Win 7 freezes when loading logo. Windows freezes

Your computer freezes after startup and you were unable to continue doing anything with it in the future! Sounds like a familiar problem? Then I believe you have every right to know the reasons presented here too. When working on computers, there is a high chance that your system may freeze out of the blue. If your computer freezes frequently, it's time to find out why your system is crashing.

Reasons why the computer freezes on startup

There are many reasons for your computer to freeze on startup. Below are a few reasons that may be causing the adverse effects of your system freezing more frequently.

Defective hardware (electrostatic discharge and loose connections between the hardware and the computer motherboard).
Software malfunction (RAM codes; software infected with adbots, viruses and spyware).
The operating system is being tapped (damage to the Windows registry of the operating system).
Infected drivers (incorrect installation of drivers, small programs that allow hardware and software to work in synchronization mode).

In all the above problems, this is the root cause, and this is the answer to your query about why the computer freezes, almost all computers today are assembled from hardware components that are manufactured by different companies, which can lead to hardware malfunctions of the system. If your software is corrupted by malware over the Internet, your computer freezing on startup is a warning sign indicating that your operating system may be at risk. This is because viruses and spyware usually copy their code and store it in hidden places on your system, thereby using up more memory. This ultimately slows down your system. However, if the operating system's registry is damaged, then a symptom such as the computer freezing at startup will indicate a warning to reformat your system.

Computer freezes shortly after startup - troubleshooting

Sometimes, it may happen that you cannot log into your system when the system boots up, the computer freezes randomly, and no matter how many times you press the keys and click the mouse, the system remains frozen. In that case, I would suggest you try the following:

Reboot your system and set the system to clean boot.
Click Start, type msconfig in the Start menu search box, and then press Enter.
The system may ask the user for confirmation, sometimes asking for an administrator password. Enter your password and click continue.
Now, on the General tab, click on the Selective startup button and on the General tab, in the Selective startup section, uncheck the Load startup items checkbox.
Select the tab and check the box - Do not display Microsoft services. Then click on the Disable All button.
Click OK. And after the hint system disappears, click on restart.
If the system starts, determine the number for the Microsoft services that are causing the problem if your system is running Windows 7.

After starting your computer, check the registry. Here are some steps to check it.

Click Start.
In the search field to launch the menu, enter the command regedit. Press the Enter Button.
Now find the following registry key:


Once the partition is found, set the NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation icon to 1 to remove all duplicate or multiple DOS versions of names.

The computer freezes after startup, but works in safe mode - troubleshooting

Most people complain about computer freezes in Windows 7 and they also noticed that it offers the system to start in Safe Mode after rebooting. Now, before you understand whether this is safe mode and whether you should run it or not, it is important to understand what safe mode is. Safe Mode is a special way to boot Windows when the system does not want to start in normal mode. In safe mode, not all functions are enabled. Most device drivers will not load (such as printer and scanner). The command files autoexec.bat and config.sys do not run. The standard VGA graphics mode is used, not the device's graphics drivers. In this mode, the system checks msdos.sys for information to find the required files. So now the question arises, what to do after the system boots into safe mode? To check the root cause of what caused Windows to boot incompletely should be your first course of action.

Click on Start, and click the button on the control panel. Lately, if you have added any device drivers, try uninstalling it and then try to reboot. If the system boots normally, this means that the device had some kind of conflict with the drivers. Get more information to install games or new applications and try uninstalling them if you have doubts about installing them. However, if there are no problems with the hardware or software, then this indicates the presence of a registry corruption problem, which can only be resolved by getting a fresh installation of a copy of Windows.

When you encounter a problem like this, don't jump to the conclusion that your system needs reformatting. Check all the possible reasons and try to find out the reason why your computer freezes after startup. And yes, another important thing, always save your data in a backup device such as a CD or flash drive. This will save you work at the very least!

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Computer freezing is a rather annoying problem. This can happen both at the stage of system startup and in the middle of its operation. Let's figure out why this can happen and what to do about it?

Why does my Windows 7 computer freeze?

Your computer may freeze for a number of reasons. Among them:

  • many tasks in autorun;
  • the car is dirty with dust;
  • presence of malware;
  • “clogged” device memory;
  • problems with programs.

Ways to solve problems

Windows 7, 10 freezes when loading in case of problems with the RAM. As a result, a blue screen may appear.

To check the status of RAM, you should use the memtest86 program. If you find errors, try cleaning your computer or using an eraser to go over the contacts. In extreme cases, you will have to buy new memory.

Windows 10 freezes when working

Quite a lot of users face this problem. The main reason is that this software is relatively new. Freezing can occur for a number of reasons:

  • faulty RAM;
  • presence of viruses;
  • errors in the hard drive;
  • simple overheating;
  • crowded autostart;
  • lack of hard disk space.

If you notice that problems began after performing a particular operation, fix it. So, if “glitches” on your computer appeared after downloading the program, it is recommended to remove it.

The reason why your computer freezes after updating Windows 10 may be due to the installation of incorrect drivers. You may have installed a 32-bit driver on a 64-core OS. Remove incorrect drivers and perform a system restore.

Reinstalling the system is usually required in the most extreme cases, but it almost 100% solves the problem.

Working on your computer for a long time can take a couple of extra minutes to shut down Windows. Lifehacker has already written about one of the common ailments in which the computer turns off for too long due to an excessively grown operating system swap file. But sometimes even more severe cases happen - Windows does not turn off at all. In this material we will tell you how to calculate the reason why Windows 7 freezes when shutting down or, conversely, loading the operating system.


Let's figure out which process brings Windu into a thoughtful state. And the built-in Windows function of a detailed report on startup status, shutdown, login and logout will help us with this. It's not surprising if you haven't come across this report. This Windows setting is disabled by default and can be enabled using Registry Editor.

Working with the Windows Registry

To launch Registry Editor, simply type in the Windows search bar regedit.exe.

Navigate through the folder tree system to the directory


On the right side of the window, find a file calledVerboseStatus. Double-click on it and enter the value in the window that opens1 .

If the file VerboseStatus it didn't turn out, you need to create it. To do this, right-click and select Create, and then DWORD value (32 bits).

Give the file a name VerboseStatus and enter the parameter value 1 .


As a result, instead of the usual phrases “Shut down” or “Start work,” Windows services and processes that are loaded and closed will be sequentially displayed on the monitor screen. If your system lags for a long time or freezes completely at a certain step, you will know exactly why. Keeping a record of startup and shutdown status does not in itself solve the problem, but it exposes it to technicians who you can contact for help.

It is likely that this trick can be performed on other operating systems of the Windows family. If so, share your experience in the comments.

Among the mass of computer problems, a special place is occupied by the OS freezing immediately after booting. That is, the process of loading the operating system itself proceeds normally: without a blue screen or other failures. But as soon as the system boots and the “Desktop” appears, this is where the problems begin. More precisely - one problem, but a global one: the system completely freezes! Moreover, there are two options for freezing: 1) the cursor moves freely across the screen, but not a single shortcut responds; 2) the cursor does not move on the screen. In any case, the problem requires a solution. So let's see where the problem lies.

First, let’s immediately identify those places on the computer that are not involved in this problem. These are the video card and sound card, since they are responsible for other system activities. Therefore, we exclude these two nodes immediately.

Secondly, let's consider the most possible places where problems may arise: 1) processor; 2) hard drive; 3) capacitors.

Thirdly, a software conflict can cause the system to freeze after loading. Very often, "dummies" install a lot of software: all sorts of defragmenters, system cleaners, system accelerators, etc. At the same time, the “teapot” absolutely does not think about the fact that when installing such motley software, it can provoke a serious system conflict. It’s also not uncommon for a “teapot” to decide to strengthen the system’s protection and install two (!) antiviruses at once! Naturally, after restarting the system, you will no longer be able to control the system: a software conflict simply will not allow you to do this!

So, we’ve looked at the reasons, and now we’ll put everything in order and solve the problem.
1) Processor - it is this “brain” of your “hardware” that is responsible for processing information processes in the system. That's why it's called a "processor". If the processor is overheated, the system freezes in 99.9% of all cases! Overheating is easy to detect with the naked eye: touch the processor heatsink with your finger and if it is very hot, then the problem has been found. The solution is to clean the cooler and replace the thermal paste.

2) The hard drive is the “pocket” of the system, which contains all the information that you enter into your hardware. If the hard drive becomes hot, then something is clearly wrong with it. The solution to the problem is quite simple: remove the hard drive and turn it upside down. Look at the following: there are no drips or signs of oxidation anywhere on the contacts. If you have it, take a cotton swab, alcohol, cucumber (just kidding) and clean the oxides. We install the disk in place and start the system.

3) Capacitors are radio components that are responsible for the adequate operation of many components of a computer system. For example, if one of the capacitors leaks on the motherboard, the system power will drop. And any crash in the system invariably leads to various kinds of problems, including freezing. The solution is to replace leaking capacitors.

4) Viruses and Trojans are an unlikely thing, but they still happen. So check the system with help and delete everything found.

5) BIOS - sometimes a simple move helps solve the problem with freezing: we enter the BIOS and set the default settings. Helps in 50% of all cases.

6) Broken software is paid programs that have been hacked and made free. It is precisely such programs that quite often provoke system conflicts and lead to system freezes. Boot your computer into " " and remove all programs downloaded the day before, except the antivirus.

Bottom line: freezing can be caused by both temperature and software. But remember: the problem is solved on its own! The only thing you need is patience.
Well, and the last thing: if your hard drive is at least 5 years old, then just think about replacing it. Five years for a disc is a bit long (although not fatal).
We hope that the article will help someone in solving the problem with freezing. Good luck!

Working on your computer for a long time can take a couple of extra minutes to shut down Windows. Lifehacker has already written about one of the common ailments in which the computer turns off for too long due to an excessively grown operating system swap file. But sometimes even more severe cases happen - Windows does not turn off at all. In this material we will tell you how to calculate the reason why Windows 7 freezes when shutting down or, conversely, loading the operating system.


Let's figure out which process brings Windu into a thoughtful state. And the built-in Windows function of a detailed report on startup status, shutdown, login and logout will help us with this. It's not surprising if you haven't come across this report. This Windows setting is disabled by default and can be enabled using Registry Editor.

Working with the Windows Registry

To launch Registry Editor, simply type in the Windows search bar regedit.exe.

Navigate through the folder tree system to the directory


On the right side of the window, find a file calledVerboseStatus. Double-click on it and enter the value in the window that opens1 .

If the file VerboseStatus it didn't turn out, you need to create it. To do this, right-click and select Create, and then DWORD value (32 bits).

Give the file a name VerboseStatus and enter the parameter value 1 .


As a result, instead of the usual phrases “Shut down” or “Start work,” Windows services and processes that are loaded and closed will be sequentially displayed on the monitor screen. If your system lags for a long time or freezes completely at a certain step, you will know exactly why. Keeping a record of startup and shutdown status does not in itself solve the problem, but it exposes it to technicians who you can contact for help.

It is likely that this trick can be performed on other operating systems of the Windows family. If so, share your experience in the comments.