Why does the computer freeze? Freezes due to motherboard

Good day, dear reader!

The computer periodically freezes tightly, which is accompanied by a stuck sound; the only thing that helps is a reboot by holding down the power button (hard reset).

This kind of malfunction is interesting because the behavior of the computer with the same error is completely different, and in addition different ways her decisions.

Computer behavior:

  1. The computer freezes completely randomly (on the Internet, during a game, at rest).
  2. The computer only freezes when playing games.
  3. The computer freezes while loading a torrent.
  4. The computer freezes when opening an application (for example Skype).
  5. Computer freezes after installation new video card.

On at the moment I have not seen any other cases of a malfunction; all new manifestations of this error will certainly be included in this list.

Possible candidates for the cause of the error, as well as ways to solve them:

  1. Problems with device drivers, such as sound and network card. As a rule, it was solved by updating drivers or installing new discrete devices.
  2. Problems with RAM. The solution was to increase the power supply through the BIOS.
  3. The problem is network cable, which enters the power supply, namely in its loose contact with the power supply. The problem was solved by replacing the cable.
  4. Problems with the processor. The decision in in this case will be replaced with a new one. In some cases, slightly overclocking the processor helps.
  5. Problem with Windows 7. I read on the Internet that after installing XP the freezes disappear, so I suggest experimenting with operating systems.
  6. Problems with HDD. As a rule, running helped HDD program Victoria or replacement with a new one.
  7. Faulty SSD. The solution was to update the firmware SSD drive A.
  8. Faulty power supply. In some cases, the problem was solved by replacing the power supply. By the way, this helped me at the time.
  9. Faulty motherboard. Helped someone turning off turbo Mode in BIOS. Turbo Mode – turn technology on/off Turbo Boost for Intel processors (increasing core frequency with increasing load). Personally, when I was faced with a computer freezing, more on that below, a replacement helped motherboard.

I came across all these solutions on various forums, so I cannot personally confirm all points, but I do confirm the second, third and last two. I encountered dead freezes twice, in the first case point No. 9 helped, in the second case No. 8, and points No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 were the solution for visitors to this blog, so thank you very much for sharing your experience with which can now be found in the comments to the article.

I have encountered this problem twice and I can say right away that the problem is not a simple one, and as far as I understand, it can be corrected by long and persistent dancing with a tambourine. In the first case, the error occurred randomly (No. 1 on our list), in the second, in games mainly in Battlefield.

The computer freezes randomly.

The first time I encountered this type of malfunction was at work. IN certain moment One of our employees’ computers went out of order, and a complaint was received about the computer freezing.

Computer specifications:

  • Mat. board: Asus P8H61-M LX3 R2.0
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2310 2.9GHz
  • Power supply: FSP460-60HCN
  • RAM: 2x2gb

Finding myself in close proximity to the source of dissatisfaction, I discovered a frozen computer that did not respond to any manipulations; only a reboot by pressing the on/off button helped. After the reboot, the computer continued to work in normal mode, but not for long.

I realized that the problem was hardware and the first thing I decided to pay attention to was the video card. Having removed the discrete video, I connected the VGA connector to the video card built into the motherboard. Turned on the computer. Everything started up and worked as expected for several days, then the freezes continued again, and in search of a solution I went to surf the Internet. There were plenty of various spare parts and I continued my dance around the freezing computer.

What I did:

  1. Rearranged RAM. I tried installing memory on one stick, installing memory in other slots, changing the memory to another.
  2. Changed the power supply. Reflashed the BIOS.
  3. Disabled sound card.
  4. I replaced the processor with a similar one.
  5. Changed HDD.
  6. Reinstalled Windows. The version used is Windows 7. (I have not tested the computer with other versions of Windows).
  7. Replaced the motherboard with a similar one. At this stage, my dance was completed, the computer no longer froze, and the source of dissatisfaction was eliminated.

Subsequently, a new mat was installed in the computer. The board is a little newer than what was there before.

Based on the results of the work, I thought that I had found a way to solve this problem, which actually consisted of replacing the motherboard, but on some forums I met people who changed the motherboard. The board is usually exactly the same, but the problem remained.

The computer freezes in games.

The second time I encountered this malfunction, my home computer. The problem appeared after installing a new 120Gb SSD and installing Windows 7 on it. The difference from the previous case was that the computer froze only in games, and specifically in Battlefield. I played different Battlefields (Heroes, 1941, 3, online) and in each of them, after some time, freezes occurred. Freezes have not yet been observed in games such as Dota 2 and Far Сry 3.

Computer specifications:

  • Mat. board: Asus p5kpl pro
  • Video card: ASUS GeForce GTX 550 Ti
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 duo CPU E8300
  • Power supply: Power man IP-S450AQ2-0
  • RAM: 2x2gb, 2x1gb DDR2

What I did:

  1. Rearranged RAM.
  2. I flashed the BIOS.
  3. Disabled the built-in network, with installation network connection via WIFI USB flash drive.
  4. I changed the video card. Because in my mat. The board does not have integrated video; I changed the external video drives of the GTX 550<->GForce 9600.
  5. I returned the system back to the HDD.
  6. Installed the system from scratch in AHCI mode(Advanced Host Controller Interface - mechanism used to connect HDD, SSD) to an SSD drive with creation of GPT section. After that, the computer began to freeze randomly (as in the first case).
  7. Replaced the power supply. At this point the freezes stopped. Victory!

As a result, the culprit turned out to be faulty unit nutrition.

Computer freezes after installing new video card

I came across another manifestation of the problem described in the article, namely the computer begins to freeze or freeze after installing a new video card.

In this case, there are two options to solve the problem:

  1. Make sure your existing power supply matches the wattage recommended by the graphics card manufacturer. If not, replace the power supply.
  2. Update bios to the latest version.

Following the steps above should fix the problem with your computer.


The malfunction remained mysterious, with an unknown solution. If you think logically, at the moment when the computer freezes tightly, a sudden shutdown occurs hard drive(sata ports), so it stops responding to any manipulations. What is not clear is that the cause of the shutdown can be almost any computer device.

As I already wrote, the problem is not simple, and if your computer freezes completely and is still under warranty, you don’t want to waste your time and nerves. then take it to the service center.

If the warranty has already expired, then this article will help you, be patient, you will still need it.

Please leave comments if you don’t understand something or need something additional information on the topic. Also, if you have encountered a similar problem before, write how you dealt with this situation and how you won.

Hello friends!

Yesterday a friend asked me to look at the computer and said that there was a problem - it hangs, at first it works, and then suddenly it starts to slow down. If you reboot, it works again for a while, and then the process repeats again. IN general topic extensive, the reasons are different. But each of us wants to make the computer work quickly and accurately.

Today's article will focus on the most common reasons for this computer behavior. And will be offered universal method solutions that help eliminate other problems along the way.

It's no secret that the vast majority of our readers use operating system Windows. It just so happened that we were accustomed to it in the mid-90s. Linux users, Unix, Mac OS criticize Microsoft for being “underdeveloped”, cumbersome, “insufficient”, “inconvenient”, etc. Some of the criticism is fair, of course. But it does not affect the final result - people continued to use Windows and will continue to do so. And if so, then when a problem arises you need to know how it can be solved without reinstalling windows and specialist help.

Where can the problem of computer freezing occur?

  • Windows XP,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10 (still less common than others and slightly different symptoms)

So, you worked and worked and suddenly...

The main symptoms of freezing and unstable operation of a computer or laptop

  1. The computer boots quickly, but freezes after a while;
  2. The computer boots slowly and slows down more and more during operation;
  3. “Hangs” for a long time at boot (immediately after switching on);
  4. “Hangs” for a long time when turned off;

It is likely that you have special case, and you need help? Write a comment below in detail about what is wrong with you, and we will tell you what to do!

In some cases, errors occur when running programs related to memory; A short reboot helps.

There are two ways: the first way is to look for problems with the hardware, and the second way is to look for problems of the “software” type.

Pay attention! There are many problems associated with a computer or laptop. And this article gives basic recommendations for software only. This is when the computer was working well, but suddenly it started freezing or slowing down. And more likely problems in system unit no, namely the software is malfunctioning or viruses have appeared.

But more complex problems often occur. Namely:

Please note that SP1 (service pack) is required for installation. That's why I pointed out that it's not suitable for everyone. For those who don't have it installed, look below. After downloading the installation Internet file Explorer 11, you need to run it, installation will take place automatically. The computer needs to be restarted.

Not a very fast way

Start - Control Panel

System and security

Open Windows Update:

Mark as in the picture:

Then click “Check for updates”

The system will check for critical updates, notify you, and prompt you for installation.

You need to respond positively to the terms of the license agreement, install all critical “mandatory” updates, and driver updates for the motherboard. The process is not very fast and may take a couple of days. Accompanied by repeated reboots of the computer. Once rebooted, we start searching for updates again. After critical updates installed, after the next update check the update service will display the following window:

So today we got acquainted with ways to solve the problem of computer freezing. But... If all of the above methods did not help resolve the problem, then, unfortunately, the equipment is probably faulty, and you need to start checking the hardware. This topic is vast and needs to be covered in another article coming soon. Also, if you are faced with the fact that Windows reports an update error, then this topic will also be discussed in detail in another article.

Good luck to you in solving problems.

That's all for today.

This is the best gratitude. Thank you!

Your computer freezes after startup and you were unable to continue doing anything with it in the future! Sounds like a familiar problem? Then I believe you have every right know the reasons too, presented here. When working on computers, there is a high chance that your system may freeze out of the blue. If your computer freezes frequently, it's time to find out why your system is crashing.

Reasons why the computer freezes on startup

There are many reasons for your computer to freeze on startup. Below are a few reasons that may be causing the adverse effects of your system freezing more frequently.

Defective hardware (electrostatic discharge and loose connections between hardware and motherboard computer).
Software malfunction (RAM codes; software infected with adbots, viruses and spyware).
The operating system is being listened to (damage Windows registry operating system).
Infected drivers ( incorrect installation drivers, small programs that allow hardware and software to operate in synchronization mode).

In all the problems listed above, this is the root cause, and this is the answer to your query about why the computer freezes, almost all computers today are assembled from hardware components that are manufactured different companies, which can lead to system hardware failures. If your software damaged by malware over the Internet, your computer freezing on startup is a warning sign indicating that your operating system may be at risk. This is because viruses and spyware usually copy their code and store it in hidden places on your system, thereby using up more memory. This ultimately slows down your system. However, if the operating system's registry is damaged, then a symptom such as the computer freezing at startup will indicate a warning to reformat your system.

Computer freezes shortly after startup - troubleshooting

Sometimes, it may happen that you are unable to log into your system when the system boots up, the computer freezes randomly, and no matter how many times you press the keys and click the mouse, the system remains frozen. In that case, I would suggest you try the following:

Reboot your system and set the system to clean boot.
Click Start enter msconfig command in the Start menu search box and press Enter.
The system may ask the user for confirmation, sometimes asking for an administrator password. Enter your password and click continue.
Now, on the General tab, click on the Selective startup button and on the General tab, in the Selective startup section, uncheck the Load startup items checkbox.
Select the tab and check the box - Do not display Microsoft services. Then click on the Disable All button.
Click OK. And after the hint system disappears, click on restart.
If the system starts, determine the number for the Microsoft services that are causing the problem if your system is running under Windows control 7.

After starting your computer, check the registry. Here are some steps to check it.

Click Start.
In the search field to launch the menu, enter the command regedit. Click Enter button(Enter).
Now find the following registry key:


Once the partition is found, set the NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation icon to 1 to remove all duplicate or multiple DOS versions of names.

The computer freezes after startup, but works in safe mode - troubleshooting

Most people complain about computer freezes in Windows 7 and they also noticed that it offers the system to start in Safe Mode after rebooting. Now, before you understand whether this is safe mode and whether or not you should run it, it is important to understand what safe mode is. Safe Mode is special way loading Windows when the system does not want to start in normal mode. In safe mode, not all functions are enabled. Most device drivers will not load (such as printer and scanner). Batch files autoexec.bat and config.sys do not start. Uses standard VGA graphic mode, not graphics drivers devices. In this mode, the system checks msdos.sys for information to find the required files. So now the question arises, what to do after the system boots into safe mode? To check the root cause, what caused Windows boot incomplete should be your first plan of action.

Click on Start, and click the button on the control panel. IN lately If you have added any device drivers, try removing it and then try to reboot. If the system boots normally, this means that the device had some kind of conflict with the drivers. Get more detailed information to install games or new applications and try uninstalling them if you have doubts about installing them. However, if there are no problems with the hardware or software, then this indicates the presence of a registry corruption problem, which can only be resolved by obtaining new installation copies of Windows.

When you encounter a problem like this, don't jump to the conclusion that your system needs reformatting. Check everything possible reasons and try to find out the reason why your computer freezes after startup. And yes, another important thing, always save your data in backup copy devices such as a CD or flash drive. This will save you work at the very least!

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Is your computer frozen, not responding to anything, running slowly? There are a few things you need to know when looking for reasons why your computer/laptop is freezing or slow.

Before looking for any specific fixes for your computer problems, consider the age of your computer. If your system is older than five years, the age of the computer will cause slow work, and perhaps you shouldn't worry about "fixing" it. Computers are evolving at an exponential rate, and new software and major software updates are increasing minimum requirements To computer systems. Old, incompatible computers may not be able to catch up... Not to be funny... Not every grandpa has to beat a marathon, even if they try to stay in shape. If your computer is very old, we suggest discarding it and purchasing new computer or just realize that it will be slow even if it is improved a little.

Causes of computer freezes, slowdowns and glitches

  1. Not enough on your computer free space on your hard drive.
  2. There is not enough random access memory (RAM).
  3. Your computer runs for a long time without rebooting.
  4. The computer's hard drive is damaged or fragmented.
  5. Too many applications running at the same time.
  6. Your computer is infected with a virus or malicious program (malware).
  7. Hardware conflicts and outdated drivers
  8. Yours Windows version(or other platform you may be using) or other software is out of date.
  9. The computer or processor is overheating
  10. Hardware error

Reason #1: Your computer or laptop has been running for a very long time without rebooting.

Practical advice. Remember to disconnect your computer from the power source. Use forced reboot only if there is no other way - incorrect shutdown is the main cause of disk damage. Perform a warm boot - Select Start > Shut Down Computer > Restart. If you want to be sure, go to Start > Shut Down Computer > Shut Down and Manually Start Your Computer after a reasonable amount of time - 10-20 seconds.

Reason #2: Not enough free space on your hard drive

What to do: Delete unnecessary files, empty the trash, transfer files to another storage device or upload to the cloud.

Free hard drive space is simply the amount of space on your hard drive that can be written to and not used. Although free space is used to store files and data, it is also used as swap and virtual memory needed to run programs, such as when creating temporary files.

Practical advice. Make sure you have at least 20% free space on your hard drive and increase it if possible.

Reason #3: The hard drive is damaged or needs defragmentation

There are several reasons why hard drive may be damaged. The most obvious of which is turning off the computer incorrectly, for example through a power outlet. Many of us don't care about this and don't wonder what could go wrong with an improper shutdown. But the truth is that most of the time the only reason for hard drives continues sudden shutdown computer power supply. Again, consider the situation that you are having problems with one of your hard drives and there is a possibility that it is damaged. Perhaps the reason is computer virus, but scanning a damaged drive can only make it even more difficult to recover data later. Avoid scanning damaged hard computer disk. Let's go a little more detailed. When we format our hard drive for the first time, we choose one of the file distribution systems, FAT or NTFS. Of course, if you are using Linux, then you will use ext1, ext2, ext3, etc. Let's consider that while formatting your hard drive, you have chosen the FAT 32 format. FAT (File Allocation Table) is nothing but a base data, which stores the corresponding address of each file on your system. A damaged drive may simply mean that the FAT on your system is corrupted, and computer processor, thus, cannot access the files you want.

What to do:

You may receive a message that the disk is currently in use, in this case, click “Schedule” and restart your computer or laptop. During startup, the system will check and correct any errors found on the disk.

Reason #4: Too many open programs

Remove or disable any startup programs that automatically start every time you start your computer. If you have a security utility, an anti-virus program malware and spyware or antivirus scanner on your computer, configure it so as not to scan your computer in background. Often when these programs start scanning your computer, it can reduce overall performance your computer.

What to do:

Reason #5: Your computer is infected with a virus or malware

If you suspect that your computer is infected, you need to scan your computer with an antivirus. Today, spyware and other malware are big reason many computer problems, including slow computer. Even if the computer has antivirus scanner, we recommend running a malware scan on your computer.

Advice. Try free or trial versions antivirus to scan your computer for malware.

Reason #6: Hardware conflicts and outdated drivers

Hardware conflict occurs when two devices try to use the same resource, such as an IRQ or memory address, producing an error. For example, if hardware device computer uses the same I/O port as a different device, which may cause equipment conflict. In modern hardware conflicts are less common because the use of plug-n-play (PnP) controls each of the hardware devices installed on the computer for the user.

Advice. Use device Manager of your computer to ensure there are no hardware conflicts on your computer and troubleshoot if necessary. If any exist, troubleshoot these issues as they may be causing your problem:

  1. Open Device Manager, select System at the top of the list, and click Properties.
  2. From the list of resources, you should be able to determine which ones are being used by which devices, and if there is a conflict, which devices are causing it. When you identify a conflict, refer to the manual specific device for information about changing the configuration to resolve the conflict. If this solves the problem, there is no need to move on to the next step, otherwise:
  3. Remove or disable everything unnecessary devices, such as a sound card or CD, from a computer, except those that don't work. If the device still doesn't work, it may simply be broken or in conflict with vital hardware, such as the motherboard.
  4. If the problem is not resolved, it could also be a driver issue. If a driver is faulty or outdated, it can interfere with the computer's ability to communicate with certain hardware. In this case, you can contact your computer/device manufacturer for latest drivers- most of them are available for free download. Even if your old driver not damaged, more new driver may improve the overall performance of the device.

If the problem seems to have been fixed, start adding devices one by one. Hopefully the problem won't reappear; if so, reconfigure that device so that the conflict is resolved as in step 2 above.

Reason #7: Your version of Windows (or any other platform you may be using) or other software is out of date.

Reason #8: The computer or processor is overheating

The processor is one of the most energy-intensive and literally hot components. Electric current constantly passing through the CPU circuits creates heat. (The temperature of your processor varies by model and usage.) Make sure your computer and processor are not overheating. Excessive heat can cause a significant decrease in computer performance. Some processors automatically reduce processor speed to help compensate for heat-related problems. The optimal CPU temperature range is usually between 70 and 90 degrees Celsius. modern processors. How smaller computer, the higher the temperature. Without a fan, some computers may suffer irreparable damage. Make sure your computer fan is not flawed, you can also add more fans in addition to your regular power fans.

Practical advice. Most motherboard manufacturers include software to monitor CPU temperature. If you are not sure what you have, contact your computer manufacturer.

Another reason why your computer is overheating can also cause your computer to overheat. Make sure the computer case is clean and the fans are not clogged.

Practical advice: Use common sense when cleaning your computer

  1. Turn off your computer before cleaning
  2. Never apply liquid or solvent liquid for any computer component. If a spray is required, spray the liquid onto a cloth and then use the cloth to gently scrub it.
  3. Use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of dirt and dust around the computer on the outer case.
  4. Do not use vacuum cleaner for cleaning the inside of your computer. The vacuum cleaner generates static electricity. This may damage the internal components of your computer. You may also be hit by a "static" charge from the generated reverse voltage. We recommend using compressed air instead.
  5. When cleaning fans be careful when spraying compressed air into the fan, especially with smaller fans in a laptop or laptop. Hold the fan to prevent it from spinning.
  6. Watch for turns, handles, wires and plugs. Try not to touch or adjust them.

Reason #9: Lack of random access memory (RAM)

If your computer is more than 5 years old, chances are your computer does not meet today's memory requirements. Today we offer a minimum of 3GB of computer RAM.

To determine the amount of available system resources including memory and performance/usage, open Task Manager. In the Processes tab, you can see which programs are using which resources. On the Performance tab, you will see an overall picture of all system resources.

Practical advice. Find out how much memory you have, then check your computer manufacturer's website to determine if your motherboard has free memory slots. Compare current memory with maximum

What to do:

  1. Add additional RAM to open slots, if you have them;
  2. Replace your existing memory with new, more powerful models.

Reason #10: Old computer

If your computer is older than 5 years, you agree that it is most likely the age of the computer that is causing it to slow down. Computers are progressing at an alarming rate as new programs and updates to programs cause minimum requirements to increase and slow down older computers. If your computer is more than five years old, we suggest getting a new computer or just realizing that it will be slow because it's old.

Practical advice: buy a new computer, but consult with an IT professional about buying a new PC before you go to the store.

Reason No. 11: The power supply cannot cope with the load

This happens if you changed the computer hardware, for example, replaced the video card, which may require more power.

Reason #12: Hardware failure

Finally, if your computer continues to slowly go through each of the above recommendations, it is possible that your computer is experiencing a more serious hardware problem, such as a faulty component on the computer. This could be a failed or bad hard drive, processor, or RAM. In this case, it may be better and more economical to buy a new computer.

Modern personal computer- This is a technique that is often characterized by both hardware failures and software failures.

When a PC responds to user actions with a slowdown, or even stops showing signs of life, this is the reason why it is experiencing problems. This mainly happens when installing new programs, watching videos or working with files downloaded from unreliable sources, as well as when turning the computer on and off or incorrectly resuming sleep mode.

If you contact service centers too often, it will cause damage family budget. To save money on more pressing needs, you should independently figure out why the machine freezes and does not respond to user actions, and also learn how to solve this problem using standard methods.

Reset buttons should only be used in extreme cases. At sudden shutdown critical errors appear that can lead to irreparable failures in files when loading the operating system Windows systems installed on most home PCs. Therefore, this is not recommended.

To see if the program responds to user actions, you need to run it using the combination CTRL keys, ALT and DEL. When viewing, the dialog box will show all running processes and their condition. If the program is “Not responding”, you should use the “End task” button. In the event that this is impossible to do and no measure gives the desired result, you should reboot using the buttons after turning off the PC in the “Start” - “Shutdown” menu. There you can also assign sleep mode. Only if the PC does not respond to this action should you use the “Reset” key.

Let's find out why desktop computer hangs and slows down during operation, when turning it on or off, connecting new devices (flash drives, mice, keyboards powered by USB) and how to quickly fix the problem.

Demanding programs

In most cases, the reasons lie in the software itself. Before installing new programs, as well as when connecting new USB devices (flash drives, mice, etc.), it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with technical requirements product: very often users install them on outdated hardware. Due to low Windows performance will look for ways to redistribute computing power, slowing down the work of certain services. The solution to this problem can be to “upgrade” the hardware - do it every few years.


The second reason why the computer does not respond to any manipulations, slows down and freezes even when starting and watching a video, is malicious software, popularly known as “viruses”. They can get into the system from various sources: they can be “picked up” on the Internet, when connecting a flash drive or loading a disk, after installing programs from unreliable sources, etc.

The correct solution and prevention of this problem is an antivirus - a program that scans Windows for the presence of such software. In most cases, with a thorough check and elimination of the virus, the system will be cured, however, if it has managed to spread through the root folder, you should think about reinstalling it. High-quality antivirus can protect the OS from the penetration of malware; during scanning, it will monitor every USB device connected to it, as well as every page on the Internet for viruses. It is worth noting that the antivirus itself will offer to do this when connecting a new device. In addition, you can protect your PC in a simple way: do not attach flash drives and others usb devices, and also do not launch a disk that came to you from a dubious source and do not visit suspicious sites while traveling on the Internet.

Extra files

Also, in most cases, the computer slows down due to clutter in the OS. The answer to the question “why?” very simple. In progress Windows operation leaves a huge number unnecessary files, occupying hard disk memory, which in itself affects the stable operation of the system. For example, when watching movies, videos and pictures on the Internet, they are loaded into the browser cache, taking up space in hard memory disk. A computer freeze can occur when the disk is completely full. A solution to this problem can be the installation of programs and utilities that allow you to clear memory of unnecessary “garbage” without user intervention.

It slows down the operating system and software running in the background. Even if the user does not use this program, it still uses RAM to keep things running. To solve this problem you need to do the following: enter the system settings menu, go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck the unnecessary programs that turn on at startup.

Freezing when watching videos on the Internet or from a hard drive is the main problem for most people. outdated computers. To solve this problem, you should upgrade your hardware or reinstall codecs.

The computer also freezes due to incorrect driver devices. In this case, the PC does not respond to manipulations and slows down even at startup. In addition, such an error very often causes a blue screen of death, even when turning on or off the computer. Before you start looking for a solution to this problem, it’s worth understanding what it is this failure and why it causes the system to freeze.

Blue screen

Blue Screen of Death is a message about critical error in Windows operation.

Blue screens aren't just related to device drivers. In case of any hardware, software or system crash, a blue screen appears before the user’s eyes, on which an error code will be written. In Windows 8, at startup, the blue screen does not report an error, but displays an image with a sad emoticon and a request to reboot.
Depending on the cause, the problem that causes the blue screen can be resolved in different ways. If the failure occurs due to device drivers, the PC should be started from under safe mode and use the restore function from last point stable operation system created when logging out. Blue screen due to hardware failures and overheating of the processor, RAM, unstable work hard the disk will be lost only after replacing one of these parts, and system error, leading to blue screen, will be resolved after reinstalling Windows.

Sleep mode

Quite often, users complain that the computer freezes when loading the system when resuming from sleep mode. Mostly, this problem occurs among laptop and notebook users. The freezing of these devices is explained by the fact that they are connected to a huge number of different USB devices (flash drives, external hard disk, USB mouse, webcam, etc.), which must be CORRECTLY disabled if you want to use the capabilities of sleep mode. If the devices were disconnected incorrectly, after “waking up” the system will try to find them, which will lead to a critical error, and therefore freeze. It is worth making sure that the device was installed correctly when connecting. Another reason why a PC freezes is when it goes into sleep mode while watching a video. To fix this problem, before turning on sleep mode, you need to turn off the video or remove the video disc from the drive.


Another reason why your computer freezes and slows down is updates. Majority background processes when updating (antivirus, center Windows updates etc.) use RAM, which affects the performance of the computer as a whole. Pirate copy of Windows, installed on most users' PCs, cannot connect to the update server, causing a system conflict. What can I do to avoid this? Windows Update should be disabled.

Reinstalling Windows (which can be done from a flash drive or any other USB source) is one of the most effective solutions to eliminate computer freezes and freezes. When releasing a new product, most companies (including Microsoft) often focus on modern PCs, forgetting to optimize their own creations for older generation machines, which is why problems arise when connecting new devices or installing programs and their updates.

If your computer freezes and slows down even when watching a video and you want to fix this problem once and for all, you should pay a little more attention to it: regular cleaning of the system, replacing components, updating some programs and developing a cleaning schedule will help prevent it from occurring. similar problems and make it more reliable!