Group chats for collaboration. Free chat for local network

Sooner or later, in any corporate or large home network, the question arises of what communication tools to use, how to organize effective notification of all employees and file delivery. Of course, you can use commercial instant messaging delivery systems, deploy mail server and organize shared data repositories. But what if the network is not so large?

For this case, Network Software Solutions has developed a client-server messaging program, which is a chat. In chat you can create various channels(for example, within a department), have a private conversation without clogging up the general chat, transfer files and much more.

MyChat Server

It’s worth mentioning right away that there are two versions of the chat server: commercial and free. For small networks the free version of FREE MyChat is enough. The main differences can be viewed on the developer’s website; major limitations include the lack of integration with Active Directory and limiting the number of connections to 15 people - for the Free MyChat version.

As for installing the server, there should not be any difficulties; installation is carried out in automatic mode and does not require significant effort from the user. Setting up the application, at first glance, may seem complicated, since there are quite a lot of options. But, all settings are well categorized, for each section there is good reference material in Russian. In addition, each option has a hint about its purpose, making it much easier to find the right tool.

Server functions:

— Actually, the server itself keeps statistics of users, active time, traffic, connections, etc.;
— FTP server, used as shared storage data;
— Managing users, managing groups and access rights, assigning Administrators, operators and other servers;
— Creating filters: filtering users by IP, filtering by MAC, anti-flood, filtering obscene expressions in chat;
— Creation of scripts to automate repeatable actions, etc.;
Fine tuning servers (reservation, logging, timers, remote control);
— Creation of advertisements;
— Web access for server administration;

MyChat client

The MyChat client is used to directly connect to the server. Allows you to connect to individual channels, register in channels, conduct private conversations, transfer files, view message boards, search for users, create alerts with various parameters. Special attention is paid to the plugins built into the program, which allows you to expand the client’s capabilities.

To summarize, MyChat is an excellent choice for small and medium-sized organizations, especially ideal for home networks. If it were not for the limitation of 15 connections, the program could be safely used in large corporate networks. The MyChat interface is available in three languages: Russian, Ukrainian and English. Free license version provides for non-commercial use. To get the free version of MyChat, you need to go to the developer’s website and fill out a simple form.

Group chat for teamwork. You can create a separate chat for each topic. Each team member receives notifications only about those messages that are addressed specifically to him. There is integration with big amount external services. Powerful search through message history. There are clients for Android and iOS.

Social intranet. Contains microblogs, tasks, file storage (with version control), calendar, photo galleries, messenger, extranet, CRM, marketing, business processes, time tracking, profiles, reports. Eat mobile version. There is a free version.

Group chat for Office 365. Allows you to create groups/rooms for projects or departments, communicate, and share files with colleagues. There are bots for notifications and responses to requests. Close integration with Microsoft applications - Skype, Word, SharePoint, OneNote, Power BI, Planner.

Group chat for teams in G Suite. Allows you to exchange messages and files, as well as conduct video conferences. Integrated with other G Suite services, including Google Drive, Docs, Sheets and others.

Client-server messenger for local network. Integrates with Active Directory, multilevel list contacts, bulletin board, mass notification system, conferences, SSL traffic encryption, offline message and file transfer, flexible user rights management system, file and folder transfer. Built-in Kanban boards for projects

Group messenger for discussing ideas, public access to files and receiving instant feedback from the team. Free version for an unlimited number of users

Programs for convenient online communication with your software.

New in the "Network Communication" category:

Net Speakerphone 4.8 build 090508 is a client that allows you to exchange messages on a local network. Net application Speakerphone allows you not just to send messages to users, but to use your computer as a network telephone.

Network Assistant 4.5 build 2668 is an application for communication and effective interaction using a local network, which does not require a dedicated server.

BORGChat 1.0.0 build 438 is a chat client that works for free on a local network.

LAN: Looking Any Network 2.75 is an application that, despite its ease of use, is quite functional. The LAN: Looking Any Network application will be useful for any type and category of users to be able to control and check a local or Internet network.

CommFort 5.40 is a multifunctional and quite convenient client-server chat, which is designed to work on a local network and combines not only text and voice chat, but also a tool for quick transfer separate files or file folders.

LanSend is convenient application, which will help you send messages to other computers on the network. The LanSend application can send messages using specific user or an arbitrary group of recipients.

Intranet Chat 1.21b6 is a high-quality and quite convenient program for communication. The Intranet Chat program will allow you to communicate via correspondence not only on the local network, but also on the Internet.

Vypress Chat 2.1.9 is an application that acts as text chat running on a local network. The Vypress Chat application can work between two computers or support more than a dozen.

VideoPort VideoPhone 5.5.6 is an application for video communication using the Internet or local network. The VideoPort VideoPhone application also has the ability to use noise reduction, face detection, automatically detects channel width and has other features that will ensure high quality video even with a weak channel.

Mixero 0.57 is a convenient, functional and powerful Twitter client. The Mixero application is equipped with tools such as Contexts, Activity Sheet and Filters, which allow you to organize and filter your Twitter feed, filtering out unnecessary information.

Mibew Messenger 1.6.4 is a free-source application that provides convenient and fast online consultation. Using the application, it is possible to add a button to the site with direct communication with your operator, and all communication will take place directly in the browser. The application allows you to communicate with a large number of operators at the same time and the choice of operator for communication occurs with manual switching.

What is a network communication program? This chat(from the English “Chat”, conversation) or messenger(a program that sends messages).

Modern chats and instant messengers can not only send messages, but also exchange pictures and files, make audio and video calls.

Some programs definitely need the Internet to work, some do not, they work using their own server that runs within your company. This is of course much safer.

Let's talk about one of these programs. What can it be used for and how.

First, a short video to briefly explain why this program is needed:

And now in more detail:

1. For messaging

Despite the obviousness, it is worth noting that messages must be encrypted, and not with some home-made algorithm, but with a serious open library, . The message history should be saved on own server within the company, not somewhere on the Internet. And finally, for the program to work there must be a .

MyChat is fine with this, so let’s move on.

Here the developers of the MyChat intranet messenger took an interesting path; they did not reinvent the wheel and use the WebRTC engine, the most advanced calling technology in the world on this moment. You can make calls not only between MyChat client programs, but also between the program and WEB chat, which works in Chrome browser, FireFox, Opera or Edge. All modern browsers already support WebRTC technology.

Calls, of course, are unlimited, no one needs to pay for them, communication goes through existing channels connection or via local/corporate network.

MyChat voice compression chat works with the Opus codec. Its algorithms operate with low latency, from 2.5 to 60 milliseconds, support variable bitrate, compress audio data very well, better and higher quality than MP3, Vorbis, AAC LC, AMR-WB and Speex.

In non-technical terms, you can call MyChat even through mobile GPRS connections, and these are really very low speeds.

It is very important that this all works automatically, the administrator does not need to understand black magic codecs, sound levels, bitrates, noise reduction, equipment settings and other things. Anyone who has configured Jabber servers and a zoo of clients for them, all with their own nuances and incompatibilities, will understand me.

3. For group communication

Popular programs like Skype or Agent, and using retro software like IRC in a modern office is simply not serious due to the complexity of the settings, weak capabilities and the stagnation of the development of IRC protocols (its last RFC dates back to April 2000).

In MyChat, text conferences (they are also called channels) have been around since the very beginning of the messenger, since 2004, and have been developing all this time. Published in September 2016. Just by this indicator you can understand how seriously the developers develop and support it.

Conferences can be attended by any number of people at the same time (there are real examples comfortable work several hundred people). You can lock them with a password to separate groups of users into different projects or departments. You can prohibit leaving important conferences, then users simply cannot leave them, accidentally or intentionally. The conferences look pretty nice:

There are even special locks and punishments (kicks and bans, old school will appreciate it:), as well as . You can create as many conferences as you like on the messenger server and include them there the right people automatically, fortunately, the WEB admin can do this:

4. Communication on a local network without the Internet

There’s probably no point in engaging in preventive intimidation that, they say, you can’t use ICQ, Skype and hangouts in a corporate event, because their servers are located overseas and your messages are stored there, filtered and read by no one knows (for anyone interested, I recommend the article “”, everything is laid out there “on the shelves”).

Adequate company managers and system administrators, I'm not even talking about specialists in computer security- they understand this perfectly.

However, you cannot simply take and throw away an already familiar program. If you are looking for something to replace, then you need to choose software that will at least be no worse in functionality in order to transfer employees to it without unnecessary losses.

The interesting thing is that many people initially started using . Here the developers have an interesting, original approach: they abandoned the classic trial version for 30 days, the program is free immediately after installation, limited only by the number of online connections. But 20 people online is really enough for tests - that’s for sure, I’m not even talking about real work small companies.

There is a good introductory article on how to launch the MyChat messenger in your company and “tie” employees into a single network, especially if there are geographically scattered offices: “”.

In general, the messenger has even more than it needs. You will most likely have the task of deciding which services should simply be prohibited so that users’ eyes don’t run wild :) The plus is that this is all done through a convenient structure in the admin panel, it’s called “Rights Groups”, all changes are applied instantly and the interface custom applications This immediately displays:

Roughly speaking, graphic emoticons were banned - users immediately even lost the icon for calling emoticons. Video calls have been turned off - the video call buttons have disappeared from the toolbar. Instantly. Without restarting the application. You cannot use conferences, but only one-on-one communication in private - the program is instantly transformed.

An interesting approach, and very visual, it’s worth trying - you get used to it so much that you wonder how you could have worked without all this before?

5. Program for communication in the office, how it works

Office messengers usually have their own set of requirements, in addition to a convenient interface, preferably one as similar as possible to MS Office. Because everyone is already accustomed to it, you don’t have to spend a lot of time telling users many times what and how.

Getting people used to certain programs and switching to others is a difficult process, but that’s not all.

Since we are choosing a messenger for the office, this is not for you to exchange cats on social networks. This is a really working tool. And here MyChat shows itself in full force, it is clear that the emphasis during its development was placed precisely on the work of companies.

Firstly, it works Active Directory integration. Users are pulled from the domain, via LDAP, with all their names, phone numbers, emails and God knows what already entered + transparent NTLM authorization works. MSI package for deployment via GPO. In the official information.

Secondly, There is . To be honest, it is difficult to find a company that does not use this accounting program in our vast expanse. So, you can easily “connect” an already working 1C with a corporate chat, this was recently written about on Infostart in the article “1C: Enterprise + corporate chat, how to set up prompt notifications in 10 minutes”, I recommend reading.

Third, MyChat has a fairly powerful file server built into it. Both the native MyChat Client and any FTP client can connect to it. For example, I prefer FAR and Total Commander, employees use FileZilla. Everything is working. The convenience is that this server works “out of the box”, each user who is in the chat is automatically created an account on file server+ there is a common public access. It, of course, does not live up to specialized servers, but, frankly, even its capabilities are sufficient in most cases.

Fourthly, Kanban board for project management. If you recognize from the picture the large whiteboard that hangs in many offices, you will understand me. This is the same board, only in electronic version.

You can create any number of projects, assign stages and performers, and monitor deadlines. Move tasks between stages, comment on them, supplement them, apply search filters, and the like. In general, “see the project” as a whole. Super thing, will be useful in almost any company. It looks like this in operation (works in a browser, by the way):

It’s convenient to use on a desktop; on a tablet and phone, of course, it’s not the same, but over time, I think the situation will improve better side, considering that new versions are released on average every month or two.

6. Sending messages and files offline

Sending messages and entire folders with files to users who are currently disconnected from the server (offline) has always been strong point MyChat. Unlike Skype, where offline messages are received mysteriously, as if by a pike, everything is usually clear in MyChat.

Messages are saved on the server for an unlimited time, files and entire folders can be sent and not worry that they will not arrive.

By the way, there is no way to send large folders with files by email. Even if you archive them, the size of the letter will be one and a half times larger than the archive itself. And there are no guarantees whether the letter reached the recipient or not. There are no such problems in the MyChat messenger.

At any time you can go to the message history, select the interlocutor, date range - and calmly read the correspondence history:

In light of the fact that Gmail, for example, refuses to accept attachments executable files, and sometimes he simply ignores archives with a password (of course, he cares about my safety, yeah), sending messages and files in a corporate office chat will be a good help.

As one of the users said well, "".

To summarize everything that has been written, it is worth saying that the program is actively developing, despite its considerable age. , there are several tens of thousands of messages on it and the developers promptly respond even to those who use the free version of the program.

Best corporate messenger For collaboration and communication.

Slack is a corporate messenger for organizing productive collaboration. It allows you to transfer all company communications into a single space, complementing it convenient tools and the ability to integrate with popular Internet services.

Slack is suitable for both a small team of developers and a large enterprise with a large number employees.

Communication in Slack is divided into thematic channels (chats). You can create an unlimited number of them on any topic and project. This helps to conveniently structure all work processes related to correspondence and discussions. In addition, for direct communication, the messenger has a private messaging function.

With Slack, you can exchange text messages, make video calls, share files, and create and edit documents. By the way, Slack provides users with file hosting for storing and transmitting work materials.

Unfortunately, the messenger chat does not support the Markdown markup language, but it does have text formatting. For example, *bold*, _italic_, ~strikethrough text~ and >quote.

At any moment of communication, you can invite the @employee you need into the conversation.

Because Slack stores all conversations, it's easy for the person you invite to get up to speed and continue the conversation with you.

In addition, the messenger automatically indexes and, if necessary, searches the entire archive of messages and downloaded documents.

Serverless network messenger with chat functionality

This approach eliminates the loss of any important information or file, and also allows you to return to past conversations at any time.

To avoid distractions and focus on your work, Slack provides convenient notification settings. For example, you can simply turn off notifications in a particular channel, or only allow notifications when your name or a keyword you're tracking is mentioned.

With support for extensions, bots and integration with more third party services, among which Google Drive, Trello, Dropbox, Salesforce, Box, Twitter, GitHub, Zendesk, and others, working in the messenger becomes even more efficient.

In addition, messenger users have the opportunity to create their own extensions using the Slack API.

Slack is shareware (freemium) software, so it contains a number of restrictions for users of the FREE version. In particular, integration of up to 10 third-party services, archive of up to 10 thousand latest messages, 5 GB file hosting and video calls only between two users. Usually, the free version is enough for a small team of developers. However, if you want to remove these restrictions and get additional functions Slack offers paid plans that bill monthly.

Today the Slack audience is more than 9 million active users in Week. It is used by companies such as Medium, Dow Jones, eBay, PayPal, Wall Street Journal, Sony, Dell, AOL, Airbnb, Adobe and others in more than 100 countries around the world. It is the fastest growing business app in history and was named Best Startup of 2017 at the 10th Crunchies Awards presented by TechCrunch.

The messenger is available for all popular platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS and Windows Phone. The developers also provided a web version of Slack for working from a browser. This means you can communicate with colleagues, access information and stay up to date anytime, anywhere and from any device.

Does your company have difficulty communicating within the team? Tired of calling every colleague to a meeting? Tired of walking all over the office to solve the simplest issue? If you answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, then it’s time to implement a corporate local messenger.

Softros LAN Messenger is a simple and convenient office messenger - a program for messaging on a local network of any size. Messenger for a company does not require or use an Internet connection and thus guarantees that transmitted information will not go beyond the local network. The application is easy to install and use, has a nice, intuitive interface and works correctly for users with limited rights. For your convenience, there is also a file sharing function between users of the network messenger. Fine-tuning allows the administrator to prohibit the use of certain functions of the application and changing its settings, which can be useful in a large company with a dispersed infrastructure. A serverless messaging and file exchange system allows you to save on hardware. 14 years of continuous improvement guarantee the quality and stability of our messenger for your local network.

brief information

Latest version: 9.1.1

Supported OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 2012, Windows 2016

Supported network types: LAN, WAN

Key features of Corporate Messenger:

  • Messaging with chat option
    Create virtual chats within your network with any number of users.
  • Safe networking
    Messages do not go beyond the local network.
  • Group messages on the local network
    Use mass mailings messages to inform employees about upcoming events.
  • Quick messages
    Customize up to 10 preset template messages with the ability to instantly send via hotkey, for quick answers with typical phrases or sentences.
  • Huge set Emoji emoticons
    Personalize your messages with the built-in Emoji pack (about 830 emoji)
  • Transfer files within a network
    Sharing documents with colleagues has become much easier.
  • User grouping
    Organize your colleagues by department or position for ease of communication.
  • Remote desktop sharing
    Request remote assistance from your colleague or network administrator directly from Messenger by giving him access to your desktop remotely. Ask the administrator to help you set up any programs or Windows on your computer, ask a colleague to help resolve work issues.
  • Remote desktop administration
    Administrators authorized in the domain as domain administrators, or at remote computer as local administrators, can connect to user desktops directly, bypassing connection permissions from the user.
  • User Rights Management
    The administrator can prohibit the use of any function if necessary.
  • Message history
    You will never lose a single message because they are all saved in history files.
  • Serverless architecture of the messenger
    LAN Chat does not require a dedicated server installation.


  • No need for an Internet connection
    Messenger for local network works only within your company's network and saves your subordinates from wasting time on ICQ, saving your traffic and minimizing the possibility of attacks.
  • Terminal Server support
    LAN Messenger works successfully on a terminal server from Microsoft or Citrix, and also supports simultaneous use multiple user sessions. (After installing Softros TS Engine.)
  • Easy to install
    You don't need any administrative skills to start using our program. Just install Internal Messenger on every computer on your local network and it's ready to go.
  • Ease of distribution
    Having configured network settings, as well as settings for user groups on one computer, you can export them to a file and then use them on all computers within the company network. This simplifies setting up the program in complex networks.

Client-server messenger for local network. Integrates with Active Directory, multi-level contact list, bulletin board, mass notification system, conferences, SSL traffic encryption, offline message and file transfer, flexible user rights management system, file and folder transfer. Built-in Kanban boards for projects

A client-server program for communication in a corporate network, which runs on the Windows OS platform. CommFort includes modules for chat, image sharing, file transfer, VoIP and video communication.

Top 10: Chat for LAN

Supports video conferencing for up to 32 users

Softros LAN Messenger

A simple and reliable messenger for the local network. Does not require an Internet connection. In addition to sending instant messages and transferring files, it allows you to create virtual rooms, make mass mailings, save message history, and group contacts by department or position.

Corporate mobile messenger V source codes. Includes Corporate mobile messenger in source codes

Multimedia corporate messenger. Supports control online status, chat, voice and video communication, conference calling, video mail, screen-sharing. Works on PC, Mac and mobile platforms- iPhone, iPad, Nokia, Android and BlackBerry. Uses the open Jabber protocol (XMPP)

Corporate client-server platform for interaction and communication in real time. Integration with Active Directory, access to the archive of all transferred messages and files, delivery of offline data and assignment of documents to employees with strong encryption.

Simple and fast multi-user chat with activity control on the local network. Designed for medium and small local networks (up to 300 computers). Does not require a dedicated server and can be quickly deployed even on a network without a professional administrator.

A simple and powerful cross-platform client-server chat for local networks and the Internet, open source.

Free open-source cross-platform messenger for the local network. Does not require a server. Logging messages. File transfer.

Free cross-platform chat for corporate networks. File transfer. Offline messages.

All Chat for local network

Companies are increasingly faced with the issue of choosing software for everyday use. And it’s almost impossible to imagine an office with computers and without a network. The network is used for data exchange, for accessing file shares, corporate website, databases, network printers, for communication, this list can be supplemented for a very long time.

Often, if the number of computers in a company is more than ten, for more effective interaction between employees, management begins to think about the need for a program for communicating over the network. Exchange services instant messages(or chats) are just designed for this.

Why introduce new technologies or modify old ones when there are telephones and faxes, when employees sit in the same office? After all, you can just come up and say, call or even stick a sticker on a colleague’s monitor with a request if he is not there.

However, the messaging system has a number of undeniable advantages. And among them it is worth highlighting:

  • Messaging significantly saves employee time. One message or image with detailed description what needs to be done and how to do it is worth a whole phone call.
  • Messaging makes it possible to reach an entire group or groups of employees with a single message who would otherwise have to be called by telephone. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s five or a hundred people - the notification is done with a few clicks of the mouse.
  • Sent messages or files will be stored on the server and will be delivered to the recipient, even if he is not at his desk. He just needs to turn on his computer and receive them. And on the phone, you will have to, at a minimum, listen to all the recordings of the answering machine.
  • Received and sent messages are stored in history. Therefore, when looking through the history of messages, you can always remember what the conversation was about or copy the necessary fragments of the text of the negotiations.
  • Messaging can significantly reduce the cost of long-distance and cellular communication. Sometimes these can be very significant amounts. After all, sending messages costs nothing. You only pay for Internet access. But you’re already paying for it, right?
  • Conferences (channels or rooms) allow you to gather any number of people to discuss projects. Moreover, the discussion will take place in real time, the conversation protocols do not need to be transcribed - everything is automatically recorded in the message history, as in client applications, and on the server.
  • If there are several branches, communication between company employees is greatly simplified due to the fact that in addition to communication, chats support the ability to exchange documents.
  • Safety. Telephone conversations, especially cell phones, are quite easy to listen to. But corporate instant messaging systems use encryption. And with session keys. Therefore, it can be used safely even over the Internet.

The reader may object: why install some kind of messaging system if there are free ones? ICQ, Yahoo Messenger , Skype and so on. Here's why: using public services that cannot be controlled, you yourself provide commercial information to a third party. The entire correspondence. Voluntarily. There is also no way to limit employee communication for personal purposes not related to work.

There is no need to explain what this can mean for business. And in more detail about the risks of using similar systems You can read the article “Why do you need a corporate messenger in a company? Security and control in MyChat" and in the control note transmitted messages in ICQ by the US security service.

Everyone decides for themselves whether to use paid or free software. If the number of online users does not exceed 15 people, buying an expensive messenger is not advisable.

Free version released in July 2010 MyChat version Free Edition, which is free analogue full-featured commercial version and allows you to create corporate system exchange instant messages and files in just a few minutes, without much effort.

Users appreciated the convenience and simplicity of the system: in just the first month, more than 200 servers were installed. Free version successfully used by various companies in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Convenient and well-thought-out interface, familiar to users Microsoft Office, undemanding to computer resources and many useful functions does MyChat a practical tool.

Well, for those who have already tried the program and want to increase the number of connections, there is a nice bonus: a commercial version MyChat can integrate with Active Directory.

Bopup Messenger

This makes it possible to quickly deploy the system on any number of computers in the company’s network. All users who are already registered in Active Directory, will be automatically imported into the database MyChat(full name, telephone numbers, e-mail and other information specified in Active Directory).

Apply for the free version MyChat Server Free Edition.