: go in, delete data, disable the program.
  6. Reboot your phone.

Once enabled, the error should not appear again. To make sure the problem is resolved, open the application list and turn on Gallery and Download Manager. Don't forget to go back to your Google account settings and turn on synchronization.

Problem : The battery on the Samsung Galaxy drains very quickly, and in “Settings - Battery” it is displayed that 40-50% is consumed by the MediaServer process

What is this anyway? : The MediaServer process in Android is responsible for scanning and detecting media files on the internal memory or memory card.

Solution :
Most fully disclosed

  • MediaServer Android or a solution to the problem of fast battery consumption
  • If you are using your Android device as an external storage device, always perform a “Safely Remove” from your computer. As stated above, the MediaServer Android problem occurs due to file corruption.
  • Use a quality microSD card (well, that's understandable)
  • Do not defragment flash drives and memory cards - this is certain death for them. (???)
Recommendations for correction :
  • Fix multimedia files (connect the device as a drive, run the utility to fix errors in MP3 files - then scan and FIX)
  • If there are questionable video files on the device—under-downloaded or broken—delete.
  • Add an empty file to the root of the music folder (and to all folders and subfolders with media content) .nomedia then the content would not be indexed, and then always use a player that can scan the folders specified to it and not use the system library. For example - PowerAMP
  • Remove all symbols from the names of .mp3 files and from their tags, including “unwanted” characters (such as “&” and “_”)
  • Clear media storage: "Settings > Application Manager > All > Media storage > Clear data (+ Clear Cache)"
  • Change the alarm melody to “basic”, instead of the .mp3 file
  • Edit the build.prop file by adding the lines:

media.stagefright.enable-player= false

  • Use the program " Rescan Media ROOT"
  • Use the program " App to Kill Mediaserver"
  • Disable "media storage" via Autostarts
  • Use Mediaserver Killer (requires root, doubtful, because if you have root, it’s easier to freeze/delete)
  • Check the media for errors.
  • Formatt the media after making a backup.

Another recipe :
I continued to study the problem and found out that the problem is not in the mediaserver process, but in the so-called “wakelocks” that the programs clearly present to us “ Wakelock Detector" And " BetterBatteryStats”.
In the morning the following evil “wakelocks” surfaced: AlarmManager(Google Maps, Viber, etc. processes) and Audio_out2(process 1013), which loaded statistics for 9 hours, worked for 8.5 (!) hours. Mr. told the world about them in detail Pe@rl$.
Quote: " …AudioOut_2… To resolve: open settings, select sound. Turn off keyboard sounds, touch sounds, screen lock sounds, and touch vibrations. It's a matter of habit, but the extra battery life you'll gain just by solving this ridiculously simple problem is more than worth it...
The click sounds and vibration feedback were always turned off for me, but lock screen vibration response- No. This is the reason I have been looking for for so long. After turning off the vibration response, they “gone” mediaserver And Audio_out2, and with them the problem of “night eating”.

While the Android operating system is running, dozens of services, applications and utilities interact with each other and system files. Naturally, failures may occur in their work, which will lead to various problems. In particular, a user of a smartphone or tablet running a “green robot” may encounter an android process media error. Most often, it occurs due to a malfunction of Google services, which are installed by default on all Android devices. Getting rid of the android process media error is quite simple, and below we will look at two effective ways to do this.

Android process media error due to clogged cache

In most cases, the system notifies the user that the android process media has failed when there are problems with temporary files accumulated in Google applications. To get rid of the error you need to do the following:

The steps described above can resolve the conflict that occurs due to temporary files. Due to this, it is possible to eliminate the android process media error in the operation of the device.

android process media error due to storage issues

If the method described above did not help get rid of the android process media error, most likely the problem is related to the operation of the storage on the device. Follow these steps to resolve the error:

After downloading, make sure that the device is working without android process media error. If the problem is resolved, be sure to enable "Download Manager" and "Gallery" in the operating system application list.

The standard media scanner on Android works poorly: it constantly goes through the same folders and checks the same files. There is little real use from it: it only makes sure that the standard player and gallery always contain up-to-date files, but it does this with glitches. The worst thing is when it comes across a broken file or file system errors - then the load on the processor and battery increases greatly.

The enthusiasm with which the media scanner crawls through operating system folders can be limited. If you know for sure in which folders you store photos, videos and music, do nothing with them, and copy an empty file named .nomedia to all others. The presence of this file is a warning to the media scanner that there is no need to go here, there is nothing interesting here. In Android 4.3 and 4.4, the media scanner learned to ignore .nomedia files and sometimes scans them.

If the media scanner is still displayed among the leaders in battery consumption, you will have to resort to more drastic measures - disabling it. To do this, you can use the free Rescan Media ROOT application. It requires root access and USB debugging mode enabled. If all this is present, launch the application and click the “Disable Media Scanner” button. Now it is responsible for scanning and adding media files to libraries, the check is carried out manually, no background scanning, which consumes the battery without permission, will be performed. The Re-Enable Media Scanner button disables file scanning through Rescan Media and returns the standard media scanner.

Sometimes a problem arises in which the player stops seeing some of the tracks, and some photos disappear from the gallery. This means that errors occur during scanning or it has stopped. It needs to be fixed. Open settings and go to the list everyone installed applications, find “Media Storage” and clear the cache and user data in it.