How to solve: the ruble symbol is not displayed in the browser? Cross-browser ruble icon on CSS In windows xp, the ruble symbol is not printed.

The ruble sign officially appeared in December 2013, when this symbol was approved by the board of directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Since then, its implementation in the computer environment began. In February 2014, it was decided to add this sign to the Unicode character encoding standard and the ruble sign appeared in Unicode 7.0, which was released in June 2014. A little later, Microsoft released, after installing which it became possible to type the ruble sign on the keyboard.

If you have installed this update, which adds support for the ruble sign, then you can type it on your keyboard using the key combination Right Alt-8 (right alt and number 8).

If you do not have this update installed, then the Right Alt-8 key combination will not work. In this case, you just need to install it on your computer. The update can be installed on Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows RT, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008.

How to type the ruble symbol in Word

If you need to type the ruble sign in the Word text editor or in another Microsoft office program, then you can use the ALT-X key combination and the code 20BD. To do this, type the code 20BD on the keyboard, and then press ALT-X.

As a result, the code 20BD will turn into a ruble sign.

If it is difficult for you to remember this code, then you can type the ruble sign using the “Symbol” button on the “Insert” tab.

After clicking this button, the “Symbol” window will appear. Here you need to select a character set " Currency", select the ruble sign with the mouse and click on the " Insert " button. As a result, a ruble sign will appear in the place where the cursor was placed.

After you insert the ruble symbol once in this way, it will appear in the “Symbol” button in the quick access list.

And in the future it can be inserted in literally two clicks of the mouse.


The problem is this: for a user on Windows in the Google Chrome browser, the Russian ruble sign was not displayed, but instead a square. To solve this problem, first of all, you need to determine what exactly the problem is in the browser or in the system. To eliminate problems in the Windows system, you should go through any browser (Windows Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex.Browser, Safari, Microsoft Edge) to this page or to any page that displays the Russian ruble and make sure that this currency is displayed correctly or not symbol.

Visit this page from different browsers: shown below Russian ruble sign, otherwise it will be displayed square.

If the symbol is also not displayed in other browsers, then the problem is in Windows and the Google Chrome browser is functioning properly and a similar problem will be observed in any browser. In this case, we use the Windows update solution. If in an alternative browser the ruble symbol is displayed correctly, then the problem lies in Google Chrome and in this case, we solve the problem by re-creating the user profile in the browser.

Problem displaying the ruble symbol in Windows

1. Let's go to the Microsoft website to the page with .

2. On the company’s website in the second part of the material, links to updates will be provided depending on the system. Download them, according to the instructions on the site.


3. When the installation is complete, the updater will prompt reboot, which is worth doing. When the system is turned off and on, the Windows system will be updated. Next, we return to this article and check the display of the ruble.

The ruble sign is not displayed in Google Chrome.

1. When closed Google Chrome go to the browser Internet Explorer and enter in the address bar:

%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\

2. We should be transferred to the settings storage folder Chrome, it needs to be renamed (for example to “ =Default=") or move the folder to another location Default.

3. Open Google Chrome and visit this site again to check that the ruble sign is displayed correctly.

4. The problem should be resolved, but some elements of the old Google Chrome profile may be very important. Bookmark file recommended Bookmarks.bak from old folder =Default= to the newly created folder Default move and rename (deleting the same name) to Bookmarks(without permission). It is also recommended to move the folder Login Data.

It is worth warning about the fundamental disadvantage of this update: after installing it, the right ALT on the keyboard stops working. But this can be solved; to resolve this issue, it is worth using.

If you're looking for support for the new Russian ruble symbol, you're in luck. After you install this update for Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows RT, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012, you will be able to enter, view, print, and use the new character with data formatted as Russian currency. More information about the update.

Some changes implemented in this update

    The following font families have been updated: Arial, Times New Roman, Microsoft Sans Serif, Tahoma, Cambria, Calibri and Segoe UI.

    Six keyboards localized for Russia now support entering the ruble symbol using the ALTGR+8 keys. Learn more about adding or changing an input language in the Windows 8 operating system.

    Locale information has been updated so that the new symbol is automatically used with items formatted as currency in Access fields, Excel cells, or currency columns in SharePoint lists. Learn more about changing your preferred language in the Windows 8 operating system.

Entering the ruble symbol from the keyboard

If your keyboard does not support entering the ruble symbol, you can insert it using one of the methods described below.

    ALT-X keys Type "20BD" and then press and hold the ALT key and press the X key. (This feature is supported in OneNote, Outlook with Word as the editor, and in Word.)

    Important: Some Office applications, such as PowerPoint, do not support converting Unicode codes to characters. If you need to insert Unicode characters in an application that doesn't support them, use .

    Inserting symbols Select teams Insert > Symbol. (This feature is supported in Excel, InfoPath, PowerPoint, Publisher, SharePoint Designer, OneNote, Outlook with Word as editor, and in Word.)


    • If the character you want to insert is not in the list, select Other characters. In field Font select the font you want, click the character you want to insert, and click the button Insert.

      If you select an advanced font such as Arial or Times New Roman, the Set list appears. It allows you to select the desired set, including Greek and Russian (Cyrillic), if available.

Ruble symbol stamp

If the printer's built-in fonts do not contain the Russian ruble symbol, an empty frame will be printed instead. To learn how to add the Russian ruble symbol to your printer's built-in fonts, contact your printer supplier. You can also change your printer settings so that it does not use built-in fonts. To do this, use the parameter Print fonts as graphics in the printer settings.

As is known from various sources, in the recent year 2013, the ruble, like many other currencies, acquired its own symbol.

The ruble sign has already been implemented in some fonts and HTML markup. In HTML, by the way, the character code is:

₽ ₽

Many online stores, and other sites related to monetary transactions, are actively replacing the usual “Rub”, “RUB” and “r.” to the new ruble sign. But there is one problem– not every computer has this symbol, and instead of the ruble symbol we see the following:

And this may be the picture for most of your clients. And this needs to be corrected as soon as possible, because without the presence of the appropriate currency sign, we mislead your customers and, thereby, lose precious customers.

Today I'll show you how, using the standard letter "P" and CSS, you can create a ruble icon that will display correctly on all devices, as it should be.

1. So the first thing we need to do is wrap our letter in a span tag:


2. Then let's write a little style for it:

Rub ( line-height: 5px; width: 0.4em; border-bottom: 1px solid #000; display: inline-block; )

Save and see what we got:

In my opinion - very good. If you wish, you can change the size of the horizontal stripe, its color and position relative to the letter “P”.

Some Microsoft Excel users are experiencing an issue where cells with Currency or Financial formats display an unknown symbol instead of currency, such as shows a square instead of rubles. Find out what it is and how to solve it further in the article.

Why does Excel show a square instead of a currency?

In fact, support for the new Russian ruble currency symbol has been added to the Windows operating system. And everyone who updated does not experience the problem. For these purposes, Microsoft has released update KB2970228. Accordingly, those users who have automatic updates disabled may not even know about it.

Excel square instead of ruble how to fix

In order to return the currency symbol in Excel, download and install it on your computer. If automatic updates are disabled for you, most likely when you try to install the update, the system will display an error.

In this case it will be necessary. You can find out how to do this at the above link.

After enabling the Update Center, run the installation of update KB2970228 and wait until it finishes.

Important! Be sure to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

As a result, you will be able to observe a new currency symbol of the Russian ruble.