Means wpa protection wpa2. Android won't connect to WiFi

After purchasing a tablet, one of the first actions of the user is to connect it to a WI-FI wireless network and configure it. This is done for the purpose of further ability to install necessary programs to the device. However, sometimes during setup wireless connection tablet displays system message about a WI-FI authentication error or other similar messages that are not very clear to a novice user. This is where the connection to wireless access to the Internet network. Next, we will try to understand the WI-FI network settings and the difficulties encountered in this process.

Let's discuss the option of connecting a tablet based on Android OS. On all other operating systems the meaning will be similar, although the menu items may be located in different places. IN the usual version, if everything goes fine, the connection process is quite simple - you need to go to the Android “Settings”, in the “ Wireless network» select the “WI-FI” item and turn it on (if this has not been done previously). Next, in the list of networks available for connection, select the one you need and enter in the window that opens unique password(if installed). After this everything should work.

If on the list available networks there is no user network, then you need to update this list. This can be done by clicking on the update button located in the upper right corner. After selecting and entering a password, Android will remember the network and the next time you connect there will no longer be a need to do all of the above. After a successful connection, next to the notification line (in different Android firmware they are at the top or bottom), a characteristic sign will appear, which also shows the level and strength of the signal.

If you couldn’t connect to your home router and the Internet still doesn’t work on your tablet, it makes sense to first check it on your laptop or computer. There may be a problem with the wireless network itself or with the router and its settings.

Why may the tablet not connect to a working WI-FI network?

Sometimes the error that “pops up” for users at the moment of connection is a message that this network protected by WPA\WPA2 password. In this case, you need to enter the appropriate password suitable for this network.

It also happens that the network was selected correctly and the password was entered correctly, the tablet remembered it, but the connection never happened. There is also no error message. It is quite possible that the whole issue is in the settings of the router itself. To do this, you need to enter, using another, already connected device, into the router settings using the web interface, select the “Wireless network” item, and find the “Channels” item in it. By clicking on it, set the value to “Auto” in the window that appears. Often this problem can arise for those who just bought a WI-FI (router) and made mistakes in the settings of the latter. If this does not help, then we will analyze the basic scheme for checking the WI-FI (router) settings.

To do this you need:

  1. restart the router;
  2. Make sure you entered the password correctly again;
  3. check that the “Channels” item is set to “Auto”;
  4. check the type of security and encryption;
  5. change in security settings Old Password on new.

If you don’t have confidence in your abilities, then it’s better to leave it as is, and use this list of tips if the others don’t help.

Also, the main reason for authentication is an incorrectly or incorrectly entered password. The situation is that after the password has been entered and remembered on the tablet, all other connections occur with the same incorrect password.

This problem can be corrected by the following steps:

  • On Android, go to “Wireless Networks”, select the desired network and delete it.
  • After that, click the “Update network list” button and re-enter the already verified or updated password.
  • If the password is entered correctly, it will be saved again and the Internet should work without problems.

Other connection error options

If the tablet does not connect to one specific network, but it is, for example, on home computer using wireless WI-FI, you need to go back to the router settings. Next, select “Wireless Network”, and then enter the “Modes” section. Here change alternately to the values: b/g/n. After each mode change, you should reboot the router and reconnect on the tablet.

If after all it turns out that the problem is not in the tablet, but in the signal itself provided by the provider, then you need to contact your Internet service provider to eliminate this problem.

When connecting to Wi-Fi networks in some locations, a number of problems arise that significantly impede or prevent the establishment of a connection between the device and the network at all.

Most often, similar difficulties are encountered by users of devices running on Android platform.

When you try to connect to the network, an error notification appears, and the following message appears in the network information section: “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protected.”

In order to study this problem in detail, it is possible to reproduce it at home. To do this you need to change the settings wi-fi router and change the network type from Auto to n Only, which in most cases will contribute to this problem.

The exact cause of this problem cannot be determined. In most cases, this is due to malfunctions of the router that provides connection to the network.

Cases have been observed more than once when the indicator wifi signal the phone shows availability active connection, and there is no Internet access.

The way to solve this problem is full reboot operation of the router, which in most cases allows you to solve this problem.

Why does wpa and wpa2 protection error occur over Wi-Fi on Android.

Another possible reason The cause of this problem is changing the encryption type. For example, if the network was previously open, and then became encrypted and accessible only to a certain number of people, then the appearance of the “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protected” error will also be inevitable.

To avoid this type of problem, it is strongly recommended that you carefully check all network data.

Changing the operating mode of the router, provided by switching the mode, by changing the b/g/n parameters available in the settings of the device itself can also have a positive effect on the occurrence of this problem.

To ensure a normal connection and conflict-free operation of the router with the device receiving the signal, it is strongly recommended to install standard parameters and meanings.

These values ​​are:

1) Network type WPA/WPA2 Personal (Recommended)

2) WPA-PSK connection version

3) Encryption type recognized by mobile devices, AES

4) Entering a new key password consisting of 8 or more characters and numbers.

After doing all of the above, normal operation the router will be restored. Next, it is recommended to reboot the router and remove existing connection on the device receiving the signal, then find this wi-fi network, select it from the list of available ones and perform the operation of connecting and remembering the device. A variant of this problem, the probability of which is very low, but still exists, is a change in the frequency and channel width of the device generating the Wi-Fi signal.

The channel width, automatically available in the router settings, is presented in three categories: Auto, 20Mhz, and 40Mhz. It is recommended to switch frequencies, which may allow you to restore the lost signal.

To carry out the process of changing the channel width, you need to go to the router settings, then log in by entering the data indicated on the bottom panel of the device. Next, you need to save all the changes made and reboot the router again to ensure full operation.

To summarize, the "Saved, WPA/WPA2 protected" issue occurs when trying to connect an Android device to existing network arises due to a number of circumstances and technical problems, for which there is no clear solution. There is also an option that links this problem to the imperfection and incompleteness of the Android platform.

In any case, careful adherence to the above rules will allow you to avoid the occurrence of such an error, and if it was not possible to prevent its occurrence, then write about it in the comments to the article - we will try to help!

When you try to connect to Wi-Fi from mobile device An authentication error may occur. It is available on both Android and IOS devices.

What does the error mean?

The first time you try to connect to a password-protected network, your phone or tablet will ask you for a password. Entering it will result in network access or an authentication error. An error will occur if the password does not match the one set in the router settings.

An authentication error may appear when connecting to the network.

There are cases when the error occurs not on the first connection, but on the second one. That is, for the first time everything is fine, the network connects, but after a while an error notification appears. This happens due to the fact that the password was changed in the router settings or due to some failure in the device itself.

In rare cases, it is possible that the device does not allow you to connect to the network because it uses invalid type encryption.

So, the main reason for the error is an incorrectly entered password, a system failure, or an incorrect encryption type.


Consistently follow all the instructions below until you get rid of the problem. First, we present a solution for the most common type of error. But first, don’t forget to reboot the router and the device itself, perhaps this is what will help fix the error and the need for further actions will disappear.

Reentering your password (Android)

Video: What to do if an authentication error occurs

Re-enter your password (IOS)

Password reset

If you are unsure of what you know correct password, it needs to be reset. To do this, turn the router to the back side and a small Reset button for 10–15 seconds. As soon as the router goes into reboot, you can release it - the reset is completed. Now there is no password on the network, access to it is open.

Press the Reset button for 10–15 seconds

Setting a new password

By resetting your password, you have opened up access to the network to everyone, this is not good, you need to set a password. To do this, connect to Wi-Fi from your computer and open your browser:

Encryption type changes

Perhaps your router by default uses an outdated type of encryption that is prohibited on the connected device. On this moment both Android and iOS devices support AES encryption, since it is the most secure. To install it on the router, you need to enter the management interface (how to do this is described in the previous paragraph), go to the password and security settings section and set the value to WPA2-PSK, and set the Encryption line to AES.

Everything was always fine when connecting to the wireless network, but today something went wrong, and your Adroid device gave you the following: “Authentication error.” Don't be scared, it's not as scary as it seems!

I'll tell you how to fix it and connect to WiFi.

How to connect to WiFi? Authentication Error - Solving the Problem

  • Reboot the router and your device. Simply reboot your router (unplug from power, wait 5-10 seconds and turn it on again). This could be a simple glitch.
  • Is the network correct? Now every fourth apartment has a router, and sometimes the names of your network and your neighbor’s network are similar. Make sure that you are trying to connect to your network.
  • Check your password. Make sure you enter the Wi-Fi network password correctly. In 50% of cases this is the problem.

Did it help? If this did not help fix the WiFi connection error, and you have access to the router settings, then let's get into them and find the problem there.

  • Encryption. Change the encryption type in your router settings if all of the above does not help. Set the parameters to WPA2(AES). Note, very old Android models do not support AES.

  • Speed ​​standard. You can also change the mode from b\g\n to b\g in the settings.

  • Change channel. Another solution to this problem could be changing the channel to another

I hope these tips will help you solve the Wi-Fi authentication error on your Android device. But if the problem still persists, write in the comments, I will help you solve the problem.

operating room Android system allows you to perform various actions with a smartphone or tablet, including connecting to the Internet using a Wi-Fi wireless network. But, as practice shows, users are not always able to successfully establish a connection. Quite often, an authentication error occurs when connecting to Wi-Fi on Android. What can be done in this case? How to continue correct operation with the Internet, social networks? Or is it all a complete failure and you need to call a specialist?

OS Android, of course, is a vast operating system, but within the framework of this article there will be enough space to consider the main problems of such errors using the example of tablets and smartphones. Well, let's go...

Reasons for authentication errors when connecting to Wi-Fi

So, first of all, let's look at the most common reasons for this error that relate directly to the router. Looking ahead, we want to warn you that in 90% of cases this problem occurs simply because incorrect input Wi-Fi password. Therefore, always first try to enter the password carefully several times.

, you can simply change the settings as described above.

Solving problems with authentication errors on your device Above we described ways that relate to your home router

. That is, in most cases, the problem, as a rule, was hidden in the router and could be solved by the user himself. Next, we will describe the main problems and ways to solve them specifically for an Android smartphone. As practice shows, in some cases an authentication error occurs due to incorrect settings

Wi-Fi directly on the device itself.

An authentication error on Android devices when connecting to wi-fi may occur due to various reasons, and not all of them are described above in this article.

If you are trying to connect to a public Wi-Fi point, for example, in a cafe, then the correct operation can only be checked by “deleting/replacing” the Wi-Fi data. If the problem is not resolved, nothing can be done! In this case, change your location and connect to others Wi-Fi points. Fortunately, it has now been developed for search great amount applications that allow you to receive real-time data about Wi-Fi networks and passwords in any city.