How to use the move command in Minecraft. Exploring the World Edit plugin

  • Unzip the craftscripts folder into root folder(.minecraft/), and the WorldEdit.jar file in the bin/ folder (not in minecraft.jar!). For correct operation Need Single Player Commands.
Selecting regions

In WorldEdit, a region is highlighted using a cuboid point notation.
A cuboid is a parallelepiped.
There are 3 options for selecting a cuboid:

  • We stand on point 1 and write //pos1 in the chat, stand on point 2 and write //pos2.
  • We aim the sight at point 1 and write //hpos1 in the chat, accordingly we aim the sight at point 2 and write //hpos2.
  • Take the wooden ax in your hands (if not, then write the command //wand) (stone, iron, gold and diamond do not have the selection property), left-click on point 1 and right-click on point 2.
  • Actions with regions
    • //replace - replace with . Example: //replace dirt glass - replace dirt with glass in the selected cuboid. //replace grass - replace all blocks except air with grass.
    • //overlay - cover the blocks at the top of the cuboid with a block. Example: //overlay grass - cover the cuboid with grass.
    • //set - fill the entire cuboid with a block. Example: //set 0 - remove all blocks in the cuboid (fill with air).
    • //move - move the blocks in the cuboid by blocks in the direction and replace the remaining blocks with .
    • //walls - create walls from the cuboid (outermost layer).
    • //sel - clearing the selection (cuboid). Does not affect changing blocks in a cuboid.
    • //outline - covers the entire cuboid with a block For example: //outline 1 - make a box hollow from the inside
    Specifying Blocks

    Argument blocks can be specified either by (1, 3, 35) or by name (stone, grass, wool). If the block has an additional meaning, it may be specified after the colon (35:14, wool:red). Can be combined different ways block indications.

    Most commands can operate with several types of blocks at once; to do this, you need to specify blocks separated by commas without a space. For example:

    • //replace grass,dirt stone - replaces earth and grass with stone.
    • //set wool,wool:red,wool:green - will fill the selection with white, red and green wool in random order(in the same proportions, i.e. 33.3% - white, 33.3% - red and 33.3% - green).
    • //set 10%wool:blue,90%wool:orange - will fill the selection with 10% blue wool and 90% orange wool (there may be bugs when specifying more than 2 arguments).
    • //overlay 5%torch,95%air - will cover 5% of the selection with torches.
    • //set sign:3|line1|line2|line3|line4 - Specifying lines for signs.
    Other actions that do not require a region
    • //sphere - create a sphere from with radius
    • //hsphere - create a hollow sphere from with radius . Raised can take the values ​​yes and no; if yes, then the center of the sphere will shift upward by its radius.
    • //cyl - create a cylinder from with radius and height.
    • //hcyl - create a hollow cylinder from with radius and height.
    • //forestgen - create a forest with an area of ​​x blocks with type and density, density varies from 0 to 100. Types of trees

    Be sure to precede the commands with a double slash "//" Full list of commands (English)

    List of commands
    • //limit - maximum amount blocks used for commands. Only affects you. Used to prevent catastrophic incidents.

    Actions with history

    • //undo - undoes your last command.
    • - number of cancellations of the last commands.
    • //redo - returns commands you canceled.

    - the number of returns of commands canceled by you.

    • //clearhistory - clears history.
    • Selection
    • //wand - gives you a wooden ax (edit ax). LMB on a block with a wooden ax assigns the first position, RMB on a block assigns the second position. //toggleeditwand - disables the wooden ax. Now it can be used for its intended purpose.//sel - selecting the shape of the selected region. cuboid - selects a parallelepiped. extend - same as cuboid, but by setting the second point you extend the region without losing the selection from the already selected one. poly - selects only in the plane. cyl - cylinder. sphere - sphere. ellipsoid - ellipsoid (capsule),
    • left button
    • - center, right-click to set radii
    • //desel - remove selection
    • //pos1 - assigns the first position to highlight the block on which you are standing.
    • //pos2 - assigns the second position for selection to the block on which you are standing.
    • //hpos1 - assigns the first position for selection to the block you are looking at.
    • //hpos2 - assigns the second position for selection to the block you are looking at. //chunk - selects the entire chunk you are in.//contract - reduces the region you select in the specified direction (north, east, south, west, up, down), if the reverse-amount number is specified - then in
    • //expand - expands the region you select in the specified direction (north, east, south, west, up, down), if the number reverse-amount is specified - then in the opposite direction. If direction is missing - in the direction you are looking in. For example: //expand 10 7 south - will expand the selected region by 10 blocks to the south (south) and 7 blocks to the north (north).
    • //expand vert - will expand the selected region up and down as much as possible.
    • //inset [-hv] - Narrows the selected region in each direction.
    • //outset [-hv] - Expands the selected region in each direction.
    • //shift - moves the selection region. Does not move the contents of the region. amount - distance, direction (north, east, south, west, up, down).
    • //size - enter to find out the size of the selected region.
    • //count - enter to get statistics for the selected block in the selected region.
    • //distr - enter to get a list of blocks located in the selected region.

    Operations with regions

    • //set - fill the selected region with a specific block (block).
    • //replace - replace all blocks in the selected region with a specific block (to-block).
    • //replace - replace certain blocks (from-block) with other specific blocks (to-block) in the selected region.
    • //overlay - cover the selected region with a specific block. For example: //overlay 50 - cover the selected region with torches.
    • //walls - create walls around the selected region with a specific block.
    • //outline - creates walls, floor, ceiling around the selected region.
    • //smooth - smoothes (makes more realistic) the selected region. iterations - intensity. The server loads heavily network game, carefully.
    • //regen - restores the selected region. Regenerates it.
    • //move - move the contents of the selected region by count blocks in the direction (north, east, south, west, up, down). And replace the freed area with a specific block (leave-id).
    • //stack - extend the selected region by count regions in the direction (north, east, south, west, up, down).


    • //copy - copy the selected region. The reference point is your location.
    • //cut - cut the selected region. The reference point is your location.
    • //paste - paste the copied region. The reference point is your location.
    • //rotate - rotate the copied region on the clipboard in the angle-in-degrees direction.
    • //flip - flip the region in the buffer in the direction of dir, or in the direction of your view.
    • //schematic load - load buffer files under the name filename.
    • //schematic save - save buffer files under the name filename, known format is ".mce".
    • /clearclipboard - clear the clipboard.


    • //hcyl - creating a hollow (wall only), vertical cylinder from the block block, radius radius, and height height.
    • //cyl - creating a vertical cylinder from the block block, radius radius, and height height.
    • //sphere - creating a ball from the block block and radius radius.
    • //hsphere - creating a hollow (empty) sphere from the block block and radius radius.
    • //forestgen - creating a forest with size size, type type (Tree types) and density density.
    • //pumpkins - creating pumpkins.
    • //hpyramid - creating a hollow pyramid from a block of size .
    • //pyramid - creating a pyramid from a block of size .


    • //toggleplace - switch between the first position and your current position.
    • //fill - fill the holes with block block, in radius and in depth depth. Fills only if there was air on top, i.e. oriented vertically.
    • //fillr - recursively fill the holes with a block block, in the radius radius. If there are voids on the side of the “well”, they will be filled.
    • //drain - drain pools of water/lava within a radius. Operates from a coordinate adjacent to the liquid; it is not necessary to climb into the lava.
    • //fixwater - fixes the water level and currents of nearby bodies of water.
    • //fixlava - fixes lava levels and flows of nearby lava pools.
    • //removeabove - remove blocks above your head.
    • //removebelow - remove the blocks under your feet.
    • //replacenear - replace blocks at a distance size, replace from-id blocks with to-id blocks.
    • //removenear - remove blocks block at a distance size.
    • //snow - cover everything in the radius with snow.
    • //thaw - remove snow within radius.
    • //ex - put out the fire at a distance size. By default, the radius is 40 blocks.
    • //butcher [-a] - kill all hostile mobs within the radius. By default [-a] - kill friendly mobs

    Super pickaxe

    Necessarily set yourself a //limit before using the super pickaxe!

    • // -- if you break blocks with a pickaxe, they break very quickly.
    • /sp area -- switches the pickaxe to zone removal mode, where the radius of removing blocks (from 1 to 5). Option - //superpickaxe area
    • /sp single -- switches the pickaxe to single block removal mode. Option - //superpickaxe single

    Also, the most effective means is to remove an entire cuboid of certain blocks after hitting its center - //superpickaxe recur. Carefully, at frequent use in a multiplayer game, the history is written incompletely and undo/redo may not help.


    The tool is installed on the object in your hand, replacing its intended purpose. Used by right click.

    • /info -- getting information about the block.
    • /tree -- enable the tree planting tool, where this is the type of tree (Tree Types).
    • /none - Stops making the tool in your hand a "substitute"
    • //repl -- enable the block replacer tool, where is the id of the block to which you are changing the initial one.


    • /cs - executes the script with arguments.
    • /.s - executes the previous script with arguments.
    • /.js - Executes a JS script with arguments.

    WorldEdit has 4 additional scripts. For them to work, you need to install the Rhino scripting engine (For the server, copy the js.jar file from the Rhino folder to this folder: server folder/plugins/WorldEdit)
    For a single player game (Copy the files from the js.jar archive to the Winrar archive Application Data\.minecraft\bin\WorldEdit and replace the files.

    To install and run the script for a single player game:

    1) Open the link with the selected script, copy all the contents (code) (select the text and Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Ins or in the menu). 2) Create a new one Text Document with the name of the script and paste the copied code (Ctrl+V or Shift+Ins or into the menu). 3) Save and close. Let's archive the file using the Winrar program. 4) Look at this picture and repeat the steps, then save the file. 5) Create a craftscripts folder in .minecraft (Example: \Application Data\.minecraft\craftscripts) 6) Unzip the script in Application folder Data\.minecraft\craftscripts (in in this case was draw.js, - - but you can do the work with any script). 7) To run the script you will need the "Single Player Commands" mod. The commands to run the script are located just below.

    List of scripts and their descriptions:

    maze.js [width height] - Creates a labyrinth.
    draw.js [v] - Generates drawings in the game from wool, place the drawing here: server folder/plugins/WorldEdit/drawings/.
    quickshot.js [note2] ... - Does basic setup note blocks indicating the note. Example: quickshot.js 1a# 1c 2f .
    roof.js - Builds a pyramid at the selected position. (The pyramid is empty, this can be used to build an underwater base).

    WorldEdit is the easiest way to edit maps without leaving the game. Thanks to a convenient map editor that includes a set special teams and tools, you can quickly build anything, of any shape and scale, and you can also move or save your favorite building in separate file. With which you can insert it into another world. The only limitation is the power of the computer, manipulation of large areas of the map with a huge amount blocks can cause lags and crashes. The mod does not affect game files, so it is compatible with many different modifications.

    WorldEdit Features
    • Quickly create, replace or delete thousands of blocks
    • No more wasting time leveling the terrain, removing water and lava
    • Quickly create spheres, cubes, cylinders, etc.
    • Copy/Paste areas and save them in .schematics format
    • Use special brush tools to remove mountains, ravines, etc.
    • Use the compass to quickly teleport to different areas
    • You can roll back changes using backups
    • WorldEdit is one of the oldest surviving Minecraft projects from the alpha version!
    • WorldEdit works in single player and on the server. This editor card has no effect on the game or your world until you use it. This will not cause any mod conflicts, and it will only work when you need it to.

    How to install WorldEdit?
  • Install Minecraft Forge
  • Press Win+R (the “Win” button is between “Ctrl” and “Alt”)
  • In the window that appears, write %appdata%
  • Go to .minecraft/mods (if there is no “mods” folder, then create it)
  • Drag the mod (.zip/.jar) into the mods folder
  • World Edit is a plugin with which you will be able to edit game world your server.

    At the moment, the developers have also implemented the ability to use this plugin in a single player game. In total, they added more than 100 interesting and useful functions.

    All that is required of you is the presence of direct hands, knowledge of some commands and the desire to edit the world around you.

    Plugin installation:
    • Unzip WorldEdit.jar to the plugins/ folder on the server.
    • To use plugin scripts, unpack craftscripts/ into the same plugins/ folder.
    • If necessary, restart the server.
    • Just install a special mod.
    Selecting a region to edit.

    After installation, we can start the server to try out WorldEdit. The first thing you need to understand is how the territory is edited - the plugin allows you to select a rectangle - “cuboid”, marking 2 points on the terrain:

    This is done in several ways:

    • Getting up first at the first point, type //pos1 into the chat, go to the second and write //pos2. The method is long and labor-intensive.
    • The second method is suitable for working from a long distance - select points for the cuboid with a sight and alternately type in the chat: //hpos1 and //hpos2.

    Well, the third, most common way is to simply pick up the right tool- wooden axe. You can get it from the creative menu, or using one useful command, which is the most basic for this plugin, namely //wand. Using this tool, we can select the territory we need. With the right mouse button you select one point, with the right mouse button you select another. A cuboid is formed by drawing a diagonal from one point to another. (By the way, this tool is inseparable from another plugin - WorldGuard, which was developed by the same developers as World Edit.) So, we can manipulate the selected territory. Let's master the most basic commands.

    World Edit Commands:
    • //wand - we already talked about this command a little higher. It gives the user who entered this command a wooden ax - the main tool for working with the plugin.
    • //set - filling the selected area with the required material, depending on what id you entered (see table of item IDs). Also, instead of id, you can enter the name of the material itself (for example, Stone or Wood). This function useful when you need to quickly furnish an area with solid material.
    • //walls - filling only the outer blocks that were selected with an axe. Those. instead of filling the entire area and getting a whole cube, only the walls, so to speak, will be filled. Very comfortable and practical team, when you need to build a wall in a few seconds.
    • //expand [number of blocks] [side] - allows you to change the size of the selected territory, or rather increase it. Each side must be written down English word. If you don’t know this language well or at all, then there is a hint for you (up - up, down - down, left - up, right - right). It also supports the ability to navigate along the sides of the horizon (west - west, south - south, east - east, north - north). If you have selected the wrong area that you would like to highlight, you can always correct it using this command.
    • //shift [number of blocks] [side] - the difference between this command and the one above is that you do not expand the territory, but shift it in the desired direction, well a certain amount of blocks. Specifying the side is also the same as with the //expand command: you can specify both the name of the side and the side of the horizon. The developers have definitely provided for everything. Also a very helpful command.
    • //cut is the exact opposite of the //set command. With it you can cut out a piece of the region that you selected with a wooden ax. The area that is cut will also go to the clipboard and can be pasted anywhere.
    • //regen - regenerates the territory that you have selected. It is not generated randomly, but makes the territory look the way it was at the very beginning of the game. Can be used when you need to fix areas damaged by griefers.
    • //ex [scale] - allows you to put out the fire by required distance. The higher the number you enter, the further the range will be and the fire will go out. The main thing to consider is what larger radius actions, the more lags there will be on the server, but, fortunately, this is a short-term effect.
    • //undo [player nickname] - cancels the last action. If you screw something up, then this simple command will come to the rescue. By the way, if you add the player’s nickname after //undo, then you will cancel something that is not yours last action, and the last actions of the player whose nickname you just registered. Agree, is it convenient?
    • //redo [player nickname] is the opposite command to //redo. Repeats the last action. Again, if you enter the player’s nickname after this command, you will repeat the action of the player whose name was written in the command.
    • //replace - replaces one type of block with another in the selected area. For example, you can completely replace grass with stone, or immediately replace sandstone buildings with brick. It all depends on what exactly you need.
    • //overlay - covers the surface with a specific block. This function is useful for quick creation floors, ceilings, etc.
    • //copy - copies the selected area. Later you can install it anywhere.
    • //past - pastes the copied section into the desired location.

    It’s also worth talking a little about another tool that can most often be used on the server, namely brushes. The brush is a wooden shovel. With its help you can perform very interesting manipulations with the game map: smooth, crop surfaces, create mountains, magnificent structures that cannot be created a regular generator kart.

    In order to use the tool, you should select for it the desired function(note that the commands in this case are written with one slash):

    • /brush sphere [sphere radius size] - creates spheres from a specific block. Clamping right button mouse and hold your tool, you can create impressive terrain.
    • /brush cyl [cylinder radius] - creates a relief from cylinders. Again, holding the right mouse button can create excellent terrain.
    • /brush smooth [range of action] - makes the terrain smooth.
    • /size [size] - change the brush size. Very convenient if you need to quickly change the brush type.
    • /none - disables the tool from all selected features.

    There are quite a lot of functions in WorldEdit. If you enter a help command, you will certainly be presented with a complete list of commands, each of which has its own unique function. If you can master this plugin, then you can build yourself an excellent spawn without any problems, so be sure to install this plugin on your server.