How to find out the password for VK on Android - find everything that is hidden. Storing user passwords in Google Chrome on Android

If you have forgotten your network pass and because of this you cannot connect other devices to it, and you do not have access to your computer, our instructions on how to view the WiFi password on Android will help you.

With their help, you can find out all the necessary information, having only a smartphone or tablet running Android OS.

Method 1: Browse using the file system

The fastest way to find out the code word is to look it up using the mobile gadget system.

Please note that this method can only be performed if the smartphone was previously connected to a specific router.

Android works on the same principle as Unix systems. The basis for constructing all system functions are individual configuration indicators, which contain the necessary operating system settings.

All of them are also stored in certain configuration options. Any user whose phone has root rights can view them.

In OS versions without superuser rights, users will not be able to view system configurations. Follow the instructions:

  • Go to Explorer. It is recommended to use Total File Commander or ES File Explorer, as these programs are able to display all types of data that are in the device’s memory;
  • In the main Explorer window, select “Phone built-in memory” (not SD card);
  • Go to the directory data/misc/wifi/;
  • In the folder that opens, find wpa_supplicant.conf. In earlier versions of the Android OS, it may have names consisting only of numbers, so simply open several objects with the .CONF extension until you find a document with the desired content.

Open the found file. Its contents will appear in the console as follows:

The file contains the network name and all the parameters necessary for the connection.

The “PSK” line indicates the password value. In this case, the code word for connecting to the Wi-Fi network WLAN_P6 will be “abcdoorioo”.

It will indicate the parameters for all routers ever connected to the phone.

Method 2: Using a Browser

This method does not require superuser rights on the smart device.

To complete the task, you only need a browser and a connection to the global network.

This method is similar to how you can view Wi-Fi data on a regular computer.

Follow the instructions:

  • Connect to the router you want to access;
  • Now open your browser. We recommend using Chrome, Opera or Firefox. These browsers are able to easily display all the features of the settings window of different Wi-Fi models;
  • In the address bar, enter the local host address or Different models can use either of the two addresses, so enter them one by one until the authorization window appears in the browser (terms “login” and “password”);
  • Enter login– admin and password– admin. If the login data pair does not match, look at the required value on the bottom panel of the router and try again;
  • After successful authorization in the browser, the settings window will open. Go to the “Security” tab. There you can view the key and change it.

Please note that settings opened in the browser will help you change the existing key and a number of other router settings only using a smartphone or tablet.

Method 3: Using third-party programs

You can view the configuration of individual networks using third-party programs.

They allow you not to search for system files yourself. All the necessary information about it will be presented in the application and conveniently presented in the form of a table.

WiFi Key Recovery is one such utility. The main window of the application displays information about the name of the smartphone manufacturer and the exact time of the last update of the configuration files.

The utility opens information about Wi-Fi automatically. The user can search for a specific connection using the search text field.

Simply enter the name of the required network so that it rises to the first place in the list of connections.

Each connection is divided into separate blocks, each of which has the following parameters:

  • SSID– the name of the previously used router;
  • PSK– the required password string;
  • KEY MGMT– the name of the type of encryption that is used in a particular network.

Viewing the Wi-Fi key on Android will allow you to quickly find out information for logging into the router’s network.

This way, you can connect other gadgets without using a computer to view the key.

Thematic videos:

I've been using the amazing password storage service LastPass for years and find it to be the best of its kind. However, for the Android platform, this service only offers a paid option, which is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to extract your passwords from LastPass, transfer them to Android and organize their secure storage and convenient use.

1. Export passwords from LastPass

Retrieving your passwords from this service is very simple, the process only takes a few clicks. To do this, you need to go to the service’s web interface and select “Export” in the main menu. After this, you need to specify the file name and location to save it on your computer.

2. Convert LastPass passwords to KeePass passwords

To work with passwords on a mobile device, we will use the program. It has clients for almost all platforms, has proven itself in terms of security, is convenient and free. But before you transfer your passwords to your mobile device, you need to convert them into a form that this program can understand. This feature exists in the desktop version of KeePass.

Install KeePass on your computer and create a new password database using one of your Dropbox folders as the location. Then import your LastPass password file into the password database you created.

3. Keepass2Android

Once your passwords are in a form KeePass can understand, you can transfer them directly to your mobile device. To do this, it is best to use the Keepass2Android mobile client, which can synchronize your password database via Dropbox. Install this program, and then open the password database you created earlier.

4. Automatically fill passwords

One of the most convenient features of LastPass is the ability to automatically fill in credentials on saved sites. Keepass2Android also has a similar function, although it is implemented a little differently. The program has a special keyboard with which passwords are entered. This happens as follows.

  1. You open the login page in your browser (almost all Android browsers are supported).
  2. Using the “Send” menu, you forward this page to Keepass2Android. The program finds a password suitable for this page in its database.
  3. Then you are prompted to select a keyboard. Select the Keepass2Android option.
  4. A special keyboard appears, on which, using special keys, you can enter your login and password for the open page in the required fields in one click.

Now you will have on your mobile gadget a well-protected and synchronized database containing all your passwords. In addition, we get the opportunity to conveniently enter passwords using a special keyboard, which allows you to very quickly and conveniently log into the sites you need.

Where the specimens in question were actually found.


Two years ago, on October 21, 2008, the Android mobile platform ceased to be just a virtual basis for developers and entered the real world in the form of the T-Mobile G1 (HTC Dream) communicator. Since its first release, the system has undergone many changes, both in the quality of the code and in the number of features provided to it. However, as some Khabrovites rightly noted, the quality and popularity of the platform depend not only on the intensity of its development and the quality of its own code, but also on the applications that it allows you to use.

In addition, if you like to pay attention to small details, you might have noticed that Android, as an operating system, quickly gained great popularity not only among ordinary users, but also among mobile device manufacturers - after all, they quickly began to produce business communicators. class.
Be careful, there are a lot of screenshots!

Nobody's perfect

However, the main difference between Android devices and business-class communicators is the ability to actively use Internet services, not only those provided by the main developer - Google, but also many others. All this leads platform users to the need to store a lot of personal data - not only the PIN codes of their bank cards, but also a lot of passwords. For a long time I myself stored passwords in a “simple” notebook - AK Notepad, but now I want to look at applications that allow you to do this more correctly - encrypting information that is not intended for strangers.


List of candidates selected for consideration:

When launched for the first time, KeePasDroid prompts the user to create a new or open an existing password database:

KeepPassDroid. Rice. 1. Creating/selecting a database for passwords.

I was running this application for the first time, so the database needed to be created:

KeepPassDroid. Rice. 2. Enter the master password.

Optionally, KeePassDroid also offers to use a key file instead of a password. I rarely use files for authorization (the exception is SSH connections), so I entered the usual master password.

Without further questions, the application showed me a list of two groups with a single button “Add group”, which I did not fail to do:

KeepPassDroid. Rice. 3. List of groups with the “Social Networks” group I created.

Unfortunately, at first I did not notice that the group icon is selected when creating it, and changing the icon of an already created group is not provided in KeePassDroid:

KeePassDroid has one nice feature - creating nested groups. Therefore, sorting passwords and dividing them into groups and subgroups is limited only by the flight of your imagination :)

So, within the “Social Networks” group that emerged, I decided to create a single element - to save the password for my Facebook account. It turned out to be quite simple - inside the group you need to click the “Add entry” button, which is what I did:

After adding an element, the group looks like this:

Inside the element, you can see the information you entered earlier. The password is displayed in dots - in clear form you will not recognize it even when editing the element. Instead, KeePassDroid prompts you to copy the password to your clipboard by placing this prompt in the system notification area. But for some reason, twice According to user @pr0tey, in the first line the application prompts you to copy your login, in the second - your password (Fig. 9).

KeepPassDroid. Rice. 10. Program menu. KeepPassDroid. Rice. 11. Settings.

The program menu (Fig. 10), in my opinion, has sufficient and necessary functionality - searching for existing elements, changing the master password and program settings, which somehow reminded me of the settings of the TrueCrypt program (Fig. 11). KeePassDroid allows you to store or not store the history of the key file, storage time in the clipboard, hide or not hide the password, and so on. Overall, my impressions of the application are positive.

2. B-Folders

Official website

It seems that creating a database when running applications for storing sensitive information is some kind of unspoken standard among Android platform developers

The B-Folders application does not deviate from this standard, and upon first launch the user sees a standard offer:

B-Folders. Rice. 1. Creating a database for passwords.

When creating a database, the user has the opportunity to specify the location of its storage (in the internal memory of the phone or on the SD card), set a password, and also specify the time after which the database will be closed if not used. To open it, you will have to enter the password again.

Unfortunately, at the time of creating the database, B-Folders “pleased” me with an unpleasant screen, but after a restart it continued to work:

B-Folders. Rice. 2. The application closed unexpectedly.

When first launched, the application developers notify their users about new program features using a pop-up window:

B-Folders. Rice. 3. Notification of new features.

The notification states that the program now has the ability to create a database on an SD card, as well as synchronize it using a USB cable, in addition to the previously existing ways to do this over the network. Personally, I don’t like such notifications and believe that the list of program features could simply be placed in the “help” section or something similar.

Creating a new item in B-Folders is easy - you just need to click on the “New Item” button, after which the program will give you the following choice:

B-Folder. Rice. 4. List of created elements.

As always, I create a folder (group, category) “social network” (Fig. 5), inside it there is an element “Login Password” (Fig. 6)

Just like KeePassDroid, B-Folders allows you to create elements inside other elements, and most importantly, subfolders. This gives the user greater freedom in the distribution of their elements.

While working with the program, a strange feature was discovered. B-Folders for some reason closes the password database when you click on the Back or Home buttons and thus you will have to enter the master password every time if you just want to switch between B-Folders and the browser. In my opinion, this is not very convenient.

To finish the description, I will say the following. B-Folders has a strong point - the ability to synchronize with a desktop computer, however, I am not too keen on programs that store my passwords and, at the same time, have uncontrolled access to the Internet.

In general, the impression is positive, but I would also like to wish the authors to make the application more stable.

3.Handy Safe Pro

Official website

When first launched, the application honestly warns the user that a fully functional free version is available for a period of 14 days (Fig. 1.)

Handy Safe Pro. Rice. 1. Trial Warning. Handy Safe Pro. Rice. 2. Creation of a new database.

The next step - according to an already established tradition - is the creation of a database for storing secret information (Fig. 2.). After this procedure, Handy Safe Pro shows a screen with a preset set of beautiful folders, which, however, does not interest me - because I again create a “social networks” folder in order to place the “Facebook” element there :)

When adding a new element to the “social network” folder, the application showed a very modest list of three elements - Card, Template and Folder, but then:

Handy Safe Pro. Rice. 5. Sets of elements.

Oh yes! The developers provided me with a list of the most popular Internet services, among which my favorite Facebook stood out with a large and beautiful icon!

Filling out information about an element is reminiscent of the previously discussed programs, but the information to fill out is not limited to a fixed number of fields - you are free to add as much contact information as you want. The only thing that seemed a little strange to me is that a regular text field is used to enter the password, which is still somewhat strange for such an application.

However, when viewing information about an element, the entered information appears to the user as needed (Fig. 8) and is revealed only after clicking the “Show Password” button (Fig. 9):

While viewing detailed information, you also have the opportunity to copy the password to the clipboard.

Handy Safe Pro. Rice. 10. Program menu. Handy Safe Pro. Rice. 11. Settings.

Handy Safe Pro, like B-Folders, has the ability to synchronize data with a desktop computer, however, your data will not be transferred over the Internet.

4. Password Master

Official website

Password Master is perhaps the strangest of all the programs discussed in this review.

Well, in a family with its share of black sheep, someone still had to stand out from the crowd. Traditional database creation is represented by entering a master password, which can only be a combination of numbers. Personally, I don't think this is very secure, however, some may like the simplified entry of information for a mobile device. Who knows... Another oddity of this application was the screen asking you to indicate your main mailbox. The main role of the mailbox is the ability to recover the master password if you suddenly forget it. Of course, this is again convenience at the expense of safety.

When creating an element, Password Master, unfortunately, does not provide the ability to create your own categories, so I had to create the “Facebook” element as is, assigning it the “Internet” category, instead of the “social network” category that I already liked.

The password is written in a regular text field, after which one gets the impression that the developers of this software product do not care about security at all.

The appearance of the elements depends directly on the selected category:

Password Master. Rice. 5. Added Facebook.

The settings of this application are unremarkable, so I won’t dwell on them. The impressions from the program are very mixed, although perhaps it will appeal to those who like very simple software.

5. OI Safe

Official website

Working with OI Safe is similar to working with previous applications - it all starts with entering the master password (Fig. 1) and a warning that you need to save the key (Fig. 2):

After accepting the user agreement in OI Safe, as in KeePassDroid, the user sees a list of two preset categories - Business and Personal. Unfortunately, I made a mistake and decided to create a “Facebook” element inside the Personal category. Noticing the error, I canceled the creation, but OI Safe added an empty element to the category (Fig. 3.4):

The second disadvantage of this action is the inability to assign icons to elements or categories.

The program menu (Fig. 4.) seems very modest unless you select the “More” item (Fig. 7).

The program settings are also similar to KeePassDroid, and just like KeePassDroid, OI Safe does not support synchronizing user data with a desktop computer.

My strange conclusion

I looked at a small cross-section, just one area of ​​programs presented in the Android Market, and in my humble opinion, the set of existing applications is quite capable of satisfying many users. But will you agree with me or not?


  • android
  • password storage
  • android market
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Let's imagine the following situation. We find a smartphone running Android 4.1–4.4 (or CyanogenMod 10–11) and instead of returning it to the owner, we decide to keep it and extract all the confidential information we can from it. We will try to do all this without specialized tools such as various systems for directly taking a dump from NAND memory or hardware devices for removing S-ON and so that the owner does not find out what we are doing and cannot remotely find or block the device. Let me make a reservation right away that this is not a guide to action at all, but a way to explore the security of smartphones and provide information to those who want to protect their data.


All information is provided for informational purposes only. Neither the author nor the editors are responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials of this article.

Priority actions

So, we got our hands on someone else’s smartphone. It doesn’t matter how, it’s important that we already have it. The first thing we must do is to disconnect it from the cellular network as quickly as possible, that is, following the commandment of the Gopniks, remove and throw away the SIM card. However, I would recommend doing this only if the SIM card can be removed without turning off the smartphone, that is, either by carefully lifting the battery, or through the side slot if it is a smartphone with a non-removable battery (Nexus 4/5, for example). In all other cases, it is better to limit yourself to turning on airplane mode, since it is quite possible that the encryption mode for user data is activated in Android and, after turning it off, the smartphone will be locked until the encryption key is entered.

Also, under no circumstances should you connect your smartphone to any Wi-Fi network, as it is possible that the tracking software installed on it (and Android 4.4.1 already has it built in) will immediately start working and you may run into “ a chance meeting with the owner and his friends (you don’t have to worry about the police, they will send such a victim). I would cover the front camera with something just in case, perhaps it is taking pictures now and they will be sent at the first opportunity.

Lock screen

Now that we have secured our person, we can begin the excavations. The first obstacle we'll have to get around is the lock screen. In 95% of cases it will not have protection, but we cannot forget about the remaining five percent.

There are three main types of secure lock screen in Android. This is a four-digit PIN code, a pattern or a face photo. To unlock the first two, a total of twenty attempts are given, divided into five pieces with a “minute of rest” between them. There are several attempts to unlock using a face photo, after which the smartphone switches to a PIN code. In all three cases, after all attempts fail, the smartphone is locked and asks for the Google password.

Our task is to try to bypass the lock screen so as not to fall back on the Google password, which we definitely won’t be able to guess. The easiest way to do this is using a USB and ADB connection:

$ adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key

Or like this:

$ adb shell $ cd /data/data/ $ sqlite3 settings.db > update system set value=0 where name="lock_pattern_autolock"; > update system set value=0 where name="lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently"; >.quit

However, this method has two problems. It requires root rights and will not work in Android 4.3 and higher, since access to ADB requires confirmation from the device, which is impossible to do when the screen is locked. Moreover, ADB access can be disabled in the settings.

We can go down a level and use the recovery console to delete the lock key file. To do this, just reboot into the recovery console (switch off + power on while holding down the volume up key) and flash the following file. It contains a script that will delete /data/system/gesture.key and remove the lock without disrupting the current firmware.

The problem with this approach is the dependence on a custom recovery console. The stock console simply will not accept the file as signed with an incorrect digital signature. In addition, if data encryption is activated, the phone will be locked during the next boot and can only be saved by completely deleting all data, which goes against our goal.

An even lower level is fastboot, that is, manipulation of the device at the bootloader level. The beauty of this method is that the unlocked bootloader allows you to do anything with the device, including downloading and installing a custom recovery console. To do this, just turn off the smartphone (again, we make allowances for data encryption) and turn it on in bootloader mode using the power button + “volume down”. After this, you can connect to the device using the fastboot client:

$fastboot devices

Now we download the “raw” image of the custom recovery console (with the img extension) for “our” device and try to download it without installation:

$ fastboot boot cwm-recovery.img

If the bootloader of the device is unlocked, the smartphone will reboot into the console, through which you can activate the ADB mode, use it to download the “update”, the link to which is given above, and flash it. Next, it will be enough to reboot to get full access to the smartphone. By the way, if you become the owner of one of the Nexus devices, you can easily unlock its bootloader like this:

$ fastboot oem unlock

But this is just food for thought, since the unlocking operation automatically resets the device to factory settings.

Now let’s talk about what to do if all these methods don’t work. In this case, you can try to find a bug in the lock screen itself. Surprisingly, despite the absence of such in pure Android, they are quite often found in the lock screens of proprietary firmware from the manufacturer. For example, the Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy S 3 running Android 4.1.2 once had a funny bug that allowed you to briefly access the desktop by simply pressing the Emergency button, then the ICE button (bottom left in dialer) and finally the Home button. After this, the desktop appeared for literally half a second, which was quite enough to remove the lock.

An even dumber bug was found in the Xperia Z: you could dial a code on the emergency dialer to enter the engineering menu ( # #7378423## ), use it to get to the NFC Diag Test menu and then go to the desktop by pressing the “Home” button. It’s very difficult for me to imagine how such wild bugs could appear, but they exist.

As for bypassing the pattern, everything is quite simple. It can be disabled in the same way as the PIN code, but there are two additional options. Firstly, even despite the impressive number of possible key options, people, due to their psychology, most often choose a key that is similar to one of the letters of the Latin alphabet, that is, the same Z, U, G, number 7, and so on, which reduces the number There are dozens of possibilities. Secondly, when entering a key, your finger leaves a not at all illusory mark on the screen, which, even blurred, is quite easy to guess. However, the last minus can be easily offset by a protective matte film, on which marks simply do not remain.

Well, the last thing I would like to talk about is the so-called face control. This is the most clumsy blocking option, which, on the one hand, is very easy to bypass by simply showing the smartphone a photo of the owner, but on the other hand, it is quite difficult, since without even knowing the owner’s name, it is not possible to get his photo. Although it's certainly worth trying to take a photo of yourself, it's quite possible that you look like the previous owner.


Let's say we bypassed the lock screen. Now our actions will be aimed at getting as much information as possible from the smartphone. Let me make a reservation right away that we will not get the password for Google, services like Facebook, Twitter and credit card numbers. Neither one nor the other is simply available on a smartphone; instead of passwords, authentication tokens are used, which give access to the service only from a given smartphone, and the latter are stored on the servers of the corresponding services (Google Play, PayPal), and the same tokens are used instead.

Moreover, you won’t even be able to buy something on Google Play, since its latest versions force you to ask for a Google password with every purchase. This function, by the way, can be disabled, but even in this case the meaning of purchases will be lost, since all the content will be tied to someone else’s account.

On the other hand, we may well, if not hijack accounts completely, then at least read the user’s mail, Facebook and other personal information, and there may already be something interesting there. In this case, Gmail will give a special profit, which can be used to restore your account to other services. And if the user has not yet had time to go to the communication store to block the SIM card, then it will be possible to confirm his identity using the phone number. But you should only do this after disabling all security mechanisms (we don’t want to be tracked using anti-theft).

Removing anti-theft

All applications for tracking smartphones running Android can be divided into three groups: “trash”, “toys” and “pull”. The first ones are distinguished by the fact that they were written by college students in three hours and, in fact, are the most ordinary applications that can take data from a position sensor and send it to an unknown location. The special beauty of such software is that they are very easy to detect and remove. In fact, it is enough to go through the list of installed software, type in incomprehensible names into the search, identify anti-theft programs and remove them. This is exactly what needs to be done at the first stage.

The second type of application is something that claims to be a serious tool, but in reality is not one. Typically, such software can not only send coordinates to a remote server, but also hide itself and protect itself from deletion. The second function is usually implemented by creating the application as a service without a GUI. In this case, its icon will not be visible in the list of applications, but the application itself, of course, will hang in the background, which is easy to determine using any process manager.

Protection against deletion in such “software” is usually implemented by registering yourself as a device administrator, so the second action you need to take is to go to “Settings -> Security -> Device Administrators” and simply uncheck all the applications listed there. The system should request a PIN code or password, but if it is not already on the lock screen, then access will be granted immediately. It's funny, but Google's anti-theft, which is actually built into the OS, is disabled in exactly the same way.

Finally, the third type of application is anti-theft, which was programmed by people. The main difference between such applications is that, in addition to camouflage, they can also register themselves in the /system partition (if there is root), which makes it impossible to remove them using standard means. The only trouble is that they will still be visible in the list of processes, and to disable them, just go to “Settings -> Applications -> All”, then click on the desired application and click the “Disable” button.

That's all the protection is. This list should also include normal applications, implemented as a kernel module or at least a native Linux application, which no standard process manager will show, but for some reason I haven’t seen them yet. On the other hand, the ps and lsmod commands would still expose them (unless it was a proper backdoor), so the level of stealth would not increase much.

Root and memory dump

The next step is to take an internal memory dump. We cannot be sure that there are no bookmarks left in the phone, especially if it is proprietary firmware from HTC and Samsung, so before turning on the network it is better to save all its data on our hard drive. Otherwise, they may be deleted as a result of a remote dump.

To do this, you definitely need root rights (unless, of course, the phone is not yet rooted). How to get them is the topic of a separate article, especially since each smartphone has its own instructions. The easiest way is to find them on a thematic forum and perform them by connecting your smartphone to your computer via USB. In some cases, rooting will require a reboot, so it is better to immediately make sure that the smartphone data is not encrypted (Settings -> Security -> Encryption), otherwise after the reboot we will lose access to it.

Once root is obtained, simply copy the files to your hard drive using ADB. We are only interested in the /data and /sdcard partitions, so we do this (instructions for Linux):

$ adb root $ adb pull /data $ mkdir sdcard && cd sdcard $ adb pull /sdcard

All files will be received in the current directory. It should be taken into account that if the smartphone does not have a slot for an SD card, then the contents of the virtual memory card will be located in the /data section and the second command will simply not be needed.

What to do next with these files, only your imagination will show. First of all, you should pay attention to the contents of /data/data, all the private settings of all installed applications (including system ones) are stored there. The formats for storing this data can be completely different, but the general practice is to store it in traditional Android SQLite3 databases. They are usually located along approximately the following paths:


You can find them all using the Linux find command, running in the original directory:

$find. -name\*.db

They can contain not only personal data, but also passwords (the built-in browser stores them exactly like this, and in clear form). You just need to download any graphical database manager SQLite3 and enter the password string in its search field.

Application Research

Now we can finally disable airplane mode so that the smartphone can communicate with Google services and other sites. There should no longer be a SIM card in it, and location determination (including by IP) can be disabled in “Settings -> Location”. After this, it will no longer be possible to track us.

What to do next? Go through correspondence in Gmail, find passwords. Particularly scrupulous people even create a special folder for letters with passwords and confidential information. You can also try to request a password change on services with confirmation via email, but in the case of Google, Facebook, PayPal and other normal services this will only work if you have a phone number, for which you will have to return the SIM card to its place.

In general, everything is standard here. We have an email, perhaps a phone number, but no passwords for services. All this should be enough to hijack many accounts, but whether it is necessary or not is a more serious question. The same PayPal or WebMoney account is extremely difficult to restore even for the owner himself, and the information received here will clearly not be enough. The point of hijacking accounts from Odnoklassniki and other similar sites is very questionable.

You can clear the /system partition of possible bookmarks by simply reinstalling the firmware. Moreover, it is better to use an unofficial one and flash it through the standard recovery console. In this case, the anti-thief will not be able to backup itself using the functions of the custom console.


In no way do I advocate doing what is described in this article. The information it contains, on the contrary, is intended for people who want to protect their data. And here they can draw several obvious conclusions for themselves.

  • First: to protect information on a smartphone, just three simple mechanisms already built into the smartphone are enough: a password on the lock screen, data encryption and disabled ADB. Activated together, they will completely cut off all access paths to the device.
  • Second: having anti-theft on your smartphone is a very good idea, but you should not rely on it 100%. The best it can provide is the ability to delete data if it gets caught by a less than smart thief.
  • And thirdly, the most obvious: immediately after losing your smartphone, you need to revoke your Google password, change passwords for all services and block your SIM card.

Where are passwords stored in phones based onAndroid?

Almost every owner of a social network account or a well-known email has forgotten their password. In most cases, finding out a forgotten password is quite simple, since many social networks offer the ability to recover a password by sending an instant message to the subscriber number or email specified during registration. Some sites likemail. ru, they offer to recover the password using a code question, the answer to which the user indicated during registration.But there are often times when password recovery seems impossible. This happens when data such as email address and phone numbers are lost. For example, a user has forgotten his password for his VKontakte account, but cannot send the code by message, since the number is already linked to another page, and the email account has long been abandoned. In this case, you have to fill out a large form for recovery, starting with specifying your passport data up to sending a photo of the monitor with a completed page (to prove that you are not a robot).But, as it turned out, the owner of the phonesAndroid, it is much easier to recover a password if you know where passwords are stored in Android. To do this, just follow the instructions below.

How to find passwords for applications and browsers in Android

- LoadingonPlay MarketapplicationRoot Manager.This application is necessary so that the database search program, which you will need to download later, works without failures. It takes up little memory, so anyone can download it. If the application is not compatible with your phone, you must search using your device model. Enter in the search bar “RootManager( phone model name)".

- Then we download another SQLite Editor application, the work of which will be interconnected with the previously installed oneRoot. This application is really very useful for every userAndroid. The application instantly scans the device for the presence of a database and shows a list of all applications that contain the database. To find the required password, first we search the databases, and then select the required one from the listbrowser or application, (depending on the case). After selecting, a menu appears where you need to click “webview. Db". Finally, a table is shown indicating passwords and other stored data in the application, that is, what we were looking for.