Calendar widget for windows 7. How to install a calendar on your desktop

In Windows 10. This time we bring to your attention ways to return the Calendar widget to your desktop and configure it to work correctly.

It's important to note that Windows 10 doesn't have widgets like there are in Windows 7. The developers found them to be useless and resource-intensive. Therefore, you can return the Calendar to the desktop using third-party programs.

Ways to install Calendar on your desktop in Windows 10

If you click on the clock icon in Windows 7, a small window will appear displaying the current time and date. This feature is disabled in Windows 10. However, if this is the type of calendar you need, it is worth making some changes to the system registry. To do this we do the following:

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “regedit”.
  • The Registry Editor will open. Find the section “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell”. Right-click on an empty space and select “New”, “32-bit DWORD Value”. Enter the name “UseWin32TrayClockExperience” and the value “1”.

  • After making changes, reboot the system. We check the result to see if the standard calendar will work.

To see how this method works, watch the video:

If you need a desktop calendar for Windows 10 in the form of a widget, then you cannot do without a third-party program. We recommend paying attention to Desktop Gadgets Installer. This program is compatible with all builds of Windows 10 and is completely safe. After installing it, you need to right-click on the desktop and select “View”, “Show desktop gadgets”.

Then you need to select the “Calendar” widget and place it on your desktop.

You can also use the software With this application you can install Calendar on your desktop. In addition, this tool allows you to add gadgets to the Start menu.

After installing these programs, you can place not only the Calendar, but also other widgets on the Windows 10 desktop.

To learn how to install widgets after the Creators Update, watch the video:

From us you can download for free a new version of the Clock and Calendar program for the desktop in Russian for Windows XP / Vista / 7 from the server or the official website.

Description of the program Clock and calendar for the desktop

- a program for installing an analog or digital clock and calendar on your desktop. Supports changing skins, size, transparency. By right-clicking on the program icon in the system tray (tray), a context menu is called up, through which you can configure the program. The program settings window is also accessible by double-clicking the left mouse button. Three settings tabs are available.

The editing menu is called up by right-clicking on the calendar. Using the "Browse notes" menu item, you can view both all entries and for a specific time interval - the interval in this mode means the period from a date or one entered manually, or, if the "Show notes from the current date" mode is enabled, the current date of the PC plus the number of months you selected (i.e. not the entire month). If the "Show notes from current date" mode is enabled in the application settings, entering in the date selection field is impossible. The interval you select is displayed using a tooltip.

Through the "Browse Notes" mode, entered notes can be copied to any other date, deleted, and also found the required entry either by content, or by its date, or move the calendar to the date of the selected note. When searching by date, unless the date is completely entered, the date field is interpreted as a text string, i.e. the first occurrence of the entered character is searched. The date is entered in the same format as it is displayed.

The entered notes are displayed after the "Add new note" menu item. When you click on the selected note, the editing mode is called up, where you can change or delete it. The notes review window uses the calendar skin as the background. The color of the letters is taken from the calendar month color display settings.

The help file is included in the software distribution.

Like many flyers, I use Google Calendar - I like the ability to receive free reminders on my phone, its versatility, and the fact that it can be used in conjunction with Outlook (more on that later).

Among the new discoveries, I found a way to place a Google calendar on the Windows desktop. It’s clear that I’m not the first and someone has already known about this for a long time;)

The beauty of this method is that you can choose display options - day, week, month - right on your desktop. Theoretically, you can even place two calendars on the table.
An additional beauty is that you don’t need to remove passwords - open the calendar for public access - to do this. That is, you can even place a calendar that is locked in mail and inaccessible to others on your desktop.

Disadvantages - you need constant access to the Internet (I have constant access), it loads the RAM, if you are on a weak computer (for example, a subnote, but mine has 1 GB of RAM), you cannot enter tasks directly on the desktop - you still have to go to the mailbox box.

In general, open your mailbox, log in Calendar(link top left), in the calendar go to Settings(link below left in small letters under the tab - this is important - My calendars, there are “other calendars” below, no need to point there)

In Settings, select the "tab" Calendars". On the tab at the top there will be a section "My calendars", below - "CALENDAR" - in capital letters. Even lower - calendar name, by default it matches with your email address, unless you named it something else

Click on this name - email address - In the window that opens, select the tab " Calendar data"

Scroll down the page, there will be a section "Private calendar address", and on the contrary there are three options - XML, ICAL and HTML. Choose an option HTML, click on it, you get link, copy it completely and remember it.

Go to the screen settings (for those who don’t know - Menu Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Display), select a tab Desktop.

First we select Background image- "No" . Click Apply. (there is no need to unnecessarily load the machine, however, if you have a hard time, the picture will hold up, you don’t have to remove it).

There will be a button at the bottom Desktop Settings, click, in the tabs that open, select a tab Web, there will be a window in which by default there is a line " My current home page." Uncheck if she suddenly stands

When you see the window, there is a button to the right of the window - press Create. Open another window where enter HTML link what we remembered earlier. Press OK and return to the previous window "Web".

appeared there the second line with the address of your calendar. Let's go to this line , mark it with a tick (if not already marked).

Click on the button Properties And configure the order of updating the calendar on the desktop(you can press a button, but it’s more convenient at a certain time. For one " Add" - you can set one update time (one line), But there can be as many such lines as you like. That is, let's say, first add “every 1 day at 9.00”, then “every 1 day at 10.00” and so on until the evening. I set daily 9.00, 12.00 and 19.00. We confirm.

Returning back to the tab Web. Let's see that NOT There was a checkbox for "Pin desktop tabs"". Click OK.

Returning to the tab Desktop, click Apply. A small window with a calendar should appear on the desktop of our machine. STRETCHING it with the mouse to the size we need.

Our Google calendar is on our desktop and is visible to us all the time.

Close the desktop settings window (in general, you can immediately after Apply),

This sets up one calendar. The second one, if you have a very cool machine and one calendar is not enough for you, is installed in the same way, only on the Web tab you check two addresses.

That's all, actually. It seems that I wrote it in great detail, but for those who don’t understand, pictures will be added to this community within a month :).


to install calendar on worker table, it is not necessary to install any program. It is enough to find on the Internet special desktop wallpapers on which calendar with the month you are interested in. Type in a search engine a query with the words “calendar wallpaper” and add the desired year. In the search results, select the picture you like with the appropriate resolution and save it to your computer. Then use the mouse to call up the context menu of the image and select the item with the words “Set as background image.” After this, the wallpaper with the calendar will be installed on worker table. You can change an out-of-date picture in the same way by selecting another image with the following months.

If you have Windows 7 installed, install it on worker table is a special mini-program with a calendar, which is part of the operating system. Such programs are called gadgets. They are in the gadget library in an unactivated form. To get to the library, right-click on an empty space on the desktop and click on the “Gadgets” item. This action will bring up a window with small pictures. They correspond to the installed gadgets. Select a picture of a calendar. Then grab it with the left mouse button and drag it to worker table. Subsequently you can move calendar to any other place.

There are many small programs that allow you to install on worker desk calendar One such program is Chameleon Calendar. Download the program from the website Run chamcalendar.exe. In the window that appears, confirm the program license agreement. Then select the location where the program will be installed and continue the installation with the Install button. When finished, click on the word Finish. After this, the program with settings will open. Here you can choose the size, theme, and other calendar settings. After clicking the Apply button calendar will be installed on worker table.


  • Windows Microsoft
  • calendar on computer desktop

Few people are satisfied with the standard desktop wallpaper offered by Windows. The tastes of users are too varied; too many images would have to be included in a standard set to satisfy everyone's tastes. Fortunately, you can install any wallpaper you like within a few minutes.


Select "properties".

Go to the "Desktop" tab.

Our usual working area table Windows is a normal system folder. When adding files, some programs offer an overview of the contents of the computer in an inconvenient form, where the working folder table you have to search among many directories. Let's try to figure out how to find among them worker table.


Windows XP. If you are the only one, i.e. if there are no additional accounts, then the path to the folder is working table will be the following: C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesctop. Thus, first you need to click on the C icon, then Documents and Settings, in it the Administrator folder. There will be a Desktop in it, which is your goal. If there are several user accounts, then instead of the Administrator folder, you should select a folder with the name of your account.

Windows Vista and 7. In the latest versions of Windows operating systems, the path to the working folder table next: C:UsersAdministratorDesctop or C:UsersAdministratorDesktop. If you use multiple accounts on your computer, then instead of the Administrator folder, you need to select a folder with the name of your account.

Video on the topic


  • how to draw a desktop in 2019

Calendars on some web resources look very nice. Sometimes they are very multifunctional, sometimes just a line of several words and numbers. If your site also needs calendar, then it’s worth starting with some simple option.


The easiest option is to use a ready-made flash component. This does not require customization or adding additional script codes and styles to the pages. Take ready-made flash calendar you can, for example, on FlashScope. This site, along with the file to be inserted into the page, also provides its source code. If there is a desire and some with flash editors, then having the source code, you can change the design and functionality of the calendar.

Having picked up calendar, and having prepared the executable swf file, download it to your site. You can use the file manager from the content management system or from the control panel of your hosting company for this. Or you can do it using the FTP protocol using a resident program - the FTP client.

After that, prepare the code to insert the flash calendar into the page sources. A minimum set of HTML tags might look like this:

Use this HTML code as a template to insert your calendar. There are two places where you need to change the dimensions - the width and height of the flash object here are specified by the attributes width="230" and height="280". Find them in the code and replace the numbers with the appropriate sizes for your calendar. Similarly, you need to change the file name in two places - the attributes value="calendar.swf) are indicated here" и src="calendar.swf". Найдите их и замените calendar.swf на название вашего файла.!}

All that remains is to insert the prepared code into the HTML source. After downloading the page site to your website, open it in a regular text editor. Or you can use the content management system page editor to change the code directly online. In this case, after opening the page, you need to switch the editor to HTML code editing mode. In the page code you need to find the place where you want to see the flash calendar, copy and paste the prepared HTML code. Then save the page with your changes. If it was edited on your site, upload it back to the server.

Video on the topic

CALENDAR. Desktop calendar. Desktop.
Calendar 2000 is a small program that will display a monthly calendar on your desktop. The calendar is very convenient. It is loaded into the tray and can be called up as needed. It has a lot of things, such as a graphical display of the illumination of our planet in real time. Fully customizable.
CALENDAR can also define your own holidays and important dates, but Calendar 2000 is more than just a time planner. Monthly calendars from January 1583 to December 3000 can be displayed and printed by you yourself.
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Perpetual Calendar is a convenient application that has many features. The program implements an algorithm that allows you to obtain data on any day of the Gregorian or Julian calendar in the period from 100 to 3000 AD. e. In a convenient form
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Greek Calendar

DESKTOP. DESKTOP CALENDAR. GREEK CALENDAR. "Today" is a Greek Orthodox Calendar that shows the name of each day, the events of that day, detailed religious and historical information and a wealth of astronomical data. You can also add your own dates, birthdays, countdowns, or printable calendars. You can also synchronize the program with contacts in Outlook and Windows Mail, and thus you will always know when your friends have name days, birthdays or anniversaries! The user interface is in English, but basic knowledge of Greek is required to understand holidays. Download Calendar to your desktop. Greek Calendar.