Why is Nofollow closed from indexing? Nofollow - blocking external links from indexing and subtle aspects of use in template layout

How links are blocked from indexing. nofollow and noindex tags.

Hello, dear guests!

In this article I want to talk about the topic, how to block a link from indexing, so that it does not transfer the weight of the site to another site. I'll also talk about tags nofollow And noindex, which are directly related to blocking text and links from indexing in search engines. Find out why, on the one hand, it is desirable to use the nofollow tag, but on the other hand, it is not desirable.

First of all, let's talk about why it is generally necessary to block all outgoing links from the site from being indexed in search engines. Let me give you an example, which I hope will give you a general idea of ​​why you need to close outgoing links.

I'll take an ordinary pool of water as an example. Let’s say that in order to fill it with liquid (water), we need a source of this very water, and also how this water will get into our pool. The first thing that comes to mind, of course, is the pipes through which water will be filled into the pool from another source. So, in our case, these pipes will be incoming links from other sites to our site, which is accordingly very good and the site will increase link juice, which is good for increasing the site’s position in search engines, that is, the site will rise to the Top of the search results.

And here it is also important that this water is clean, so that you can swim and swim in it, and all incoming links must also be high-quality, bold, trustworthy, that is, those that have good authority with search engines and are located on high positions.

Therefore, it is very important to have not just a large number of incoming links, but their quality. Since, if low-quality resources link to your site or blog, then there is practically no benefit from them, but on the contrary, it can harm your site, especially a young one. Due to inexperience, you can pick up a lot of low-quality links, so it’s better to rely on proven methods and buy links, for example through SeoPult, which strictly filters any slag and selects the most trust donors.

So, let's go back to our pool and let's say we filled our pool with clean water to capacity. Now imagine this situation. Another pipe was brought to our pool, but this time they will drain water through it, and in this case, if the pipes with filling water stop pumping water and filling the pool with water, then it will begin to decrease and come out through the drain pipe, and the more such pipes and the diameter , the faster all the water will flow to another source (in our case, this is another site to which there is an outgoing link from our site) and in this case, the link weight of the page and the site will decrease, which will lead to a lower position of the site in search engines.

Therefore, to prevent this from happening, and to prevent the static link juice of your site from disappearing, as they say to the uncle, you need all outgoing links that lead to external sources close from indexing tag nofollow. Moreover, there is a difference between a bold link and a regular one.

An example with our pool. There is a pipe with a large diameter, and there is a small one, while, for example, one pipe with a large diameter will be equal to 5 pipes of smaller diameter combined. So in outgoing links - one bold link with good bulges will be equal to 5 outgoing links and then it turns out that the link weight will be equal to 0. Therefore, you need to have more incoming links with good bulges (bulges are indicators of TIC, PR) and preferably fewer indexed outgoing links to an external resource.

If you want to put an indexed link to another site, then it is desirable that this site be authoritative, for example, Wikipedia. But another interesting thing happens here, which has not been proven, but webmasters suspect about it - this is the factor that if you close all outgoing links from your site to external sources, then in this case the weight will not be transferred to these sources , but will be transmitted to nowhere (in the air) and the same situation occurs, and the link juice will still leak from your site. This fact has not been confirmed, but many are already talking about it. Therefore, if possible, use less outgoing links that need to be blocked from indexing.

Let's take an example to see how the tag nofollow close the outgoing link from indexing.

Link to external source

But, what are the differences between the nofollow tag and the noindex tag you ask?

Let me tell you about tags nofollow And noindex I’ll give you more details and examples, and you’ll understand how they work and what the difference is between them.

noindex tag- this is a tag that serves to block duplicate and unwanted text from indexing from the eyes of search engines, and this text will be visible to people. Previously, this tag was used for Yandex, or more precisely to close outgoing links from the site. But then Yandex stopped taking it into account in terms of blocking links from indexing and assigned it a new function - to block text on the site from indexing.

Let's say you want to cover some part of the text that is a duplicate of the original. This can be any text, with any character size, that was taken from another site or from your own. Just like search engines don’t like copied text and punish those sites that have this text, even if this text is yours. Any passage or all text must be unique on each page of the site.

Where can I see duplicate text on the site?

First of all, the copied text can be seen in the text itself. The author simply took this text, copied it on another site and did not bother to block it from indexing in search engines. This text is also placed in sitebars.

What is a sitebar?

A sitebar is a specific place on each page of a site that contains articles with brief descriptions of these articles that have already been written on this site. That is, the title of the article is taken as a link and a piece of the already written article is copied. And the more such texts in the sitebar, the worse it affects the site’s promotion in search engines. Therefore, it is advisable to enclose such sections of duplicate text in the noindex tag.

Here is an example of how to hide duplicate or unwanted text from search engines using a tag noindex.

Text that needs to be blocked from indexing

If you want to block both the text and the link from indexing in search engines at the same time, here is how this is done using an example.

Text Link text and link itself

This is where I end this article. Here I told how to block text and links from indexing using nofollow and noindex tags.

Now I hope you already have an idea of ​​why your positions are not growing and you cannot get Titz and PR. Use fewer outbound links whenever possible. This method will allow your site to stay afloat.

Thank you for reading this article and I look forward to your comments.

Greetings to everyone :) Today we’ll talk about ways in which you can block external links from indexing search engines Yandex and Google. This question is very relevant now, since there are many pitfalls in using rel nofollow and noindex. Some search engines take one thing into account, others another, so today I will try to explain all the aspects and nuances that arise when working with each search engine. I propose to break it into 2 sections, which will be related to working on the 1st link and working with the entire page:

  1. How to block an external link or piece of text from indexing
  2. Blocking the entire page or all links on the page from search robots

Working on blocking the 1st external link from indexing by Yandex and Google

As you yourself understand, you can prohibit robots from indexing not only 1 backlink, but any number. This is how I composed the title of the section to show the locality of the approach, which will be described below.

Working with the attribute

Using this attribute, you can prevent search robots from passing static weight on the link. In other words, the link will be indexed, but it will not transfer its weight. It looks like this:

Everything is as clear as possible, but there are some peculiarities:

Working with the noindex tag

This tag is intended to hide from robots service pieces of code, links or any other information that you do not want to show to search robots.

You can block a piece of text like this:

Any text at your discretion

Features of work with him:

  • Google doesn't take this tag into account at all. This applies to both links and pieces of text.
  • Yandex used to take it into account for links. But now this does not work on links; it only works on parts of the text. They may not yet be shown to the robot in this way.

Working with closing the entire page (meta robots noindex and nofollow)

If you do not want to show the robot a specific page or only links on it, you can use meta robots. Of course, there is another way to prevent page viewing by using .

So working with meta looks like this:

If you use the all attribute, then further instructions will not be taken into account. For example:

< meta name=»robots» content=»all» />

< meta name=»robots» content=»index, nofollow» />- in this case, both the links and the page will be indexed

There is an exception, all has a lower priority than noarchive.

< meta name=»robots» content=»all» />

< meta name=»robots» content=»noarchive» />— the saved copy of the site will not appear in the search results in this case

Both search engines work with this matter without problems. But personally, I like closing pages in robots.txt more. Apparently habit takes its toll :)

True, when you don’t want to show 1-2 pages, then this method is better, and if there is a large number, then robots will be more convenient.

I hope I outlined all the possible nuances and showed the features of working with these things. If I suddenly missed something, write in the comments, we will correct it :)

You probably know that if you link to other people's sites with an open indexed hyperlink, then your dynamic weight will go away. By the way, this weight contains authority in the eyes of the search engine, as well as the indicators of the small size, and these are TIC, TRUST, PR.

There is a solution and there is more than one.

Let's talk more about this, namely the following:

  • What is noindex;
  • What is nofollow;

So let's get started!

What is noindex and what is it for?

This is the name of the HTML tag. Designed to include a link that must be left closed from indexing by the Yandex search engine.

In what cases can you use the “noindex” attribute:

1. In order to create attendance counter scripts. Once you have installed a counter on your blog, be sure to close it with “noindex” tags. Try to use all methods to close links to other sites and blogs;

2. To close plagiarized content, copy-paste, for example;

3. In order to cover the way for the robot to index the subscription form, the same feedburner;

4. Pay attention to blocking banners from the index;

But I can tell you that sometimes the tag should not be used. Here is a list of these points:

1. Do you use Google Adsense? If yes, then do not take any measures to close its windows from the search engine index;

2. Newbie mistake. close internal links. No need to do this.

3. When you write an article on your blog, you don’t need to put it in tags. One case where noindex can be used is when the article is not unique;

We've dealt with the noindex tag, now let's look at the Nofollow attribute. How is it different and what does it represent?

What's happened Nofollow and what is it for?

Nofollow is far from noindex. However, it is effective for all search engines, both Yandex and Google. If you remember, noindex is only suitable for Yasha.

I’ll tell you right away that Nofollow is not a tag, but a tag parameter. However, it makes no difference.

There is no need to mislead yourself and build some unimaginable pyramids out of noindex and nofollow. Everything is quite simple. Both attributes are suitable for Yandex, and nofolls for search engines. I say this for those who are misled.

At the beginning of the post I already mentioned dynamic weight, and also said that an open link takes it away from you. Now a little more detail.

You have a large number of pages on your blog. This is me for example. So, each of them has a certain mass. If you put a link to someone else’s site from one page, that weight goes away from it. To avoid leaving, you need to enclose the link in nofollow or noindex tags.

Like this:


here anocr or hyperlink text


link text

Now let’s make a small conclusion: noindex blocks the text or its fragments from indexing in Yasha, but nofollow makes it possible not to give up the weight of the page.

I hope this is all clear and no questions should arise.

How to add attributes to meta? Why is this necessary?

The robots.txt meta tag allows you to allow or disable the robot from indexing a new blog post. Noindex and Noffolow contribute to this.

There are four options for sending a search robot. To do this, use 4 attributes, namely “index”, “noindex”, “follow”, “nofollow”.

I think there is no need to explain what these tags are.

Now it's time for some illustrative examples.

Let's say we want to disable indexing of a document:

To do everything at once, that is, prohibit indexing, and also prohibit the transfer of dynamic weight, use this meta tag.

Now I want to ban the indexing of articles and all page content for the search engine from the Google search whale. At the same time, all other search engines, or rather their robots, will be able to capture the pages of my blog.

To do this we will use:

The process of prohibiting the indexing of images and pictures will be simple, but at the same time the entire page will be fully accessible to the robot.

Many may have a question about where to insert all these scripts, or at least some of them. They must be inserted between tags And in the site header, you can look in the source code of the page where these tags are located.

To write some line between And open the header.php file. You can find it in the WordPress admin panel, the appearance is the header.php editor, or in the root directory on the hosting. By the way, in order to connect to the root directory you can use the FTP client FileZilla or TotalCommander.

That's all I wanted to download about nofollow and noindex. Let's move on to other tips for blocking links from indexing.

How else can you block external links from indexing?

Guys, now I will tell you about effective ways to block a link in an article from indexing, while the anchor enclosed in the hyperlink will have excellent contact with the search engine.

<a href = "#" class = "link" data-link = "http://goo.gl" > external link</a>

But this short code will process the link:

Why is this method of blocking links from indexing good? Yes, because you are not required to make additional inserts in styles. Another important advantage is that the anchor is indexed, but only the link is private. I already mentioned this above.

2. Here is another good option to block the link from indexing. To do this, we will work with the code of your blog. Open the WordPress admin panel. Go to appearance - editor - footer.php. Find the closing tag

. We insert it right before it.

After we have completed this action, save the changes and go to style.css, it is located in the same place as the footer, only at the very bottom of the list. At the very end of the file we insert the script:

Alink ( color: rgb(70, 175, 158); cursor:pointer; ) .alink:hover ( color: rgb(61, 214, 185); text-decoration:underline;

This is what it should look like:

External site

To do this, insert the code at the end of the functions.php file before “?>”:

Function replace_link($content) ( $pattern = "/\(.*?)(.*?)(.*?)\[\/aspan\]/i"; $content = preg_replace($pattern, "$1$6 $7", $content); return $content; ) add_filter("the_content", "replace_link");

After inserting the script, it is possible to enclose the link in tags like this and then the hyperlink will not be indexed. After insertion

here is the anchor

But this also makes it difficult for many. Therefore, we got to the bottom of the truth and found another interesting option, which again will simplify our work.

Now it’s time to install a special button in the editing panel when adding a post.

To do this, download this archive . Then unpack it to your desktop. Open the file manager on the hosting, or use an FTP client.

We follow the path http://your_site.ru/wp-content/themes/your_theme/. When you open the topic, place the downloaded file there.

We leave there, go to the admin panel, open functions.php and again before the tag?> insert:

Require_once(TEMPLATEPATH . "/aspan/aspan.php");

That's it, the button is installed. Now we can easily circle any link and make it unindexable.

I think the information was new to all of you. For some, no. In general, after reading the article, you should have understood how to make any link unindexable.

Goodbye, friends!

Sincerely, Zhuk Yuri.

I received the following question: why, after updating WordPress (4.5.2), did the nofollow links of categories and tags on the site pages stop closing?

Indeed, although I was not the first to pay attention to this, but, having sorted it out, I saw a similar bug on some of my blogs... I didn’t look deeply into it: I don’t have time. And this problem can be solved in a couple of clicks.

Therefore, for those who use hiding tag links/headings nofolow as a seo method,

let's figure it out:

how to close nofollow category links in meta fields

Probably, some admins (who used the previous code, or some other one) also stopped closing category links in the metafield. It's crossed out in the photo (the link is closed by nofolow).

Pay attention to line 2 in the code above - now you need to change the wp_list_categories tag to the_category and you're done!

Here is a new example (explanations in the comments)

/*** close nofollow categories BEFORE THE META ARTICLE ***/ function add_rel_nofollow_to_the_category($a) ( return str_replace("

In general, for the sake of order, it’s worth looking at what macro the heading links in your template are displayed in: open the files, for example, post.php or post-single.php and take a look... and then make edits on a practical basis.

I have this functionand accordingly the edit shown above: line 2.

To make it clearer... I gave the codes separately, sequentially with functional examples.

And then it happens that you are woken up in the morning by the dashing ringing of a new phone - by the way... I bought a xiaomi mi4i smartphone recently, samples for https://www.ru-mi.com/smartphones/xiaomi-mi5/

...so, if you are looking for a telephone, I recommend it (!) In general, xiaomi’s simplicity has not let me down so far!

So today one user called, worriedly reporting a problem on his website.

And I explained to him the concepts of WordPress)

All good and useful! Praise be to the inventor of telephones!

Well, since I got up early today, I decided, for all the readers of my blog, to write an article (and edit the previous one) about links to categories... and correct, if necessary, the tag cloud on the site.

Maybe it will be useful to someone.

how to close nofollow tags in meta fields

As you know from the last post, the function for displaying article navigation by tags is as follows:

I remind you: look in your post-single.php file because for most users, tag links are displayed in the article, in the final...

Now all that remains is to write the following example in the function file:

Let me remind you: if you do not close nofolow tag links, the WordPress system automatically inserts such a tag rel="tag" .

And if we decide to close tag links in the “meta” article, and close them with some untested code, then it may turn out that in the processed link in the source code of the template there will be two tags rel="tag" and Do you understand? That's right, this means that the validator will throw an error!


Therefore (!) we will write the following filter:

/*** close nofollow tags and REMOVE rel="tag AFTER UPDATE 5.2 ***/ function nofollow_tag($text) ( return str_replace("rel="tag"", "rel="tag nofollow"", $text) ; ) add_filter("the_tags", "nofollow_tag"); /*** final close tags AFTER AFTER UPDATE 5.2 ***/


The validator won’t show an error, but SEO specialists have debates… “is it worth using such a tag link”?

Personally, I do this: in the code, in line 3, I write a regular tag, that is, I remove the tag phrase.

return str_replace("rel="tag"", "", $text);


We're done with that and... for the rest... which method you choose is up to you!

...I won’t talk too much: let’s just move on to the next step...

close the tag cloud on the site in the sidebar

The basis of the function for displaying a tag cloud is wp_tag_cloud - it remains to add the following example to the function file on its basis: take a closer look at the code, compare it with other examples.

/*** close tags IN THE WIDGET ***/ add_filter("wp_tag_cloud", "add_rel_nofollow_to_wp_tag_cloud"); function add_rel_nofollow_to_wp_tag_cloud($a) ( return str_replace("

Well that's all...

Now you know what tags are on a website... and most importantly, you have an initial idea of ​​how all this is processed and filtered at the level of your template: cloudless clouds of tags or precise navigation by tags (hashtags)... or categories... and similar jurisprudence...

...But so that you can solve many of the problems based on your own experience: after all, it is not at all necessary for the owner of a website/blog to be a sophisticated programmer, but (!) you need to have some knowledge.

So today, we examined, albeit quite superficially, some functions that in one way or another relate to the options for displaying categories and tags in WordPress, and which also have many adjustments.

So... let's study...

At this point the curtain of the show comes down...
...sad dust falls on the ramps...

While I’m winding up some scraps on the stage of the current booth, I think it will be useful...

...Video on the topic regarding thanking the visitor for his first comment. By the way, an option without a plugin! Lightweight code.

A very convenient gadget, because on the thank you page you can provide the commentator with a lot of useful explanations, links, subscription forms, etc. regarding the usefulness of your blog/site.

Good afternoon Today we will talk about how to close external links from indexing. Today's lesson will be written on this topic, as questions about Noindex and Nofollow.

Why do you need to block external links from indexing?

Many webmasters (including experienced SEO specialists (people who promote websites)) block unnecessary links (in particular external ones) from indexing. All this is done in order not to transmit page weight to other sites. Let me remind you that each page has a certain weight, which is distributed (“given”) to other pages when placing links.

That is, if your post contains one single link and it leads to the main page, then the weight will be equal to, for example, 1. It turns out that you yourself are promoting your main page and increasing its weight. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you have a competent one on your blog.

Look: if you have, for example, 2 links in the same article, one of which leads to site1.ru, and the other to site2.ru, then in this case the weight will be transferred to them by 0.5 (this is a rough value, I gave you an example, so that you understand. In fact, the weight of the link depends on many factors: , use, the link is located closer to the beginning of the document or at the end, etc.).

That is why you should close external links, that is, so that the weight of your page does not “flow away” anywhere, but remains on your blog, which will greatly help you with promotion. Also, if you are interested (or rather, making money on it), then customers require that the number of external links does not exceed the number n(they usually want no more than 4-7 external links on the page). For example, if there are a lot of outgoing external links on a page, then the weight of each link will be negligible, that is, those sites that received links from this page will receive a very small (and maybe even negative) effect.

Noindex and Nofollow


Let's say the site (see above) is a site to which we do not want the weight of our page to be transferred. To do this you just need to add rel=”nofollow”. And the final link will look like this:

Link text


Noidex tag was invented by Yandex. Yandex previously “didn’t understand” rel=”nofollow”, and all webmasters used noindex to block the link from indexing for Yandex. But after Yandex began to take into account nofollow (we are all grateful to him for this 🙂), the popularity of noindex fell sharply. Now it is very rarely used. I usually set noindex in places where advertisements are displayed through scripts, etc.

Using Noindex.

The Noindex tag needs to be used a little differently. It blocks indexing (let me remind you, it only closes (!) for Yandex) not a specific link, but a specific section. I'll give you the same example.

But with noindex from Yandex:

Here's an example of where I use noindex (using the output code as an example):

Please note that the noindex tag must be placed correctly. If it stands, for example, IN FRONT

(the beginning of some style), it should come after the end of this “style”, that is, after


To find out if all unnecessary links are closed in nofollow, you can use. I also recommend checking your blog using http://be1.ru/stat/. It shows the number of outgoing external links, and those links that are taken in nofollow are marked with a red exclamation mark. This way you can find links that are not closed using rel=”nofollow”. This service will also show errors when using noindex.

I think that's all for today. If you have any questions, ask in the comments. See you soon, friends!

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