Jpeg file no more than 3 megabytes. How to reduce the size of a photo using Paint

Why are photo sizes compressed? First of all, this often has to be done in order to publish images on the Internet or send them by email. Social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and all the most popular ones have long been using built-in photo compression algorithms when publishing. Other, smaller players on the Internet site do not indulge in this. Almost all forums, especially photo forums and thematic sites, have certain requirements not only for the format, but also for the size and weight of the photograph. Also, despite the fact that the disk space of new computers is becoming larger and cheaper, reducing the size of photos is advisable for storing them.

What does it mean to compress a photo to the desired size?

As the photo size in pixels decreases, its weight in kilobytes or megabytes naturally decreases. But there are both online services and programs that, using special processing algorithms, simultaneously with reducing the size, make it possible to further reduce the weight of the photo. Thus, it turns out that we have three completely different possibilities, which we will consider in this article:

  1. Reducing the pixel size of a photo naturally reduces the kilobyte weight. Program Paint.
  2. Online service PICHOLD.
  3. Processing with special algorithms allows you to reduce the weight of a photo in kilobytes without changing its size in pixels. Online services TinyJPG, Compressjpeg, Optimizilla.
  4. Reducing the size of a photo simultaneously with processing with special algorithms reduces the weight in kilobytes and the size in pixels. Online service Resizepiconline. Program FastStone Photo Resizer.

How to compress photo size

Depending on the task and privacy considerations, there are two main ways to compress images:

  1. On a computer, using a program.
  2. Online, using a third-party service.

The “On the computer” option is more suitable if you responded positively to one or more of the following statements:

  • You want to be sure that your photos will not be used by third parties for any purpose. After all, by uploading a photo to an online service, you by default agree to the privacy terms, which we never read anyway, so many don’t even publish them in a visible place.
  • You want to compress an image without losing quality. Or, in other words, control the compression process to obtain the best result.
  • You need to compress several photos, especially for large quantities. Online services, as a rule, make it possible for free to compress small quantities of images, one or two dozen at a time. For large volumes it is proposed to pay.
  • In addition to compression, it is necessary to perform other actions with all photos. For example put a watermark on a photo, rename all photos at once, and others batch image processing.

The “Online” option is suitable if:

  • You need to quickly compress the photo.
  • You're not really trying to preserve quality when compressing.
  • It doesn’t matter to you where you upload your photos and to whom they are available after that.
  • Apart from compression, no other batch photo processing is required.
  • You only need to compress a few photos, ranging from one to hundreds.

Let's start with online methods, since the first argument in favor of their choice was speed. So:

How to compress a photo to the desired size online

1) Online service Resizepiconline

The simplest free service that I would like to recommend is Resizepiconline, Using it you can simultaneously:

  1. Compress photos to the desired size in pixels. The proportions are maintained.
  2. Reduce photo size. When managing quality, change its weight in kilobytes.

As soon as you enter the site, you will immediately get down to business, you will be greeted by an image loading window:

After uploading a photo to the service, you can:

Set the desired width of future images in pixels by moving the slider along the appropriate scale. Unfortunately, this cannot be done by entering digital values. The height will be changed proportionally.

Select a quality level from 4 available, also by moving the slider.

Evaluate the final result. As you can see in the screenshot, the result immediately displays the size in pixels and weight in kilobytes.

Downloading compressed images “piece by piece”, which, of course, does not inspire joy when there are a large number of images. Another disadvantage is the lack of preview. Since you still have to download files one at a time, you could view them directly on the website before clicking the “Download” button. Meanwhile, everything is working. It is quite possible to use it.

2) Online service PICHOLD

Service PICHOLD,, also free. It is unique in that it offers several built-in options for reducing a photo to the desired size.

  1. Reduce photo size to 640 pixels (most forums, blogs, etc.)
  2. Reduce photo size by 2 times.
  3. Reduce photo size 4 times.

Or to the desired size, which is entered manually. It is enough to enter either the height or width of the photo, since the proportions are preserved.

It is quite suitable for a small number of photos, since uploading and downloading here is done individually. Captivates with simplicity and honesty. One of the few, if not the only one, warning that your photo is no longer quite yours. I wrote about this at the beginning of the article. It’s good that they promise to remove it from the server within a month. I'd like to believe it. Petabytes of memory are now very cheap, it’s cheaper to buy additional disks and store everything on them than to spend money on a processor, increasing the speed of data processing in order to delete them.

Compress a photo online without resizing

Sometimes you just need to reduce the weight of photos, without paying much attention to size. I'll tell you about several such services.

1) Online service TinyJPG

Which I often use myself. Here is the website address: This is not an advertisement. The service is free. It’s just that at one time my choice fell on him. Perhaps their compression algorithm was a little better, but the fact is that compared to the other two services, the reduction in photo size was at least a little better. True, the service is free with certain restrictions. Up to 20 photos with a maximum weight of up to 5 MB each can be uploaded and compressed within one batch processing. If you need to compress, say, 100 photos, you will have to do it in 5 steps, 20 photos at a time.

This funny panda greets you on the site. Click the arrow button, it is in the most visible, central place. Now you can select files for compression online.

Compress photo online

As you can see, the compression percentage of images is different, but the final weight in kilobytes is approximately in the same range. The service has reduced the images as much as possible. You can download individually by clicking download on each line, or as an archive if you have one. To do this, click on the Download all button or save to cloud storage Dropbox.

2) Online service Compressjpeg

For comparison, I compressed the same photos using another online service: Compressjpeg, The difference in compression percentage is visible. It can be seen that TinyJPG was much better at compressing a photo online without losing quality. In principle, the site completely fulfills the task of compressing an image without losing quality. Nothing outstanding, but quite a working option for the purposes that we solve using online services.

3) Online service Optimizilla

Well, here’s another free service, a painfully familiar interface, similar to the previous service. Optimizilla, which, although it does not allow you to compress a photo to the desired size online, and does not reduce the photo size as well as TinyJPG, but at least it is much easier for them to compress a photo online without losing quality. As you can see in the screenshot, the interface of this service is designed in such a way that by moving the slider on the “Quality” scale, you can visually assess the difference between the original image and its compressed copy. You can upload up to 20 images at the same time. Downloading both individually and as an archive. Everything is pretty standard.

How to compress a photo to the desired size using programs

1) Reducing the size of a photo using Paint

The built-in Windows application is perhaps the simplest solution for increasing or decreasing the size of a photo. Compression is achieved only by naturally reducing the size of the photo. Open the file in the application. To do this:

  1. Right-click on the file.
  2. Select “Open with” from the drop-down list of commands.
  3. Then, in the list of programs, click "Paint".

Open photo using paint
  1. In the program menu, click “Resize”. The Resizing and Skewing window opens.
  2. Move the radio button to the “Pixels” position. Now you can set any desired photo size horizontally or vertically.
  3. Click OK.

Pay attention to the checkbox “Keep proportions.” Until it is unchecked, increasing or decreasing the size occurs while maintaining the proportions.

2) Reducing photo sizes with the program Fast Stone Resizer

The good thing about the program is that it solves a complex of problems at once. For example, unlike Paint, here you can set the size of a new photo not only in pixels and percentages, but also in centimeters. Which is definitely necessary if you plan to print images in the future. In addition, this is a real “combine” to compress several photos at once, as well as rename them, crop them, change format, adjust colors, brightness, rotate photos, apply text, apply a watermark, and so on. There are actually a lot of possibilities. The disadvantage of the program is that it is not Russified. And with all the variety of settings, this really causes difficulties in use. Therefore, I will try to make a short video in the near future. It will tell you how to use the program. For those who are ready to try to figure it out on their own, here is a link to the official website for downloading. In principle, the task that this article is devoted to, compressing a photograph to the desired size, can be accomplished quite easily.

Let's try to do this step by step.

  1. Click the button in the form of 3 dots. The “Browse For Folder” window will open.
  2. In this window, select a folder with images and click on it. A list of images from the folder will appear on the left side of the main window.
  3. Click the “Add All...” button, all images will be transferred to the right window. The list can be adjusted using other buttons. Their names are clear. Add - add, Remove - remove, Clear - clear. This way you create a list of images that need to be processed in groups.
  4. The fourth step is setting up the list of actions.

Let's take a little look at setting up actions while the promised video is not yet recorded. Here it is, enlarged.

  1. Output Format - the format into which your selected photos will be converted. Select the format you need from the drop-down list. Let me remind you that the “easiest” photo format is JPEG.
  2. Output Folder - the folder in which the converted photos will be saved.
  3. Use Advanced Options (Resize...) - advanced conversion settings (resizing...). I’ll show them in more detail below.
  4. Rename - rename files. There are several name templates. Use them to name new photos based on the changes you've made.
  5. Convert is the same button to compress several photos at once, which you will press when you set up all the group processing actions.
  6. Settings - Settings. Click on the button, and additional options will be available in accordance with the format you selected in step 1. The screenshot below shows that additional photo compression is available for the JPEG format. The same algorithmic one that reduces the weight of the image in kilobytes. Move the slider on the Quality scale to the left, and thereby reduce the weight of the images after conversion. Here you can rightly note that the question is how to compress the image without losing quality, and not reduce it. Don't let the word "quality" confuse you. In the context of software processing, it has a slightly different meaning. This is not the visual quality we think of when we talk about photo quality. Although, of course, by greatly reducing the quality of software processing, the visual perception of the picture can also deteriorate.

To show the quality issue clearly, I compressed the photo to a size of 903*600 pixels, the first time I applied 30% quality, and the second time I used 90% quality. The source file was like this: Dimensions 4288*2848, Size 2.68 MB.

Original file before downsizing

After compression, I combined the two photos into one, look at the visual result.

It is immediately clear that there is no big difference in the visual perception of the image. Although, the photo on the right looks a little better upon closer inspection. Now a few words about advanced settings. Remember

3 - Use Advanced Options (Resize...) - advanced conversion settings (resizing...).

To reduce the photo to the desired size, on the first settings tab, check the Resize checkbox. The bookmark will be automatically marked with a green circle, and a whole set of various options will appear in its field. As you probably already guessed, all other bookmarks are arranged in the same way. Go to them - it’s empty, put a tick in the checkbox - the bookmark field is filled with available functionality.

On the Resize tab, you can choose one of 4 options in which units of measurement you want to indicate to the program the required photo compression size:

  1. In pixels.
  2. As a percentage of the original size.
  3. In centimeters or inches for printing.
  4. In pixels, based on the size of one of the sides.

In our screenshot, the select button is set to the position to change the size in centimeters for printing the image.

In fact, the program is very professional. If you have any questions or just need a hint, write in the comments. I will help with pleasure. I like it FastStone Photo Resizer.

How to reduce the weight of a photograph or any other picture very quickly, without getting into the jungle of Photoshop? There is a simple program! Moreover, which does not need to be installed, since it is available on almost all computers with the Windows operating system. Don't want to understand the program? Reduce photos using the online service, read about it in detail below!

It is necessary to make the weight of images less for the reason that the site pages on which they are located will take a long time to load, which means that those whose Internet speed is not very fast will close them before they see their contents. There will be many refusals and, accordingly, a decrease in rankings in search results.

We use photographs for illustration purposes in every blog post. Each of them is uploaded to the hosting and takes up space. Add plugins, texts, a dozen editions to them - a blog can weigh like a cast-iron bridge. Not everyone knows Photoshop, and for such a simple operation it is not needed.

Reducing the weight of a photo or image in Picture Manager

To reduce the weight of photographs, for the last few years I have been using a program included in the Microsoft Office package - Image Processing Manager. It's called Microsoft Office Picture Manager. If you have a Word text editor, then you should have this program. With its help, you can quickly reduce the weight of both one photo and a group of images at once.

Let's go into the program. Path to Microsoft Office Picture Manager: "start""all programs""microsoft office tools""microsoft office picture manager". Or even easier - click on the desired image, then right-click on it and select "open with". Several programs will be offered, including Picture Manager. Open the image in the program:

In the upper left corner, click tab "file""add picture shortcut".

In the window that opens, find the folder in which one or several photos are stored. Click "add". All photos from this folder will be loaded into the program.

Important: if you blog on the Internet,

You should always remember to optimize images.

The optimal weight of images for a blog is 50 kb. and less.

How to reduce the weight of one photo

Select the desired photo with a mouse click.

In the top toolbar, go to the tab "drawing" and select the option "compress pictures":

A column will appear on the right side of the screen "Compress pictures":

In the field "Compress for" choose the appropriate size. Below ( "Expected total size") see what weight suits you. Usually I choose for "web pages". As you can see, the original photo in my example weighed 1.82 MB. After compression, the photo will weigh 76.2 KB, which is enough to illustrate articles on my blog: the quality is preserved and the weight is small.

Having selected the desired compression option, click "ok".

Now the photo needs to be saved. It is better to leave the original - the full version, and save the compressed photo as a separate file. In the top toolbar go to "file""save as". In the window that opens, select the path in which folder to save the photo, give a name (different from the original), select the format (JPEG) and click on "save". Thus, we ended up with two photographs: the original and a compressed copy.

If you do not need the original, then after you have selected the compression option and clicked “ok”, in the top toolbar go to "file""save"(without HOW) - the reduced image will be saved on top of the original, leaving only one photo on your computer's hard drive.

How to reduce the weight of several photos

Everything is absolutely the same, only at the beginning, when the photos from the folder are loaded into the program, select all the photos, not just one, by holding shift. And when saving, click on "save everything"- compressed copies will be saved on top of the original, so if you need to save the folder with the original dimensions, then create a copy of the folder in Explorer before loading it into the program.

How to compress a photo even faster

If you have the Microsoft Office Picture Manager program on your computer, then when you open any photo in Explorer, there are several programs to choose from. I just right-click on the photo I'm going to resize. A window appears:

I choose "open with"— Microsoft Office Picture Manager — the photo immediately opens in the program. I go to the tab "drawing""compress pictures"- I choose for "web pages""ok". Then "save" or "save as". Takes very little time. That's it, the weight of the image is compressed several times!

Reduce photo online

To reduce the weight of photos online we will use the service, which will reduce not only images in jpeg format (regular pictures, photos), but also gif (animation), png (transparent background). The service has detailed, step-by-step instructions for setting up how to compress photos to any size and quality online, so that even a novice user can figure it out.

Some sites allow users to upload photos of themselves, be it screenshots or avatars for their personal profile. The problem is that frequently uploaded images must not exceed a certain size - for example, no more than 300 pixels wide and 250 pixels long. A limit can also be set on the file size - no more than 3 MB.

But what to do if the image you need does not meet the requirements of the portal? There is no need to immediately rush to look for another image; If you know how to reduce the size of a JPG file, you can fit any image to any requirement. The very concept of “image size” can have two definitions, depending on the meaning the speaker puts into the words:

  • The physical size of the picture is height and width (measured in centimeters, inches, pixels).
  • The amount of space that the image file occupies on the media. Measured in kilobytes (megabytes).

The higher the quality of the picture, the more space it will take up on the disk. The same applies to physical size, so reducing the number of pixels and a slight reduction in quality will combine to produce maximum effect.

Using Paint

The standard Paint image editor in recent versions of Windows has undergone a significant transformation, becoming more functional and user-friendly in terms of interface. It is clear that it does not reach the functionality of specialized applications such as Photoshop, but it copes with basic tasks without difficulty. To reduce the size of a photo using Paint:

Working with Photoshop

Adobe's graphic editor provides users with a huge number of functions. You can, for example, install a font in Photoshop and make an inscription on the picture, completely change the image using simple tools, etc. It is clear that among such a variety of functions there is also the ability to simply and quickly change the image size.

Please note the following feature:

To manually specify both values, you must uncheck the “Maintain proportions” checkbox.

Deterioration in quality

If you cannot reduce the physical size of the image even further (for example, the inscriptions become unreadable), and you need to remove another hundred kilobytes from its volume, then you will have to resort to deteriorating quality. To do this, you need to change the image settings:

  1. Open the graphic file through Photoshop.
  2. Expand the "File" menu and select "Save As".
  3. Check the format (*.jpg) and click “Save”.

A small JPEG Options window will appear in the editor window. In the Image Options field, you can see a slider that allows you to adjust the quality.

In digital display, you can vary this indicator on a scale from 1 to 12; you just have to set the desired value.

For example: a file with the best quality weighs 800 KB, with average – 150 KB, with low – 60 KB.

Don't be too zealous about degrading quality: experimentally determine when the amount of space occupied on the media becomes low enough and save the changes. Even more opportunities to reduce file size are in the video tutorial:

There are no similar articles.

I propose to consider what kind of animals these are - JPG and RAW photo formats, what they affect and when you should pay attention to them. What is photo size and file weight, how are they measured and what do they depend on.

Almost all photo cameras can save photos in JPG format (even phone and tablet cameras). In all SLR and non-SLR cameras, as well as in advanced compacts, in addition to JPG, there is at least RAW and RAW+, and sometimes TIFF.

To understand the formats, you first need to agree on what is meant by the concepts of “size” of a photograph and “weight” of a file (photo). I propose to consider these concepts on more tangible objects... for example, on goodies.

1 | What is a pixel:

The size of objects is measured in meters, the size of photographs is measured in pixels (px).

If you measure the size of this bowl of berries, it will be about 10 centimeters in height and about 13 centimeters in width... approximately. That is, we are used to measuring objects in centimeters (meters, kilometers, and so on). If we talk about the photo of the same vase, then the original size of the photo is 7360 pixels (px) wide by 4912 pixels (px) high. This is the maximum photo size that my Nikon camera is capable of. To post this photo on the website, the photo size was reduced to 1200px by 798px (I’ll tell you why a little later).

What is a pixel? Taken with digital cameras or digitized on a scanner, photographs are a combination of tiny colored squares - pixels. If you zoom in on any photo, you will see these pixels. The more such pixels in a photo, the more detailed the picture.

A photo fragment enlarged a thousand times - pixel squares are visible.

2 | Is it possible to convert pixels to centimeters:

This is exactly what happens when you need to print photos on paper. Here you will need one more indicator - the pixel density (resolution) that the printer (or other machine for printing photos) can print. The printing standard for photographs is 300 dpi (dots per inch). For example, for printing in beautiful glossy magazines, photos with a resolution of 300 dpi are used.

So that you don’t rack your brains over dividing the photo size by the resolution and converting inches into centimeters, any program for viewing and editing photos (for example, Photoshop) has a function for viewing the photo image size in centimeters. You will need it to understand the maximum size of a photo in good quality (with a resolution of 300 dpi) you can print on paper or other tangible media.

For example, this photo with tropical Frangispani flowers can be printed in size 61 cm by 32 cm.

Photo size in pixels and centimeters in Photoshop

To find out the photo size in pixels and centimeters in Photoshop, you need to press the key combination Alt+Ctrl+I or go to the Image menu Image size.

Let's return to the reality of digital photos - to pixels and photo sizes in pixels. What happens if you reduce the number of pixels in a photo? The answer is that the quality of the photo will deteriorate. For example, I took a photo of the same bowl of berries at the beginning of the article and reduced the size of the photo to 150 pixels wide. With this reduction, the program destroys some of the pixels. The photo has become miniature:

Now let’s try to “stretch” the photo across the entire page:

A stretched picture looks cloudy and fuzzy

As you can see, the detail is no longer the same, since some of the pixels (and with them the details) are missing.

Of course, if you use this reduced image as a small icon or a small image in a Power Point presentation, it will look quite normal, but it is clearly not suitable for printing in a half-page magazine.

3 | What photo size (how many pixels) is optimal:

If you plan to print photos someday, then save photos in the highest possible resolution, which your camera will only allow (carefully read the instructions for your camera to correctly adjust the photo size).

In some cases, you need to reduce the size of photos. As I wrote above, for the site I reduce the photo size to 1200 pixels on the long side. If you upload a photo in full size, the site pages will take a very long time to load, and many visitors may not like this (not to mention the Google and Yandex search engines).

Photo sizes are measured in pixels (px). The number of pixels determines the size of the photo on monitor screens, and what size the photo can be printed.

4 | File size or "photo weight":

Now let's look at the “weight of the photograph”. Historically, there has been a lot of confusion on this issue and the file size is quite often called the “weight of the photo,” which is more convenient than correct. File sizes are measured in megabytes (MB) or kilobytes (KB). And here it’s worth remembering that, unlike kilograms, where 1 kg = 1000g, 1 megabyte = 1024 kilobytes.

How this looks in practice: imagine the situation that your camera has a memory card that says 64GB (gigabytes). If you look at exactly how many bytes there are (right-click on “properties” on your computer), it turns out that there are 63567953920 bytes on this memory card and this is equal to 59.2 GB. How large the files your camera produces will determine how many photos will fit on that memory card. For example, I can fit 830 photo files in RAW format (read about formats below).

What determines the file size:

  • Firstly, on the size of the photo (what is measured in pixels): the file with the first photo of berries (photo size 7360x4912 px) is 5.2 MB, and it, reduced to 150 px, will “weigh” 75.7 KB (in 69 times less).
  • Secondly, on the format (JPG, TIFF, RAW), which you can read about below.
  • Thirdly, the file size (or “photo weight”) depends on the number of details: the more there are, the “heavier” the photo (which is most relevant for the JPG format).

Many details - more weight of the photo

For example, in this photograph with monkeys from Sri Lanka there are many small, clear (in the language of photographers, “sharp”) details and the file size of this photograph is 19.7MB, which is significantly larger than berries in a vase on a white background (5.2MB).

If you ask what size photo can I print from a photo that weighs 2MB. No one can answer you until they know the number of pixels. And it’s better, of course, to also look at the photo, since some craftsmen like to get a photo from the depths of the Internet, increase the number of pixels programmatically, and then want to print it on the cover of a magazine. It turns out as in the example above with a stretched photo of a vase 150 px wide.

File size (often called "photo weight") is measured in megabytes (MB) or kilobytes (KB) and depends on the format, pixel size, and detail of the photo.

5 | Photo formats:

And finally, we come to the issue of image formats and type of file compression, which also determine the size of the photo file.

Almost all photo cameras can save photos to JPG format(even cameras on phones and tablets). This is the most common image format and is “understood” by all computers and image viewing programs. In JPG format, photos can be uploaded to social networks, posted on a blog, added to Word, Power Point files, and so on. JPG can be processed in Photoshop, Lightroom and other image editing programs.

From my practice: if I want to take a photo for a social network and quickly upload it, then I either take a photo with my phone or set the file format to jpg in my camera.

Something to remember about the jpg format is that it is a compressed format and has compression levels. The higher the compression ratio, the smaller the file size due to the reduction in detail and quality of the photo. Therefore, it is not recommended to repeatedly edit and resave (re-compress) the same photos in jpg format.

When saving a file in jpg format, the compression level is selected (example from Photoshop).

In all SLR and non-SLR cameras, as well as in advanced compacts, in addition to JPG, there is at least RAW, and often also TIFF.

A little theory:

  • TIFF(English Tagged Image File Format) - a format for storing raster graphic images (including photographs). TIFF has become a popular format for storing images with high color depth. It is used in printing and is widely supported by graphics applications.
  • RAW(English raw - raw, unprocessed) - a digital photography format containing raw data obtained from a photo matrix (the thing that replaced film in digital cameras).

Personally, I never shoot in TIFF format. I can’t even think of why I need this if there is RAW. I can use TIFF without compression to save photos that I still plan to modify in Photoshop.

6 | Advantages and disadvantages of the RAW format:

My camera is almost always in RAW format, since I plan to process (edit) photos in Lightroom or Photoshop. RAW has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • There is no way to view files without first converting them. That is, to view photos in RAW format you need a special program that supports this image format.
  • Larger file size than when saving in JPEG (with my Nikon D800 camera, the file size with a photo in RAW format is 74-77 MB). This means that fewer photos will fit on the flash drive.
  • RAW cannot be uploaded to social networks, blogs, and sometimes even sent by mail. First, RAW needs to be converted to a RAW converter (for example, Adobe Camera Raw) that supports the file type from your camera model.

Why do professional photographers often prefer RAW over JPG? Because RAW:

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  • provides more options for image correction: white balance, contrast, saturation, brightness and noise level,
  • allow you to further correct images without the appearance of defects,
  • allows fine correction of lens imperfections (vignetting, chromatic aberration).

So, if you plan to carefully process your photos in Photoshop or Lightroom, sensitively feeling “artifacts” and halftones, “overexposures” and “dips” in the shadows, then shoot in RAW. Just remember that to get a good result, you will need to understand the settings and operation of RAW converters. Think about whether you need this headache? Maybe you should shoot in JPG and spend more time relaxing and not on the computer?

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 9.6k. Published 12/29/2016

If you are faced with the task of how to reduce the size of a JPG file, then let's try to figure out this situation together. Very often, the image size needs to be reduced so that photographs or pictures do not take up much disk space. Many users often send a large number of photos by email, but as a rule, all mail servers have a limit on the amount of information in one letter.

Because of this, many people are unable to send images in an email, thereby falling into a stupor and not knowing how to get out of the situation. Also, if you upload image files to a cloud service or transfer them over the network, this will happen faster if the image has a small weight. Therefore, files must be reduced in size while trying not to spoil the image quality.

What is a JPG file?

JPEG(pronounced "japeg", English: Joint Photographic Experts Group)– the most popular raster image format. Files that contain images have the JPG extension

If you pay attention, the names of many graphic images on your computer look like (“photo title”.jpg or “photo title”.jpeg). The .jpg extension is the most popular.

JPG files are perfectly compressed, both with and without loss of quality. Accordingly, it all depends on what the user wants to get as a final result. There are a huge number of programs and online services for compressing images. Therefore, let's look at how to reduce the size of a JPG file using different methods and programs. In order to determine the initial weight of the image, you need to right-click on it and select “Properties”.

How to reduce the size of an image using standard Windows tools?

If you do not have to resize an image often, then the standard Paint program is suitable for such purposes. Its functionality will be sufficient for our purposes. So Paint allows you to perform the following functions:

  • Ability to add various text to the image;
  • Filling individual elements;
  • Ability to trim unnecessary fragments;
  • Inserting another image and more.

If you edit an image and add new elements, its size will change.

In order to reduce the size of a jpg file using the Paint graphic editor, follow the instructions below.

Advice! If the image is very large, then you can set the size to 1024x768. Also choose the correct ratio of length and width, otherwise the image will not look entirely correct.

How to reduce JPG file size using Microsoft Office programs.

Since the MS Office software package is installed on most user computers. Then we will use this tool to edit the size of the JPG file.

Pay attention! Your Microsoft Office package should include MS Picture Manager.

In order to figure out how to reduce the size of a JPG file using MS Picture Manager, do the following:

Advice! The more the image is compressed, the worse its quality will be. Therefore, choose the golden mean.

We reduce the size of a JPG file using online services.

If the methods described above do not suit you or you need to compress a very large number of images, then you can use online image compression services. One of these services is

With its help, you can reduce the image size to the maximum possible, while the program itself performs all the actions for you. You will only need to add the image to the online service.

Pay attention! After compression, you will be visually presented by how many percent the weight of the image has decreased after processing.

After adding a picture or photograph, the program will automatically analyze the file and, if possible, compress it. In this case, the image size, length and width, remains unchanged. The service works with different graphic image formats, so it is suitable for many users.

Another online service that allows you to change the size of an image file is The service supports working with various image formats. Unlike, the user chooses the settings for the created image.

You can set the image size manually or choose from the suggested options.

For better compression, the program has various filters. In the saving parameters, you can also set values ​​that will reduce the size of the output file.

Reduce the image size using the Snagit editor.

Not long ago, I wrote an article, in this article I discussed the Snagit program, which can not only take screenshots of the screen, but also edit the resulting images. This program is perfect for our purposes, now I will show you and tell you how to reduce the size of a JPG file using the Snagit editor.

I suggest doing everything point by point.

Pay attention! To resize the image proportionally, leave the “Maintain proportions” checkbox ticked.

  1. Then save the image using the “File” - “Save As” menu.

After resizing the image, the file will have a smaller weight. In order to reduce it further, I recommend using the online services described above.


Today we looked at how to reduce the size of a JPG file. Now, you can easily change the image size and its weight. This will help you save space on your computer hard drive, flash drive or phone memory card. Also, compressed files will be transferred over the network faster. As you can see, in most cases, you can change the file size without losing quality.