Earning money from installations of motivated traffic. Who needs motivated traffic?

Post publication date: 04/23/2015

Research and the actions of search engines indicate that the share of mobile traffic will increase at a rapid pace. Traditional CPA affiliate programs will no longer be able to monetize visitors using mobile devices as effectively.

Therefore, specialized CPA, CPC, CPI (payment for installation of applications) are already actively working to monetize mobile, which will be discussed today.

Mobile affiliate programs

There are several offers for monetizing purely adult traffic. We have our own TDS for traffic from Russia. Geo: accept traffic from Russia and abroad. Payment types: for subscriptions, for installing applications. How much do they pay: from o.15 to 3 $ for installing the application and 2 $ per subscription.

The affiliate has about a hundred offers, mainly gaming applications. A bunch of offers at very tasty prices for installations. Geo: offers accept both Russian and foreign traffic. Payment types: for application installations. How much do they pay: from 0,08 to 3,6 $ per installation.

There are several dozen popular applications. There are offers for which it is allowed motivated traffic and which will undergo moderation in myTarget. Geo: They mainly accept traffic from Russia. Some offers accept traffic from all countries. Payment types: for installing applications. How much do they pay: from o.15 to 4,1 $ per conversion.

There are a couple of dozen offers, mostly games. Geo: accepted from Russia and Asian countries. Payment types: for installing applications. How much do they pay: from 0,07 to 2,3 $ per conversion.

The affiliate program includes gaming applications and store applications. There are offers that accept motivated traffic. Geo: Payment types: for installing applications. How much do they pay: from 3 to 150 rubles for installation.

A large number of different offers (games, stores, useful applications). Applications for iPhone, iPad, Android, iOS, web. There are offers that accept motivated traffic. Geo: traffic is accepted from Russia and all over the world. Payment types: for installing applications. How much do they pay: from 2 to 110 rubles for installation.

Currently there are about 20 offers in the system. It is possible to open an agent account at MobiAds. Geo: traffic is accepted from Russia and all over the world. Payment types: for installing applications. How much do they pay: from 0.2 to 3.65 $ per installation.

. The affiliate program has several hundred offers for every taste and color (games, stores, useful applications, dating, etc.). Geo: traffic is accepted from all over the world. Payment types: for installing applications. How much do they pay: to 3.36 $ per installation.

There are not very many offers, but there are exclusive offers (Lamoda, Yandex.Taxi, Uber). Geo: Payment types: for installing applications. How much do they pay: from 10 rubles up to 2.25 $ per installation.

About a hundred offers from different categories - games, useful applications, taxis, shops, hotel search, food delivery. Geo: traffic is accepted from Russia and a number of foreign countries. Payment types: for installing applications. How much do they pay: from 4 to 122 rubles for installation.

It has just under a hundred offers from which to choose. There are offers that pay for a subscription. Geo: traffic is accepted from Russia and a number of foreign countries. Payment types: for subscriptions, for installing applications. How much do they pay: from 0.08 to 2,16 $ for installation and up 20$ (1) per subscription. Send me a message on Whatsapp :)

About 50 offers on different topics. It is worth immediately paying attention to the fact that only RU traffic is accepted. Geo: traffic is accepted only from Russia. Payment types: for installing applications. How much do they pay: from 9 to 205 rubles for installation.

Mobile traffic flows are increasing every minute. Along with them, new ones appear wap affiliate programs. A new subject for consideration of a tool for vap traffic is the ADSUP affiliate program. We’ll talk about it - and why not, if it offers white-label monetization of sites.

Vap traffic

Briefly, to understand what exactly it offers - free apps(GoogleMarket, AppStore, etc.) with payment for installations. That is, for the user, any installation of the application will be free.

But you, as a webmaster, can receive payment from 2 to 46 rubles for such an installation!
But the most delicious thing is motivated vap traffic. The ADSUP system accepts it, and for several working offers. If you have ever worked with CPA networks, you know that no one works with incentivized traffic. But there are pleasant exceptions - which is what we are talking about in this post.

Number of offers per at the moment in Adsup there are about 20, but as you understand, this number is constantly changing. You can select and connect to a suitable offer here:

In the description advertising offer Permitted sources and detailed terms and conditions are indicated. For example, for the offer mentioned above with allowed incentivized traffic, the “picture” looks like this.

Even if the payment for installation is around 2 rubles, but the possibility of arbitrage of WAP traffic with mobile devices on ADSUP provides serious earning potential.

If there is a need to track the conversion of traffic on an affiliate program, then you can specify several sources. Click “Add source”, and the statistics will go as you indicated to them.

Of course, there are competitors in this niche, but they don’t have a single offer for motivated traffic. However, you can find other interesting solutions from them to suit your needs.

Early payments and increased rates for large volumes are provided.

The foreign CPA network CPALead allows the use of incentive traffic... and provides webmasters with Lockers - tools for blocking content.

This foreign affiliate program was founded back in 2006... and today it is a unique platform for affiliate marketing. She is very well known in the world of foreign affiliate marketing.

More than 300,000 partners from all over the world are registered in the CPALead foreign affiliate program... and in total they were paid more than $100,000,000 commission.

Attention As a result of the recent complete reorganization of the CPALead affiliate network, material on Offer Verticals has been updated and added...

Foreign CPA network CPALead - payment models CPA, CPI, CPL, PPC and CPV (PPV)

The foreign CPA network CPALead works with webmasters using payment models CPA, CPI, CPL, CPV (PPV) and PPC...

... which allows partners (webmasters) to effectively monetize high-quality foreign (and even Russian) targeted traffic.

CPA (cost per action) payment model in the foreign affiliate program CPALead

Payment model CPI (payment per installation - install) in the foreign network CPALead

With the CPI payment model(Cost Per Install... payment for installation - install) - With the CPI model... payment occurs for downloading and further installation (install) mobile content(programs, videos, films, melodies, pictures, animations, games, etc.) to mobile devices.

CPL (cost per lead) payment model in the foreign CPA affiliate program CPALead

CPL payment model(Cost Per Lead... payment per lead - target user action) - the webmaster is paid exclusively for “leads” - registration on the game website (forum) or filling out a form... As well as any other target action of the visitor... associated with entering his personal data into the form on website.

Payment model PPC (pay per click) in the foreign CPA network CPALead

PPC payment model(Pay Per Click... pay per click) - Ads for this payment model can be placed on search results pages search engines, various partner sites... as well as social networks(VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

Payment model CPV (PPV) - payment for a single display of an advertising window in CPALead

CPV payment modelmodern payment model (traffic type)… where we pay for a single display of a pop-up to the user advertising window.

How it looks from the technical side:
The user installs an application or game - most often a toolbar... which (if certain targeting conditions match) shows the user a window with our landing page (LP). The unit of payment is one show.

PPV payment model(Pay Per View... pay per view) is currently outdated payment model for online advertising... when the webmaster receives a monetary reward for simply displaying (per viewing) his advertising to visitors.

All these payment models... used in the foreign CPA network CPALead - allow any webmaster to effectively monetize targeted traffic...

Offer verticals (concept and topics) in the foreign CPA network CPALead

Products and services in affiliate marketing can be different - therefore, advertisers’ offers are divided into verticals... depending on the topic of the advertised product or service.

Therefore, first we will understand the concept of “offer vertical”... used when working with foreign affiliate programs.

The concept of vertical offers in foreign CPA networks

Offer vertical is not just a category of goods or services (as in our Russian CPA affiliate programs)…
Exactly vertical offers determines the methods and methods of arbitration, as well as traffic sources... with which you will work.

Verticals of offers in foreign CPA networks can be completely different in their topics - and you should never even try to work with all of them at once...
Products or services from one offer vertical may convert well on one type of traffic... but convert poorly or not at all on another.

Now let’s take a closer look at the types of offer verticals in the CPALead foreign affiliate program... and the traffic sources suitable for them.

Topics of offers in the foreign affiliate program CPALead

Number of offers in the foreign CPA network CPALead per present moment simply huge - more than 3,500 (a couple of years ago it was about 2000)).

All offers are tailored to most countries of the world (USA and European countries, Asia, Latin America and even Africa).

There are also Russian CPA offers - about three dozen so far...

Here are just a few of the main topics of offers in CPALead:

  • Surveys— survey-related offers: users completing various types of online surveys... as well as filling out a questionnaire or feedback form;
  • Pin Submit & Email , Zip Submits— essentially... mobile offers various types- with payment for entering your personal data...
  • Dating— offers from online dating sites... this is a huge segment of the affiliate marketing market. Sometimes a user needs to purchase an “extended package” to communicate on a dating portal (site).
    These offer topics are divided into:
    — Mainstream dating — ordinary.. “standard” dating services for all users.
    — Adult (for adults) — these dating services are for the most “open” relationships))
  • Games- gaming themes (including mobile iOS, Android and other platforms);
  • Gambling- gambling theme: poker, casino, slot machines, slots, etc.;
  • Mobile— these are mobile offers exclusively for mobile devices;
  • Financial & Credits— offers under financial topics: examination
    credit history, loans, quick loans, etc.;
  • Downloads & Install— usually mobile offers: downloads and installations (installation) of various mobile applications and games...

I won’t list all the topics of foreign affiliate program offers - there’s no point...
You can check them out on the official website .
If you are satisfied with any topic and like its offers, you can register ( as Publisher... webmaster) and try to work...

In the foreign affiliate program CPALead, after the registration process, a personal manager... who is in touch almost 24 hours a day.
And he is always ready to help you earn as much as possible - since this is main goal of this foreign CPA network.

Verticals of offers in the foreign CPA network CPALead (material added)

Quite recently, a complete reorganization of the foreign CPA network CPALead was carried out.

As a result of the reorganization, new opportunities and unique tools appeared... for the most comfortable work partners (webmasters).

Here it is important to know a few key points- which we will dwell on in more detail...

Selecting an offer in the personal account of the webmaster of the foreign network CPALead

Firstly- they left only THREE verticals)) At first it seemed to me... that when there were more than 30 of them, it was better...
But now it has appeared smart search(see in the screenshot above) - and choosing the right offer has really become much simpler and more convenient. I liked it))

Secondly— the “Country” element for selecting a country will be very useful... there is a drop-down list of many countries.
When you select the desired country, a list with partner offers for a specific audience in the country you have chosen.

Thirdly— in the “Type” tab you can select from the drop-down list “*All*” (all types of offers)... or one of three offer verticals: “Survey”, “Pin Submit” or “Mobile”.

Below we will analyze in detail each of the three offer verticals separately...

Fourth— “Devices”... an element for selecting the type of device or application. Here you can select the type of device (device) or application for a specific operating system (iOS or Android)… as well as only Mobile CPA offers:

  • Show All - Show all devices and applications;
  • All Devices Only - All devices (desktops... computers and mobile devices)
  • iOS Apps - Applications for iOS;
  • Android Apps - Applications for Android;
  • Mobile CPA - Mobile CPA offers...

The three main verticals are detailed below foreign network CPALead:

Survey vertical - mobile survey offers

Vertical Survey— mobile offers of surveys (or on desktop... computer), user surveys.
Carrying out a variety of mobile surveys online (or on a computer)… having users fill out a questionnaire or feedback form:

  • For example, users get access to the best online mobile surveys... after completing which they receive the so-called. points - which can later be exchanged for money... or, optionally, for gift cards.
  • Or the user fills out a form in exchange for a discount or some other gift.
  • Some other offers invite the user to take a short survey and talk about their experience of using a service... and then register.
    For these simple steps he will be given a credit for $50.00... which can be exchanged for something exclusive...

At the moment... there are more than 250 offers of mobile surveys in the Survey vertical. The foreign CPA network CPALead offers many excellent mobile offers with cash and incentive prizes for completing online mobile surveys.

Commission amount to the webmaster for the visitor's execution of the offer:
From $0.04(United States, Canada, Australia, Western Europe, EXCEPT Africa, etc.) - up to $26.40(same countries).

Example commission: The webmaster will receive $24.70 (!) after... a user from the United States fulfills all the conditions of the offer - fills out a short survey, registers and completes any offer from the list offered to him.

Allowed methods of promotion(traffic types): SEO, Adult, Native ADS, Clickunder / Popunder, Doorway, Email marketing, pop-ups, SMS, banners, others affiliate networks, Google AdWords, mobile traffic, social traffic.
Usually pre-approved is required... preliminary approval of traffic (approval - but for some offers it is not necessary).

General rules for mobile survey offers in the Survey Vertical

Important: Terms and Conditions of Offers general... but there are deviations:
  • Each survey offer has geo-targeted traffic linked to specific country(or several).
  • Use only those indicated in the Rules of the device offer: desktops (computers) and mobile devices.
  • Traffic... which does not correspond The offer rules - the target country and the proposed device type - will not appear on the offer landing page and will be automatically redirected.
    Accordingly, it will go nowhere and conversions will not be counted towards you... which means there will be no commissions))
  • The same applies to applications for iOS or Android - only those permitted by the Offer Rules...
  • The conversion conditions are different (as specified in the Offer Rules): registration, completing a short survey and one (or several) offers from the list, filling out a questionnaire... individually or in various combinations.
  • Number of conversions (leads) - Daily Conversion Cap - some advertisers may limit their offers... how on the screen above (100 conversions per day).
  • Allowed methods promotions and types of allowed traffic are described above - but some offers specify it.
  • Prohibited traffic - traffic from resources for adults and those conducting business under the P2P (peer-to-peer) scheme is usually not welcome... as well as traffic from sites associated with the promotion of hatred or terrorism.
    Also prohibited any illegal methods of fraud - well, that’s understandable...

Description of the next TWO offer verticals...
... Will be added SOON - come back :)

Motivated traffic - Incentive traffic in the foreign affiliate program CPALead

Incentive traffic is .

This targeted traffic is stimulatingmotivating to the target action of users.
At the same time, you need to understand that users they themselves expect reward for a target action.

Motivated traffic - Options for motivating users

To ensure that users perform the targeted actions you need (downloading an application or signing up for a newsletter), their needs to be motivated.

  1. Typically used for this material motivation is the provision of monetary reward.
  2. But there are other options for motivation - intangible.
    For example, providing the user with bonuses or promotions. Or “game currency”... for which the user will even register on the gaming site.

In CPALead, incentivized traffic is officially allowed

Currently— in the foreign affiliate program CPALead there are more than 3,200 offers with permitted incentive traffic.

In the foreign CPA network CPALead, webmasters are officially allowed to use incentive traffic.
Although many foreign CPA networks ( affiliate programs) even prohibit this type of traffic... or classify it as a low-paying offer (offer)

The foreign CPA network CPALead constantly organizes interesting competitions... various freebies, promotions and other “goodies”.

And all sorts of promotional programs and referral schemes significantly stimulate the activity of visitors and the increase in motivated traffic (incentive traffic).

To motivate visitors and their activity, the CPALead affiliate program uses special tools...

Lockers - Tools for blocking in the foreign CPA network CPALead

To motivate users in this foreign CPA network, common tools are used - lockers (Lockers, blockers) ... to block content.

Let's look at two of them - Landing Page Creator And Website Locker

— creating lockers for files or links

Landing Page Creator Tool— for creating file and reference lockers (Lockers).

Helps the webmaster create a landing page (landing page... LP) with file blockers (Content File Locker) or links (Link Locker).

Landing Page Creator tool has 100% fully customizable DL landing pages (LPs)... with thousands of high-performance themes for the webmaster to choose from.

There's even a built-in virus detection notification to give users more peace of mind.

The Landing Page Creator tool will allow the webmaster to block the download of any file or opening of a link URL.
On the landing page created using it (LP... landing page) the webmaster will ask his visitors to fill out a survey... or install a mobile application.
And only after visitors complete these targeted actions will access to files or links be opened...

  • Content File Locker(file blocker) - blocks downloading of any files (blocks any type of file);
  • Link Locker(link blocker) - allows you to block clicks on links (will block any link URL).

Website Locker tool - creating lockers on webmasters' sites

Foreign CPA network CPALead has simplified the creation advertisement for the mobile or desktop version of the site, on the WordPress site... mobile application or blog.

And for a WordPress site, a webmaster can even download a special plugin from CPALead and install it on his site.

Website Locker Tool— to create lockers on WordPress and HTML sites.

Overlay - convenient and easy to use... does not require special effort to fit into the webmaster’s website design. It is possible to make an Overlay in the form of a pop-up window at the top or bottom of the site page.

Overlay is used as a popular advertising tool to attract visitors through various sweepstakes and promotions... as well as advertising campaigns.

Allowed traffic when using Landing Page Creator and Website Locker Tools

The foreign CPA network CPALead has a very flexible policy and allows webmasters to monetize all types of traffic using these tools.

!!! Prohibited any illegal methods of fraud and the use of adult content (as well as all types of traffic associated with it).

The foreign CPA network CPALead has a convenient statistics system

The foreign CPA network CPALead has a very convenient statistics system... with which you can quite accurately track CR conversions.

With the help of these CPA trackers, it is very convenient to analyze the entire array of data and see all the information... like those clicks that give us CR conversion...
... and for those that do not provide conversion.

But that's another story...

Commission payments in the foreign CPA network CPALead

The total profit of the partner (webmaster) of the foreign affiliate program CPALead is formed from commission payments... received from each of the advertised offers of advertisers.

In this foreign CPA network, commission payments to webmasters occur according to the following online advertising models: CPA, CPI, CPL, CPV (PPV) and PPC…

What is the commission paid for in the CPALead affiliate program?

Partners (webmasters) are paid only for targeted actions of attracted users: purchasing goods or services, participating in surveys, installing applications (installations) and downloading files, etc.
Each advertiser’s offer has its own amount (or a certain %) of commission to the webmaster.

Also for efficient work... it is necessary to choose correctly (according to the topic of the offer) - tools for blocking content (described above).

Frequency and methods of paying commissions in the CPALead affiliate program

Payout frequency commission for webmasters in the foreign CPALead network:

  • Net-30- once a month;
  • Net-15— 2 times a month;
  • Weekly- weekly;
  • Early Payment (upon request)— payment at the request of the webmaster...

Payment methods commission for webmasters: Check, PayPal, Wire, Payoneer cards, ACH (Direct Deposit).

Minimum amount to pay a commission to the webmaster in the foreign affiliate program CPALead - $50.

Referral program of the foreign CPA network CPALead

Also, this foreign CPA network has its own referral program

The payment to the webmaster for the referral brought to the affiliate program is 5% of the commission earned by him (his referral).
Except affiliate links to attract referrals - the webmaster is offered promotional materials...

IN personal account webmaster of the foreign affiliate program CPALead - there is a Deeplink tool... which used to send a referral to specific page site affiliate CPA CPALead networks.

In conclusion we conclude

Considering that the foreign CPA network CPALead is top... and is among the first in the ranking of foreign affiliate networks, you can safely join it and start working quietly...

That's all for today...
... and in the next article we will get acquainted with ... and understand Content Locking (content blockers) ...

Internet traffic is one of the most valuable resources on the Internet today. It is bought and sold, it is exchanged; with its help, thousands of people develop new resources, create businesses and permanent income. At the same time, all traffic is... visitors! You and I, when we visit another news site, become its traffic and bring some income to its owner! And, as you can guess, for you and me (for Internet traffic), the owners of online resources are fighting a tough battle with competitors from their niche. Each of them tries to attract traffic, increase its volumes, and increase it to the maximum.

Traffic is

As we have already explained in short form, traffic refers to visitors to an Internet resource; people who go to the site and read news, watch videos, study materials that interest them. Traffic plays a role in online business key role: the more it is, the higher the income the site owner can receive from his resource. At the same time, the number of visitors also determines the ways of earning money, which also significantly influence the final income figures.

However, you should not simplify the indicators so much. You can attract visitors to your site in different ways. Therefore, accordingly, we can distinguish several different types traffic, each of which has a different degree of value. Read further about the basis for the classification of traffic types and why the price of each of them differs from the others.

Types of traffic

So, let's give a simple example. There are two situations. The first is when you ask your friends, relatives and acquaintances to go to your website and do this, for example, every day. As a result, it turns out that your site will have traffic of 10-20 users per day.

Another situation is when you yourself filled the resource with articles, after which you noticed that those same 10-20 visitors (but already unknown to you, who came from search engines) regularly visit it. Which traffic do you think is more valuable? Of course, the one that comes from search engines.

After all, from the advertiser’s point of view, when buying traffic, he gets not your acquaintances, but real users interested in searching for material on the topic of your site. But your friends, whom you asked, in this case and show an example of what incentivized traffic is.


In this case, the classification criterion is If they come from search engines, it means they are looking for information on the topic of your resource. When also means that according to some of keywords your site ranks first, which already defines it in a positive light. When it comes to traffic, that's a completely different conversation. It is not an indicator of the quality or popularity of your site. Its appearance means that you simply purchased impressions of your site among these people (or asked them to come in person - it doesn’t change the essence of the matter).

As you can guess, get a real one search traffic much more difficult and expensive than buying motivated traffic (from booking sites, job ad exchanges and other sources). People who come not from search, but for some other reason, are not very interested in your site - they do it for a reward. This determines the further behavior of such users. In one case, they immediately close your resource; in the other, they read articles posted on it, look for useful information for themselves, perhaps make some kind of purchase or place an order.

How to get motivated traffic

In fact, getting visitors to your site who come for some other reason (other than natural interest in your resource) is not that difficult. Today there are entire exchanges where for just a couple of cents you can purchase a package of several impressions of your site to the people you need. You can select them, among other things, by country of origin, age, browser version, and so on. Such exchanges are called boxes (this word has already been used above), on them you can ask the visitor to click on the banner, go to the page you need and perform, in principle, any action. You can purchase motivated traffic from bookmarks (you already know what it is) on a huge scale, with tens and even hundreds of thousands of visitors, if you want to create the appearance of active traffic to the resource. True, if you have a visit counter installed on your website, you can easily determine from it that the traffic is not interested: the number of transitions will be equal to the number of visitors.

Types of motivation

Incentivized traffic (we already know what it is) can also vary in origin. After all, you can force the user to make the transition and motivate him in different ways. Most often, for visiting the resource you need, users are paid a certain amount, for example, $0.002. Having viewed 100, 500, 1000 sites, a person will be able to earn a certain amount of money in a relatively short period of time.

Another type of motivation is receiving rewards. This system is practiced, for example, in online games, where for viewing a banner the user is given a new game character or opens new map. This model benefits everyone: both the game developers and the player himself.

Who needs motivated traffic?

The fact that this type of visitor has little interest in your site makes it seemingly unsuitable for working with advertising or any offers that are available on any project. However, people buy such displays and engage with such visitors. We know how motivated traffic is obtained, what it is, but we do not see its widespread use. But in vain: with its help you can easily increase any impressions.

IN in capable hands purchasing visitors can look very much like interested visitors, at least, in the sense for which they are motivated. Let's say, in this way you can increase the number of views of a Youtube video or some interesting note with a link to your material. Working with such traffic also requires the ability to make maximum use of available resources.

Where is it prohibited?

At the same time, there are also those schemes where motivated traffic is not allowed. Offers - the best one example. If an advertiser pays for registrations in his game, and you look for those who additional fee will register account, most likely, the result of such an experiment will be a ban. After all, the advertiser will see that all the registrations he paid for turned out to be “dummy”, and in reality users do not log into their accounts.

The same applies to advertising. It is very important to maintain the quality of traffic and its interest. Because people hire motivated users and force them to click on advertisements, the advertiser simply blocks such “dealers” without payment.

Where is it allowed?

Speaking about ways to use motivated traffic, we can highlight a number of key areas. First of all, this is an increase in the characteristics of your site: increasing the number of views of posts, increasing views of videos, and so on. In the future, this will eliminate the effect of an “empty and young” site, which is inevitable for all starting projects.

“Paid” users can also be used on some offers. Their terms and conditions explicitly state that this type of traffic is acceptable. True, most often we are talking about offers to purchase a product (for example, a subscription to a salon). The salon owner, in essence, does not care how the visitor found his site. The main thing is the transfer of real funds and at the same time the client’s real desire to visit the establishment.

As we can see, depending on the situation, motivated traffic can become both an excellent tool for inexpensive and effective promotion, and a mechanism for deceiving the advertiser. Therefore, be on your guard: today there are plenty of craftsmen who want to profit from someone’s naivety (including on the Internet).