jquery vertical carousel. A simple jQuery carousel

Good. In this article I'm sharing a great lightweight slider/carousel in jQuery. The carousel has a 3D effect when scrolling through images. The central photo has a normal size, and the further the image is from the center, the smaller it is in size and has greater transparency.

The carousel is not styled in any way, but you don’t need to remove unnecessary css, you can easily add your own styles. Installing the slider is also very easy.

Installing a jQuery carousel on a website 1. Download the archive

First you need to download the archive and unzip the files

2. Upload the necessary files to the server

Now you need to add the images and js folders to the root of your site. If such folders already exist, then transfer the files that are in them to these folders.

3. Connect scripts

We include the jquery library

and a script responsible for the operation of the carousel

as well as script settings

$(document).ready(function () ( var carousel = $("#carousel").waterwheelCarousel(( flankingItems: 3, movingToCenter: function ($item) ( $("#callback-output").prepend(" movingToCenter: " + $item.attr("id") + "
"); ), movedToCenter: function ($item) ( $("#callback-output").prepend("movedToCenter: " + $item.attr("id") + "
"); ), movingFromCenter: function ($item) ( $("#callback-output").prepend("movingFromCenter: " + $item.attr("id") + "
"); ), movedFromCenter: function ($item) ( $("#callback-output").prepend("movedFromCenter: " + $item.attr("id") + "
"); ), clickedCenter: function ($item) ( $("#callback-output").prepend("clickedCenter: " + $item.attr("id") + "
"); ) )); $("#prev").bind("click", function () ( carousel.prev(); return false )); $("#next").bind("click", function () ( carousel.next(); return false; )); $("#reload").bind("click", function () ( newOptions = eval("(" + $("#newoptions"). val() + ")"); carousel.reload(newOptions); return false ));

We naturally insert all this into the tag

4. Connecting styles

You also need to specify styles that you will most likely change, but they are needed for the basic display of the carousel. Here they are:

Body ( font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; background:#ededed; ) .example-desc ( margin:3px 0; padding:5px; ) #carousel ( width:960px; margin: 60px auto; border:1px solid #222; height:300px; clear:both; background:#FFF ) #carousel img ( visibility:hidden; /* hide images until carousel can handle them */ cursor:pointer; * otherwise it"s not as obvious items can be clicked */ .split-left ( width:450px; float:left; ) .split-right ( width:400px; float:left; margin-left:10px; ) # callback-output ( height:250px; overflow:scroll; ) textarea#newoptions ( width:430px; ) .nav ( width: 80px; margin: 20px auto )

Paste the styles either into an existing css file, or directly into , wrapping them in

5. Insert the html code of the carousel

Well, the last step: paste the html code of the carousel where we want to see it.

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jQuery 3D carousel is connected and if you did everything correctly, it will work. If this does not happen, you need to check all paths to js scripts and possible script conflicts. Bye everyone

jQuery carousel plugins allow you to display website content in a more attractive way. With the help of such plugins, you can create beautiful presentations directly on website pages and attract the attention of visitors.

1. Bootstrap Ambilight Slider

Bootstrap Ambilight Slider is a plugin for creating sliders/carousels with an ambient glow effect and Bootstrap functionality.

2. jQuery TouchSwipe Carousel

The TouchSwipe Carousel jQuery plugin allows you to detect touches on the touch screen and simulate a mouse key press.


ItemSlide.js is a jquery plugin for creating a carousel that will work on both desktop PCs and mobile touch devices.


– jquery plugin for creating adaptive carousels/sliders.


Fully responsive and mobile-optimized jquery carousel plugin. For animation, CSS3 transitions are used here, but there is also a fallback option in jQuery. The plugin supports an unlimited number of slides with any type of content. can interact with the keyboard, and at the same time works well in most browsers, including mobile ones.

6. SilverTrack

SilverTrack is an extensible jQuery plugin. It consists of a small core to which you can connect convenient plugins.

7. Owl Carousel 2

Owl Carousel 2 is a fully responsive carousel for jQuery/Zepto with touch screen support.

8. UtilCarousel

UtilCarousel is a jQuery carousel plugin with smooth transitions implemented through hardware acceleration. It is completely adaptive. The plugin supports touch screens and uses hardware-accelerated 3D CSS3 animation. Thanks to this, the plugin will look good on both desktop PCs and mobile devices. You can control UtilCarousel using touches, navigation, or the mouse wheel.

9. Slick

Slick is a responsive jQuery carousel that has everything you need.

10. CodingJack 3D Carousel

This carousel is supported by iOS and Android devices and is equipped with touch swipe functionality. Looks great on tablets and smartphones.

11. jQuery Slideshow

jQuery Slideshow is a carousel and slider with gesture support for touch devices. The plugin archive weighs only 2 kilobytes.

12. FlimRoll

FlimRoll is a miniature jQuery carousel that focuses the user's attention on a specific object, placing it in the center of the screen.

13. Tikslus

Tikslus is a fully responsive jQuery carousel with many features and properties. And the plugin’s high adaptability allows you not to specify image sizes. In addition, it is worth noting support for custom animations based on CSS3 classes. Tikslus can be used with the Jquery Mobile plugin.


Scrollbox is a simple, miniature jQuery plugin that turns lists into a carousel or ticker.

15. Sky Touch Carousel

Sky Touch Carousel is a jQuery carousel plugin with a rich set of functions. The plugin is adaptive, supports touch screens, and at the same time works quickly and smoothly. Settings allow you to change the appearance of the carousel using CSS.


– flexible jQuery plugin for creating slideshows or carousels. It has many settings, including transition types, image alignment, and frame switching speed.

Owl Carousel is a jQuery plugin with touch support that allows you to create a responsive (adaptive) slider (carousel).
This is a very convenient, simple and adaptive plugin for creating sliders, carousels, etc.
In this article I will try to explain and show you how it works.

Installing the Owl Carousel plugin
First we need to download the archive with the plugin

Below I will show an example of installing the plugin in the DataLife Engine template.

After we have downloaded the archive, open it and distribute the files as follows:
The file owl.carousel.css and owl.transitions.css are placed in the folder style well or css.
The file owl.carousel.js is placed in the js folder

Now we need to connect these files so that they work in our template.
Open the file main.tpl and before the line enter the following lines:
Change the css folder to the one in which you have css styles!
Then at the very bottom before the line we enter the following line:
Well that's it! We are done with the installation.

Now we need to insert and configure the slider itself.
I'll show you with an example topnews those I will display popular news through our owl carousel.

The documentation page describes all the options, demos, and ways to use our Owl Carousel plugin.
Follow the link and select any slider you like.
For our topnews I chose the very first one with the name Images. In the jаvascript tab, copy these lines:
$(document).ready(function() ( $("#owl-demo").owlCarousel(( autoPlay: 3000, items: 4, itemsDesktop: , itemsDesktopSmall: )); )); and insert them in the main.tpl file before the line

Then in the CSS tab we copy the lines:
#owl-demo .item( margin: 3px; ) #owl-demo .item img( display: block; width: 100%; height: auto; ) and connect them to any css file either in the main.tpl file before the line but after the line !
Now we will parse our HTML code and connect it to topnews. In the main.tpl file, we insert the tag (topnews) into the required place, which in turn displays a list of popular news, the appearance of which can be customized in the topnews.tpl file, more on this below.
Our tag code should look like this:
(topnews) Well, now we just have to set up the news itself.
Open the file t opnews.tpl and enter the following at the very beginning:
at the very end we close the attribute

If you are using one of my templates with Bootstrap, then as an option you can use the following lines in the topnews.tpl file:
(title limit="55")

(text limit="100")

Read News will be displayed like this

This plugin can be used almost anywhere, also using the tag (custom category)
It can also replace the standard DLE gallery, I will publish a separate article about this. Enjoy it for your health ;)

Best regards, admin. download Attention: The download limit has been reached. Come tomorrow =)

Yes, the topic is quite hackneyed. But still, finding what you really need is often difficult. All offer highly sophisticated scripts, with a lot of unnecessary functionality. And usually these are already compressed plugins.

Therefore, I will offer my alternative version of a very simple carousel using jQuery.

It can be used as an image carousel, as well as a news carousel or any other content =)

The only small twist that I allowed myself was a shadow near the carousel block.

UPD: 07/06/2014

It will look something like this:
DEMO Download

The structure will take the following form:

TJ simple adaptive carusel

Let's describe the styles:

Carousel ( max-width: 1080px; /* width of the entire block */ margin: 50px auto; width:100%; ) .carousel-wrapper ( margin: 10px 30px; /* padding for arrows */ overflow: hidden; /* hide content that extends beyond the main area */ position:relative; ) .carousel-items ( width: 10000px; /* set a larger width for the set of elements */ position: relative; /* position the block relative to the main carousel area */ ) .carousel -block ( float: left; /* line up all the carousel elements */ width: 250px; /* set the width of each element */ padding: 10px 10px 10px 0px; /* make margins so that the elements don’t merge */ ) .carousel -block img( display:block; ) /*********** BUTTONS ***********/ .carousel-button-left a, .carousel-button-right a( width: 25px; position: relative top: 80px; text-decoration:none) .carousel-button-left left.png); .carousel-button-right a( float: right; background: url(../images/carousel-right.png); ) /*********** SHADOW ***********/ .shadow( box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); )

And finally, how it should work:

//Handling a click on the right arrow $(document).on("click", ".carousel-button-right",function())( var carusel = $(this).parents(".carousel"); right_carusel(carusel ); return false; )); //Handling a click on the left arrow $(document).on("click",".carousel-button-left",function())( var carusel = $(this).parents(".carousel"); left_carusel(carusel ); return false; )); function left_carusel(carusel)( var block_width = $(carusel).find(".carousel-block").outerWidth(); $(carusel).find(".carousel-items .carousel-block").eq(- 1).clone().prependTo($(carusel).find(".carousel-items")); $(carusel).find(".carousel-items").css(("left":"-" +block_width+"px")); $(carusel).find(".carousel-items .carousel-block").eq(-1).remove(); $(carusel).find(".carousel-items" ).animate((left: "0px"), 200); function right_carusel(carusel)( var block_width = $(carusel).find(".carousel-block").outerWidth(); $(carusel).find (".carousel-items").animate((left: "-"+ block_width +"px"), 200, function())( $(carusel).find(".carousel-items .carousel-block"). eq(0).clone().appendTo($(carusel).find(".carousel-items")); $(carusel).find(".carousel-items .carousel-block").eq(0) .remove(); $(carusel).find(".carousel-items").css(("left":"0px")); $(function() ( //Uncomment the line below to enable automatic scrolling of the carousel auto_right(".carousel:first" )) // Automatic scrolling function auto_right(carusel)( setInterval(function())( if (!$(carusel).is(".hover")) right_carusel( carousel); ), 3000) ) // Move the cursor over the carousel $(document).on("mouseenter", ".carousel", function())($(this).addClass("hover"))) // Remove the cursor from the carousel $(document).on("mouseleave", ".carousel", function())($(this).removeClass("hover")))

Accordingly, the shadow can be removed. And to use it, you just need to change the size of the main block and nested “scrolling” blocks in CSS. It is also very easy to loop this process so that it scrolls automatically (in this case, just uncomment the call to the auto_right function). That is, from this simple gallery you can make everything you need within the framework of the task!

It should also be noted that the example given is adaptive, that is, the size of the carousel adapts in accordance with the screen size and will be displayed correctly both on the computer or laptop screen, and on the screens of tablets and smartphones.

/* This is where our carousel begins. Block.carousel-wrapper is positioned relatively, wrapper.carousel-item is positioned absolutely. . */ .carousel-wrapper( position:relative; /* Absolutely positioned boxes get their height and width from their parent. We made them transparent by default, and then they will appear smoothly when clicking on links.arrow-prev and.arrow-next. * / .carousel-item( position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; left:0; right:0; padding:25px50px; opacity:0; transition:all0.5sease-in-out; /* Noticed the padding on the left and on the right by 50px? This way we can position our links! Each will be 50px wide. Also, I use empty links with a background image so that the links look like arrows. Check if you have changed the URL of the links to the original URL. the links weren't just transparent rectangles. */ .arrow( position:absolute; top:0; display:block; width:50px; height:100%; -webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0, 0); background:url("/carousel-arrow-dark.png")50%50%/20pxno-repeat; /* Let's return our arrow to the left */ &.arrow-prev( left:0; ) /* And the second one is to the right. Since I'm using the same image for the arrow, I rotate it 180 degrees. */ &.arrow-next( right:0; -webkit-transform:rotate(180deg); transform:rotate(180deg); ) ) /* I really like how carousel slides look on a dark background, and if block.carousel -item has the class "light", we will change its text to white and use white arrows instead of gray ones. Double-check that the path to the arrow image is correct */ &.light( color:white; .arrow( background:url("/carousel-arrow-light.png")50%50%/20pxno-repeat; ) ) /* Let's write a media query to change the size of the arrows on devices with smaller screen sizes.*/ @media(max-width:480px)( .arrow,&.light.arrow( background-size:10px; background-position:10px50% ; ) ) ) /* Set the link targets to display: none; This way, we get rid of the browser constantly jumping to the very top of the carousel every time we click on the arrows. This property is effective for any elements whose ID begins with "target-item". */ ( display:none; ) /* Above, we've made all of our carousel slides transparent, which means that when the carousel loads, we'll get a big empty box instead. Let's change the transparency value for the first slide to 1 for display. We also set the z-index to 2, positioning it above the rest of the slides. */ .item-1( z-index:2; opacity:1; ) /* But we don't want the first slide to always have an opacity value of opacity: 1; otherwise we'll have to work our way through this slide while rotating the others. */ *:target~.item-1( opacity:0; ) /* ..but if #target-item-1 is in focus and we want to show the first slide, then select it using the ~ icon and set the opacity again to 1:-) */ #target-item-1:target~.item-1( opacity:1; ) /* If other target-item-# are in focus, select them using the ~ selector, smoothly show them, and place them on top using z-index: 3. Here you can add additional spans with the target-item identifier if you have more than three of them. Can add 10 pieces at once.. */ #target-item-2:target~.item-2,#target-item-3:target~.item-3( z-index:3; opacity:1; ) )