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In all Windows versions Starting with XP, there is a sticky keys feature. Undoubtedly, it will be useful for some users: You are a beginner and are just learning how to use a computer, or any other reason why a person cannot press several keys at the same time.

But if you regular user who is used to working at a computer in normal mode, then this function You don't need it. In addition, for those who play games or do a lot of typing, it may even get in the way. For example, a window will appear asking you to enable sticky mode when you press Shift five times. And when the mode is turned on, the system emits a characteristic squeak when certain keys are pressed.

So let's figure out how we can disable sticky keys in windows. For all versions operating system, you need to perform almost the same steps. I will show it on Windows example 7.

Open the Start menu and go to "Control Panel".

Here we put in the view field "Large Icons" and look for the item "Center special features» .

Now find the item in the list “Make the keyboard easier to use” and click on it.

As you can see, the boxes are ticked "Enable Sticky Keys" And "Enable input filtering" are not worth it, but this means that they are simply not active in this moment. If there are checkboxes, remove them.

To turn off Sticky Keys completely, click "Setting Sticky Keys".

In the next window you need to uncheck the box “Enable sticky keys when pressed five times Shift keys» . Click Apply and OK.

Likewise, go to “Setting input filtering”. Uncheck the box “Enable input filtering mode when holding the right Shift key for more than 8 seconds”.

There is another way to open the “Make the keyboard easier to use” window: press Shift 5 times in a row, and in the next window follow the suggested link.

After you uncheck the described items, the window in the picture above will no longer appear if you accidentally hold or press the Shift key. And this will mean that you have managed to remove the sticky keys function on your computer.

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The Sticky Keys feature is designed for users who have difficulty holding two or more keys at the same time.

The situation can be alleviated by alternate pressing of keyboard shortcuts.

If you need to use a specific keyboard shortcut, such as CTRL+P, mode "Sticky Keys" Allows you to press keys one at a time rather than simultaneously.

For some, sticky keys are the only way to properly interact with the computer and operating system.

This mode applies to keys such as Ctrl, Alt, Shift and Windows key (depicting the Windows flag). After clicking on control key, it remains active until the user presses the second key, completing the combination.

IN Windows such a possibility is provided. But to do this, you need to configure it first.

Calling the Sticky Keys settings window can be done by pressing the button five times "Shift", just not fast :o). Or standardly, using the mouse Start>>>Control Panel>>>Accessibility(If Vista or Windows 7, then in the control panel look for "Ease of Access Center").

VC Resolving Sticky Keys Using a Mouse

  1. Click the button Start and select Control Panel .
  2. Make sure it's selected classic look and control panel icons are displayed on the screen. If not, select in the left pane of Control Panel.
  3. Select Special abilities to open the corresponding dialog box.

4. Select a tab Keyboard and check the box Sticking.

For additional settings settings for sticky keys, use the button Settings.
Click the button Setting (1), to open the Sticky Keys options dialog box. Check the boxes corresponding to the necessary parameters. Click the button OK(2), then Apply (3), and then the button Close(X) on the control panel .

Window Setting Sticky Keys mode contains the following parameters:

If you are incredibly unlucky and your mouse does not work, then open the settings window "Sticky Keys" possible using the keyboard

Enable Sticky Keys using your keyboard

  1. Open menu Start by pressing the keys CTRL+ESC (or Windows logo key). Then open Control Panel by pressing the key C.
  2. Make sure Classic View is selected and the Control Panel icons are visible on the screen. If this is not the case, go to the left area of ​​the control panel and select Switch to classic look by pressing the key TAB, and then ENTER. Use the arrow keys to select Special abilities and press the key ENTER.
  3. In the dialog box Special abilities go to the tab Keyboard , and then check the box Sticking by pressing the key U.
  4. Using the key S click the button Options . A dialog box will open Setting Sticky Keys Mode , where you can select the following options.

Press the key U, to check the box Use this method of inclusion . This setting allows you to turn Sticky Keys on or off by pressing a key five times. SHIFT.

Press the key P to check the box Double tap locks the keys CTRL, SHIFT and ALT . This option allows you to lock CTRL keys, ALT, SHIFT, or the Windows logo key if you press any of them twice in a row.

Press the key T to check the box Disable sticky behavior when pressing two keys at once . This setting allows you to disable Sticky Keys when the CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, or Windows logo key is pressed at the same time as any other key.

Press the key M to check the box Play a beep when pressing CTRL, SHIFT and ALT . This option allows you to play a sound when the CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, or Windows logo key is pressed, locked, or released.

Press the key S to check the box Display sticky mode status on screen . This feature allows you to display the corresponding icon in the taskbar when Sticky is enabled.

5. Press the key twice ENTER to exit the accessibility menu.

6. Close the control panel by pressing the keys ALT+F, C.

How to disable Sticky Keys feature

As a rule, it is convenient to activate the function of sticky keys and mouse buttons in cases where novice users or people with disabilities. If you do not need to use these modes, it is better to disable them.

Sometimes keys get stuck automatically, and many people have probably encountered such problems. This often happens in games when you press several keys at the same time.
Or sticking turns on by itself when you hold down any button on the keyboard for a long time.
Or you are typing some text and suddenly something switched... and it became impossible to print with one click, and it prints only if you hold the button for several seconds.
Most likely in such cases. You have turned on Sticky Keys mode» .

According to statistics, the Shift key gets stuck most often. In this case, when sticking turns on, the computer begins to emit a characteristic alt, resembling an intermittent squeak. Every five seconds, when the same key gets stuck, the sound is repeated, which is very annoying for those sitting in front of the computer.

To remove stuck keys without turning off this mode, while working, press the Shift key five times.

To disable Sticky Keys completely , execute the following actions

To forcefully disable Sticky Keys:

For Windows XP :

Method 1. standard

1. Pass in “Start” → “Control Panel”. Call the component "Special abilities". All in all, initial actions the same as when enabling Sticky Keys mode (see above)

2. Click on the icon "Special abilities" left mouse button, a new dialog box will open. In the window that opens, go to the tab "Keyboard".

3. In chapter "Sticky Keys" "Sticking".

4. Click on the button "Apply" for the new settings to take effect.

5. Close the window "Special abilities" by pressing the button OK or icon [x] in the right top corner window.

For Windows 7: For convenience, I also give an example for the English version.

1. Go to “Start” → “Control Panel”.

Below we find the item «» (Ease of Access) and go into it.

In the next window you will see a list of simplifications for working with a computer. Choose « Making the keyboard easier to use» (Make the keyboard easier to use)

By the way, by default, in the section "Make typing easier" Most options are unchecked, which does not prevent Windows from prompting you to enable new features whenever you press a certain key sequence. To get rid of these suggestions, you will have to dive even deeper into the settings.

Click the link Set Up Sticky Keys to go to the window " Set Up Sticky Keys. In this window you need to uncheck not only the item « Enable Sticky Keys» ,

but also from the point “Turn on Sticky Keys when SHIFT Is Pressed Five Times”.

Then Windows will stop prompting you to enable this feature.

When everything is ready, save the settings made by clicking "Apply". Close window with button "OK ".

Method 2. Lightweight

To disable the Sticky Keys feature you need to do simple steps:

When you press the left key five times quickly in Windows XP a dialog box appears asking you to enable Sticky keys

After pressing the button "Options" a window opens immediately "Special abilities" . Next, we work with this window, as in the first method.

For Windows 7, a dialog box asking you to enable Sticky Keys will look like this:

Or a window Sticky Keys for English version:

3. The Sticky Keys settings window appears.

6. We enjoy working in Windows or playing our favorite game.

Disabling the Input Filtering feature

You disabled the Sticky Keys feature, but the problem still persists; there are still typing delays. Perhaps the point is that in addition to sticky keys, the mode may be turned on "Input filtering"

Filter Keys, turns on when pressed and held right key for more than 8 seconds.

To turn it off,

For Windows XP :

Let's go Start>>>Control Panel>>>Accessibility >>>Keyboard.

In chapter Input filtering remove the marker from the field opposite the inscription "Filtration".

Click the button Setting, to open the Filtering Options dialog box. Uncheck the box “Enable filtering mode: hold down the SHIFT key on the right for 8 seconds” Click OK, then Apply and close the window by clicking OK or X

For Windows 7:

Let's go Start>>>Control Panel>>>Accessibility Center

In the window “Make the keyboard easier to use” uncheck the section “Enable input filtering”:

- “Turn on Filter Keys when Right SHIFT Is Pressed for 8 Seconds”

Click Apply, close the window by pressing OK

Well, one last thing:

How to turn off the Sticky Keys alert

If you want to keep Sticky Keys active but only want to turn off the distracting beeping sound your computer makes,

That For Windows 7 check the box " Enable Sticky Keys" leave / or put and click on the blue link "Setting Sticky Keys".

In the window that appears, uncheck the box next to the option at the very bottom « Sound signal when pressing CTRL, ALT and SHIFT",

then click Apply, then OK and close the control panel.

For Windows XP this action will look like this:

You can also uncheck “Use this way of inclusion” V Settings section “Sounding mode switching”
This way you will not disable sticky keys, but will remove the annoying sound.

That seems to be all I wanted to say about such Windows functions as "Sticky Keys" And " Input filtering". If you don't need these special features, disabling these two options will save you from intrusive operating system suggestions and annoying beeping from the speaker.

Based on materials from,, www.nb1000.

All versions of Windows, starting with XP, have the Sticky Keys feature. Undoubtedly, it will be useful for some users: You are a beginner and are just learning how to use a computer, or any other reason why a person cannot press several keys at the same time.

But if you are an ordinary user who is used to working at a computer in normal mode, then you do not need this function. In addition, for those who play games or do a lot of typing, it may even get in the way. For example, a window will appear asking you to enable sticky mode when you press Shift five times. And when the mode is turned on, the system emits a characteristic squeak when certain keys are pressed.

So let's figure out how we can disable sticky keys in windows. For all versions of the operating system, you need to perform almost the same steps. I will show you using Windows 7 as an example.

Open the Start menu and go to "Control Panel".

Here we put in the view field "Large Icons" and look for the item "Ease of Access Center".

Now find the item in the list “Make the keyboard easier to use” and click on it.

As you can see, the boxes are ticked "Enable Sticky Keys" And "Enable input filtering" are not worth it, but this means that they are simply not active at the moment. If there are checkboxes, remove them.

To turn off Sticky Keys completely, click "Setting Sticky Keys".

In the next window you need to uncheck the box “Turn on Sticky Keys when you press the Shift key five times”. Click Apply and OK.

Likewise, go to “Setting input filtering”. Uncheck the box “Enable input filtering mode when holding the right Shift key for more than 8 seconds”.

There is another way to open the “Make the keyboard easier to use” window: press Shift 5 times in a row, and in the next window follow the suggested link.

After you uncheck the described items, the window in the picture above will no longer appear if you accidentally hold or press the Shift key. And this will mean that you have managed to remove the sticky keys function on your computer.

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Sticky keys are when you hold down Shift, Alt or Ctrl for a long time. Most often Shift gets stuck, especially in games, since a person often presses it during the process. In this case, the key stops working and the computer makes an unpleasant sound, like a squeak.

Sticky is enabled by default on the system and is used to enable special teams by pressing the keys not simultaneously, but sequentially, for example, +R, which open the Run line.

But constant pop-up windows and the inability of stuck keys greatly interfere with users’ work or play, so many people prefer to disable this feature so that nothing distracts them. Especially the nasty sound.

How to disable

First you need to open the Panel Windows management, then select a category "Ease of Access Center". Or just press +U. Next, select the item “Make the keyboard easier to use”. A new window will open, where among the sections there is an item "Make typing easier". You need to uncheck all the boxes and save the changes.

If you don’t want to turn off sticky keys, you can simply turn off the beep so that it doesn’t get on your nerves. To do this, click on “Setting input filtering”. At the very bottom of the window, uncheck the box next to "Beep when pressing keys" and don't forget to save the changes.

In addition to muting the sound, you can configure other settings. For example, disable the pop-up window that prompts you to go to settings after pressing Shift five times. In some cases, a constantly appearing window will only get in the way.

For those who like to play, a problem may arise when holding Shift for more than eight seconds. A window appears, the key stops working at the most crucial moment and because of this you can complete the level for a very long time.

Therefore, to avoid problems, simply disable this function in the same settings. Now sticking keys will not bother you and you can completely immerse yourself in the gameplay. "Sticky Keys".

In Windows 8, you can disable the function in another way. Click on Start and select Settings. In the menu, select the “Keyboard” item and move the slider to the non-working position opposite the item

But the method of disabling it through Accessibility in Windows 8 will work. What to use is at the discretion of the user.

It so happens that features added by developers with good intentions sometimes only get in the way and make things worse. So, everyone who has ever played games on a computer has encountered the annoying “stuck keys” message. Of course, if some people don’t like it, it doesn’t have to be, then others don’t either. In this article we will figure out how to enable or disable sticky keys, and then you can decide for yourself whether you need it or not. Let's get started. Go!

From time to time, users need this The considered methods will differ depending on one or another version of the operating system. Windows systems

. Now more about each of them. The Ease of Access Center has many

useful parameters For those users who have Windows 7 installed, you need to open the “Control Panel” and go to the “Ease of Access Center”. In the window that appears, click on the item “Make the keyboard easier to use.” After this, mark with birds (or, on the contrary, remove them) required options

in the sections “Configuring Sticky Keys” and “Configuring Input Filtering”. If you want to get rid of the annoying message, be sure to uncheck the option to enable this function when you press Shift five times. You should also do the same with the mode for enabling input filtering when holding Shift for more than eight seconds. The system allows you to do

detailed setup For users using windows 8 or 8.1, it will be relevant next way

: 1. Open Settings (via the Start menu or the taskbar).

2. Select Change PC settings.

3. Go to the Keyboard tab. 4. In the section " Useful keys

» enable or disable the desired options. Alternative option

However, if after these steps a message still pops up, do everything exactly the same as in the method for Windows 7.

The Eight and Seven have general principles work

Now you can always easily enable or disable sticky buttons, depending on whether you need this function or not. This is how you can get rid of that annoying pop-up window in just a couple of minutes. Write in the comments whether this article was useful to you, and ask questions about the topic discussed.

How to disable Sticky Keys?

For those who are not yet aware, the Sticky Keys feature was created for those users who find it difficult or simply impossible to hold down multiple keys. For example, if you want to copy text using the keyboard, that is, by pressing the CTRL+C key combination, you can simply press them in sequence if this function is enabled.

Most often, turning on the sticky keys function occurs accidentally - for this, for example, you can press the Shift key several times. In principle, there would be nothing wrong with this, if not for one detail - the computer makes a terrible squeak that no one likes. And if turning on a function is as easy as shelling pears, turning it off is not so easy.

How to disable Sticky Keys on Windows 7

  • In order to disable sticky keys, you need to press the Shift key several times (5). If this does not help, try holding down the Shift key for 10 seconds - a window with the “Ease of Access Center” section should appear in front of you. If this does not help, then proceed as follows.
  • Open the control panel using the "Start" button. And we find the “Ease of Access Center” section.

  • A window with various parameters opens. At the moment, we are only interested in one parameter - “Make the keyboard easier to use.”

  • Another window opens. Here we look for the link “Setting Sticky Keys”, leave the rest alone.
  • Now we uncheck the box next to “Enable sticky keys when pressing the Shift key five times.”
  • After this, do not forget to click on the OK button to confirm your intentions.

How to disable Sticky Keys in Windows XP

If you are using the Windows XP operating system, disabling sticky behavior will not be any more difficult, but rather even easier.

  • First of all, press Shift five times.
  • A window will appear in front of you in which it will be written that: “Pressing the Shift key five times turns on the sticky keys mode...”. Select the “Options” item.
  • The “Accessibility” settings window has opened, only unlike Windows 7 it will be slightly different. It doesn't matter.
  • In the “Keyboard” tab, next to the “Sticky Keys” item, select “Settings” and in the new window, uncheck the box next to “Use this activation method.”
  • Be sure to click on the OK button to save the changes.

That's all, actually. Problem solved.

P.S. Screenshots for Windows XP will be added if possible.

How to disable Sticky Keys mode

  • Shutdown

During gameplay or use windows program suggests enabling sticky keys on your laptop. That is, replace a series of presses of the same key with just one touch. But even if the user refuses to activate this option - in the window with the request “Do you want to enable...?” clicks “No” - Windows still requests the sticky key again after a while. This “phenomenon” interferes with work and play and causes discomfort. However, you can get rid of it by disabling sticky keys in the standard system settings. Read more about how this procedure is performed in this review.


Note. The guide on how to disable Sticky Keys is applicable for Windows 7 and later versions. The execution of operations is discussed in the “seven”.

1. Open Start, select Control Panel.

2. In the “View” column, set “Large icons”.

3. Click the “Specialty Center...” section.

4. Scroll the list of options down a little with your mouse.

5. Click “Make the keyboard easier to use”, the option responsible for the sticky keys (buttons) mode.

Note. The same panel contains a group of mouse function settings.

6. If there are checkboxes in the “... Sticky Keys”, “On... Filtering...” boxes, remove them with a mouse click.

7. Click “Sticky Settings...”.

8. Uncheck the “checkbox” in the add-on “…. with five times ... the SHIFT key.

9. Click “Apply” and “OK”. Return to “Make your work easier...” (use the “arrow” button located at the top of the window).

10. Click “Filtering settings...”.

11. Uncheck the “... SHIFT for more than 8 seconds” line.

Alternative option in windows 8

1. Place the cursor in right side desktop so that the settings panel opens.

2. Click: Settings → Change settings….

3. Click: Special... → Keyboard.

4. In the “Useful Keys” list, “Sticky...” block, click the slider to “Off.”

After completing these settings, the intrusive request to enable the option will no longer appear. Enjoy your laptop!

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How to disable sticky keys in different operating systems

It happens that while working at the computer, you press a certain button several times and then suffer from not the most pleasant sounds. Or you come across a system window that asks you to enable Sticky Keys. You can simply click no and continue working, but better let’s figure out why this mode is turned on, what it is for, and how we can completely disable it.

What is this mode for?

This mode, which can be activated by pressing the Shift key five times, is necessary for people with disabilities. As you can easily guess from the description, it creates some delay after pressing the keys. This is necessary so that, not being able to press several buttons at the same time, the disabled person can activate them one by one and the keys entered in succession will be recognized by the computer as their simultaneous combination.

For example, calling the task manager with the combination Ctrl+Alt+Del or even simply changing the language by pressing Alt+Shift may not be the easiest task for people with disabilities. But sticky keys will allow them to simply press the required buttons one by one.

However, most users do not need this feature. But since the sticky call is enabled in the system by default, from time to time you will accidentally encounter annoying window triggering Sticky Keys, or even accidentally turning it on. Therefore, let’s figure out how to disable sticky keys in the system.

Why Sticky Keys Trigger Involuntarily During Games

The fact is that games sometimes require us to press the same button several times in a row. And if it turns out to be a button that, when pressed again, is used to enable Sticky Keys, it ends up with the game being minimized and the corresponding window appearing. Of course, this is very unpleasant and because of this, you may lose your game progress (if the game did not pause when minimizing).

How to disable sticky keys on the keyboard in the Windows operating system

How to remove on windows XP

In this far from the most modern operating system, disabling sticky keys is quite simple. We do the following:

How to turn it off on Windows 7

Disabling Sticky Keys will be a little more difficult on this operating system. We do the following:

On windows 8 and its versions

The method for disabling sticky keys in Windows 8 and all its versions completely repeats the method that we used in Windows 7. However, in this operating system there is another method that may seem easier and more convenient to you. So, we take the following steps:

How to disable Sticky Keys on Windows 10

So we got to the newest operating system. Changes in disabling sticky keys are minimal here, but they are still there. We do the following:

After following these instructions, Sticky Keys in Windows 10 will be disabled.

Video: Disabling Sticky Keys

Now you know what the sticky keys feature on your computer is used for, and how to disable it. This feature, which is useless for most users, will no longer distract you and the utility designed to enable sticky will not bother you while working or having fun.

How to disable sticky keys on Windows 7?

Good day, dear friends, today I will show you how to disable sticky keys on Windows 7, but first, I will tell you what it is and what it is for.

Sticky keys are a special feature of the operating room. windows systems, which serves to ensure that a user typing a command, for example, to change the keyboard layout, can press the keys not simultaneously, but one by one.

This feature is very useful for novice users, since they are the ones who often have problems typing commands that contain 2 or more hotkeys, but if you are not one of these users, you can disable it. Another useful one Windows function 7 is an on-screen keyboard, you can find out more about it by going to the article about the call on-screen keyboard. So, you need to open the Start menu > Control Panel > Accessibility > Ease of Access Center and in the window that opens, select “Make the keyboard easier to use.”
Now, you must uncheck the “enable sticky keys” checkbox and this will disable this feature.
But if you suddenly need to turn it back on, I recommend that you make the settings so that it turns on when you press the “Shift” button five times. To do this, go to the “setting up sticky keys” section, check the box marked with a red arrow and don’t forget to save the settings. And that's all for me, but before finishing this guide, I would like to recommend you an article about another useful windows functions, which allows you to control the mouse from the keyboard, in it you will learn how to control the cursor if the mouse suddenly stops working.

Now you know how to disable Sticky Keys on Windows 7, and also how to enable it back. And it’s time for me to say goodbye to you, bye everyone and see you soon.