Download Docs To Go Premium for Android. Application for editing Word, Excel and PowerPoint files on Android

Documents To Go Premium. We all know very well that modern gadgets and devices cannot do without additional applications. Every time you need to update your PC, download various applications, print in Word and other applications. In this article I would like to talk about devices as typewriters that can make it possible to turn Android gadget into a working device.

Surely every user modern programs for gadgets, have you ever heard of such an application as Documents To Go Premium? The information provided on the Internet is quite vague and does not have a comprehensive approach to the matter. Let's try to figure out what kind of program this is and what it is. The DataViz company took care of its customers and created a current solution to the problem with Word. Documents To Go Premium is special program, which helps the user to always be in text mode and print important information. With help user-friendly interface you can achieve fast positive results and even in the most inappropriate environment is in working mode. As program specialists note, this professional editor, which allows you to work with MS Office documents. The new version of Documents To Go Premium has the ability to save files not only in standard formats, as we were used to earlier, but also in the new MS Office 2007-2011 (.docx and .xlsx, for example).

As for the speed of work, at first it may seem that downloading files is loading tediously and smoothly, but after long work you can quickly change your mind. This is quite serious personal device, which is not designed to review and evaluate front end, but work with serious documents and always be in text mode. All goals and objectives should be reduced to only one thing - professional work. The most surprising thing at the beginning of the application is the introductory course that is offered when you first launch the program. It is from the introductory course that you can learn that in the program you can create tables, select several cells in them at once and print various information. IN early version applications this function was unavailable. Without additional hints, it is simply impossible to guess how to work in the device and how to select these same cells. The developers provided the opportunity to first get acquainted with detailed work application, understand its structure, and only then start editing.

Working with tables is very easy and simple in Documents To Go Premium. I would like to immediately note that multi-format files are supported; you can change the number of cells, edit sizes and change rows at your discretion. The new version includes current 111 support for everyone spreadsheets. This helps the user to cope with the problems that have arisen and continue working on the device. In text mode, you can change multi-colored lists. There is a function for carefully and accurately counting the number of words, characters and paragraphs. Currently office suite Documents To Go Premium is a unique application that is adapted to all modern mobile Android devices. Compared to other versions, a new version tries to support work with cloud services. WITH Dropbox programs And Google Docs there were no difficulties. If desired, you can quickly save the developed file locally.

As a result, we can summarize that the application is popular and suitable for users who work in text mode. Creating speed tables, texts, and presentations will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.

  • Functions Word formatting To Go include selection in bold and italics, underlining, changing font color, alignment, working with numbered and bulleted lists, tables, bookmarks, notes, footnotes, footnotes, track changes, word counting, word search and replacement, etc.
  • Sheet To Go supports 111 functions: cell/number/sheet formatting, row/column settings, auto-fit, freezing areas, sorting, etc.
  • Slideshow To Go supports quick view slides, working with notes, setting viewing times, and making final edits.
  • PDF To Go supports high-quality display PDF files using the functions of page browsing, word wrap, automatic page rotation, bookmarking, search, etc.
  • Google Docs: Supports the ability to upload files from Google Docs to Docs To Go for viewing and editing.
  • PC Sync: Move files from PC to Windows control on Android devices through USB interface. Edits made on any platform will be fully synced with source file and retain original formatting thanks to InTact technology.
  • Supports working with attachments, password-protected files, file browsers, memory cards and Live Folder service for recently used documents.

Download Docs program To Go Premium for Android you can follow the link below

Developer: DataViz, Inc
Platform: Android (device dependent)
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
Status: Full
Root: Not needed

For many people, working with various documents is a constant task. Some people almost every day (due to work, study, etc.) need to view, edit or read various documents in word formats, excel or pdf. It is clear that at work or at home you can do all this on a computer, but not on the road, on vacation, etc. However, with the Documents To Go app it is possible to use office programs and using your mobile device, if it works under operating system.

The first time you use the Documents To Go app, what catches your eye is its convenient menu and design, which is created in pleasant tones and smooth change colors. Navigating through the menus and options is quite easy and it doesn’t take much effort to find one or another function for editing or viewing a file. Documents To Go supports many of the most popular file formats, such as Word and Excel old and new (2007) versions, as well as PDF formats,Power Point, txt. In addition, the application supports working with various documentsgoogle, which in turn are constantly synchronized with your gmail address, which is very convenient. All necessary files and documents can be viewed, created and edited, and then saved immediately to your gmail.

To view a list of all documents on your mobile device the Documents To Go app has its own own file manager . Using it, you can rename, copy or save files anywhere on the device itself or on its memory card. The only negative feature of the Documents To Go application is that this office is paid. There are, of course, free versions, but they lack significant editing and document creation functions.

Documents To Go is quite simple, convenient and more understandable, compared to a similar application. First of all, it is worth noting that in Documents To Go, more capacious documents are loaded faster and somehow more extensive (that is, they open as wide as possible on the screen), compared to . However, it is worth noting that this office application is inferior to the program in its functionality. The fact is that OfficeSuite pro has many different small, one might say not often used, functions and options, such as, for example, many document display modes, various extensive searches, as well as searches and automatic update different dictionaries and program versions. But, Office Documents To Go has all the necessary capabilities and options for working with office applications, and this application simply does not need to be reloaded with additional capabilities, because it is only a mobile client.

DocumentsToGo: Excel

Looking at the estimated number of users of both applications, it is clear that people prefer simplicity, speed, ease of use and more enjoyable appearance– namely the Documents To Go office.

pros : Simple and very convenient program for working with office applications; fast speed uploading documents

Minuses : Office application is paid; Unlike OfficeSuite pro, the program has poorer functional features

Interesting publications.

Documents To Go Premium. We all know very well that modern gadgets and devices cannot do without additional applications. Every time you need to update your PC, download various applications, type in Word and other applications. In this article I would like to talk about devices like typewriters that can turn an Android gadget into a working device.

Surely every user of modern gadget programs has at least once heard about such an application as Documents To Go Premium. The information provided on the Internet is quite vague and does not have a comprehensive approach to the matter. Let's try to figure out what kind of program this is and what it is. The DataViz company took care of its customers and created a current solution to the problem with Word. Documents To Go Premium is a special program that helps the user to always be in text mode and print important information. Using a convenient interface, you can achieve quick positive results and even in the most inappropriate environment you can be in working mode. As the program specialists note, this is a professional editor that allows you to work with MS Office documents. The new version of Documents To Go Premium has the ability to save files not only in standard formats, as we are used to before, but also in the new MS Office 2007-2011 (.docx and .xlsx, for example).

As for the speed of work, at first it may seem that downloading files is loading tediously and smoothly, but after prolonged work you can quickly change your mind. This is a fairly serious personal device, which is designed not to review and evaluate the external interface, but to work with serious documents and always be in text mode. All goals and objectives should be reduced to only one thing - professional work. The most surprising thing at the beginning of the application is the introductory course that is offered when you first launch the program. It is from the introductory course that you can learn that in the program you can create tables, select several cells in them at once and print various information. In the earlier version of the application this function was not available. Without additional hints, it is simply impossible to guess how to work in the device and how to select these same cells. The developers provided the opportunity to first become familiar with the detailed operation of the application, understand its structure, and only then begin editing.

Working with tables is very easy and simple in Documents To Go Premium. I would like to immediately note that multi-format files are supported; you can change the number of cells, edit sizes and change rows at your discretion. The new version includes current 111 support for all spreadsheets. This helps the user to cope with the problems that have arisen and continue working on the device. In text mode, you can change multi-colored lists. There is a function for carefully and accurately counting the number of words, characters and paragraphs. Currently, the Documents To Go Premium office suite is a unique application that is adapted for all modern Android mobile devices. Compared to other versions, the new version tries to support work with cloud services. There were no difficulties with Dropbox and Google Docs. If desired, you can quickly save the developed file locally.

As a result, we can summarize that the application is popular and suitable for users who work in text mode. Creating speed tables, texts, and presentations will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.

  • Word To Go formatting features include bolding and italics, underlining, changing font color, justification, numbered and bulleted lists, tables, bookmarks, notes, footnotes, footnotes, track changes, word counting, word search and replacement, and more. .d.
  • Sheet To Go supports 111 functions: cell/number/sheet formatting, row/column settings, auto-fit, freezing areas, sorting, etc.
  • Slideshow To Go allows you to quickly preview your slides, work with notes, set viewing times, and make final edits.
  • PDF To Go supports high-quality display of PDF files using page browsing, word wrap, automatic page rotation, bookmarking, search, and more.
  • Google Docs: Supports the ability to upload files from Google Docs to Docs To Go for viewing and editing.
  • PC Sync: Move files from Windows PC to Android devices via USB interface. Edits made on any platform will be fully synchronized with the original file and retain the original formatting thanks to InTact technology.
  • Supports work with attachments, password-protected files, file browsers, memory cards and the Live Folder service for recently used documents.

Download Docs To Go Premium app for Android you can follow the link below

Developer: DataViz, Inc
Platform: Android (device dependent)
Interface language: Russian (RUS)
Status: Full
Root: Not needed