Zte safe mode. Safe Mode on Android OS

How to disable safe mode on Android? Safety Mode on Android devices means that there is a failure in the system. Perhaps the reason is a failure of the operating system or a new application that violates normal work phone. Let's look at what the problem is and how to get rid of it.

Safety Mode exists to stop system destabilization and allow the user to resolve problematic issues. software. In such cases, such a regime is needed. But sometimes the operating system activates it erroneously, for no obvious reason. It's inconvenient to say the least. In this article we will tell you what actions to take to return your smartphone to normal condition.

On Lenovo phone

Safe mode - convenient function, allowing you to understand the complexities operating system. But it happens that it turns on itself and interferes with work.

There are several ways to get rid of the regime:

  1. Take out the battery. This easy way, whose device is not monolithic. Nowadays, most smartphones are sold with non-removable batteries.

On a ZTE phone

If you have ZTE smartphone, just try to restart the device: hold down the power button until you are prompted to turn off the smartphone or restart. If this does not help, hold down the power button longer - up to 30 seconds, ignoring the pop-up window. A shutdown will occur. Reactivate the gadget.

The mode is turned on on ZTE devices as follows: turn on the device and immediately hold down both volume buttons. Hold until the system boots.

On a Huawei phone

Press the power button for a few seconds and wait for the option to restart the device. If safe mode is activated without apparent reason, this will allow you to cancel it. But perhaps there is still a reason - then you will have to try something else.

After turning off your smartphone, remove the battery, if possible. Do not insert it for about a minute.

To no avail? Go to the applications menu and delete the most recently installed ones. Very often it is broken program destabilizes Android.

You can also reset all settings or data. This unpleasant way, due to which the mobile will be reset to its factory state.

On the phone Fly

If Fly phone booted into unsolicited safe mode, try:

  1. Just reboot it.
  2. If that doesn't help, remove the battery. Do not reinsert the battery until 2 minutes have passed.
  3. Use Recovery menu. This will erase all data on your smartphone, so save the method for last.

How to restore factory settings:

  • reboot.
  • how will it arise Android icon, hold down the power button and both volume buttons.
  • in Recovery select Wipe data/Factory Reset
  • wait until the reset happens
  • click on the reboot button


LG smartphones work on the same principle as other Android gadgets. Therefore, we advise you to repeat the tips mentioned above:

  1. Take out the battery. This is an easy way, but for those whose device is not monolithic. Nowadays, most smartphones are sold with non-removable batteries.
  2. When you restart your device, press the Home button
  3. Try returning to factory settings.

What does safe mode mean on Android?

If you've used a PC, you're familiar with Safe Mode on Windows. It allows you to stabilize a system that has been damaged by a virus or malware. Safe mode on smartphones is about the same. If Android detects that something is threatening your privacy, it automatically disables all applications and places them in a kind of quarantine. For this reason, Safe Mode limits the user's options. But it's better than a non-working smartphone.

When this mode is activated, the application cannot be used. The phone tries to protect the user from information leakage and protect system files. You can call, but you cannot launch the messenger.

If safe mode is turned on, this does not mean that something terrible has happened - sometimes it is nothing more than an unpleasant isolated incident. Try the methods mentioned above - perhaps they will help you avoid a visit to service center. Surf the forums, ask local gurus, and try to understand the problem. If you don’t have time, be sure to contact support.

Hi all! If you remember, we talked about safe mode, which allows you to perform diagnostics problematic applications installed on a mobile device.

So, friends, today’s article will be completely opposite. Let's look at the issue like remove safe mode on Android. Because sometimes there are cases when the device does not want to leave it.

Let's start with the most basic step. First, let's just try to restart the tablet or smartphone. You can also simply turn it off and then turn it on again:

If after this the safe mode does not go through, then you should try another simple method: repeat the shutdown and remove the battery from mobile device for at least a minute. Then we put it in place, and then turn it on again.

In case of another bummer, we try to reboot and at the very beginning of the start of the Android operating system, press and hold the “Home” button:

Even in this case, another key combination can work by analogy. For example, when you turn it on, you can press and hold the hardware button to decrease or increase the volume. It all depends on the device model.

You need to hold the above keys until the system boots completely. After this, in theory, the question of how to remove safe mode on Android should be removed from the agenda.

At this step, let's wrap things up. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. And in conclusion, I suggest watching a video about people with superpowers.

A new smartphone or tablet based on Android always works without failures or glitches. But what to do if further use Does the device suddenly “slow down”, its operating speed slows down, applications do not work correctly, the sensor reacts unstably? Such problems can be resolved by enabling Safe Mode. On a device running Android, safe mode ( Safe Mode) will make it possible to determine why problems occur.

If the phone works normally in safe mode, then “glitches” with it occur due to some application.

How to enable: 3 ways

Of all the inclusion methods, the most relevant are perhaps the following:

Method 1

Method 2

  1. Turn off the phone.
  2. When an inscription corresponding to the name of the smartphone brand appears on the display or inscription Android, then you need to press the volume up button.
  3. In this case, after turning on, the words “Safe Mode” will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Method 3

If the above methods do not work, then try this:

  1. The device needs to be turned off.
  2. While booting, hold down the Volume Down button.
  3. After this, safe mode will be activated.

Note: in some versions of Android, to switch to Safe Mode you need to restart your smartphone manually, and when the operating system logo appears on the screen, you need to press the volume up and down buttons and hold until full load devices.

How to disable: 2 options

No less pressing is the issue of disconnecting safe mode. Before this, you need to restart the device, and then use one of the suggested options.

First shutdown option

  1. The phone turns on, after rebooting, Safe Mode is automatically disabled.
  2. If automatic reset of safe mode does not occur, then you need to remove latest apps that has been installed, to do this, select Settings from the application menu.
  3. When you select this application, you will be offered the Delete option. This is precisely the point that needs to be touched upon.
  4. After completing these steps, reboot your device.

Second shutdown option

If the first method did not work desired result, then you can try the second method - resetting to factory settings:

  1. First, you need to select the Settings item from the menu, and in the expanded menu, touch the item Backup and reset settings.
  2. In the proposed menu, select Reset to factory settings, then Reset smartphone/tablet.
  3. Delete everything. After this, the device will be as good as new. But keep in mind that everything installed applications and personal data will be deleted. Only the factory settings installed by the manufacturer will remain.

Thus, Safe Mode loads only the required number of programs and utilities, only necessary components. It is for the security of user data that the manufacturers developed the above mode, and applications will only work those installed by the device manufacturer. All other programs that were installed by the user themselves may pose some threat and will therefore be disabled.

Even if serious problems occur in the phone, and in standard mode it no longer performs its basic functions, it can still work in safe mode. For example, if the battery starts to discharge too quickly or the call button does not work, before sending such a device for repair, you can check its functionality in this service mode.

Experienced operating room users Windows systems They know about the existence of a safe mode on their PC, but few even realize that it exists in the Android mobile OS. Therefore, for some users, switching to normal mode becomes challenging task. For more information about why you need safe mode on Android and how to turn it off, read our article.

What is safe mode in the Android mobile operating system?

Safe Mode in Android is special mode boot, which allows you to start the system only with system applications. This way you can restore a phone that freezes or slows down from an overabundance of applications, and remove unnecessary ones. However, after the operations performed, not everyone manages to return to normal mode.

How to disable safe mode on Android?

Removing the Battery

To remove safe mode, you need to turn off the device and remove the battery for at least 30 seconds. Then insert the battery into place and turn on the gadget. Android should start working in normal mode, all applications and data will be saved.

First of all, turn off the device

The only disadvantage of this solution is that not all devices allow you to remove the battery. Therefore, this method is not applicable to all Androids; for such cases, there are several other methods for exiting safe mode.

Using the Home button

This method is as simple as the previous one. All you need to do is:

Some devices may not have a reboot function; in such cases, you just need to turn off and turn on the gadget.

Pressing the volume up/down button

Attention! This method resets the device to factory settings, all saved data will be lost.

  • Files can be copied to a computer by connecting the device to it. Or put everything you need in cloud storage. For example, Google Drive.
  • All applications can then be re-downloaded. If you purchased them, the payment will be saved and you will not have to spend the money a second time.
  • Your contacts will not be affected, but to be more sure, you can export them to a file and save them on your computer.

What you need to do to reset your phone:

Video: how to turn off safe mode on an Android tablet/phone?

Safe mode is an integral part of the operating room Android systems, which helps in case of system overload. There are several ways to get out of it. If you follow the instructions and carry out all the suggested actions step by step, then there will be no problems with data loss or system failures.