Why did the screen start to darken on the new smartphone? Stripes or dots appear on the screen of your Android smartphone or tablet

Stripes appeared on the screen of a Samsung Galaxy phone or the screen has become lightly cloudy or sometimes it does not turn on? Perhaps the display has become damaged and needs to be replaced, but it also happens that the display cable has moved slightly away from the phone board. Usually if Samsung Galaxy falls several times, the screen may be damaged and you will have to replace it by purchasing a new one. I thought so too, when suddenly I saw light vertical stripes on the screen of my Samsung and the screen either worked or didn’t work, and the picture on the display was cloudy.

Of course, I immediately took it to repair; after examining the smartphone, the technicians confirmed that the display had deteriorated and should be replaced with a new one. Minimum Samsung Galaxy screen replacement price ace 4 neo duos were told at least 1000 rubles, it’s good that a new screen was not available. Then I came home and decided to see for myself how the train was doing. I saw how they did it and, out of curiosity, I also wanted to take a look. And oddly enough, after that the screen of my Samsung started working.

I want to warn you right away that if you want to check the cable on your phone yourself, you must do this very carefully so as not to damage anything. For masters this is a common thing, but for ordinary users this may be dangerous due to possible damage. If you doubt your abilities, then it is better not to try this and turn to specialists.

To see if the display plug on a Samsung has come loose Galaxy ace Open 4 neo duos and similar Samsung phones back cover the one that covers the battery and SIM cards. In it you will see such a plug as indicated in the attached screenshot; you need to pick it out carefully so as not to break or damage the phone.

Once you remove it, you will see the display cable that connects to the board. You need to carefully remove the plug from the board. You can just do it with your fingernail, no need for a knife or anything sharp so as not to damage it. The plug will come off without effort, the main thing is to be careful. Next, reconnect the cable and press down a little; if the screen does not work, you can try removing it again and inserting it again. This helped me and my smartphone screen worked again.

I don’t know, maybe I was just lucky, I don’t know if this will help your phone or not, but I hope that you had the same problem and you dealt with it. Once again, I want to say, if you are in doubt and afraid for your phone, then do not do this, as you may damage the device even more. If you have done something similar on your smartphone, be sure to write in the reviews and help other users with advice.

  • I hope it helped you this article and you were able to to correct samsung screen Galaxy simply by disconnecting and reinserting the cable on the phone board.
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Every day, users of Android devices come to service centers complaining that their phone screen is flickering. This problem is far from new and has whole line reasons for occurrence. Let's sort things out in order.

Despite the rapid development mobile technologies, they still have not made it possible to create a device that can withstand strong shocks or malfunctions software. For each gadget, the cause of a display malfunction can be very different, so before drawing final conclusions, let’s consider each of them in more detail.

Screen damage

The first flickering and “jumping” of the picture on the phone can appear after a serious fall or contact of the device with water. In this case, the following may be damaged:

  1. Screen.
  2. Microcircuit (video controller).
  3. Cables connecting elements into a single system.

If in the first case, any specialist in the field of mobile technologies can deal with the problem with a minimum number of tools, then the second and third require a meticulous approach and the presence of special equipment.

Video controller

The so-called graphics subsystem, consisting of memory, processor and “piping,” is responsible for outputting images. When one of the elements on the electronic board burns out, problems begin - the appearance of ripples, “artifacts”, interference, blinking, flickering, stripes and other unpleasant symptoms on the smartphone screen. In this case, it is not recommended to act on your own; there is a possibility of damaging the video controller even more.

Software failure

Most users do not even suspect that the display begins to flicker due to a conflict in the operation of several applications, the presence of a virus in the system, excessive system contamination, or hidden software glitches. The user is able to clean the smartphone independently, roll it back to factory settings and install antivirus programs from the official Google store Play.

However, if these manipulations turn out to be useless, reflash the device. It is better not to do something like this with your own hands, without prior practice, otherwise the gadget will be completely disabled. The right way out of this situation is to contact service center.

Battery problems

As a rule, everyone begins to be inclined to think that the malfunction was caused as a result of damage to the device’s system, completely rejecting the most simple options. Flickering of the display can be caused by a weak battery. This happens due to the loss of its power when the battery is used for several years without replacement.

Testing this option in practice is quite simple. Connect to phone Charger and look at the display, if you managed to get rid of flickering, then it’s all about power. We recommend taking another battery and performing a similar test. If this is really it, you should go to a specialized store and change the battery. In this case, special attention should be paid to its originality, Chinese fake may fail a month after purchase. In some cases, it can even cause harm.

However, there may be one interesting catch, which is that non-removable battery on your phone model. In this case, it is better not to take risks and entrust the solution to the problem to specialists.

Secret codes for testing

There are several more ways to find possible problem, for this please contact service codes, which are suitable for all smartphones under Android control. The codes can help in setting up the system and identifying the reasons when the smartphone screen begins to tremble (twitch) or shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

*#*#4636#*#* - allows you to view basic information about the phone, battery, user statistics.

*#*#7780#*#* - resets settings, removes only existing applications.

*2767*3855# - happening full reset settings, with reinstallation of the existing firmware.

*#*#0*#*#* — quick test any LCD display.

*#*#2663#*#* - makes it possible to test the touch screen for response and the number of simultaneous presses.

*#*#1234#*#* - provides comprehensive data regarding the device firmware, which is necessary when reinstalling or updating the software.

*#06# - the most common code, used to obtain IMEI information.

Ask a question to a virtual expert

If you still have questions, ask them to a virtual expert, the bot will help you find the problem and tell you what to do. Talk to him about life or just chat, it will be interesting and informative!

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To sum up, we can say with confidence that it is quite difficult to identify a malfunction in the screen. Not only do they become mechanical damage and a partial malfunction of the software, but also problems with the battery, which over time could lose its power and cause unpleasant consequences in the form of flickering or flickering of the display.

The only correct decision in this case is to visit the nearest service center, where, using special equipment, they will carry out a full diagnosis of the device and identify the main cause of the breakdown.

Of course, you can repair your phone yourself, however, you should take into account that without the proper knowledge and practice, your smartphone can completely fail, without the possibility of further restoration.


Phone screen flickering is a very annoying problem. And noticeably dangerous to the eyes. After all, when flickering, the strain on the eyes increases greatly.

There are quite a few possible reasons for the phone screen flickering, both hardware and software. In this article we will look at them all in the recommended order of consideration.

Smartphone screen flickers - solutions

  • Addiction to nasal drops - how to get rid of it, a proven method
  • Firmware problem. You need to make sure that the problem is not software in nature. In the most ideal case, you should reset the phone to factory settings. We have how to do it. Don't forget, otherwise they will be irretrievably lost. If after the reset the flickering does not disappear, then you have a problem with the device itself.

    This problem is sometimes observed on old batteries. If the flickering disappears while charging, then the problem is definitely in the battery. If possible, try using a different battery.

    Problem with the screen, cables and other elements. Damage to the screen or its cable is one of the most probable causes flicker. Especially if the phone has previously been dropped or subjected to other physical impacts, for example, severe overheating. If all the above tips did not help you, then there is only one option left - contact a service center to have your phone repaired. Of course, you can replace the screen yourself, but this requires special tools and skills.

    By the way, we have an article about. And if there is something still unclear to you, write in the comments on this page or write new questions!

    Have you ever noticed strange spots on the screen of your smartphone or tablet? The appearance of any spots or streaks on the device screen indicates a malfunction of the display module. Today we will talk about the reasons for their appearance.

    Problems with the backlight


    Quite often, moisture penetration into the device causes stains to appear. The backlight of LCD displays consists of films, an inverter and lamps. The LEDs shine on the side of the plate, and the films scatter the light, forming a uniform backlight on the screen.

    If liquid penetrates between the layers of film, they stick together. Where they touch, the light is refracted at the wrong angle and a spot appears on the screen.

    As a rule, it has an irregular shape and differs increased brightness. Under different angles tilting the spot will change its shape or will not be noticeable at all.

    If your device has an AMOLED display, then you have no reason to worry. Such screens have a different backlight technology. If a small amount of liquid gets inside the device, a stain will not appear.

    If you have problems with backlit iPhone, it can be replaced. Buy new lighting for display it is possible .

    Manufacturing defects

    Stain due to a manufacturing defect occurs during display assembly and very often appears to be a stain caused by moisture. The manufacturer may choose the wrong length of the screws, causing them to rest against reverse side display and lead to compression of the films among themselves.

    Such a spot has an oval shape and does not change at different angles. By the same principle, stains are formed from foreign objects, such as sand.

    Occurs in devices in which the manufacturer has not made the correct heat sink. In the place where the device overheats, the films are deformed from constant exposure to high temperature. After the smartphone or tablet cools down, it no longer takes its original shape and a spot forms at the point of overheating. Most often, spots from overheating appear at the ends of the display and have a yellow tint. This spot is darker in the middle and lighter towards the edges.

    Overheating spots do not change shape from different viewing angles and may become stronger over time.

    LED backlight malfunction

    Malfunctions LED backlight most often manifested by the appearance of a local black spot or deterioration of the backlight as a whole. The spot forms where the LEDs fail.

    Backlight repair– a rather labor-intensive process and takes a lot of time. If the backlight of a smartphone or tablet is broken, it is recommended to replace the display module.

    Display problems

    After a fall or impact, the image disappears on some part of the screen - this is a sign broken display. A spot of this origin most often has an irregular shape, cracks may spread from it, and if you press on it, its size may increase, and its shape may also change.

    Using this microcircuit, which is located on the cable, controlled image transfer to the display. The controller breaks down from mechanical impact, that is, from a strong fall or blow. It can also be damaged by liquid.

    If the controller is damaged, the image may disappear altogether: the screen becomes completely white or black. But most often, when the controller breaks, multi-colored vertical stripes. If you press on the screen, the stripe configuration will change.

    It happens that the image may disappear only in one place on the display. Such a spot will have clear boundaries, and the rest of the screen will display a normal picture.

    Note! If the backlight disappears on both the screen and the buttons, the problem is most likely with the board.

    If a small dot of red, blue or Green colour, which means there are dead pixels.

    Dead pixel- This separate element, which loses the ability to change its color.

    Manufacturers often indicate the quality class of monitors based on the permissible number dead pixels.

    There are 4 classes in total:

    Ⅰ - there are practically no dead pixels. If a dead pixel appears, the manufacturer undertakes to repair it under the terms of the warranty or replace the display;
    Ⅱ - the presence of 2 defective pixels (white or black) is allowed;
    Ⅲ - the presence of 5 white, 15 black and 50 colored dead pixels is allowed;
    Ⅳ - 50 white, 150 black and up to 500 colored dead pixels are allowed.

    It is worth noting that the quality class of the display directly proportionally affects the price of the spare part. The higher the quality, the more expensive the display is.

    Today Problem with the display sticking to the sensor mainly occurs in budget smartphones.

    In inexpensive models, there is an air gap between the display and the sensor. When the space between the display and the sensor is reduced, they can stick together and remain in this state for a long time.

    The bonding stain can be easily recognized. It is noticeable when the display is turned off and may partially disappear when the backlight is on. It looks like liquid squeezed between glass. When faced with such a problem, users often think that water has entered the device. It is possible to remove such a stain, but to do this you need to re-glue the touch screen.

    Module delamination

    Delamination in the display module is a type of defect that is classified as a manufacturing defect. A sensor that is poorly glued during the manufacture of the module eventually begins to lag behind the display around the perimeter. As a result, spots appear white. This defect is extremely rare. In this case, the display must be replaced under warranty conditions.

    If any stain appears on the screen of your device, contact a specialized service center. It is almost impossible to replace or repair damage to the backlight or display module at home. For repairs, you must use special equipment and have certain skills in repairing equipment.

    If you know which specific part needs to be replaced, you can purchase it from our website. To find the right spare part or find a replacement, we recommend reading ours.

    Probably many mobile users Faced the problem of smartphone screen burn-in. This defect does not in any way affect the overall functionality of the display, but its presence greatly impairs the perception of the displayed image. Today we will try to find out what causes this problem, how to fix it and what can be done to delay its occurrence.

    What is screen burn-in?

    To put it as simply and clearly as possible, burn-in is the fading of the display in its specific area. If this defect is present in one or another part of the screen, color rendition deteriorates, and faded outlines or letters appear. The term “burnout” itself is not accurate. It has nothing to do with combustion or exposure high temperatures. In fact, this is a banal wear and tear of the light elements of the screen on mobile phones.

    We can say that the term “burnout” developed historically. It appeared back in the era of cathode ray monitors (abbreviated CRT), as well as televisions. The fact is that the basis of these monitors and televisions were phosphorus components, the glow of which built the whole picture. Over time, these components lost their original properties, which is why the picture became faded. By and large, they burned out. Despite the fact that the technology for creating screens has changed, as well as the cause of the defect, wear of the light elements continues to be called by the indicated term.

    How common is smartphone screen burn-in and why?

    Unfortunately, every owner may encounter the problem in question. mobile phone. Devices that have displays such as OLED, AMOLED and Super AMOLED. Screens based IPS matrices suffer less from such a defect, but it can also manifest itself in them. Why are OLED, AMOLED and Super AMOLED sensors so susceptible to burnout?

    It's all about their structure. The basis of such sensors are organic polymer compounds that emit light when an electric current passes through them. These connections are represented by LEDs of three colors:

    • blue;
    • red;
    • green.
    On the displays of the mentioned types, burn-in appears for two main reasons:
    1. All diodes have different shelf life, which is why they wear out unevenly. As a result, some elements, after a certain period of time, continue to work normally, while others lose their original properties. Therefore, differences in the saturation of the picture appear.
    2. LEDs of blue color They don't shine as brightly as red and green ones. To make the picture uniform, more current is supplied to the blue components. As a result, they wear out much faster, and color palette The screen goes into green and red tones.
    The most unpleasant moment is related to the fact that the problem in question does not depend in any way on the cost of the gadget. It can appear both on a budget device and on an expensive flagship. For example, there are known cases of screen burnout on iPhones, and on the latest tenth model.

    Which part of displays is most likely to show burn-in?

    As a rule, those areas of the display that almost always display one picture come under attack. In such cases, the same pixels are used, and they work “without rest.” Often, the area on which the touch buttons navigation, clock, notifications tab. The appearance of a defect is caused not only permanent job parts of the pixels, but also those colors that are used during display. At the indicated points, the blue and white subpixels burn, and, as mentioned above, the blue elements initially wear out faster, because more electricity is supplied to them. White glow also requires passage through polymer compounds more current, and this also accelerates the wear of the component particles of the screen.

    Burnouts appear extremely rarely in the central part of the display. This is explained by the fact that in this area the picture changes frequently, the matrix uses different subpixels, so optimal performance lasts longer.

    It's not just blue LEDs that can burn out. Both red and green elements can lose their properties ahead of schedule. As a rule, mobile gamers face this problem. As you know, modern entertainment applications have their own virtual navigation buttons or menu areas. At these points the picture also does not change, so the light components fade faster.

    There is one more point worth mentioning. In areas prone to fading, not only color rendering problems arise. Also, specific “phantom” images appear there. As a rule, these phantoms are represented by dim silhouettes of virtual navigation buttons, search engine fields, and icons located at the top of the display. Essentially, what remains in the affected area is what it has been continuously displaying for a long time.

    Is it possible to fix the display burn-in problem?

    If this defect appears on a smartphone, then it will not be possible to completely eliminate it. It will only help complete replacement screen. However, if there is no money for a replacement, you can use one useful program. It's called AMOLED Burn-In Fixer. No, it does not “revive” damaged LEDs, but it makes the burnt-out areas less noticeable. In general, the application mentioned does three things:
    1. Checks the device and shows in which areas there are burnt-out spots.
    2. Partially hides if necessary user interface, in order to slow down further burnout.
    3. Corrects the colors in the burned areas so that the defect disappears.
    The AMOLED Burn-In Fixer app has two important advantages:
    1. It effectively copes with its task in the early stages of burnout.
    2. It is free, so this kind of “repair” can be carried out without any monetary costs.
    It has just as many disadvantages:
    1. Doesn't work on all smartphones. The device must have operating system How minimum Android Lollipop (released November 2014). This application will not help owners of Apple phones.
    2. It is absolutely useless in the later stages of burnout, when the pixels have practically lost their functionality.

    Is it possible to prevent screen burn-in?

    But here the situation is more pleasant. The user can perform several actions that will delay burnout or completely protect the gadget from the manifestation of the defect in question. The list of these actions looks like this:
    1. Lower the display brightness. It's simple here - the higher the brightness level, the more current is required, and this speeds up the wear of the LEDs. Owners of the iPhone X can set this parameter to be automatically adjusted, which will also protect the device from burnout.
    2. Set the minimum time for the screen to turn off automatically, so that the diodes do not have to display static textures for a long time when you are not using the device.
    3. Use Immersive Mode whenever possible. This is the so-called immersive mode, in which the device will hide the notification panel and navigation buttons when not in use.
    4. Choose wallpaper for the main menu in dark colors. Dark shades practically do not wear out LEDs; black color doesn't affect them at all. Also, change your wallpaper periodically to complement other light elements.
    5. Use virtual keyboard having dark shades. With this approach, the degradation of the diodes will occur even more slowly.
    6. Install a navigation application without bright colors. To a greater extent, this recommendation applies to ardent travelers who often need a navigator.

    Is it possible to completely eliminate burnout in the future?

    It is almost impossible to completely protect OLED, AMOLED, and Super AMOLED displays from the defect in question. This is due to the peculiarities of their design. However, manufacturers are already using some tricks that can slow down the aging process of light elements. Eg, Samsung company increases the size of blue LEDs. Thanks to this step, the elements begin to glow brighter, but at the same time less current passes through them, which means wear takes longer.

    Certain actions were taken to extend the shelf life and Apple company. On the same tenth iPhone there is a mode automatic adjustment brightness, thanks to which the load on the LEDs always remains optimal.

    Well, we found answers to two main questions: how to fix screen burn-in programmatic method and how to prevent its occurrence. Since progress does not stand still, in the future it is possible to completely get rid of the problem considered. But for now, almost all smartphones are at risk, so it is better to follow the recommendations mentioned so as not to encounter this unpleasant defect.