A program for redistributing space on your hard drive. Review of free programs for working with hard drive partitions

Very good news for owners of the Windows 7 and 8 operating system is that users do not have to download various programs to partition your hard drive, because thanks to the built-in Disk Management feature we can do this for free. I would like to remind you that in the XP operating system, you cannot do this, since one of the main functions of this application is missing.

To quickly launch the Disk Management application, click right click mouse on the desktop icon "My Computer". In the menu, select Manage

In management, click the "Disk Management" section. By right side program we will see a list of our hard drives.

Now you need to select the hard drive that will be partitioned. In my case, the laptop has one hard drive installed, which is divided into two partitions E and D. The program clearly shows where the main disk is and where its partitions are.

I will create another partition of 10 gigabytes. To do this, right-click on the C: drive and select “Shrink Volume” from the menu.

In the small window, I fill in the compression size at 10,000, which is equal to 10 Gigabytes, and click the compress button.

Did you do everything correctly? Please note that we now have an unallocated partition with a size of 9.77GB. Now all that remains is to create from it new volume.

Right-click on the unallocated area and right-click on it, select “Create simple volume”.

Now we follow the instructions as in the picture. Changing the volume letter or its name is not necessary, everything can be left as in the pictures. Let's go.

After formatting Windows disk will indicate that the disk is ready for use.

As you understand, such a breakdown cannot cause any difficulties. I also want to note that you will no longer need programs like Partition Magic, or similar ones. Firstly, many packages are paid, and secondly, the partitioning takes 10 times longer than the built-in one Windows application 7 or 8.

Good luck!

For normal and stable operation operating system of any personal computer or laptop, it is necessary to correctly divide the space on the hard drive (partition the HDD). Often when buying a computer in a store, you may be faced with the fact that the entire hard drive space is allocated for only one system disk(usually this is the system drive “C”). This distribution setting HDD memory not entirely correct. In addition, this may negatively affect the operation of the computer, because important documents and system files(it is recommended to use a separate partition on your hard drive for such data).

Therefore, to avoid any troubles due to misuse of memory Computer HDD, it is customary to split it into several additional sections(disks), one of which is usually allocated for the needs of the operating system. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the process of partitioning a hard drive itself is a very responsible and scrupulous procedure. Before starting it, it is recommended to back up all important documents to a USB flash drive or other storage medium, and then proceed directly to resizing disk space.

So, in order to partition a hard drive, you have to go through several step by step procedures. First of all, you should select the disk partition that needs to be divided into subpartitions. After this, you must specify the size of the new partition that you want to create, indicating the file system type. Having gone through all these points, you can start the HDD partitioning procedure itself. As a result of successful completion of this operation, the program will display a list of changes made. It is also worth noting that most modern programs on working with hard drives will help you not only to split the HDD, but also to merge them, make deep formatting and other complex procedures.

A hard drive is designed to permanently store information used when operating a computer. They are also called hard drives or hard drives. The abbreviation HDD also serves as a designation hard drive V computer terminology. Hard disk is one of the most fast devices for writing and reading information, not counting RAM.

More often, HDD It is not convenient to use it as a single storage of information, so most users of PCs and laptops split the hard drive into partitions for convenience.

The concept of a hard drive partition

A partition (often referred to as a volume) is an area of ​​a hard drive that can be formatted for a specific file system. A section or volume is designated by a letter of the Latin alphabet, for example F, E, H, Z, or other letters that are not currently used on this hard drive.

Type of computer hard drive

Types of hard disk partitions

Experts in modern computer terminology related to hard drive partitions distinguish three main types of volumes on a hard drive:

  • Primary (Primary partition);
  • Extended partition;
  • Logical partition.

The primary hard drive partition typically stores user data, programs, and operating system files. There can be more than one primary partition on a hard disk, but there cannot be more than four. It is impossible to install more than one operating system on one primary hard drive volume, so if you want to use several operating systems on one PC, split the hard drive into several partitions. And since there cannot be more than four primary partitions on one hard drive, there cannot be more than four installed operating systems either.

During each session of working with a computer, only one primary partition is active, the one from which the operating system was loaded. Many OSes can only boot from active volume on your hard drive.

An extended partition combines logical drives, which are also called logical partitions. Create logical drives in the extended section you can great amount. They can store various information, such as user data, applications, programs, personal photos, videos and documents, even operating system files that can be loaded not only from the primary partition.

Logical partitions are almost no different from extended partitions. Any logical drive is simply an area of ​​an extended partition.

Computer hard drive

Partitioning your hard drive

Many laptop owners personal computers after the purchase they think about the problem once hard division disk into partitions. The essence of this partition is to divide the computer's hard drive into two or more partitions. In most cases, create a local drive C containing the operating system and system folders, as well as local drive D on which they mainly store their favorite movies, music, photos, text documents etc. But not one, but several can be used to store personal data local disks and they can be named by any letters of the Latin alphabet.

Hard disk division occurs only formally

Advantages of partitioning your hard drive

Splitting your hard drive into several partitions has many advantages. For example, the most compelling advantage of this procedure is that personal files such as videos, photographs and documents will be stored on separate disk. Because if the need arises to reinstall the operating system, and formatting the disk with the OS is simply inevitable in this case, then all your personal files and folders will be saved.

There is, of course, another solution to this problem. Before reinstalling the operating system, move all important data to removable media, but this activity is quite labor-intensive, especially if the amount of information that needs to be saved amounts to tens or even hundreds of gigabytes. And if a situation arises when an emergency reinstallation of the operating system is necessary, access to personal files saved on a shared local drive along with the OS is no longer possible, important information will simply be lost.

This is what a computer's hard drive looks like when purchased in a store.

Storage of system and personal files V different sections hard drive will be more convenient. It will be easier to find the information you are interested in, since each section will be less cluttered, and you will easily find necessary files or folders. In addition, an obvious advantage breaking down hard disk into partitions is that it is easier for the operating system to work with a less loaded partition, that is, the performance of the OS increases significantly.

Another advantage of dividing a hard drive into partitions is the ability to use several operating systems on one computer. For example, Windows 7 and Windows 8 or Windows XP can be installed on one hard drive, but for this the hard drive must be partitioned. If a failure occurs in one of the operating systems, you will have another operating system installed and ready to use.

To summarize, it is worth highlighting the main advantages of dividing a hard drive into partitions. So, the advantages of this procedure include:

  • ensuring the security of personal data even if failures occur in the OS;
  • high efficiency of organizing information stored on the hard drive;
  • increased OS performance due to less partition load;
  • the ability to install and use several operating systems on a computer.

A hard drive is a very complex device that provides fast access to stored information

Dividing a hard drive into partitions using built-in Windows OS tools

Since we have found out the main reasons why a hard drive is partitioned into partitions, we have become familiar with the main advantages that such a solution subsequently brings, we should consider in detail how to partition a hard drive into partitions in practice. local disks. Moreover, we will describe the algorithm for performing this procedure in relation to the most popular operating systems - Windows 7, 8 and 10.

Partitioning a hard drive in Windows 7

If your computer or laptop has an operating system Windows system 7, then to divide the hard disk into partitions, follow these steps:

Step 1. Right-click on the “Computer” icon on the desktop or in the “Start” panel, open the context menu, and click “Manage.”

Right-click on the Computer icon

Step 2. In the window that opens, select the “Disk Management” utility from the menu. After this, you will have to wait for a few seconds until the window with the hard drive structure opens.

Select Disk Management

Hard disk partitions

Step 3. To partition the hard drive you need to select a volume that has enough large space, but it is worth remembering that it is better not to compress if possible system partition. On the selected volume, right-click and context menu select “Shrink Volume”. A small window will open and you will still need to wait some time.

Select Shrink disk and wait a few seconds

Step 4. System offer available options compression. Will be indicated maximum values, but it is not recommended to use them, so reduce the size a little to the level required for you. This will be the size of the future logical drive. Enter the required values ​​in the boxes and click on the “Compress” button. Next, we wait again until the compression process is completed.

Maximum valid values to compress the volume

Step 5: Once the process is complete, the Disk Management window will display new section. A black stripe and the inscription “Not distributed” will be visible on the top of it. To convert it to volume of hard disk, right-click, then select “Create simple volume”.

Unallocated space on your hard drive

Step 6. The “Simple Volume Creation Wizard” will open, click “Next” and select the maximum size.

Creation simple volume

Step 7. Assign from the proposed letters of the Latin alphabet the letter that will later become the name of the new section and click “Next”.

Working with the Simple Volume Wizard

Select the name of the future partition in the Simple Volume Creation Wizard

Step 8. Check the box next to “Format this volume as follows”; select the NTFS file system; cluster size – default; check the box next to “ Quick formatting" and click "Next".

Manually setting formatting options

Step 9. When the “Completing the Simple Volume Wizard” window appears, check all the data and click the “Finish” button.

Completing the Create Simple Volume Wizard

Step 10. And the new hard drive partition is ready!

Ready new section

So without using additional software You can easily and simply partition the hard drive on a computer or laptop with the Windows 7 operating system installed.

Partitioning a hard drive in Windows 8

Owners of Windows 8 OS can split the hard drive into partitions using the Disk Management utility, but to open this window you need to hold down two keys at the same time. Windows keys+ R. As a result, the “Run” window will appear, in command line you need to enter “diskmgmt.msc” only without quotes and click Enter button on the computer keyboard.

Next, the “Management” window will open, similar to that in the operating system discussed earlier. In order to create a new partition on your hard drive, you need to sequentially perform the same steps as in the algorithm described in Windows 7. That is, you perform all the manipulations described in steps 2-10.

Partitioning a hard drive in Windows 10

The hard drive on computers and laptops with the Windows 10 operating system installed can be divided into partitions using the same built-in Disk Management utility. Open this utility In Windows 10, you can open the Start menu. We type “Control Panel”, left-click on it and select “System and Security”.

Finding Control Panel in Windows 10

Control Panel in Windows 10

Hard disk structure

In the window that opens, scroll down the scroll bar and find the “Administration” item. IN at this point you need to find “Creating and formatting a hard disk”, click on it and wait a couple of seconds, after which a window with the “Disk Management” utility opens in front of us. We carry out further steps in full accordance with the hard drive division algorithm in Windows 7, again we do steps 2-10.

Other ways to create a new volume on a hard drive

It is worth mentioning that the Disk Management utility also allows you to delete hard drive partitions. You will need this if, for example, there is no more free space left, and you simply need to create a new volume. To do this, you can right-click on the hard disk partition to be deleted and select “Delete Volume”. An unallocated volume will appear in place of the deleted partition, which can be formatted to the parameters you require.

Removing a volume using Disk Management

The steps described in the algorithm show how to create a new partition using the compression method. But there is a way to create a new volume from unallocated space, which may appear after deleting a partition, as described in the paragraph above, or after previous divisions, there could simply be unallocated space on the hard disk, from which you can create a new volume by following steps 5-10 of the above algorithm .

In addition, it is possible to expand another of the existing volumes into the free space after deleting the old volume, or the partition can be expanded into unused unallocated space. To do this, click on the “Extend volume” item in the context menu, select “Next” and “Finish”.

Partitioning a hard drive when installing Windows OS

After starting the operating system loader, select the language, accept the terms License Agreement, and select " Full installation" The bootloader will prompt you to select a partition on which the operating system will subsequently be installed. Next, a window will open with a “Disk Settings” button. By clicking on this button, you will have access to all the tools that will allow you to work with disk space.

In this window, using the buttons, you can format the disk or disks, delete partitions, create new disks and select for them right size. Any changes you make will only take effect after you click the “Apply” button.

External hard drive

Dividing a hard drive with special programs

In addition to built-in tools, such as the Disk Management utility, they also use special programs, they are also called volume managers. On this moment there are a huge variety of them. The functionality of these programs allows you to perform many functions, not only dividing a hard disk into partitions. Among the most popular programs that received a large number of positive feedback, it is worth noting the following:

Most of these programs can be downloaded for free on the Internet, in addition, many of them are available in Russian.

Control program hard drive Acronis Disc Director

Program hard control Paragon Partition Manager disk


The above describes in detail how to quickly and easily divide a hard drive into partitions using the built-in tools of Windows operating systems in versions 7, 8 and 10. The option of how to partition a hard drive initially when installing the operating system on a computer or laptop is also considered. Here is a list of the most best programs to manage hard disk partitions according to user opinions.

The described benefits obtained from dividing a hard drive into partitions are simply undeniable. After all, this way you not only rationally use disk space, but also increase the performance of the operating system.

Creating, deleting and formatting computer disk partitions is only part of the possibilities hard drive management applications. Today, they make it possible to securely perform operations that previously required data deletion or other mind-boggling combinations.

Many tasks implemented through the partition manager can, in theory, be performed using the built-in Windows tool for disk management. However, it is not as intuitive as the programs discussed here.

A good disk management application consists of several modules. They are used to create, delete and format partitions. Apart from these functions, they also have functions for copying and moving partitions, creating images and backups.

Additional modules support system migration, merging and splitting partitions. Supports various partition schemes, dynamic disks, RAID configurations, various systems files and boot records.

Attention! Whenever you work with hard drive partitions, you need to plan everything carefully, back up your data, and make sure you select the correct hard drive or partition before pressing Enter.

Attention! All operations carried out on partitions are fraught with risks. The editors recommend extreme caution and are not responsible for possible loss of data or other damage incurred by readers.

EaseUS Partition Master Disk Management

One of the most popular partition management programs hard drives on Windows. Ensures the allocation of new partitions without data loss.

Benefits of EaseUS Partition Master

  • Easy conversion of partition type, primary to logical and vice versa
  • Recovers deleted or non-existent partitions
  • Supported hard capacity disk up to 8 TB


  • Inability to transfer data from HDD to SSD in the free version

License: freeware
Price: free

AOMEI Partition Assistant Disk Management

Also popular. Creates, divides, connects, copies hard drive partitions, changing their size, while saving files. System transfer is possible.

Benefits of AOMEI Partition Assistant

  • Convenient wizards for every operation
  • Supports all the most popular file systems
  • Displays accurate information about supported media
  • Allows you to create a bootable CD with the application

License: freeware
Price: free

Disk Management in GParted

A tool for managing computer hard drive partitions. Distributed as an ISO file. Install it on a flash drive or burn it to a CD and start your computer from it.

Benefits of GParted

  • Does not require installation and does not take up disk space
  • Attractive free offer for companies
  • Wide range of possibilities manage partitions of almost any file system


  • Mastery takes time
  • Only available via Live CD

License: freeware
Price: free

MiniTool Partition Wizard

Performs all operations with hard disk partitions and also hides it. Copying the contents of the disk and changing the file system.

Advantages MiniTool Partition Wizard

  • Lots of tools, including disk cleaning and checking
  • Convenient visual wizard for each operation
  • Allows you to convert NTFS to FAT32 without formatting, change the disk type from MBR to GPT

License: freeware
Price: free

Active@ Partition Manager

Performs operations on disk partitions. Formats the flash drive in FAT32 and NTFS. Fixes MBR disks. Converts MBR to GPT and vice versa.

Benefits of Active@ Partition Manager

  • Disk Imaging Tool
  • Convenient wizard for creating and changing partitions
  • Built-in boot sector editor, allows you to manually make changes
  • Shows S.M.A.R.T data. for hard drives


  • English only

License: freeware
Price: free

Hard drive partitioning is the process of dividing one drive into several logical drives. In this article we will look at popular programs to partition the hard drive.

The Windows 7 operating system is equipped with a built-in utility for partitioning disks. To launch it, follow the path: Start - Control Panel - System - Administrative Tools - Computer Management - Disk Management.

By launching the Disk Management utility, you will have access to all the necessary functions. For existing disks, you can perform: delete, format, change letter, compress and delete the disk. If connected to a computer new hard disk without partitioning, you can partition the disk.

If the capabilities of the built-in disk partitioning utility are not enough for you, you can use third-party programs.

Wondershare Disk Manager Free

Quality free programs there is not much to do with disk partitioning. One such program is Wondershare Disk Manager Free. This program allows you to create, delete, copy, and convert partitions. The program has a very simple and intuitive interface. Thanks to this, even the absence of the Russian language will not complicate the process of working with the program, even for those who are not very experienced users. To install this program you will have to go through a free and extremely simple registration on the manufacturer's website.

Paid programs for disk partitioning

One of the most popular and famous programs Partition Magic from Symantec is of this kind. This program can work with boot disk, which greatly simplifies the breakdown before installing the operating system. Partition Magic supports working with file NTFS systems and FAT. Except basic operations such as creation and formatting, Partition Magic allows you to convert file systems, resizing partitions, merging partitions.

Paragon Partition Manager

Paragon Partition Manager – powerful program to partition the hard drive, Reserve copy, and management operating systems. Unlike the previous program, Paragon Partition Manager has a wider range of features and functions. So, this program one of the few that allows you to work with disks for virtual machines(MS Virtual PC, VMware Workstation, VMware Fusion and Sun VirtualBox).

Acronis Disk Director

Acronis Disk Director is another advanced hard drive partitioning and disk management program. Acronis Disk Director consists of three parts: Disk Management Module, Acronis Module Recovery Expert to recover lost data and the Acronis OS Selector module to manage multiple operating systems. Acronis Disk Director is equipped with all necessary functions for disk management, while the program supports all modern file operating systems.