What size should the canvas in sai be? Blurring with a soft brush

Paint tool SAI is a very easy to learn and use program. It doesn't take up much space on your computer, but it gives you a lot of tools and additional features for those who love to create raster images. Even a “teapot” can master SAI. The program is much easier than Photoshop. All you need is a desire to draw.

How to draw in Paint tool SAI - basic tools

For those who have decided to engage in creativity for the first time and do not know the English names of instruments, there is no way to skip this point. Be sure to learn the names of the tools so you know what you should be using when drawing in SAI.


  • Pen (Pen);
  • Airbrush;
  • Brush;
  • Watercolor (Watercolor);
  • Eraser;
  • Marker;
  • Eraser;
  • Binary pen;
  • Fill (Bucket).

How to draw in Paint tool SAI – beginning

First, install the program on your computer. Having launched it, click on “File” - “New”. Set the size of the canvas (your work surface where you will draw), give your drawing a name and click “Ok”. You will see a sheet of white “paper” - a canvas. To understand how the Sai program works, you don't need to use all the tools. As a beginner, you will need Pen tool and an Eraser to erase your mistakes.

How to draw in Paint tool SAI - more about the Pen tool

To understand the principle of drawing with this tool, imagine that you are drawing with a pencil on paper. You choose the color of the pencil and its thickness. If you press harder on the pencil, you will get a bold line; if you press lightly, you will get a barely noticeable line. In Sai, on the left panel you select the color of the Pen tool, at the bottom you can adjust its size and density.

How to draw in Paint tool SAI - the better to draw

So, you understand where to start, and this is already half the battle. Is it possible to draw with a mouse in Sai? You can, but the drawing will not be as smooth and realistic. It is difficult to draw a long smooth line with a mouse. If you are working on a large drawing, it is better to use special drawing tablets. In the picture you can see what can be drawn using only the Pen tool and Eraser. Playing with the density of the tool helps in creating shadows and highlights in the drawing. With other tools the principle of operation will be the same. The type of line itself will differ. The Brush brush draws lines that are blurry at the edges, the Binary brush produces a hard line, the Marker gives the effect of a clear and beautiful line. Try to compare these tools yourself, so you will understand what you have to work with.

How to draw in Paint tool SAI - layers

Drawing in Sai has its own small “difficulties”. On the right side of the panel you will see a panel where your layers will be lined up in turn. Why do you need this? If you draw everything on one layer, then you will no longer have the freedom to change your image. If you are drawing, for example, a smiley face, then try drawing a yellow body on one layer, eyes on another layer, and a smile on the third. What will this give you? You'll want to turn the happy into a sad emoji. You will not need to erase your lips with an eraser or sketch the body again in yellow. You simply turn off the layer you don’t need (the eye symbol opposite the layer), create a new one and draw a smile. To make it clearer, imagine that you are cutting out this smiley from paper and putting it together. The first layer of paper is your body, the second layer is your black eyes, the third is your smile. Then you put your smile aside and put a bow on your lips, etc. Now imagine that you glued all the parts together with glue (drew a smiley face on one layer in Sai). To change the shape of your smile, what will you have to do?

Working with Sai is a pleasure. This program is not overloaded with tools. There is everything you need, which allows you to create very beautiful pictures. First, just study the interface, get used to it, click on each window. You will definitely love this program!

Hello! Today we will try to understand the graphic editor Paint Tool SAI. So what is it? SAI or Paint Tool SAI is a program designed to digital drawing in the environment Microsoft Windows, developed by the Japanese company SYSTEMAX. Many digital works, which can now be seen on the Internet, were created using this program.

Why is this program so popular among artists? It has a number of advantages:

  • The first advantage is the editor’s ability to create large files, which is important for obtaining good quality finished work.
  • Ability to work using a graphics tablet. ( Graphics tablet is a device for entering handwritten drawings directly into a computer. Consists of a pen and a flat tablet that is sensitive to pressure or proximity of the pen.)
  • Supports many file types. Such as:
  1. sai – the program’s own file type;
  2. jpg – used mainly for image compression, I do not recommend saving pictures in it, quality loss is guaranteed;
  3. bmp – large files;
  4. png – best option saving work.

And some others.

  • Another plus that cannot be ignored is the light weight of the program with a fairly quick launch.

And so, open the Paint Tool SAI, now we will superficially understand the controls. Opening the editor, we see this:

In the left top corner find the button “File” -> “New”

The following window appears:

We are asked to choose the width and height of the canvas. The canvas format depends on what you are going to paint. I usually choose 3000x3000 for a square canvas, 4000x7000 for a vertical painting, and 7000x4000 for a horizontal one. But this is very approximate and almost always changes. The OK button means that you have decided on the properties of the canvas and are ready to create it.

After creating the canvas, the settings menu became active. We'll talk about it now.

  1. In the upper left corner we have a navigator; the navigator is present in any editor. It includes buttons such as: + and – with which you can zoom in or out on the canvas. Left and right rotation buttons, allowing you to change the angle of the canvas in one direction or another. The “squares” on the right side of the navigator return the canvas to its original appearance.
  2. We look below and notice the layer settings and the window where all your layers are located. I will tell you what LAYERS are and how to use them later.
  3. To the right of the navigator is the palette. SAI has several types of palettes, you can select a palette that is convenient for you by clicking on one of them. Click on the open palette button to hide it.
  4. Under the palette there are tools, which we will also look at later.
  5. Below the instruments are the instrument settings.

What are layers? Where to start?

SAI has two types of layers: RASTER and VECTOR. We will now examine each of them separately.

Both types of layers have several of the same functions:

  • Layers can be distributed into folders (groups). To create new group Click on the "folder" icon in the same layer control panel. The folder is very convenient feature, which helps not to get confused in different layers, of which there are often a lot.
  • Second general function– clear the layer. The clear layer button looks like a piece of paper with a large eraser. This button is located under the folder button. Clicking on it will remove all content from the selected raster or vector layer. This function is convenient because you don’t have to wash something for a long time.
  • Each layer can be made visible or disabled by clicking on the eye icon on the layer itself.
  • The opacity of both layers is adjusted using the slider in the layer control menu.
  • You can also simply delete both types of layers by clicking on the trash can icon on the same panel.

To create a raster layer, click on the icon with blank slate. The raster layer can be used both for creating an outline and for painting.

The raster layer includes several types of brushes:

  1. Pen.
  2. Spray can.
  3. Brush.
  4. Watercolor.
  5. Marker.
  6. Eraser.
  7. Filling.

Each brush has different properties:

Here you can see how the main brushes of the raster layer behave; the brush settings are the original ones, I have not changed them. (No. 6 – eraser, not shown in the picture).

Let's look at how a brush can change using the example of a regular pen.

In the brush settings you can select the edge type. Rounded = softer, square = sharper.

You can also change the size, minimum size pressure and density.

  • The larger the brush size, the correspondingly larger the brush.
  • The higher the percentage of the minimum size, the less the brush responds to pressure in terms of thickness.
  • The density of the brush can be replaced by the word transparency, i.e. the smaller it is, the weaker the brush mark will be.

A couple of examples of brush settings:

Now that we've dealt with the raster layer, let's talk about the VECTOR layer.

To create a vector layer, click on the icon with the image of a sheet and an ink pen - the icon is located on the same layer control panel. The vector layer is used to create a neat outline or line. A number of vector layer tools allow you to create neat outlines, even if you draw with the mouse.

Vector includes a number of tools such as:

  1. Pen.
  2. Curve.
  3. Line.
  4. Eraser.
  5. Parameter.
  6. Editor.
  7. Pressure.
  8. Color.

The curve tool is a line that follows the cursor. Each time you press a new point, on which the line is fixed. When creating a subsequent point, the line between them is automatically rounded. Each of the points can then be edited (moved, dragged) using the “editor” tool.

For straight lines, there is a line tool that works like a curve, but without rounding the gaps.

You can create an unlimited number of points on each line type.

Lines also have a minimum size, but this is created using the pressure tool. To change the size of a line in some place, you need to hold the point in this place with “pressure” and move the cursor up or down.

An example of using "pressure" on a regular curve:

  • Using the color tool, you can change the color of an already finished line by simply clicking on it with the tool.
  • “Parameter” allows you to change the size and transparency of the finished line.

Now you can distinguish between raster and vector layers, and also use them a little.

When the work is finished, the layers can be combined, this is done like this:

Look for the “LAYER” section at the very top -> Merge with the layer below. You can also merge all layers or merge visible ones.

  • "File" -> Save As.
  • Select the save folder “Desktop”, name the file “File name”, the file type is already familiar to us PNG.

We can finish our lesson for today, thanks to those who read it, I hope this lesson was useful to someone.

You can use graphic editors to create beautiful images on your computer. various types. For a long time, Adobe products were very popular and there were no alternative offers.

After some time, the Paint program appeared Tool Sai, which also has enough good set functions and capabilities. Let's look at how to use Paint Tool Sai and why this graphic editor was created.

The purpose of the graphic editor in question

All programs have a narrow specialization or are more suitable for solving certain problems. The program in question was created by Japanese programmers in order to enable all PC owners and touch devices paint beautiful images, embody your ideas and imagination on virtual paper.

Thus, we can say that the program allows you to draw images using virtual instruments. It is quite rarely used for processing photographs and existing images, which is due to an insufficient set of tools.

In general, we can say that a graphic editor is a virtual sheet of paper and a fairly large number of tools that can be used to apply virtual paint to the canvas. There is also additional features, allowing you to simplify the task of drawing and achieve unusual results. Let's look at an example of how to use Paint Tool Sai to create a regular image.

The drawing process in Paint Tool Sai

As previously noted, the program in question was created to enable people to express their imagination on a virtual canvas. Of course, even an artist with extensive experience, switching from a real to a virtual canvas, will not immediately be able to fully realize the capabilities of the program. That's why some people think it's useless. However, this is not true.

The drawing process is completely identical to that when using a real canvas. To do this, you just need to have a high-quality touch device that can recognize the pressure of the pen. The drawing process is simple:

After this, the tool is completely ready for use and you can start applying masks or lines. As in other programs, it is possible to undo your actions or correct the result by using the eraser. However, this program has a rather meager set of masks, which are also quite often used when editing photos.

When considering how to use Paint program Tool Sai can also be noted for the presence of quite large quantity various settings, which allow you to adjust the operation of the selected tools.

It is possible to choose the type of brush and so on. For ease of use of the program during operation, a combination of hot keys was created, which, if necessary, can be reconfigured for yourself. Other important program tools that are not related to the drawing process, but can be used to achieve an unusual result, are implemented in the same way as on other graphic editors similar type. Therefore, switching to the one in question will be quite simple.

Many people work with Photoshop to create graphic files. Photoshop is truly universal, but its more common use is not for simple drawing, but for working with visualization.

If you love drawing anime characters or want to start doing so, then good choice will use Paint Tool Sai. It's accessible to everyone graphic application, focused on drawing primarily in the LineArt style. This is the style in which anime and manga are drawn, which is why using the Sai Paint Tool application has gained immense popularity among anime fans.

How to use Paint Tool Sai

Let's start with the fact that it is intended for tablet use, but it works much faster than the Photoshop described above, as you will see as soon as you take the first steps.

So, let's learn how to work with Paint Tool Sai:

You should start, of course, by installing the program. To do this, go to the official website of Paint Tool Sai (http://www.systemax.jp/en/sai/ is suitable for English) and download it to your computer or tablet. It is convenient to learn how to use Paint Tool Sai from a ready-made sketch. So first, either draw and scan a sketch, or find a suitable one graphic file on the Internet. Then open it in Paint editor Tool Sai. Open a new layer. You can find the buttons to do this in the program in the middle of the right menu. For convenience, we will again focus on English language. Find “Layer”, then select “New Layer” there ( New Layer). Then open the layer for LineArt - first go there in “Layer”, and then select “New Linework Layer”. Everything you have done should be displayed on the screen: Layer 1 will be the original drawing, Layer 2 will be the second layer you opened, and Linework1 will be the layer for LineArt. Use graphic Paint tools Tool Sai is no more complicated than Abobe Photoshop. As in Photoshop, tools will make your work much easier; for example, an airbrush will make it easy to draw an oval.

Let's try to circle the original picture. To do this, use the "Curve" tool - we outline either the entire sketch, or what we consider necessary. If you want the sketch not to interfere, you can periodically turn it off - clicking on the eye icon, which can be easily found in the layers panel, will help. If the line is somehow not the same as you need, just click “Edit” and correct it to the desired option. You can also correct sketch defects in Paint Tool Sai - by changing the thickness of the lines, correct all inaccuracies.

For coloring, use the Magic Wand tool (in difficult cases, the Sel Pen is used as an alternative). First of all, it will be convenient to color the most significant areas of the drawing. After that, go to the bottom layer and paint everything small details. Then, for beauty and finishing touches, return to the line layer and outline the shadow lines. Then add highlights and color the shadows.

The instructions described above are enough to start using the Paint Tool Sai program. More detailed studies of drawing techniques and capabilities individual instruments easy to master in the future as needed.

Happy anime drawing!

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IN Photoshop everything starts with selecting canvas size And image resolution.

canvas size

Dimensions when drawing

For the sketch– 800 x 800.

– 1500 x 1500

– 3000 x 2000

As usual:

In the fields Width And length

IN Photoshop everything starts with selecting canvas size And image resolution.

It will be useful for everyone to know how to create a document the right size, or resize open image in Photoshop.

Even when drawing I use functions to change canvas size. Usually starting to draw a sketch on a canvas measuring about

Dimensions when drawing

For the sketch– 800 x 800.

For drawing with color and shadows– 1500 x 1500

For the final image with details– 3000 x 2000

Gradually, moving from a sketch to a detailed picture, I change the size of the canvas to a size from more high resolution.

Why not immediately create 3000 x 3000 and not worry? Of course, the issue is the performance and slowness of the computer. With such large sizes, what can I say... Photoshop saves a few minutes.

Where to change the size (Image Size…)?

As usual:

Image – Image Size… (Alt + Ctrl + I)

In the fields Width And Height can be set as required length and height (in pixels or centimeters). When you change one of the values, the second will adjust itself to maintain the proportions of the original picture.

These quick action ideal if no need to break proportions between the length and height of the canvas.

For height changes And length there are others just like that simple tools, which I will write about in the next post.