Advanced WordPress TinyMCE Advanced visual editor and AddQuicktag plugin for adding formatting bar buttons. WordPress Visual Editor

In this article we will talk about one interesting visual page editor for WordPress. Plugin Page Builder Sandwich is designed for simplified page editing. The plugin was tested on a large number of WordPress templates from different sources and showed good results.

Page Builder Sandwich allows you to make changes to the design of website pages on the fly. The add-on can be downloaded from the official WordPress repository. At the time of this writing, the plugin has been downloaded by more than 3,000 users. This add-on is rated 4.4 out of 5.

Let's take a closer look at the plugin's capabilities.

Visual page editor Page Builder Sandwich

The advantages of the plugin include simplified addition of text. Select the desired area and just start typing. There is also a moving technology (drag and drop) is an invaluable feature that allows you to move selected objects relative to the work area using the mouse. You don’t have to place forms through code, selecting their coordinates at random. This significantly reduces operating time.

The plugin has the ability to cancel actions. If you did something wrong, just use the ctrl+z key combination and you will be taken back one step.

The plugin allows you to quickly and easily place content on the page. If you need to post a video from, you just need to copy the video link and paste it into the desired area on the page. In addition, the visual editor has a simple and intuitive interface, so it’s not even experienced users will be able to figure everything out.

Working with the Page Builder Sandwich plugin

After installing and activating the plugin, go to the “Users” item, in the “Your profile” sub-item in the WordPress console, and check the “Show Toolbar when viewing site” checkbox. After this, when you visit any page on your site through the front-end, you will notice a visual editor button at the top right. It's big and blue, so you can't miss it. When you press the button, an editor will open, allowing you to edit whatever you want on the fly.

Another advantage of this supplement is the ability to immediately observe the result.

On the left is the toolbar. IN free version the number of tools is limited. In the paid version it is also limited, but there are much more of them. On the official WordPress website you can find training material on working with the plugin.

The plugin was released relatively recently, and is currently being actively worked on. Perhaps in the future, developers will offer many interesting features to make working with the visual editor easier.

You can find out about another editor for WordPress at .

TinyMCE Advanced introduces a “Classic Paragraph” block and a “Hybrid Mode” for the new Block Editor (Gutenberg).
If you are not quite ready to switch to the Block Editor, or have plugins that cannot be used there (yet), using the Classic Paragraph block and Hybrid Mode is your best option.
It lets you to continue to use the familiar TinyMCE editor for most tasks, and at the same time gives you full access to all blocks and new features in the Block Editor.

Version 5.0 is a major update of TinyMCE Advanced. It introduces additional buttons and settings for the “Rich Text” toolbars in the Block Editor. Similar to the Classic Editor toolbars, most of the buttons can be added, removed or rearranged.

If you want to continue to use the previous (“classic”) editor in WordPress 5.0 and newer, this plugin has an option to replace the new editor with the previous one. If you prefer to have access to both editors side by side or to allow your users to switch editors, it would be better to install the Classic Editor plugin. TinyMCE Advanced is fully compatible with the Classic Editor plugin and similar plugins that restore use of the previous WordPress editor.

As always this plugin will let you add, remove and arrange the buttons that are shown on the Visual Editor toolbar in the Classic Paragraph and Classic blocks in the new Block Editor, and in the Classic Editor (when enabled by a plugin). There you can configure up to four rows of buttons including Font Sizes, Font Family, text and background colors, tables, etc.

In that terms TinyMCE Advanced does not affect your website’s user privacy in any way.



Best is to install directly from WordPress. If manual installation is required, please make sure that the plugin files are in a folder named “tinymce-advanced” (not two nested folders) in the WordPress plugins folder, usually “wp-content/plugins”.

Frequently Asked Questions

I see an error like: “Failed to load plugin from url...”

These errors are usually caused by the file in question being blocked by some security setting on the server, or (rarely) by caching issues or wrong permissions.

The first step to debug this is to try to access the file directly in the browser (i.e. copy the URL and paste in the browser and press Enter).

If you see the file (that’s usually minified JS, so it is all on one line) chances are it was some sort of caching issue that is now resolved. Try using the editor again.

If you see an HTTP error (like 403 or 500) best would be to contact your web hosting company for help. In some cases deleting and re-installing the plugin may help.

Tables look different (inline styles are missing) when I insert a table

How tables are formatted depends on two things:
1. Settings for the “table” plugin in TinyMCE.
2. Whether you resize the table by dragging.

By default TinyMCE Advanced sets the editor so no additional styles are added to tables. That way tables are displayed exactly how the theme intended to. This can be changed by changing some editor settings. That can be done by using the Advanced TinyMCE Configuration plugin. All table related editor settings are described here:

Regardless of the above settings if you resize a table by dragging the height and/or width of the table tag and cell tags will be set as inline styles.

No styles are imported in the Formats sub-menu

These styles are imported from your current theme editor-style.css file. However some themes do don't have this functionality. For these themes TinyMCE Advanced has the option to let you add a customized editor-style.css and import it into the editor.

I have just installed this plugin, but it does not do anything

Change some buttons on one of the toolbars, save your changes, clear your browser cache, and try again. If this doesn't work, try resetting the edit page several times while holding Shift or Ctrl. There may also be a network cache somewhere between you and your host. You may have to wait a few hours for this cache to expire.

When I add “Smilies”, they do not show in the editor

The “Emoticons” button in TinyMCE adds the codes for the smilies. The actual images are added by WordPress when viewing the Post. Make sure the checkbox “Convert emoticons to graphics on display” in “Options - Writing” is checked.

The plugin does not add any buttons

Make sure the “Disable the visual editor when writing” checkbox under “Users — Your Profile” is not checked.

I still see the “old” buttons in the editor

Re-save the settings or click the “Restore Default Settings” button on the plugin settings page and then set the buttons again and save.

Other questions? More screenshots?

Post a message on the support forum or visit home page TinyMCE Advanced.


Participants and developers

TinyMCE Advanced is an open source project. The following contributors contributed to the development of the plugin:




  • Updated for WordPress 5.1 and TinyMCE 4.9.2.


  • Fixed importing of backed-up settings.
  • Updated the FAQ section in the readme.


  • Added several new buttons to the rich-text toolbar in the Block Editor.
  • Added functionality to add, remove and arrange most buttons on the rich-text toolbar in the Block Editor.
  • Added alternative location for buttons for the rich-text component. That lets users move buttons that are not used frequently out of the way.
  • Added settings for selected text color and background color.
  • Improved fixes and enhancements for the Classic Block.
  • Improved the Classic Paragraph Block and added support for converting from most blocks to classic paragraphs, and converting a classic paragraph into separate blocks.


  • Fixes and improvements for 4.8.1.
  • Added separate option to enable the Classic Paragraph Block.
  • Added converting of most default blocks to classic paragraphs, and from classic paragraphs to default blocks.


  • Updated for WordPress 5.0.
  • Added Hybrid Mode for the Block Editor. Includes a Classic Paragraph Block that replaces the default Paragraph Block.
  • Added option to replace the Block Editor with the Classic Editor.
  • Added another settings section for configuring the toolbars in the Classic Block and the Classic Paragraph Block.
  • Added some CSS fixed for the Classic Block.
  • Fixed (removed) setting of inline CSS for table cells when inserting a table. Inline CSS is still added when a table is resized by dragging.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.9.8 and TinyMCE 4.8.0.


  • Updated the table and anchor plugins to 4.7.13 (2018-05-16). Fixes a bug in the table plugin in Edge.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.9.6 and TinyMCE 4.7.11.


  • Fixed compatibility with Gutenberg freeform block.
  • Forced refresh of the TinyMCE plugins after activation.
  • Updated for WordPress 4.9 and TinyMCE 4.6.7.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.8 and TinyMCE 4.6.3.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.7.4 and TinyMCE 4.5.6.
  • Fixed PHP notice after importing settings.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.7 and TinyMCE 4.4.3.
  • Fixed missing “Source code” button bug.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.6 and TinyMCE 4.4.1.
  • Fixed multisite saving bug.
  • Added new button in the Text editor to add or reset the line breaks. Adds line breaks only between tags. Works only when it detects that line breaks are missing so it doesn’t reformat posts with removed paragraphs.

  • Fixed adding paragraph tags when loading posts that were saved before turning wpautop off.
  • Disabled the (new) inline toolbar for tables as it was overlapping the table in some cases.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.5.1 and TinyMCE 4.3.10.
  • Fixed support for adding editor-style.css to themes that don’t have it.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.5 and TinyMCE 4.3.8.
  • Separated standard options and admin options.
  • Added settings that can disable the plugin for the main editor, other editors in wp-admin or editors on the front-end.
  • Korean translation by Josh Kim and Greek translation by Stathis Mellios.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.4 and TinyMCE 4.2.8.
  • Japanese translation by Manabu Miwa.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.3.1 and TinyMCE 4.2.5.
  • Fixed text domain and plugin headers.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.3 and TinyMCE 4.2.3.
  • Removed the textpattern plugin as WordPress 4.3 includes similar functionality by default.
  • French translation by Nicolas Schneider.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.2 and TinyMCE 4.1.9.
  • Fixed bugs with showing oEmbed previews when pasting an URL.
  • Fixed bugs with getting the content from TinyMCE with line breaks.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.1 and TinyMCE 4.1.7.
  • Fixed bug where consecutive caption shortcodes may be split with an empty paragraph tag.


  • Fix bug with image captions when wpautop is disabled.
  • Add translation support to the settings page. Button names/descriptions are translated from JS using the existing WordPress translation, so this part of the settings page will be translated by default. The other text still needs separate translation.


  • Updated for WordPress 4.0 and TinyMCE 4.1.
  • Add the textpattern plugin that supports some of the markdown syntax while typing, (more info) .
  • Add the updated ‘table’ plugin that supports background and border color.


  • Fix showing of the second, third and forth button rows when the Toolbar Toggle button is not used.
  • Fix adding the directionality plugin when RTL or LTR button is selected.
  • Show the "Advanced Options" to super admins on multisite installs.
  • Add the link plugin including link rel setting. Replaces the Insert/Edit Link dialog when enabled.
  • Include updated "table" plugin that has support for vertical align for cells.


Fix warnings on pages other than Edit Post. Update the description.


Updated for WordPress 3.9 and TinyMCE 4.0. Refreshed the settings screen. Added support for exporting and importing of the settings.

Updated for WordPress 3.8, fixed auto-embedding of single line URLs when not removing paragraph tags.


Updated for WordPress 3.7 and TinyMCE 3.5.9.


Updated for WordPress 3.5 and TinyMCE 3.5.8.


Updated for WordPress 3.4 and TinyMCE 3.4.9.

Fixed a bug preventing TinyMCE from importing CSS classes from editor-style.css.


Updated for WordPress 3.3 or later and TinyMCE 3.4.5.

Fix the removal of the media plugin so it does not require re-saving the settings.


Compatibility with WordPress 3.2 and TinyMCE 3.4.2, removed the options for support for iframe and HTML 5.0 elements as they are supported by default in WordPress 3.2, removed the media plugin as it is included by default.

Added advanced options: stop removing iframes, stop removing HTML 5.0 elements, moved the support for custom editor styles to editor-style.css in the current theme.

Attention: if you have a customized tadv-mce.css file and your theme doesn't have editor-style.css, please download tadv-mce.css , rename it to editor-style.css and upload it to your current theme directory . Alternatively you can add there the editor-style.css from the Twenty Ten theme. If your theme has editor-style.css you can add any custom styles there.


Compatibility with WordPress 3.1 and TinyMCE 3.3.9, improved P and BR tags option.


Compatibility with WordPress 2.9 and TinyMCE 3.2.7, several minor bug fixes.


Compatibility with WordPress 2.8 and TinyMCE 3.2.4, minor bug fixes.


Compatibility with WordPress 2.7 and TinyMCE 3.2, minor bug fixes.


Compatibility with WordPress 2.6 and TinyMCE 3.1, keeps empty paragraphs when disabling the removal of P and BR tags, the buttons for MCImageManager and MCFileManager can be arranged (if installed).


Compatibility with WordPress 2.5.1 and TinyMCE 3.0.7, added option to disable the removal of P and BR tags when saving and in the HTML editor (wpautop), added two more buttons to the HTML editor: wpautop and undo, fixed the removal of non-default TinyMCE buttons.


Support for WordPress 2.5 and TinyMCE 3.0.


Deactivate/Uninstall option page, font size drop-down menu and other small changes.


Improved language selection, improved compatibility with WordPress 2.3 and TinyMCE, option to override some of the imported css classes and other small improvements and bugfixes.


Includes an admin page for arranging the TinyMCE toolbar buttons, easy installation, a lot of bugfixes, customized “Smilies” plugin that uses the built-in WordPress smilies, etc. The admin page uses jQuery and jQuery UI that lets you “drag and drop” the TinyMCE buttons to arrange your own toolbars and enables/disables the corresponding plugins depending on the used buttons.

Once upon a time I was considering an interesting project - a visual editor for creating a WordPress template directly from the admin panel. Today I’ll tell you about a similar, but more functional and powerful product - . This is a separate version of the professional desktop web editor Pinegrow, which is used to create websites with responsiveness, scripts, Bootstrap and other features. So Pinegrow WP is a special add-on that allows you to create WordPress templates.

Key features of Pinegrow WP:

  • Converting static HTML layouts into WordPress themes - select certain template elements and select the appropriate parameters for them.
  • Creating WP templates from scratch using a visual editor - just add the necessary elements to the page (sidebar, list of posts, etc.)
  • Supports 175 WordPress tags - allows you to quickly find elements HTML layout required values(post title, date, author's name).
  • Plugin support and PHP functions— you can select not only WordPress tags as element parameters, but also set variables and add PHP functions.
  • Real-time viewing of the WordPress theme being created allows you to see what happens after your settings.
  • View the generated PHP code for the layout.

In addition, you can work directly with the content of your WordPress site by importing images into Pinegrow WP. The output you receive is pure PHP/HTML code; the service does not add any unnecessary elements to the basic layout.

Here's a short video of how Pinegrow WP works:

You can test this software yourself. To do this, download the program from the official website (there are versions for Windows, Mac and Linux). After installation, request a free temporary license key(for 7 days). Enter the password that comes to your email and you are logged into the system.

In the settings (gear icon) Framework & Plugin Manager for index.html, select WordPress, and then download some HTML template. Next, click on certain layout elements and select the corresponding WordPress functions for them. For example: for a picture - the_post_thumbnail, for a title - the_title, for a date - the_date, etc. That is, the user does not need to know exactly how to set this or that element in WordPress, just look for it in the available functions and add it to the layout. By setting all the blocks on the page to the appropriate value, you will eventually get a working WordPress template for export. The algorithm is approximately this, although you will have to understand the Pinegrow WP program in more detail (there are a lot of different functions and settings).

Overall, Pinegrow WP is very powerful, but not free. A personal license (for 3 computers) costs $99. You can use it for as many projects as you like! There are licenses for companies and development teams. In principle, it is for these purposes that the program is needed - if you or your company professionally creates websites (including on WordPress), then this software will come in handy.

Hi all!. Today we're going to talk about a place where you'll be spending a huge amount of time blogging. This place is! After all, it is in it that you will write new posts and publish them on your blog. WordPress provides two versions of the editor - visual and text. Let's look at the features of each of them and learn how to add new functionality.

WordPress Visual Editor and Ultimate TinyMCE Plugin

The WordPress visual editor resembles in appearance and Word functions, with which almost everyone is familiar. Unfortunately, by default its functionality is very poor, which significantly limits your text formatting options. This problem The solution is excellently solved by the Ultimate TinyMCE plugin, which adds a huge number of all kinds of new buttons.

The plugin is installed as standard - download Ultimate TinyMCE, unpack the archive and upload the folder with the plugin files to the server in the wp-content/plugins directory. Activate and go to its settings in the “Options” section - “Ultimate TinyMCE”.

By default, all buttons in the WordPress visual editor are arranged in two rows. To display the second row, use the “Show/Hide Additional Panel” button. You can guess the functionality of each button by the icon on it or by the tooltip that appears when you hover your mouse over it. Ultimate TinyMCE adds about 40 more new functions and two additional rows of buttons.

In fact, all the Ultimate TinyMCE settings boil down to marking the buttons whose functionality you need and choosing a row for them. The description in the settings is in English, but after adding them to the editor, the tips will be in Russian. Although in most cases you can figure it out without any hints at all.

Let's consider only the additional options that are presented at the very bottom of the settings:

Change the color of the Editor— changes the color of the block with buttons in the WordPress visual editor.

Enable NextPage (PageBreak) Button- adds NextPage function for .

Add ID Column to page/post admin list— a new column is added to the WP admin page with lists of all articles and posts, which indicates the ID of each blog post/page. You can read.

Allow shortcode usage in widget text areas— allows you to use a “short code” in the “Text” widget. Shortcode is intended for quick add code NextGEN Gallery, and other plugins into the page text.

Use PHP Text Widget - allows you to use php code in . The code is interpreted and the result of its work is displayed on the blog page.

Enable Line Break Shortcode – adds a Break tag to the “Short Codes”, which is intended for adding empty line into the text.

Enable Columns Shortcodes - adds a large number of tags to “Short Codes” that are responsible for forming text columns.

Enable Advanced Insert/Edit Link Button— adds an advanced ability to insert/edit links.

Enable “Div Clear” Buttons – adds Div Clear both, left and right buttons designed to cancel the element’s float, which is set using the float property.

Remove p and br tags - disables the automatic insertion of p (paragraph) and br (line break) tags. If you don’t want to manually specify the p tag for each paragraph, then it’s better not to touch this option.

Add a Signoff Shortcode - you can set a frequently used phrase and insert it into articles using the Signoff tag from Shortcode.

WordPress text editor and Post Editor Buttons and AddQuicktag plugins

Many people consider the code created in the WordPress visual editor to be dirty, that is, it contains unnecessary tags and styles that should properly be moved to the styles file of the WP theme used. Gives you more control over your code text version WordPress editor. There, all tags are inserted manually, with the exception of paragraph (p) and line break (br) tags, they are added automatically.

Everything is good, but again there is not enough functionality. To cope with this problem, you can use the Post Editor Buttons plugin.

Download the latest version of Post Editor Buttons. The plugin is installed as standard. The plugin settings are located at “Parameters” - “Post Editor Buttons”.

Everything is very simple there:

  • Caption — the name of the button we are adding;
  • Before - opening tag;
  • After - closing tag;
  • Delete - delete.

Sorry, on my blog Post Editor Buttons not working. The buttons created in it are simply not added. Was an excellent alternative AddQuicktag plugin.

Download the latest version of AddQuicktag. The plugin is installed as standard, its settings are located in the “Settings” section of the same name - “AddQuicktag”. Added four new option columns that I don't even use.

The main ones are still the same:

  • Button Label - name;
  • Start Tag (s) - opening tag;
  • End Tag (s) - closing tag.

Thank you for your attention! That's all. Take care of yourself.

Having understood the basic functionality of the admin panel in WordPress. After forming the basis of our site, we will devote the greatest amount of time to articles, their writing and optimization. An editor has been introduced to type and format posts in WordPress, but it is very inferior to plugins specialized for these needs. After installing and configuring the Tinymce Advanced visual and html editor plugin, editing entries will be much easier.

There are many text editor plugins, one of which is a functional plugin that has been chosen by a huge number of people - TinyMCE Advanced.

Article navigation:

In order to start using and testing this TinyMCE Advanced plugin, you need to download and install it, as shown in the video tutorial below.

Description of the TinyMCE Advanced plugin

The TinyMCE Advanced editor add-on plugin has been around for a very long time and probably 90% of WordPress platform users have it installed and use it daily.

The TinyMCE Advanced plugin is very simple, but at the same time it provides all the necessary functionality when working with pages and posts.

Thanks to TinyMCE Advanced, we can add to our standard editor, available after , a large number of new buttons that will certainly be useful to you.

It is almost impossible to overestimate this plugin, it is used hourly, every minimal and fine adjustment will become simple and accessible with TinyMCE Advanced.

Video review of TinyMCE Advanced, its installation and configuration

In this video you will see the benefits available when installing and working with TinyMCE Advanced.

Why TinyMCE Advanced is better than standard

For those who do not yet know the purpose of the plugins, we have a special one, but the rest can plunge into the article headlong.

TinyMCE Advanced exists to create your publications in convenient visual and code formats, to change and create a writing style for unique texts. The editor suggested in basic package WordPress is poor to say the least and only has basic tools.

As we see, in confirmation of what was said above, you won’t get very far with the standard editor, which is why TinyMCE Advanced with its expanded functionality comes to our aid.

At first glance, it is clear that our capabilities will increase significantly with this functionality of TinyMCE Advanced. Anyone who has ever worked with text editors will be able to easily understand the icons and capabilities of the plugin. For those who want not to search for the necessary elements at random, we will analyze the main features and settings of TinyMCE Advanced.

What TinyMCE Advanced will give us

So, using the TinyMCE Advanced editor will allow us to add and use the following features:

  1. Easy and convenient creation of tables directly when writing an article. Editing and filling which will not cause you any inconvenience.
  2. Advanced and convenient formatting of page structure. Ability to create and regulate the placement of layers (
  3. You will also be able to put superscripts and subscripts.
  4. Changing the background color of text with TinyMCE Advanced is very easy without using CSS.
  5. Embedding video files will become much more convenient with the TinyMCE Advanced editor.
  6. Change font size.
  7. Wide selection of font families.
  8. A set of hotkeys will add speed to your writing and formatting of your texts.
  9. It will become possible to clear all formatting with one key.

These and other features will help you shape your creations with WordPress.

The plugin is constantly updated, which makes us happy, because this is the main sign that the developers are thinking about your comfort.

Using TinyMCE Advanced you will write your posts confident in your capabilities, we wish you inspiration and unique texts, see you next time

Possible problems with TinyMCE Advanced and methods for solving them

The TinyMCE Advanced plugin is written in PHP, just like any program, it may not work for one reason or another. Below are the problems that users most often encounter. What is wrong with the editor for WordPress?

WordPress TinyMCE Advanced visual editor not working

If, when connecting a plugin, you cannot edit it, use icons, add or change settings, try the following operation:

  1. Check the functionality of other plugins that you manage from the admin panel, if their settings buttons work, then move on to the next point. If problems arise with other add-ons, you need to look for the reasons internal settings, and not in the plugin itself.
  2. Update WordPress to the latest version.
  3. Completely uninstall the plugin and download TinyMCE Advanced from the official website.
  4. After installation, activate it and check its functionality.

If this does not help you, the problems may be related to other plugins, sometimes they may conflict, try disabling all plugins and checking if the situation has changed. If TinyMCE Advanced does not work and you need to look for deeper problems with a “clean” engine, you should contact a programmer.

On the administration page: TinyMCE buttons are not sorted, they do not move, the toolbar is empty, other errors on the page

This is usually caused by another plugin that adds incompatible JavaScript libraries for all pages, not just where necessary. A way around this is to try to find out which plugins are doing this, temporarily disable the remaining plugins until all TinyMCE buttons appear, and enable them one by one, checking for changes in the settings.

If this doesn't help, try some general Javascript troubleshooting: clear cache, try another browser, try another computer if possible, delete and re-download all plugin files, and finally install Firefox with Firebug or Opera, note the first one JS causing errors (important) and post it below or search online to find out what is causing it.

Organized the buttons and saved them, but nothing changes in the visual editor on the posts page

Click on the “Delete” button (next to the Save button) and then on “Continue”. Then turn off and activate the plugin again. This will reset all settings that are stored in the database.

Some buttons are missing from the TinyMCE menu, or some tools don't appear at all, or TinyMCE behaves strangely after installing the plugin

Almost all of these problems are caused by the browser cache, or network cache. Clear your browser cache, close your browser, then launch it and try again. If the problem persists, try reloading the page by holding Ctrl (in IE) or Shift (in Firefox) to tell the browser to reload the page from the server. This could also be caused by a network cache somewhere between you and your web host. Just wait a few hours for the problem to go away.

I don't see any styles imported into the "style" dropdown menu

These styles (classes only) are imported from the editor into your current theme's style.css file. However, some themes do not include this file. In this case, follow the instructions on the TinyMCE Avdanced settings page to add your own style.css editor file to your theme. When defining styles, keep in mind that TinyMCE will only import class names:



I just installed the TinyMCE Avdanced plugin but nothing happened

Quit WordPress, clear your browser cache, restart your browser and try again. If this doesn't work, there may be proxy caching or a network cache somewhere between you and your host. You may need to wait a few hours for this cache to expire.

When I add "emoticons" they don't show up in the editor

The Emoji button in TinyMCE adds emoji codes. The actual images are added by WordPress when viewing a post/page. Make sure the “Convert emoji like :-) and :-P to pictures” option in the Settings/Writing menu is checked.

The plugin does not add any buttons, there are no “Visual” and “HTML text” tabs

Make sure the "Disable Visual Editor" checkbox under "Users"/"Your Profile" is unchecked.