Online tracking VK. VKontakte user activity

Are doubts settling in your soul and obsessive thoughts haunting you? Do you need to find out something vital for yourself? Do a person's words disagree with his actions? Sometimes, in order to understand and appreciate everything correctly, you need to look at that part of someone's life that remains in the shadows. This is wrong, this is illegal. But no one is immune from this.

The second, and not at all small, side of our lives takes place on the Internet. virtual communication, social networks, have so densely populated our everyday life that it is here that those who have stopped believing the living words of another person look for the truth. What did he write? Who did you talk to? What topics? Sufferers are tormented by doubts.

For any demand there is always a supply, so there were special programs to spy on someone's life online. For example, the VKontakte spy program. If your significant other, or an older child, constantly “sits” on this social network, a VK spy will help you figure out what interested them so much there. According to the developers, if you install such a spy on your computer, you can find out almost everything that the user is hiding behind his password.

In fact, there are many surveillance programs. They are in demand not only by jealous spouses, as it seems at first glance. They are used in many enterprises to control the quality of employee work. They are used by parents to manage the independence of their children on the Internet. Some programs record literally every action on the monitored computer. Others block access to sites and portals that are not worth visiting. Still others make it possible to see what is happening on another user's desktop in real time.

Spy for VKontakte - opportunities, limitations, responsibilities

Possibilities spyware are limitless, there are a lot of them, but this review is dedicated specifically to programs for monitoring a person’s life on social networks. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at those that help us see, as if under a microscope, the user’s actions on VKontakte.

Many applications are called the VKontakte spy program. Despite the fact that they have the same goal, everyone’s methods and capabilities are different. As a rule, vk spy can do one of the following:

  • Obtain and transmit information about the amount of time spent by the user on VKontakte. How many times and when did he visit the page, from what device it was done.
  • Report friends, even hidden ones. About friend requests and subscriptions sent by the user. About who initiated the friendship with a particular person and when it happened.
  • To reveal the secret of how many and where exactly the user gave likes, what comments he wrote under other people’s pictures, topics and photographs.
  • Take photographs of the monitor screen while you work.
  • And, perhaps, the most desirable thing is to intercept other people’s correspondence. Frankly speaking, a VKontakte spy for reading other people’s messages is in most cases a myth. Not all spies know how to do this.

VK spy program Reptilicus

Of course, if you collect all possible information, you can already find out a lot about the actions of the person you are interested in, without correspondence. But sometimes the question is stark. If it is impossible to do without information about correspondence, if the future depends on the answer to all questions, then there is still a way out. It is located inside your smartphone or tablet, and is called the Reptilicus program. Before we begin describing this application, let us remind you that any interference in the personal space of another person is a violation of the law.

Reptilicus is designed to keep you in control. Android devices. In order to take a step into that side of life that someone prefers to keep hidden, you can install Reptilicus on your smartphone. It's nice that it's free. The program works subject to registration and creation of an account.

After activating the application, it works in background and intercepts, saving as a report, all messages that are sent and sent to the controlled device. The program is universal and supports all social networks. Thus, this is truly a spy program for VKontakte for those who are looking for just such a thing. It’s interesting that even if the user starts logging into the social network not with pre-installed application, and through a browser, a VKontakte spy will read other people’s messages online all the same, because browsers are also under his control.

A person reading this review will inevitably have a question. How is it possible that a program was created that contradicts all protection laws confidential information? Something is wrong here. In fact, everything is so. The described capabilities of the Reptilicus program are a side aspect of its main purpose. This application was created as an anti-theft, to control your own devices, the device used by the child, as an archiver. She was given such broad powers precisely to fulfill her direct purpose. Using the program for other purposes is an independent and not always legal choice of everyone specific person, at your own risk.

Before you decide on the scope of application of the Reptilicus application: as a VKontakte spy, or as an anti-theft; Let's take a closer look at all of its functions:

Download VK spy for Android

Obviously this is the most functional application of all the similar ones. It can be successfully used both for managing devices issued to employees for the performance of official duties, and for parental control over the actions of a child in the vastness of the not always kind Internet. Let us remind you that trial version Reptilicus spy on VK can be downloaded absolutely free.

In conclusion, we would like to warn you once again that this application is not intended to intercept another user’s correspondence on WhatsApp and similar applications. All responsibility for such actions falls on the person who will perform them. Think carefully about whether you need a spy for VK, both legally and according to all moral principles. Trust your soul mates, and everything will be resolved by itself!

There are three main options for following a person on VKontakte. And only two of them have legal actions. Read below about each of them separately.

In the first option, you can check on your own whether the user you are watching has friends. Keep records and check the time you entered the site and from what device. See updates to his page and so on.

This method is long and laborious. And it doesn’t even give half of the information that you can find out without spending personal time on it.

Second option

The second method is automated. VKontakte has an application with which both friends and any user can be easily tracked by id number or specific data.

The application is called “Friend Tracking” (). Here you choose who to follow.

The information you will receive: who the person liked, changes in friends, posts and being online.

There may be little information, but it is all official and legal.

Third method The third way is to find out about any user. Even the one that he hides and hides. It is also possible to read personal correspondence.

But such third party programs unofficial and illegal. You can find them on the Internet.

Some of them are paid, others have a test version and are provided “for trial”. Such applications may also be unsafe for your computer. Following a person is not a problem. In the century computer technology everything is possible.

Personal Monitor
For parental controls

Easy to install, easy to use

Mipko Personal Monitor can be installed and used by anyone, as it does not require any special knowledge and skills. Just download the free demo version and try it out!

Protection for your child

personal monitor for windows

Free version
for 3 days

What can he do?

Watch VKontakte

Not only the text of incoming and outgoing messages is saved, but also links to the profiles of the sender and recipient. In addition, Mipko Personal Monitor allows you to conduct selective monitoring of communication with a specific interlocutor. A comparison of this program with similar solutions shows that Mipko Personal Monitor provides more complete monitoring of the activity of VKontakte, the most popular social network in Russia. The reason for this is that our spy program has the most efficient algorithm interception of messages.

Visible/invisible operating mode

The program has two operating modes: visible and invisible. Moreover, if you choose invisible mode, then users will not notice the operation of Mipko Personal Monitor.

Reports by email

In the era social networks Not only his page, but also his activity can say a lot about a person. On VKontakte, a person’s activity is manifested in likes, reposts and comments. The very concept of “like” implies that a person likes what he sees. You can like both wall posts and photographs.

Sometimes, giving a like can become a reason for jealousy on the part of a person towards someone he cares about. In addition, by finding out who the user likes, you can understand what he likes. In this article, we’ll look at how to find out who a person likes on VKontakte, fortunately this can be done using special programs.

How to determine if a person liked a photo

Determining whether a person liked a photo is very simple. You need to open the photo and hover your mouse over the hearts and the inscription “Like”.

Next, click on the inscription “Liked by ... people” to expand full list those people who liked the photo. In the window that opens, you can see all the users who liked it. this photo, or only your friends who liked it by switching to the corresponding section from above.

But in this way it is not possible to track all the photos that the user likes. There are special programs to do this.

How to find out who people like on VKontakte

Let's move on directly to the description of the method of determining which photos a particular person on VKontakte puts likes on.

Please note: Using the method discussed below, you can determine who a person likes, even if he is not one of your friends.

To see who a user has liked, you need to do the following:

Please note: You can see that information about found likes is displayed in the form of question marks enclosed in a diamond. This is how the application works, this is not a problem.

Attention! By using the tips below, the user agrees that he himself takes responsibility for the likely consequences of their implementation. The information is taken from available Internet sources, and the website administration is not responsible for the performance of the described scripts and methods.

Secrets of VKontakte:

1) View closed pages

The methods work with those pages where there is no prohibition on privacy settings. This is the so-called “hacking” of VKontakte, based on the address code of the page. By substituting the id (identifier) ​​of a suitable user instead of the “0” sign, it is possible to view the private content of his page:

  • - photos in which a person is tagged (where 0000 is the user id);
  • - videos in which a person is tagged (0000 - user id);
  • - photo albums (0000 - user id);
  • - video recordings (0000 - user id);
  • - notes (0000 - user id);
  • - groups (0000 - user id);
  • - audio recordings (0000 - user id);
  • - page rating (0000 - user id);
  • - applications (0000 - user id);
  • - questions (0000 - user id).
  • 2) Watching videos through comments on

  • private user video: (where 0000 is the user id);
  • private group video: (0000 - group id);
  • viewing the user's photo album: (0000 - album id; usually works with albums that were made before the New Year 2009).
  • 3) View closed photos on which the user is tagged

  • To do this, you need to open any unlocked photo in which the user is tagged, click on “Enable accelerated photo viewing mode” and then go to the sacred photo.
  • 4) Change the date of birth on the VKontakte website to any day, month or year

  • download and install browser Opera;
  • in contact press on edit.” next to the “My Page” button;
  • press Ctrl+F3;
  • scroll the opened code down to the list with lines of type 1;
  • in the found piece, change both numbers 1 in line 1 to the same desired number;
  • scroll down a little more to the list of years and in 1996 change both numbers 1996 to the same desired numbers;
  • look up and click the “Save changes” button;
  • click on the tab with the page for editing the contact page and select just produced numbers from the lists;
  • press “Save”;
  • go to your page and make sure everything works.
  • Attention: Such actions may not work the first time!

    5) Download music from Contact (

  • Open page with audio recordings
  • Copy the following into the address line:javascript:functionoperate(konfuze,loves,you,all-,xP)(you=you.toString(10);while(you.length


  • REMOVE SPACES and press Enter. Now, when you click on the play button, the download link will be shown instead.
  • Press right click mouse on the link and select “Save link as... (save link as...)”. Some browsers allow you to simply click on a link. From time to time it is possible to click on a link and, after downloading the melody, select “File -> save”.
  • Method 2 (more difficult):

  • Select button Play corresponding entry, right-click, select “View the initial code of the selected fragment.”
  • Find the text: nclick="return operate(6035468,1094,28944,"18570a58a1",97);", understand "18570a58a1";
  • Press Play.
  • Right-click anywhere on the page, select DownloadHelper-> 18570a58a1.mp3.
  • On the page where there are audio recordings that need to be downloaded, copy this line into the browser address line:
    javasc ript: function operate (id, host, user, file, dur, wall) ( var str = "Download
    "; mydoc =; mydoc.document.write(str); ) alert("Patched!");
    // remember to remove spaces
    Press ENTER.

    Now, when you click on the button to play an audio recording in a contact, a new (!) window will open with a “download” link. To download, you need to right-click on the link and select “Save As”. To listen, you can simply follow the link. Also, after following the link and finishing downloading, the “Save As” item in the File menu is activated in some browsers.

    Method 4: Use the website

    See also: universal methods, allowing you to save music and videos from other websites as well(website).

    6) How to download a video from Contact (

  • Open the page with the video clip;
  • Paste into the address bar: java script:(function())(var s=document.createElement("script"); s.src=""; s .type="text/javascript"; document.getElementsByTagName("head").appendChild(s ))();
  • Remove spaces;
  • Enter.
  • 7)How to find out who removed you from the list of friends on

  • Open the Friends tab:р;
  • Press CTRL+A (i.e. select all);
  • Create an EXCEL file on your desktop;
  • Copy the contents of the buffer to this file and save - that’s it, a powerful database has been created!
  • When there are suspicions that someone deleted you, then do steps 1 and 2 this method and open that file. After:

  • Paste the contents next to the already stored data, but only in the same line where the beginning of the previous one comes from, i.e. in that case it starts with A1 or B1, then stick it in D1, F1)
  • Match the lines by scrolling to the end of the file. Where the columns “flowed”, the one who removed you from friends “sat” there.
  • 8) How to find out who left a worldview about you on

  • Send a link in response to a world view:
  • (0000 is your ID).
  • A person clicking on a link automatically responds to this offer.
  • Attention: Applications must be enabled!

    9) How to upload a picture instead of graffiti on

  •, where after id= comes the number of this person.
  • Go to the link
  • In the “Person ID” column, enter the person’s ID N
  • Column "File" - ...
  • A problem that causes difficulties for almost everyone:

    Go to your VKontakte page and enter in the browser line: javasсript:document.write(document.cookie); (browser line: where it says blah blah)

  • Copy everything that is highlighted later and move on to the next point;
  • Paste everything that was copied into the window on the graffiti replacement page (where it says “Copy here what you received”);
  • Click the “Next” button.
  • 10) How to stay on VKontakte and be offline

    To be on a website offline, the most important thing is to ignore the “My Page” tab and not enter the main pages of other users. In other words, the following are available: messages, announcements, bookmarks, video files, etc., not counting individual user pages. To do this, you need to put a page with news (anything other than the original one) in your browser in “Bookmarks” (“Favorites”) and enter via this link, in which case you are not in the mood to talk.

    11) How to remove the last name on

    This may be the case, only by registering again on When registering, everything is as usual, except for filling out the “first name” and “last name” fields, then insert the code into the address line: javascript: this.disabled=true; document.regMe.submit(); and press “Enter”.

    12) How to make a status in a column

    For Opera browser. Go to your page, right-click and context menu select "Start code" (Ctrl+U). Then press “Ctrl+F” and paste the code in the search menu that opens:

    and change it to: textarea id="edit-activity-text" name="edit-activity-text" onblur="return activity-editor.blur();"> and click “Save”.

    13) How to track a person on

    For this there is a so-called "anti-social project" This is a tool for tracking user activity social networks. It indicates at what time users appeared on websites. Also tracked:, Dating Mamba, Dating -, [email protected], Rambler-dating, Dating, service for tracking VKontakte users, with keeping statistics of online presence.


  • - secrets of VKontakte.
  • zhelezyak-a - download video/music from services that support online viewing/listening (Vkontakte, Youtube) without using special programs.
  • Additionally on the site:

  • How does work?
  • Other secrets and hidden programming abilities of the website.
  • How to delete the “activation page” on VKontakte?
  • How to delete a VKontakte microblog?