Reviews of Eurobyte hosting, provider review. Why do I need reliable and fast Eurobyte hosting VPS testing methodology

In my five years of working on the Internet as a webmaster, I have used the services of many hosting companies. At the moment, my various sites, including client ones, are located on 7 hosting sites - from the free Yukoz to the Ukrainian Not all of them are equally good, but tolerable, since they are used for different purposes. For example, as a sump or for.

Basically, these are initial rates for virtual hosting for 2-3 sites, except for Makhost, where it is possible to host up to 10 web projects. The tariff is not , but it’s worth the money and my peace of mind.. In general, it’s a good hosting, but it and other companies turned out to be not very convenient for solving some problems.

I had an idea to create a pack of 15-20 sites, I won’t say why, maybe nothing will work out. I looked, all my hosters have a limit on the number of sites on an account. To host a couple of dozen projects, you need to take an expensive virtual hosting or VPS tariff. Why overpay for extra disk space and resources if these are light, low-page sites or landing pages with temporary placement.

Requires a minimum of space, but an unlimited number of sites and MySQL databases, speed and reliability. And also a relatively low price and ease of maintenance, so a VDS server is not an option at all. I searched, searched and found.

Review of Eurobyte hosting in questions and answers

I noticed Eurobyte advertising on websites and blogs for a long time, it even began to irritate me a little and for the time being did not interest me at all. And then, looking through the available options, I remembered that Maxim Dovzhenko (author of the blog had recently moved to their VIP hosting. He certainly won’t post his SEO blog anywhere. I became interested, contacted technical support and clarified some points. Then I decided to write another review in the form of answers to possible questions when choosing virtual website hosting.

Where is Eurobyte located?

A simple question, but an ambiguous answer. The hosting itself is legally registered in Russia. The central office with financial and legal departments are located in Moscow. Technical support specialists and system administrators work in the Ukrainian office. Physically, servers for virtual hosting and VPS are located in the “EasyNet” data center in Amsterdam (Netherlands). Although the DC is bourgeois, the equipment itself is the property of Eurobyte. Operating since 2010.

This combination allows you to get European quality of service and Russian IP for your sites, which will be a plus in ranking for regional promotion.

What types of services are there?

To host simple websites on HTML and WordPress, unlimited shared hosting is suitable for me.

There is an improved CMS hosting optimized for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, 1C-Bitrix and UMI.CMS.

VIP tariff is offered for established clients.

There are also five VDS hosting plans on SSD drives with unlimited traffic.

In addition, it is possible to rent servers of any configuration, register and renew domains, and sell licenses for popular software at a discount.

What software is used?

For any tariffs on virtual, CMS and VIP hosting servers the following are available:

  • CloudLinux OS
  • Apache Web Server 2.2.21
  • Perl 5.10.1
  • PHP 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6
  • MySQL 5.5.34
  • XCache, Zend OPcache, APC, eAccelerator
  • Zend Guard Loader/Zend Optimizer, IonCube PHP Loader
  • Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3
  • Django and Ruby
  • Webmail Rouncube
  • Access and error logs, statistics
  • SSH access
  • Backup to separate servers (backups are made every 2 days)
  • DNS management
  • Separate ftp access for each site

All rates include:

  • ISPmanager control panel;
  • unlimited traffic;
  • hosting an unlimited number of websites, MySQL databases and mailboxes;
  • Possibility to order a dedicated IP.

What equipment and channels are used to access the network?

The high speed of websites and the stability of Eurobyte hosting are the result of using powerful DELL servers with multi-core processors, fast RAM and, most importantly, SSD drives. In addition, the servers use CloudLinux and FastCGI, which allows for high stability due to increased reliability and isolation between clients. In this case, situations where one client can affect the work of others within the same server are excluded.

Typical configuration of a web server serving virtual hosting : Dell R430 / 2x E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz / 64GB / 2 x 1TB SSD. Server serving VPS/VDS hosting : DELL R430 / 2x E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz / 128GB / 4 x 1TB SSD.

Each virtual server (VDS/VPS) is equipped with a dedicated Internet channel with a bandwidth of 100 Mbit/s, physical servers – up to 1 Gbit/s.

Using SSD drives is more expensive compared to SATA/SAS, so many hosters do not install them. And servers are mainly limited by disk speed (especially MySQL). Moreover, not simple SSD drives are used here, but special business-level server drives. In addition, the servers have a lot of RAM so that the web server, MySQL, PHP and other software work as comfortably as possible. Eurobyte uses DDR4. Although it has only recently appeared and is expensive, in combination with the new powerful Intel processors it provides maximum performance.

Price policy

As you can see, Eurobyte does not skimp on equipment. Servers are updated approximately every 1.5–2 years, while many competitors do not change them for 5 or more years. If we also take into account that the company’s offices are located in Russia and Ukraine, and the data center is located in Europe, then it is quite clear why prices for web hosting services cannot be called low. Let's just say they are slightly above average. But if you need to host many small sites that do not require a lot of disk space, then you can save money.

Prices for virtual hosting start from 159 rubles per month, CMS – from 399 rubles, VIP – 1499 rubles and VDS/VPS – from 299 rubles per month.

What is the difference between virtual, CMS hosting and VIP? Which to choose?

Unlike virtual hosting, CMS hosting and VIP have more powerful servers and each has fewer clients. In particular, they have faster processors with a 3.5 GHz core, and on regular hosting – 2.2 GHz. Thanks to this, CMS hosting tariffs are specially optimized for the fastest and most reliable operation of all popular engines.

On any tariff you can host an unlimited number of websites and MySQL databases, and there are restrictions only on the level of permissible load on one processor core:

  • virtual hosting – from 15 to 50%;
  • CMS – from 25 to 100%;
  • VIP – 100% and no more than 10 clients on the server, which can be considered an excellent alternative to VPS/VDS.

I want to warn you that it will not be possible to automatically install WordPress and other CMS, as is implemented on almost all popular hosting services. Manual installation personally does not cause any problems for me, but for novice webmasters it can create some inconvenience. True, Eurobyte employees promise to introduce the ability to automatically install scripts in the future, so it’s better to clarify.

But, if you need to transfer your website from another hosting, then Eurobyte specialists can do it themselves and for free. All you need to do is contact technical support for help and follow the instructions received. I moved to Makhost in a similar way, it is very convenient - it saves time and eliminates possible problems. For those who are not confident in their abilities, I recommend this option.

Nice bonuses

In addition to free website transfer, Eurobyte has other benefits for clients:

  1. Free trial period 1 month on any tariff.
  2. For a one-time payment for a period of 6 months or more, a 10% discount on the payment, from 12 months – 20%.
  3. When you transfer a site from another hosting, you receive a free month at the selected tariff.

To receive free hosting, you need to order the tariff you are interested in and make an activation payment of 50 rubles. This money will not be lost and will be used to pay for services starting from the second month.

Receiving a bonus is automatic, but only for the first order, that is, for the one made during registration. If a client deletes an order after registration and creates a new one, then activation of the bonus is possible only through a technical support ticket.

If you registered with Eurobyte and immediately transferred your site from another hoster, then the bonuses are summed up. That is, you will receive 2 months free of charge - for registration and for transferring the site.

If you received a registration bonus, and, for example, after half a year you decided to move one of your sites. In this case, you will receive another month of free hosting. That is, you can get a free month for transfer at any time, but only once. To do this, you need to write a ticket and indicate which web resource you want to transfer and from where.

Payment Methods

You can pay for hosting services in the following ways:

  • Webmoney, Yandex.Money and QIWI wallet;
  • bank cards (Visa, Mastercard);
  • PayPal;
  • in cash at payment terminals or by bank transfer;
  • through the HandyBank system;
  • through the ROBOKASSA service.

How to contact technical support?

Technical support staff work around the clock, including weekends and holidays. You can contact them by email or through the ticket system in the billing panel “Request List” - “Support Center”. The maximum response time to a ticket is 10 minutes. In addition, in the top menu “ Help and support” there is a convenient QA question-and-answer system where you can also ask questions.

The online chat on the website only provides pre-sales and sales support. There is no telephone contact.

affiliate program

The advantage of the Eurobyte affiliate program is that any user can earn money here, even if they are not their clients. To do this you just need to register.

You will receive 20% of each paid order of your referral for the entire time he uses hosting. The money you earn can be used to pay for services or withdrawn to a WMR wallet. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 1000 rubles.

The fastest hosting in Russia

According to the “Hosting Ninja” service, in the rating of hosting providers in Russia for 2015, Eurobyte takes 2nd place, and in the overall standings among companies from different countries – a high 3rd place. In terms of reliability - 3rd place (Uptime 99.94%), and in terms of performance it confidently holds TOP-1 among Russian hosting services with a score of 100%.

I heard it a long time ago. Several of my friends use their services. Their reviews are positive. However, I always conduct my own testing before placing a site on a particular hosting.
This article contains the results of such testing, which I conducted in June 2015.

About EuroByte.RU

The company has been providing services in the hosting market since 2010. Several services are offered to website owners - classic virtual hosting, CMS hosting optimized for popular website content management systems (CMS Joomla, WordPress, Bitrix, Drupal, NetCat, UNI.CMS, HostCMS), VIP hosting for demanding websites and VPS/ VDS hosting. You can also inexpensively register a domain name with Eurobyte.

White company. There is an official legal entity and a license to provide telematic services. The website has all the information about the company, including tax identification number, checkpoint, and so on.
They work with both individuals and legal entities. That is, they draw up a formal agreement and all the necessary accounting documents.

Hosting prices

The minimum virtual hosting tariff will cost 159 rubles per month.

For virtual servers, the OpenVZ virtualization system is used. Prices start at 299 rubles.

Technical support

Technical support is provided around the clock, including weekends and holidays, via online messenger, as well as through the “List of Requests” menu in the “Support Center” section of the client panel or by email [email protected].
The office is located in Moscow at Lyublinskaya 42.

Own equipment

All servers used for virtual hosting and VDS are located in the European data center “EasyNet” (Holland). The company rents a room in the Data Center, and everything else (from racks to servers and network equipment) is its own. The Data Center has its own small warehouse of spare parts.

Payment methods and refunds

Services can be paid in the following ways:

  • Webmoney (WMZ, WMR)
  • PayPal
  • Bank cards (Visa, Mastercard)
  • Yandex money
  • Cash at payment terminals
  • Bank transaction
  • Payment from the account of Russian mobile operators (MTS, Megafon, Beeline)
  • QIWI wallet

Refunds of unused funds are made upon request through the ticket system.

Billing and hosting control panel

The user's dialogue with the system is built according to a standard scheme using ISPSystem software. BILLmanager is used for billing, VMmanager is used to manage virtual servers, ISPmanager and VestaCP are offered as hosting control panels. I was especially pleased that the CentOS+VestaCP combination can be installed directly from the template in the control panel.

Server for testing

I'm a fan of virtual servers. Therefore, I will evaluate the quality of Eurobyte services based on testing the VPS server. In my humble opinion, the minimum server suitable for hosting should have at least 512 MB of RAM, one virtual processor and a 10 GB hard drive. The cost of renting a virtual server at this rate (EURO-512) is 299 rubles per month. At the current ruble exchange rate, this is a very good offer, especially considering that the servers use SSD drives, and the company provides technical support.

Server configuration for testing

For tests I will use a virtual server in a minimal configuration for 299 rubles with the CentOS x86-64 operating system with the latest updates and a standard set of hosting software:

  • Hosting Panel: VestaCP
  • WEB: Nginx / Apache + mod_ruid2
  • DNS: Bind
  • MAIL: Exim / Dovecot / ClamAV / SpamAssasin / RoundCubeMail
  • DB: MySQL/phpMyAdmin

Testing site

For all my testing of hosting company services, I use a copy of this blog. This allows me to clearly assess how quickly my site will work in a new location.
My blog contains more than 250 publications. Average site traffic exceeds 1,500 people per day with 2,000 views. One of the most visited pages at the time of writing this review: it is visited more than 200 times a day. The weight of the pure html code of this page is 76 kB, and the total volume including images is 1.5 MB.
The size of the MySQL database for the entire site is 2.5 MB, the total weight of the site with all images and files is 46 MB.
The number of simultaneous connections during peak hours is about 30.
For clarity, I will configure the new server from the company with the corresponding subdomain -

VPS testing methodology

I test servers regularly and over time I have developed my own methodology. The basic principle of which is to use a copy of a real website for testing. The speed of which you know in advance. You can read more about testing in the article.

Results of testing the site on the Eurobyte server

In order for the testing results to be correct, all measurements were carried out several times at different times over several days.

Considering that not all Internet users live in Moscow :-), ping from Volgograd will be the best benchmark for measuring site access time for the average visitor from Russia:

C:>ping with 32 bytes of data: Reply from number of bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=58 Reply from number of bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=58 Reply from : number of bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=58 Reply from number of bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=58 Ping statistics for Packets: sent = 4, received = 4, lost = 0 (0% losses) Approximate round-trip time in ms: Minimum = 70 ms, Maximum = 70 ms, Average = 70 ms

The results are not the most outstanding, but if you consider that my ping to is 35..40 ms. then 70 ms is a good result.

Page generation speed

I will measure the page generation speed using built-in CMS tools.

The results are very good. It took six hundredths of a second to build the page. Not every server I have previously tested from other hosting companies can boast such good results.

Website page loading speed

This is perhaps the most important hosting test. This is what testing was done for. Now we will clearly see how quickly the site will work, or rather, how quickly the visitor will see the tested page in his browser. To make the results objective, I will check the speed of the site using several services.
Let's start with the free service It has the largest monitoring network in Russia.

4 stars for loading time is an excellent result.
The foreign service showed the following result:

And the last member of completes the load time measurements:

Our site works faster than half of all those tested.

Server load capacity

The next test will show how page loading times will change with an increase in the number of visitors. I will check it using the free service

As you can see, an increase in traffic up to 50 simultaneous sessions does not in any way affect the speed of the site. The page loading time in the user's browser does not exceed 1.5 seconds. That is, if 50 visitors visit your site at the same time, each of them will see the requested page in less than 1.5 seconds. It is noteworthy that the page loading time does not increase with the influx of visitors, which means the server has a performance reserve.

Analysis of the results obtained

As you can see, all services showed different loading times for site pages. There is no deception here. Firstly, different measurement techniques are used. Secondly, a different number of points for testing. Thirdly, the servers for testing are located in different data centers in different parts of the world. Therefore, it is better to conduct A/B testing of the speed of your website on your current and new hosting. Or focus on relative values. In particular, four stars for is a good result. And 63% for indicates that the site is a good average and works faster than half of the sites on the Internet.

Conclusions about Eurobyte hosting

I liked that the EuroByte company has an official legal entity in Russia, there is an office in Moscow, and contact information is indicated on the website. The hoster does not hide from its users; if you wish, you can easily call a regular landline phone. In my opinion, this characterizes the company positively.
The tested virtual server works quite quickly. My blog feels very comfortable on it.
Prices for hosting with technical support are very affordable.

Placing a website on the Internet is an important stage in the process of promoting your business on the Internet. Customers will be much more willing and more likely to visit sites that work quickly and smoothly, are well protected from any type of virtual attack, and have advanced functionality. You can provide yourself with a competitive advantage by choosing the right supplier of the in-demand service.

Free cheese

Virtual hosting with good functionality is:

  • clear admin interface;
  • spacious cloud space;
  • variability of file download algorithms;
  • stability and security of the server and subservers;
  • reliable OS and patient technical support.

How to buy high-quality virtual hosting?

Many people compare buying an Internet site to buying a home. Long-term planning is of no small importance here; it determines how popular and in demand a particular hosting is. You can buy a high quality service from our company. We offer various options for hosting your websites on the most favorable terms. We guarantee stable server operation and high power. This means good channel capacity. Quick response to any problem from technical support specialists and almost constant operation of all systems. We offer only the most reliable shared hosting. Prices at various stages of your foundation of Internet promotion and renewal of services as needed can be either completely free or very expensive.

In most cases, we use standard layouts, but we are confident that if necessary and with an individual approach, we can offer a special system that will benefit each client. You just need to leave a request, and our specialists will contact you to clarify the details.

Reviews about hosting

I transferred my two sites to Eurobyte hosting a long time ago and so far I am completely satisfied with their speed and service. When I switched from another host, the guys from Eurobyte did everything quickly and free of charge. For the first month of use they didn’t charge me any money, I got caught up in the promotion. I chose this company because of its low prices and good reviews. Of course, it was also important for me when choosing that if something happened, I could immediately contact the support service and promptly solve the problem that arose. Websites work all the time and this is certainly due to high uptime. I recommend this hosting for those who value their time and money.

I have been working with Eurobyte hosting for more than a year. After use there were only positive emotions. Its creators made it as convenient and inexpensive as possible. I am very pleased with the prices on hosting. They always have very high uptime and fast SSD drives. They also have their own control panel, although everyone has one. It is possible to choose the PHP version, and the convenient ability to install scripts automatically saves time. I often wrote to support with layout problems, they responded to me almost instantly and were happy to answer. Their support is excellent. I recommend this hosting to everyone!

Irina Vlasova 01/02/2017 07:54 Hosted website 01/02/2017

I have been working with Eurobyte hosting for more than one year, and throughout the entire period of cooperation, they have never let me down, but even vice versa. My online store has become noticeably more popular, and our sales are only growing from year to year. True, of course we have periods of calm, but this is more likely due to other negative factors than to hosting. The guys at this hosting are competent, true professionals in their field, so if any problems arise, although this happens extremely rarely, they solve them in an instant. Moreover, they do this at any time, since technical support works around the clock and also responds to requests within ten minutes. By the way, this is very convenient. In addition, they keep their prices at an affordable level, and they have enough tariffs, so you can choose what suits your wallet. Also, this hosting allows you to connect to an unlimited number of databases and sites, and at all tariffs. I also include high uptime and fast SSDs as advantages. In general, I want to say to everyone that in two years of work, I have never once regretted that I made my choice in favor of Eurobyte hosting. I hope that our cooperation will last for many more years!

Olga Alexandrovna 28.12.2016 09:00 Hosted website 12/28/2016

I recently decided to create a website for my travel company. And I immediately realized that I simply could not do without the help of specialists in this field. The only thing is that finding a company that will really help, and not just take my money and time, turned out to be not so easy.
I chose Eurobyte hosting based on numerous positive reviews, and now I have been cooperating with them for three months.
At first, literally everything was unclear to me, and I simply entrusted all the work to the specialists. Now that a little time has passed, I finally began to understand and understand all the intricacies. Fortunately, they have 24-hour technical support that promptly answers all questions and provides assistance.
Among the advantages of working with Eurobyte, I can highlight the high uptime. The choice of PHP version that is available, as I found out later, is not available everywhere. Convenient control program, easy and quick to understand. The hosting itself works at high speed, there are no glitches. And of course, the price is quite low compared to other companies, but nevertheless the quality is no worse, and in some cases even better.
I am very glad that I chose this company and hope for a long and fruitful cooperation.

The work of my website for me is the face of the company and I don’t want that because of such a trifle as poor, low-quality work of the site, it will affect the flow of my future and current clients. Eurobyte is a reliable hosting service that I consider irreplaceable. It’s a lot to list the many advantages of hosting, but for those who can’t decide on the choice of hosting, I’ll list a few advantages why you should choose this particular hosting. I like that the support works here around the clock and the support doesn’t slack, but does its job efficiently and quickly; uptime is very high; own control panel, which is very simple and easy to use.

I've been on Eurobyte for a year now. The hosting is generally ok, but it is natural that sometimes problems occur. Probably, you can’t go anywhere without this, since no hosting can work stably all the time. It is important that their technical support, to the best of its ability, tries to quickly solve problems. Before this, I came across several other hosting services and, comparing with them, I can say that Eurobyte’s support really works at a good level. Hosting also has plenty of other advantages:

1. Low tariffs. I pay 299 rubles per month for hosting, which I consider a small amount. For this money I get normal service and an unlimited number of sites and MySQL databases.

2. They have the ability to choose the PHP version, which at the moment not all hosting providers provide to their users.

3. Has its own control panel. I think many will agree with me that this is a convenient and practical solution.

4. A bunch of other useful advantages of hosting: high uptime, fast SSDs, Cloudlinux, etc.

Over the course of a year, the site was down only twice, and both times support fixed it in a matter of hours. In general, I can recommend this hosting, since over the entire time I have been using it, I have formed the impression of it as a reliable and respectable hosting.

Anton777 12/22/2016 06:23

I have been using Eurobyte hosting for more than two years. During all this time, it has never let me down, it always works without interruption. As for the speed of data transmission and reception, there were no problems here either. Before this, I was on another resource, but there were often problems with communication there, so I had to look for a new host. As for the price, such a low price tag can only please us and they also provide special cms tariffs =) Their speed, of course, directly depends on the SSD drives used, which are included in all of their tariffs. Well, if any problems arise, the guys from technical support are always ready to help.

Kirill28 12/21/2016 12:44

I started using Eurobyte hosting services a year ago, a friend recommended him, he said he was the best. Now I can say the same when I just started using it, I was a little worried about the speed, I thought the site would slow down. But I worried in vain, a reliable data center ensures fast work, my website works quickly and without problems. The support here is also pleasing, at the previous hosting they answered me within a week at best, but here the answer comes within 5 minutes. Of course, now I recommend this hosting to all my friends, the prices are low and, as a bonus, there is an unlimited number of databases and sites on all tariffs. Simply profitable and reliable is how I can describe this hosting.

Antonina 12/21/2016 06:48

I have already experienced low-quality hosting on my website several times, and when deciding whether to change hosting, I very carefully chose the best one. The choice fell on Eurobyte not by chance. For my work, there are all the necessary tariffs here, and there are also special CMS tariffs. A very large number of all possible databases and sites at all tariffs. I am also satisfied with the prices for services, which in my opinion are optimal in terms of price and quality ratio. It is also important that Eurobyte has very prompt and competent technical support, which helped me out a lot at first.

Evgen79 12/20/2016 11:53

I have been looking for a suitable hosting for a long time, now it is not so simple, any registered organization/individual entrepreneur can provide such services and simply receive a subscription fee without worrying about clients. But I managed to find "Eurobyte". At first I thought that the cheap tariff plans were a catch, but everything turned out well. My site works stably, everything is fine with it. Eurobytes have one of the highest uptimes, which always makes me happy. Reliable data center and high-quality stable equipment, especially high-speed storage devices (SSD). And the picture is completed by competent round-the-clock support. I'm happy.

Semyon I 12/20/2016 10:29

It’s been six months since we opened a new online store. 2 months ago we switched to service at Eurobyte, since with the previous hosting we often encountered the fact that our site was down. Here we received high-quality support during the transition (and around the clock, I checked this myself more than once - questions are answered competently and patiently). Eurobyte has special CMS tariffs - we like it. Fast SSDs and high uptime. The data center is reliable. We switched because friends highly recommended it. Now I can say the same thing - good hosting, the site flies on it. Our clients love it too.

I have been working with this hosting for a long time, more than two years, and I am completely satisfied with it. Before Eurobyte, I collaborated with other hosting companies, and there was always something I didn’t like about them. But now I have found the best option for myself. One of the reasons why I chose this hosting is that it has the possibility of an unlimited number of databases and sites on all tariffs, and this is a huge plus. Another of its advantages is its low prices, not everyone can boast of this, especially since the quality of services is much better than that of some more expensive hosting services (I know from personal experience). It’s worth noting the guys from 24/7 support, they always respond quickly and quickly help resolve issues. The hosting equipment is reliable and of high quality, and they have exceptionally fast SSD drives. Uptime is one of the highest I have ever seen. It is possible to choose the PHP version, which is also very good. Eurobyte also has a very reliable data center; there have been no problems with it for two years. In general, I have no complaints or complaints about Eurobyte. And if someone is looking for reliable, inexpensive hosting, with adequate support, then I advise you to take a closer look at this, it has proven itself well.

Igor 123 12/18/2016 06:19

Finally, I found the very hosting that would meet all my requirements. Its creators tried to make it convenient and beneficial for users. And the pricing policy here is much lower than in other places. And this, of course, is good news, since it is possible to save your budget. If something is not clear to me, the support service is always happy to provide adequate assistance. The most distinctive feature is the high uptime and fast SSDs. All hosting work is properly regulated and it is a pleasure to use. That's why I continue to work with him and can recommend him to everyone.

Oleg94 12/17/2016 11:27 Hosted website 12/17/2016

Good hosting, one of its main advantages over other hosting services that I have used is good prices and prompt technical support. Especially regarding those support that really work, unlike others, which react very quickly and try to solve problems as soon as possible. In addition, a very good advantage to working with hosting is high uptime. So for all the time that I have been using their services, I have only had positive impressions, I will definitely continue to work with them and host my sites on their facilities.

Vasily Vasilevsky 17.12.2016 08:19 Hosted website 12/17/2016

This hosting hosts several of our websites on different topics. So far I like it. I’ve been liking it for about a year now)))))) More precisely, I can highlight the following advantages

First of all, prompt, polite and competent technical support. Guys have no price at all. We helped many times in difficult situations. They answer literally within 5 minutes. I've never seen anything like this before.

A reliable data center should also be considered an advantage.

They also have fairly low prices when compared to other similar companies.

I also liked the fact that the number of sites is unlimited, and on all tariffs it is unlimited. And it doesn’t matter whether your tariff is expensive or cheap.

Alexander Robelko 15.12.2016 11:14

It is very convenient that Eurobyte allows you to have several sites at once, we run several online stores on different topics, we are glad that we found such hosting, it is very convenient) All tariffs have very favorable prices, that is, out of all the promotion, the most amount of money goes to the site) If Essentially, everything works without failures, does not throw you out of the control panel and does not lose saved data. Support always helps with any problem, although most often the problems were due to ignorance; I have not yet noticed any technical problems. Even large files load very quickly, you don’t have to wait and re-download them if any errors occur. It is very important for us that all data is saved (most databases are stored only on our sites, since they are constantly updated, backup is unlikely to help in this situation). Those in the know will be very pleased that the site is supported by Cloudlinux. In addition, you can choose any version of PHP yourself, but these are nuances, everyone chooses for themselves. Very flexible settings and tariffs immediately helped us choose what we needed)) Thank you for working stably, so far we have been staying with this hosting for a long time, everything is fine.

) is a fairly successful clone of the popular hosting, created by the company’s owners during the period of litigation with the Oversan data center. Today, Eurobyte is still young, but already quite dynamic hosting, which is a good competitor to more well-known and “deserved” sites. How does the company attract new customers? Is there anything really worthy of attention about it? Let's figure it out now.

Test period

Getting a trial period, according to the Eurobyte website, is quite simple - but in practice you will have to tinker a little. First, choose a tariff, register on the website and confirm your order; then log in with the received login-password combination to the billing control panel, find “Test period” in the list of services, confirm your phone number by entering the code from SMS, select the ordered product from the list, go to the hosting CP by clicking the “To server” button and, finally Well, you can test hosting for free for 2 weeks!

UPD. To protect against “unscrupulous clients,” the Eurobyte administration introduced a new rule: the test period is activated only when an advance payment is received into the account.

Let’s leave aside the question “Why is this complexity?” and let’s do the actual verification. Based on what we already know about, it is recommended not to be shy and not limit yourself in any way in terms of checking the operation of Eurobyte hosting. The company offers many servers for rent around the world, but for virtual hosting it uses servers in the Netherlands, so it’s a good idea to check the speed of loading pages and downloading large content.

It would also be a good idea to test Eurobyte on the “euro” service: simulate a site breakdown and ask specialists to help restore its operation. Practice shows that technical support often responds off topic and not quickly enough - so it’s better to make sure in advance using any simple example that they are not trying to get rid of you, but are actually ready to understand the problem and solve it as quickly as possible.

Control Panel

ISPmanager Lite is used as a hosting control panel. Moreover, if you chose regular virtual hosting, then it will be “Lite” in the literal sense: no pre-installed scripts, stores or application directories, no detailed traffic statistics, no firewall, no antivirus... In general, it’s as easy as that.

On the other hand, this is a quite familiar and familiar product from the Russian company ISP to many users, which is not so difficult to supplement with the necessary extensions, if desired. Yes, some may find the interface inconvenient, some may grumble about the panel taking a long time to load, but overall ISPmanager is a completely working tool and is probably no worse than what Eurobyte would have done if he had taken on the task of creating his own panel ( although my brother “did not disappoint” in this regard, and using his panel is very convenient).

VDS is a separate story; it uses VMmanager, which is essentially an external monitoring shell with basic server configuration capabilities. To make it easier for beginners to work with a virtual dedicated server, Eurobyte specialists have prepared a dozen templates for CentOS and other Linux distributions with the ISPmanager panel, fully configured and ready to work. So the choice of panels, although not very large, will suit the needs of almost any project and level of your knowledge.

Tariffs and prices

How profitable are Eurobyte tariffs? On the one hand, their choice is quite extensive - there is regular virtual hosting, CMS hosting, VIP hosting, as well as VPS and dedicated. On the other hand, behind the apparent diversity lies an ordinary increase in resources - without cloud technologies, without additional services, without CDN, etc. That is, nothing that could justify prices that are 10-20% higher than the market average ( this applies only to shared hosting; VPS tariffs are quite affordable).

At the same time, there are a number of pleasant bonuses: fast SSD drives, an unlimited number of sites, domains, databases and mailboxes at any tariff, choice of PHP version and accelerators, data backup to a separate server, etc. CMS hosting is optimized for the operation of the content management system of your choice, and on VIP hosting you will be offered a significantly less loaded server with the ability to increase the load on the processor core up to 100%.

In principle, nothing new - we see almost the same tariff scheme as that of. At the same time, the price/quality ratio of hosting is not great (see below), which means that if you want to pay less or trust the provider more, then in each of these cases it will not be difficult to find a more suitable option.

Websites, domains, mail

Everything is clear with sites - as already said, their number is unlimited. The situation with domains is more interesting: only 3 Russian (.ru, .su, .рф) and 10 international domains are available for registration through Eurobyte. Not a lot for a company that wants to make money. However, be that as it may, we always advise not to deal with intermediaries, but to trust the registration of domain names only to accredited registrars. Or use a free second-level domain name in the zone - but only if you do not care about its future or you are firmly convinced that you will not want to switch to another hosting in the near future.

Mail settings are quite traditional; to read mail in a browser, you can use the RoundCube web interface. The maximum mailbox size is set taking into account the general disk quota; by default, antispam is activated in the system; you can also limit the number of letters sent per hour to prevent unwanted mailing in case the site is infected with a virus.

Applications and services

As already mentioned, standard hosting from Eurobyte implies the presence of the very basic minimum of options: such as the Cron scheduler, backup management, access to phpMyAdmin and work through the MindTerm SSH client. The listed services work “like clockwork”, however, Eurobyte has no special merit in this, because each of them has its own developer.

As for the menu of additional applications, then, according to technical support, it is missing because... caused many errors during operation. This, firstly, means that to install popular applications, forum engines, galleries and other things, you will have to spend time: search for them on the Internet, select, download, install, configure... in general, like on Makhost. And secondly, it quite eloquently characterizes the “professionalism” of the Eurobyte team ( on other hosting sites the number of pre-installed scripts reaches 200 or more, and no errors lead to the failure of a convenient and useful service.

Since the test period will not allow you to switch “back and forth” between different types of hosting, we will say right away: there are no special differences in options between them. As for the VPS settings, everything here is configured individually and depends only on you.

Stability and speed of operation

The best indicator of hosting stability is... that's right, the hosting website itself! If the provider is not able to maintain the smooth operation of its own page, then what can we say about the sites of its clients. As you understand, we were talking about this for a reason: the site is one of the “leaders” of our downtime rating, and its response on weekdays is unusually long. Which is incomprehensible at all - especially considering that the company offers (or rather “offered”, see below) ultra-modern solutions based on dedicated servers located in Russia, the USA and Europe for rent.

In fact, the thing is that we have before us a typical reseller who has rented a certain amount of resources abroad for shared hosting and VPS, and the sale of space on dedicated servers is an offer of services from the data centers themselves, nothing more. Plus, in 2015, the situation changed dramatically: now Eurobyte virtual hosting is located in the Netherlands, and only Intel Xeon E3 servers located in Russia, in the E1 data center (Moscow), are offered for rent.

But even the purchased Eurobyte resources have long been bursting at the seams from overselling. How the company manages to stay afloat with such quality work is a mystery. However, marketing and “gray” promotion techniques play an important role in this - just look at the overwhelming number of positive reviews on third-party resources, incentivized in exchange for bonuses (this, by the way, also applies).


Eurobyte is one of the few hosting services on the Russian market that is “friends” with, but the price of this friendship is a considerable 8% of each of your payments. Otherwise, everything is almost the same as its older brother - a 5% commission on most payment methods, excluding . In most cases, there are no difficulties or delays with payment.

Technical support

The benefits of technical support Eurobyte One of the disadvantages is the lack of a telephone to contact operators (the sales department does not count). That is, every time a problem or question arises that you could not find an answer to in the wiki help, you need to open a ticket or chat window and write, write, write... Which is incredibly tiring when you have several sites under administration.

Based on the quality of support – whoever you get. The general tendency is that several of your well-founded requests can lead to the fact that they will begin to persistently offer you to switch to a more expensive tariff, buy better protection, use paid services, etc. The attitude towards clients is quite consumerist, the main hosting contingent is students and schoolchildren, so the support does not really “bother” with your problems. In other words, do not count on Euro-service in Eurobyte - it is not there and never was.


Should Eurobyte ( be taken seriously? It all depends on the goals you set for yourself. If the risk of unstable operation of the site is offset for you by the loyalty of the company’s policy in relation to content, perhaps you will find a common language with it. Serious projects with Eurobyte are definitely not on the way - under any circumstances.